
DIN: 2/25/15This is an outline of New York State. What is the name of the area that is circled in red on the map (Take your best guess)?

Agenda: DIN

Objective: I can identify the causes of the Harlem Renaissance

Frayer Model Vocabulary


Article on Harlem Renaissance

Information Chart

Group Share


Frayer Model – Vocabulary Renaissance:


A rebirth or revival


Antonym: Picture or Sentence:

Read the article provided. Research the segment of the chart that has been assigned to your group.



What is the Harlem Renaissance? What were some causes of the Harlem Renaissance?

DIN 2/26/151. Members of the same racial group should only associate with individuals within

that group? _____________________

2. Countries should be determined based on race. For example, all Hispanic people should live in Spain. ________________________


3. Education is the key to individual advancement in society. _____________________

4. If you’re part of a group that is discriminated against the only way to advance yourself in society is through learning a trade so you can earn money. ____________

5. All cultures, races and religions should be able to live amongst each other and have equal access and opportunities. _____________________


Go over chart from yesterday

Objective: I can identify the leading thinkers and determine their role in the Harlem Renaissance

Leading thinkers biography and quotes


Discuss anticipation guide


Leading thinkers during the Harlem Renaissance whose ideas influenced art,

music and literature: Marcus Garvey

W.E.B. Du Bois

Booker T. Washington


Read the short biography and the quotes.

Determine the ideas and beliefs presented in the quotes and biography.

Garvey Du Bois Washington


Discussion:Group share of anticipation guide

How does the anticipation guide connect to the beliefs of the leading thinkers during the Harlem Renaissance?

TOD:In your notebook…

Given the three leading thinkers during the Harlem Renaissance whose ideas do you mostly agree with? Why?

DIN: 2/25

What feelings does this painting evoke about African Americans before and during the Harlem Renaissance?

Agenda: DIN

EQ: What are some key components that make up the culture of the Harlem Renaissance?

Objective: I can analyze primary sources from the Harlem


Station Activities on Art, Music and Literature

Take away



What common themes did you notice in art, music and literature during the Harlem Renaissance?

How does the art, music and literature portray the idea of renaissance (rebirth) of African American culture ?


What common themes do you notice among art, music and literature during the Harlem Renaissance?

DIN: 3/02 This is a painting by Romare Bearden from the Harlem Renaissance.What is happening in this picture? What do you notice?

Station Activities: Two stations: Poetry and Adversity

12 Minutes per Station

Station Activity Worksheet

TOD: 3/02Give one example of how the lives of African Americans improved during the Harlem Renaissance and one example of the struggles they still faced.

Music during the Harlem Renaissance:

DIN: 3/03

Do you believe that music reflects the thoughts, ideas and emotions of people in society? Why or why not?

Agenda: DIN

Objective: I can analyze primary sources from the Harlem Renaissance.

Article on music during the Harlem Renaissance

Jazz and Harlem Renaissance

Video on Cotton Club

Group Work: Analyze a song


Quick Write: Read article on Harlem Renaissance Music

Why do you think Jazz helped bring African Americans and whites closer to integration?

Effects of the Harlem Renaissance on Jazz

A.Spotlight on Sophistication

As the New York’s elite began attending jazz clubs, jazz became

viewed as a sophisticated art form.

B. National Exposure

The market for jazz was stimulated, both locally and nationally through

radio broadcasts.  

C. One Step Closer to Integration

The Harlem Renaissance brought literary, dramatic, artistic, and

musical works to the attention of more whites.

D. Appreciation and Understanding

 Jazz was an important ingredient in a developing appreciation of the

artistic talent of African Americans. 

Cotton Club

Analyze a Song: 15 Minutes.

Choose a song from the Harlem Renaissance.

Analyze the song by answering the questions on the worksheet.

TOD: Give an example of a song that you know that

reflects the ideas of society today.

For example the song “Empire State of Mind” by Jay-Z and Alicia Keys reflects the idea of new opportunities and being able to make it against adversity.

DIN: 3/04"A Brown Girl Dead” by Countee Cullen

With two white roses on her breasts,

White candles at head and feet,

Dark Madonna of the grave she rests;

Lord Death has found her sweet.

Her mother pawned her wedding ring

To lay her out in white;

She'd be so proud she'd dance and sing

to see herself tonight.

Read the poem and create your own ending in three


Agenda: DIN

Objective: I can analyze primary sources from the Harlem Renaissance.

Read “Sweat” by Zora Neale Hurston

Create a class poem


Create a class poem

Step 1:

Read the short story “Sweat” by Zora Neale Hurston

Step 2: Quick Write for 5 mins-

Write on an index card. Don’t write your name!

Imagine you are the woman in the story. Write a description of what you would do next in response to your situation.

Be appropriate. At least 5 sentences

Step 3: Read one of your peers work. Highlight the sentence/phrase that stands out to you the most

Step 4: Read the highlighted phrase/sentence to the class

Step 5: Arrange the highlighted phrase/sentence to create our class poem


List examples of adversity that the women in the short story faced.


The Harlem Renaissance brought about the term “New Negro.” What do you think this term


New Negro


A shift in identity of African Americans towards pride in their

own culture

Read “New Negro”

Video: Questions sheets (groups)

Share answers

Poem: Democracy by Langston Hughes

Read poem together

Highlight and annotate poem

Answer questions based on poem in groups

TOD: How does this image reflect the idea of the “New Negro?”
