Download pdf - Digital Marketing 101


Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

General Instructions: The Student should submit this assignment in the handwritten form (not in the typed format)

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The student should attach this assignment paper with the answered papers.

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Specific Instructions: There are four Questions in this assignment. The student should answer all the four questions. Marks allotted 100. Each Question carries equal marks (25 marks) unless specified explicitly.Question 1Define the four Ps of digital marketing. How do they work? Support your answer with suitable examples

Question 2a. What are your views of contextual advertising? How does it work? Please illustrate your answer with examples.b. With the cost of data connections being relatively on the higher side and penetration of smartphones still very low, do you think mobile phone is a viable medium for rich media in India?Question 3Buzz Marketing, Viral Marketing Word of Mouth Marketing are terminologies that are often used today in the context of marketing. Why and in what context are they used in marketing?Question 4Online marketing is relatively new and needs to prove itself. What is your opinion does online marketing work? Why? Do you have examples to support your answer?