Page 1: Digital Citizenship By : Danielle McDonald. Digital Access Digital Access is the ability for people in different countries to access digital technology

Digital Citizenship

By : Danielle McDonald

Page 2: Digital Citizenship By : Danielle McDonald. Digital Access Digital Access is the ability for people in different countries to access digital technology

Digital Access•Digital Access is the ability for people in different countries to access digital technology. Some places have programs that help kids in Africa use technology like computers

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Page 3: Digital Citizenship By : Danielle McDonald. Digital Access Digital Access is the ability for people in different countries to access digital technology

Digital Communication• This is the electronic way to

exchange information. Some examples business emails.

Page 4: Digital Citizenship By : Danielle McDonald. Digital Access Digital Access is the ability for people in different countries to access digital technology

Digital Literacy

• The process of teaching and learning about technology. Some schools are computer classes.

Page 5: Digital Citizenship By : Danielle McDonald. Digital Access Digital Access is the ability for people in different countries to access digital technology

Digital Security and Safety

This is the safety of being online and making sure you are on secure sites. At schools they block sites

Page 6: Digital Citizenship By : Danielle McDonald. Digital Access Digital Access is the ability for people in different countries to access digital technology

Digital Etiquette

•Digital Etiquette is all of the rules that you should follow while you are online

Page 7: Digital Citizenship By : Danielle McDonald. Digital Access Digital Access is the ability for people in different countries to access digital technology

Digital Rights and Responsibilities

• This a set of rules set by the network. For example Hapnot has restrictions on sites that kids should not go on while doing homework on the computer. ( Facebook, and inappropriate sites)

Page 8: Digital Citizenship By : Danielle McDonald. Digital Access Digital Access is the ability for people in different countries to access digital technology

Digital Law• This is the electronic

responsibility foractions , or anything that you do on the computer.

Page 9: Digital Citizenship By : Danielle McDonald. Digital Access Digital Access is the ability for people in different countries to access digital technology

Digital Health & Wellness

Digital health and wellness is keeping teens away for digital dangers. Such as the risk of digital predators.

Page 10: Digital Citizenship By : Danielle McDonald. Digital Access Digital Access is the ability for people in different countries to access digital technology

Digital Commerce

• Digital Commerce is the electronic way of buying and selling things online.

• some examples are:• EBay• Amazon