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Digital System Design

Verilog:System Tasks and Testbench

Dr. Bassam Jamil

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System Tasks and Functions

Testbench Testing and Simulation commands

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System Tasks and Functions

System Task and Functions start with $

Common tasks and functions Display the value of variables File I/O Simulation control : Stop (i.e. suspend) , finish (i.e.

exit) simulation

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Display the value of variables

$monitor ("text_with_format_specifiers", signal, signal, ... ); Continuously monitors the signals listed, and prints the

formatted message whenever one of the signals changes. A newline is automatically added to the text printed.

$display ("text_with_format_specifiers", signal, signal, ... ); Prints the formatted message once when the statement is

executed during simulation. A newline is automatically added to the text printed.

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$display Example

Output of $display task

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More $display Examples

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$monitor Example

$time: returns simulation time

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File I/O

ptr = $fopen("file_name"); A function that opens a file for writing, and returns

a integer pointer to the file.

$fclose (ptr); A function that closes a disk file that was opened

by $fopen.

$monitor (ptr, "text_with_format_specifiers", signal, signal, ... ); Results of $monitor is sent to output file

$display (ptr, "text_with_format_specifiers", signal, signal, ... ); Results of $display is sent to output file

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File I/O

$readmemb("file_name", register_array, start, end) Read file_name and load it into register_array. Data is in binary format

$readmemh("file_name", register_array, start, end); Read file_name and load it into register_array. Data is hex format

$fscanf("file_name", format, arguments)

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File I/O: Generate Output File

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File I/O: Reading From a File

Note: 14410= 1001 0000

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File I/O: VCD Generation

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File I/O: VCD Generation

$dumpfile Sets the VCD file name

$dumpvars Enable dumping all variables in the design

$dumpvars ( level, module) Dump all the vars at level module with depth of level

$dumpon / $dumpoff Enable/disable dumping

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VCD File Example

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Simulation Control

$finish; Finishes a simulation and exits the simulation


$stop; Halts a simulation and enters an interactive debug


$random (seed); Returns a random 32-bit signed integer.

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A testebench is a verilg program to verify a design. It consists of: Stimulus Generators: set the values of the design

inputs Monitors: observe the values of the design output (and

possibly internal nodes) Checkers: verifies the behavior of the design

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Testbench Module: Main Components

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Testbench Example: 4-bit Counter

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Testbench Example: 4-bit Counter

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Testbench Example: 4-bit Counter


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Testbench Example: half-adder design