
Discussing Car Tips and a Few Myths

Discussing Car Tips and a Few Myths

This article discusses a few car tips related to myths of driving.

Simple things like stopping completely, buckling up, and using turn signals can help save lives.

These items normally get covered in Defensive Driving courses.

However, we will also cover a few myths that possibly became passed down from previous family generations.

A Few Car Tips for Review

Do we really need to change oil every 3,000 miles? Present engine designs and synthetic oils extend the need anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000 miles.

In my case, I get a nifty little sticker placed in the corner of my windshield, that provides me a choice of when to retrieve oil replacements. Let us assume it remains cold outside.

This could prove as a dream for a few individuals, but I digress.

Do we need to let our vehicles warm up after ignition? It may help a ride become comfortable before a commute, but it carries little direct benefit to most vehicles themselves.

Do we need higher octane gas periodically to help our engines operate smoothly? Before 1990 vehicle models, this activity helped avoid a situation known as engine knocking.

Basically, a spark plug would fire in the wrong way, and the resulting internal combustion from it would cause an audible banging sound.

Modern motors have sensors that virtually erase this problem, and if you didnt know, ethanol aids in the elimination of engine knocking also. Each of us have favorite colors for our vehicles.

Are we still assuming cold weather for car tips? At this writing, the season stands as summer in the middle of Texas.

So, does filling up tires past the recommended inflation level increase traction on ice? It can affect traction in a negative pattern.

It produces a smaller zone of grip.

And here lands one regarding fuel economy.

A natural reaction may conclude that early morning temperatures would issue in higher concentrations of gas, and thus, that would lead to more gas per gallon.

Alas, gasoline reflects nearly consistent temperatures despite what time of day we re-fill.

It performs this way because the fuel storage usually rests deep underground.

The Last Car Tips to Reflect On

Spare tires persist as the last iota covered.

Can we last a long time utilizing a spare tire? This item goes in two directions, just like most streets.

It primarily depends on how expensive.

A cheap spare tire might not last long enough.

It endures for emergencies.

If it does not share a similar shape to a vehicle's other tires, the lack of control prevails as a serious concern.

These car tips range as a few out on the Internet.

I failed to mention how kitty litter in the trunk assists in the cold.

Ah yes, car tips in the cold.
