Page 1: Did I Provide Value The 8 Disciplines Of The Value Added Leader
Page 2: Did I Provide Value The 8 Disciplines Of The Value Added Leader

We’ve had the great fortune of working individually with thousands of

managers on a similar quest − discovering the fundamentals of

efficacious sales leadership. Each of these cherished encounters has

provided additional insight into the essence of what separates effective

leadership’s “best from the rest.” Through these interactions, we have

discovered that the lowest common denominator of effective sales

leadership is always providing value from the recipient’s perspective.

Managers who relentlessly provide value to every individual in

each interaction achieve success no matter how it’s defined. A direct

correlation exists between managers who passionately work at

providing value and employee respect and appreciation.

Leadership involves guiding others to important destinations which

sometimes call for going beyond the realm of comfort and experience.

This push forward, though necessary, is not always popular. However,

great coaches drive others forward despite the potential friendship

risk. An example of this leadership can be found daily in American

classrooms. It’s not easy to teach reading, writing, and arithmetic, yet

some teachers do this exceptionally well. They make each encounter

with subject matter a memorable and valued experience. They utilize

multiple methods to expose us to valued experiences which guide us

Did I Provide Value? | Did I Provide Value? - A Sales Management Effectiveness eBook Series by Business Efficacy 1

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along the journey of “I can’t” to “I did it.” Great educators aren’t

concerned with making friendships. Instead, their passion is to help

each student learn and effectively apply the unknowns needed for

success. Managers must also have this mindset to be effective

leaders. Regardless of experience, talent, age, or gender, employees

cherish leaders who strive for their growth and success by providing an

individualized approach. Providing value is the foundation of leader-

ship success. Effectively providing value from another’s perspective is

not easy to execute. Eight compelling drivers are required to provide

individualized value. Great leaders effectively apply each driver to en-

sure coaching excellence. A summary of each critical and

fundamental driver is provided below. Each of these drivers will be

further addressed, including a complete “how to,” in upcoming eBooks.

Although they are listed in no particular order, each is equally

important in providing maximum leadership value.

...we’ve discovered the lowest common denominator of effective sales leadership is always providing value from the recipient’s perspective. | Did I Provide Value? - A Sales Management Effectiveness eBook Series by Business Efficacy 2

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Accountability – Take It OnEveryone has a behavioral comfort zone. Moving beyond this comfort

zone takes motivation, courage, and persistence. All the unfulfilled

New Year’s resolutions are compelling evidence of how tough this can

be. It can be extremely difficult to get there on one’s own initiative.

Helping an individual move beyond limiting performance beliefs is

sensitive and difficult stuff.

Exceptional leaders are not afraid to assume the role of pushing and

challenging individuals to go beyond their behavioral comfort zones.

They do so by employing multiple methods to determine if the right

activities are happening with the appropriate frequency. They never

miss a chance to tackle an opportunity for improvement or reinforce-

ment. Even though it might be easier and less risky to ignore the

opportunity, the passion for improvement, execution, and mastery

compels action.

People often resist being pushed beyond their behavioral “happy place.”

Valued leaders are not constrained by a desire for popularity. Instead,

they just take it on. They realize respect is earned by helping others to

achieve more than they believe possible.

Remember, the biggest enemy of best is good enough! | Did I Provide Value? - A Sales Management Effectiveness eBook Series by Business Efficacy 3

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Timing, Not TimeGreat coaches rarely miss an opportunity to make an impact. They are

almost manic about seizing every opportunity to provide help to the

individuals they coach. No matter what is being done, they never waste

a learning opportunity. Timing is more important than time in making

this happen.

Coaching time should only be proportional to what is needed to

accomplish progress. Effective coaches are always cognizant of what

coaching activity can provide the maximum amount of help in the least

amount of time. They know a “just-in-time” coaching action is almost

always superior to a planned, yet delayed response.

Effective coaches do not base their actions on time or time manage-

ment. Instead, commitment drives their priority management. They

find a means to always be in the game. Employees value coaches being

present at precisely the moment of need; effective leaders deliver this

regardless of other demands.

Employees value coaches being present at precisely the moment of need; effective leaders deliver this regardless of other demands. | Did I Provide Value? - A Sales Management Effectiveness eBook Series by Business Efficacy

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It’s All About ThemEffective coaches must possess a passion for helping others. Personal

gratification for a coach is achieved by ensuring others reach their full

potential and are enormously successful. Great coaches make sure

they know what motivates each individual they coach. They then use

this knowledge to make each required behavior make sense from the

individual’s perspective, and show how it ties in to his or her personal

motivations. When done effectively, employees quickly trust their

coach is dedicated to their success.

Great coaches eschew the notion of “one size fits all” and tailor their

communication style and learning methods/activities for each

individual. This leadership “versatility” ensures communication;

positive and negative feedback is effective for each employee.

A coach’s first objective should always be to remove barriers to listen-

ing, comprehension, dialogue, behavioral change, and skill mastery as

quickly as possible. | Did I Provide Value? - A Sales Management Effectiveness eBook Series by Business Efficacy

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Stay With It Until They Get ItHigh performers achieve success under most circumstances. They

know what to do and call upon the knowledge and skills required.

Effective leadership pursues the development of this performance level

in each individual and always keeps this end in mind. Great coaches

understand execution excellence comes from developing high-impact

performers. It is pretty basic − the more people there are doing the

right activities, the more effective the execution is on what matters.

This results in a competitive advantage.

