Transcript 200 West 60th St 21-F New York, NY 10023 1-800-601-4181 © 2004, Inc.

Broad Match and other Targeting Options.


Presented byKevin LeeCEO,, Inc. 200 West 60th St 21-F New York, NY 10023 1-800-601-4181 © 2004, Inc.

Broad Match, Capturing the tail:

Depending on the search portal, 35-45% of search queries are three words or more in length.

• As searchers get more savvy, they recognize that by articulating their needs and wishes more clearly they see better quality results

• Specific search queries reveal searchers needs which means a targeted click

• Understand Buying Cycle Implications 200 West 60th St 21-F New York, NY 10023 1-800-601-4181 © 2004, Inc.

AdWords Strategy and the Buying Cycle

Campaign Goals and Objectives should line up with the profile of the searcher. 200 West 60th St 21-F New York, NY 10023 1-800-601-4181 © 2004, Inc.

Ad Strategy, Blended Success Metrics

Due to consumer preferences and the buying cycle (customers still in research mode) blended success metrics can be more accurate for profit maximization:

• Immediate Order (ecommerce)

• Registrations (e-mail, webinar, event, white paper)

• Lagged Order (consumer orders at a later date)

• Multi-channel retailer store lookup / store pickup

• Phone order (toll free call)

• Brand related metric (lift in awareness, recall, etc.)

Optimize your campaign in real-time based on your specific success metrics, objectives, down to the listing level. 200 West 60th St 21-F New York, NY 10023 1-800-601-4181 © 2004, Inc.

Keyword Strategies, Best Practices: Go Broad:

Don’t ignore low volume words: A a keyword only gets 40 searches a month may belong in the campaign. Add 1,200 together, and if they work for you at the right price and deliver high ROI, you have a killer campaign.

Broad Match Google is the default, but better to use broad match in conjunction with standard (exact) and phrase match listings.

In Overture, standard match always trumps broad match in the results, so your keyword list must be as large as possible to capture search visibility & traffic 200 West 60th St 21-F New York, NY 10023 1-800-601-4181 © 2004, Inc.

Keyword Research Tools 200 West 60th St 21-F New York, NY 10023 1-800-601-4181 © 2004, Inc.

Google Operational Overview (AdWords Ranking)

Google AdWords is not a pure auction, the “vote” of the searcher for your listings and those of your competition are taken into account. Google uses your MaxBid CPC and your Google-only CTR (normalized by position) to determine the ad’s rank.

Position CTR Normalization factor (estimated) Normalized CTR CPC Bid actual eCPM Potetnial eCPM1 2.60% 1 2.6000% 0.90$ 21.78$ 23.40$ 2 1.10% 1.1 1.2100% 1.80$ 14.04$ 21.78$ 3 1.30% 1.2 1.5600% 0.90$ 10.94$ 14.04$ 4 1.25% 1.25 1.5625% 0.70$ 10.92$ 10.94$ 5 1.05% 1.3 1.3650% 0.80$ 8.44$ 10.92$

Notice that the rank by bids is not the same as the rank byeCPM or Ad Score. The high CTR results in a killerAdvantage, This makes a difference when Broad Matching. 200 West 60th St 21-F New York, NY 10023 1-800-601-4181 © 2004, Inc.

Match Types & Google AdGroup ROI

In Google, when a broad listing gets a lot of traffic, break it out into its own AdGroup. Use referrer data. Why?

• New Listing gets better visibility with new title (bolded keywords)

• New listing gets higher CTR, higher position, lower cost, more traffic

• Better landing page targeting

• Better ROI control

• Competitive advantage.

Google’s system always pits a variety of listing types against each other for each search. An exact or phrase match listing with tuned creative will be clicked on more often and therefore be more efficient. 200 West 60th St 21-F New York, NY 10023 1-800-601-4181 © 2004, Inc.

Broad Match Strategies Negatives

Use broad match to help identify new phrases, and keywords that convert. Also use negative keywords to remove impressions and clicks that will convert poorly.

• In Google when listing does not show for inappropriate phrases the CTR is higher, cost is lower

• Google broad match with negatives runs at a higher position, lower cost, more well targeted traffic

• Overture: negatives keep ROI up

• Google better ROI all all around 200 West 60th St 21-F New York, NY 10023 1-800-601-4181 © 2004, Inc.

