Page 1: Discipleship Opportunities through Fellowship & Mission on our … · 2019-03-01 · Discipleship Opportunities through Fellowship & Mission Discipleship Opportunities on our calendar

Discipleship Opportunities through Fellowship & Mission

Discipleship Opportunities on our calendar this week


GATHERING AROUND THE WORD Please print your name and pass the attendance register, found at the end of each row. If you are visiting

and would like to learn more about The Brandermill Church, please provide your email address and we will send you our weekly eNews. Hymns and Responses are also projected on the screens for your convenience.

We ask that you silence your cell phones, as we prepare to worship God.



PRELUDE Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies arr. Cindy Berry


One: Climb with Moses up the mountain of God.

Many: God’s glory shines like the sun.

One: Climb with Jesus up the mountain of God.

Many: Christ’s glory shines like the sun.

One: Climb with the faithful up the mountain of God.

Many: The Spirit’s glory shines like the sun.

One: Climb the mountain of God.

Many: We have come to see and to worship.

* HYMN BCH 73 O Worship the King


Many: God of majesty and might, we long to be invited like Peter, James,

and John to witness Christ’s glory, but we secretly suspect that we

too would be weighed down with sleep, or feel the need to speak

when we should be listening. Test our hearts, O God. Call us to climb

your mountain, that we might face our fears and prove ourselves

more worthy of your holy calling. Amen.

Sunday, March 3:

9:00 a.m. Sunday School (FH, CL, YR, LL) 10:30 a.m. Worship (SY) 4:30 p.m. Middle School Youth Group (YR) 5:30 p.m. Youth Dinner (MP) 6:00 p.m. High School Youth Group (YR) Monday, March 4:

9:30 a.m. Mondays at Prayer (FH) Tuesday, March 5: 3:00 p.m. Bible Study (OFF) Wednesday, March 6: 8:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study (CL) 6:00 p.m. Youth Group (YR) 6:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday Service (SY) 7:00 p.m. Lenten Small Groups (FH) 7:30 p.m. Branderbells (SY)

Thursday, March 7: 10:00 a.m. Thursday Morning Study (CL) 2:00 p.m. Knit Wits (CR) 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir (SY)

Sunday, March 10:

9:00 a.m. Sunday School (FH, CL, YR, LL) 10:30 a.m. Worship (SY) 5:00 p.m. Chili Cookoff (MP)

SY - Sanctuary CR - Conference Room MP - Multi-Purpose Room CL - MP Classroom LL - Lower Level YR - Youth Room FH - Fellowship Hall NSY - Nursery KT - Kitchen

Choir - Choir Room FC - Family Classroom OFF - Offsite NAR - Narthex CY - Courtyard

THE BRANDERMILL CHURCH STAFF *To reach these disciples, please email [email protected]


[email protected] OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Dawn Rancka* FINANCE LIAISON Pete Bringman

[email protected] ACCOMPANIST Tonya Cory* CUSTODIAN Robert Dunford


COUNCIL CHAIR Mandy Lushch [email protected] COUNCIL VICE-CHAIR Michael Booker [email protected] CLERK OF COUNCIL Karen Harp [email protected] WORSHIP Andy Pittard [email protected] STUDY (Children, Youth, Adults) Scott Johnson [email protected] SERVICE 1 (Buildings, Grounds) Steve Marsh [email protected] SERVICE 2 (Fellowship, Congregational Care)Stacy Paulette [email protected] SERVICE 3 (Missions, Membership) Michael Booker [email protected] FINANCE (Stewardship) Trudy Laidig [email protected] STAFF PARISH Mike Bachmann [email protected]

COMMUNICATIONS Dave Saunders [email protected]

The Brandermill Church, where engaged Disciples worship, study and serve.

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. / Friday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Visit us online: /

THE BRANDERMILL CHURCH 4500 Millridge Parkway • Midlothian, VA 23112

(804) 744-3661

March 3, 2019 Last Sunday after Epiphany ~ Transfiguration Sunday

10:30 a.m.

