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Service & Support

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Cover sheet

SIMATIC Technical Support Extended Diagnostics in PCS 7and WinCC Plants

Diagnostic tools May 2011

Page 2: Diagnose PCS7 WinCC V2 5 1 En

Warranty and Liability

2 Extended Diagnostics in PCS 7and WinCC Plants

V 2.5.1 Entry ID: 48698507

Siemens AG, Sector Industry, Industry Automation, Automation Systems

This entry is from the Technical Support of Siemens AG, Industry Automation.

If you have any questions regarding this entry, please contact us at the following e-mail address:

[email protected]

Warranty and Liability The conditions of use specified there apply (

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Extended Diagnostics in PCS 7and WinCC Plants V 2.5.1, Entry ID:48698507 3

Contents Warranty and Liability ................................................................................................. 2 1 Overview............................................................................................................. 4

1.1 Motivation ............................................................................................. 4 1.2 Overview of Diagnostics Options ......................................................... 4 1.3 Requirements for Extended Diagnostics of PCS 7 and WinCC Plants 6 1.3.1 Software Components.......................................................................... 6

2 Configuration of Diagnostics ........................................................................... 8 2.1 Dr. Watson ........................................................................................... 8 2.2 User Mode Process.............................................................................. 9 2.2.1 Processes to be monitored ................................................................ 14 2.3 Script Diagnostics (APDIAG) ............................................................. 16 2.4 Windows Performance Monitor .......................................................... 18 2.5 SIMATIC Batch Trace ........................................................................ 26

3 Tools ................................................................................................................. 30 3.1 SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool ................................................................. 30 3.1.1 Install the SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool................................................. 30 3.1.2 Configure the SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool Locally .............................. 31 3.1.3 Configure the SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool Centrally ........................... 34

4 Archiving the Diagnostics .............................................................................. 39 4.1 Acquisition of Local Diagnostics Data ................................................ 39

5 Literature .......................................................................................................... 41 5.1 Bibliography........................................................................................ 41 5.2 Internet Links...................................................................................... 41

6 History............................................................................................................... 42 6.1 Version Overview ............................................................................... 42

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1 Overview

4 Extended Diagnostics in PCS 7and WinCC Plants

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1 Overview

1.1 Motivation

Proper evaluation of qualified status data is necessary for successful diagnostics and resulting actions. The aim is to improve the quality diagnostics results and therefore their comparability by applying automatic, uniform diagnostics. The advantages of this diagnostics concept are the following:

Standardized and automatic acquisition of diagnostics data

Permanent and comprehensive diagnostics

Integration of the diagnostics tool without causing interference of production operations

The diagnostics data is available as soon as an event occurs

Diagnostics of the Windows process level

1.2 Overview of Diagnostics Options

The following figure shows an overview of the tools to be configured.

Figure 1-1

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1 Overview

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Dr. Watson

Dr. Watson logs data after a program error.

Creating a log file

Creating a crash memory dump

User Mode Process

The "User Mode Process Dumper" monitors the processes set and creates a memory dump in the event of an error.

Script Diagnostics (APDIAG)

Diagnostics tool for in-depth and effective analysis of script errors.

Runtime monitoring for determining script errors.

Support in analyzing errors and performance problems.

Windows Performance Monitor

The system monitor (performance monitor) integrated in the Windows operating system is designed to detect resource bottlenecks in the system.

Detailed monitoring of the operating system resources used.

Cyclic recording of system resources.

SIMATIC Batch Trace

After activation, a log of the batch processes is stored continuously.

SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool

The "SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool" acquires diagnostics and system data for service, support and maintenance. The tool can be run locally on a computer, but can also acquire diagnostics data from other computers via remote access in distributed systems.

Acquisition of diagnostics data.

Acquisition of system data.

Archiving of acquired data sorted according to computer in the ZIP format.

Transfer of central data via the integrated ftp service.

