  • 8/13/2019 Digital Control Assignment - Xiao Wei



    Name: WEI XIAO

    Student Number: 4187962

    Date: 12/1/2012

  • 8/13/2019 Digital Control Assignment - Xiao Wei




    In this report we will design a controller to control the heading of a traditional bi-wing

    aircraft.The transfer function of the system with the heading angle of the aircraft as output is given


    4000G s

    s s 10 s 20

    This third order transfer function will be used for the design and evaluation of a controller.

  • 8/13/2019 Digital Control Assignment - Xiao Wei



    Part 1 Continuous-time control1. Make the system controller with a feedback controller. Design a controller to track a

    set-point step with the following objectives1Minimal settling-time2Overshoot < 5 %3Steady-state error = 0

    D(s)C(s) G(s)G(s)+-

    r y

    First we check the bode plot of the plant:

    Figure 1 Bode Plot of Plant

    From the bode plot of the plant, we found the gain margin is 3.52, phase margin is11.4, and

    the bandwidth is 11.4. The closed loop of the system is stable.

    The following figure is the plot of the step response without controllers.

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    Figure 2 Set-point Step Response

    From the step response we find the steady-state error is 0. Since in this case the loop transfer

    function contains as many poles of zero value (integrators) are in the Laplace transform of the

    reference signal. So we do not need add integrator into the controller.

    The system is fast enough, but the overshoot and the oscillation is large. So we should

    decrease the gain and increase the phase margin.

    Based on the reasons illustrated previously, we decide to introduce the PD controller. Firstly

    considering about the ideal PD controller, which the transfer function()= 1 .The ideal PD regulator cannot be realized, since the degree of the denominator is less than the

    degree of the nominator. So here we introduce the approximating realizable form

    ()= 1 1

    = Here Td > T, tau is the time constant of the differentiation channel. We define T and Td to make

    the breakpoint frequency between 1/Td and 1/T. It will improve the phase margin, which will

    results a faster settling process. But we should pay attention that there is a limit for choosing

    time constant T. since Td/T is the value of the over excitation. Increasing will make thesystem faster, but it may lead the system unstable.

    The following figure is the bode plot of the PD controller.

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    Figure 3 PD controller

    According the rules introduced previously, we tune the parameters of the PD controller:= 0.4= 0.1 = 0.01So the PD controller:

    = 0.4 1 0.110.01The following figure is the bode plot of the open loop transfer function with PD controller.

    Figure 4 Bode Plot Of Open Loop

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    From the bode plot of the plant, we found the gain margin is 23.5, phase margin is65.2, and

    the bandwidth is 7.47. The closed loop of the system is stable. Now the phase margin is much

    larger which will reduce the overshoot and oscillation of the step response.

    Now we check the step response.

    The following two figures is the step-point step response and the control signal effort.

    Figure 5 Set-point Step Response

    Figure 6 Control Signal

    As we can see from the figure, the steady-state error is equal to 0, the overshoot is 3.75%

    which is smaller than 5% and the settling time is 0.482s which is quite small. So with a PD

    controller, the step response satisfies with the control objects. But we should pay attention to

    the control signal; it cannot too large since the limit of the actuator.

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    2. Instead of the set-point change a step is set at the input of the system as a loaddisturbance q (r=0).

    The objectives are:

    1) Minimal amplitude of the system output y caused by disturbance q.2) Minimal duration of the disturbance (within 1% of maximal value)3) No off-set caused by the disturbance






    + yUr

    1. From the block diagram, we have from disturbance to output, the closed-looptransfer function will be

    = 1 First we will check the disturbance rejection with the PD controller which is designed in 1.

    The following figure is the disturbance rejection with the PD controller.

    Figure 7 Disturbance Rejection with PD ControllerFrom the figure, it is obviously not satisfy with the requirement. There exists a large off-set.

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    In order to achieve the third objective, we have to introduce integrator term to eliminate

    the disturbance steady-state error. Here we compare two situations: 1. PI controller. 2. PID


    First consider PI controller:

    Figure 8 PI Controller

    PI controller brings the high gain in the low frequency domain. Since there exists an

    integrate term, it will remove the steady-state error.

