Page 1: DigiFind-It...'rHE UNION CJO.UNT'Y STANDARD Eras the largest circulation of any Woeldy Newspaper Published in Union County. VOL. XXIII. NO. 7 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. j., FRIDAY,

'rHE UNION CJO.UNT'Y STANDARD Eras the largest circulation of any Woeldy Newspaper Published in Union County.

VOL. XXIII. NO. 7 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. j., FRIDAY, AUGUST 2+, 190(J, $1.50 Per Ycur. �in�-:lc Copy 3c

Uurllll!' Augud Sl���-£��!._!_1__!! N111111 SalurdaVI f!JI.e!'_J:r!�Y J!��l'!!!'

.. DEl� lfiVE, .. Now .Jor•cv'• MuiJ>pluU Conlro, NEWARK.


rJJee 11t'l'e Sell'lllll .J[ach/ne ,,.,,,,,,,,,,;,,O•••••oii<<Oofo<<OH;><>H�'''"'''"'''1'1'000

VOU will lon �m·e Llml it ;jg woll dono-yon will f,o am·u thut it. 1 i� I'IIHily dunn, Nn olhm· mnchhio hna Ho lll lll l.\' Hllfltll'iut'

, poiJJIH IIIII] iH . Etl Hi111ply CIIJJHll'llclctJ. 'J'ho 11 lh:l·: 1111'1·1

f'I:\\'IXII l\LICIIINI·:a" gil'u 1;s lll'ent HutiBfn�·tiuu af!in· yt'III'H of 11�11 :18 ut tho lll•ginning, \\'u huvc· lcHiiliHIIliM_IH lhut 111'0\'0 it.

,..,.,.,.. PN!CRS NEtiRI..r IIALF T/IOS!t OF . ...... , ; , , , .... . ... ....... .... .. .... .. ...... .......... . .... .... .. . . ..

EXClUSIFE IJI?,lLfi:RS ........ ............... . . . ........... .... . . ... .

0 II ,. $r ilia c II ; II c -�

.IMlt!t' lltn n lhosu ut $25.00 of exelu�il·o tlculei'H

0 11 ,. $ 1ll a c h i 11 c s

Better Limn lhnse nt $oli.OO of �xclttRll;� tleulors .

0 11 r $ 11! a c h 1 11 c s

IMlct· :umn Uiuse nt $40.oil of cxdlusive dealers

And so on through our line .. AI $2}.aa, $2s.oo 'a111l Horc

,.,.,.,. SOLD ON FA/NEST PART ..... . . ...... .. .. ....... .. ........ . . . . ......... .... .... .

PA J'Ji!ENT PLAN .. .......... . . ...... .... . . ........

No club fe4l. '!'his snvc� yim' Sl�OO�vcr nnyolhcr l'AR'l'. PA YMI�N'f, PLAN.

�}-DO Do:vn 011 tl!IJ' Machine Hegnrlllcss of' price, mukes lighter immcllinte outlay

$_;.oo a ,J/onllt 011 All)' Miu:lline No u111ttcr tho Jlrice, makes pnymcuts woro convenient-

No Branch Stores

707 lo 7�1 Broad St., Newark. Mail Orders Filled

Dllll)' \Veaon Oeli'Vttrles In Weatlleld and Vlclnlly


The Officers and Directors of The



Trust Company an­

the removal of their bank-

ing rooms to their new building, at

Park Avenue and Second Street.

An invitation is extended to the

public to call and inspect its modern

equiptment. -A � -A

)•1ff!f! J•••hlit� J,ii�IRfV lhmrs. Tho Library i� OJICII ��� tho followil•g

timeB:· Monday evenh11! .... from 7 to n o'clock '11nesdl\Y afternoon. . II a u 0 II Wetlnesdny ovening. u 1 11 0 'rhurstltty ttfternoon. " 3 " ll Friday evening . • • , . u 7 " 0 Saturday morning.. " 0 " 12 Saturday afternoon , " U " 6 atrurday evening. . . u 7 11 0

W, C, ')', II, Nnle••

i'hc lllllllllll meeting of tho Willnr<l W. 0. 'l'. U. will 'be held 11t the ball on PrOS!Ject street 011 Tnesrlay Sept. ·lth at 2.30 p .' m. Ollicors will he oloutml fm·

the cominll' year. I . Tbe.;\mnml Oonvention-of tbe Union

Cm;nty Woi1inn's Cln·lstin1I'Tenl)mra�co Union,· will ·IJe bel<l In .W11Stlield, :oil Wednegday Sept. 10th.- : · · ; ' · ·

WESTFIELD CHURCH NEWS. TOWN COUNCIL SESSION. l''rl'l'llllhl111" ,\ulta 1UI1.t! l•:,ut•IIIIWialln Nulv•• IIII•H llollull'l'UIIh•m,

NU'I'I·:N "111111'1' 'l'llt: Nl'.\'t:IUI, IU:CUNII t!,\1,1, 1·'011 Nt:Wf-:11 IIIIlS Hulllu mnntiJH u�unlllului• llllflnUHll'"

ltt:NUMINA'I'IONN, IH IJNNIII:IJI·:NIWIII., Ill ito�nllu l'lll'itpolltlontu] t.IJH flulll'<l Ill'

'fill' J•llll•ll i'illt•Pil••• No ••t 1>11111<111�·· \\'lrn \1'111 l1tc'lll'h••Hill'l'illl Hl'fl'll't'••• Nllllllllf IMUtlll 1111<1 111flfl'l' ,111'111111" 'l'u&tlt!,,

Nn'I'B :-'l'hu 11littl\l hu11rli c.t Hl!l'\'lt!t•tt lu thu HU\'I.'I'Illc!hlll'!!hi'H Will hu 1'11\11111 Ill lhtt ('Jn\1'1.'11 llh·n ·lui'Y Ull]llll{l! twu.

lhlptf,ll!lllll'i!IJ. 'l'hu lluv. ,ln>otllt <lrml\'ll� w\11 )>runuh

Hnwluy mulltlugululu\'eutng,

l\11'• 'l'h't! U'ltllhl Itt he• .IIUIInr•••f•ntllt• Ultlhtll lll'tl &111""'11tl•••f.'1Uit*IUII 1'1111'11

llllllllt•• lior 1111• llfllflltii .. •NI•WI•I' llllll• ltltUt'll ltlni'Udf11l, 'l'lw t<m•JJ mmnullntul: In l'l'gnlnr Hu�·

Hlon 1\lowluy U\'1111111!1 1\lnyor l'urkhtK !Ifill Vounl!ilnulll Jliclllfi'IIHOJJ .1\'UI'IJ IIIII

JII'O�t•llt. '1'hu K>Jewul cull fur !Jhlsl'm• r'llllKtl'lleting KU\\'UI'Il 011 Nurth Stroot

l•'ruuiiiJI<IuJ'H IAJ tlllro Htu)M to JJJiJignlll tflu •h�H\. 1111\'IIIJ<m, \ltu\ tL� 11 TuMult Uolllrlll>t.· Ill' \V, II. Wulllou, of' lluhwu,v, huutu• 1111 lllotulli,V to lr'llllt 11 �lrutoh ut' W�tKI.ft�hl IWUIIIIII 1'1'0111 !1111 IWr.lllmlh lluo to Aluglu IIVUJIIIC iulhuJ,,JI'I'ltillll Ki!Uiion, II diKt· llliCU uf IIIKIUt IIIJJ!hJ, Wflh II l:lliJili'UK�illl{ of tnr lUll! CI'IIKiJilfl KIIIIJO, '!'he ltLr, or 'l'urvln, IlK lhu J�tfunt lli'U!dll'utlou I� Cltllorl, hui hocu turu•l In othur Jlhll'liH with grent """"''"'• nwl for It ln•tlng

111111 W11luut �\i'uut litllu1\ to J•rl n11 lillY l)lmlltl<m 1 1 1-0 ululnwd. 'l'hu du•t nllll l!u"�"'KIIIlunnl tJhnrllh. ro•uliK fm·thot• tlum lhu hi• I hm·otofuru l..,•u fino Kt<IIIU nru thoroughly KWIIJrt i'hu Uon!ll'l!!illllounl Churoh IK eiDllull Huhm\thlll lJy .rumoK Onhlwull l'<trlt, fmm tho tull'nr•l ronll lt!lll the bllatml fur· tho Klllllllllll', 'l'hu rut•ltil'd 111111 wm·k which Ito roHuwwlnt thiH nwoti ll!l, 'l'hu '!'urvh1 Is thun HlJI'lnltluo1lltxllllt iu � thin uu llw IIUII' mltlltlnu uruwoi£I'OHHing, but Couuull tlmnJlhl. lho llhl too high 111111 lnyur ft'DIII 11 Hllrlllltllug curt, It iH <lnniJtrnl ir thny will hu uolll)llotml Ol'llurml 11 th\J•Il cnll for hirl� llV llllVor· Jluforo It '"�1ls 11 luyur of fhiD cm�he£1 mnuh huf'oro October fil'Ht. tlHlllllllllt. �tone iK !l£1dml, 111111 tlw whole lhomugh·

llnh 'l'11111t1· c:bnn.t1, Willitllll Bt�chmnn nru1 �'mnk S. 1y rollc•l with 11 slolllll roller. 'l'lm sur· l:!mlth uppvnrud 1111!1 nuulo vlgornnH ro- fucu tf tim rmul h•· thlH trentmurtt ho l'vm•y Smulny IIIIIHROH nt 8>110nnd IO:Io 1 t 1 f f f I J

11, 111, · 11llllsts to lliVu t to fl .. , 11 rout 0 t 10 como�. it Is cl<lhnml, uhoohllul)' imperl'i· · 1 III:O!JCI'ticH OCCIJ)JiOJ1 )Jy them Oil l'm·k OUd to Wlltor1 illll) 1'-'l thO HtUIIO iw HCCilfUI'' lllt!IIHUIItril f!llllt't:ll. . .. . I �t ' I t I b It J " rout l'U·Hilrluum • ��� ns 0 11111 10 c or huh\ by tho till' uo •lust can ho miKo£1. Dr. .J. H. Wl'il{ht, !lltslor, Is oxue!Jh_,,_\·

1111; Jitlor 'l'l1u JIJIIItur \\'liM 'f. < llllb'll con£ IS, 'l'his suction of tho rmu1 1s bulllg lron\01! Ia prunoh in thu �luthmllst Ohnruli :'Suir·, 1 ft t tl 11 1 c itt IJ 0 10 0111 0111111 eo, With thiH Jll'UIJilrntiOII n.< 1\11 O�jleliiUCII t. dny IIIOI'IIill", IJIJ<i·nt thu I'UHIJOI' RUI'VIcu. J' '1 t f S t' \ i til " •l>HJI Ull .g 0 Oil .1 ' VUIHIO II 0 It iH felll'Cd, hOWU\'er, hy tho eOlllllY Ufli· I hero nt 7:tn I'· Ill. uolgh!Jorhoml of tho jll'opooml now c\nls tt111t Its cost will rotu!1•r It ilnprnc-l1nKh''\Cl'l"" chun.t •.• ·. ' b I 1 t 0 b \ 1 till' 1 I • t'' go n· s Ol'll • \'ouno 10 01101 " tiunhlo for tho wholu HYHtOill af roar.lo '!'hu nov. Uoury 1\otchum ivi.lloccupy lmvo the grtlllu so ntlju•tool us to nvuid iu tho county. Eugiuccr Banm· u•ti­

lhu pulpit of thu hushyturhtu Olmrch l'umoviu g 11 hulf l!ozun or moro !Jo11utiful mutus thJJt it will cost u!Jont *iOO ]lei' hot h tuorn\JJg 11ml Ol'eJJ!ng ou Suwlny. h'lles in tho 11rocuss of JJiltldug tho im· mile . 'l'lu] Hnv. Dr. w; I. Stmms wlllprtlhUllly ]11'0\'UIIIOJII. Tho Cuuucll se umml to Other sections of tho road IU'O to hu lw Jll'"''""t tho follow lug

. Stli'•"Y· thiulr it wns h�> Into to pro\'unt tho h·ou tront01twltb oil, ag lm.� boon somo of tho

cutting, tho coutmct hnYing b�1 let IJy sh·uets in Jmmbuth, 1nul n tnuk-cnr or " tho milrowl t'or tho iiii)Jt'ovumeut, t1rcpurutiou which ispmct!Cillly odorless '!'ho usunl IJ Jornlng Kurl•locs ; will ]Jo

helll in St. Pnu\'g Glmrch· noxt Stlllll>t:\' nt. lmlf n l'tu•· s•li'Oil ni1'•!· olo1•im o'iJiouk

tho Hnv. li!J•, :Ewlnu·t ofllcinting.' · ---.•-•.-

o'lllf f�i\'e C:oru:•!rl llf•rt!. , Miss Ptllldl!l, who hns·tuul1inwh Rnc­

ce:;s �ingiug in cor1cor� ntul orntot ' io iu Eughuul •lul'iug t.IUJ JlliRt t.hrco ycm·s, ru·r·ivetl Itt"'" Sttltmhty to· d�it lmr Histm·, l\lrs. :ll. Bttll, ol' OhfJstnut L11wn, ·nu ll frimuls In Wo•ttlehl. \Ills� Pe<l11lo will tulw n He01lerl rest� mnkiug only onn sbOl't profc�<imllll WJJt IHforc re­turning to t'nJnll lwt· first }..omlou cu­gngeiJJcnts in the mid<lle of October. Shu may give u concert in Westffelil be­fore sho lenrc�.

--·----Jubn Kel lef'• ••lit Ill·, 1·'1111. ·

rl'ho tleath of ,John· IC<11ley uccnrrml i'uesdny nflern!IOII ut the Eli>.nboth ho.q. pitnl, the result or lm full two week.� ngo from lito second · stmy of Hoberl

'\Vomlntll''s burn on l�lmor stt·ect. when his buck ho11e was brolwu 111111 other iu­jul'tcs t�,\\:Stninetl. U mlel'tl\ker E. N. Br0\\'11 !Ji·ought the renmiu� here, uu<l

funcml tiet'vices were comlnctetl IJy tho Rev. Futhm· Reilly yostcrduy moruing. Kcllcv wns forty-live years oltl am! uu­IJmrrictl.

� . . ..,._. __ _ Grasshopper In a Glacier.

On,; of tile small gla�!cm In Mon tana i� or especial lnte1'est on account of the fact lho t In the nme<s of Ice theJ'e are lm1Jcilde11 two stmta af gJ•us•ho}llJei'S, each ulwut a foot thick, 'fhe1·e lli'C literUlll' lOllS Of !li'\ISshop !JerR In ti1e Icc nn!l the <tucsllon nut· umlly IU'ines as to whc1·e theY came fmm. 'l'lw most ollvlons cxplanalfnit is lhnt '!ontm·les ngo two enoa•muns SIVfil'llJS Ill COJJJ'B8 of migmtlon WCI'C cuughl In a tniowstoJ;lll , chillecl and IJm·led In the snow, where they lmve remained til l uow In a Jlerfect stnte n! J>reservutlon.-'-Couit!t·y_ f,lfe · i'n America.

Immense Russian· Sturgeo·n. · i Tho Hussini1 · st1i1·geon·. hus . been

lmnwn to attnln. u'len'glh of :2c. to 25 feet nnil 11. wei ght :or, 3,000 11o.muls: It ts litis species, ou'cc·exti·cmetynbun· ilnnt in the DunwGo; Volgn und othc1· t:u·go rlvc 1 ·s which· .luis· ful'l11shcd th11 sailed J'OC CUlled. cavlnre, 'l'he Sllll'· geon'n bladder· is · used · for isinglass. When s!tu·gcon Is, cuien Its tlcsh Is found Ia l1e 111'11181' ·thim 'that of other Oshcs, wcll-llnvot·ed, thuuglt somewhat oily. ,' , , ·

Housewot•k a. Mea� a of Grace. . '!'he Ft·cnch wommi'' lmve gmcefHI

tlgUI'es even nftm• the 'dt•cndc•l JHil�lod ot' mhldlo age, nnd·ihls'ls due to the fact t1111t lhey c:tt little · nnct' exe1•else much In theh· o'wn homes. · '!'he)' tultc Vel'Y li ttle outdoor OXOJ'clse, such as tho lauglltih·wmuen delight in, but tlwy

a 1·e always h usy about theiJ• homes, uno reatmu bulug thul· they na·e ceo· nomlcnlly lncl lnod, and ·'nnothel' ll111t they ]JllVQ II hol'I'Ol' o! alllllOSO tissue,

Bowles· Was 'Disappointed. ChuJ'Ies H. Bo\vles,- 11 t•osldent · of

Plymout.11, N. H., and IJi•esfdent of. the savings IJJ\nlt; tuuf 'tn vltcd n f1 •tenu .Ill to spend the m·enlrig for 'a -·little clint and 11 pipe. 1'he'·ft•lend arrlve<l hi' due time nnd grerited··t1ls host with t.he remm·lc 11\VIi)'t' ·I forgot {(, slui vcf" · 1\Jr.'·l)o\\�leS ·toolced much dis· IIJII'olnted un<l said: '"rlmt Is too bad ; now '·w.e won't hnve a bit goOtt time."

'!'he m·•liuuucoK ostnhlishlug grmlos on hiL'I lx.'lln Ul'lilll'Ull atul will bu rccelYetl ciunbCI·]nll!t Strout, nowuer· l:!trcct UIIC! withill " few dllys. 'l'hiw Jll'O!JIIrntlan ::ioutlt Avenuu wero pnssml ou llunl will cost between $100 nml t21Xl!JOI' m ilo. l'Ciuling. 'fho 'l'nrvh1 pl'oplo clai m thnt \vhlle tho

'l'hu Couucil phsso<l tho followin�. first cost ot their prcpnrntion Is grmtor rcsoluliou: it will nut lmvo to bu IIJljlliOJluclll'ly so

"ltuoolvml, t.hnt the contl'llcts for JltiV· oftou !L'l tho oil, nml hence in tim long iug IJCuox AVtJHUH, Ontuhol'huul Street, South Avenue llll<l Downer Stmut shnll rnu Willlli'OVO uo IJIOI'O Ol<[JOttslvo. jii'OI'illo tl111t tho lnll'k slut! I he c'Oill)llot; _....,._ __ ct\ Otl m·lmforo .llmu l:;;t., lnlli. ',

·• Jtesol \'Cil, thnt the matter uf removing the tJ'CeH IICC!!Srilti'Y to lm l"l!lllO\•cd in the making of such impruvenwuts be t'o· fot•t•e<l to tho couunltteo on sitluwllllts', with powut· lo 1U'r1111go with t.ho 11rOIIU1'· ty OII'JWI'.< for tho tmuspl1111tiug of such tl·ees, it' pO.'iHihle, or to remo\·c the snme iu their discretion.''

'rho sitlownlk committe!:! wag nuth� Ol'i?.m\ to hll\'0 tho sitlC\\'lll\[ Oil the \WJI\· terl y side of Mountain AI'Oime IJetwceu Luwren�e A,·emie and W11lnnt Street cut to gr111lo.

An ordilmnce to ttmmul the sewer Ol'· tlinnuc o wns llllSHl!rl, twovicli ng thnt uo' roof wuter, suduco tb·uinuge, or nnr water sh111l be emptiml into 11ny under drnin connection excetJting the Ol'llinuf·y dminage of g•·mmd water from 11 ccllur or from n blhul drain lnitl immediatoly tuljneeut to tho fonmlatiou of 11 bnihliug.

The clm·k WlL� <lireete d to inform Mr, J. N. W01·l tl1nt tho Council willbo nn· uiJie to muke tbu improvement Hnggest­e<l !Jy him without n <lce<l from him of

the necessm·y property. Eoiwnl'll I.. Hubert's com)llnint of the

condition of 1.110 sidewulk iu front of No. OU Sununit Anmnc wus reported by the sidewalk committee 11s beyouo1 the IIOWcl· of tlw Counci l to remedy.

Councilman Husscll W1l11tcd to kuOw wh11t the town h11ll situ committee is doing .. Ohuinunn Alpers unswerml thnt it. iH cloing t;omethiug, ulthongh yo�1 wouldn't lmo11' it. Ho snill they wore tl •yiJai to'' work tJometlailag.'' · Gur,\·00<1 sout 11otica thnt it Wtt.� golug

to. sell certnin lots for tuxes, snpposml to bololtg to "'cstfieill. 'l'hc Conucil de· citle<l to let the lot� 1m soh!.

John L. Millerwns given ticrmission to I tty his 'oil;ll sitlowalk providetl ho do it lmfo�e tho min tractor gets, monml to it.

'Gcorgo W. 'fico npplie�l for the 110si· tiou ol' ,jnui tot• of the town rooms if the pla'co shouhl bccouw vncant.' •lilt-. '!'icu's npiJiicnUon to )lilY nn nssessmont iu ii1· stnl1iueuts wns ·aeuietl.. ' ·

Cnrlctou Plucc rosirloutsnppUcd fm·,a tiro hy<lrnnt JWIU' their property aggrc: b'llting $100,000 iu mllw.


Product. of the Times •. "· ; ' ··

Tho well ured man or pleasure Is gmdunlly dying out - an•l gl vhig'' 1•lace to . the tmll'iug, I'Jishlng, .nwncy- grab­hlng, excllement huutlug,: SlnJlg)o; mannel'lllSS, selfish d evotee of horse­tlcsh ami. chonls girls we meet so olton In tho dl'liWing-r·ooms. or duch-. esses aud countesses to·day.-�1. A. P.

Pet s·nake Plnea for Mate. , Veterans nt the Soldlet·s' Home here

have two 11et ]tine snaltes. One u! the snak_es disappeared .-a weolt. ago, but 1vns i11i lonesome for Its mate that It camo !Jack ·nnd was rou nd :trying to got bacl( Into the I'O}Jtlle cage.-VIne-. laad Correspondence, Phlladeltlhla llulletln.

Firat Aid io Injured.

11. \'. lr oHi111l11 ll!!ccnnl!!ii l�dltor, Hohmt Y. Hotl'mun, of \Vosttlold,

well kno\1'11 l'-'1 11 lleii'SJJaper worker, t:JOk clmrgc of the West Htulmu Prc�s, 111f \V�J)'jt l{cu.mey, un Mumluy, U.l liiiLII· aging editor. City Jud!(e Jo;upb Bruno· gun, of Hurl'ismt, will be nSilOciutml with him iu the lU!UlllgCliiCUt o£ tho pllpt!l',

'l'he Pmss is JllllJiished !Jy 1t eoqJOru­tiou, recently rcorguui>.ed as the West Hudson P11bli•hing Coml<llly. '!'he corpol'lltiuu eonsists of Willium .T. Dttvis; n pt·ominent JeJ'sey City la11·yor 111111 president or tho Hnllsou County Pm·k Commission; Jmlge Bmuegnn 11111l �lr. l!olfnum. The PreK< 111uu t hns been en· largetl with uo"r mnchi ucry, uud the paper w\11 soou 1110\'e into new 111111 big­ger 'lnnrter,;.

1\Ir. Hoft'umu hus lmon on the mli­

toriltl �btl\' or tho Conrier·N ell's of Plain-flelrl Jor ut'llrly tii'O years. Ho \\'us

grarluntetl iu t:bo \Vestllelcl schools nwl l< u gmilunto of tbe Coutmuuu·y Col­legiate Institute, Haclrett.;towu, of the eh<S.� of 1902, lUll! sbulie•lat ,New York Unil'crsity to tho mi!loll" of his :j,;uior )'ear.· Hu loft eollege to join the Courier-News stJtll '. While ttt college he 1\"l\H correspmulent l'or the N U\V York Globe nml thu E1•ouiug Post.

, .


llnrhf!l' l•,rid; ltl!lil'f!s. lllJntin P. 11. b'rick lms sol<i his bnrlter

lmsino::;s 011 Jlrontlstrcot. 'fho now own­er is now in possession. Ur. Frick ex­peots to engage in some other business uucl �Cumin here, \\"hero ho lms ntnnl­fliomls. Ho giYes np his p1·escnt busi· uess bocnusu tho clo8u cmtlinomeut in· jm·es his health,

"Portland Cement." On tho. lslnn<l of Portland, In the

so.uth of ·Englt\nr1, thel'o n1·e certrun qnm·rles oi l imestone, which have ,been worked ,for mnny yen1·s, in for­met· , times JH'oduclng .Du!ldlng. stone. In •1824 ·an Englishman ·named .To-· sei•h .Asp lin,: of 'Lee'ds, patented a \lt'ocess fri1· u1lxll.g. and burning .lime and clay, �he.product looked SO IIlilCh llke•,tlto. Porthmd .limestone lliat be called It . " .. PorUnJI(I . commit,'' from which. ·colnmoirly know1l: nnmo 'given to nearly nil . khuls' of hydrattlic ce-. mcnt . w'ns'"ilerlvod.

What Made lt'Valuable.-c: . ·An: ·excited: hidlvldual ran'·i1p to a port'er''at·u'rlllllvay slathin'.nnd asl;ed:' "Have' you seen 11 pni·cefJ'Iett on tlrls· sent?": '. Tllll ''porter'• l'O[II ied thalc. he had not(· "Oii," what· shall T·do ?" ex· claimed .tho excited ·· ·passenger;•· "It contains tltree ·jJOems··J l1nve wr·ltten." "C(ul't YOu·-,yl'ite th'Om·.agnln1" naltod the tinsrm1iallietlc ')Joi'ier."' '!Yes, 1 caii 110 that, but," hosttatltig!y; "'lhere we1;e two sandwiches In tho tntrcel ns wcli."-Ch•·lstlnn ·world.

. Stumbling Block of Artist. The slm11liclty or the artist Is nl­

.ways · the stumiJIIng bloclt or tho urt­lst with the wol'ld.-Onllla (),oJIIs� de Ia Ramee),

Prorcootonnl TDil'Cctot·\'. I)R.Il, T, WIU!A10N,


-----------IJR. J:, B· S'l'OW tl, C�JifW>POf.JJti'r,

Hldtr!rJt•k Httlltllug, Plrt111Hdtl1 N , 'l'uHdllllliiii07·\V,

OJIInulluurKUtr•l� l tu5)1.111. A\,J.INS'I'IIUAIKNToll H'l'EIUJ,JZl!V

0a. I'Rt:PK. HEINECKE, llltAnUA'J'� C!ltlltiii'IIOI,:T,

We"llllt;Jd, N. J 'J't!hlJl)IUIIfr!!!l/·1{,

AM.1NI'i'rMrr,.,r.."'li'J'J s•r,.;

��I�" .llonw's l1rh'fllf! Nduml. �Us.� �lnoru lliJJJouuce� tlw ru·O)Jellillg

of ht-r Prinnu·y Sehoul utI U� Ohu·k �treet. 'l'ho olul'outh yen·r will1Jeglfl 'l'hnrsrill)', Supt. �o. ·woo.