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1 Overview

6 Extended Diagnostics in PCS 7and WinCC Plants

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1.3 Requirements for Extended Diagnostics of PCS 7 and WinCC Plants

1.3.1 Software Components

Standard software components

Table 1-1

Components Version Note

Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows Server 2003

PCS 7 V6 V 6.x Includes WinCC V 6.0

PCS 7 V7.0 V 7.0 Includes WinCC V 6.2

PCS 7 V7.1 V 7.1 Includes WinCC V 7.0

WinCC V6 V 6.x

WinCC V7 V 7.x

Tools and diagnostics software

Table 1-2

Components Version Note

User Mode Process Dumper 8.1 Link: User Mode Process Dumper

APDIAG ..\Siemens\WinCC\utools\apdiag.exe

Performance Monitor ..\Windows\system32\perfmon.exe

Templates (Performance Monitor) "DiagAllCountersClient.htm" "DiagAllCountersServer.htm" "CPUPeakCheck.htm"

Trace Configuration Editor ..\Program Files\ SIEMENS\Common\bin\ pcs7commontracecontrolx.exe

SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool Edition 2010 DVD SIMATIC PCS 7 V7.1 incl. SP2 ..\Additional_Products\SDT_2010_1\ or Link: SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool

Templates (SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool)

"remote.xml" "local.xml"

PsExec (required for SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool)

V1.98 Link: PsExec

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1 Overview

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User rights and releases

The user requires administrator rights on the target system for installation and setting up.

Hard disk space

At least 3 GB of memory are required on your hard disk for the diagnostics data.

The storage path is defined as "D:\Siemens\Diagnostics". This storage path is used by the "User Mode Process" and "Windows Performance Monitor" tools and the "SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool".


This diagnostics concept does not include a description of the

Engineering tools PCS 7 and WinCC

Basic knowledge of these topics is prerequisite.

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2 Configuration of Diagnostics

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2 Configuration of Diagnostics To fulfill the requirements for comprehensive diagnostics it is recommended to make all the settings described in this chapter.

2.1 Dr. Watson

Below we describe how to set "Dr. Watson" as the default debugger.

Table 2-1

No. Procedure

1. Execute Start > Run.... Enter DRwtsn32 -i and start the procedure with OK.

2. Again select Start > Run... and again enter DRwtsn32 and again start the procedure with OK.

3. Set the crash dump to Full.

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2.2 User Mode Process

The instructions below are for installing and using the User Mode Process Dumper in WinCC and PCS 7.

After activation, a memory dump of a process is made in the event of an error.

Table 2-2

No. Procedure

1. Download the User Mode Process Dumper version V8.1 from the Microsoft internet site and install the user dump tool in "C:\kktools\userdump8.1".

2. Switch to the "C:\kktools\userdump8.1" directory. Start the "setup.exe" of the User Mode Process Dumper from the folder corresponding to your operating system (ia64, x64 or x86). In the next window you click the "Next" button.

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3. In the "Terminate Mode" window you select the option "Disable "Dump on Process

Termination" feature" and confirm with the "Next" button.

4. Now, in the "Confirmation" window you click the "Finish" button to complete the installation.

5. Acknowledge the next message with "Yes" to open the configuration of the "User Mode Process Dumper".

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6. In the "User Mode Process Dumper Properties" window you open the default rules and requirements window with the "Default Settings…" button.

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7. In the "Default Exception Rules" window you set the rules as shown in the screenshot below and define the storage path of the dump as "D:\Siemens\Diagnose\Dumps". It might be necessary to create a new directory.

Close the window with "OK". Note: These settings are used for all processes in which no "Custom Rules" are activated. The "dump files" are acquired by the "SIMATIC Diagnose Tool" from this predefined storage path.

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In the "User Mode Process Dumper Properties" window you use the "New" button to add a new item.

9. In the "Add Application to Monitor for Excepti…" window you enter the process name of the application in Table 2-3 respectively 2-4 that you wish to monitor in the “Application name:” field.

Close the window with “OK”.

10. Continue likewise with all the processes listed in Table 2-3 respectively 2-4. Here, a difference is made as to whether the configuration is made on the OS server or OS client.

11. Once you have defined all the processes, you quite the “User Mode Process

Dumper” with “OK”. 12. You must restart the process concerned in each case for the settings to become

effective. For this you restart the PC.

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2 Configuration of Diagnostics

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2.2.1 Processes to be monitored

When selecting the processes, a difference is made between OS server and OS client.

OS server

With the OS server you add the following processes to the User Dump Tool.

Table 2-3

Process Description

CCAgent.exe Monitors the network in which the WinCC station is located. Used by NetCC.