    After tuning the parameters of the PI controller, we get the function of the controller:

    Ci= 0.83 0.4 The following figure is the bode plot of the controller and open loop transfer function

    Figure 9 Bode Plot

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    It can be seen from the figure, the bandwidth of the open loop is 10.3. The phase margin is

    14.7, the gain margin is 4.6.

    Now we can check the performance of the step response.

    Figure 10 Disturbance Rejection

    As it can be seen from the figure, the peak amplitude of the system output y caused by

    disturbance is 1.9. The settling time is 8.55. And the steady-state error is 0.

    And then we introduce the PID controller:

    Figure 11 PID Controller

    PID controller can increase the static accuracy of the control system and accelerate the

    system. The cut-off frequency can be placed to a higher value, which can fast the system.

    Tuning rules:

    Proportional gainA: increase the bandwidth of the system, but it cannot be too large. Weshould make sure that the system is stable.

    Integrate time constantTI: equal to the largest time constant of the process.Differentiate time constant

    T: equal to the second largest time constant.

    Parameter T: T = T/, whereis the pole placement ration. The largeris, the faster the

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    system will be. But it need large control signal.

    In order to compare the PID controller with PI controller, we set the bandwidth of the open

    loop with PID controller is same as with PI controller. So here we set the Bandwidth of the

    open loop is around 10.3 rad/s.

    Tuning the parameter based on the rules, the PID controller is designed as:

    CI= 116 (S3)(S4)S(S1600) The following figure is the bode plot of the controller and open loop transfer function

    Figure 12 Bode Plot

    It can be seen from the figure, the bandwidth of the open loop is 10.3. The phase margin is

    69 the gain margin is inf.

    Now we can check the performance of the step response.

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    Figure 13 Disturbance Rejection

    As it can be seen from the figure, the peak amplitude of the system output y caused by

    disturbance is 1.54. The settling time is 1.62. And the steady-state error is 0.

    Compare with the system with PI and PID controller

    1) Compare the Nyquist plot

    Figure 14 Nyquist Plot

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    Conclusion :

    1) the peak amplitude of the system output y caused by disturbance with PID controller issmaller than with PI controller

    2) the settling time of the step disturbance response with PID controller is smaller thanwith PI controller

    3) there is no oscillation with PID controller, contrarily there exists a big oscillation with PIcontroller

    4) consider about the control signal, the amplitude, settling and the oscillation with PIDcontroller is much better than with PI controller

    The PID controller perform much better than the PI controller in this case. So we choose

    the PID controller

    CI= 116 (S3)(S4)


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    Part2 Discrete-time control3. From the continuous-time transfer function

    () = 400( 10)( 20)With the MATAB command tf2ss, we can get its state-space notation: = = With =

    = 3 0 2 0 0 01 0 00 1 0

    , =100

    =0 0 4 0 0 0 , = 0

    As we know the position of the head of the Bi-wing aircraft is the output of the

    system, represents the position of the head of the Bi-wing aircraft, = means represents the speed of head of the Bi-wing aircraft and = means represents the head of the Bi-wing aircraft.

    Before transform the continuous-time form into the discrete-time description, we need

    to select an appropriate sampling time at first. The main rule for the choice is due tothe matching between the step response of the continuous-time and the dstep

    response of the discrete-time.

    N=Th 410 accresponds to h = 0.1,0.6For good sampling, here we choose

    h = 0.15Since there are two situations, one is for set-point step tracking and the other one is for

    disturbance rejection.

    1) Set-point tracking:h =0.15

    = 0.02 s

    2) Disturbance rejection h =0.15

    = 0.014 sFor simplification, both of these two situations we can chooseh = 0.015 s.And thenwith the c2d command, we have the discrete-time description, that is,

    =0.6187 2.4267 00.0121 0.9818 00.0001 0.0149 1 , =0.8089000610.0000

    =0.0027 0.4459 60.000 , = 0.0014

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    4. Map Continuous-time controller into Discrete-time controllerUse MATLAB command c2d with sampling timeh = 0.015 s and algorithm tustion tomap the continuous-time controller into Discrete-time controller. Here we should

    consider the following two situations.