KAIROS PRISON MINISTRY - Our next Kairos weekend is March 14 - 17 at State Farm Prison in Powhatan, VA. Our Kairos team would like you to be a part of our ministry by supporting us, and the men we will meet, with your prayers and by baking cookies. We will provide baking and packaging instructions TODAY, and receive cookies by March 10. Blessings and thanks for your support. NEW ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL OPTION - Beginning TODAY and continuing through Lent, our Adult Bible Study class will be studying The Last Seven Words/Sayings of Jesus on the Cross. This class will be led by our Pastoral Staff. LENTEN SMALL GROUP STUDIES - Lenten Small Group Studies will be held at the church on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 during Lent. We will be working through the book, Make A Difference - Following Your Passion and Finding Your Place to Serve by James A. Harnish. Please take a moment to sign up on the clipboards in the narthex or contact Jim or Barbara. Books are available in the narthex for a cost of $10.00. Childcare will be available in the nursery, but you must preregister your child by TODAY. INTERESTED IN BECOMING A MEMBER? We will be receiving new members on Sunday, March 10th and invite you to become part of our family of faith on that day. For more info, please contact Elizabeth Ford ([email protected]). SPRING FESTIVAL TEAM IS FORMING - On Saturday, April 20th, we will host a family event with wonderful activities for all ages from 10:00 to 12:00. This is the Saturday of Easter weekend. If you are interested in joining the team and helping to brainstorm activities and/or staff an activity table, please contact Barbara. GUATEMALA 2019 - The stove-building mission is scheduled for July 13-20 in the Highlands of Guatemala. This will be the 24th year for TBC to be a presence there, and we would love to have you consider joining in. For more info, please email Nancy Rider, [email protected]. If you know you want to go, please put a check for $200, payable to The Brandermill Church, with Guatemala Mission Trip in the memo line, in the offering or drop off in the church office. ENDOWMENT FUNDS - The Brandermill Church and Eloise Huff Endowment Funds are seeking applications for grants. Grant requests should support the church values and mission and are due by the end of May. Grants should be for projects and missions not a part of the church budget. A grant request form may be found on the church website under missions. Please also give the Endowment funds consideration in your giving, beyond your pledge for the church. BLUE CARD process reminder: You may email the office during the week with names or when you arrive on Sunday morning, please fill out one of the cards on the table just outside the sanctuary and give it to an usher before 10:20 a.m. HAITI MISSION TRIP UPDATE: We ask for continued prayers for the current US travel ban to Haiti, during this time of tension and conflict. All donations received will be saved for our next trip, which may be in the fall. Updates will be posted as they become available.

Page 2: Discipleship Opportunities through Fellowship & Mission on our … · 2019-03-01 · Discipleship Opportunities through Fellowship & Mission Discipleship Opportunities on our calendar

* ASSURANCE OF PARDON One: Jesus was transfigured on the mountaintop to show us the power and the

glory of God. In the light of Christ’s glory, know that we are made whole

through the love and grace of God. I declare to you: in Jesus Christ we

are forgiven.

Many: Thanks be to God!



PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION SCRIPTURE READING Luke 9:28-36 (page 843) SERMON Can’t We Stay Here a Little While?

Rev. Terry K. Eum


* AFFIRMATION OF FAITH BCH 881 The Apostles’ Creed PASTORAL PRAYER OFFERING OF OUR TITHES AND GIFTS OFFERTORY How Great Is Our God Chris Tomlin * RESPONSE Give Thanks * PRAYER OF DEDICATION Lord of Light, when we become complacent and fail to see the wonder of

your presence, you bless us with your radiance and your love. Illumine

these gifts, that the world may see your light shining in our offerings.

Illumine our very lives, that we may shine like Christ as he was

transfigured upon the mountaintop. Amen. THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION BCH 13 (choral responses)

The March communion offering will support Presbyterian missionary to Haiti, Cindy Corell. This

offering will be collected today in the baskets placed on each of the front pews, though donations may

be made throughout the month, by noting ‘Cindy Corell’ on your check or offering envelope.

SHARING THE BREAD AND CUP Please come forward to receive Holy Communion at any one of the serving stations. All stations

serve juice, with the exception of the station to your far left - the station closest to the doors,

where wine is served. Gluten-free elements are available at the center station.


* HYMN FWS 2173 Shine, Jesus, Shine * BENEDICTION * RESPONSE I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me * POSTLUDE O Zion, Haste arr. Cindy Berry

TODAY’S WORSHIP Rev. Terry K. Eum, Associate Pastor

Rev. Charles Hunt, Congregational Care Chaplain

The flowers on the chancel

are placed in memory of Don Spivey,

given by Cissy, Carol Beth, Maggie & Matt,

and to remember a special friend,

Maureen Olson, given by Shirley,

Susan, Fran and Myra.

Lay Leader

Hayden Nghiem

Hospitality Ushers

Terry Lynn, Ann & Brad Coble,

Rose Hunter, Bob Weatherford

Attendance last week 296

Childcare for infants and children up to age 4

is available in the Nursery, located in the entryway.

Worship bags, blue for younger/early readers and green for older elementary children,

are available in the baskets under the table in the narthex.

Children's Bulletins are available from our ushers for children ages 3 to 6

and ages 7 to 12, each Sunday morning during worship. These special bulletins

often have activities that pertain to the sermon and the Scripture reading that morning.

Rocking Chairs are available in the back of the sanctuary

for parents who would like to rock their infants.


Gwyn Westerfeld, David Williams, Flora Williams, Ethel Miller,

Mike Fedoriw, Verna Fedoriw, Lacey Lee, Bill Kump, Marcia Dixon,

Nancy Strite, Paul Werkmeister, Laurel Meyer, Roland Davis,

Cathy Kirkland,Olive Johnson, Tom Wriston, Sara Bottorf,

Scott McDowell, Ely Solley, Sue Akin, Frances Dorris, Sue Saunders, Cheryl Farmer,

Bob Van Horn, Audrey Julian, John Bliedorn, John Tucker, Gaynelle Davis


Marie Ball, Alice Palmer, Ethel Butler, Pauline McFarlane,

Mary Alice McCarthy, Eleanor Curtis, Barbara Dove, Dottie Arnaudin,

Harold Binhammer, Patricia Hubbard

Our love and sympathy to the Bradner family, as Joel’s father, Charles, died last week.

The extended prayer list is available in the entrance hallway.

Discipleship Opportunities praying for each other