,\ l'h•llltP"''IIIfl naulllr-u"ontthll! Oullllg. 1'hc moHt [Jil,tlll'ei«JUO towu lu Ameri­

ca is only ttlnuulre!ltunl twenty mil<•.i f'l•mu Nnw York. 1\lnucb Obnuk, in 11 unrrow pass hetwom the Lohi!ih Hi vllr nml tho overhunl(iug mouutninH, J•isus on tho slotKJs lllro n <tnnint Swis.< villuge . 11\,;toriettlly the loCJility \� known in conuecliou with the •lisoovory ofunthrn· cito coal. 'l'hhl <liHcovery let! tu tho COli· stnwtiou of u hit of railrorul which L• tho oiliest In tho conutry. Ori�o�nully tho trllck was lniol to convoy the coni to thu river, hut JJO\V it is lllltilltuiu"'l snlely for mcrmttiotl purt)()�n�. 'rho Clll'H m·u first lmulml up 11 high hill, nml from that point they trnvel\J)' theiJ· own gmvity aromul a circuit ur unnrl�· eighttmn milm�. As oue IL�cmuls tho stec11 slope the buildings be­low, tho toii'JIIIIIIl the nonrut·ln mlnmrlcs drop away iu pcl'Siwcth•u with lrtt1eitlm;.

copic HllddefiiWK<, nnd the •luuhling Yal­lcy of tho Lehigh HJII'elllis ant in 11 thril­ling JllliiOI'IliiJU. Sights of great interest nhouurl uloug the ronlc. 01<1 Iudinn trails nloug the hill< lll'O poiutml out, the llrituel•nl fm·ost Cll\'dopes the track for long s tretches, lUHl glimpses of olil min­iug settJemeuts ttru ctmgbt in tltu \ra.l· leys, At ·Summit �[onntni n u halt is umtle 11111l opportunity given to visit the miucs. The hnrniug.miuo which is Hit· untC!tl here hus heen smuuldeJ'iug si ur:e 183� ill spite ol' olttborate nud costly llll· •lorlalting• to extinguish the fire. Re­turning fr�m Summit Mountain the cnr attni11s grent. spoetl, ttml, 11s the visitor always t.hiuk::;, the iu:-3piring .rille is o\·cr all too som1. 'l'he New ,fet·sey Centrnl will opcmto one of its popular ExcursiOils to Munch Chnuk ou Aug. �0, 1006.

l!ounrl tt·ip $1 50 llll<l spocinl trniulen\'es W estfield nt 9: tlu. m.

'fho stor y of n bitter political fight in n Woslern cupi tal is tol!l in the Septmn­ber 1\lcOJ.UHE's by Vioh1 Uosehoro'. 11Yonut: Om·cy'ri Ohnuce11 is a st.h·ring unrmtil•o or tho WilY i11 which n whole COIIIUlllllity · !JCClllllll tho llllll"kOt·)lblUO whore meu's honor was put up at nne­lion, 1111<1 of how they tl'ie<l to buy Jim Corey's vote uud tuileil, Tho strategies by which hi s enelllie,; laid bare the latl 's 1renlmoss nnd tried to bre�k dO\I'U Uis IIOr\·e; tho <lilllcult game he Jllnye<l, and tho timely inveutiou of 11 "black sheet•" 11nd gambler, who came to the rescua nml fought for his frion(1's soul, tlrt� re­lntctl with sp1ondi<l force aml renlism. 'rho elim•:< or thu story is ll drnllllltie r;ccno iu the logiHlntivo ehumber which hus it• prototype· in coutempuraueoni hi•tory.

· Germans Buy Meat In France. In Alsace and the Gorman part of

Lorraine many families send their children over the French frontier to buy nieat. 'fhey can get It for three or lour cents a Donud less than they nre charged in Gm·mnny, and there Is no dnll' on small quantities.

Honesty Before Evorythl�g . "Be honest, work hmd, and save,"

s.ald John D. Rockefeller to his Cl<!ve-l!lnd Snnday-scheol class. "Honesty ·:: Is the basts of all cluu·aotcr, a.'t! there :� can bo no real success w ithout lt." , : �

.Good In Duty Well Done. . :_, All the evils Which como In the ac- ,\J;

COIIJtJIIshment of 11 dnty vanish little by little with the consciousness of having done what was to be done.­Duchess d'Abrantes. '

CASTO RIA For Infant. and Chik1ren.

If n wound be deep, and excessive bleeding follow the lnjur·y, illl}Jr·ovlse a tourniquet by tytng a strip of strong linen above the wound. Pass 11 )Jencll

�\ C�ti!II'Uillt!f�d Curt� rur l'il�s. under t�ts.and gtve · tt a twist, \)\'eas-ltching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding l ng the b andage deeply Into tho flesh, Piles. "DI'nggists are nut.hori?.ed to 1'0· anti checking the now of blood In the fuml .n1onoy i'f Pazo Ointment fulls to I �r�e

-ri�a and ;e!ns. Tbl• dono, ••nd

'fho cleansi�g,:;r�i:;:·nnd lrenling I lba llad Yell HI". AIIIJI IIIPt ..

proJiertics of Pino�nhe mnlw it superior . Bears tho d. · J-'�·; to nll fnniily sah•ce. For sule by .Tames Sljilllltur11 of �� cure rn 6to 1.4 days. liOc. ' lot ,the. docto 1 , .;_ .. G. Casey, Dntggist-.

Page 2: DigiFind-It...'rHE UNION CJO.UNT'Y STANDARD Eras the largest circulation of any Woeldy Newspaper Published in Union County. VOL. XXIII. NO. 7 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. j., FRIDAY,


TH E PRUDENTIAL. IN 1905 The Prudential held

place in Pen n sylvania i n f irst

Atnou n t of Life I nsura nce written, An1otmt of Life I nsura nce i n force, A111ou nt of Life I nsura nce ga ined .

The cit izens of the Keystone State thereby u n i te with t hose of New Jersey i n the endorsement of Prudential Pol ic ies.



spring it attached to roJte at C to tmll back rope wl1en trntls are to 'be closed, aa the weight of the traps Is not enough to balance weight o! wire.

M i l k for Growing Chicks. At this season It seems RlliJI'Olll'iate

to call attention to thP necessitY of having plentr of tmre fresh water and shade for the growing chlcks If you want them to mature and grow to be strong, yigorous birds. Growing chicks should have fresh water at lenst two or three times e•ch day and the \'es· sels contlntng the water should be thoroughly J'lnsed and kept clean. I find that milk Is a great ;hlng to feed the young chtcks. It seems to agree with them and puts them In good shape to sell as broilers. Duttermllk, o! which most f•rmers hn1·e plentr, Is also excellent.

POULTRY AND B E E NOTES. 1 use ordinal')' whitewash, adtllng some salt and kerosene, with which l

paint poultry l10t1se� uncl di'Olllling uoards, gh•ing them a �cod coat in the evening just before roosting time. 1 1,alnt 11erches with a good liquid lice ltlllet·.

'!'here are more than 50 dllferent kiiHls or Lugs, mites, spiders nnd Jleas tllnt attack fowls. They cause nn 'enOl'JllOUS JOSS to the }JOIIJ trr k!::!ej}el'. Don't try to keep IJOUIII')' without a plentiFul Sl>fiJliY of Insect killers on hand besides the dust baths.

Afte1· the lwt wenthet· hns sel In ·:�nd the bees arc numerous enough lo ��over all the combs tile entrance •1wuld extend the full width of the hive and should, during the busy oen· lao, be Beven·elghths of an Inch deep.

Home •.rteS, Mr. Jawback (savngely)-1 wish you

were somewllere where l.'d never bs able to see yon ngnln! Mrs . . Takbaclt (sweetly)-Well, at nny rate, it1S nice of yon to wish me in beaven.-Cle\'eland L<•ader.

Worth Whlili, �II randa-l don't ca1•c If he doe• · own an auto and a steam yacl\t, I

won't marry· h i m ! \Vhy, he's a reg· ulnr flat.

Mt's, Matchmalter-YeH, dear; but ilals . with all the modet•n lmtn'ove­ments a1·e. very desh'nbln.-Life.

Knew of One OJ' 'rwo, "Is there any avallni,Je substitute

for rubber?" asked the lnsti'IICIOI' of the class.

"Yes, sir," answered �llss de Muir, one oi the fair· coeds. ''I think 'stare' or (gape' i.s just ns gnoll."-:-Chit!ago 1'rlbune.

Jlukes 1 1ie IJi\'er J,h.-�1,-.

Onmo Lnxnth·e Fruit Syrnp h,;,·es ller­·mnucnt ;elier'·:il• �ctises of hnbitiial con­stipntion .as it; stimulates · the liver nnd restores the natural nctiou of the bowels

• ' witliout irritating the•e organs lilte pills

or ortlinnry 'catliartics. Does not nnns· ente or gripe and is mild nnd 1llensnnt to

take. Reniember the name ORINO and refllSe substitute.•.-Sold by Frutchey & 11athal\�ny, Drnggists.

sTcJ Lf����; �;��t�TJ����:r �;�·�·t·�f'{�;:?.��:tk N • • 1 . . H• ·\ , Wm. O:•l'lll' ,lnl'ris, Hh'lor, l't>:-.idl·IWt· H� North Ht·u:ul Z'ill'l·d. �l'l'Vi•·•� : �Uil!IH)", ;.:�J I\1\\\ ll u. m. aml h 1}, 1\l. Ftilli\Y� : U.:\ln. m. uml ;.4fl tl. tn. Holy C\muunniuu t•\'t'l'Y :-iunll ny 11t i.:�J n. m. !lr . ...t !'im11ln• in month nt 1l 11. m. Hn\y tluv..: !• :�J 11. m. �tmda\· :-iehool fl.-tfi 11. m. 'l'h,t.: chn'rl'!t

.�"t'Jits 1\l't.· fi'L''· uiul nll nl'l' wdconw.

pn��!!,��;,rrf.1A� 1m?,��:n�n;����\·: ���;11a�: lO.�O 11. m. 3.tlj p. 1u. �ochtl :llt.'dinJ,.!�\\ tdJu.>s· w����!.�Yli'�.::;;�·�i���S·�� l;;, ,tu�\��a����������ul� m. �-\. N. Plt:r:-:un, ::inpcrintt.•ntlL·nt. Stranger:; nu�t\t:: to ft:el nt llomc-.

A hnnrlrcrl year.;; ngo the hest phy­:-icinu wonltl giYc yon n medicine for your heart without �to11ping to rou::;i!leJ· \Yhnt C'tl'ect it might hn\'e on the lh·er. Erell to tbi> gollfl dny con!(h und cold mcrUdnes invariably binrl tho bowel:;. Thi� i:; wrong Bee's Lnxath·c Cough Syrup with HonPr nml 'rm· nets on thC' bowels-dl'i\'05 out the colll-clear> the head, nnd. reliuves nil cough�. Gnnr­outecd to give satisfaction or monc�· rc­fumler1. Sold by tTamcs G. Cuse�·. Dn1ggist.

----... ---

10ti(IC9 lllltl fL'IltCI'IIIll \i'L't\Cr9. (,iiliir(, I ' IW\'Int�:S·i\ � . .. :u:iiJ�.��t

.) t Jt•th·t•ur 1•'•••·.-,.tPt'-"· A ,... ,UIItl• •I'Killli'l�ttil 111. I IIJ't•J•I t t� �:Jt�� l • • �:,,ttkl j fl,.lll"ltltt•t•, :\l11·t� "11'c•tlll nntt r� �ul'lh �t��wln\' uf t·w·h 111unth. Hnnk Hul11lhtt.:, t-:lm uu•l 'Jh·•,.uol �tl"t1·t:1 • • \t. :-itl\·t•r­wt,..·, t 'ltlt·f Bnn�··•·· Frul l\. W!nt.-t·, li l·'ln-t ;-;tn·•·t, Ht�··n·tl!Jtl{ :-it'1'rt'lun·.

{J I·:���: 1!;� �;t � •: ;,l,� � �.�/ ;; .. �' ;·1,�;�.�· l:!,�j;iu! :: ���K�i in t·ttl'h umuth. l'lll'l\1 '1' H! l l . t'uuudlut•, 1�1 I�Juwr· ;o;tn· .. t ; 'l'ltuntu.-. \\'db, Ht'l'ttrtlill!-l �'1'1'1'1111',\'1 1 1 IJtt\rtil'r l"ol l't•d. -----------------

\ \r v:1��'!i'!.!:���P'�:�:�.�:.� .. ����·.� fl'.�·� 11.',���\�Wrl:�l Tu•-dnr.-. t tl' md1 munth ut :\I1L�ouk Hall. P•··n·itl•:,; �·r�tknud Lit'•· ltl .. lll'utw•• 1111 ll aouml Jlmtndnl lm�l:-o. J-)Jwin �lwiltl :-it't:n·tnn-. :::::;,:


C M. BURT, Gen'l.Pa:i�. Agt.



There Is In the set·vlce of a Daltl· more - man nn eldel'iy du!'l\:y, who is much gi l'en tu rebnldng the mlschlov· ousness of his grandson, also in tho eDIIlloy of the llalthnot·ean. One dnY the latter chnncP.d to ovc1·henr a con­vm·satlon between the llrst and third generations, from wllich it was at once OJ1Jlnl'ent that ol•1 1\toso wns scolcllng tile !JOY fot· some \t'l lllng fault. The CJ'oss·exnminntlon up· llent·ed unsntlsfnctoJ'l' to old Mose, he suspecting the }Jlclmnlnnr of concenl· lug something.

"Jackson Brown," said the grand· fnther, sternly, "ro' is shore kee))in' sumthln' !Jack! 'Member what de Good Boolt says, chile!"

"Yassah," gllbl)' responded the third generation; "I knows dnt de Bible snys :,•o' nn musn't liei but it don't say yo' all got to tell de tt·ut au de tlmel "-N. Y, 'l'lmes.

Smallness . . The smallest man l·o the world went

coUJ'ling. .To show . how very small he wns Jet" It )Je . . known that he lal.i neither' US:a-dozen . roses . . 'nor $3-a� JlOUnd candy at the .feet or h is hi tend· ed, but onlY. a quantity or 5·cents-a-llnper popcorn. .

01 course he ·roozlcd. "An· impossible . fellow!" . declared

Love, disgustedly, In .apeakln"g of the atfalr later. ��There' Jlosttlvelr wasn't enough or blm to malui any kind or a fool of, so what was l1 t_o do?"-Puck.

He Had Been There. Old · Medical Student-,c\re · you Joolt·

Jng for dogs? New Medical Student-Yes. Old Do. Do.-What do you want�

rooms? New Do. Do.:.C.No; I want to get

board In a · private. family; . Old · Do.· Do.-Then , �ou'd bettter go to ll!lss Slowkhis over the way,

You'll be bored to death there In JesJ \han a month. ·

· ·

20i-Snmmit nl'cmm uml Pnrlt street, �2�-Cornnr Highln1ul uncl :Monntai1t

Avm1ues. ·100-Bhn stt·cct nml Kilnbnll n1·enue. fi7!l-Brotu1 nnrl Mitld1csex Htt·cets. fi�O -Cnmllcrlancl St. unci South A\'0. 'ias-Corner Clark n1ul Oh1Irles Sts. fimi-l"ire De1mrtment. house.

!J!l-Corlllll' of Nort\1 nnrl Fourth A\·o· JIUCS.

After H�lllling in all nhu·m stnwl nonr tlw cull hox uutil Jll'l'ival of ll\llllll'ntns.

w •:S'J'l·' ! Jo: J,Il I'US'J' (IJo'JIJCt:.

r.. )f. 'VIIt 'r.A 10m, Pushnlli-!h:r. A. K. UAI.•:. A:;."lt. R!Ui l'tl!lllt'\•Ordt>r Cll•rlc. W'l! . . M. 'l'owxu:,., th•ut�ral 'nl!U\·�rr Ul\!l'k. FIH!Il WI X'I'I.:U, Clt•t•lr. HAnn:..- J, Utnn:s\l'nnn, Ul·�rlc.

I [Ofltctl OJll'll ft•om 'i n. m. In 'i p. 111. OXOI!Jlt rm Sutut•tla)'S. Ollh!L,ntlt•ll �11111luys l'ul' holdm� ol Lock Boxt!>l fro1n \1 tu .t o'duch.

A RillY AI, A Nil DEPAit'fUJlE 01' �!AILS,




fi.l5p. 111. MArT.� Cf.O�E. For New_ Yol'k, T'hl\nclt!lphla, 'fnmtun, the

Nm-tlu•JL'It, :iont la, SouthWt!:'it !Uitl wny litltllnn=t fi.:ast nt 7.:u nml iU • .&fi n. m., :!.:!.i 11111! tJ.:JJ p. m, J1,or PlntnUt•ltl amel l�tLiftou !lUll wuy �t!ltlomJ ut

'i'.OOn.m. tuul -t.:kJJ), ltl, MOUN'l'AlNSlDE.

Al-riYc nt r.:lO il. Jil. ntul ,,, m. C!ln:-ltt atli.;� u.Jn. ttutl u. m • .

"'1� 1.:\�����l·�. Ir���''· �lru·lc 10:17·31 . M •·m· , /1 1 1 1 . 1 •.1·:� '1 ' 1 ·! � '1'. " l r u 1n· t l t i l l t , will . t',':l:::

· .11: 'U'" "�·�:�.��� u':�:t • r:�t·,',·.·�,. '�'.�::�.···'·'�,·.wt·

lli,:I�11M t·: ,\111 1'• 1 1 , 4\, 1 1. 311, l tul lun� n rt •' l

111j.11 ,1.\:�,·.; � �·. , ., .,.,.11 , lu·�·u•lll ,JM•I •tn , •lua·lr•• '1 '�",'!;; , :·.-.n · lt','-� �"�"i3t ,.! ].�,:! :C'i��N; '·'i.:�· - 1 'um·

m: t:. ,. I :'.\i ���:� nj�;; l:��;�//11,t\�irtl1 111u \'t'a1 i 'T.����� 1� : ) \-:l••l. uwl thu ttllllllill' ,•,ttln!4llllll nl thr· h'

,;�· �,':,•; 1 1111 ��·.�',i:,'j, ,,� :!: f�-1� :· t•h ·1r1t1t�� I 1N �:�.1 ht,\!l t •1•1�

Ill'•• th•· 1 '\ j ll't'H!'I!IIIIH td' lhtt I h•il\ t•lll,l' I IU r Ht•\·. �1 :7, � . :!7 ; �i!:U, \1•1. t 'hrl�l huH a•utu_r tu l l• ·lp • •� tn l i nt u t l nlt tl t i t ' l l t ul I I IIH 1' 11 11 1 • \1nr'

·i��-i1�\' 1'N ::J3/ 'f'• .r�:�;n r�����.: '1(.��;,: -������'.\1 :1,�:

ui. -L.·tl nr•tl .. , . . ,.,u i l 111'1.!', �l att . ti : l!l-�1. 13 :�:!; 1 '1'1 tu. ti :11-11, U -11•; 1 I '"I. 1 :1�. 1•:),• 1\tnph·� nf hn\h kllu\!'. 1.1\\'t'ht•\\1\, 1411\<.t �;; ;:,t\:� �,�.�,�-_r��� �·; �rh�· �r,·� � .. i' '·,�r �-;�!��::: :,��1 1�': :; , :.','.t.'.��':w�" 1�\lu��\'tJJu':IJ�,, ���� : tti.,!;:�rl��·::.�t,:"lln:�!;

' l i:till. " : I "� ; :! C'L11'. f• :l1j HL'\', 2:7, 1 1 1 l'i, :.'G• ��; ;t:� •. 1:!, :!l.

· Comment nnd Suggestl\'e Thought. , \'. 1 7 . "Oilu t'Rllltl," J IO WUH U l'ldJ

und cdtwatl'd youug UHUJ, one ur the l'llh•rs ul' tho )tJ(':ll synugng:tw. 1 1 t: \\'lUi In PIH'IICSt, for h o enmn rmtnlug:; COII 1'11!\l'nUt;, for ho Cl\1110 nJtf'II IY j Hill] wus ulso humble unil I'<'SJ tO<'I flll "Ett•wal life.'' 'J'hiR Is the llfe of Uod which Is lmplnntc<l In our Jw:u·ts IU

· ll'l! lll•l(ln to tJ'uly low him. I r. J S. "\\'hy cnl JuHI thou 1110 gOiul�' .IL'ellti t!OPH not !IPC.' IIIIC' I he UJ�fll'IIUt hlll ").;onll.' ' hut dPIIInmls thnt the une wh� U13t•s It sllnH stntu un what gromul hr� lllil •lles It to him. ":-iunu gu"cl ltul , , , Uud," Only Gud Is perfl!Ct I� I gmu), anti hu Is tho Rlltli'Cl! ur nil �llfll) IIL'I:Ili In nwn. "Jf thou wilt cuter lui� l il'l', IWPIJ tho commarulnll'IIIH," niH! WhPn tho youtll nslwd "Whtclt '!" m·J

, tlcntlr fuucylng thnt .l�I:IIIR refut•t•ed lc Honw rww r.ommnnd, tlau �hu;tur 1·u Jtll!!d In tht• wunls uf Y. 19.

\'. 1 �l. "'rho Commundnwnts. Do not," etc. ,Tmms gtYes n freo J'otHl!W

. inH" of the COilliiHUH)H of what wo tct'lll the Se<'ml!l TnUk1 of the DL•cu loguo.

S till Lower Go the Prices on All Summer DresstS1 Tailored Suils, Separate Coats of Cloth and Silk,

White Linen Skirts. Nnt a single Spring- o1· Summer Garment

\\' i l l he carried over i n to the next sea�on . Dtl\\' 11 ,

dowu, down the prices are ma rked. t\ t no period of the year a rc prices so lo\\ . Sh rell'd hurcrs aud ha l'!.!"<l i n

�eckcrs are 11 1 1 the alert . I \', �0. "All tlwso lut\'e I l<eJit." I l e

hnd heen honest� virtuous, l'C'S})ectnblE 1111 his life,

V, � 1 . .Jesus loolted upon the yonns man with the IO\·e·llght in his t'Y�s l ie nut unl)' loved him as Gml low� nJI uwn, !Jut esteemed him hecnnse ol hiR mimy excellent qualities. ''Onf

' thing thou lacl<est." .Jesus will try ' to SHilllll' what Is lnc\dug, �Ill It Is " ' heart-possession, hence the young nmn must \'oluntal'il)' accept the mcasm·e�

' which wm bt·lug It to him. "Sell give."�:� suw that this young

, man's worldir riches were Pllgl'osslng • his aueutlou, and mal\ing him ou self· . ish that love was ct·ow·ded out of hh · heart, hence he nslted him to lay these i hindrances aside. 'Vho loves Jesu� ti'IIIY wlll gladly IJiace all he has at

S�irt Waist Sults ��;;:;:r·: 1 .oo, 1 .50 a nd 2.oo I I Wl1ite Linen Stirls �:;)_:::�? 98c, • ·49 a nd 1 .98 I SilK Eton� anr1 Cioti! Coals 3·75, 4.98 a nd 6.75 I B"ltw. ,l-douto••• """" nl " ' " " " " " ' J

· hls tUSllOSl\1 and 11ut RW[\Y Ius wurldl:, weaab or use it as God's stewna·d

. "Come, follow me." \rlth intense love, .lesus says to the young lllUil "Come with me. I hal'e laid aside

Loll[ Toul'l. sls' Coats n:�::::,'�J::·�:;·� ��::�: 2.oo a nd J. oo J ' ulltl &·,dolt'll lin• Jt . •

I • •

1 TH E p����R�:'"���� cO: I " ................ "'"""" .................... ...!

rlches, for they would hlude.- my wo.-1• If Vou wan t clean for men. LoYe as 1 love. Gi\'e to men as I am gl\'lng myself. And then your goodness will ltecomo godl iness, and your treasure he laid IIJl II' hca,·en, for yom· character will Ue godi)'."

V. 22. • •He went away gl'le\'ed." III� counlcnance fell. He lol'ed his riches, and felt that they were a great good which he could not sacrifice. "He had gmat JlOssesslons." It wns theh· hold UJlOn his heart which . mude them a hlndmnce to him.

V. 23. · · salth unto his rllscl)lles." He turned to them with n sad, tllsaliJIOint

COHL Buy o{ J . E. Goodtnan & Son,

Ash Brook, N. J . Tel. 46 W Cranford.

ed loolt, dJ•awlng upon them for s)'lll· ---- ------ --

pathy. "How hnr<lly shall they that !'1-----------------�-----------� hn1•e l'iches enter Into the kingdom ol

I heaven ! " How <lltficult It Is for the rich to become Chl'lsllaus!

V. 24. "Disciples were astonlslwrl." They ha<l thought, nnd rightly, that rlclws wm·e a gl'ent blessing, a tolwn of God's fa\'ot·; they WCJ'e nstonlshel) when the danger hu·king bcucnth them was pointe<! out.

V. 25. "Camel go thmugh the eye ol a needle." An extmyngant exJII't!Sslou to denote an illlltosslillllty.

V. 27. "With men Impossible, with God possible." .The l'el'l' fnct that we canltol SQVe OUI'SC)YOS 1101' CSCUJIO the nuiny dnngeJ•s which beset 11s In this life, hel!IS us the mom readily to ac· ceJlt .Tesus ns out• S[wfour.

V. 28. "Lo, we have left nil." Peter and the othet• n)Jostles hn<l left their llshhig boats, thel1· counting booths-

VAIL. Old Sran.ol, i 03 Park Awenuo, Ptat ntleld , N . J, -

whntevm· 11laces of business they ha<l ------- ----- -- ·------- ---- ·-- - - -- - ----·- ·-----­

previously ocCUille<l-nnd had given thcmseh·es to uccompauylng . . Jesus und uldlng blm in evcJ'f JIOSslble way In bls WOrlt,

V. 29. "No man hath left bouse," etc, Some, or nil or those, had been sacri­ficed by most of the apostles. (See above.) 11Pot• my snlte and the gospel's." Because of devotion to Jesus and desire to further tho worlt of Slll'lllldlng his gos11el.

V. 30. "An hundt•edfoltl now.". Not literally n h <mdrc<l houses, ot· oJ·oth· et•s, etc .. but thnt which shall bt·Jng a hundt·ed times us much heart satls· faction nnd real blessing,

V. 31. "Mall)' first . . • last; att<l last H•·st;" Fo1• man)', conditions will


Coal, Lumber, auildlng Matenals, Mouldings and Kindling Wood. faritlizers

Far Lawn Carden and Flold. Office and Yard---Central Ave., near R. R. Crossin!!, Westfitld1 Oi·<lors by Af11il Will Jtccoivo Prowrt AttontTon, rBLEPHONE l9 A.

be t'llVel·sed. ����������� ... """�""""""""""""�'!"'!�""""""""'!"'!'!"'!�""""�""""""""� Practical Points, - -- ---- - - --- ------ - ---\'. 17. Like this young mnn, we NOR'l'll A \"Ei'\UJ� should seelt eternal llfe by seehJng

.Jesus eat·nestly, humbly, pe•·slstently, -Jer. 29·: 13.


·v, \8. In 011r Go•l Is tho JICI'recllon ot �very· vll'lue.-Ex. 15: ll. V, �0. · Tho righteousness which nn·

tJears fair to om· own e�·es · nu\y wear u different aspect h1 the sight of God and OUI' 6�:6.

V. 22. Who has 11 divided heart find• no .trne Joy anywhere.-Matt. 6 : 22, 23,

V. 23. Riches Jlllt a man In great JICI'li because they blind him to bla real c�ndlUon.-Rev. 3: 17.

Albert E. Decker. FI RST-CLASS RTGS.

Special Accommodatiom for Boarding Horses. BOARDiNG AND LIVERY STABLES .