CCAlgRtServer.exe WinCC Alarm Logging Runtime Server

CCArchiveManager.exe WinCC Archive Manager

CCDeltaLoader.exe Logs the changes made in a project.

CCEClient.exe Central communication.

CCEServer.exe Central communication.

CCLicenseService.exe License monitoring

CCProjectMgr.exe Project Manager

CCPtmRTServer.exe Picture Tree Manager

CCRtsLoader.exe Loader for WinCC Data Manager

CCSsmRTServer.exe Base data management for Runtime

CCTextServer.exe Text Server

CCTlgServer.exe WinCC Tag Logging Runtime Server

CCWriteArchiveServer.exe Archive Server called at least three times for ALG, TLG fast and TLG2 slow archiving.

Gscrt.exe Global Script - Runtime

PdlRt.exe Graphics - Runtime

Rebootx.exe PCS7 Reboot Box

RedundancyControl.exe WinCC Redundancy Control

RedundancyState.exe WinCC Redundancy State

script.exe Background processing of actions / functions

WARNING In the case of blocking, manual dumps of the processes “PdlRt.exe” and “script.exe” must be made before restarting the computer. More information on generating manual dumps is available in our Entry ID:

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OS client

With the OS server you add the following processes to the User Dump Tool.

Table 2-4

Process Description

CCDmIVarProxyServer.exe Ivar2 Proxy – data manager access

CCEClient.exe Central communication.

CCEServer.exe Central communication.


CCPtmRTServer.exe Picture Tree Manager

CCSsmRTServer.exe Base data management for Runtime

gscrt.exe Global Script - Runtime

PassDBRT.exe User Administrator - Runtime

PdlRt.exe Graphics - Runtime

RedundancyState.exe WinCC Redundancy State

script.exe Background processing of actions / functions

SFCRT.exe Visualization of SFCs

Sopcsrvrwincc.exe SIMATIC OPC Server

WARNING In the case of blocking, manual dumps of the processes “PdlRt.exe” and “script.exe” must be made before restarting the computer. More information on generating manual dumps is available in our Entry ID:

Note Using the User Mode Process described does not affect the normal operation of the software and hardware. However, when using a dump event, might lead to temporary loss of performance and changes to the system timing.

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2 Configuration of Diagnostics

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2.3 Script Diagnostics (APDIAG)

The instructions below are for installing and using “ApDiag.exe” in WinCC and PCS 7.

After activation, in the event of an error the diagnostics data is stored in a file via a default function of WinCC.

Table 2-5

No. Procedure

1. Open “Apdiag.exe” in the “..\Siemens\WinCC\Utools” folder.

2. In the menu bar click “Diagnostics”, and then in the drop-down menu click “Start”. Enable the option “Start automatically with start of WinCC” and then select “LEVEL_3”. In this way diagnostics is started each time you open a project.

Close the window with “OK”.

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2 Configuration of Diagnostics

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3. In the menu bar you click “Diagnostics”, and then in the drop-down menu click “OnFile”.

Make the settings as below.

With the “OnErrorExecute -> Error in File” parameter you set that the output of an OnErrorExecute is made in the “OnErrorN.txt “ file in the “..\Siemens\WinCC\Diagnose” directory. Close the window with “OK”.

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2 Configuration of Diagnostics

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2.4 Windows Performance Monitor

The instructions below are for installing and using the Performance Monitor in WinCC and PCS 7.

After activation, a performance log is stored continuously.

Here, the storage, handle and CPU time of the performance indicators defined in the templates “DiagAllCountersClient.htm” and “DiagAllCountersServer.htm” are used.

The incorporation of the “CPUPeakCheck.htm” template generates an event entry when the CPU load of 95% is exceeded.

Table 2-6

No. Action Remark

1. Start the Performance Monitor with Start > Run… . Enter “perfmon” and start the procedure with OK.

2. Open the menu item “New Log Settings From…”in the “Counter Logs” submenu.

Use the appropriate templates (*.htm files) for the log settings in Table 1-2 .


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No. Action Remark

4. Select the profile concerned from the prepared templates in accordance with the type of computer. “DiagAllCountersClient.htm” for a WinCC client. “DiagAllCountersServer.htm” for a WinCC server.

Close the dialog box with “Open”.

5. Accept the specified name for the setting.

Confirm the entry with “OK”.

