
    1 Pat & Ian Cowan 2 Robert & Alison Crichton and Rebecca 3 Michael & Donna Curran, Henry and Martha 4 Robin Daz 5 Jack & Edna Dixon 6 Mavis Duckworth 7 Paul & Linda Duffy, Kate and Michael 8 Terry & Judith Eaton, Rachael and Eleanor 9 Peggy Everall 10 Matt & Caroline Flint, Ethan and Emily 11 Richard & Barbara Gillard, Rachel, Hannah and Robert 12 Anne & Tony Gilmore 13 Helen & Annabel Green and Stephanie Miller 14 Bert Greenway 15 Darren & Donna Hall and Emelia 16 Laraine Hall 17 Madeline Hamper 18 Glenys Hobbins 19 Fred & Anne Holloway 20 Phil & Jane Inshaw and Ashley 21 Chris Ives, Molly and Jack 22 Jennifer Jackson and Robert Banks 23 Trevor & Eileen John 24 Rosemary & Vic Jones 25 Gerald & Rosemary Lawrence, Edward and Toby 26 Rosemary Lumley 27 Alice McAdam 28 John & Ayse McKenzie, Iain, Layla and Scott 29 Rev. Mhari McLintock, Hugh Maccallum, Roddy and Bryce 30 Annabel Matharu, James and Alice 31 Grace Mitchell


  • Christmas “It is so exciting!” says my little grandson, his body tense with excitement. Do you remember feeling like that on Christmas Eve? When I was small the day seemed to last far too long and sleeping that night was impossible. Not that we got lots of expensive presents, as it was during and just after the war, but the whole atmosphere was exciting with busy, brightly decorated shops and people full of Christmas cheer. I meet quite a few people who say they hate Christmas and will be glad when it is over. Christmas can be a lot of hard work but, on the other hand, it is lovely to contact friends and family. How can we help people who dread Christmas? This autumn we are inviting people to some of our services. The Carols by Candlelight would be a good one as it always gets us into the Christmas spirit. Also at Tannery Court, which is on Sunday 11th December at 7 pm, we try to give the residents a Christmassy feeling by readings, carols and having mince pies. The singing needs the boost of stronger voices, so if you can join us for a short while it would help. The service only lasts half an hour. It is a little longer if you stay for tea and mince pies. If there are any Children or young people who could read a poem or play an instrument the residents would love it. Jesus gave us his deep wisdom. Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus which was an exciting event and well worth celebrating. Betty


  • DIARY FOR DECEMBER 2016 Regular Events:- (except school holidays) Tuesday 10.00 Craft Meeting Thursday 9.30 – 12 noon The Coffee Pot 5.00 Rainbows 6.15 Brownies Friday 7.00 Guides Other Events: 3

    rd Saturday 10.00 Christmas Window sill arrangements.


    th Sunday 11.00 Family Service led by Kevin Snyman, followed by

    Coffee in the schoolroom. 5

    th Monday 7.15 Discussion Group. Topic: “The Afterlife”.


    th Wednesday 1.30 We have been invited to the Dress Rehearsal of the

    Infants’ Christmas Play at Clinton School. Please be seated by 1.30 pm. EVERYBODY WELCOME.

    7.15 Elders’ Meeting 11

    th Sunday 11.00 Junior Church Parade service, led by Donna Curran, a

    member of our Worship Leaders Group, followed by Coffee in the schoolroom. 7.00 Tannery Court Christmas Service. 14

    th Wednesday 2.00 Ladies Circle: “Slovenia” – Rosemary & Kath.

    7.15 Managers’ Meeting 18

    th Sunday 11.00 Family Service with Communion led by Rev. Paul Fiske,

    followed by coffee in the schoolroom.

    6.30 CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT led by the Elders, followed by coffee and mince pies in the schoolroom.

    25th Sunday 10.30 CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE led by David Connelly, a

    member of our Worship Leaders Group.

    The Communion Offertory for December will be for Embrace, which is helping to tackle poverty and injustice in the Middle East. 4



    1st Sunday 11.00 NEW YEAR’S DAY Family Service led by Val

    Whiteman, followed by coffee in the schoolroom. 4

    th Wednesday 7.15 Elders’ Meeting


    th Sunday 11.00 Family Service led by a member of the Worship

    Group, followed by coffee in the schoolroom. 7.00 Service at Tannery Court. 11

    th Wednesday 12.30 for 1 pm Ladies Circle: “Christmas” meal at the

    Holiday Inn. 7.15 Managers’ Meeting.


    th Sunday 11.00 Family Service with Communion led by Rev.

