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A written language is the representation of a spoken or gestural language by means of a writing system.

A written language exists only as a complement to a specific spoken language, and no natural language is purely written.

However, extinct languages may be, in effect, purely written if only their writings survive.




Narrative, Recount, News Items, and Anecdote

Descriptive, Report, Explanation

Discussion, Analytical, Exposition, Hortatotary

Exposition, Peasuasif

• Instruction leaflet• Letter to / from friend• Public notice• Product label • Newspaper obituary • Poem• News report • Academic article • Postcard to/from friend• Business letter

• Writing is usually permanent and written text can’t usually be changed once they have been printed/written out.

• A written text can communicate across time and space for as long as the particular language and writing system is still understood.

• speech is usually transient, unless, recorded, and speakers can correct themselves and change their utterances as they go along.

• Speech is usually used for immediate interactions.

Aspects of written and spoken language

Written Spoken



UnplannedLess Structured


Speech and Writting


Implicitness and explicitness will depend on what is being communicated

to whom, rather than merely on whether the discourse is written or spoken.

By Meaning

Speech and Writting

Dependent On


Speech(Using Deictic Expression)1. What is that ?2. Over there 3. This one

it may mean “it isforbidden to ride” “park a bicycle here” or perhaps “all available bicyclesalready hired / sold”, depending on where the notice is located

THE Differences between written




• A written note might say,

"Would you like to go out to lunch? “

• The person who would write that note, might alternatively say, in person,

"You wanna go out for lunch? "

Written :

I went to Bali last Year.

Spoken :

I go to Bali last year.


3-Vocabulary & Sentences

• Oral communication uses words with fewer syllables than the written language.

• Written English consists of neat, correct sentences.

• Speech usually consists of idea units.

Examples of Written Language

Prosedural Text

Persuasive Text

Dear Simon,

Thanks for your letter and the papers. I too was sorry we didn't get the chance to continue our conversation on the train. My journey wasn't so bad, and I got back about nine.(Author's data 1989)


Between written and spoken language have a message to the reader or listener, understand about contain the text and conversation.

We treat written and spoken language as of equal importance. Both of them are part of the language.