Page 3: DigiFind-It...'rHE UNION CJO.UNT'Y STANDARD Eras the largest circulation of any Woeldy Newspaper Published in Union County. VOL. XXIII. NO. 7 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. j., FRIDAY,

TI·IE UN ION COUNTY STA N I>J\ I� D. Flli DAY, AUGUST 24·, 1 906, ··· ·-·====- =-=-==·-=·- =· =-=·--=-=·-·-=-=--=---=-=--=---==-=""·-=--=-==-==-==-=-=-=. �-=-·"""'"-"'""'· .. -=···;.,-. . =-""'--"--=---= .. --= ..... � .. '"'"·"'--=-=- -=· =· =-=--=-=--==--===-=-=-==-= . . . ..,.,, -·=- _,...,_ -:. - .... ·-· ' - ·

Newark's' Store ·aea.utlful _--....,;

FUR=LI NED SZ5 COATS FOR Pn rticu larly Pi ne for Auto1nobi l i.sts. - ..... ,.�------

TII IWUG �--lOUT t he l•:a l l , d u ri n �

.the W i n ter a n d i


S p ri n v; t i nlt',_ thcs1� F ur. Lined Cnuts u r·c fmc fu r· automohr l rsts, and they a rc a snap at the prices · at wh ich we arc offcri n J,; them at


They a rc made of handsome hl ilck cloth , 511 i nches .long, gen­

erous in si:-.e , l ined throughout with gray and 1yhitc �quirrel ; with gray squincl, hlcndcd squi rrc l nr water ri1 ink rol led col lars . . , The sleeves are in fash ionable cut; m a n nish: hox fron ts, lniitoned with cunls. Thef arc all 'si:t.cs fi'O ill 32 to 44; The 1\•orkmansh i p throug-huui i s excellent . I f you do not· desi re to take the coats at o n c e we wil l , upon payment of of t h e purchase pri ce , place them in our cold stora�c rooms u ntil you arc ready to wear· them i n the Fall-an advantage many wi l l u ndoul>tcdly appreCiate.

Lace Cu rta i n Sale Sti l l P1·ogres.s. i n

Dress Goods New Silks a nd

Opened Dai ly. Bei ng

Victor's Band Gives Afternoon Concert.

Pai n ti ngs of .lerusa le1n Stil l

on Exh ibition.

Cures Bil iousness, Sick Headache. Sour Stom­ach, Toroid Liver and Chron ic Constipation.

Pleasant to take

DRI N> [l C l ea n s e s the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of

Laxative Fruit Syrup pi�f'i:s s:::a�����es. Fur Sale by FRUTCH EY & HATI1 AWAV.

To Cure a Cold in One Day ����:)'So Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tabte�s. fJ_ �� : 35r Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 montl1s. This sig11ature, • • � 1• •

.- ;a •• wc!i4hl m-


The Symptoms Which Indicate That

the Animal Is Ove1·come of the Heat.

It Js not unuRtwl t01· lwl'sas t.o he SUIISLI'IICI! WltOII lhey have been Wol'k· ins in the hnL �1111 011 a. hot 1luy. 'l,ho appi'Oach or heul. JII'OSI.!'nlinn Is her·· ahle>l by ll>e hoi'SO siO!IJihtg swenllng nnd l1ccornlng clt•y and hal., All)':i l.lw )i":t l'IIIOI'S' HeV[CW. l ie IJCt!OllWR N}llg· g:l1:3h ancl hroatlu.m harfl, with llupping nostl'lls. His cal's drno11 ancl his eye:l Ju;come red. When these I hlngs III'C notlccfl, Ute tlrlvor should Ml011 work· lng tho nnlmal nl OIICO, 11nhltch him und get 111m lntb n sluuh• Jllnco whoi'£J t.hum 1� a hrcor.e. l ie shonlrl Hnl�:u·· ncms 111m and UJll'inllln l llm al. once with water. 'l'hls sru·lnl<llng should he lmt>t ntl. hill lite nnlmnl slw11 ltl not ho rll·enched. Put. wet cloths on Ilia )lead, Ji"ur this JHII'JlOHO onid water is \lellOI' l hlltl CI'UHIWtl leo, WI!ICh CII IISCA too viOlenl n J'oacUon. 1 11 tho tl'onlllo )JeCOIJltHJ f!OI')OIIH ll10ll icinr!S 1ll11Ht l>e n<hnlnlslew>l, II. Is hottm· lo cull n vctcrluurla


. ____ _

'The Weaning of Lambs.

-- ·-Wi1ere NutriJncJ�L� I G•·aci(;;- Fond ;rtTu� Sw.,�w.--Tf nwal is JHII Into cold with!l' llrst., The U rcelw •:P�allled !!to swallow

for boili ng, t lwl'c will he a cnmilanl wit h ':?cn.H:u· :tlf::e�i�n. l lu:J�c are 11

om:/ug of liJ/JIImr.u fi'OIU it. 'l'Jwre will . nnmhc1 ol chn1 1 1 1"1g l oJ lt Sllllgs to wei-1m found mol'e utiJillliOil in t he scum com e t he gwallow, Which comes 1111hol'· thai nrisus tlmn in tho muat l tRe,Ir. tthlctl from spa�o. In a night, mul, �lullnn, cnruhet!f, or flsh, If fli'Ht 1 111t after a hr!ef shlr, U3:Jcmhles Its hands Info "caldln� wal e>' will lmvo tho and vnulshcs. )IOI'HS nl nnco Jlll l£l�ecl hy the t!lll'fncr. · ------nlhumon, nnrl thus nll that Is yilally In Few Words. pret:lous will IJc rulainecl. By putting i\T is!i l�ll�n Tt'I'I'Y h:Js WJ•iltcn tho sn it I a till! ll'nlcr, qnlcl! cnagn/nllon fullowlnt; lel tCI' t o lhc stutlenls nt. IH ospecini iJ' aided. 1'he nltl l'i livo lite Leeds Dmmallc college: " I have

.flliUilty of" Hsll uncl I ts flavor Is IJCsl heen uslwd to S!l�' !.my n WOI'd to you: nhtnl nerl Uy ron�l l ng ot• bal\lng.;- If 1 mtr one worll ll wlll 1m '\VoJ"I{,'

This Is Wo>1h Knowing. Tl lllllY lw uso1'11l lo !mow !IWI. In

caso ol' B l!drl on need, sneh ns nl·hws · I n·nl " weu thel', a xlmplc rm·m nr Sl ll i'Chiug Is tho n�u ol' I.H.ll'tl.\" \\'nfm·. .A qunrlot· of a teaspoonful of hn>'IIX In JnLif a l oacnpflll nf cold wnter will give n. rh·cu.siug. _ _ lllw new to f!lll· hroldered c·lill's rtml Col I at's or 15lonlm, oven thoso matln nf l l ucn. 'l'he arl.lclc shonlrl be <llll/ICd In the ho!'ILX wnlo>', Wl'llllg out ami rnllerl o11t In a II >'Y clntl> fat· u few mnmenl.s hofot·o I roning.

B"scuall Rnpldly P•·opeflcu, · .

If l l WCI'o two words I should say 'lle p:t tfenl,' ttiHl if it WCJ'C t111'CO worcls, 'Don't be val it.' "

Adonis Gives Warn/ rig. . Adonis lind :\nat" he(m lutt·orlucml

to. VmtnH. " 1 . don't ,\•tult " tci 1Ji1lt; in ni' uuytl>lllg lllrc that,'' I>C s:ilil, . ll'm·n· lugly, 11lllll. I 'm �m·vlng "nntlce t1ntt if I ovot• cnl�h you t·nnulng na·ouz11l .a.hnJl· Jtlng In wlille shoos I'll cnt you oilt.'' ..

Not the Limit of Tl·ouble . . , . ,

• Job wa• t aking his ln·entirnsU'ofl' mantelpiece. 'rheso , bollS ·are JII'OllY tough,"

·. he snlrl, "imtl . 1'111" hnv·

lng ploutl' , of' trouble,' nli' right, · r.-ut, n_IIJ'\\'RY; ;r�n·1 :.Jolnison iSn't. bf?i�n yCl.'�

�RING IN G UP 80f5 M II N LY Q U I\ L I 1'11lll T\-11: 0Nil9 TO


Don't Oodrlle Ynur Jloy Too Much­Win HI• Oonfldcnce-fJonalllt Ill• TRA!Bfl Dcfoi'O D•clrl l n g on Ills On• r·no i·-JJoyH P.hould Jlave Dally Cho1·e�-Tnnr.h Yolll' Boy to Ile Knightly - l nPIRt on His Bclug

Aoournlo Itt ltfouoy Mntton,

llY � IA H I J ,\ H l�'l' 1�. 1!,\NIIKT I•:I\. llJy< 111'11 uu l hl! WilY lo bo moll. I I

lhoy 1\'IJI'Il to I'IJIIIR I O uoyM IL Wlllli>l II IUtlcr \'ei'Y lllllo lll>ollt lholr hf'illH· lug llfl, hnl l l>o pul'lo>l ot boyhood hur· 1'11111 on, tlllll lllll lall will iii'IIKilnLiy he 011t Ill t ho i h lnll of tho ll�hl HCI'Uillhl /ug fur n foothul>l n111l 11111' / IIJ.! hurd work 111 mnlniul ll hlu own arnung tho fierno ""lli J!CtltlonK nl' tho >lny. Wllllt sort or a:un shall your boy l10como'l

I L Is nnt too much to 11ny that the lltllu f< l luw, oager nnll earnest nt hi• piny, tor·eul>arlowa tho older fellow who will ho no lnggnl'd In bu•lncall nud Wllo will lln;l ns mnch to engage nm· hlllnn Inter on ua he finds In HIIOI'l on tho 11lnysroll tHI now. Some ot us cn<l· din our hoyH too milch. Women nrc ••rwclnlly In 1lnngor of Rhlehllng their huys frnm ovel'y rough wind or tr·mtt· lng thum too lunderly und of mnklng ll om oH'cmlnato through their ove1·· anxiety untl continual run•lng. Mon, 1111 tl>o othor l!antl, mnke !110 mlstnke nr lmgfn n /ng tho hnrtlenlng process too rarm, or helug too l'lglrl In their rC<rnl>'omcnta nu<l of torgolllng wholly lhnl they have been hays lhcmsclvos,

I f you wnnt to lw/ng n boy 1111 arlgl>l, you must win his confidence, keep In touch with him, care for the things lhnt Jllcnsc h l m and occu11Y his thoughts, nn1! Ill the sumo tlmo hold him to a right standard of conduct. Neither too much lnrlt>lgencc on the one aide or too much sevel'lty on the olhcl' results fnvm•nllly In tho educn· llou of a hoy,

1'he first yea1·s nrc Important beyond ollw•·• uecause In them nrc lnld the foundations ot chnracler. Truth, bon· or, olle1llence, k l tHtness to animals, rmd fnlrness In l ntcrcour�c with tJlnymntes 111111 rr1e1111s nrc Inculcated while 11 uor Is sti l l wearing short ti'OU<ers ano whllu he Is under su,mrvlslon and lutel:�ge ut home anti nt the !lrlrnoi'Y fwhool. Prlncltlles of self-cout i'Oi, o( · suhmlsslon to authority nntl ot deter· enee to women, It not }Jrncttcnlly given while n hoy Is very young, are seldom well lallghl dul'ing nrlolescence.

After a hoy has mastcl'ed the ele· mentary stuclles or the grammar school ll Is lime lo thi n k what shall ho done Wllh him In the muller of nctlvc Pl'ejlB· rallon for· l l le. Whnt Is he to bc1 Here his tastes and catlaclty m ust llo consuJteJ, and it Is most unwise for a tlllrellt to arrive Ill a tleclalon without cnJ•efnl balancing of the aJ•gnments Jiro and c�on and without knowlmJge o.r lhe youth's fil lleHS rnr t h iS 01' that Cll· rec1·. 1'he �oy whose chief delight ll Is to care for woumle£1 and sufferlttg cmn l u res, who likes to look nfler the anlmul tlwt lid h urt, and who in chlltl· hood shows deftness and de<te1·1ty In mnldng llamlage::;, mny have In him the germs of sl<lll llmt will by and IJy make him n surgeon or a specialist I n �ome remedial direction.

" 1 am going to be n doctor/' said n hoy who hnd succe3�ful ly set the lll'ol<ell leg ol a pel dog, und who fmmd l'lensnre- in ministering to any · dumiJ animal that. was suffering. A doclor he 11ecame and 11 good one. It a boy Is to be an engineer, he must tn lm a course or study llwt will fit him fm· tlml profession nnd If he Is to ue ll lawyer or· a huslncss mun, eq11nlly his studies should be tli J·ecte't In such a way that he may not fall when he nttalnt:i an age to enter on real work.

There a�·o golden opportnniliP.3 everywhere to-dny. Success or foilut·c may depeml on t he Jwrsonal equntion. The hoy who Is first manly �ad hone'! and next cnpnble, Jll'OlliJll and etnclent, will aclileve success. He will push for· fo>·wn>'d to tl>e f1·ont mnlc.

A �oy of 12 whose home I n New En;;­lnnd Is In a 1>111 country I'Oinote frvm a vi11nge, w_nl_kml lnst :winter and thn whiter before three mllc.a to school over a rough road and three mllm Luick Neltbet• storm nor slc€.t not' wlmL nor rain not• wentl1e1' ot nny ldnd· lnle>·feretl I n· tho least with l'>e school nttendntiCC of this slnt·tly boy. He slmilly tooll .lhe we:ithcl' as It came, and ' 1veut: to sr.hool. lncldontn l l y, he lenrnetl vnluubie Jesson� of couJ·age,

llfiiOI•hPI', 1111>1 Oflfl of tim fll lrlfllfH tnffl uf 1 . 1• 1 1 1 1111. 'l'l!u ""� lll' 1 ft Wl\.1 toilllll•l ll llflll In 1\'1'111• IIIIIIIY l lih l tl� with wl!ll'i1 1111 •11•1 11111 "�''""· " l•'nllllll'," hu wu11tll �ur, "I •loll '! lhl lill "'I )'on 1lu o11 lh i• Hll lij1•11!," I IIMi lllli of "''"''IIIII� 1 1 1 111 01' Cfllllllllllld/IIK 1 1 11 11 Ill '"' Hl/1•111, l h•l M I IIIIL d/ VI I! u Wll llld 11!1\i l/111 111 1 1111'1' Vflll' IIH !•II I IIIIHIIIUf ieiJI /y 118 Willi 1111• OII.Oi' n11111, KIJI!Iufi iiiO.! WIIY/IIU/I!K HUIIilltllll llli 111 1 / 1 1 1� !O I'RI'I'Y lhO /l!lilll Wil li I ll• yoll f l o llll Rlllagnnl•t. IJIII lh.'\'1!1' oltl /p, I IIK him to /m•l Li111l /io Wni Ulll ur liiH III'IJjiP.r Hllill're Ill I �II· 1 1 1 1'/llg Ill hi!VO O il 11 11 1 1111111 111' /1!.1 IIWII. Wo /iu vo fill t•/ghl Ill u·ual 11 liuy UH II /10 W<'I'O a n lrl/ol or u Rlnvo. 'l'lm lnHt dnveloiHIWill. conw11 In llw I I III! tJt 11 li'II IUIIIK t/iot I'O!!Uglll/.11� 1111d I'OBIII!Clij lndlvlrlnnllty.

'1'/1., PI'OII>I hun•t of A rnor/ean� ll&o,l to he Lliul tlwlr rnnnnur to wonwn In 11111! 1 /n 011 1/ prlvuto wna nlwny• doter· Cl l f /n/ onrl ol wnya ullsoiO•h. 'l'hut. hon•t can bo mndo no lnuger, A n y woman w h o hn• periled lifo unrl limb In n mn11 Htrnggle to Hecuro cutrnnco to a cur on, Jut ua suy, one of tho llroolilyu bridges, or In tho orrort to gel sorely Into n New York HU hll'llY cur, lmowH full well that lhree.fourth• of tho OIIIKCIIIIno IIRBSengerR IJCiia\'O like IJrUir•H. 'l'hoy IJnVO no t•espoct for ngc, uo tolur·ntlon tor wenkneHs, no rc· g>l l'rl tor anything except their own clai m to tmnspo>'lnllon.

A fow YCUI'H ngo a woman with whltu hnlr or n womnn cn ri'Ying an lnrrmt Wllf:J sur·c to hn\'e n scat offere�l hel' by three or four men ut 011ee. l.ast week T snw n t: IJght woman, pnle nntl w�n. l10ldlng a lwuvy chllrl with unother tugging nt Jw1· skirts nnd n cn1• 11/ lod wllh young men, nble·bodlcd an1l vig­orous, ul lowod her to atnntl. The so· culled Indies' cabin of the terry boats lll'e thronged with men who tranquilly occ11py all the seats while women <laud unnoticed IJy the lords of crea­lloll, For tills unhappy clmngo I do not blame the men, as boys thoy huvo l1cen ver·y 1Jaclly hrought up b y women who Ignored In tho training o r tho chllrl thnt spontaneon• co11rtesy that eve1·y small boy should be tauglJL to show to womnuklnd. When a mother poh1ts to " vacant seat anrl tolls her small son to take It and keop It whllo women stand, sho Is giving him his first 11111I most lusting leHsons I n lnclv· lilly and boorishness. If the men: of the next · generation aro to bo poll te, to be helpful to women, and knightly In their demennoa•, there must be a change from the highest homes In this lund to the lowest, 8tlll women must talre the lhl11g In hand In urlnglng up their boys.

Possibly nothing Is more Important In the training �� hoys than to Insist on tholl' being exnct an!l accurate In everything connected with money, A boy should !rave nn allowance at an early uge nnd should keep within 11. lie shoulrl not be !aught by example or l>reeepL that money moklng Is tho grentesl lhlng In llf&, hut he shouhl he made to feel thnt he cannot cheat Ol' gamble or hoi'!'OW without paying. An ni•Jwrrence of debt ·should IJe In· stilled lnlo a boy's mind very ea•·ly In l ire. We would have fewer ship· Wl'ecks or honor, fcwel' cmlJer.zlementH, !ewer rult1ed names and hllgliterl homes If st>·let Integrity were lhe cor­ner �tone of home education.

(COIJ)'l'lg-ht, lfiOO, h}' J osenh B. Bowles.) PR ETTY CLOVER-LEAF DOI LY.

This Is Nice Plck·Up Work. for a Lazy Summer Day. ·

Strike a cl !·cle of size desired on )'0111' linen, stitch nround ll with tho sowing machine Ol' run closely with

. needle nnd tlJread two OJ' three times, then t!'im and llullouholo stllch or !lollbl" CI'OChel nil at'OIIlHI, IIHiklng lhe stitches close together.

First 1'0\Y-Fnslen In, chain a fot· 1 st tl'eiJie, a lr�ble In evel'l· stllclt arounrl, join to top of :l chnln.

Second l'ow-Cllilln 3, n trci.Jie 1n snmc stitch, * elwin 2, miss 2, 2 tt·ehles in next stltc:h, repeat from "' around,

sten;llile3s and 111 11ck of this lndlffcr. A Pretty style. 'ence to COIId ltlons.. joining to (OIJ of 3 thrt/11 at begin· A bOY should hnve some stake In his · nlng, h.omo. Couu t>'Y boys who havo cho>•es 'l'hlrd row-• Chain 3, a tl'eble he· ns they nrc cn!lcd, dnlly tnslts In fee[)· tween 2 ll'oblcu of last l'OW, chain 4 , l n g t h e furm anlmnls, In bl·lnglng home fasten I n 1st slllch to fOI'm a Il l cot, the ·caws, miiidng thom, chopJling nhnlu G, fasten, chnin ·1 , t'nsten, chnln wood, wer.dlng gardens nnd going nu 3 1 1 l.!l't'nncls, have n clcclded advnnt!lgf) O\'Cr ' ' fnsltm umlel' 2 c 111 n of_ last t ow ; rc· pent .ll·orn •. city tJoys who nrc tlCVCt' cnllccl upo"n to Fom'th J"ow-\Vork up tO centet· of t>OI'fOI'Ill a single duty I n the Jl l'acllcal mlrl rl lc l'lcot, Ol' break . thrend nnrl nlntia£ep.u:mt '_of: ; the )house. ' A ' lJay raston in · ngnln, as· prCferrect, lhen ' sh�'lil�l �al{C h,IS sha•·e !11 �\'hittCver luw· ahntn · ·6, fnst��i- �n

, _ _ noXt" iniddlo ·l>lcot;· 11ens· to·,bo .. nccessnry alioul tho homo; rotlc_ nt_:· . . · . . : · . · · , . ·. · . , . riiHI .· I t Is sometimes WO!'lh while' fol' · · · · · · a:'rno' tiJCr to' devlso eminds nlld,: en- HOtlent ' the bOI·tler fi'Om ' lst i·ow

'Phe llel.ter conrl l lloncd lnmbs are at tho l 1 1i10 or wcnn ln'g tho IJellm· they ni· quil·o to · )Je hept, nnd in most. cmms the foot! ill'oVItlorl should exceed I n l'iclutess that which . t hoy lli'CYinnsl)• ;.,.,eiVIJ!i, inolutl(n!! !l>e !!1111< ol '. tile owe�. f u�te•ul of tl!lt lug lh� lnmhs l r'Pill nw �wea, tho owea .�!IDUh) IJP.

A hanel m l l llli'O)Vn hy · n pt·oftmslonnl playc•· \VIlli · n . good ' arm goos nt _ th,o

twice, cndh!g wllh 3d row or picots, ' tl'llst a son with messages and taslrs · . . . . .. ·. , ·. ··-·-·-·-· _. _. _··-· --· · ' .. · · 1Vhm1 1t would be easler for her. to ' do An· Engngement Announcement · . Ancient History. · )Y_,\_1_.',.\""

.l, •'.

ll.s _n;'_ '.•. Ln_."_c• •• • , 0 :_ ._:· . ' _This 11 n lque method ·of almounc/11g

l i!IIQil lron1 lho lnmh�. . .

am�fl��� Vertebt•ate•. Tho smulle�l thing wllh n bacl<bone

Is lho slum·npun, u lillie llsh reecn l.· ly discovered by scleitlhils ., In . the Phll/pJllne Islands. It meP."t' l'es ahout half nu Inch In length, ..

rule nt' alH!ll_� SO m llf!s ttn hour. ·

�'ho 11i!l-/.imu mrJf;htJrl or !llll'giug, 1-ho K)' wl\·.h Ou!•f:lutl'l-ioo · . .iolml; . i?lll'o grilltl, j!l'illll n!J'l \!l'OIIk liOWII tho .


uf 1.ho slonutoh a111l iu tcstluos Is snr>ot·· sll1lr.1l ]J)' 1Jurlo's f,iU.Io Hvnl' Pills. ;1'huy c1Cflt·u�c thCl l l ,·or1 1twl instcatl or ''�m�l�­onillg, , builrl ,· tl]l nncl stJ·ongtlt01�_:· ����� wlwlo systom. Helicvo hct�rlncho, hiliommegs, �o-ustipcLtion, otc. !·�1���y never grltle. .Solrl by James Ct Crise�\ Druggist.' ,, ·

'Tiont · guy : Gollnt)l · llliiY ho nble 'to · < . ltet· · engagement wns · employe>! by a \\ilthslnnll ' !he �trmeR fl'o;n: 111)'. sling,"· .J)n :. bringing · tip'. boys, It shriuld. ! be westor·n· girl; the young· man l ived 011 t �a hi D•w/11 · tho night heflll'e the- hal• 1;emem1Je1·ed tluit they, aro · entltleil .':to oUown so no one suspoct•d; He was tic, .11l1i1t thol'o nm othel' fi lones;;/"'"1 coul'tesy: ns .their · s!ste�H_ :are . and ; ·ns u ·guest at tbe house when a· numbe1; or Cll ll '"""' h i m II piece or rcstnlll'llnl .their .. elders ai·e, . A boy ought' not; to . the gll'ls' frlcndS-I'ecelvod an Invitation

cllAI'l'Y 11�0,_

l llllY, .. '�,i�·'·.·"'_f···

J'·· r .. ,./_�'._ l,./_j, '··· .... -.! ... .. . Le �snltblJed (when" . he e:xpresses�� ��n . r�r m� 14lnrormnl muslcnlc." )

- . .. ol>lnlon. pt' the . lata . Thomas"! K, , On assem�llug they wcr·o ' llimderl Mcrllt1'S . Latnent. DEccher;' WhO· for 'nluny ' years_' was� Ill··· IJI'Ogrnmmes ornamented w i t h t.. Jiow 'nrerllit - ltlclleil' the-· blilcl! cat maler ll11enthil 'ns ' tile·; pa'stor ·or''oiie ot i thll: of, white sntln. rlb�on, anrl with he•t!·ts the so1'11 nnd threw hli.nselr t>etnlanlly ��·st , · .t ��f'.h!llo!�.al . - churches Iu ·n!lls, SJII lnkled . da!nllly over tile sllt'fnce: or Into n chal 1'. :"Jr. i i i' ct')lild · Just-' le111:1i. colin try, · was •said .tltnl' as · .. a· boyr : he: till' card . . AI the 1011 was wl'illen: "A

.n that . three:cen t fa1•e. ;:Hi·lck,':; >Ju) 'often '\vrote se•·mons . at, the : dlelilllon, ev•••hir,·. with the- b>·!de,elect," nnd the growled, "I'd hnye any othst· conjuror .;r h l 1 · r.lthef. Re•< LYm.rlil. B:c .. c.Jiet.< fol lowill!";.: lll'ogrnmme wu:l written 'ttn ht'hlslo•·y:.IJenten� • city bloc!<."' ' Dr.· Lyman · Deech'e·r-�lvas'lil 'vrr1''i'•·eat · the Inside. page: ,

Bargaining With a Navajo

Muloi' CJhnlliiCIIY If. lfnl·�ol', who Willi lh n lrtiiiHI'UI'I. IIUUI'liii'II IIIHI.UI' Wli!J 1!1111• tl>wlutl lhu 1'141JUn l el'lliHtJ of " '" t!11111 IIIII' Lu Cni11111 prwlu wlf h till> HnlltiiiHII IIIIL I IIII\IJidH 1!111111111�1111111, liiiH HI H>IIt 11111r:h lh11u llllllllll! !1111 W<•HIIII'II l url llllllo lllltl IIIIH II 111111 coiiOI!tlon or hlllllklll•, Wlilr!li hiiVO lllii'Uf!lr•fl II I IlCh IIIIPI!IItlll Hi11co hll IIIIH ht•IJn •lntlo>wd ut \Vnsh· /111!11111. �III II)' of f iiiJ IJiun kofH WIJI'II HtHJUI'l•CJ fi'Uill JllclltlllH WIHJHU IIUUifJH llltVIJ II 11/UCU ill lho hiKtOI'Y ol tliu 111'11 1)'.

"01111 of tho llnuat �alldlo b/uukot• I n 1uy cnll!!ctlun," auld M uj<!l' ilnkul' trJ 11 Now Yo1·k TriiiiiiiU I'Uporlor 1110 ulhnl' >lily, "IH n 1111dtllu lllnnkut which onCO lldUI'ned tl10 11'111' JIOIIY uf' IJIUr!ll l lnrso, u NuvaJo chlur who IIUVUI' llo· cu1no very l'denrlly with tim whlluH. I wus out In Al'lwun hohllll!l ll JHllvwuw With II IJunch llf rll'iflfJI'K Wl!tUI\ tho govm·nmenl wuntml connlcd un u t'eK· urvnllon when I mel lllnclt l lui'Hil. l ie wouhl nnt como within the clt•clo m· smoko lito llltm or r•cace, 11111 hUnH nronnfl on tho outsldH, RUIIcn, ultrU· diHIIIlied 111\d UnDJII'rUHChUblo.