DiagAllCountersServer DiagAllCountersClient

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No. Action Remark

The import makes the basic settings below. Storage path for the log file: “D:\Siemens\Diagnostics\DiagAllCountersServermmddmmhh.blg

The log files are acquired by the SIMATIC Diagnose Tool from this predefined storage path.


Tab: “General”

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No. Action Remark

Tab: “Log Files”

7. In the “Configure Log Files” dialog the limit of the log files is set to “1024 MB”.

Click “OK” to close the settings.

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No. Action Remark

8. In the “Schedule” tab the “Start log” time is to be set in the past and the “Stop log” time is to be set in the future.

Click “OK” to close the settings.

9. The performance log is started automatically. The icon changes to green.

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Event log entries

How to parameterize the settings of an event log entry is described below.

Table 2-7

No. Action Remark

1. Open the menu item “New Alert Settings From…” in the “Alerts” submenu.

2. Open the menu item “New Alert Settings From…”.

Use the template “CPUPeakCheck.htm” for the log settings in Table 1-2.

3. Accept the specified name for the setting.

Confirm the entry with “OK”.


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No. Action Remark

4. Accept the settings with “OK”.

5. The alarm configuration starts automatically, the icon changes to green.

The icon changes to green.

6. Close the Performance Monitor.

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WARNING The performance log and the alarm configuration are restarted automatically when the PC is restarted. A new log file is created. Note that this occupies additional hard disk space. You can delete log files that are no longer needed in “D:\Siemens\Diagnostics”. If you terminate the performance log or alarm configuration manually with the “STOP” button, the preset times for logging are set to “Manual”. Then you must the times again as in Table 2-6 No. 8, otherwise the logging is not restarted automatically.

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2.5 SIMATIC Batch Trace

The instructions below are for installing and using SIMATIC Batch Trace in WinCC and PCS 7 with the SIMATIC Batch option.

Depending on the installation, the “Trace Configuration Editor” is in one of the program paths below.

..\Program Files\CommonFiles\SIEMENS\bin

..\Program Files\SIEMENS\Common\bin

Table 2-8

No. Action Remark

In the Windows Explorer double-click “pcs7commontracecontrolx.exe” to start the Trace Configuration Editor.

The Trace Control Panel opens. 1.

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No. Action Remark

Activate “Enable Log” and click “Switches…”. The Trace Configuration Editor opens. 2.

Select the “API – Batch Api” item >> right-click >> “Modify Selection (recursive)”.

Now the Trace Source Settings box opens.


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No. Action Remark

Activate the option “Enable, E, W, I, C, D”. Close the dialog with “OK”.


Save the settings in the Trace Configurator with “Store”. Acknowledge the message with “OK”.


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No. Action Remark

6. Close the Trace Control Panel with “OK”.


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3 Tools

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3 Tools The archiving tool presented here is to be stored on the PC and so that it can be activated as required.

3.1 SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool

3.1.1 Install the SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool

Below we describe how to install the SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool on your Engineering Station or on the target computer.

The latest version of the SIMATIC Diagnostic Tool is available at this link:

The SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool “Edition 2010” is available on the DVD SIMATIC PCS 7 V7.1 incl. SP2 ..\Additional_Products\SDT_2010_1\

Table 3-1

No. Procedure

1. Copy the Zip archive “” to you Engineering Station or target computer and unpack the archive on you drive in this path: “..\Program Files\Siemens\WinCC\uTools”. For this use the password: “12345678”.

2. Copy all the xml files supplied with this diagnostics concept into the directory created: “..\Program Files\Siemens\WinCC\uTools\SDT_2010_1\bin”

3. Download the “PsTools” (PsExec) from the Microsoft internet site at:

and copy it into this subfolder: “..\Program Files\Siemens\WinCC\uTools\SDT_2010_1\bin”

4. Unpack the Zip archive “” on your in drive in this path: “..\Program Files\Siemens\WinCC\uTools\SDT_2010_1\bin”

5. Download the “User Mode Process Dumper “ tool from the Microsoft internet site. Link: User Mode Process Dumper Version 8.1 and unpack the User Dump tool in “C:\kktools\userdump8.1”.

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3 Tools

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3.1.2 Configure the SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool Locally

The instructions below are for installing and using the SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool in WinCC and PCS 7.

Installation and acquisition of data are performed locally on a single system.

