
Two Areas I Want to Address Today:

Your Digital Footprint:Reputation Management

Dr. Michael EnglandSouthwestern Adventist University

Education Department

Media Overload: You don't have as much time as you think!

A DIGITAL FOOTPRINT, or a DIGITAL DOSSIER, isthe body of data that exists as a result of actions andcommunications online that can in some way be tracedback to an individual.

Your footprint in the sand is erased by waves, but your “digital

footprint” is not erased. It is more like leaving a footprint in wet

cement and leaving it to dry.

In this video, students learn that they have a digital footprint and that they need to think critically about

what information they put online.

While you can often delete content from social media sites, once digital data has been shared online, there is no guarantee you will ever be able to remove it from the Internet.

Everyone who uses the Internet has a digital footprint, so it is not something to be worried about. However, it is wise to consider what trail of data you are leaving behind.

Scenario of a Possible Digital Footprint:

When you make visible your location settings in Google and start texting or tweeting to Twitter or Facebook, many people would have access to where you are through google maps, where you are walking as they know your address and write you a text on behalf of your brother as they know your family members.

A lone girl walking home from shopping might not even know that while she thinks she's simply recapping what she bought, she might be inviting potential rapists with her information which gives them her complete profile and agenda.

Whether or not we do anything about it, the webbed world is full of information

about us that is provided by other people, including their opinions about us—

the fact of life we know as . . .

What is an Active Footprint?

An active digital footprint is deliberately created to share information about yourself.

It can create an image or “brand” of what you have to contribute to a prospective

college or employer.

It is intentional – you are controlling the content – and it should be positive by showing-off your accomplishments and

contributions to an area, subject, or cause.

Build a Positive Online Presence



– Wikis

– Online Portfolios

– Twitter

– FaceBook

– Google+

– Blogs

– LinkedIn

Create a good digital branding-personally and professionally


Protecting Reputations Online in Plain English

We cannot take this for granted –it is not a passing fad – it is here

to stay – FOREVER!

Media Overload:

You don't have as much

time as you think!

In one study they found that students

were losing an average of 45 minutes of sleep each week because of

their cellphones.

The phones were disrupting sleep and, in turn, were associated with higher rates of anxiety and depression because of

insufficient rest.

In a Rhode Island study, the students who had the highest rates of

technology use also had higher levels of anxiety and depression compared

with the rest of the students.

Students who feel compelled to wake up in the middle of the night and answer texts and answer phone calls — for some of these

students it really is anxiety — not wanting to be left out or feel like they miss something.

Several students in the same study said they slept with their phones under their pillows

because they feel "naked" without their phones.

A Possible Solution?Multitasking with phones while doing homework

pushes back how quickly work will get done and how your sleep will be affected.

If you had all your attention on your schoolwork, you could get it done faster.

By turning off your cell phone, computer, tablet, and other devices, your brain is free to focus on fewer things at a time.

Social Media

Yes, as soon as I wake up in the morning.


Do you check/update Facebook and Twitter after you go to bed? (age 25 and under)

Yes, anytime I wake up during the night.


Yes, sometimes when I wake up during the night.


An average Facebook user (ages 18-24) has 649 friends.

As of Oct. 1, 2014

More than 25 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) is shared each month.

Someone suffering from FAD will reduce the time spent catching up with

friends, playing sport or whatever it is they used to enjoy doing, to simply spend

time on Facebook.

Facebook gets around a trillion page views every month according

to Google’s own data.

60% admit to using their device while going to the bathroom.

Women are more active on social media than men – 55% vs. 45%.

There are over 1+ billion Twitter


Japan is the only country where Twitter is more popular than Facebook.

On a busy day, Twitter sees about 400 million tweets.

30% of Twitter users have an income over $100,000.

1 billion is the average YouTube

mobile videos views per day.

• 144,000 hours of video each day is uploaded.

• That is 16.5 years worth in one day.• It is a century every 6 days.

More video is uploaded to YouTube in 20 days than the three major U.S. networks

(CBS,ABC,NBC) created in 60 years.

That's where as a Christian, you have an unfair advantage. You know the author of

time, and in the Bible, God tells us that he

wants us to be productive.

How do we make time for prayer, Scripture and

fellowship with other believers in a world demanding our

constant attention?

Realize that Time Management is a Myth.

No matter how organized we are, there are always only 24 hours in a day. Time doesn't change. All we can actually manage is ourselves and what we do with the time

that we have.

Proverbs 27:1“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you

do not know what a day may bring.”

Time management is a misnomer. The real challenge is self-management in thought and

most importantly what we do.

Create Time Management Goals

Remember, the focus of time management is

actually changing your behaviors, not changing time.

Prioritize Ruthlessly

Prioritizing the tasks for that day and setting your performance benchmark.

Get in the Habit of Setting Time Limits for Tasks

Find Out Where You're Wasting Time

What are your time-bandits?

Use Time Management Tools

Know where time is going and planning how

you're going to spend your time in the future.

Get Plenty of Sleep, Have a Healthy Diet and Exercise Regularly

A healthy lifestyle can improve your

focus and concentration, which

will help improve your efficiency.

What Else Can I Do?

Many students have come to the abrupt realization that social network addiction is destroying their health both physically, relationally, and spiritually. Some even admitted that they need to make some radical changes in their daily habits.

James 4:14“Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”

Our remaining time on earth is being constantly depleted, second

by second.

Just as we are to be good stewards of our money, so also we are to be good stewards of

our time.

The way we spend our time becomes not just a practical matter

of maximum effectiveness; it becomes a spiritual decision.

Did You Know? Shift Happens

Incredible video on today’s society

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you are the pilot!”