"Onu nftot·nooon I snw his suddlu IJiunltul-ono uf' the most bcuullflll l hnd eVtH' seen-anc.l n g:reut de�:�lre to tJoijsesu It ovcrctuno me. 'J'hi'OUgh oUl' lutcn>retcr I sent him nn olfer or ,u,, ta which he woulrl not even rejJiy. I mhmcl tho oR'ur tu $fifl, !Jut Lhe answer wns only n grunt. l'11nnlly he lnt'o!'mec.l the lnlot'Jiretor that Lhe while cur>lnlll Lilli not huvc enough money to buy litH !Jinnl<et,

"Knowing something of tho Indian Chlli'IICtOI,

'I thought Ollt 0 way of gel.•

ling the blanket nnrl at the snmo time winning the fl'lendshlv or the chlel', which was hn)>OI'lant In the oftlclu! matlOI' we had on hand. I sent word to Black Horse lhnt the white cajttulll nt · lnsL rellll>ed his g1·cnt worth au� lmpm'lnnce; felt . that he was tho greatest of all great Indians, and that he wns more than worthy or !Jet ng my guest rit a fcnst whleh 1 wished to prepare for him. I told him tlmt II& might bring 11 Mend If he k11ew one who was worthy enough, or that he could como ulono 11 It suited his dig· nlty !Jetter. I asked h i m when he would accept such an hlvltatlon.

fJ'he vunity of tho old chtor wn;; tickled. lie suhl he would come the next night, which would give htm time to work UJI an nppetllo that would do justice to the white CD!llnln's dinner.

"I prepnred a !'east which I knew ho would >Ike. TtlCI'e was ll ste\f or potatoes and beans and onions and meat. All Indians l ike n stew bette•· limn nnything else, and they detent lndlvlrlunl dishes. I l'ound In tho stm·es seveml cans or atlpleq anti had them opened up. 'l'heu J I.H'ewl:!d :l /lUnCh, llnvorlllg It With the U/ltllo juice. .'l'hls \\'US JlOUI'ed out In g1·eat lin CIIJIS holtllng fully a pint. Uefore we began I Intimated to 13Iack Horso that at the white cn)llalu's tahle ho shoul!l Sill the punch no raste1· Ulal\ did the white cnptnln.

""rite dinner progressed famously. All the while Black Ho1·se kept his eye on me and never missed un OJlllOr· tunlly to sip from the tin" cnp whell I did. l i e sltJped u lillie ho!'tiCI·, and pi'OSCnlly his Cll/1 WUS Slll[lty, I l'enched ovot· n.nd poured into his CtlJl more than hall' or lite tmnch which remained in mine. An hullnn can · un· dBl'HlUIId fOUl' giving him half of any· thing you have, !Jut the man who will give you more Lhnn half is generous beyoiHI lie/lei. .. .At last the moment cume for a nun I play for _tlw lllauket. I a ruse atHl n1nrle n SJlef:!ch. Finally I tool{ oft' t.lm u niform blouse, which was nllout ns rllsl·eputallle n loolrlng one liS nn pil l · CCI' OYC\' WOI'C. J had WOl'll It three months In the ln·uuh, :Inti It cm·lalnl)' showed it. 'l.'his blouse, l exvlalned to him, was. mnde ro'r · the rather or the while captain's futhet• many, many ycal's ago . . It wns old, and it was 1lcnr to the white ClliJtaiii'S heart. But so wns Blaclt Horse, nnd the blouse wa�:; to be Ills.

"He took It with more engel'ueH!i thnn nn I ndian usually shows ubout an,\'thlrtg, and l ilen he matle ·his npeech. He spolte Jll'incipnlly ulmnt hlnn;etr ntHl made himself out a vet·r great. man. 'L'hen he muttcned some­thing and lert tho tent for a· moment. \\' hen he t•eturnetl he had the snddh� blanket, which with a fine bow he cast at my feet."

Operation on a Hen. One of tile favorite hens becoming

ill Samuel Sn),ton nnd R. E. Fountain, clltclwn lunclers, verlormed an · 011· erntlon, which ]HJ.S ovldently ))J'oved very successful, ns it saved the chlck­en's lll'e. It wna dlscove••erl thnt the fowl wus sufi'erlng from · •icrnw I!Titatlon," Cltused by eating small Jlleces nf gh�:•s . '11he Cl'l\\V wns opened, thoroughly

.washer! out, sowed UJl. wltlt whltP · col· ton · nnd n o w t h e · hen' ls ._as l lvel�· as n young ohlcl<en.-Hidf!iely, ; (Md.), Cor· resvondenc,e Phlla_ll.•ill,hla !lecord.

· Chlorofor.,;<O.ttect�: Plants, Somo:·plants are· nlfectcd by chloro·

f01·m, jnst ns. animals - nre. Sensitive phmts, which' sli>·lnk from' the humnn toi�eh /u · ordinary· circumstances, lose · theh· . h'l'llnbllltyc / n ' nlr'; charged .wit!. ' chlorof�r"1 "�11\'�·, ;.� , ·

· · The · anr: Knlcker-::-Sulnmer · : ex penses ' nrf.l

honvy . . ' ·, , · . . .


llocker-Yos, I have to IJill' all my ,\ilte's,'· nil lnY ow it mi'tl ·an extra chimk to •l<een · hel" fron\' · knowing mlno.-· N, Y. Suit. ·

Page 4: DigiFind-It...'rHE UNION CJO.UNT'Y STANDARD Eras the largest circulation of any Woeldy Newspaper Published in Union County. VOL. XXIII. NO. 7 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. j., FRIDAY,

·� 1'1 l lt UN ION COUNT\' STAN DARD, I�R I DA���JGUS'I ' 2-1, l tJl)ft, -----:-'--:-

•·t•l l••t· I n m.- lu . 1 . l't l••• t· , =�����������������;��������������������������������������i N .lll'l'll 1 1 .\ I � I .�U, \\'•••llh•hl , N. ,1. THE UNION COUNTY STANDARD

Pul•li-h•1l t'\'t•l'l' l•'rlohl) J,r The S llt tlt/ 11 1 11 l 'uhlloltln" CuttC�I: tt, I tt !' ,

If l l it�lll'� tt l ld .lt •t'l l l i \1 ' ) ll l l l t 1'1111 (I I\' ! i l l \'1 ' 1 ' 1 1 1 11' II( Xt• \1' ""�'�' l l ll •ft' w i l l '" ' 1111 dt � t thl """111 1 1 1 1 l t t � t tt ••l J t t l l l l ' illt ·l , .ttl ndtt t l t t l•t I'll I I "" I t t ! I tt• ,,x,.••ttl I I·, . • • lut t t t lu • l' ttl ,\lhttt \,1' [Ill' I It" lo • l'l \ 1 ,

'l'hlnl ll't•t·� 111' llntJtJtl lluhlti 'l'uttrlltt• 1111'111 l 'nl• I·'• H, H m l i h Itt .\ll t lllll'l'o 'l'lwt·u "'''''" ltut •·l�h t tttlll t•l\l•.l pltt)'l'tl

tIt I; w••••lr Itt t it" llulltlll llnhlu 'l'nnrtttt · lltPilt 11\l'lH� to tHnll,l' llli'tttlu•t'< uf t ill• t•l t tl t lu•lttl( unt ol' 1 111\' t l , 'l'ht• l'•••u lt• 1{11'11 Jo't····l I I . !'llltitlt " l'h'llll Ml'llt,l \11111 11 plllt'l' rur tht• l'lllttll ]lil ll t•ltl l•· �J .. ul,r '"" t'PIIft'll t\ ll1tol'J>4 �.II, i·.'i1 N·ll: \\'1'1'1111 fh•f1•U I • t•ll Ultti'll :l·tl, t l· l 1 11·11; ,; I II It h tld••ttlt'll ��IIIII])' 11· 1 , tl·lf; ,1 , 1 1 . 1\)'\ 1 1 l]l'ft•lttl'l] '!\IIMIIl)' �·II, 1\•'J, II•'J i 0, Un\'l'tt 1h1l't�tltt1d Clur\( �·II, '"'·!I, n.a: Uu\'l'lf tlt•ft•u tt•!l \\' . .\. em·lw 1 1·:1, 11·:1: �tnlth •h•f••tth•tl \\'l't•utt :J.JI, 11·'1, 0·�: Alpers dt•f••n t•••l lll ll{<'l't 11·0,


llt•ttt' �lnthtttt t Nnw, mtt,l' I••· ·""" 1'1111 '1 M"l'l I I III J.CIIHilll ; I I' ,\'1 111 1'1111 ,\'IIIII'

t'nl'! l t l iP I• ttllttll', --;.;h•r•·li nt th1• l 1u•t t lltk• · al W•.,..l l lt·M, N ••\\ .h•I.,I'Y• II" "'.,'II!IIl dtt ..... lllllll t•l', to; I I IIS1 '11 1 11'1'1U.� $ 1 ,MI I11·!11 \'1!.\11 ---��:.:.'�'�!_::_.I_I I_I'_A _N_<'_I·:_. ---

C l l .\�. M -\f.l'l,l:\!1\ , l ltn' l MllnttWIIr, N. \'. lillie< l,lt l.tlt"ll' �"nl.

'1' 1 1 1 ' """); ptt l • l i•h•'" "·'' ,\ l•h• ti l•'t'I'L' I l l l l l l , pl'l•.•ttJ Jilt hi,l' I t t tiH· i t t ll 'l'· ••st of t i ll ' l.'nlh,l' 1 1 11 1\'t' l t tt 'l l l , I• i t tl l • t'· t•>tlt tg wlll'l'" it " ''" fnt·Jh t i l l ' l'nilnll\ \1'11\'k dotiiO (r,t• \ ) \ l' l'l l \ 1;1• , . [ I(I U H) 1-(11\'•

t ' .. t \ 1 <11 l'loth-l lu•l' 1 ' 1 1 1 1 I t tnn•llll lu Mllllll' jiiii'I K-Ill tt]ll;ll l t il l • ll>tllli ltl'(l't ' 1•' 1' ,l'ltlll, I nti wltll't', twh••• '" whh' '" ,.l)ll\1' 1 111111 ht�tii!J'I \\'11111'14 hPifPI', ICPt•JI·"' whl\1• uud whol•• n •nrttt'l>lttl{ l i nt•• I l l u ll �<HI'I ol l lt' \\'t'lll'.

n 1 111 Ufttcu SfA NUA �il IIUII.UINIJ,

Wutrlel\1, N. J. \'on l'lttthl •••II thttl ••loth f111' hntldt·•·•l•

of Jtttl•·• : th••t�•'d lu• "" limit.

llrancll Ofll" f. N !>OMMP.R,

704 Uruad St., Newark, _N. J. Arl\'•·•·tt"ln)l Htllt'l'l furnl.•lud em ApJ•Ucutlun.

1,1 ,1 1 \' 11 'l'tiO.ti i'SII," ' 1·,1\ t t ur,

t•t•ttm• ·t t l , hnl it '"'t''''" I ' "' i m pt·•·>· �iott tt tt tt t i,tnl;al <i,l' ul' l tl•ittg tt """'' hy .lld"tl FI'<'L'Illl l l l , t •f h i 11 1 nt 1 • l fur hint. �lud•·,ty I• ltl tl it,o t•l t i, .f < ' lull'· ,;1'.\S\IISII TO \l.l'rt-: :

Won J.,ost II

.. \ run I Jlflt'� l'lll'lht•l' j IIIII' l nt�'l'l }t>ti� Snl·.l�. \\'t 'll l'/'1 lollf.!PI' : Ollll hii�'Pi lt.•!'ir llfh• tt . lt t t ill'lt)'M ]I MJi<M J'(l(hl 1 111 11'1'1 1 Wlii'IHlt\ 1 . !\n 01111 l'11ri(0111l'r 1m�·�� "II mu• •lt of i t , hut tltltth nf tllll llllllllll'r of 1.'1\Sitlllll l'." l

Jil'!l't'i"'ti·· ·----=-=-""' I> . • \IJII'I'M " . . " " • . " . "· I

It i:< :<al'. . tr r :':t)' till' 1 1\'i t t l ll l'i<':' will I to • fairl,1· '' ' ' I I u t l o•nd'''l l hi' ,\'t•:Jt'. :-;, ,X I JJJool l l il wiJI >'1'1' i 1 11• JiJ''f j!l'll· t•t': t l ' '"lllo ·,t [I ll' t lt ltllitlalil lnS "itti 'L' t i ll' pritttal',\' lnw 1\':t>' p:1>,,., j t h ro·•· \'o•:lt'>' llj!ll, 'i' l t<•W will i ll' II >'CjliHI'l' o lo •; t l , at a il,\' rut._., no ttlllltt•t' whu Wil l . ..: ,

\\' . • l . lll lgl'rt ,l r. . . . . . . . . . . I ====-=··--·----= U. Ulnl'l' - · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · • I

1), 1111\'l'lt . • • • " • . . • " . " " . • II

'''· .\, C.:oeht' , . , , . , , , , , . . , , I,) . I ! , I{)'IL• , . . , . , . , , . , , ,) . .\. 1\yte . . , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . �. �IUI>l)' . . . , , . . . , , , . , , . . " ,1, Pl1llt']WUU • • • • • • · · • · · • • • • 0, Hlcll lll'll.<OII , , , , , , , , , , , , , 0. \\', l::icot t . . . . . . , . . , , . . . . , F. Cl. Smith . . . . . . . , . , , . . . . . II


l lnu rnn t:, tu'l't ... U••lt•nt. K. Sh•t'll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F', ti. 'l'ug�nrt . • . . • • . . . • • • \\'illium N. Hnnyuu, whn Is u euwli·

!lntt· t'nr tlw �\�:-:t•lnhly nominntinn Ut!Xt mouth , Is ,.,·i•h•ntll' •ll'L'Illlntl(<''l Ill the nutlnok I n n s)w;•di ut l�li1.uhr.•th 'raw:o;­tlay night lw Is t't•JtOI'tr•tl tn haw� :o;tlitl:

W. K 'l'nttlii·.Tr . . . . . . : . . . II a I

.\, D. 'l'nttlu . . . . . . . . . . . . . , �. \Vre1111 . , . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . .

:T•"T•t:•XY·%·f.%f.!."f.:-fft--:-'f.!�Y!'·f"""1 f·T·!·t "Uur ril'tnl',\" IUII,Y lint t'OlW� thi� �·t·nr. But i t is h1Jtl tlll tu l'4 llllL' snHH' ,rPur:o� from uow. ;o;npJM.l."''-� Wfl dnu 't win':' Anyhow h 'l'ht• rt• j .. nnlhim: l i k•• n dt• liui iP 1 1 1 111 IPt\; !'itit•l\ tn,![t•tlwr. IJ,m 't fultt•r, t•\"t�ll

c •l l " i .. l t •ulh \IIIP•tll'd.' ' llu;:h l l h� t•li, thnn!-{h \'UU :o:t•e tlw hii-='J::t>:-t ld1u1 of •le-f �nt stm:iug yon iu thl' fun•. �onteh<)(ly

·l·:I·l :·:·X·l t·I·:·� I I_.t�;:_z t•%•%•!:·.:•1•� ha.; to he t he }lilllll'l'f, nllll if Wi.! l!'tit'k to· ;.rl'tlwr like !lll'll Wl''Yt! .iu!'t gnt to wiu

Parth·:-: an· n tadt• up of nwn . hefort.• nu��=� �l··n an: hntna t t , Yariou::: l.r t:on:-:t i - l·!tlilftt l l nu ldu .. ou Sl'nt···�. tut• ·• l n no l . , f l l l : t ll)' l l 1 in o l� . l t i� " 'fill' We,;tlh•lll L"arlt•r J<'Y' its 11'111'111 I l l: It t • ·l' 1\1 ( 1··=-:-: r.� ... wondt•l'JlJ1 ' 1 11 l h:lll \\'t•utht::r Tt:l"}ll.'t'hi to the C!'nl l f'ortl lJhruui­l'or t·ungr:tluhtiion w114'1l a nutiun:d l'le iu tht• l'ullowin:.r lllllll lll'r this Wt't�l' :

I . · 1 · 1 1 1 · 1'h" •·•lit or uf tht· Cruul'ol'tl Uhr.micle l l' ' 1 \ t •·: t jl:ll'l,\' , \I'll 1 I 1'' ''"111 11 t ·Xl· ,.1111 nut utult•t'StiLIHI 11 stutt•mtont in the til':-: • •I' • •rgall izatic tl l iH \'t l l \·t·•l in i t:- Lt-allt•r iu whk·h n nmug tnnn of one if.lelli j l \.' t t } u� ya;-:t t •Xll'lll u[ :ll't ':.l i l .�1\rllltlllt• �houhl hu :o;'po}WH of' US U Jo'OII 01' J �Lr. ilwl �Lr:o:. --, ut' nnuthet• l'itll'-c·•W••J'::, :md tilt' dh·· · t·:: i lied i nt• ·•···�L·· 1utnu•. ur t·mu.�u nut ; 110 une wuulcl to h.' (•ot}:.:irl�>t't.•d , n•·r•n l l tpll:-:hP:-: 1 ��· l'XIIPL't him to u wll'r:;hmcl unythiug, n111l

no mw 1'.11'•':-0 wlu•tlwr lu� tltws or nut. :t l t l l • �;t tlll:lll i l ! ll l\1:0: f.·gi:-:la l i •Hl wl1a l Pt•oplt.' of orliinm·�· i uh.•lliH"t�m·u emupre­tlw Ht•pu iJii�:t\1'l ,\' I t:!' :\l't'ulll · IU'nrlerl tho· item that ;o t ronhle•l IJmn·

ford 's wonlcl·he·l'uunr IWW:O:IIIl) )L•r man. pli:;l t•·d d u l'ittl< till• la:;t '''"'i"n of Nnlll' ul' hi' ll"it tich;ms " �:o." ••xcept iu l'.ung1·,·:-:�. J lrt•:"itlt·nt llll(l:-'t•\'t•lt hi:-i own otllce. where for ob,·iuns 1'1.':t·

:-;uus hi-; t•mplu�·t.·� " lnngh with conuter­l'igl t t ly p oint< ""l t l lill th!! l'' '''"r'l feitL•tl �IL..,," ol' t 1u • Firty-n inth l'ong1'•·�:: i . ..: ------. • .__ tl l l iqn•• in tlw hi:-:lury of tlu� lt:ltion Ful""� .\ I U UII nf' J·" in•. for ad \'H it('<'d a ud wi:;t• ueti10n j , .. P . • 1. Windfeldt >nw n bon llrc in the war•] tl tt• �ulutillll of t i ll• l't'Oi t l l t t t il' lot haek of his store nn Broad street

'Vc,l nc:-:,la�· eYeniug- nlmnt six o'eloeli, · pwl rl<'ll �' , . f thi� I',IJtnl l'J' . 'l'n •lt•­

fcat l ll(•ll ll'h(J hare h:lll a p:trt Hl Hlh:h wut·i� i::. lu JH'II\'oke a t•ynieal atlittto.lt_o npun tlu• p:u·t nf pul itician>

('Oiltt•J'Ilillg tlu� :uh·an t:lgr·� of Hl'g· ing tlw ]Htl <lit: ll'elfa J\: a' :t�:tin�t I''.II'!Y<r;Jle monnp11l,l' iti the hall,; of 1.t"·gbbti• • n . T,-, rdu:;;e C'lld• tl'.-!l'llll'H1 uf tho: J'ccor•l uf the H<·pnhl ican ('(lngre:'; jn;t L'ltm•d is lu :l:':'CI't the fir·klme;< of the Jnthlic n nd the unecrtainty �UJ'l'ottnt.l ing well doing. The election 1rill he hdd in Nuwm­her .

\Ylu!n .uic'yclcs li'Cl'C .nord tics ll'c were up�et hy the Ecorchcr. No one now speeds on a IJieycle. The

rirlcr of that \'chicle gil·es ,;o little trouhle to the re1t of the · t l'al'eiing public thnt we do not brother about the light a fter rlnrk, or other pre­cautions formerly im forcccl hy of'(l i­nancc and the town authorities. '!'hi� lends us to hope that we may one day hal'e a 1im iln1· cxperkncc with the automobile. The speed ing auto is due to the same :;emc rrf

nml nt the snme time uoticl�!l smoku cJmiug out of u shed iu the retu of Hurry N. 1.'nrlor's t•htc� n :ohort flishllll'£! away. Feuriug: a s}mrli laul sl!t thu l'lhetl on tire Wiuar�ldt llirectutl hi:oi man to seud iU illl ulnrm. Tile engines res}XI!Ul· t.lcl; but 1111 iuveStigntiou dm·ulope•l the fnet tltut �Ir: '1\trlor wi1s fumignting thL· sherl with bnrning �ulphur. 'l'hc fnmc� i"uing forth hntl •lcceil'erl Wind· feldt iiito bcliel'ing it wns ll lire,

JJarricd nt \\'c"'lfil!ftf. Ge01·ge A. Hermnun, of East Thh·1l

street, Plainfield, uncl Z\Iiss �tnry Eyck, of 'Yhitt!lton:;e, were quiotly mnrrierl nt Westfielrl We<lHes•lny · nfternoon. The c�remony wns performed nt the )lotho· lli:;t pnr!'iounge, HP, •. • T. R. 'Yright, pns· tor of tho church, officinting. Jnu11cdi· ntcly after the <·crcmony the couple left to :o;pcml their honeymoon in Pcunsyl­vania. Ur.on their retnru thor will re siclc u1 Plninfield. The b'l'OOI\1 is the son of )lr. n111l :1-lr>. Frnnlt Hermnnu, of Erst Third street, nntl is employed ut the Scott pre�s work<S.

,\fi'C!'>ICtl J,u�t 1'"i�bt. Count:r Detective Gnlatiru1 nrrcstecl

Lloyd B;tck, of Crut;ford, last night on oomplnillt of William A. Thornton, of Park Street. Bnek was sail! t1 he net·

power, freedom ami exhilaration· iug sus11ieiously nbout the premises of that one felt 011 mounting a IJieycle :1-lr. Thornton near micl>t ight. .1o1m

_ ...., __ _ 'l't'lllli'l Xnft1�ort uf hllt'fl!'lt.

'l'he U lllllJUilf:I!IIWIIts ul' t}JU UlliJUlll O}JI!Il tont'llllllll'llt of the Eust .Tet•sey Luwn 'l'euui� Assoelntlon ln men'i'l :;inJ.{h!s n1ul clnubiL•s, wom�Jil's cloublt•s ntul mixecl rlon1Jll1S hn\·e bee11 seut ont. 'fhc tonrnument will be ht�l!l l.'Oillt_uunc· ill!( Augtl>'! �.� ou tlH• grontuls of th10 B1i1.abeth 'l'uwu llllll Couuti'Y Club.

Fur the t11·st time in this <'Otll l lry the hn)flt•r of the eltalicllge l.'llfl of the USSU· dntinn f'ur awn's !>iiugol�s will lul\'0 tn piny through iu:-h·nrl of stnwliug onl. It has llel'll lll'g'Ltefl thut it wus uufnir to malw n umn piny t hi'Cmg-h auul tlum meet the huhltn• who 1ms ' •ntour111 ' on t th1·uugh tlw week. K. l l . Beln·, .Jr • • Cl'csceut A. tJ., i:-:: the Jll't!'SCIIt hohlel'. The first leg 011 tho eu]l wns wuu i l l 1 !10� hy l111'Cflel'ick U. Audcr.,ou , .Kiugs UoutJty Lawn 'l't•Hnis Club. Miles S Charlock, of tim Bli>.alJcth Cluh, is iu chnrgu of thu entries fur tim tottt'llll· meut.

CIL\St-'OUI1 TOUUS.HU!ST • . Eutl'ies fur the �leu's Domhlus Tounis

'J' to hu holil ou tho Ct•omforcl Cusiuo Cou t·ts uu �atnrday, Sopteii1her lst, � to U p. m., aml _�lomluy,Soptuuth:w :J, Hl U. Ul. to H }1. 111. 1 Will cJuse •Ut !l n'clock Friduy C\'elling, August a't. -'l'he eutry fee, 7:i ccuts 111�r ·I•lrryerJ ·"shOul1l nccom}"Jtlll�· entry. �lntchel't will consi�• or hest two setsoutot' tllr�u iu all t'ullllll� exc-ept fiunls, wlliuh wi1J ron!-list of· hust three :;cts ont nf five. PJ'i:I.!!S will 1m nwnrclc1l winning lemu. Aclth·l'sl'i ull communication:; to 'J'onrtumwut Com­mitte'!!, Ct•mtford Cusiuo.

-- - - ·-�---IJuinu Cnuncil Nturm� Cmu�r l .. l,wcl.

A deleb�ttion of lil'ely spirits l'•·om Union Council No. :; , L "' ·• swoopctl down on Couey Islnntl lnsl b,riclny night nnrl spent all their loose ehnn�e •loing the jllnce. Orator Ben Yeri·oort ll'tl' stunt·mn.,ter, mul whnt e1·er he •!ill the other;:; clirl, or something- just ns good . 'l'he cmwrl shot t lw chutes, loope•l the loop, inrlulged i n tnrgot practice, slid for life; ntc an elnbornte menl nt the Albe· mnrle Hotel, nml smoked some of tlw ci�nr . .; Yer,·oort asked them to tl'Y· Tho cool sen b!'ec?.es cn,ioye•l ou the boat were not tho lenst of the many goorl fea· ture;;;, Among the J.J, A. members who onjoyecl tho outing wore H. H. For . .;ter, B. Ycri'OOI't, W. 0. Wheeler, .T. ll. Pcnronll, L. W. Neefns, E. H. · Oswald, C. E. Penrsnll, G H. L. l\Iortou, Deputy Councilor Hngeu, H. L. Fink nud C. D. Smith.


�l it)' !11• ,1'1 \ll t'ttll't lll'l It In •·loth : hut �'1)1\ 1'1\11 ill I tid Ill : IJl'\'( M', Dt'\'( 11\ i:-OI I� If it Wl'l't• W idt•J' : U J!Ulioll J!Ol'� f'lll'f lll'l' : �·on hn�· le ·.� . ., gullouli i �·nn pu,r ru1· )t•:-.:o� �!lllllll� ; ,\'I ttl }11.1,\' fol' puiutill� lt•s� J,!UI· Jnn�-us if tlllt' pufd It·�� for muldiiK 11 J.l'lltllli'llt of thut will" l'lot h-nwl i t It" p; it.< fresh look 11 1 1 1 1 ,;lJL•ds wui,.J' t i l l \'Oil ha\'1' forl{ ottt•n how oltl it il'i. ' It bn't tl'tt<' In elntll, hut It Is In paint ; tlll' lc·s.o; ron pay, tltt• ht•ttt•l' it is : t'nJ• tlw J.:'llll(illl•S� of p;dllt i:; l't'l'IWilt'll ���· J.ntl· loll:oi ; h•�i-4 �nl luJJI'i, llll ll't' gooclw·:-;s. UoodJI('"� ill paiul i., l'i tl't•llgt h. Tlu• :otroliJ.{t'l' u paiu t . thc J�.•:o�:; g-ullnus it tnli•·s fnr u jnh awl tlw lnuw•r i t Wt'll l'S .

Yunr� t rnl�·, l.,, \\'. DE\'UI·: & Co.,

NP\\' Yl ii'IL P. S.-Uhurl11:-i CriuiHmhPI'Ht•r ��·lls um·

p:tint. - · -

F�u· J ,Juutiltg, he]c�hing-, I'!Uill' !'i lllllttu•h, !nul hrl.•nth, lllllltl:-i:O:hllilul ion I l l' fnotl , aucl :lll :oiJIIllJtollls ot' inl ligest inu , lUng's Dy:oJ"']Jsin 'l'ublt.•ts Ul't� u Jll'ollqtt a1 11l t•lllt•it•llt l'lll'l't•(•ti\'P. 'fwu tlllYS l l't'llt· Jm•nt fn•t•. Bulcl lJ,r .Tumes l+. Cn:w,r, Drngl{ist.

