Page 1: Diablo 3 Bots - Inside your Increase Prosperity in Diablo III?

Diablo 3 Bots - The Only Way to Increase Wealth in Diablo 3?

Few players of Diablo 3 have realized the fact that wealth does not equal to the amount of in-game

gold they have. In fact, those players who hold or horde gold in Diablo 3 get poorer each day. This is

due to devaluation which occurs daily in the game. Since the launch of Diablo 3, the in-game gold has

lost more than 85% of its value. If this phenomenon is to happen to any country in the real world, the

consequences are unthinkable. One thing for sure is it will be worse than the situation in Greece.

Devaluation occurs in the game because of two reasons. First, the number of players using Diablo 3

bots to farm gold is on the rise. This trend causes the real-money auction house to be flooded with in-

game gold and make it worth less. Second, the number of gamers playing Diablo 3 is beginning to

show signs of stagnation. With the rate of increase in demand slowing down, it is hard for gold to

appreciate in value.

In order to preserve your wealth, you need to do a few things. First, you should not hold gold as it will

most likely drop in value. Second, throw your gems away as they are worse than gold in terms of

usage. Gold can be spent to buy equipment, armor and weapon but gems cannot. Furthermore, their

prices are always equal to their crafting values. Third, sell all your low and mid-grade items as they

typically lose their values faster than gold loses value. Last, the high quality items in Diablo 3 will

always retain their values because their existences are rare. You should try to keep rare, legendary or

set items in your stash or use your in-game gold to buy them.

By following the above tips, you might be able to preserve your wealth but not increase it. To increase

your real wealth, you have to beat devaluation. According to Kripparrian, the world’s best Diablo 3

player, there is no one certain method which can increase wealth in Diablo 3 except using Diablo 3

bots. Only by using Diablo 3 gold bots, players can accumulate in-game gold at a rate faster than

devaluation. This is the reason why more players are using bots to play Diablo 3. It is fair at this point

to comment that players of Diablo 3 have to make a choice between fun and money. They either have

to trade fun for money or money for fun.