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Digitally- enabled Information & Service Platforms for Pro-poor Agro-Livestock Value Chains

National Workshop on Agribusiness Knowledge ExchangeHyderabad, NAARM 22-24 April 2010ILRI- IBM Informal meeting

IBM Research Labs Vasant Kunji ND 31 August 2010

By: ILRI - Pier Paolo Ficarelli (ILRI KM ), Arindam Samaddar (ILRI-CSISA), V. Padmakumar (ILRI-EKSL), Sharbendu Benerjee (CABI-ASIA)

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Small holding mixed farms represents largest portion of India food producing unit.

Smallholders’ farm SUSTAINABLE intensification will be crucial to ensure national food supply, environmental services and poverty reduction

Challenges Organizational capacity Access to information and services (production & markets) Collapse of Agricultural Extension Services Information asymmetry in Agro-Value Chains

VISION for ICT4D in Agro-Livestock value chains:

Information & Service linkages for ALL the rural unconnected

Who are going to be the food producers of tomorrow?

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International Livestock Research Institute is part of the CGIAR an International Consortium for Agricultural Research Head Office: Nairobi (Addis Abeba, affiliated centre)

Global mandate: Pro-poor livestock development research

ILRI Asia (India)

Livestock value chains Research dairy, pigs & goats) Fodder and Feed Animal and Public Health Conservation of animal genetic resources Capacity building in pro-poor livestock development Policy advice

Funding: UN, EU, BMGF, BMZ/GTZ, DFID etc.

Partners in India: SRTT, ICAR, BAIF, BASIX, NDDB

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Small ruminant value chains for reducing poverty and increasing food security in dry-land areas of India and Mozambique

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Goal: To increase incomes and food security in a sustainable manner by enhancing pro-poor small ruminant value chains in India and Mozambique

Objectives:1. to pilot sustainable and replicable organizational and technical models to strengthen goat value

chains in India and Mozambique that increase incomes, reduce vulnerability and enhance welfare amongst marginalized groups, including women

2. to document, communicate and promote appropriate evidence-based model(s) for sustainable, pro-poor goat value chains


Leading Organinsation: ILRI

Partners:CARE international (Mozambique) BAIF, BASIX (India)


Project Duration:Oct. 2010-2013

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V. Padmakumar - ILRI Senior Project Manager

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TATA-ILRI Partnership Programme



Nagaland, Mizoram, Arunachal







Tata Trusts’ Livestock-based livelihood


1. Co-creation of knowledge CREATIONider

Supportive Role of ILRI

Co-create need based Knowledge

3. Capacity Strengthening

Strengthen partner capacities (including technical and soft skills)4. Policy FacilitationFacilitate all-inclusive pro-poor policy dialogue


Supportive Role of ILRI

2. Knowledge sharing

Sharing existing and /or co-created knowledge to partners

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Reduction of:• Poverty,

hunger• Env.


Adaptive research on dual purpose pigeon pea in Uttarakhand

1. Farmer –led variety trials comparing local and improved pigeon pea varieties

2. Promotion of large scale seed production by farmers for local seed provision

Knowledge co-creation

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Other Knowledge Sharing Platforms (National, Regional & International)

Central KM Platform

Knowledge Sharing and Cooperation Approach

Action-research at village level

NING as social media and digital

repository of project information

Action-research at village level

Action-research at village level

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Raising Livestock Productivity through Improved Feeding as part of the CSISA Project Initiative for South Asia

Arindam Samaddar, CSISA/ILRI Senior Researcher

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Cereal System Initiative South Asia (CSISA)

Goal: To decrease hunger and malnutrition and to increase food and income security of resource-poor farm families in South Asia through the accelerated development and inclusive deployment of new cereal varieties, sustainable management technologies, and policies. Objectives:1. Widespread delivery and adaptation of production and post-harvest technologies to increase cereal

production and raise incomes.

2. Crop and resource management practices for sustainable future cereal-based systems.

3. High-yielding, stress-tolerant, and disease- and insect-resistant rice, wheat and maize varieties and hybrids for current and future cereal and mixed crop-livestock systems.

4. Technology targeting and improved policies for inclusive agricultural growth.

5. Creating a new generation of scientists and professional agronomists for cereal systems research and management.

6. Project management, communication and impact assessment

Leading Organinsation: IRRI, Philippines

Donors:Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

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Livestock in the cereal farming systems

Rice and wheat are the basis of mixed irrigated systems in South Asia Strong interactions in the systems between cereal crops and livestock,

straws for feeding and for soils Livestock is important contributions to rural livelihoods, especially for

resource poor farmers and women

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CSISA Livestock Component Objectives

Analysis of straw & fodder quality of rice, wheat & maize cultivars and feedback of results to crop breeders

Assessment of opportunities for more efficient livestock integration in cereal systems:

• Feeding strategies development and dissemination

• Farmer (e)valuation of fodder/straw of different cereal cultivars

• Comparison of fodder quality traits- in vitro, in vivo and on-farm

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Mobile Technology Enabled Agro-advisory

Brining Science @ Farm Gate through Technology

Sharbendu Banerjee - Project & Business Development Manager-CABI South Asia India.

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CABI is an UK-based intergovernmental not- for- profit research and development organisation owned by 44 countries and having India as a major stakeholder

Head Office: Wallingford (U.K.), 16 offices world-wide

Global mandate: Providing information and applying scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and improve people’ s lives

CABI South-Asia Global Plant Clinics (India, Bangladesh, Pakistan Nepal) Mobile-enabled Agro-Info Services (IKSL-India) Coffee leaf rust resilience ( India & 4 African countries) Invasive alien species control (India-U.K.)

Where: 18 States (IKSL), Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu (CLR) North India (IS & GPC)

CABI has the world’s best digital knowledge repository in agriculture and bio-science referred by the scientific community

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CABI Services

We provide scientific backstopping service to existing agro-advisory Helplines

We develop contents for dissemination to farmers through digital and print channels

We build capacity of the extension service providers though training, information aggregation and Knowledge Management

As an international organization, we can establish linkages and collaboration between national and international agriculture research institutions

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Our Agro-advisory Model

© CABI South Asia India 2009

Partner's Knowledge Repository

Local Agriculture


Partner's Helpline Operator

Other CABI


Farmers’ Query

Solution Process

Knowledge dissemination


Knowledge Dissemination

Help Line Query

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