    Roger Hall, followed by coffee in the schoolroom. 22

    nd Sunday 11.00 Family Service led by George Jones, followed,


    th Sunday 11.00 Family Service led by Rev. Nick Stanyon, followed

    by coffee in the schoolroom.


  • THANK YOU. Mhari and Hugh would like to thank all those who sent their good wishes on their recent 25th wedding anniversary, and to all for their cards and prayers in recent months. All very much appreciated. Best wishes Mhari and Hugh 6


    ‘A Child’s Story from Iraq’, on another page, comes from the Scottish Bible Society, thanks to Winnie The October ‘Reform’ URC Digest tells us that John Ellis, the URC Treasurer and immediate-past Moderator of the General Assembly, was elected to the voluntary role of Treasurer for the Council for World Mission (CWM) in June. He will serve the CWM for 4 years and the role was confirmed at the CWM Assembly in Korea. Also there the Rev. Peter Ball, Mission and Training Officer for the Eastern Synod, presented the Protestant Church in Korea (PCK) with a painting as a gift from the URC. In return, the PCK representative gave URC delegates a Korean fan with an inscribed handle. The CWM website - - tells us that the theme for the next 4 years, launched at the June Assembly, is ‘Healing : Hope in Action’ (healing of brokenness experienced throughout all of God’s creation). It also tells us that the CWM Board members elected in June (including John Ellis as Treasurer) held a 3-day meeting in Singapore in October which included Sunday worship at the Amazing Grace Presbyterian Church. Next year is the 40th Anniversary of CWM and a publication of 40 missional stories from individuals and member churches is planned. In the Digest Notices we read that next spring CWM’s ‘Building Life-Affirming Communities’ programme aims to get theology students ‘face to face with the many poor and the many faiths in Asia’. Participants will explore India, learning from the URC’s partners there. Janet Turner


  • DISCUSSION GROUP. The Discussion Group is now well established with many interesting and illuminating topics being considered. I try to advertise each meeting a couple of weeks ahead to allow people to read up about the topic beforehand if they wish. Just to remind you the group is open to anyone at our Church, you can even come along just to listen. It is an open forum and people can speak freely in the knowledge that it is a non judgmental, confidential and supportive environment. Currently we meet on the first Monday of each month, except for Bank Holidays and the occasional break. The next meeting is on Monday 5th December at 7.15 p.m. in the Vestry when the topic will be "The Afterlife". We then have a break in January before recommencing on Monday 6th February, the topic yet to be confirmed. If you wish to come along you will be very welcome, just turn up! Colin.


  • Stories from Iraq

    A child’s story “I was walking through a refugee camp when I noticed a little girl beaming at me. Her happy face shone out amidst the sadness around her. ‘Hello’ she greeted me, smiling broadly. I greeted her back and asked her what was making her so happy. She asked me if I had any children and I told her that yes, I had a daughter a little older than her. She then asked me if my daughter had a bed to sleep on. I told her yes, and asked why she wanted to know. I’ll never forget her answer. “For a whole month since we got here my little sister and I have been sleeping on the ground, without a mattress. I just want to live like a normal girl again, with toys and a bed and a house to live in. Today, I’m so happy because tonight will be the first night I’ll be sleeping on a mattress again! Thanks so much for bringing me a mattress... and say hi to your daughter for me!” She turned and walked away, leaving me speechless and filled with questions about how we can stop the suffering of these innocent children.” This story comes from Nabil Omiesh, Programme Co-ordinator of the Bible Society in Iraq. It is just one of the many hundreds of stories that have come out of the Bible-based trauma healing programme in Iraq and Syria, that is working to bring the hope and comfort of God's Word to Christian refugees. Please pray for Christians experiencing ongoing and devastating trauma. And please consider giving a gift today which will help bring hope to many persecuted Iraqi Christians.


