
Digi Cam Story Map

Beginning -Shot 1

• Start wide and then focus on screen

• Computer screen on homepage)

Text ( all text at bottom of page)

• The Cost of Mastering a Master’s Degree

Shot 2

• Wide then focus in

Shot 3

• Val paying tuition to registrar’s office


• Summer Tuition fees:

• …. $2693.00

Shot 4

• Jubilee Parking Lot

Shot 5

U of A parking pass on nicest car in parking lot


• Parking Pass….

• ….$ 55.72

Shot 6

• Student Union Building and sign

Shot 7

Val working on laptop in SUB, sitting at table


• …Toshiba laptop:

• ….$1000.00 (but only if you lose or damage it)

(Middle) Shot 8

• Val standing in Tim Horton’s line up• Keep shot wide

Shot 9

• Line up several Tim Horton disposable coffee cups

• Close up shots


• Cups of coffee…..

• 53

Shot 10

• Val sitting in SUB

Shot 11

• (with Val pouring shot glass)


• Shots of whiskey….

• …. Can’t remember

Shot 12

• “Panoramic” shot at first, close in


• ……Days of summer vacation lost:

• …..24

Shot 14

• Shot of Bookstore, focus on sign


• …….MES fleece vest:

• ……. free (yeah, right)

Shot 17

• Val pretending to damage computer


• Hours of Flash rage:

• …. 13

• plus $1000.00 to replace laptop

End Shot 18

• Shot of Harv at board

• Focus on Harv

Shot 19

• Harv writing on board “Don’t teach your grandmother to suck eggs.” ( red print)


• “Harv-isms”: priceless

Shot 20

• Either graphic on line or actual credit card


• For everything else….

there’s Mastercard

Author slide

Black background

Broval Productions

Fade to black