(p:2tCK � R 0 ' Means T II 0 H 0 U G II


T h u I' H 11 r 0 l liHIIr l'OIIIIIIl•l't: i'! l :;ehool:;. 'l'lll'ru is ou1r one PAUh.· AHD UotmtHorciul 'schml-" Tl11 • Schuol thnt hus l\lluh.l n :-:i}lt't�iult�· of Eal.'lt Sttuhmt fol' ·IS Yc•ar:o\.11 No pn<:·dhlc rh;)ds i nvoh·t·tl in :-il'lt•t•tiug Slwh u �l'iHHII. Nu u t<olieHor:; '' !

'!'lw P.AOJC:\HD J...':l''.uhmt�; ,ll••t••l w�l \\'OU,\" Ul1011t II JHl:-\ltiOJI, l Jw )111�1-tioll is looldnj! fur him. rrlu� �c·hool '� Emplnytut'l lt �t·J'\'kt!, in f'l•ll'l':-il ttltll'h with t lw Jllet l'O}Ioliluu bu�it lt•ss 4'1 Il l · 1 llllllli!,r, i� 1'1'L'e to nil '��1 1 1 lut�'" 111 unr t ll llt' I R�cu :;twh•ut:;. I ht·n: 1:-o 1 1 1 1 P:ldmJ•tl gl'Uiluutu ' ' wuitiug- list."

l m11r!tlnu1 lu�trtll'tillll. gnh·t· ul 1111,\ t im•• wit)tont lli-lllhuntui.W· :-iJ!11'iltl .. tu· tltmb;'c•ouiumtntlnu l'lllt.,; un n l l l·uiiwup;. l'rt c k:ml c�mmcrcial School � th A\'. nntl :!:ld St., N. Y. Dn,\' & E\•conin�.

t'ropOBIIIB l'or &ewer. Senk·d Jll'O].O:mls will lm re('Pi\'efl h,\'

the Con neil uf tlw 'l,owu of \Vest field, New .Jer:-'ey, ut thu 'fown Uooms on 'rucsdn�· 1 Sept. -1, 1\Hlfl, nt eight-thirty p. m., for �onstrncting ubont ten hnll· tired unrl tweuty feet ( 1 0�0) linen I frPt of eight (S) ittch Fflllitnl')' RCWer uud ap­tmrteunuces in North 'Street aml 'Vul· nut Street. in the Town of Westtlelrl, New .Jer:'cy. .End1 l1id mnst'IJe uceotllJifllliell hy n certi!led check J'or $1 00 •lrnwn to the or· der of tho Town rJ'reusnrer UH Ull O\'i· <lenco of goodf nitlt aud n bmul of one thousnJHl ($1 ,000) dollaro 1dll lm rerptit·· o•l to guamnteo tho faithful porforllutttcc of the contmet. . The Council reserves the right to ro· jot:t any or nll bids.

Plans nucl stlecifications lllf\Y lJO OX· nmiuerl ·m\Cl form:; of ]li'OJm:·mf mny lm obtuinerl ut the ulllco ot' A. '"· Ynrs, Town Sur1;eyor, at the em·nel' of' Broarl nnrl Elm St.reetS1 "'estfleld, Now .Tcr:o;ey.

Lt.O\'D 'l'HO>tPHON, Town Ctcl'lt. Westfield, N. J., Aug, 2 1 , JflOII.

1 1 • 1 fl · t . Dougherty, u tower umu on the Ceutrul ;\' len JICJ'C e: l l'ol <:a llll! I l l o u;;;, Ruilrontl, Ui'P&arerl on hehnlf of Buck

Eut oue of Riug's Dys]lepsin 'l'u!Jlets nfter each menl nml you w�ll uot snfl'er with iwlige�tiou. For sule bv .Tlunqs G. Ca�ey, Drnggist. � · '

Foley's Kiduer Cure isn mccliciue free flam poisons n111l will cure uny cnsc of kiduey disease thnt is not beyoml the rench or IIIO<liciue.-Solll hy Frutchey '� Hathnwny, Druggists.

Z.%·U I•HlZ.%·:-t--------- ·--- MG-':r'Z·:U:·%U

THE WESTFIELD TRUST COMPANY ,.,. l u l'/11' ,\' t'll' ,, ,.,.,, ,II IH /11

('"I ' , .,., , , ,,,,., , I lr• /111 1'/ I! I t'll l


WI� 111111''' 1 1 mtr hu�ilti•AII l l t i!Hitll' l1 1 I I III w•tlciN flit• I 1•ol!\'t'llit•llt'n 11f IIIII' t1JI•dnllll11'�. II ltd \I'll t!)(�l•tnl tn llttt lt•1:111 •• r nl'l•l'\' ltoiiMI!h'IM 1111 lmltnllntt til liMit thn rtu•illl ,,,� \\'t! ull'l'l'o


W I·: t1u,·n htiXt� .. . ill l'lf4� PI' 11)111111, In t'tlttt In uu1· hut·a:lul' 111111 111'11 Jlt'oul' '·null . ,._._.;.·

· '·�:.': ...... '.��.1.11. .. ... ! !'�·':!.:':11.'. .. /'.'.!'.�·''. ..... '.��.!; 1•'1 1'141 11j' !111• Jlr111 lll • - •

........... ......................... . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;""'" " "'""


IT ATTRACTS All There Is nothi nlf l ila! I •

so Ut11versnily attractive t o t h n pu rchnslng publ ic when on buying- bent as I � a n Electric S l g n , I t catclt"J the oyn, holds t h o n t l o n llon n n d c o m pels trade•, I f you wanl your l.Jttslnu s-• t n � �row, lnstnl l nn Eleutrle Slt!ll now.

U n der tho new PL1hlln Setvlco l lHhll ni-f rato t h o morchant g-ets t h is fino nd­VCH'tlslng trwcl lum at a low ';ost.


Cle arin·g S a le _ ,,�· -

SutnDler Oxfords

M EN' S OXFORDS that were $3 .50 110\1' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

LA DI ES' OXFO RDS that were 52.50 and ;i3.00 now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

52.45 $ 1 .50

.95 CHILDREN' S O X FO R DS that 1vere ;;1 .25 to ;;1.75 now .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,

The Piker - Shoe Co.

\\1 ohlfert'.s Westfield Uardware Store.

fhnl sc•n:-:t: wtll �n:ntually h•r:unw tltis morning mul got him rth:nsecl · IJy �u�·feiterl, . a1 1d nt�loo will

.then be I .Tudge Tuucey ·�n $200 hail fnrni,;hed . by

tlni'Cil ll'lth a l'llo\1' to ut1ht\' and Lavreuce Poi\ Cro. Dougherty hn!l a pleamre mther than llH,re e�w:il•!· wor1ly dispute, with Galutian on Brood

, Street this morniug O\'er the affair. ment. fhe nHI'OU:; li:tn perament Galatintt threatened to . nrrest h im and of our time und eountt'J' will snh· the latter snbside<l.

� u � I Anl Pleased r� Stone I ce Coolers, I cc Crea m Freezers, Nursery Re-& t fri gerators, 1-l am morks, Oi l Stol'es, Ruhher H ose and l'ide when wealth iJ,,come� <•ne of the minor nJJ t bitions of l i fe instcnrl of the chief, n:; it i:: to·•.lny . The rate of speed of the autrJ will be one of the indications of the change. Until then n patient people will

swallow the dust und make flying leaps from curb lo curiJ.

With the failure uf hoth knm;; to put in un n ppem·nnco nt Plainfield

last Saturd�y, IJnse l.:lll recei l'..rl it;; finish ther�. lot• the �cn�on . The game is el•identiJ· 11ot popular around Lllis seetion. thio·year.

.. - ... · ·· · · · ·======

The outl ine of the town report publitihcd in the STA:\JMtW to-day . wili be ·. of. in te1:cst to · e1•cry lax­jJ;ycr ;nd J:esidonl of Westfield.

There arc mnny in the ranks of the Socialists who arc. not .thorotigl t Sociali�u;, but lvho , bciic\•o tlmt' · H they want pm·t the best 'way to get it is lo con tend for nil. ·

'J'u the n·e � l field l11t�tli(!o � ....;!IH--..>.c� . � A111l it is bnt uatuml that r Hhonltl wnnt, � Reel , Lawn Sprin klers, Garbage Cans, Screens, fly Traps, � yon to he pleased also. 'l'ho rensou tlmt. I � Fruit .Jars, J elly GlasseR, ,.. t t l rL .pleased is 1'1•on1 tho t'nct tllutttJy cnl-ltOnl- H All milk solrl by 1\laple Hill Dniry iu

"1 e�tfield, N. J. is prollucml on the Darby Farm at �'au wood.

cr:; inform me thnt their pnrchmm:i 1'1'0m my stock or Souo Su,Ymt, Gow mul Pt .. l'n:D Telephone 62• W. WAKE nnrl J�:II'Bt.Jt\' Non:LTms hn1·e· in Broad Street.

Cigarette Popular In the East. Says a write!' In the Pekin aml

Tientsin TlmE=s: "'fhe cigarette hns caught the JIOt>ttlar fU\'01' In the enst aud far eust, being a smoke seem· !ugly IJeculiarly adaptable to Asiatics. 'fhe long·s\emmed plpo is gll·tng way evet'l' ll'herc to the cigarette. All classes of Chi nese take to It, 81'011 l'lckaslm coolim-i, Surne Uranl!s ur Lhe cigarette being so chea1• that the beg· gars in Peking are seen oflcn In· dulglng In a quiet smoke."

m·ery i nstance given entire sntisfnction

..... If You Are Not

A regnlnt• pat.l'on or my storo, won't. yon call aml malm u :;election fmm my hu·gc tllltl varlerl n."sortment of DtAlJOSIIS, 'VA'rctms, Utsos nml Str�v�:H '11AllJ.gWAII J�� No\'EI�TlES, }j1•c. I nm Hm'u yon will IJu plc•n"orl with yom· purchase-If not I slta11 lm on!)� to ghul to refnml ·)lurchuse Jll'ice

Men Carry Great Weights, � No dt'aft animal Is asked to carry ""' so great n l oad In proporllon to its R 8 RuN N E R own wetgltt nnrl atzc, as somo men �

, . - � saddle themselves with. Tnt•klsh R � pot·teJ'S in Constautlnople often carry H B r o a d S t r e e t w fl H "' •.•t e ld , N, ..J . •• more than thclt· own weight, and the .,. H Indians and l�sklmo who ·acted as �



I I•' YOU ut•e 11t1xiunH tu hocmuu � P


. S/,:l�llgr,rjtllc'l', /Joof:lutf'N o�·

Coi/11/UI'il"/ l c·�t,•/l,•f' nwl eaullnf; nt-l'ot'll to Hl llll!li ,,,.,.,. ot· f""" yeurs in

] ll't\}mmt.inn, n�gh1tt:r witlt li te E1i11t· hot h Colltltllll'cinl Colle�o for a thor-ough c�OII I':HJ ol' iu�l-�uctiou, wit.l1 tho pl\lHI>OCt. of n gootl IIO.<it.iou nt gt'lldttn· tluu. The mils wn t't�c,_�i\'o l'ttl' St.otiOJ.;I'II Jdttm; u w l Bookl\ceJ�OI'H ltt'U mot'l! ! hun we cnu :-;n pply. Sur.:coK:;;ful g-l'tllitmtns our be!-lt refurc!lce. �like IIO\\' O}IOll l'ot· regi.>.;l:t•nl,iruJ. \Vri tn fu1· uttl' flt1U JltJW Clttnloguc • Dny Hchoul ruupun:-� ScptmultUI' ·11 .11. Night. Schnol Se]ltemlmr Jnth

-:0:­H E RSH B U I LDING 207·209 B R O A D STREET, ELIZ A B ETH , N . J

TElEPHONE 348-J, ___ _ E. M c M I C I\ Lt, PRI NCt P•L· pack cat·rlm·s In Alaslca, when the i

WATCHMAKER ; golt1 tleld ntshes made the demand for AND H transpm·tatlon hnperattve, used to do G�Z.Z·Z.% HH-·�---...;-------:RHMMZn� llll•••••••••••••••••••••••••u••• the snme thing, at limes. . · j 'I · -

Page 5: DigiFind-It...'rHE UNION CJO.UNT'Y STANDARD Eras the largest circulation of any Woeldy Newspaper Published in Union County. VOL. XXIII. NO. 7 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. j., FRIDAY,

� Tim UNION COUNTY S'fANDARD, FIUDAY, AUG UST 24, 1906. 5 --- ·--------·-·--------------·---------- ------- ·--- · , _ _ . _ .. _ ... � ·-.. - - · ::::--·

111l1111ttll Rlt" "lrCl'l.1,

---- - - - ---M·--------v I�UY fJnHII'IIIJ(H rnrnl�lwtl fiiUIII In l''it't-1-lt·nt lot•llllon, I'!Uilnldl ' l'nt' t'IIIIJ!It•1ft:! ll�tul· t!ynnl,

W-- A"'"N-.�,-.,�-[1---A-u-lo·-l -l'•-n·-�-,·.-,.-, . ,-.:t.,.l -h-,,-,,-,.-,,.,-,-.l·, lfl'J Pl'll.�])L'C!l Htl'l'l't,

IIIII til" 1'1'1•),111'4 IW I N'I'WI I>,N'I' 'I'll M .\ N \' ,

Nolo•• �I• nut l't�;·l;;,; \:;;;, KlliiW.,IIllll• lll•ttltt�" Ito lluo '1'1111'11 'l'lol'llll�h ltu• ll' o•o•k -1\lt·, 111111 M t'K. w. ·'· ''"" ll l'l l ltl

Htll'l li i iUII· -t•:lntt• l' 11. Wn11d1'11tl' hu� J'11 l l lt'ltlNI

rt'lllu Mni 1w. -1\lr. 111111 M t'ri, A, H, Olnt•ll lii'U In

.o:.\lifl(t141 N" 1 ,,.I -1\l rri. M. fl. Moq•u hus t'll lut•nucl

l'rutu !lc�><tll tlt·twu. - Wult,t•l' M. l o•v l ttll ll lul 1'11mlly hnvu

1'11)11 \'IIIJI\ \'i'UIII M11\1111o · Uut·l ��·lnwu·l� I� l' islllnl! nt Win·

t hl'lljlll l l iHhlnii< IH, MIIKK, -Mull JoluH Ulu o·l• l" Hjlulullllg hiH I'IICII,

t hou i l l l i>U Unto!ldll MllltttlllhiH,

-III'JII] i i 111 MII,\'111'111 0IIIIilll 1 1 1r l.lin llll• 111111\ IIIWII I'II \ IIIfi• 11 1 1 \ IIII(II'H,

·-.1 1 11 1 1 1 M o•llllt'tulnll llllll· l l11 l tu•' l•'.diH, N . Y .

-MIHri l'lt'lo(htln li,.lll!tlttii iH I'i.ol l luH' \11 Nn\\'t'l lll!lllllltt l \ , 1'11,

-· M I'II, \ l, '\', l•'illllu lollH KIIIIII i l l l!1 1l'l • l11tull , N \', l'llt' tL 11111111 h .

-U, U , l l.•tu,l lm>�hi!HI I I t thu llructlun 11f 'l l'lllllo1utii!U 1111 'l't'UIIIIIIll. KI I'IIIJ\.,

-oluhtt oJ, IJIII!I!f IH un;Juylnl{ hiH \'II• L'lllhm thiH wuul1 with 11 IIHhiiiiJ 11111ly 111 lllli'IIOKUI., .

-Jilt·•· H l.ut'hun I I , IJt'nohH, 111' Now· llt'lc, IH l'liltlllg ut, tltu ltnmu nf ·1·'. ,\, 'J'n!lglll't.

-fl. II . W•n11h'11ll' will Hhot•t\y uu to tho hU.�fl\ 1111 fut• 1111 11\ IUI'III IIltt ll llllio 'IIJUUH• Klli'Y hy hiH CUIII.Jnuuol llf lu!llltJo,

-Mt'ri, Ulll'l'nll DownH, ul' Wwlidllgt llll, f), U. IH viHitlllll ltet• lllll'ulllH, �lt•, uml M I'H, J,, M. Whltulwt•, ul' IJ11Iun l'ln""·

-'1'\to trolley uxmll'Hiutt uf Uotlll\1 1!11, 1\', 0, \V, wfolc\ o \\'IIH til hui'U ]HJUII held tu·nlght hllH hcoii JlllHI.jiOilml luolutlnlluly.

-'fhu OIIH'III!UIIIUIIt 11f OhurhiH 1\, 11ot�lu!'1 t'orllllil'ly ol' LIIIH tnwu illl� IIUHII lllllliJI111Cet1,

-llum·y Wut'tiCiw, He 1·l ourt T.ol'll 111111 Al-thtn· flt•unum· uru "1'"'"\lng the . weelt ut. AHhury l'nrlr.

STRAIGHT "Lead and Oil"

PAIN1, The old lhnc1· is nlwnys

titlking of dw "old day:J wlum pui u t ·�v·w1 good."

'l'hosc w.::.n:J lh;� clayo of straight Whilll Lr.url and Linseed Oil , hcfore new· fanglml mixl:u rcs wet•u thought o(,

You crm hnve jm;t un good pniut to·dny if ym1 w�tnt it. Simply s1�e that you get

Atlantic Pure White Lead

HOUSE \V,\NTI\11-Tu rent from Oct , 1 , 7 or S rooms,

1110 !ern inlproi'CIIIcn ls. Smal l fam ilv, he�t reference. Address X. v.' z. , care SLn ndnrd.

-1\11', 'J'II\1'111' IIIII[ f11 1ul \y o\' lJ[JHI'IUH Hl o·eul , havn ro!II IIII'L•d to ,JorKII)' Ulty,

-l ltll'l':\' o\11\iiiHtrlll ll'i\1 illlll'11 I!Hlllll'• l'll\1' l'nt•u. mcutiolll lu lloU'JUWDII, Mo,

-Uomtp�ll \V, U. W. ltol1lH Its l'llllllhtt• 111111 1 t.hly '"'"'l lug utixl. M11tuluy uluht,

-l�lllot M1101l,l' 11'1'1. 1111 1\lutulii,Y tu HIH!Utl luo• •lnyH ul Wloltu l.rt1m, N. '{,

-!\I IsH 1•:1"1" SllllnlliH nf l,llllo PnliH, IH t.ho, �1]1·Ht or M o·H. u. ,I, y, llllllidliHIIII.

-l.imot. �:dholr H. Pmtrsull nltomlml htl'l(ut. prtuilcu ut Oo·ucol onmr lnHt 1\'Cill(,

-l\II', IL1111 �h·�< . • 1 . llyo'!ll; llixuu holl'o ,.,,t llrlll'li fl•utu t hulr wmlcl ing ll'i)l hi Oouuulu.

-•lrthm· f), 'l'utllu 1111ol Wlllium ,J. llugm·t. .J1•, ru·u HIKllllliug their VliCJit.iou

ut llm·"chmulH, N. \', and Atlantic Linseed Oil.

A'l' \VESTI; IEI.II: l;or sale, �1,nou duwn llti.\'S new len

rvom house, a l l intpru\'�ments, lot Ito X 1 j(l, Ap11ly to W 1lliam ll i\11· lJol l , 11i.1 North A1•cnuc, Plnin ficld, N. J.

T he Wesllicld Building a nd l.o;lll Association has moue}' to

lnnn 1111 Bond and Mortgage. I nt e rest 5 JlCI' cent.

For Sale. Home ci�ht rooms on lot 70x20U. Fi rst class condition, terms very easy.

HERBERT L. ABRAMS Stn.uclm·tl Bniltling--'l'el. t :m.JJ.

WANTED--A Farm. 3 to 5 Acres.

-A HllJl wn� lmn lu Mt•, unci �lr�. Wnlt"l' R, Dnrh,r, uf l�nullcl n\'UIIIlll, un Tl)liSflUj'.

. -G. IV, Jlt·cololl'lclt IIIL'i Jllll'ohnHool thu M11plu llill Uniry, nnol Will CUIIoluct thu l..nltd l l t !Hi'l tlliU'iJ,

-1\11', Lnt'l'llll ntul fnmily huvo �,�inn to Point llle::ltlllllf, J'or t:hu I'OHIILillllm· or tlw Hllllllllni;Sot!I\SOJl.

-Stlllll•ol ,Julmslon len J\lnn;luy lo HJk!tltl 1 11"<1 wco!IH . nt llul'pswoll, 1\lu,, wilh hiH fuou i ly.

-1\lrs. D. B. Ourr who hoL� hecu \'IHitlllg lllrs. 0, ,T, 'l'uylm· hus rutumccl to hm· homu ill Brmklyn.

- 1\fi·H. ··mllck /IIIII IIIIHH Tuy lnl' or llufl'uln KJKlllt p11rt ol' luHt. w'ul< with theh· hmthur, 0, ;r. 'l'uylor.

-MftoiK R P. .lttcqueli of Pro.l!fJCel Street, iH HJmucliug u vnctttiuu . with fl'imuls ut OyHim· B11y.

-'rho l'mnt of Suhnefl!l''H ell')' gooth Htm·o is being renm•uletl nllll Jnrgo Ill!\\' wh11lnws j111t iu.

-Sioncon II. Smith of North 1\\'0IIllll "l'cU'IIIIH''S DtlY" ut nut�Ul',, Oollogo last ·WL'Uk. ·

-'l'llu �!issos Blunt ol' l Lml�n N Y. -Mt·, <lllll 1h·s. ·A. 1�; l'•"trsnll loft. luwo lmou visitiliH 11t tho homo of A{r.;.

'l'twsclot)' to nt luucl tho l't'eHs Oluh Coli· Cluu·Jes �� Pnl'lwr. \'l!llliou ttt l>mJvor, Col. --11. L . . AlmmJH retul'IIS tn·tlny from

�MI' . . nncl. �Irs . . • T. D.· Bounett Jun. Point Lno!wnt., L. 1 . , whel'o lie bus been IHHL Slllll l'dlly fot• n Rlny nf hm clnyfl nt H)JL!JHliug sevtmt1 rlays. ::;tt·tm•bh�t�, l'n.

' · I -Wu!Lm· Smith is humu ft·om tlw -!\In;. lt o . . Tnuws, or l�nglu:-i Bl'irlgol Wt!:ih ,.h;iting his }lal'l\111:-i llll tho Jlun]t!·

N. Y,, i.,; vh;iting her mothtJl', Mt·s. l'lll'ol for 11 few •lnys. Mupe:-;, or p,.,,:-iped, St a·eut. - Cnllcctm· .A. Il. Cln•·k is Jwepal'i•tg

-.T. \V". llnll hoL' loeuu 11Jll10iutocl us to sell \'llJ'irms Jll'o)ourtltJs for lliiJiitill mumlJor t>f tho Dmw)crnUo pnrly on lho tux us mul a."!:-icHHllltmbs. t:jccuiJ(l \\r4.ll'l1 Blecliuu lmai·cl. -llr. uml i\IJ' . .;. l,,, J(, \ViutuJ', Mi..;."i

-1l l's. (ii'Ol')lll W. Shil!lc ls nl' Bruuldyu 'l'nylur tuul Miss Komwy ol' �uuth Broaol is tho J.\"1111'.<1; nf Mr. nne! Jlh·s. h �. Sto•oet. lmvu l'ulnl'llucl holllll l't·um Ash(u·y B.,ll�et·t�o:f l�mhrco Cnl:;cl)UtJ, Pm·h. :

-1\)'\"""'' M,.,;, 1 •.. �· U�lwl'ls" nf. 1�111· -Mi·•· 1�. IT. Oswalll nucl two <langh-ht'I!O · OreHcuut: l ut\'O : t·utul'ucd t'ro111 It tor:; titdl�ll-"relhi��illay l'c)r Ttaly;·on t lm l'orlnigllt. oln�· in tho Ontsl�ills. .<l emuel' Lncilin ol' thu Huyal Jtnliau

-Towu Trcu:im'er llamluu ltml l\h·s. l\lnil li1w. '

1 ln1·clon h.m·o.gnuu to Dulrtwnru 'VtltOI' -D. '11, 1 1fiuuu h•Ls ·r,�tnrltull 1'1'0111 tlll

Gt!]) for tL two wcclts \'nenl ion. eiHht; ... \\·Coi\S · lm:iilf�S;; t1:ii1, · thl'uc of -Gcm·gu ,., , Cltll'k :uul l'nmi\y nm\ "'hich ho Slllmt \1\ l'Jm·or�! tuHl tho.

�liss �·loren�c Howm'lh, lll'l) S}JOUdii lg 111Llnuco nll th�·ough c;u�IUht. t.heit· \'twation at Oeem1 Gro\'o.

· -Pluiu lillld a111l Snmmit hn\'C cmu-

-1\lh<s [\I'll K. BI'OOI(S of Ituhwny, plniuucl to the Oo11 11ty 'l'ux Bmll'll thut whu hns \Jceu visitiug llll'll. G. \V. the llHSU>HIIIcnt ru lnntions iu WcsUield

1 iVI j)t; From It R . Station. Fluke1' hoLS gono tu Asllm·y Pnl'k. mul oth111' loonlitiuH nr� too low. -M o·,;, 111. Sincluir noul rlanghtcl' loft -DI'. W. U. '11nhlJ:; l'llll itito n !elo­

gl'llph polo whilo ohi\·ing his nnlo in Gnl'wood "7cdnosdny. 'fhc !lllll!hiuo

WllH Hligh!ly tlounngecl, lnit Dr. 'fnbhs wns 11ot in.inrecl.

WM. S. WELCH & SON, 2nn Bt·o•ul :11. -Tel. l l t -;r

fine Bui iOin� lois For C�sh

o r o n I nstal l m ents.

Coger & Dilts. REAL ESTAlE AND I NSURANCE ltn:-t 1\ hmmtt t'or :vunr hn\\�t!, llu:! ll Jill1'i'll11.'ll'l' i'ol' y••m· htlllt\1!, }IIIli lUIIIIf!r t.IJ (u:tH-IJIIJII(UIHI III•JI'tl(llg'O, H11.'f n. flll'l)l:thul flli!I."''J: fnl' J't•JII. iu W •·slllt�ltl, Hww3111J IIlllh.'l'l who will iu�n•·•· yni11' J II't1JICI'I.y, Hu:� u l'ttl'ni�lwcl eutiUJ.:'ll at, IJnlw llnpatcung

!lOll HAl,!� I

'fuesduy fur Belmal' whore they will sptmcl the l't.mmimlcr ot' tho monlh .

-1\lk< Louise 'snycler, of Pounsyl· nmhL, is I ho guest nt tho homo of

Count)' l�on<l lnsjleetor, ,T. W. �'iuk. -H. L. Hnbor of Fir•t st.o·�ct hns

hrnken b'Tuuoul for his now honso ou Lenox 11\'CI\110. Eel. 'Vintor hns tho con­trnet.

-.T. �r. 0. M�tr•h hcoulcol " olclegu tiou of \)ciiiO<JI'IIl.s .lmm Wostllo1cl to tho Dc1uoe;•ntlo outing ul; Collcgu POiu � on Wechius•licy.


-1\liss llultio IInlu lms retU I'netl l'o·om LJI<o llo}lntcung whore she· hns hemt Yisitiug '-Yith l\Ir:;. Nimmons who has u collngu I buro.