  • 10


    Transport Flowers provided by Flowers arranged by


    Phil Inshaw

    Jane Wood-Scawen

    Christmas arrangements


    Colin Ritchie

    Jane Wood-Scawen

    Christmas arrangements


    John Nichols

    Jane Wood-Scawen

    Christmas arrangements


    Pat Cowan

    Jane Woods-Scawen

    Christmas arrangements

    Projector & Sound Stewards Readers


    John Nichols

    Winnie Tawil

    Gloria Cordery

    Anne Gilmore

    Betty Connelly


    Bronwen Todd

    Helen Green

    Phil Inshaw

    Vivien Nichols


    Kath Shortley

    Phil Inshaw

    Michael & Henry Curran

    Helen Green


    David Connelly

    Linda Duffy

    Eileen John

    Rosemary Lawrence

    Coffee Car Park Vestry

    4 Eileen John

    Annabel Matharu

    David Connelly

    Eileen John

    11 Eileen John

    Annabel Matharu

    Phil Inshaw

    John McKenzie

    18 Gloria Cordery

    Helen Green

    The Currans

    Kath Shortley

    25 Gloria Cordery

    Helen Green

    David Connelly

    Betty Connelly

    Communion Prep Comm. Servers


    Kath Shortley

    Eileen John

    Kath Shortley

    Eileen John

    Pat Cowan

    Colin Ritchie


  • ROTAS – JANUARY 2017

    Transport Flowers provided by Flowers arranged by


    Di Wilson

    Heather Barton

    Heather Barton


    John Spenser

    Alison Crichton

    Anne Gilmore


    Phil Inshaw

    Pat Cowan

    Ayse McKenzie


    Colin Ritchie

    Betty Connelly

    Betty Connelly


    John Nichols

    Anne Holloway

    Anne Holloway

    Projector & Sound Stewards Readers


    Ivan Pointon

    John & Vivien Nichols

    David Connelly


    John McKenzie

    Winnie Tawil

    Donna Hall

    Alison Crichton

    John Nichols


    Bronwen Todd

    John & Lorna Spenser

    Colin Ritchie

    22 Kath Shortley

    Phil Inshaw

    Fred & Anne Holloway

    Donna Curran


    David Connelly

    Betty Connelly

    Rosemary Jones

    Phil Inshaw

    Coffee Car Park Vestry

    1 Kath Shortley

    Rosemary Lawrence

    John Nichols

    Colin Ritchie

    8 Kath Shortley

    Rosemary Lawrence

    Alison Crichton

    Di Wilson

    15 John Nichols

    Cheryl Ritchie

    Colin Ritchie

    Rosemary Lawrence

    22 John Nichols

    Cheryl Ritchie

    Fred Holloway

    Pat Cowan


    Janet Turner

    Mary Skidmore

    David Connelly

    John McKenzie

    Communion Prep Comm. Servers

    15 Rosemary Lawrence

    Betty Connelly

    Rosemary Lawrence

    Betty Connelly

    Kath Shortley

    Anne Gilmore


  • Treasurers Report November 2016 Offertory for October £1959 (2015 - £1541) October Communion gifts for Coventry & Warwickshire Mind £30 Coffee Pot donation £100 Harvest gifts for Commitment for Life £1746 (2015 -£1170) The Communion Offertory for December will be for Embrace, which is helping to tackle poverty and injustice in the Middle East. The Grand Coffee Morning Raised £954. (last year £770). Thanks to everyone who contributed to this.

    Present Aid launches new ethical charity Christmas gifts

    Present Aid (, Christian Aid’s ethical gift shop, has launched 18 new charity gifts for Christmas 2016. The new

    gifts will support some of the 65 million displaced people around the world, who have been victims of violence, conflict and

    unpredictability. There are 10 gifts available for £20 or less, so your gift could provide

    a much-needed toilet (£8) for a community in South Sudan,; provide new boots (£10) to help a vulnerable child in Eastern Europe; or help send Malawian farmers a daily local weather forecast (£8) via text

    message so they know when it is best to plant seeds and harvest crops.

    To receive a Present Aid gift card by post in time for Christmas, orders must be placed by 14 December. Present Aid, has raised in excess of £17 million for Christian Aid’s work with poor communities

    across Africa, Asia and Latin America.



    DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS. A Happy Birthday to all of the following:- December 2nd Helen Watt December 10th Joan Lightbown December 15th Anne Nichol December 19th Sarah Todd December 28th Phil Inshaw One of the above birthdays is a very special one – Anne Nichol celebrates her 90th birthday just before Christmas and we send her our very best wishes. JANUARY BIRTHDAYS. Among those celebrating birthdays early in the New Year are January 1st Grace Mitchell January 11th Glenys Hobbins January 11th Jo Stratton January 12th Pam Muckersie January 13th Jennifer Jackson January 14th Tony Gilmore celebrating his 70th January 22nd Winnie Tawil January 22nd Emily Flint will be 3 January 24th Rosemary Jones January 31st Rebecca Crichton who will be 18 UNWELL/IN HOSPITAL We continue to think of Kath Shortley, Mhari McLintock and Bert Greenway. 14

  • We continue to pray for Dorothy Barker, Peggy Everall, Grace Mitchell, Eileen Bates, Rosemary Lumley, Jan Roberts and Joan Lightbown. All of the above mentioned and any who do not wish to be mentioned by name, are in our thoughts and prayers. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Mhari and Hugh who recently celebrated their Silver Wedding. Congratulations also to Molly Ives on her very successful portrayal of Anne Franks in the play at The Talisman Theatre in October.

    DECEMBER. December, December, A month to remember, A month full of darkness and light, A month full of rushing And sharing and hoping, A month full of one special night.

    Daphne Kitching. Please let Pat Cowan know either in person or on 01926 313904 of any Pastoral Care matters.


  • This obituary for Barbara Jones appeared in the Guardian. My friend Barbara Jones, who has died aged 80 from motor neurone disease, was a person of high principles, human warmth and sympathy. For many years, she was active in our local group of Amnesty International in Kenilworth, Warwickshire. Barbara took on the role of organising sufficient volunteers so that there could be fundraising street stalls three or four times a year. Barbara was the younger daughter of Rose and Harold Jones, and spent her childhood in Kidderminster, Worcestershire, where her father was a headmaster. He had fought in the First World War and was mentioned in dispatches, which sparked Barbara’s own interest in the war. She began training as a nurse in 1954 at St Thomas’ hospital, London, and had a varied career. Her last job before retiring to Kenilworth was as a lecturer at the Hotel and Catering Industries Training Board in Shrewsbury. Her greatest achievement at Amnesty in Kenilworth was that the stalls ran smoothly year after year – a tribute to her powers of persuasion. When raising a group of us to stand with our tins collecting money on a “flag day”, Barbara recruited everyone by phone. She cajoled them, listened to them, sympathised with their problems, sent cards if she knew they were poorly, and even tried to comfort them in their difficulties. She was a difficult person to say no to. We volunteers used to talk about her fondly but in some awe – feeling that we could not let her down. Barbara was formidable in the best sense of that word, kind and empathetic. She had a remarkable ability to make relationships: it was this that made her such an effective ambassador for AI. She was very well organised, detested meetings, hated computers and never used email, and proved that effectiveness depends so often on personal skills and not technology. She was an active member of the Western Front Association and often visited the First World War battlefields. She also ran the local Poppy Day appeals for several years. Barbara is survived by her sister, Edna, and a niece and nephew.

    Roger Frost 16

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    For further information, please speak to Alan Hands.


    FEBRUARY 2017




  • 20


    1 Roz & Neil Morris 2 Peter & Pam Muckersie 3 Anne Nichol 4 Heather Nichols 5 John & Vivien Nichols 6 Dennis & Margaret O’Brien and Robert 7 Ivan & Alison Pointon, Louise and Donna 8 Colin & Cheryl Ritchie, Tara, Andrew and Fraser 9 Jan Roberts 10 Kath Shortley 11 Mary Skidmore 12 John & Lorna Spenser 13 Jo & Nathan Stratton, Sophie and Elspeth 14 Winnie Tawil 15 Esmé Thorpe 16 Martyn & Bronwen Todd, Alice, Sarah and Charlotte 17 Janet & Ken Turner 18 Mick & Alison Tyler, Abigail, Gavin and Benjamin 19 Joy Verral 20 Gaynor Watkins 21 Bob Watson 22 Helen Watt 23 Di & Dave Wilson 24 Jane Woods-Scawen 25 Jon & Sally Atkinson 26 Ann Banning 27 Dorothy Barker 28 John & Heather Barton 29 Paul & Jennie Blake, Harry and Mollie 30 Jayne Bryan, Martha and Seth 31 Judy Clarkson and Sam


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