Figure 3-1

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3 Tools

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Table 3-2

No. Procedure

1. Start the “Settings Manager” by double-clicking “SettingsManager.exe” in “..\Program Files\Siemens\WinCC\uTools\SDT_2010_1”

2. Click the “Open File” button to open the profile supplied: “local.xml”.

3. Under “Computer Usage” you select an appropriate designation or enter a designation of your choice.

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No. Procedure

Specify a storage path for the diagnostics data. This is preset as “D:\Siemens\”.

Large volumes of data might be involved depending on the configuration. Therefore you should select a drive with enough free memory.


5. Save the configuration with a new file name (plant designation) via File -> Save File As.

6. Then quit the “Settings Manager” with the Exit button.

This completes the configuration for acquiring all the local diagnostics data.

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3 Tools

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3.1.3 Configure the SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool Centrally

The instructions below are for installing and using the SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool in WinCC and PCS 7 in distributed systems. Installation and acquisition of data are performed remotely via an Engineering Station, for example.

When diagnostics data is acquired via remote access, existing mechanisms for protecting against unauthorized access remain on the PCs.

Abbildung 3-2


In order for the “SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool” to be able to acquire data from target computers in the network, specific requirements must be fulfilled on the target computers.

Standard release of C:\ is activated: C$

Administrative account is known: User + Password

Target computer is accessible: “Start” > “Run…” > “ping computer name”

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Table 3-3

No. Procedure

1. Start the “Settings Manager” by double-clicking “SettingsManager.exe” in “..\Program Files\Siemens\WinCC\uTools\SDT_2010_1”

2. Click the “Open File” button to open the profile supplied: “remote.xml”.

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No. Procedure

3. Add the data of the target computer under “Manage Computer Profiles”. Under “Computer Usage” you select an appropriate designation or enter a designation of your choice.

Specify a storage path for the diagnostics data. This is preset as “D:\Siemens\”.

Large volumes of data might be involved depending on the configuration. Therefore you should select a drive with enough free memory.


5. Use Profile -> Copy Profile to copy the configure profile.

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No. Procedure

6. Add the data of the target computer under “Manage Computer Profiles”. Under “Computer Usage” you select an appropriate designation or enter a designation of your choice.

7. Copy and create a new profile for each target computer as in Steps 5 and 6.

8. Save the configuration with a new file name (plant designation) via File -> Save File As.

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3 Tools

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No. Procedure

9. Then quit the “Settings Manager” with the Exit button.

This completes the configuration for acquiring all the remote diagnostics data.

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4 Archiving the Diagnostics

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4 Archiving the Diagnostics

4.1 Acquisition of Local Diagnostics Data

Below we describe how to use the SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool to acquire data. Data acquisition can be done locally on a single system.

Table 4-1

No. Procedure

1. Start the “SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool” by double-clicking “SimaticDiagnosticsTool.exe” in “..\Program Files\Siemens\WinCC\uTools\SDT_2010_1”

2. Use the “Open File” button to download the configuration created in Chapter 3.

3. Click the “Get Information” button to start acquiring all the configured data.

The acquisition procedure starts and the status is displayed.

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No. Procedure

4. The message below indicates that the acquisition procedure has been completed successfully.

5. The data packets are located in the storage path “D:\Siemens\”.

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5 Literature

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5 Literature

5.1 Bibliography

This list is by no means complete and is only a selection of relevant literature.

Table 5-1

Subject area Title

/1/ PCS 7 Diagnostics

SIMATIC Process Control System PCS 7 V7.0 PCS 7 – Service Support and Diagnostics


5.2 Internet Links

This list is by no means complete and is only a selection of relevant information.

Table 5-2

Subject area Title

\1\ Reference to entry

\2\ Siemens Customer Support

\3\ SIMATIC Diagnostics Tool

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6 History

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6 History

6.1 Version Overview

Table 6-1

Version Date Change

V2.0 07.12.2010 Second edition

V2.1 19.01.2011 Maintenance in compliance with system test

V2.2 28.01.2011 Inclusion of review comments

V2.3 01.02.2011 Section 2.2.1 changed

V2.4 01.04.2011 Redundancy Control removed

V2.5 15.04.2011 Chapter 2.2.1 added with link on entry 45020870

V2.5.1 25.05.2011 English screenshots added .NET component deselected for the SIMATIC Diagnose Toolxml profiles changed