-1\lr. oL uol Mr�. 0. �t. Smith ouorl lll.iss Smith will'll to·lluJro'OII' from 'l'im Poud1 Me. whuro they hm'o lJcun spoiul­ioog J;loo snmnocr.

-Nothiug hh� lmcn hem·ll . from tho

llov. I I. I I . Unm·nsey, Jmstm· of the OuugTCglLtiounl Ohtuuh, si 1 1co lw left fur J�nrupo ourly i ll ;rul);, ·

-Tho ST.\XIMIW acknowlmlgus ni l iu­teJ·estiJig copy of t.l1u De\'oll a Jill Bxotor Duily GnzuJ.J o rccoi\•rnl l'rom ouo· at' it� l't'imul:; tr:a\'uling in l�nglnml •

-A short · hot mooting of Fireside Conucil wns held ht;t cycniug. '11hcro woo·e I'CrJ' few out, nllollgh to till tho o\llcoo•'s chuirs un•l throe to cm·o·y. "\11 oul;jolli'IICd to Dughi 's - foo· crenm uml cigm·s on t_,he Ol'ntn�·· ·

.. : . .r11he lHJl'nt'Y h'nHtues oxpect thn nnw lilmuy hn ildiug lo lm renfly fur occn· 1mnuy uho11t Novmuber th·�t. It is pos· silole thnt n !li'Ogmm ol' ceo·cmo11ies will he ru·•·•mgc<l !1JIIll'Oill'iato to the opening of t:ho 1ibrm·y'a pOl'UHUHmt homu.

-'11h0 yonug son or Connci1mnn RllS· oell WllH st.l'ltuk hy om omtomohilc whil11 ri•li 1 1g l1is hinyelo Y!!�t,ertlny nf'h!I'OOOil nt. J�lm stn ... �t nwl Nor/:11 armmn. 'Pho boy wns thrown lo the J.!:l'on oul, hnt wns not Hti'l'iou�ly iujm't;rl. · A l.y�tnuclm• ga\·o' t:ho lllliUhUI' of tho nntn ll� :�O,lllili.

Our hooklet tcll!i eonsi...lcrAhlc nbnut point nnd p:ointin� which the house• owner �hnuiJ know. l;rec. r

NATIONAl, I.UI) COMPANY t!' 100 Wllll•w Street, New York For aolc by oil ftr<l clos• de•lcro,

Jeii..O ·lee Crea Powder.

t Patkages DUike nearly a Gallon. Costs U Cents

Stir the ooalenta of one pnckuga into n. <Junrt of milk and froczo. Noeookingor hou.tiug, no eggs, eu. gnr or fta\'oriug to iulJ. Evol'ytloing but tho ice in pnckBgl". Lloo��=.:.t IICIPE 1001 nu,

A t'!avore. I 1mckage11 enou1h tor a gAiloo, 25 ��;P���!�!'fbycJ��;�J··�!J'g'����:����!l� it.

11te Gunte t1re ,.,.. l:o., l.e 1•1• N. V.


Ofilce, Shops and �esldcnce, corner Souoh and Weslilcld Avenue•,

Westfield, N .1. rl\�leuhoue connection.


Pai nters AND

Decorators. 205 Urood Slrccl, T<l. l l l •.l,

\Vc�tliclt1, N. ,J.

I I IISIN I•:ss I0U I N 'I'Ims.

'Yn�;N looldug fm· lhu heHt groceries ut tho lowelit. priee� go to J\[e!\flthou 'tL '11hat 1t; the plncu.

Buy youl' g-rocerieH at rpl'lllU}lOl'C!1H utul you will 1m sure uf gctl ing the )Jest.. He hus nothiug in his store .hut flrst-doL�S goml:�.

'l'tm �lnplu Hill Dairy 1\nus IHl� · \my uny milk OJ' cream from ai•r milk ex· eluuoge. Tt. is Jli'O!lneool on the rurm ol' 1\,h·� :0· J.,, Dm·l>y, lfnli\\', N • • T. �� 'L'nr; mh•ertiserl �}lncinl pricus ut 1\lm:­dcl's �{ur]Wt lll'O or intot;Ciit to OYOI'Y economicul honsc lwepol' nne! shonhl he rCud. Suo th\s wCek�� S}\luudill Bhowing oio' p<igo s;



���·��;��;� -· tl _ _ _ _ �

I Announcement!

F' R E E

No Purchase Required AUlCI IN OIJit N I�W HIIUW WINDUWS WI� WILT, Dl i:lJ'J.,\ \' A DI•:SI II,\IlLN UNI' 01' S. & tL Ultlml'i 'J'H,IDING i:l'l'AMI' l'lli�J\Il UJ\1�.

Cull nil l l 'c•dl/l'.<tlay r111d rtrt•ivc Ten .':)/,uu />s l'iw.

F. H. S c h a efe r & C o. BROAD ST , INESTF't E L D , N . J .

Goods, Notions, Waists, Skirts,


AUGUST SPECIALS! Ladies' Ribbed Vests

J,Aou,s• m umm YESTS- · I Do J,ADmso H t nmm YEs'l's- 1 2.!. a lfic \•ulue, uow uuch . • . . . • • . , , , 1\lc ynlm•:;, nuw t.'ttch . � . . . . . . . • Children's Fine Ribbed Vests-:.� �1unllty, ,!u\\' 1·1Lt'h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ladies' Lawn Handkerchids-U l"ul', , , , , . , , , , , . , , , , , , , , , . .. .. . . . , , , , , , , , ,. , , .

. . SALE Child,ren's Muslin Drawers ·oN' Musltn Underwear , , , •

BROAD AND PROSPECT STREETS. Unquestionably the Cheapest Place in Westfield

to Purchase Dry Goods.

Shirt Waists and Lawns AT COST.

IH tOA U !oi!'l' I C li: 1.:'1',

.J A M E S CALDWELL PARK, C 1J1 1 L E.7V u1.7V .ftJ Jj} R and C 0 .'N TR :1.1 C T 0 R.

ff' O.RR' DESIG.flr.lUJ and E.XE'CUTED. Concrete Worlt , Railroad� . Sewl:'rs, Macadam Roads and

Pavements, Sidewalks, Curbi ng, Etc. Eq uitable Bui l d i ng. 1 2 0 Broad way, Telephone 2,10 Cortlandt, New York.

Residence, Crnnford, N J .ron luwo !ollllllt•lhhll,t' lo tliHJIUSB lll', llr Wlllll

llU}'thlu� iu the Jll'optl't.Y llw•, lllllllt tlii� O\'eJ', -'.J'ho lll'ooklylt Eng Jo will shortly pnhli:;h n �iCI'ics of articles, ono ot' w l1iuh Will ctlulain l'Ol'ol'llnues to J'ormoo• !kook· lyu peoJJie now. th·iug in \Vestfllllcl.

-MI'H. Oscar 1\lii.thmtcr olllll ilnnghter ot' Los:. Aubroles.., Ual., t\(I':L lJillitut Vntl·

dor!Juok, of' SJxJlmnu Full�, 'Vashiuglon; null Mrs. �·rank . Huusel 111111 son, who luwo 1Jce11 \'hdting nt tho honm of i\lrt!. l�!lwnrrl 1�. Bnlmr, '\Vn1nnt Street,: ro· t.nrued to l hei o• homes thi< weuli. Urs. Huusel is lL •lnughtor of . 1v: lt; Jli·acl· Hhnw, tho nnthm·.

�: Pt:Ot'r�E who hayo just rctnruorl from �-----------------------------, t.heil' sunuucr vncntion, as well us thosu \,�ho huYo uot lloon nway, will doulJ�)ess ho glnol to lonrn thut .John .J. Schmi l t Jws ' ( 'm1 np-to-�Jnto t1u1icntm;scu stm·c, ,,,'hero thCy _can got cookucl ruul J'mt:-lt iueiits, 'soft shell crn!Js und all tho deli· euoit)tdn: tho cnUi1g Jiuo. Dan1t :�woltt.n· OVCr II hot otOI'C WhOll yon Cllll ),"Jt your food witli no troublll, us well prcJun·ed,

JOH N- F. DORY ALL 1�:1 T�lht•l'h ::U l't!t4 1 Nt�W YoJ'Ic,

m· Wt!:-;llh•ltl, N. ,J. 111d.: r.�al Cnrtluntlt, N. Y,; IUtHC, W"l'lit�lulcl -1.1• ���'11/lk "rornlsitlo, who rflcoutly

vm·chu�url ll honHO on Jic.ll'l'itiOII A\'011110,

ha� oll'm;€11 h is · lii'OJIOI'.ty for snlo, anll

Cabnn Coffee, will prohaloly o'IJUinvo t o l'onnsyh•nniu. To He)'l'e coffee In Cnhnn fnsh lon put -JIII', ILllll ll[rcl. '1'. n: Bunco lort, yos-

tlll'ee ]JinlH or �weal t•lch mill< Into tul'llu.y, J'or u strty nt Oyslor Bny until the hl'lght est. of new cniTee pols und let ctt'loo• JAOboo· Dny. 'l'hey will witoioss II. come to a bull. Put. lu " lcncnp[ul tho grcnc ll!l\'111 I'UViOII' to tnlw plucu or gronncl cniTe.c tmrl boll fii'C minutes. , ,

:..:'l'hc ll);llOlll or 1111': W· '1'. llootc to tho Ommuil on hohnlf of. South A\'om�o rusiclont� to S!l\'O thu tt·ucs iu thu uolgh· bn·htlml Wll..; \'ac�i,·ml.too h\to _ for 1mhli·. untioa l.Jet'oro nux� weelt1s is�ne .. � � . ,

·�:.-----..:-...:.- ·

if not IJOttor, thnn nt homo.

FA IRVIEW CEMETERY 1/EAU'TIFU/.l Y LOCATED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , OPFEIIS I.O'TS FOR SAI.Ii ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOS'T RIJASONAflLE TERMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

WE:STF/E:LD, N . J, -:o:-



N o. -18 C: L M S T R E E T, Slmlu llllll set•ve. thoro. ' ·

The Unfttucss of Things. · -Mnl' ]Jowoy 111nl fnmily o! Pnrk

Htl'cet loit lcc•t [?ricllty I'm• 1\[nrlbomngh, M:1ss. , fot· tho t·omninclot• of tho snmmor. �l.iss �t:r"\\'O)' .�vlm· lu�s · hnon ·�1mntli�\g tln·co \vceli� thoro will rctum honithi·ith

. Wealth In Old Consfantlnople• 1'he wealth of Constnnl.lnoplc baroru

Lho ymu• 1000 , waS s'uch ns to IUO\'O Dooo·go �'luley, : Its Jolstul'lau, to "Y llmt · "\he l'o·os lltts!llos hat! riches to o·lvnl the wenllh or Oruesus, nntl ui·mcd • honseholcl ·or 3,000 slnves to plnce · lhe hl i JJCI'iul crown U}JOII Nlcephm·us

II• yon wnnt to mol'o · in first clns� ·HliciJm cnll Willoughby. 'l'olophcno con· :u.e�timi. ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;�;;;;;;;;;;;� · · Now is tho timu for !l nicu stnge l'ide. • -----

"Eveo•ythlng ).ou huy Is ndullcl'n lecl nown1\nys, . . gl·um\1101\ ol1l Pcss\m, "ex· ce11t Lha .st.uii 1.11ey put In "nunor Cl'nclteo·s n nd � othm· lureo'nnl mnchlncs 'J'Jtat gets stt;_orlf!cr· CveJ•y.'fe_nr."


ll... . ' .. . ' � ' Cull up Willoughby. Dude In Tow<�. MANUllB ror !tower !JC!\s 1\ll!l lllWUS for Wonder whnl Geoo•ge Mnrson Is !lO· "nlo hy H. "Willoughby • . Tclophouo eon· . lng bore rlcllug 111\llobncl<, says tho Racet1�rs� IS · Fa�t,�st 'Creature. nU�tio.n • . - .: .. '· ·

· Sequatehlo ('hm n.) · News. He pusscd

· : There nre gooii"nutlwrltles on �����- by 1 s I Jt1 1 1 -'rho. :nowspnpcr mcoi n1ong t;ho Con' mnls· who' clnlm t.l111t' the o·nceho!'sri Is . . . · • � · l!lr 'Z:� n::;;' �:��� �o;h• :��:�d�o�; c��; • . 't . ,. trul Hullo·oml will gh•o " clinnor cuul tos- tlie fastest. creatu·o·o·· th.nt moves · on· Whooi fij,,)Jio<l and �ovore[l ;i;ith'

. h , hot !loclwtB 1111 Lol h is elbows, with his feet -,.rnuy JlOl'tiOUs 111 tim; cum mum •l 111 ' • • 1 t t ' · (,'ellol'ltl Passen"Cl' rom· : legs· OJ' . two · .'J1I10y ndduco :cvi·. c. ·lo.t .. h · .. Pincsn. l_v.o a_ots . I, ike n ·.I•o. nltico. . lyi n:r betwetln . ·,the . totulo'", ears.. He sull'el'il ' f · k illnoy emuplniut who tnuonu1 o l'O ll'lll!l o . • · · · . . . � ,

11. . 1�1111 ' . . · . . , ; " \•i• t O �[ B 1•1 of the .Jm·sey Omitl'!ll; tl ouce lendlug to , sholf·.Uoat .c lhe . . . best, Bcst·,_for hnrns, · .. hr_nises,. : hotls, .c'l'�cliorl had h!s .shoes shined, uml he tlldn't coultl uvoul lntul t'flSUlts hynsutg l!oloy s .' ocn • ' ' 11 · ' P · • I. tltm·ou•h brecls can lJent nny· deeo' or · , Rlclnor . ;cno·c.-Soltl by . ]i'l'lltchoy & on J,{ooula.y, ·Angnst 28, lit . nxmostt

:"�'' t nnlelo1;e, nny woii, hiu·e, fox, dOJi: 01, ll!l

. ticls,.eczcum;sldn tli!ffi

.nsns;·,ylc_. 1 wn


nt tl:em rolled.� -His . mule wan so · Hatbrtwuy; Drngi(ists. . . : •• · " uanr ])nswn. · . ..... . · · · · ,.,,;,'iil iJg· bli'u:'· · . ,

.. . - . " . . . ·· - . . ... Soltl by ,Jnmesy. Ons�y; .Dt;ug

1!,oist. ' · . small that hls feet Wuuld drug.

, Both Siilllll of It. Uer-'t'horc Is nothing more dis· gusllu;;' !han n boy IVho acts girlish. Him-With the possible excepllon of n g>rl who acts bolstcrous,-UbJ­cngo Dally News.

Her Privilege. "It Is a woman's privilege tO-" "To change he!' mlucl?" "No; lo wcao· shll't wnfslu thnt lmt.

ton down the lonclr."-Hon>ton p0,t,

Page 6: DigiFind-It...'rHE UNION CJO.UNT'Y STANDARD Eras the largest circulation of any Woeldy Newspaper Published in Union County. VOL. XXIII. NO. 7 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. j., FRIDAY,




A thorongl•lr o:o;:perienr<>•l sin IT or lnty<'I'S in til iS <lcpnrtmcnt wilf mnke �eh•cUon� for you, mi•l s:tUsfactinu is �n:u·an1 '�"'I m· nHlllllY will he tefumle•l. We prepay mail Ol' ex[H't!SS ••hm·g· ·s to auy pari. or tho :;la1� on all pai<l purclmses, and on C. · 0. D . 's frll' n1uuuuls aggregating E;li.(l() or more.

• �'ry <Jm• 8yslcm, 111111 �·on wil1 110t only Sri\'<' money, lmt hn\'e tl1c nihl i l innal :Hh·nntago of nssmt.m••nls not e<pmletl in New:u·k, ot• sil l'• pnsst·•l aHywhr•rc i n tho lan •l . t'amples �en!. post paid La auy mhli'CS8 Ul_lOil tho recei t•L of postal emil. ---==c=-.. -._---=-� -:::::::= -:__· -;-::-� ·--::-_:-::------::- .. - - -


------ ---

li R. F. H-�h�.;�tein Deals i n Fluur, Feed , Gra in , Hay and Stt·a11·, S h :l l'i ngs and Peat 1\ loss, Harness, Blan kets and General H or�e Equipments and a ful l l ine of all Poul try Supplies.

Pros pect Street, W e s t fi e l d Telephone c o n nection.

� **** * * *** **-�*************

� T UTT LE. BROS. � � *

�Coal & Lumber. $ * -�--::---::::::::==::-:::: * 3f. Yar ds-\Vestfield fl l'en ue LONC O I STAMCE * * • TELEPHONf. * ?� Spring and Broad Sts . , Westfield. * ********* * ** *I ********* * * **

A Kind Sl10pl1era·s Advice, A\'oid e.\'t l'f•JHej,j in al l t b u dfonlings

with shce)J, Kce]J them gentle; ne\'er ;,.;:tJ nmon� them without t�nmelhing for the111, i f it !Je nothing- mc.o�·c thnn 1\ind atten tlnnR. I\ever allow other· slock to t I'I!SpasH on thom. Know ·where they are at nU llrnes. 01\'e them l ibel'lY.

An I ndex to H ealth of Sheep. 1t ls an int (!r�sttng fnct that tho

nuenes" or the fiber throughout Its entire length forms n fal r·Jy good roc. C!'fl of the wndltiou of tile attimul pt·oduclug :t :it the sevr:.l'al stages of grow l h ; any defection Is shown 111 tll!llit<f•b�u <llamcte•· of fiber.

Of Absorbing Interest. "Aside from the p:·i nci )1le lnYnlvecl

and In :ul<lllion lherr•ln," remal'ltorl th o great lln:mci•!l', "th(! banking ll11siness ia one of <th:iorhlug ln tnrest."

Liingllage and Constitution. A change of \angnug:e lm•ariabl�· be·

l olwn� a c::!Junge in the socia l constl� tullon of n cnnnll')'.-�lme. de Stnel.

Best Legacy to Leave. A mnn cannot ln:l'·:e n IJeltet· legnc)�

to the wol'ld than a well·erl ncnted fum· l )y.-Thomus Scott.

U n i nhabited lslonds. in lhe J nd lun nceun onty :170 out of

J c;,aoo Islands are Inhabiter! . Lawful Poisoning, I•'Oii!)' 's Ji:itlllf!\' t:n1·e ..

Bnrrlsle•· (vlslllng accused In jnll)- Will onre Bl·ig�t's Di•euse: "I cnn <Ji l ite UIHICI'stnnd I hat l'ou wunl· ed to polson ymll' mothcr-in-lmv. bu t 'Vil1 cure D\nl.Jetcs. in that case ll'h y on ea1·th didn't you Will cure Stone in Blur\rlcr . . set u p as a dah·ym1m or wine mer- Will cnrc Kiduey mit\ Bladllcr Dis-chant? Y0u umldn't hn\'e Lcen mu�hl. cnses.-Sold by Frutchey '& HitU1nwny, tben."-Bou l'ivout. Druggists.

A C I1JI'111iiiQ Sweet Pen t.u llchoon­PI"'' " " � n rroe on tho C h l l d'a

Olnllday-Ciovol' Gucu• lno Con\eat.

A s--ect l'on LuucheOII,

Bronk• no Hoorta, Eacuaoa no Crimea,

n.·. �����·t•t t<•·;;,;:,i;·. 1·',1 ,;nu t'J'J·: u mr •. f,l)\' 1� ttr rt l l t l l"l-(llltu•rl fllli'lll�' !If i lu • lllllllllll 1'1\t't' 1 w\il'\''1 \I . 1'111\hnl, htllp1 it tltK•H Hilt. )1111'111, i t. 1� t'l l l l l (ililll't l nf \'I 'Hntnl rlt� I IIHfU• !liPIIIH IIIHI cl r 11 ·:� 11111. IHml·, ot' lltiiHIIliJ thu fduo•l hul !'On),. nllll / rlll'lllt•M I I . In ull f'!\Hfl"' uf 1\lllnr·r ll'LHihlr•�, , l\'1·1' t•ontplLd!IIM, (Jun. ;I I J>IIIImi of tl111 lluwo•l;, 111111 lhu ,J,.Jieutu ch •I'IIIIJ.fl!lllfllll � wh l c•h ulllh•l. \l'nlnnu, I hu hi!• l.lun ur ll•·· 1\o•nu .. •h·'• 1·'.1 \'lllll'l'l·: I I I�M­t·: l l\' l 'i h•'\'UIIII p'mtr�n, 1)1hn11Hi11Hh1 nf �l'lll<'llll jll ·"i•lo l'olunlurll\' fP,i lf)' 1o. lld•1 in llilh•l'l'l I • • lh·. Hr•Ht!Prh· j uwl wlllt u Will'llll l l llllt) ri i i i iiPt-1.'4 01' \\'cli't M w lt l t•h lllurn )Jll,.hJt•:ooH l'l'l'lil}mll't1 111'\"I'T }IU�bl'�!'l, Jt 111111\to� 111J I]I'UUJill l'll�-t'XP1l,.11H 110 Prll11!1fol­\l\'f'LI\;� \Ill h111Hil'\, W" t�ha\l�H�I1 1\ h'il\\ 11\Ul urnt�rlllfillcul u f f fu• l'r•tmll. ONf� llOLJ,.\Jt u l lotllr•, All ,Jruggil'lhl, n . . nr l n mlnrl tho """'" "'"1 uoldt<"-' 1 l lr. /!•tl.'io/ 1\ 1-:NN"IJY, Jfrultlnnl, Nnw Yrrl-k. Wrllo ror frl'tl tiUIJI .. Jllt• lllll t Jo uncl ltwtllr),\1 1 ,,m)drt. Jnl\ l1f \'nlu .. ultlu uu•• lkttl n•h'h!u, �loutluu tl1l" ILUJIL'I',


.\ N UJ

BUILDER. 11rCINIIt'('l 811'�t'l1

I \\'�Hifleld, New Jer!HI!).

Est imate� Cheerfully Fu 1·-n ishcd. ·

Lh\' l'\ ' \Wilt; \ll'l' \\UW Ill hluh· \ll'\11\\!, / Hi tl t ] p • l l' fl'l1�.1'11111 blu:t.�OIU lt11H1H it ,,.fl. 11111 : . 1 hPu U I Hu l l )' lu tho •lti l ll n i l i ll !-! 1 ' 1'.� u f' n ho� I L'�:-; w h o l t l\'L't-1 t o t ul.t· t t\l' ll�h', t ' l \\ \lmt U t'l) Ht'U��tl1Uthll1 Ut\ll [,,(apl th r �m In IH'I' l't.'I (Hi l'l!llll�I I IH, U \'IH' u \\ h t 1 t' dt1l h llpl't'llll n l'n\'t!l' ul' wi ll ! . . 1 1 < ' 1 :111•1 l h• •n Bfll'inld<• 11 1 1 l l l l• o l t • l i· t Uh' f'tl}t :l'� t l f 1-1\\'t'l'l (U•!IH 0\'1-11' t 1J I:4 Ft•l' t ht• t'PI I ! t•!'l dt•c•to l 1a n! n Hlldt•d L:t�dd• t 1 11' :1 l 1 1il' 1�htHS l1uwl llll l�tl wll ll t i l t ' 11 1 1\'1 1 ' 1 �'· 'J'ht• llilll ll' Oil U l'UI'd \ L t lu• l l a H d l l ' :-'PI'\"t'H I l iP tlunl1ln IHII']HHil ' 1 f ;; pl;u t• f a l'tl 1111d ti0\1\' t'll i l', If 1.ll t · L •' l ' l n t W hl Ul't ' IJ I'I'I':i�:ll'y, 1Hll ll !Jim: : t l l ll ur l \\ t l Ill t'!ll' h. 'l' l l t • i l'll t�l·e:ll\,

r> 1 1 1lld ' '" frozl'll In t ll lWt�r mult\:-� nu�· . ., , • t '\ ,.t) itt J ,a�J.;pl ,..: nf spnu t;liJ.!Ut'; 1 1 ! •-•:0: P : 1r� > Il l ·"''' 1 1 1 urt ] t'l' h y u run fL•et luucr Til ' a O.:J II·ar of RWt•L"I JWIH t t o lhP hU'l·

d l t • and ! h. • t�IT•·I I l:i (U\·dy. P ln l t• ·· llJa\' lu• uH I I I nt •d w l l h tho lltl\\ 1'1 �

t :d,� ·n (rom t ht• Hl • •m : a rouu tl tahlt � \ J i l h :; 1 1f t hi:-1 t h.11'0I :Il lllll IO lhP J u•� H I \ H I I I :t : • t • , 1 !t�t· If n i l l tl l l i�P j.:c •I 'J ll'l'� l"lii!Jizp tiJut ol I'UIIIH\ lllh)c h \dl h i n t i l� I"L•IIf'l' Clf nil '! If 11111 nl 1'1':\ t ly t i ll' )lt)���):�OI' nf lliiC, A·(•l I IH

l t :t n l r man 111' nil '\OI'!\ fJI' thn en• · ] ! . ' 1 1 \ t�l' ''lll'lllilltl tlll-' I�Ofi\IH'" \ n mn\H a top 01' l wo In snit n.ll orr:u;lun:, Tlw::l\! muy Lu) ldll�lltl lugethP.I' In llH ml i l t lh� to I.e 1\llli'H e�IKII)' HI OI'l'(l WhC11

Ihit ln uso. . . . - - - · 1 -----

lf.\l!ll) '. ! t ,Jfeltcl�l u-. ' ·ri'I!P Pl'i n c ·c • of lwliu q in J\�nw &. g l·ln llgt 'l''s IIIUKsh•u

J ll't lr i lll'tinn of t hnt ! i l lt•, w l l i1•h wil l n•t•l 'i \'cl i t s Nt•w Yorli: J ll't •ll l i� >rt• 111 ! htJ Bnllul­A Blrthdny 'lnstom. A pret l)' \Jii'I IHia� CIISIIIIll In ph·

�01'\'t.:od by a family rojolt!lng in lhf (1USt)eSSiUil Of tiJ X }WUIItlfU) C h llih"CU On tho llrst nntnl dnr of each clllhl

· n treo Is )Jlnntetl, awl each Hucccocl­tnp; yn:tr the same custom lll'e\•a.ll�; \\'hen the tenth (JirtiHll\)' Is roncholl n real feslfl'al !s hel<l, nml the trer­]llau t ln� I:; mnde t110 ftmturo at' th·� o��ru�h.m. There i� a proccss,on nrnnnd the Jawn, nu tl the "hlt·thtlur" chil<l I� pennllled to chouse the v:ll'l· ct\' of t 1·ee to he Jllnnled, ntHI, if pns· s1b1e, \t is o\Jtuhu!\1. Oftenllmes ther�

IH n "tree gltuHslng• r contest uf !iOIIW

ldutl , ur the refre•hmenlfl will nil bP

from "l l'ce" m·oducts. I I. l• nee 111ess tn say Un\t these chtldren are devoted

to theil' own special trees, nml wntcl• theh· gl'owth wi th sct'HJm lnns cam. It i s certnl nly n cut.IOJll worthy of eutl i · latlon, atH\ 11ot eXIlet�sive, so ll Is with i n the l'each of almo�t creryone.

A Guessing C�nte.t. At lhe hea<l nf sli llS of liRPer or

progT�mmes wl'ill!: .. Men's W l\'c.;," nnll explain lhe way It Is to he worked out by tnl\ing the first nntlifl ns an examJJle. \\'11nl should be the cnme of n chem iRl's wife?