    1) Set-point step trackingWe have the practical PD controller in the continuous-time form of

    () = 0.4 1 0.110.01Then we have its discrete-time form of

    ()=2.457 2.114 0.1429 The closed-loop step response and control signal with this discrete-time controller is

    shown in the following figures together with the continuous-time controller.

    Figure 17 Set-point Step Response

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    Figure 18 Control Signal

    It can be seen from the figures, the performance of the two controllers are almost

    same. The overshoot is same and the settling time is smaller in discrete time.And the

    control signal is much smaller in discrete time. The discrete time controller works quite


    2) Disturbance rejectionWe have the practical PID controller in the continuous-time form of

    C(s) = 116 (S3)(S4)S(S1600) Then we have its discrete-time form of

    ()=9.398 17.83 8.461 0.1538 0.8462 The closed-loop step response and control signal with this discrete-time controller is

    shown in the following figures together with the continuous-time controller.

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    Figure 19 Disturbance Rejection

    Figure 20 Control Signal

    It can be seen from the figure, there is no significant difference between two

    controllers. The discrete-time controller works well.

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    5. Apply a discrete pole placement method to control the system and construct a servotracking controller

    Using state feedback, the poles or the eigenvalues of the system can be assigned subject to

    system-dependent limitations. This is known as pole placement.

    For the open-loop transfer function(), with discretization, we have the descriptionwhich has been got in the 3th question

    + = = With

    =0.6187 2.4267 00.0121 0.9818 00.0001 0.0149 1 , =0.8089000610.0000

    =0.0027 0.4459 60.000 , = 0.0014The admissible controller is U(k)= Lx(k)We can use pole placement method with state method to control the system.

    To solve the pole-placement problem, we should use the MATLAB code ctrb to check if

    the system is reachable.

    We can check the poles of the origin system:P = 1.0000 0.8605 0.7391To achieve the objectives, we should place the poles in a suitable position. But we should

    pay attention to the trade-off between the speed of the response and the control


    We should consider two tasks. The first one is for set-point step tracking; the second one is

    for disturbance rejection.To make it simpler, here we introduce the two-degree-of-freedom controller.

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    Check the time sample, h = 0.015 is suitable.Use MATLAB command place, we have a relevant gain =1.1563 67.8783 1153.8333

    Figure 22 Set-point Step Response

    It can be seen from the figure, there is no overshoot for the response. The settling

    time of the response is 0.691s. The peak amplitude of the control signal is 0.549 and

    the settling time of the control signal is 0.401s.

    2) disturbance rejectionNow we consider about the rejection of load disturbance.

    The system state-space equations become:( 1)= ( L)() ()

    ( 1)=;() D;0()

    i. Place poles at [0.3, 0.4, 0.5]Check the time sample, h = 0.015 is suitable.Use MATLAB command place, we have a relevant gain =1.1563 67.8783 1153.8333The disturbance rejection and the control signal is shown in the following figure

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    Figure 23 Disturbance Rejection

    It can be seen from the figure, there is no overshoot for the response. The settling

    time of the response is 0.128s. The peak amplitude of the control signal is -1.4 and

    the settling time of the control signal is 0.0645s. But there exists a very small off-set


    ii. Place poles at [0.7, 0.8, 0.9]Check the time sample, h = 0.015 is suitable.Use Matlab command place, we have a relevant gain =1.1563 67.8783 1153.8333The disturbance rejection and the control signal is shown in the following figure

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    Figure 24 Disturbance Rejection

    It can be seen from the figure, there is no overshoot for the response. The settling time

    of the response is 0.691s. The peak amplitude of the control signal is -1 and the settling

    time of the control signal is 0.401s. But there exists a big off-set 1.82.