In today’s world of multi-tasking and conflicting agendas, it’s difficult

to develop mastery. Adequate (but not great) performance is often

accepted. Repetitive practice and action is the building block of mas-

tering any concept or task. Unfortunately, personal tolerance for this

effort wanes under the burden of our “get it done now” mentality. Great

leaders ensure their people keep doing high-impact actions and drive

task mastery. They always find creative and brief ways to get in more

Repetitive practice and action is the building block of mastering any concept or task. | Did I Provide Value? - A Sales Management Effectiveness eBook Series by Business Efficacy

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practice. They create opportunities to keep working on essential skills,

even when dealing with a conflicting emphasis. In addition, they check

to make sure required skills are being used. If they aren’t, they quickly

take action to find a way to get these essentials in motion.

Management’s pursuit is to be the best. This pursuit isn’t over until

execution excellence occurs at all times and under all conditions.

Good is not good enough.

Clear ExpectationsEmployees need to know specifically what should be done and how to

accomplish it − vagueness is not an option. Workers want success,

and it’s essential that management provide a clear pathway and the

necessary tools to achieve it.

Expectation clarity requires thoughtful determination of each

essential behavioral requirement. Clear expectations provide certainty;

they are tangible and readily measurable. Used effectively, they can

be the secret to improving personal accountability. Coaches who

consistently provide clear expectations make it easy for their | Did I Provide Value? - A Sales Management Effectiveness eBook Series by Business Efficacy

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employees to self-evaluate and determine if work is being done well.

This, combined with a manger’s ability to reinforce expectations

through multiple communication techniques, provides the foundation

for driving personal accountability.

High-Impact Few

Achieving success requires executing a few fundamental activities

exceptionally well. First, management must determine which activities

are critical. This is done by defining an ultimate target and then

establishing the significant milestones in the process required to

achieve it.

After milestones have been selected, managers must maintain focus

on each milestone individually and ensure it is pursued logically and

completely by applicable staff. Activity for activity’s sake must

not be allowed. Focus is the objective − distraction is not an option.

Remember, the mission is to do a few common things

uncommonly well. | Did I Provide Value? - A Sales Management Effectiveness eBook Series by Business Efficacy

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Ask More Than TellLearning is dependent upon critical, reflective thinking. Increasing

understanding is best accomplished by determining what, how, and

why something is happening.

Managers can best facilitate the discovery process by asking great

questions and telling less. When an individual is learning something

new, establishing direction and explaining how something should be

done requires telling. However, from that point forward the goal is

effective application of the information provided. This requires

conscious understanding, practice, and personal discovery. Managers

must be the facilitators of this process; they must value helping

others understand new concepts for themselves − as self-discovery is

a staple of the learning process.

When purposeful questioning is combined withtimely, useful suggestions, a manager becomes a virtuoso of providing valued assistance. | Did I Provide Value? - A Sales Management Effectiveness eBook Series by Business Efficacy

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Questions drive self-reflection and understanding. When purposeful

questioning is combined with timely, useful suggestions, a manager

becomes a virtuoso of providing valued assistance. In essence, talk

less and say more.

Learn From Each WinSuccess is infectious. People love to repeat what they do well. When

someone “has it down,” you can rest assured that the action will be

completed correctly again and again.

Great coaches love to catch their people when they are doing something

right. When they do, they make a big deal out of it. They want each

individual they coach to know when they have done well. They know

doing so will cause the action to be repeated, simply because it feels

right to the individual to do it again.

Effective leadership requires coaches to be in a position to create and

recognize success. It involves knowing how each individual prefers to

receive recognition. It means establishing opportunities for each

individual to exhibit the proper behaviors. Finally, it requires each

coach to demonstrate an enthusiasm for success. | Did I Provide Value? - A Sales Management Effectiveness eBook Series by Business Efficacy

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Unfortunately, many of today’s managers do not focus on finding

success. They seem to dwell on communicating only what either is not

being done or what is being done incorrectly. It’s important to address

performance issues; all great coaches do. However, instead of criticiz-

ing, they utilize everyday wins to help develop confidence, composure,

and concentration. Effective leaders understand an individual without

the confidence to pursue success is destined for mediocrity.

Valued leaders invite people to enjoy the process, have fun, and

celebrate a task well done. They understand doing so encourages the

characteristics in their people which will help to achieve results. | Did I Provide Value? - A Sales Management Effectiveness eBook Series by Business Efficacy

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Putting It Into ActionWe challenge all managers to ask if they always provide value to each

employee during every interaction, and to make sure they provide value

from the employee’s perspective. Get in the habit of asking, “Did I pro-

vide real value?” after each interaction.

To those managers who consistently provide value, we say bravo! Keep

going and strive to become 100% better as a result of each opportunity.

Remember, the biggest enemy of best is good enough.

To those managers who need to improve their ability to provide value,

start by analyzing current performance in each of the eight coaching

effectiveness areas detailed above. Decide which require the most im-

provement and, one at a time, “Take it On.” Then, “Stay with It” until

you can apply each fundamental concept in any circumstance with any

individual you are coaching.

Half done is not an option. After all, nobody forgets those who truly help. | Did I Provide Value? - A Sales Management Effectiveness eBook Series by Business Efficacy

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About Business EfficacyBusiness Efficacy helps B2B sales organizations “deliver the numbers”

by simplifying the complexity of sales management. For 16 years we’ve

witnessed organizations spend countless resources on traditional

training approaches, “silver-bullet” technologies, and product mar-

keting campaigns with little to show but short-term “blips” in perfor-

mance. We believe sales performance boils down to executing what

matters for your business, and driving the few, highest-impact actions

to get you there. We help sales management define − down to the most

fundamental actions − what their true performance outcomes are, get

the right actions happening in-the-field, and equip managers to sustain

true performance over time.

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