"Aml Ellzn"--lA.nuly?.er). A cl\'11 engineer'• 7-llri•l�el. A gamhlcr's?-Dettlu. A humorlst's?-Snil)'. A clergyman's ?-Marie. A sboema\ter's�-Peggy.

A sexton's?-Belle. A potter's ?-CnJTje. A dnnctn� mn sl er?-G rnce. A milllner's?-Hatt!e. A gnrflener's'!-Flora.

A jutlgo's1-.lusllne.

A pugilist's?-�lumle. A llfanlst's?-Octal'ia.

A l l fe·sare•·'s?-Cnr-O·ilne. A n n)lholstercr's?-Sophlc. A Uoctor's:-Pallence.

A I.mss �lnger's'!-Aurora.

A fi'llei'IJlan's ?-1\'ettle. A gaS mar1's',1 -l\fela. A marl;;smnn's•!-A m Y. A Pl'lze mar lle u wardell

wnr 'l'ht·Hi l't'l Ht•pl t•JHhl·r '! li lt ,

Songs ond Se n t iment. J WHY HIS WIFE ACTED ll is a sln"Hial· fad l iwl Ia l''""l•m·· LlKE AN ANGEL,

lion to l11o wealth nf llll'lo•l.l' ul a 1111· - • t l( ,n so dut>H ttH (•mnt lonnl sld1• (1'-'\'L•I A Jmcho1or wn� I'(ICentl y lrnvcllng OJ). ltemarlmlllu !nstunr·es of II I IH are In n l rum cnr wllh a newly·mluTicd tcJ be fomHI in t hu LJ ul tPd Kln�tlum. coutJio of . h ls ncqunln lauco. It WU!:I u I l l ScuUntlll, ll'elnllll unll \\'ulc >H- l'nlny moming.

r.ouutrles rlrh In u:1lloual srm.�H�-tlw Tho yuunl-l' wife hntl her umlJrclln

Plllntlonnl nat un:! Is tltrong; I n l•:ug-· well ou t of tho wny ol'. those who lnnd, whrl'£� l l w tHt:!lmlies. 1 r swl�e(, ut JlHf-IHet l tlown the cnr, but nn awltWaJ'll t\U)" rnte are not so 1o1whlng allll ap· huy on his way tu the door1 nHumgOtl pealing, �uullment Is HllghL to full O\'et· I t , nnd fn·enlt I I .

Cl imate and Stature. Some or tl\e �·.lron�f�}ll uml mo�t fiC·

t i n• J"nces tlf 111�11 l i n• 1 1 1 IIIP enlr lfl.-il lnhab lt�d t't.lgi:ms. .\ lusl\1111 l nrl iam· un� often flnP f,�lluws In ph rHiqu". Ou lhP othet• lmml. llwre nrc� splelH\Il\ savages in 7.uhthnH1 HUll nthur l rol • icol i rr!glon�. :\lountalnt�c�rs null llsht�l'llH!Il nr lhfJ tint 1 e3t. cousts u l'e not not l('r_• ulll)' nnetlll!ll lu ilotl i l)' tlorclntlment nnd prowess.

11Settling U p." r.lany words of most august sound

Jli'O\'C lo be of 1111ite commonplnee an· cesll')' when t1·ar.ert to thoh· m·lgins. "Finance" Is l'e�lly .mil)' settl i ng up. LlleJ•nl\y, I t Is just "ending," auHI W:t£ form el'ly used In lhnt vel')' sllllfole sense In the Engl ish hwguuge. 'l'heu If. CO Ill� lo sign i f)' 'ettllng Ufl WII h a crcdl i UI', 111111 ucqulretl the specia l sense of rauaom.

. Dlllicult lo Ahsoo·b. I'J'!llll Omuhn comes t h e slol')' of a

cow �1\'UIIowlng n $100 diamond; In Ci ncinnati they fonnrl lhat a cu l llsh had swallowed a gold lm•eelel, anrl now n Plttsbmg bnlldog hns swat· loweo $1�.7J In mone)'. The>e stories a1·u gel t ln� J•arrl to swallow.

Reform in Tennessee, 'V.:J have \..lecn elected l'l:'con1er of

l.hlij here town, uml ns soon us we Rh' 2Uber 1\'(l nh· �olng Ia lntcrol nco lhO lllll'li<le�t Cl"ll or l"llfOI'In C\'CI' seen ln till� cmwtry. \\'" '"'" �uhu; to suppress all tlw 1.1 1 1 11<1 llge1·s lllul conftslmlo nl lhefl· booze. - l l ill'do-

"Oh, I 'm HOI'I'Y ! " Kl n m mei'Cil the un .. fortunate, w i l h n scarlet fncc.

··�ltwel' mhHl. I'm !<1.\H'e it wnsn't your Inuit," l h o lady smi led llf' 11 1 him without a tr·ace uf nngm· or eYen lnllnllun on hct• fnce.

"\\'ell, 1 must say Y<llll' wife is an n11 �t.�l ! " exclalmro:l the lmchclot·, w armly . "Aiost women would hal"o wit he1·ed t.hnl cltnnsy I'C!IIow with n foul<, If they hadn't scorched him with words.''

"She lfl an angel," said the tuiUTietl man. as he plclwtl up the (licces of" lh e mnhrelln and smiled qul;mically nt h i s w i f1�, "IJUt-she'H wnn lf.Hl a 11ew u m brellu for n month, nnd now she

l;uows I ' l l hal"e l u get I I for her."

Tier Wo1·cl of Uonor. "Don't. �·ou lo\·o me�" " \'es, •leal', but I'm ah·eady en.

i;l\J.;'{jt).' I "Brea\\ :rom· engagement." "Oh, Gool'ge! 'l'ltal wouhln'l he

IJOnorulJie. An engagement Is u sacred t il ing, not lightly to be ente•·od Into 01• hru\\en ur\'. neshles-"

"\\'oil ?'' "\\'ell, I 'm engage1l lo lwo men, and

I hal mnlces It even worse."-Clovelnnd !.C:I<\01', Snapped Up.

S i r llnhel'l de Hotstnff lool;od tl is­dalnfnlly nt the some1vhnt passe <Je. molselle Ill ids side.

"fly my troll•," he spoke, "I nm half m i nrled to go to the wars ngal n. 1\lal'l')"-11

"Oh, Hnhcrt!" hrol<e in the mald­en, "this Is in sooth �a sudden ! "

lwHt list. ---�'-"_l_) ... \:\1� MRnaJ . . man Free Press

_. ___ _ And this, wit Ye wel l , was long, lung

ngo.-Cie\'elnnll Len1fer.


The Summe r Girl's - Girdle, GL!impe, and Her Automobile Veil.

The n nffy summer girl . Is ve•·y no· tfceaiJ le by her gil'tlle, which iiO one ol the )Jreltiesl features about her, It Is made to flt her anil il ·Is so n ieel)' adapted to her costume t.})at it seems to he n 11n 1t or It 'l'hu !lil'llle question is claiming mo t·e and lllUI'O attention, for lho glnllc Is IJecomin�. such n ,•ery necesHft i'Y }Jat•t of the cos· tume.

The sP.parnt� gufmpe is ono of t.he fenturcs of the summer.

There are oll1m· things which belon� pecullnl'l)' to t.he summe t• gii·J, and among these can be mentioned thP new antomohne vnlls, which ar� tnn tle of chiffon and are th l"ee yunls lung. They have a wl<le l1em running nil no·ound them mul they a!'c to be l l ll l led ove1· the hal and lletl al the bao\( or t he neck. A nothel' way to woa c• the automobile veil lH to put It on as one would nut on nny other \'ell, cmssiug It In lhe bnck nnd IH'I nglng ll fo!'w;u·J In the front ; and then It Is liFted like a helmet, so ns to show the face. It Is \'ei'Y •mart. to II fl It and fasten It with a l'ose, .whlr.h Is located "I•Oll the hat, Jnst at t110 Jert •ldc.

Divin ity. There Is tllvhl i t)' wll) l in us which

Is cramtJCd, dwnrfed m�d u nnhlu lo I}X· press Itself. Give It freedom ; lel ll ncl 1111<1 Hl'il11 1<; crown It wllh llnthol'ily and yon w!II IJ�hol<l u m lracle. Thrnsl. nsille tho mnn hy ll•lnith>g of )'Oifi'Solf 115 th e child of Gml with u dusl ht)' th at stretches Into the hwlsiiJic olcr-nity.-g:,:chaugc. ·

A Profitable Divotce. J•'l'liiiCU IIQ\V COilRlHlleR 11101'0 . . thmi

seven times "" IIIIlCh nhslnlhc ns il dlrl I n 1 90 1 ; A sopurallui1 fJ'IIIll . Qll· Slnthe might lmve heen hotlor, · urttH· H11, fnr tho French limn t11e sermmtlon

· or clliii'Ch IIIII) ij[nl e,-Lonlsvillo J le1·· illrl. .

A" Slander,· The stntmhent thnt tho Mlssonrl 'm ille cannot stnnd · tho Phill l•l'hres cll nntte I� a .vile slumlol', ·of coni·se: 'l,be Mbmonl'l mu1e ciUJ\�tilnd nJ�ytltillg. and If· necessCLr)'.' lcicl; W l t1tw · �IIIith· e•·eens . .,-Knnsns City .Jolll'IIRI;; ,· '

, l)ota't = uhnr.ilon .n menl,· .ror . . thls 1ltnY

ies1ill In u bnd :herulnche;.JJnt 'enl· With i·'egnlnl'lty� and ' nol'". too ·-rnuoh. ' . . t.:

E\'ery l'ol'm of , �li:o;trcsf-liltg nilme11t The Summer Freckles, lmOII'lL ns Pilos , m:iginntos intm·nully. Th e lotion of lemon juice, sngnr nn<l '!'he reili tlmse of. the frm{ble ·.is . i nshle.

Future Prospects. ''Y011 JlOOI' nw11,'' saltl the l\lncl Indy,

''Cnn't yon Jlnd unytlt l ng to do?" "Nnttln\ mmn/'. re11Hed 1111'n�'('l\ F1·nnlilyn. "Hnl r got n Jli'01lllsu of wo•·lt ycslel·<lny."

"How ulco ! \Vhnt doing?" ' 'f!�l11gmun on n crosslng fer do first

nlrshlp lluo what stn•·ts, lmun."-illfl. waul{cl3 Sunllnel.

Sure Thing. S.lrnngOl'-l�XC\ISC llle, but What's

l h c qnlcltcst wny to gel to the hos­pltnl?

Nnt(v�-'-See that nntomobllo comfng ,\nwn tho sll•n(tl.? ·

Strange•·-Yes. . •Nnllve-'-\l'ell, .inst slop In front or

n! ;:-Chlcago Dall)· News. ! · · WIIP.II 'l'hey Wo1•e Al'lliOI',

••11'Vho lll'e �·ou?'' i i11J lll l'ud Klug Ar· thtl l' or llle. stmngm·.

111 Rill S)tllte Honn.Ossr. the sore blowm·.''· waS tlto nnswu1·.

· "At lust. ! " axelalmerl tho l . lng. " H tn'l'y, lhcn, IIIHI hel J, mo .unlmttou Ill)' . · fl'l<llltJ f,nnncnlot's t•ca-iaolwL 1 lrmr thnl. hn iiiiH lifh!lod,"-!•Jfp.

Recrcntlons of the Pl;;tocmt. , . �\IJSCtHIH-Jirn�· lii'O you OCCU(J)'In� )'OUI" letsmc these tlnys'? : �lltntohlll'll-1 nm wri ting n l)ook ·on

litlod "Wnoo·tns 11! tho Hich ; ol'; riov erl y th� Only 'l'l'lle HllflldiiOSs,''....:Chl cagu T!'J bune. ·

,bm·nx Is. nn _,excellent 1·emel1y, an1t is · easily prepared Dissolve as 1 MnnZnn is pnt . np in collupsihlo tniJOs ------- . . .. . . • nmc I 'tl I tl r . I ITel' Tendency sU�ar In the juice of n lemon as t!Je ''lil l iiOY-Z e, �-:� �� mec tctue cnu Jo ll Jl· ICJJiclml'-·IIow 1 ll r , juice wi ll ·llold In solution, ndtl n little )Jiie•l whero Jt 1nll do tho most goo<t, nlol g'>

' 0 19 lcn(leci<S gel

powdered bora•. bottle, let str..nd o. rJny nud rlo it <tllidcly, Gnnra11leru:l to 6-ive n'acitei'-Jie "'I)' I I • ' . d I I k · • 1 1 · r J

"' s s 1e s a soc 1ologlsl or two, an app y to eac ' free le with satisfactiOn or money refunr e< 1 You -h unt s 111, nil his •·nd 1 1 tl I• I I I h 1 t · • ' " PO nts a111 n. nr e:u!le s m r )l'US s.eYern Jmee 1 nrc not snb�fi�d. Solrl lJy Jnmes G. won 't Joo\c at hi2 goorl nn.n4.-N. \'

dally ���-t�l _tber__rllsappeno . 1 Casey, Dr11ggist. �-"':.. . __ . . . •. _

ll'I'PI'!JIItintf 11-'il'tll!i Ji'll uti i11 r1 llrml11ure .Wore.

HOYA L (O i l AI\ 1'1'1� S'I'I\I�L \\'A 1 i J•; i� nh�ulu!d,r Ra!e.

I I I�NI' J l\G R'I'O\'I•J-\ nnd H,\KC: I�S n fhw l ine.

Gayle Hardware Co., l'atk •n•cnue and l't'otli Slrtot, I•JJA IN ��� � 1�-: t... J l,. N, , J ,.

Steam Mar�le an� Granite Worh :FEN('J Ntl J 'c )J I C'E:'II g'J'Jo:IIY PUl'l':-\

LarJte \'n rirt.\ of ( f l:l . i tc N o a�n 4 1111 Pnr.unaallc Toub hu l.&"lh'rlrtr and Cnnlnl(. 1 •• �·· ltiANNJNG & SON,

l roat St., Cor. Ceatral Av •.• PLAINFIELD, N, .J,

CHARl ES ZEITELHACK. . PA I NTER, Decorator, Paper Hanger. : "\ll .• rnlrlrlng Pt'utup l ly .A tt t·uclul lu. ���·J'I MA1'1'� FlJHNl�lmP.

P.O. W(_':'itlldtl. I:J Gat•fieltl Avouue·

John L. Miller, I!!IA N l�l'•\. ll Y I' J . U,\1 JI I N c.o ,

Steam, Hot Wu.h·r nmi Hut Air Heating,

'fm Houthcg, etc. �PI>CI.H .H"/'IJ11'7'/0/\' Gll'liN TO LOif

Nll!JSSU/IE S1'RA.Ir 111!:.� 7'/!W. 26 Prospect Street,

'l\•J\'\I)LtlHI! 3.\.I�.

N O'J'IOE •ro mnwProHs.


�;1>\'1'.\'N! rw WJI.J,J.\111 w. cn:o;:o;(lf,Y, Dct:t'l\!"l'cl. Pnnuunt ! l l l ht! Ul'th'l' ur fkOJ'I.{tl 'J\ Punul ;;,nToHIIl t! • ll' I h1• < 'nunt ,. ur lTni1r1J, nmdt� on t la; ���l ��������'�!�l:::�L1ltl�. :,�::; j,�::IC�·�t!���.r.(!•' ��f:/:ll;ll It �I' f t'11! l!l't thltH':i ui i'IIILd tlt•ct'lltil_'tl tu t .xlt !l lil t u lht• �UIJ· �cL·Iht·t• mult·l·oalh 01' utllnnal !o11 t lu·l t• Platm:!l nutl tlt•ltlllllfls IIH'IIlllsl llu! t·:-1:111· ,·II' !<Jiltl clt1�t-11:-;1 tl witltiu.

ultu� h:> !'.rom tlu· lit'th da�· nf ,111110 J!kitl, nt t i Lt'� \\ill Ill· litl'l'\'t-1' hanul frrnU JII'O.:l!.

�����N.�,�r:w n"t·fl\'ut·lug I hc :·mue ••t;_nln�t t hu N�lJ·

O.A.W.ll\1'. .1U�EPII It <..'ONNOJ�Y, l�xt.·cntuJ',

'fh c lnnn ortnJ Jalm. 11Now, Hiii'Oid," nslifHI nn ffi\'fi1l$ton t.onche1\ "cnn you tell me who stbnet\ Decln l'i\l.ion of l ntlellentlcnce 'l"

" Yes, Miss Blnnkston, .John linn· cocl< nn1l n lot of ot11e1· men IJnl 1 rJon't l'emcmhot· lhC'Ir nnmcs.'1-Chl� sngo lteconi-Hernhl.

WJiy He Wns S01·r�, nu�gins-'lla\'e you hea l'tl l.hnt Llnl ·

1 1011, tile millionaire, Is deu<l'l Ill'iggs-Yc3, I'm uwln l ly son·y, JJuggtns-\\'hy, he'H no rel nl lun o!

)'Oili'R, Is hu? . lll'lggs:....No; ll•.nt's why I'm sorry.

Large lieartecl, "Do yon · · bcllc\'e a man : cnn ,love more limn otto?" · ur know lt. 'Vhy, lJCtween . Frldny

nJght and J\1onr�\t.\' lll�'ning : ' 1 lun·o lovell o whn!e sumn1�1' · 1'eaort./'-Li ro.

. . . . New Standard; Emllloyer-Whut snlnry �o· y011

wnnt.1 Otnco Ooy�ICnongtl lo ll lar.o 1110 llhllV\\ •In luUHltatlon of !;I'Ufi .. -•N. y,


'l'n f�ure n Cttlcl i11 One Uu r. •rnke T..nxntive BTI<I!IO Qniniuc 'l'nhlets Druggists ref11ml moucy if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on ench box 25c.

Page 7: DigiFind-It...'rHE UNION CJO.UNT'Y STANDARD Eras the largest circulation of any Woeldy Newspaper Published in Union County. VOL. XXIII. NO. 7 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. j., FRIDAY,

TH E UN ION COUNTY S'rA N DA il D, I•' IU DAY, A UG UST 2+, 1 906, 7

Bbbt·caa IDfca nnb monOO\'anta

$tantlarb �on,crn 1!Uicatftcll)

r--. · ·- - - ----

the Cranford Gas Light Co. � �; �· � I" t'

1 96 Broad Street. Ranaes 13.00 to 21.00 coBnacled. Plates 1 .50 to 3.75.


r J. W. Manhattan ,, (, DEi\LE R l N

All Kinds of BLUE STONE. �- l(esl<len�e so Blm l'lace, l'lalnflcld, N. J,

Fla[l!iD[, Curbiu[, Sills and CODiR[. � �All \rO O I'k olll l lP U l l o \"i' my [ll'l':'l l l l :ll � I I IWI'I'i.<iun :l l H I gli:J J':l l l ! Pl'l i . ,



fiR I YOU CITTIIC IHIAD 1 1 � · ' �'

I no �0'1' •hii'L with the I itle, hnt stril·e lo •

\ a•·c·o m p l i�li r··�ull� 1\'urth :whiel'ing. 'l'llfl # '' ( J 1 1 1J'IIIIgl 1 , j l l'neli•·nl eour:<e iu llookkePJl· 1 i ng ••r i-lk•u•gr:� ph,r nt the Uniun llu�illt'"" t\ i l - , lt'l!t' wil l i 1wrea:<c• you r c·:� l' lling 1 '1 11\'eJ'd, \\'rite .II

t1 1-d:1y i'ol' u u r h:I IHl:'ulllt' I ll!\\' en t nlog1w. � N I ON B U S I N E S S C O L L E G E !

208-210 BFIOAD STREET t� DIX BUILDING, ELIZA BETH, N . J . .�.· &:r••leJillllll<'' 1111:1-\1' 1·', 11 . 111-:ll ll l .li .\ N , l'lill . - i lm l �

, , _ .... ...._...._ .... ,...,.. ..... -............................ :::-::-:n:-x-:u

and Decorator. in W:L\1 paper nl·

Tel. 97•W

�'� � � �������··�· ········�

� CLARK THE i .. ; HATfER. " : ; • Fur ni�hi ngs Cloth- ; .. -" ing, Tru n ks and ;;; .. 13 " i ngs. : � '3-1 llro:ul Street, Westfield. ; \;.n��n-nu•a,.n-t3�,. n�,l1

Active Renl Estate. "Is there much acth'lly In •·cal

ostuto In t his section?'' nslwd tho yls· ItO'>'.

"I shonhl !my there Is/' nnsw�rcrl li'nt'tnP.l' "Hnd three lnud nl ifles n·n' n. washout lnsl yen1•."_; \Vutihlug;lon Star.


Fniled. ''Yes, l got rtn · nuto on 1mrpose to

S}lltu 1\h•s. Hrmty."

"And d i d you sJlllo he1·?" 11No; I ran over her hushnntl tltt!

first tlrno I wont out In It, and suo loolcs lovely In hlnclci "-Houston Post.

!'lensed the Bnl1y. Uncia •rom - 'l'lm bally's loolclnG

won<l�t·fully happy to-nlgllt. , . Nnrso-1 nx]>oct ho heat'd n IndY,

who tl\llo<l this afternoon, sny that he wnHII 't n bit Ulcc nny or his rcl ntlons. -Tll-lllts.

PrCJlnrlng fol' Summer, . J>arlonco-ls \VIII getting roady for

StllllJJlCI' '! Pat.rlcc-Oh, yes; he's brolcon. off hls

engagement with his w111111r &I�U-• Yonlwrs Statcsnlllll. • ·

� ·· � . Yon l!Ull S(lO t h o poisou PinO-ules c1ent'S

nnt or the killneys mod blnrldcr. A sin· gle <lose nt. Jmd·t.i mo will show yon more ]KliHOII U]lOII t•isi ug tho next lltOI'Jiilllf J.hnn enn be m:pcllo•l from tho s�·stmu in tlllY othm· Wll)'. Piuc-nlcK <liHmlvc tho imvnrities, n111l lnbrica�o tho ltirlnoys.

Omu•ttnlcetl togivosnH:dhction or tnoney rcfulll1c<l.. , 30 · <lnys l.rcntme11t $1.00. Sol<l by Jtnncs G. Cnsey, Drug!,.jst.


Do5crlptlon of a Dulldlnu Which W i l l Provo Convenlonl t o r the Stock,

'J' Iiu IIIOHf f�t iiiVIIIIIonl. Whllfl fnJ' II lllggury ' hll\'U fU llll ll ll.l )Jo :J:l rPot. 'l'hiH wlli l h nf hnl ltll llll glvnH J'olllll 1'1 11' ll HIX·flllll. lllll!Hil!IIIII'IIY tll l'llllllh Jhn CPII I I ! I' 11 1111 n l'ow ol' fHJIJH nn flllnll Hldo, Hll�'K n l\H\'\'U�\\tl\\1\IJ\\\ nf \\Hl \•':n'll\ 1111•1 l lnuw. I t """ bo lmllt nf lillY lnnJ�Ih <I<�Kil't><l, hut tu lwo11 ton hrn111l """'" null l lluiJ' jll'ngony, II. Hilllllltl hu sn fl!ut lun!!;. I 1111<� 11 I'I'IIIJLH hulhllng hnHI IIIII! IIRU J - 1 - J'IHJ) Ht iiii<JIIlg, Hll tlH t n �lvo lllll( llo rnom ahovn t'o1' u lnft

1'11 1•: J tO(J I IO Usg, In to ahU'O atr·nw J11HI grn ln. J co\'UI' tho uutadllo with a·nuHh Jum· lnw, Uwu with goOf) rolt JlllllUI' llntl matched sidi ng. Cel l 1111 un nn l KI 1ln wllh go111l llllttchutl himhur. 'I'I 1 IB 111nlwR n bui lding ns warm nR nncuH· sary, oxcCJtl In oxtromo WO[\thor, when n ntovc emu ho nscf),

'l'lm Hnlllh ahlo nf tho hullrllng 1 <11· vhlo lntu JICUS 8 fcol whlu fell' tho JJR•l nr hrom1 BOWS. Sfm Fig, 2. On I ho IIOI'fll Hff)o f hnvo nt fllln 01111 R 1'ClHill G fDnt whlo \'or n foml ronm . 1\ext to thiH Is a (IOU 10 feel wh\1• fol' thu hmu·. Thu rm�t of thn north shln Is �Jvltlccl Into two vena for 1\nlshlng

'I' l l !•; SI.Jo:IO:I'JNG l,lu\'l'FOit:\1.

t hf! ymmg hogs for market. I hnvo a window ovory R font In cnch side, which gh·es nn nhmHlancc of light. 1'hu pcuH lmvc tl floor, wi th u {lillllk 1\om· UXIUJIIllll!: G foet fi'OIIl tho wa ll and r·ahwd 4 i nches to malic n sleolling 11latt'or·m.

I usa plank fo1· all llnl'litions, ns hogs will soon brenk J.hrongh l-Inch lumiJer. A feud li'Otlgh in front or •�ach pen is l11e ahnplest nntl most se1·vlcenblo Jhnt I have fount!. l•'or I he IJt·ood sows, II. shonhl not ho over a lnchCis deep. 'Plw bulllllng is n1so

III'O\'IdlH.l w i t h a conslanl sn)ltliY or runn ing wntel',


Up to the P1·esent Time It Has Nnt Seen Suited to Our Country,

J u tensll'e sheep farmi ng hns not """" snlted lo thla conut1-y, because I"'"VIollsly It lms pulrl hettm· lo earn• on n il of om· stoclc raising Work ex� l" ilslvely. · 11 wt\1 be u long time he· foru una· fnnners red uce lha l ll'ucltic· l ion or shel!Jl to the science It Is In fo J·eJgn countries, whe1·u a lltt . lo lnntl hatJ to do much 11101'0 thn.n thu sumo :llllOUJll or lan d does In ! his cnun u·r. J l wns lmJ)ossible to du intensive \\'Ol'lt in sheep culttll'O w1ti1e I he grt>nt. tllatu s J u the west were lnJing lllletl up with �heel'· That lll'ocuss l<et•l Uto lll'lces heluw what wool und mutton couhl he Jll'llfltuhly IH'mhJcc<l J'or on t he mnru \'aluuhlo Jmul. 'l,lw sheep huJusi.J'Y hns t•cachetl that stage in its tlovolopnwnt when new metlluds will provo tn be JIBYh1g ones. ln some or ou1' s'nle!-\, snrs tho r��al'lliCI'S Hm•iew, not more than one rarmct· in Ult'ee kee)IS shceJl. rl,hn t is tho I'CHlllt. of tho fltH'co com­JlCtltlon that hns been CXI!Ol'lcnccd . from the wosl. In tensive sheep fn.J'lll· lnr; means lccetli ng only the best qual· It)' or shCUJl l\1\11 ltec)llllg thont 011 JlllS· ttii'OS l'lllll'IIIOIISI)' jll'OIIIIe!h•c, l l munns tnu tho nsc or siiJtl ll<liiiOnlal fue•ls of a conccnt.mtcrl character lmt which hnv«J· bcon tn·oduccd at a low cost ..

STOCI< NOTES. Slmly the science ot' swi ne rnlsing. A 1\ttlo wurlt Is goml lor tho mnro

wi th rna!. Hogs lll'oWt\ llt�<lcr lllo:tnl)' _llOtl!ll·

t tons mnlm clcnn, wholesome norlc. . Pig 11ork Is jttclcr, tcndmm•, health·

lei', costs loss nnd sells bctteJ• tllnn hog (lork.