    Conclusion: (1) The poles arecloser to the origin, the faster the system will be. (2) For the

    disturbance rejection, the closer to the origin, the smaller offset it will be. But we cannot

    eliminate the offset, unless we introduce the integral action. (3) In the other hand, the

    poles is closer to the origin, more control effort it needs. It is a tradeoff between the

    speed of the system and the control effort we need. So it is quite important to choose the

    proper poles according to the requirement and the practice.

    6. Add a discrete-time dynamic observer to estimate the state of the systemIt is unrealistic to assume that all the states of the system can be measured. So we should

    use the observers to determine the states of the system from available measurements and

    a model.

    First we should make a state reconstruction based on a model

    ( 1)= () ()( 1)= () () () () ()= ()

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    Use the same pole locations for the control as in the previous question. So in this case the

    gain L is same as the 5th

    question. Here we should use MATLAB code place to place the

    observer poles.

    We still divide the problem into two parts: set-point step tracking and disturbance


    1) Set-point step trackingWe introduce a feed forward controller eliminate the nonzero steady state error.

    So the control law: ()= () is replaced by()= () ()The system state-space equations become:

    [( 1)( 1) ]= [()() ] []

    ()= 0 [()() ] [D ]

    i) Place poles of controller at [0.3, 0.4, 0.5]Place poles of observer at [0.8, 0.7, 0.9]

    Check the time sample, h = 0.015 is suitable.The comparison between the set-point step response of the system controller

    with an observer and without an observer is in the following figure.

    Figure 25 Set-point Step Response

    ii) Place poles of controller at [0.3, 0.4, 0.5]Place poles of observer at [0.2, 0.3, 0.4]

    Check the time sample, h = 0.015 is suitable.The comparison between the set-point step response of the system controller

    with an observer and without an observer is in the following figure.

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    Figure 26 Set-point Step Response

    iii) Place poles of controller at [0.7, 0.8, 0.9]Place poles of observer at [0.8, 0.7, 0.9]

    Check the time sample, h = 0.015 is suitable.The comparison between the set-point step response of the system controller

    with an observer and without an observer is in the following figure.

    Figure 27 Set-point Step Response

    iv) Place poles of controller at [0.7, 0.8, 0.9]Place poles of observer at [0.2, 0.3, 0.4]

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    Check the time sample, h = 0.015 is suitable.The comparison between the set-point step response of the system controller

    with an observer and without an observer is in the following figure.

    Figure 28 Set-point Step Response

    Conclusion: (1) there is no significant difference between the response of the system

    controlled with an observer and without an observer using a set-point. (2) the

    difference between the system with an observer and without an observer is bigger

    when applying a faster controller.(i.e. The difference in (i) and (ii) is bigger than (iii) and

    (iv)). (3) the observer does not influence the speed and accuracy of the system.

    2) DisturbanceA step disturbance is on the plant output. The closed loop function is:

    G= 11 Since there exists an integrator in the plant, hence there do not need add integral


    The system state-space equations become:

    [( 1)( 1) ]=

    [()() ]


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    ()= 0 [()() ] 10 i) Place poles of controller at [0.3, 0.4, 0.5]

    Place poles of observer at [0.8, 0.7, 0.9]

    Check the time sample,

    h = 0.015 is suitable.

    The following figure is the disturbance response of the observer-based

    pole-placement design with integral action.

    Figure 29 Disturbance Rejection

    ii) Place poles of controller at [0.3, 0.4, 0.5]Place poles of observer at [0.2, 0.3, 0.4]

    Check the time sample, h = 0.015 is suitable.The following figure is the disturbance response of the observer-based

    pole-placement design with integral action.

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    Figure 30 Disturbance Rejection

    iii) Place poles of controller at [0.7, 0.8, 0.9]Place poles of observer at [0.8, 0.7, 0.9]

    Check the time sample, h = 0.015 is suitable.The following figure is the disturbance response of the observer-based

    pole-placement design with integral action.

