Page 1: Dictionary And Parts Of Speech

The Dictionary and Parts of Speech

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The Dictionary

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The Dictionary

What’s in a dictionary entry?

The part of speechDefinition(s)Synonyms / antonymsExamples of usagePronunciation / syllablesWord familyRoot /history of word

Page 4: Dictionary And Parts Of Speech

The Dictionary

draw up Function: verb 1 : to bring (as troops) into a formation 2 : to prepare a draft or version of <draw up

plans> 3 : to bring to a halt 4 : to straighten (oneself) to an erect posture

especially as an assertion of dignity or resentment: to come to a halt <the car drew up at the door>

What’s in the dictionary definition?

Part of Speech



Page 5: Dictionary And Parts Of Speech

The Dictionary

draw up Function: verb 1 : to bring (as troops) into a formation 2 : to prepare a draft or version of <draw up plans> 3 : to bring to a halt 4 : to straighten (oneself) to an erect posture especially as an

assertion of dignity or resentment: to come to a halt <the car drew up at the door>

Engineer A, an environmental engineer employed by the state environmental protection division, is ordered to draw up a plan for construction of a power plant.

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Page 6: Dictionary And Parts Of Speech

The Dictionary

plant Function: noun 1 a: a young tree, vine, shrub, or herb b: any of a kingdom (Plantae) of multicellular eukaryotic mostly

photosynthetic organisms typically lacking locomotive movement or obvious nervous or sensory organs and possessing cellulose cell walls

2 a: the land, buildings, machinery, apparatus, and fixtures employed in carrying on a trade or an industrial business

b: a factory or workshop for the manufacture of a particular product; c: the total facilities available for production or service d: the buildings and other physical equipment of an institution3: an act of planting4: something or someone planted

Engineer A, an environmental engineer employed by the state environmental protection division, is ordered to draw up a plan for construction of a power plant.

Go back to the text. Does the meaning you chose make sense?…a plan for a construction of a power factory…

Read the text. Look for the definition that suits the context.

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The Dictionary

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Page 9: Dictionary And Parts Of Speech

The Dictionary and Parts of Speech

water – noun? verb? adjective?

I’m thirsty. I’d like a glass of water.

I’m going on vacation. Can you please water the plants?

The water lilies are beautiful?

Why do you need to know the part of speech when you look up a word in the dictionary?

Page 10: Dictionary And Parts Of Speech

Part of Speech

Functions Questions Answered

Nouns •Words that name PEOPLE, PLACES, THINGS, IDEAS OR CONCEPTS•The subject of a sentence and the object of a verb are always nouns.

Who? Whose?What? (Where? - ONLY NAMES OF PLACES)

Verbs •Words that express an ACTION.•Some verbs, such as, the verbs BE and SEEM are used to express a condition and no action is involved.•Examples: He is happy. He seems tired.

Adjectives (noun modifiers)

Words that describe nouns Which one?What kind?How much / many?

Adverbs Words that describe VERBS, ADJECTIVES, and other ADVERBS

How?When?Where?How often?

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