Clennllnoss Is as necessary for thO 'health nnd wol l helng or hogs . ns ror other nul lllllls. '

Ools fml - l.o hogs will !ll'odnco bone aiul IIIIISOIO nncl will IH'OVOI}t soWS 'f1·om gelling too fttt. <_ oats l'ol'rn bono nnd muHclo rnthe1· Ui:ui fat, iiOIICO lheli• l'aiuo foJ• tile lircn<lli:g sows nnd embryo pigs. "'

'!'he : g•·owlng pig should he mlsod urtoJi someth ing ."elf.lo besldo corn till ready to begin to fnllon.

Ln l'go nnd flno muttons 111'111S good prices good to pay wel l 'rm· tho g>·nln to mnlm them rat, ln>·go and as fino as possible. ,' · : · . · ·

A sow will wnt· fl ltlor of pigs on l>nll' tile rn llons 11' given u gnod:;pns· ttll'e tlml. she will II' lnclosotl.

Hogs arc lll'ofll.ablo l•ccnuso ·. tlior w i l l ritmn lwn good CI'OIIS n yem·;·· lmt th is o·ecJu lres good 110gs, nnti guodf�t· lenllon.



All T l f' I C I A !. CURI..INQ

Those a t t h o E��ahore Q\tould Never Allow t ho 8� 11 W�tor to Romain

I n tho H �tr-To Prohot tha t.kln,

Women l n ll!tllllnH t o pnHs J h n H l l lll · lltol' Ul U jiO i i lnt l UJ' It Il l th" tll'll,illll'l' lllll<'h IJn \'el')' ru J'I'i'u l nf hut h Hit! II 1111 1 1 hlll i'. 'J'h!! HIIIJ of Will•l 1 11 1 <1 1\' IIVP, IlK woll IIH l hu �·hu·n nn t ho Hlllltly IH!M�hmt, )lilly )tll \'IH! ll'it h J !Jtl toXillrU of t h o Hhln nn l ! thn hr:nuly ul' tho hniJ•.

i'llliJIIlR llll<i llllll'll jllll lilll� Ill t h o !Jont r.nh l 1!1'<'11111 ShOIIhl !Jo IIHtHI Oil t hn •1<111. II III) t h o 11011 WIIICI' Hhlllltll III!VOI' hu u lh,WPII t n l'omn l u In !ho hulr·. l l IH hntlol' I n \\'IJHI' oii·HI<In r!IIIIH 111111 ao lll'nt eot. tho hNul outl rcl)', hil l with tho l l t ii iOHt Jll'PC!IIIIIIon· llll IJCCI1Hillllll) \\'Ol· 1!111,1 nCCIII'H, 111111 11wn llw snit wn tur S!IIIUIII llll rl llHt•d unl IIH HOtliJ UK JH>R· slhlu lllltl lh" lm!Jo <ll'iml. A !II I lo om\1 Is good fill' t!w hnllo, hut nut thu roal

The Crown of G lory.

sa1t wnh�a· nf tl1o sen; I t lc:wes the hn l l' sticky and in limo l)e:;truys itH gloss lJe,roml l'C!RtOI'}IIg.

It shlln ld ho tho rule to rest tho l1e:ul 1'1-om nil, or ns much ns 1•nss\lolP. m·tlflclnl lll'<,sslugs, nnd helps through the hot months: no curHng h•on shou1tl IJo mwd n.t ni l, fnl' one rea�c1n that the curl w lll not stay in, ami anotlwr, tlmt the hull' mar have the ··�st IL so much nce<ls from tho couslnnt <ll'l>sslng In the whh·J or tho Wh1te•· fesi l\•itles.

'l'ho womnn wl to thinks sho looltn "!l fl'ighl" Wlllioul lho "nuuceliJng;" nf hca• lmi l', will fln!l she cnu wear charm· ing veils ut' tucc, of chilTon m· sort 1111· Ul'ty si ll\ nJost becmufngJy o\'UI' lJel'· fectly slmlghl loclcs, anti also the be· I'll filed lingerie hats. I f she will loosen her hair nfl et· t ho bnth, :nul Jr It Is wet, rinse it nnd di'Y it in tho sun untl wind, It gets a "llurt" of Its own, from slm t,lo rclier.


No Expensive Gym. Apparatus Need· ed, But Full Value Received.

\\'hen one knows l1ow mnc11 t11m·c is In breathing one hegi ns Jo ronllze the i1H}\01'lauce of lwoa1hlng l'!X�rclseB. rl'o lllalW Stii'G that we lwenl he right we should JH'ClH\\'e the lnugs »el'oro we hcgin ns the l'tlllllCl' does who luke� n lltlle run hGt'ol'e he starts tn the race in order ln get tho sccunil wi n d hy t h e BXtutnsiMl O[ the Whole chest cn\'HY. 'Ve cun get om• sea· oncl wlncl si m ply hy h l Plling tho che3t. which causes I he lungs to expand and gel. hungry for al l·.

l'lnce tho ilnn<ls on tho Jo l ps nn<l <11'11\V In n ful l hrcnth, at the snmo Umo t h i'Owlng- t h e he:ul II JIWut'll :mel haclc· wm·rl . J�Xhalu n� tho hend is brought fm·Wal'cl , rl"llO ltmuls OJI tho hips holcl the shoulders !)own. Counl four whllo hrcnlhlng In nnd lo11r wl1llu hranlhlng ont.

Clasp lho hanc\s over tho nlHlomon null tn lw ll J'nll deep hrcnlh, a•. tho �nnw t l\ne J)t'C<Aslng upon the nhtlomoll and llrllng tho chest ns high nn )los· Rlhlc. Gount t'cnu· while hrcalhing In ancl Uac Ramo while 1Jrentlllng Otl l.. Do 1101 relt1x lhc Jll'��sum on tho nh· <lomcu willie Ju·enthhlg out, l111t con· Linuc II all the whllo.

'l,ho th lril movement Is flilt bJ"unth· lng wtt h choRt l ifting, nlmost the snmc us the lnsl. Rnlso tho chest high nnrl hold It thoro, Jelling llUJ ill'OIIIh go out, fllHl Jll'CSS i ng h m·d Upon 1!10 nlHlomen to Jll'cvon t the ol10ut ri'Om slnldng. You cnnnot lot tho cl10st down Wllllo you olas11 tl10 ltnnds tlgllt.

Jiimply tho lungs complctc1y or nlr, ,cl ose tho thront, nn(l l'n iAc llw chef-It as high as pOsslhlo. 1'hls mnlcos· n suclimt lllnl ero:\tes a Ynem•m In llw c\1est. �'llo hlo(l(\ Is then boltJ!l tlnmtle<l oul of the \lyer. Ormn tho th ront for It fow soconcls nncl IGt tho nil• In, then rojlont the exercises.

Clean the. Hairbrush. A hnh·brnsh ri1ay bo clennscll wtJh

soap nnd water; and n nai l brush. - 1 1. Is nw>·o necessary to lllli'O tho halt' bi;uslt clmin thnn It Is to have the back of tho brush !lent llennlifnl. Tho hcst h>·nsh, one thnt cn11 be kept hy­glon\en\\y clean, ami Wlllch wll\ tnko out tnnslcs anRIIy an<! quickly, Ia mndo 'or . Sll•erlan hriHlles, set UI>On n pncu· \nnllc cushion of rnbbel'. Dust-l:tc\en ·i1mr brushes are dcn<lly to t11e health

:and beauty of the hnh·. · Cha1·coal Beneficial.

Chnrconl ' gl vcn lo anlmuls, eS11eclnl· Deep Breathing.

Jy to poiJ\t.I'Y nnd swine, acts 11j1011 tllii, · : necJl abdom i nal bJ·eathlng night and blood US 11 lllll'lfiel', ofton being found . lOOI'IIiflg befOJ'O !Ill open Willd OIV - Wl\l,

of benefit when t11ere ,js uo . . clefinabJV l�n::;e llw . c i J·cuJntion, nnll·'sta·tmglh-.

111�case. · · ' · · : · ,• :: : _l�'-'/?". mcnlnlly and physically,

CASTO RIA for lnt'auts 1\ttcl ChU<lron,

' � ,, '.'.''•.'''!·��.:.:_.� _ _:��··'.:.:.::.!:.'.�'-'�...:�·· ; A\r!lclitMc l'rctw;ttiunli•rr\s­:llmllnlin� lite l'nnllnn•l llc�tulu ­

lin� 1Im Slumnclts mwl Uowcls t�·

Tha Kind You Have Always Bought

l'romotcs lli�csliow.Ciii'Clful­ness mul lll'�l.funliiins ueilltr·•· Ophun,.Mm·t•hillll nor �fi!lcr<tl . NU'I' 'NAil CO 'J'JC .

1/rriP,.fJ/'IJitf lll:'i;IMI'Ell'flr:I/AII

Boars tbe Signature


�;;v.f,:]:.;.r�· \ IJ�r�rlffl ,tiJII ­.4n£tf',tiwl ,. ll'lf!f'nui�tt -Ill fttl�riM' ..... .., ,,...,.,, .... d_ f'ltr�I[,",.J,UI..,. Jfiit��

Apetfccl llcmedy rorfonslipa· lion, Sum· Slmnach,Dinrrltnca \ \'onns ,I :onvuh;iuus .t'�vcl·ish­tlcss n11d J,uss Ut' SLF.t:a•.

I n Usc

For Over Th i rty Ye a rs

CASTOR lA r;:r::::ooo" People �so :::.-::::d :.:�.�,;.� ::::. lasta�lfetlm��, \ Amos H . VanHorn , Ltd. �� ' � Ch�d,! a;,llko �'! "�"! l 1;:,:.: D 't . · on tlll:t( O II c yon have to J''lY flor·e here for the privileg-e

of long time pay111entn, for yon Don't, We ;;ell a;; low and often lower, than any "cn"h house," antl we've five acres of stock to :;elect from.

; -------------------------------------

i {i .,fn\.���-� r�� : . ::.����- -) t.- u�. .. !)�:,····_, Mal�:�·

�����:. St)lg••5�0 Danwsk cow•t l llg'. � we: e �."i 00

�t��uches9.98 1 Velonl', Deep Tu(l'c1l,

WCI'O l.J iiO


I; Go<•<w0_. ! �1 1;. I 1 .50 �.]f,:J

wore t:;.oo ��ll�e�l

Rockec·s Good

Quality Reed

2.39 were :l,tjO

i '

I ( � CARP�� BA RG AI NS '

I n gra i ns Ve lvets !:_: oo ·. Grad .. �, now, . . . . . . . . . .48 1.10 Grmlc, now.. . . . . . . . . .�3 70�. G rndo1 ll0\7 • • • • • • • • , ,56 f . :1f! Gmcle, now • . • • • • • • • • l. 1 5

\ Brussels ) SOc. Grndc, now . . . . . . . . . . I

DOc. Grado, now . . . . . . . . . . .69 .75

J O H N C O LTRA, Carpenter & Builder.

JOBBING A SPEC IALTY. Pl�ns Furuislwd If Dosirod.

Oc�hl c n n c '1.1"4 J"n t•J.c �t:l'tlCI .. WF:�'rFTJ�T.n. N fi:\V .TI�R�I�Y.

Axn1 i nsters 1.2n Grado, no1v. . . .. . . . . . .93 1.110 Grn<1o, now. . . . . . . . . . 1 .25

Ernest Wilc011c. Theo. A. Pope,


42 & 44 Cumberland St. Tel. 1 39•J. Folc,r,s Hm1oy a11cl 'l'n.r nll'orcls•rl· Westfield, N. J ..

into reliof to ru;th ma snll'ol'l'J',q in tile worst stnges niul i f htkon i n Umo will o'Ircotn onre. -- Soltl l.Jy Frutchey& Hath· Estimnt�s Chrmfnlly Fmuisl10rl. nwny, Druggist•. I _ Jobbing Promptly .AltcmJJdtt�/--.

Page 8: DigiFind-It...'rHE UNION CJO.UNT'Y STANDARD Eras the largest circulation of any Woeldy Newspaper Published in Union County. VOL. XXIII. NO. 7 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. j., FRIDAY,

'1 ' 1 1 1 � U N ION COU N'IT �'l 't\ N IM R D, FIWM Y, A UCl l iS' J ' 2+, 1 1Jilb •

.. ...,. ___ .. ---- . --- -. . _ ,. __ - ··� . --··· ·------ -

ANNUAL REPORT . OF 'fOWN. A 1 bel·t E. Snyde1·, .. -�::...:::::;;..-=:.:.:.- __ :: ::.:.-::.:. ===·==.:.:�=..::.----:"'-:-._-;:-, =:.:.=::::-..:::.'":=:.:..·.::.:=-_;;.� -.: :..:.7."'::-�-.-:-:=:..-.:.���-""":.-==�::::-.=-..::.::·:..-_=::�--· ...

LECAL N OTICE. .11 .\ \'011 1 ' .\ ' · ' ·"' .\'l"l' l·! .'i'l'lll .'i 'I'll

J ·: I' I ' I I 'WS'I' .\ U,\1 I S IN'!' II .\'1'1 1 1 � ,

ltt• tHU I I'U \ 1 1 1' .. lll'l' l l lll u l U I I I P IUU U i h '-•• \'aulmh 11••111HI 11WIIh mllli•' .:ntul\\ 11Ul••4 'UJllt•�r� III I I )' Ill' ull l n l lllld t a·uut J'tl\\'11 C 'lt• l l• • 'J'h,, llllllllnl f't 'I IHff nl' t fu• to•,·:n i'IIUIII'il

l'ul' !t ht• pl'rilld 1 1 1' I i i i i•' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! hl4 l'lldiiiJ.C ,Jilllllll l',\' Ill',.; I t lf' l hiti �'I'll I' IIUI'\ lh · l ' ll ) II I I I · l lf'lltt • tl I n Jllllllpllh•l l'ol'lll, nud t'lt l l hto hnd 1111 l l j tjtlh•ittllllt I n thP 1 1 111'11 < 'lt •t•l<, '1'1 1" fiiJ IHWillg it� l ht � J(t•lll'l'til 1'1111'\"!'�' 11f I hi' l ' l ll tlph•h• l'l'pol'l . II� Hl'l l'ol't l l I t,\' �lii,\'IJI' l't•l'hi l ls :

Dnl'iltg l ht� 1'11�1 tl:-.:••al �·t 'itl' t hP UHIIII · dl lm" hud Jll't•:;t�u!l•d tu II t l n• J tl'Hl •h· l l l 11f' 1 1 11 I'I'OIIIllllfl• l'llllllll t'l 1 1f' IIHIIIh•\pul utl'n \ t·,..; ill ll l'l l} thl l \' gTow iiiJ� t'nll a l t l l l l l i tr . wlu·J'•• i l ll ltl-i ht•t·altlill!c •nlt 1 1 1 ''''''I ' 1 •11;.,. will l llln n�· l'••qnir••cl l l n tH'•J\'t •lu• • u l :o- , wi l fwut Jmtl iug ! Ill' 10\\'11 i u i • J Jlt•hl . t JJ' {:o;�u illlo( !It I I l i i� UJ.ntilt:-1 i l :- t•rt•dlt l'ttl' :ot!l '· l'l't'lli l lt.f iOWII ollldull'i to pa,\' .

\\'ht>�lu·a· t h• · udaniJ dt-�l l'ution , .r 1 1 1 . . nll'nh•s ot' t h P l i t\\' II 1111� lwt•ll �lll 't't '!>o:oo l'nll,\' nwl t't'nlll •lll i t ·nl !v t' l t l' l'il'd m• c lu l'iu:.:- l h•· }mst �···ur w i l l 'rully uppt•ar i u t h•· ful· j{,wlu;: n ptrl'l .

l\l!tt'll l i t H • • ha..; h "'11 I IPL'I'"..;ut•iJy :O:llt•ltl hy thP CIJIIII!'il it1 1 ht� �upt>r\· i:-ill t t ut' th 1 • \'hrinu� ittl l ll'n\'l'll ll'l l l i'i 1 1� lh t • y hurt• ]H'tlgl't •:-:o;t·d ,

If 111 1 � 1•it i�.•:t 1� of t ltt• t 1 1\\'fl will t'UI't'-1'tt11�· l't •ud tlu• follnwiu� r.·ports, I l't•t•l ('t.•l'tll i l l l hllt tht-\' \\"j JI I 'IJill lllt'lJt( l ht• wnrl� ul' t hl' rt·nt·.'

lJnl' I 0\\'11 i:-< po•t•lll ill l'l,\' H ltt\\'·Ullit1ii1J.{ c:otll lllll l l i iY. 'l'ht • lulu) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '1' of Ill'· l't ·�ls duri'ng t ht • tl�t·:ll ,n·Hr hu\'1' llt·t •n utw huwh'l·d uutl I w . . u t ,\·, of wh idt ��·\'t •J J I \'· 11 \'n Wt'l't' for "iolutiuu� nt' t ht· J»·W't• 'uJ'd iun w·•·· Fot· u populat iuu ur 0\'c'l' :-J , l llltl, t hi�• l't 'l'lll'll i� t ' o ' l'ltdtt l." I't'• mnrlmhiP.

'l'lw fud hi, t i l l ' :-.\aliou l1o11:-.t' hus �t-1'\'t•tl u� a �!u•lh•l' for t h• • pnl":-i ng \\'ll,\' · f'ul't'l' Hfll iO!'if lt!'i of'll!ll I!S II l•lllt�e llf tit•· t�>lllioll fnl' l ht � ull't •llllt•J', :\t!\'t�lll,\'·llirH• Jlt!l':--UII,o; lm\·iug ... ou;:hl uud lll 't'I'}Jit'il it:; hosJ •ilulit,\' 1 1\'t•r uighl..

Dut•iu� tlw ,\'l':tl' tht! :o-;11111 oi' $ 1 :�:! 1J�U.:I.I hn!'i ltt'l' ll tli!oil lm·�•·cl thJ•un:.dJ tlw lowu Tn•a:�un·. ..\hout t l llt •·hall' of t h b ntttunnt ' \\'11..; l'abt·d h,\' g't·llt' l';d U:'Mt':->:'· l l t l ' l lt on th" t o\\' II nt hii'J.;to. ( lf thi� mllollllt $1.'-i,;"Jii,�,,;J,"' \l'll.'i for si ! J f t ' t l l ld ctmnty Jllli'JH ��(�:\ : fllr t•llw·at inu. �J .o;, 7 Ja.-7oi ; roatl wuin lt'tullln•, $.-,,Ojt l.:l\1 i :-�lrt•t•t light iu�. ::;a,ili:t.-1 1 ; polil'tll $·!,.11-!Ji l ; fil't� tl••)l:tl't lllt'llt and h,\"t ii'U IItS, �·!,j:-1.-t.-PI; �IJ\\'t•l' huntl!'i and iutPI'e!'it, :S.t ir.i.r,u : :;•�wt·r wai ntt ·IUI IH't', stonu �t·Wt'l"� 1111tl t 't'fl."i.'iWa!k..,., $:J,!'l•i.li1 i .-.i J1hi11g ftuul, $ J ,:t:\:L:�:t u1Hl $l ,:l1 11) to tlw poor huul ; $1ift,:!�·l, 1 11' a l i t t lt • o\'t!l' ntu•-hnlf of ti l l ' t t Jtnl sum l't't'l'i\'t•cl hy t lw 'l'rt·a:-;tu·y, \\'a:-. tli;.;lnu·st t l for illll ll'll\'t ·uu·llt:-' i n 1 he na· hll'l\ of !'tt tlll� sirll'w:tlk:-:, t ' !ll'hs und I'P\\'· t ' l':O:, nil of which i:-� u�-.;1':-��alll�> t l i t't!etly u::HiJJ...;f tlJ1• l'l'OJH'l't,Y S}JPl'iaJ ]y llt•Jit!Ult'tl. awl is 11111 iw:huh:!l i!t t he geiJt•rttl tux kn·.

'flw co�t ol' ncltlliuh;tl'l'ill� tlu� lnWil �0\'l'l'lllllt'tlt lllll t lllltl\•tl 1 0 $;t , :WO.tii, n little h·r� thuu foni' J lt'l' l'ellt. ut' the totnl mont:y:; cli;..;Lur:-;etl. 'l'hi:-� mnnnut iu­clm1t:l'i nJJ snJ:tri, ·.-i paif! tu l t>\\'JJ oJ1ieur,; nml ltll l�Xpt>li�•-'H of tulnlillhtrn l icJl l , t.'X­cln�ive of t lw JIIJ1 iet• tlepal'tmeut. l 11· dncliug- thnt ch�t•artllll·U t , t lw totul ex:· }lCJit'CK of tn\\'11 g'O\'•'l'llHlCilt lliiHlll lltccl to, npproxinmt1•J�· fi.l;! per ('l'llt of tl1e mmwy:; l'Ollcctetl .

'rlu�re lmn) ht·t�JJ uo upp1iention:;. lw­forc tho Conudl fur lit·euse t o sell li­{11101':-', for thu reu�ou that the pr�r;Ptl t Ji�l'nl ;\'l'lll' muhrat·e� oulr tlm uim• mnuths l.Jctwetu A}lril l, HJO:;, uml ,Tnunnry I, won.

A stTiet ol•Pfliuul•e to t lu� r.·x�inc t·e;..."ll­lntirms lw.� lJPl'JI enfon·u1l hy the po1it·t� department. nml n•:quit�Sel•cl in l1.)' tht• hotcl·l�cc)lcr.-;. Snnda,r olJ:.;t:rnlllt:e of tho e:o:ci�l! ln.w i n \Ve:;tfii.:M b 11 uwrld for tl10 entirr� st:tll•.

'l'lw �cm·ral hPallhfnl ernuli(ion of t}w town i:-; tine )lrimal'ily to i t:;; exceptional lm•ntiml. ..-\ dili,£.pmr. nur) iJJteHigent 130111'1\ of Jlt•tdl h huH JII'(!SI;I'\'t!fl tiH• ntHnral nch•flll tngu; to 0111' J u •nJllt�, unrl \Ycsttidd i u dtt.·� comparbon with uther towns with l'c:-i)lL'r:t to it.:; �nnitntiou.

Lul':t r('tll' the ch�uth rate \\'it� Hi tie iu one thon�anrl. Thi� �·l'nl', in n pri}Jllla· tirm of on•r Ji rt! tium.'"llllll, there hare bN·n l'nrt�··two dr·ath:.:, ol' ]C:;;o;s thuu ttll i n nue thonsu ud.

'l'lw ph�·sit·Hl i i i l ) ll'o\·f·tu•�nts in t h t! tnwu hu\'tJ lu�eu l l ll l!'it J 11Ul'l\t�c1. 0\·t�r t.lm;cJ lll iles rJf :-;turu� walks ha \·t� lwuu 1uid, nnd 0111'-hall' tuilt! of t•url•iug, 'l'IH: JWWr�t· .�y.siL•Ju 1lJJs lJ(•cm ext'Jilr!IJd IO,H'!fJ fPtt, [lllf} ·I ,:.!:!·J ft.�l:t. Of hOllSB Nlll l l l!Ctioll:-1 put iu while nr1 t t t:w lwm·:c:-; hn,·e ht�rm COIIIIt!dl.'ll \\'ith the St�\\'(:1' :!,)'titdll , .

A pm·lt site 011 1\hmntuin .t\ \'f! IHH.l hns hCen J!reseut{!cl to t lw to\\' I I l 1,r irs eiti· zen:;. U nrlcr thf� lnw n Park Urunm i:-:· 8ion hn� lx•eu l llJ}JOi ntetl, ttlld au HJ1pru· }triation nuHie to itn}mJ\'e the Jllll'k }JrO}J· erty.

Auotlter erid1:ttet! ur ti le progre�:.; of' tlte town is tlu� gii'L of tht� lilmn·.r :;it��. Jo('aff;d ou tlw t!OJ'II<.-1' <d' Bmurl uud ·l�htH . .:I' Ht.rf�t�t:o;. 'I'h1� fuml fuJ' tllo ) 111J'· chn�n of thi� ]Jlot wns rniHt:tl lJ.Y Jill hlit! HUh:icl'iption. A lilmu-y l•nilflhlg i!'i uow hciug t!l't!etod 1 whid1 wil l u.�lrl unot.hel· urunHwnt. to the �own.

'!,he clupurtmcnt hl:t:ommlntiom; of t lu� towu gow!l'luueut ru·,: \'Hry iJmtltttmJ te. A cotliiUitLuo hus hi!tJII tL1Jfloi n toc1 to Hl�­]er�t It town hnll silt.!. It is exJu•dml thut. upon J'ecommmHintiou of t his t!nlll· mittee n :;it t! will he ucrJnirecl H n rl u :miL­nhlo town hull t�J·edl!tl iu tltu ueru· fntnre. ·

�rJw otneu of 0\•m•,.;et!r ol' tho Suwel's 1111!' 11ecn H]Joli:;lwcl, H)l(l '!'own Sm·,·e\'OI' nppoiutetl to tnlw }lt.:J':-'Uiutl charg1J i1 1ul hu thu l'OS}>OIISiltll! huarl Of Jlll I U\\' 11 i ll I· Jli'O\'l\lltellls. All Hlll'\'eys nwl lllliJlii mucic hy thu sm·veyor hceo11 1u J,hu tuwu

:propr;rt,jr. Asitle t'I'Olll lleir1g n gTl'llt ,�o�nvillgnl' mmwy, Uto appui u l tllullt fJf u 'rown Snr\'oyor will lm tlu.1 l l lt!IIIIS ul' )Ul.Yillg COIII}Jilcd ll HCW lllU]J Of lhu 1t?WII ,

HASIJOI.PII Pl·:arus-s, Mayor.

BRANCH MillS. A. N. Piormn, ol' ·woHtflolcl, lerl l.ho

0. B. meeting Suh<lay ovoniug. ·

Mi•• Katio Hus•oll hns J'otnrnml to Nc'w.York.

Newsdealer and Stationer, Elm Street , Westfie l d . �--------------------�--�------------�--... -----

Backache Croquet Sets. Any person h:1vlng backache,

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l 't t l l l j tl d u 6 90 fttl' • .\ 1 1,\' ""' ' t t l' 1 111 ' l l t l't'l' I I J'til·l t ·H ltt•IJJg \1'1 1\'I I J l ltl' Jll''t•'l' I I· I I I ·I I Ti l 1 1 I I ' " ' ' '1 nr I II ' II Ill � · · I '" ' )'I I I l l!.( 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 ' 1 1 / IK gt tt tt l I I I I I I t·t ·ia I' Ill Hi lt w·l '.' " ttlo•ll "' I l K gl'l'lli 1'11 1 1 11' OIJ II• I I I I tH! "''" t l t l ' " I )

I I I · 1 1 ' · • b001 � nt I I I I I' � o t l'l•.<, '" 1 1 1 1 I I Ili' , . I l l ' elt•·a p ft tr l l thl• l 'l h•ing 1 ,1 1r1,1�e;,

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Meadel's Market COR. ELM AND B ROAD STS., W EST F I ELD, N. J.

------ ���--------------------------------------·--------------------

WE G IVE RED AND G REEN STAMPS Cross Rib Sir lo i n Very Best Cuts Top Serloin Roast, who le, Steaks, Pri me Ri b Roast, Roast, whole,

t o� 1 z� 14� 1 0�� Round Fresh Plate Chuck Steaks, Salt Steaks, Beef, Best Cut s, Por k,

14� 3' 0 2 1b. 7� 1 2� F1 i casee Plate CornC:cl Cal i fornia Sugar-Cu red Chicken. Beef, H ams, Hams,

t z�� 4� 9' 0 2'b. 14��

Porterhouse Bacon Three Pou nds Best Pork Steaks, Strips, Chopped Beef, Chops,

I G�� I G� 25° 15�� as Advertised !

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