Maximizing Contextual Strategies - AdSense:

Many campaign management systems and web analytics systems can tap into and leverage Google’s “FastTrack” to track contectual clicks separately.

With this information you (or your team/technology) can determine the ROI of search traffic in comparison with content driven traffic and turn off the contextual portion of the campaign if the traffic coming in from the “AdSense” portion of the campaign is not converting sufficiently or is hitting the ROI objective.

Or, better yet, shift listings and AdGroups that work into campaigns that are “on” and group the other listings and AdGroups into a separate campaign and leave AdSense “off”

If you can make a reasonable ROI with the content inventory and stay within any other constraints (such as budget issues) then there is no reason not to take advantage of the contextual inventory. 200 West 60th St 21-F New York, NY 10023 1-800-601-4181 © 2004, Inc.

Creative Maximization DKI

In Google, you can use the DKI (Dynamic Keyword Insertion) mode to insert the exact keyword the searcher used. This results in a highly tuned creative execution. In this title example:

{Keyword: Default Creative} complete

“Keyword” is replaced by the actual search. If the actual search is too long, the default of “Default Creative” is used. In all cases, the word “complete” is in the title.

DKI can be used in the title or description. Generally the CTR will increase with DKI, increasing efficiency. 200 West 60th St 21-F New York, NY 10023 1-800-601-4181 © 2004, Inc.

Broad Strategies: Overture

In Overture, all standard match listings show up first.

Even more important to have listings for each phrase that gets a reasonably high search traffic

• Nice long title and descriptions let you tune creative

• Continuous expansion to take seasonality of keywords into account

• Landing pages should be as close a match as possible, particularly for high volume listings

Overture’s Advanced Match is a combination of phrase and broad match. CPCs are billed at the same rate as standard match. Advanced Match is opt-in or opt-out. 200 West 60th St 21-F New York, NY 10023 1-800-601-4181 © 2004, Inc.

Dayparting / Day of Week

Dayparting or Day-of-Week strategies are not for everyone.

Dayparting is not for every listing, even if it is appropriate.

a) Measure conversion by hour of day and day of week.

b) Determine min and max success metric changes based on changes in conversion and current pricing.

c) Analyze volume and profit impact

d) Select segments of the campaign that might be appropriate for dayparting

e) Determine if a bid change or pause is more appropriate 200 West 60th St 21-F New York, NY 10023 1-800-601-4181 © 2004, Inc.

Dayparting, Chart 1 Retailer 200 West 60th St 21-F New York, NY 10023 1-800-601-4181 © 2004, Inc.

Dayparting, Chart 2 Timeshare 200 West 60th St 21-F New York, NY 10023 1-800-601-4181 © 2004, Inc.

Maximizing by Breaking Down AdGroups

Most analytics technologies and the adserver data can’t help you blow out broad keywords:

• Creative Optimization (more compelling)

• Breaking out the top broad matches and writing the tuned ads is KILLER

Example: Keyword “discount vacation” on broad match will deliver a basket of keyword traffic. Which of those deserve a separate AdGroup or landing page?

1. discount Caribbean vacation

2. Disney discount vacation

3. discount London vacation

4. Discount vacation package

If a keyword phrase gets a fair amount of traffic, it would probably perform better as a separate AdGroup with separate creative because tuned creative would get a higher CTR. Plus a better landing page is often available, then conversion percentages may also climb. 200 West 60th St 21-F New York, NY 10023 1-800-601-4181 © 2004, Inc.

Advanced Landing Page Testing

Always test landing pages as a lift in conversion empowers a more aggressive bidding strategy or simply lifts profit.

• Ambiguous listings could have multiple good landing pages. Which one works best?

• Change the offer (free shipping, flat rate shipping, no offer)

• Change image

• Change navigation choices

• Change merchandising

• Change copy length

• Change headline

A small lift in landing page conversion is a huge lift in efficiency. 200 West 60th St 21-F New York, NY 10023 1-800-601-4181 © 2004, Inc.


Paid Search Marketing is a win lose game. Want to win?

Control risk through education, best practices, smart people, and appropriate use of effective technology.

Do you want to be a survivor and a winner in the game of search engine marketing? Learn how the game is played.

Questions? e-mail Kevin Lee CEO of [email protected]