    Figure 31 Disturbance Rejection

    iv) Place poles of controller at [0.7, 0.8, 0.9]Place poles of observer at [0.2, 0.3, 0.4]

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    Check the time sample, h = 0.015 is suitable.The following figure is the disturbance response of the observer-based

    pole-placement design with integral action.

    Figure 32 Disturbance Rejection

    Conclusion : (1) there exists big difference between the response of the system controlled

    with an observer and without an observer using disturbance rejection. (2) since we

    introduce the integral action, the steady state error with observer is zero. (3) the poles of

    the observer close to origin, the observer become fast, however the control signal is large.

    7. Apply a discrete-time LQ controller for the optimal control of the systemFirst let us play with the weighting matrices:

    1) =1 0 00 1 00 0 1 R=1Check the time sample, h = 0.015 is suitable.The following figure is the set-point step tracking and disturbance rejection

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    Figure 33 Set-point Step Response

    Figure 34 Disturbance Rejection

    2) =1 0 00 1 00 0 5 0 0 0 R=1Check the time sample, h = 0.015 is suitable.

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    Figure 35 Set-point Step Response

    Figure 36 Disturbance Rejection

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    3) =1 0 00 1 00 0 5 0 0 0 R=1000Check the time sample, h = 0.015 is suitable.

    Figure 37 Set-point Step Response

    Figure 38 Disturbance Rejection

    As we see from the figures, (1) increasing Q, will make the system faster, decrease the

    off-set of the disturbance rejection and decrease the control signal for the tracking. (2)

    increasing R, will make the system slower, increase the off-set of the disturbance rejection

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    and decrease the control signal for the tracking.

    Conclusion: Q is the emphasis is put on the state and R is the emphasis on the control

    input.Large Q or R penalize the state or control input heavier. Smaller Q or R allow for

    larger deviations of state from zero or for larger action of control input.

    One of the more practical aspects of control is that in many cases the physical components of

    the real system (actuators) will imit the performance of the controllers. For this reason, we

    should investigate the effects of the maximum value or amplitude of the control signal on the

    performance of the control loop.

    8. Calculate the input signal sent to the the system by the controller during the execution ofthe set-point step and during the disturbance step. We should pay attention in the

    following questions that we should limit this controller output value to a maximum of 1.

    9. Let us recosider about the discrete-time controller in the 4thproblem.1) Set-point tracking

    We have the practical PD controller in the continuous-time form of

    () = 0.4 1 0.110.01Then we have its discrete-time form of

    ()=2.457 2.114 0.1429 Let us look at the figure that we have got in the 4


    Figure 39 Set-point Step Response

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    Figure 40 Control Signal

    For the set-point step the performance achieves the objective. But the peak

    amplitude of the control signal is over the limit. So we should change the controller

    to make it satisfy with requirement of the control signal limit.

    First we check the bode plot of the previous open loop and the controller in discrete


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    Figure 41 Bode Plot

    As it can be seen from the bode plot. The bandwidth of the open loop is 7.47, the

    phase margin is 65.2. In order to decrease the control signal, we can decrease the

    bandwidth of the open loop. Meanwhile we should keep the phase margin, since

    small phase margin will bring overshoot, oscillation and increase the settling time.

    After tuning, we design a new discrete PD controller:

    ()=1.257 1.0542 1.1429 We can check the bode plot of the open loop and controller now

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    Figure 42 Bode Plot

    As it can be seen from the figure, the bandwidth is 4.48, which is smaller than

    previous one. However the phase margin is 67.1, which is nearly unchanged. It

    means this controller can achieve the objectives.

    Now we can check it for the set-point step response and the control signal.

    Figure 43 Set-point Step Response

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    Figure 44 Control Signal

    We can see from the figures that the performance is satisfied with the objectives,

    although the settling time becomes a litter larger (from 0.48 to 0.70). Meanwhile the

    overshoot decreases and the control signal are under the limit.

