
Tim Kloppenborg, PhD, PMPAnd

Kate Wells, MEd, CAPM

Project Manager Duties and How they Vary over the Project Life



• Project Success

• Project Life Cycles

• Project Manager Responsibilities

What is a project?What is a project?

Projects require:◦ an organized set of work efforts.

◦ progressively elaborated detail.

◦ a defined beginning and ending.

◦ a unique combination of stakeholders.

Projects are subject to time and resource limitations

project – “a temporary endeavor undertaken tocreate a unique product, service, or result.” PMBOK® Guide

stakeholders – “an individual, or organization who may affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a decision, activity, or outcome of a project.” PMBOK® Guide

Project Goals and ConstraintsProject Goals and Constraints Projects are undertaken to accomplish specific goals Scope and quality are performance goals

Subject to constraints of time and cost

Scope – “the sum of the products, services, and results to be provided as a project.” PMBOK® Guide

Quality – “the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills requirements.” PMBOK® Guide

Project SuccessProject Success

Predictive (Plan-Driven) PLCPredictive (Plan-Driven) PLC

Predictive extreme waterfall

Adaptive (Change-Driven) PLCAdaptive (Change-Driven) PLC

Adaptive extreme agile

Design Project Life Cycle


Soft Skills and Hard SkillsSoft Skills and Hard Skills

“Soft” skills

◦ Communication◦ Leadership ◦ Team building

“Hard” skills◦ Risk analysis◦ Quality control◦ Scheduling work◦ Budgeting work

Project Manager Duties

• Satisfy Customers• Deliver promised results on time and

budget• Support project team• Manage communication• Champion project

Project Manager Duties During Selecting Stage

• Help identify and justify rationale for proposed project

Project Manager Duties During Initiating Stage

• Write charter rough draft with team

• Negotiate charter with sponsor

Project Manager Duties During Planning Stage

• Create plans for:– Communications– Scope– Schedule– Budget– Team

• Kick off project

Project Manager Duties During Executing Stage

• Acquire, develop and lead project team• Manage risks and changes• Monitor, control, and report progress

Project Manager Duties During Closing Stage

• Transition project deliverables to users• Capture lessons learned• Evaluate team members• Administratively close project

Project Manager Duties During Realizing Stage

• Schedule and conduct follow-up assessment

To be a Successful Project Manager You Should Know:

• What is project success in your organization?

• What project life cycle will you use?

• What do you need to do at each project stage?

• If you do not know the answers to these questions: Ask!

Thank You

• Tim Kloppenborg – [email protected]

• Kate Noel Wells – [email protected]