    2) Disturbance rejectionWe have the practical PD controller in the continuous-time form of

    C(s) = 116 (S3)(S4)S(S1600) Then we have its discrete-time form of

    ()=9.398 17.83 8.461 0.1538 0.8462 Let us look at the figure that we have got in the 4


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    Figure 45 Disturbance Rejection

    Figure 46 Control Signal

    As it can be seen from the figures, the performance of the step response achieves

    the objectives and the control signal is under the limit. It is quite lucky that it does

    not need to redesign the PID controller.

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    10.Tune the discrete-time pole placement controller within the set limits.First we check the poles that we have placed in the 5


    1) Set-point step trackingAs we find that when the poles at [0.3, 0.4, 0.5], the control input is over the limit. So

    we should make the poles far away from the origin.

    After tuning, place poles at [0.8, 0.81, 0.72]

    Check the time sample, h = 0.015 is suitable.

    Figure 47 Set-point Step Response

    As it can be seen from the figure that the steady state error is 0, the settling time is

    0.462s and the overshoot is 0. The performances of the set-point track achieve the

    objectives well. In the other hand, the control signal is under the limit. So the

    controller is good for the system.

    2) Disturbance rejectionWe can check the disturbance rejection with the same controller just design for thereference tracking.

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    Figure 48 Disturbance Rejection

    As we can see from the figure that the off-set of the disturbance rejection is quite large.

    However the control signal is under the limit. So we can place the poles closer to the


    After tuning we choose the poles at [0.73, 0.83, 0.7]. we should check Check the time

    sample, h = 0.015 is suitable.

    Figure 49 Disturbance Rejection

    As it can be seen from the figure that the settling time decrease, the off-set of the

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    disturbance rejection decrease and the control input is under the limit.

    Then we check the poles that we have placed in the 6th

    questions. (state feedback with

    an observer)

    1) Set-point step trackingAs we find that poles of controller at [0.3, 0.4, 0.5] and poles of observer at [0.2, 0.3,

    0.4], the control signal is too large. We have to change the pole locations.

    After tuning we find the poles of controller at [0.73, 0.83, 0.7] and poles of observer at

    [0.3, 0.2, 0.4]

    Check the time sample, h = 0.015 is suitable.

    Figure 50 Set-point Step Response

    As it can be seen from the figure that the steady state error is 0, the settling time is

    0.437s and the overshoot is 0. The performances of the set-point track achieve the

    objectives well. In the other hand, the control signal is under the limit. So thecontroller is good for the system.

    2) Disturbance rejectionWe can check the disturbance rejection with the same controller and observer just

    design for the reference tracking.

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    Figure 51 Disturbance Rejection

    As we can see the control signal is over the limit. So we have to change the pole


    After tuning, we make the poles of the controller at [0.73, 0.83, 0.7] and poles of the

    observer at [0.65; 0.75; 0.73]

    Check the time sample, h = 0.015 is suitable.

    Figure 52 Disturbance Rejection

    As it can be seen from the figure that there is no off-set of disturbance and the settling

    time is quite small and the control signal is under the limit. So this controller and

    observer is good in this case.

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    11.Tune the LQ controller to make the control signal is within the specified limit.1) Set-point step tracking

    After tuning we choose Q =1 0 00 50 00 0 8 0 0 0

    R=1The following figure is the set-point step response and the control signal

    Check the time sample, h = 0.015 is suitable.

    Figure 53 Set-point Step Response

    As we can see from the figure, the settling time of the response is 0.42s, the overshoot

    is 1.34 and the steady state error is 0. In the other hand the control input is within the


    This LQ controller achieves the set-point tracking objectives

    2) Disturbance rejectionAfter tuning we choose Q =0.1 0 00 8 0 00 0 3000 R=0.08Check the time sample, h = 0.015 is suitable.

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    Figure 54 Disturbance Rejection

    As it can be seen from the figure that the amplitude of the system output y caused by

    disturbance is small and the control input is within the limit. But there exists an off-set

    caused by the disturbance. The off-set problem will be solved in the 12th


    12.Sometimes a steady state error may occur in applying feedback control1) For reference step response

    We should add a feedforward gain equal to the inverse of the dcgain. In the 5th

    question we have use the feedforward controller.

    Figure 55 Set-point Step Response

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    2) For disturbance rejectionIf there exists a steady error, we can solve it by introduce an integrate or create an

    error estimator to eliminate the off-set

    Figure 56 Disturbance Rejection

    13.One extra time step delay is introduced by the computer algorithmFrist we will change the sampling time as h = 0.06s.We will consider the influence of the time delay to the set-point step tracking and

    disturbance rejection separately.

    1) Set-point step trackingFrist we will change the sampling time as

    h = 0.06s.

    We will compare the bode plot of the open loop with delay and without delay

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    Figure 57 Bode Plot

    As it can be seen from the figure that the phase margin and the gain margin of the

    bode plot with delay is decreasing, which will bring negative influence to the system.

    So we should check the step response in time domain

    Figure 58 Set-point Step Response

  • 8/13/2019 Digital Control Assignment - Xiao Wei



    Figure 59 Control Signal

    As we can see from the figure, both of the overshoot and settling time increase, which

    we should avoid.


    We should redesign a controller to get rid of the bad influence. The main idea is that

    we can design from the bode plot of the open loop with delay and without delay. We

    should make the bandwidth equal to the situation without delay and increase the

    phase margin. In this case we should design a controller to increase the phase margin a


    After tuning, we design the controller:

    C(z) =1.556z 1.0841.4470.7786The following figure compares the open loop with delay using the new controller with

    the open loop without delay.

  • 8/13/2019 Digital Control Assignment - Xiao Wei



    Figure 60 Bode Plot

    Now the bandwidth is still same, and the phase margin is much closer

    We can check the set-point step and control signal in the time domain

    Figure 61 Set-point Step Response

  • 8/13/2019 Digital Control Assignment - Xiao Wei



    Figure 62 Control Signal

    As we can see from the figures, the performance now is much better than the previous and

    this controller achieves the objectives

    2) Disturbance rejectionFrist we will change the sampling time as

    h = 0.05s.

    We will compare the bode plot of the open loop with delay and without delay

    Figure 63 Bode Plot

    As it can be seen from the figure that the phase margin and the gain margin of the

    bode plot with delay is decreasing, which will bring negative influence to the system.

  • 8/13/2019 Digital Control Assignment - Xiao Wei



    So we should check the step response in time domain

    Figure 64 Disturbance Rejection

    As we can see that there exists a off-set. The amplitude of the system output y caused

    by disturbance and the settling time is large.

    The method is same as the set-point step tracking.

    Figure 65 Control Signal

    As we can see that there exists a off-set. The amplitude of the system output y caused

    by disturbance and the settling time is large.

    The method is same as the set-point step tracking.

    The following figure compares the open loop with delay using the new controller with

    the open loop without delay.

  • 8/13/2019 Digital Control Assignment - Xiao Wei



    Figure 66 Bode PlotAs we can see from the figure, we increase the phase margin by introducing the new


    Then we check the disturbance rejection in the time domain

    Figure 67 Disturbance Rejection

  • 8/13/2019 Digital Control Assignment - Xiao Wei


    Figure 68 Control SignalAs we can see from the figure that we decrease the amplitude of the system output y

    caused by disturbance, decrease the settling and eliminate the off-set. The control

    signal is within the limit. The new controller help us solve the delay problem.

    Overall Conclusion:

    (1) In this case study, we introduce three methods to design a discrete time controller: (a) firstdesign a continuous time controller, and mapping to discrete time domain. (b) Design the

    controller directly in the discrete time domain. (3) Use state space model with pole placement


    (2) We should choose suitable sample time, which will make large influence to the system andit also depend on the cost.

    (3) We should pay attention to the control signal, since there is a limit for the actuator, whichwill influence the performance of the controller.

    (4) There is a tradeoff between increasing the speed of the system and decreasing the controleffort. We should make a decision depend on the practice application.

    (5) When design a controller, sometimes we should take the time delay into consideration.
