Page 1: DHL GLobaL TECHNoLoGY · 2 dear Customer, I hope you can join us on April 14-16, 2015 in Dubai for the 5th dHl Global technology Conference. this annual technology industry conference

DHL GLobaL TECHNoLoGYCONFERENCE 2015apriL 14-16, Dubai

CONNECTING Markets, trends & PeoPle

Page 2: DHL GLobaL TECHNoLoGY · 2 dear Customer, I hope you can join us on April 14-16, 2015 in Dubai for the 5th dHl Global technology Conference. this annual technology industry conference


dear Customer,

I hope you can join us on April 14-16, 2015 in Dubai for the 5th dHl Global technology Conference.

this annual technology industry conference serves as a forum to address logistics trends, challenges, and opportunities. Industry and supply chain experts will share their experiences and best practices in presentations, panel discussions, and interactive workshops.

In 2015, the agenda is all about ConneCtInG Markets, trends & People. We believe dubai is an ideal place for the conference, since it is a fast growing hub for logistics connecting global supply chains and key markets.

We promise you a compelling program of sharing, learning, and networking with leaders and peers in the technology industry.

Best regards,

rob siegers President technology sector dHl Customer solutions & Innovation

250+attendees from all regions

74%senior level delegate attendance

97%high satisfaction with networking opportunities

100%would recommend the conference to their peers

99%attendees were happy with overall event, organization, and theme

78technology companies represented


Page 3: DHL GLobaL TECHNoLoGY · 2 dear Customer, I hope you can join us on April 14-16, 2015 in Dubai for the 5th dHl Global technology Conference. this annual technology industry conference



CoNNECTiNG Markets

technology supply chains span around the globe, connecting manufacturing with mature and fast-growing markets.

dubai has become a global hub for logistics, linking asia Pacific, europe, Middle east and africa. What are the future investment plans and how are companies already leveraging dubai as a logistics platform to support business development?

the “rise of africa” is an often-used term to describe the potential of and expectations for this huge continent – a region in which development continues to be impacted by several trade barriers. We will focus on how companies are operating successfully in africa, especially in countries such as nigeria, kenya, and egypt.


What are the latest trends and innovations impacting the technology supply chain? Industry experts will present on topics such as e-commerce, and the Internet of things.

We will discuss trends in the air-freight and ocean-freight market, and new innovative supply chain solutions. We will also have group discussions on challenges and solutions for some of the key technology subsectors.

CoNNECTiNG people

the conference is designed to be an industry platform that facilitates networking between the different logistics key decision makers in the industry. the success of this conference depends on everyone’s contribution in plenary discussions and breakout sessions. Conference delegates always tell us that their key takeaways are experience exchange and best-practice sharing.

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14 aPrIl 15 aPrIl 16 aPrIl

trends & solutions for the technology Industry

”sea, aIr, road“

site Visit dubai Port &

dubai World Central (dWC)dubai – Connecting Hub

for Global logistics

Breakout sessions Capturing Innovation in the technology Industry

Closing reception

networking lunch networking lunch

Innovation keynote

Breakout sessions

Breakout sessions

reception @ Hotel

rising africa – How to do Business?

evening event

aGENDa – pLENarY aND brEakouT sEssioNs

Page 5: DHL GLobaL TECHNoLoGY · 2 dear Customer, I hope you can join us on April 14-16, 2015 in Dubai for the 5th dHl Global technology Conference. this annual technology industry conference


Frank Appel, CEO Deutsche Post DHL

as Ceo of deutsche Post dHl, Frank appel is responsible for the global management of the world’s leading mail and logistics services group, deutsche Post dHl. He has been a member of the Group’s Board of Management since 2002. In 2008 he assumed the role of Chief executive officer and Chairman of the Board of Management.

Ashish Thakkar, Founder of the Mara Group

ashish founded his first business in 1996 at the age of 15 with a $5,000 loan. since then, he has driven the growth of the company from a small It business in Uganda to the globally recognized multi-sector investment group that exists today. Mara Group now employs over 11,000 people across 22 african countries in sectors spanning technology, financial services, manufacturing and real estate.

Additional leaders from technology companies will share supply chain best practice on:

• dubai – Connecting Hub for Global logistics

• rising africa – How to do Business

• Capturing Innovation in the technology sector

PlenarY sessIons – keYnote sPeakers sHarInG VIsIons, Ideas & Best PraCtICe

aGENDa – CoNNECTiNG MarkETs, TrENDs & pEopLE

Page 6: DHL GLobaL TECHNoLoGY · 2 dear Customer, I hope you can join us on April 14-16, 2015 in Dubai for the 5th dHl Global technology Conference. this annual technology industry conference


TrENDs & soLuTioNs for THE TECHNoLoGY sECTor • DPDHL Strategy 2020: Perfect fit to the Technology

Sector Frank appel, Ceo deutsche Post dHl

• Middle East Africa: Knowing the business ken allen, Ceo dHl express

• Trends in the Technology Sector Supply Chain - dHl

Dubai – CoNNECTiNG Hub for GLobaL LoGisTiCs• Building Logistics Platform for Growth

Mohsen ahmad, VP logistics district, dWC

• Dubai – Learning from Customer Experiences ronald kleijwegt, regional director eMea logistics, Hewlett Packard Pat Flynn, Global logistics and supply Chain director, Microsoft

• Panel Discussion: Challenges and Opportunities

risiNG afriCa – HoW To Do busiNEss• Inspiring Africa: Capturing Chances -

ashish takkar, Founder and Head of Mara Group

• Africa – Learning from Customer Cases Bas Jansen, Customer service and logistic director, Unilever africa

• Panel Discussion: Challenges and Opportunities

iNNoVaTioN iN THE TECHNoLoGY sECTor• Internet of Things in Logistics

Bernd Heinrichs , Managing director – Internet of everything (Ioe) eMear, Cisco

• Innovation in the Consumer Supply Chain edwin altena, President samsung electronics europe logistics at samsung electronics europe logistics BV

• Delivering Value Through Partnerships salvatore Paparelli, regional logistic officer europe and Head of european sales support, sony europe

PlenarY sessIons – toPICs and sPeakers

aGENDa – CoNNECTiNG MarkETs, TrENDs & pEopLE

list of speakers and topics might be subject to change

Page 7: DHL GLobaL TECHNoLoGY · 2 dear Customer, I hope you can join us on April 14-16, 2015 in Dubai for the 5th dHl Global technology Conference. this annual technology industry conference


BreakoUt sessIons – seleCt YoUr traCk, FolloWInG YoUr PartICUlar Interests

aGENDa – CoNNECTiNG MarkETs, TrENDs & pEopLE


Learn more about specific trends and solutions to boost your supply chain

• air Freight

• ocean Freight

• lead logistics Provider

• e-commerce

• service logistics

• asset recovery

• Innovation@work: augmented reality

• supply Chain resilience

• lean & Continuous Improvement


Learn how to be successful in high-growth markets

• GCC / ksa

• nigeria

• kenya

• egypt


Join your peers to discuss E2E supply chain topics

• enterprise Computing

• networks

list of planned topics; to create a personalized track, delegates select 3 topics when registering; registration platform opens late FebruaryFor more detailed information on the breakout sessions, please check on our conference website

Page 8: DHL GLobaL TECHNoLoGY · 2 dear Customer, I hope you can join us on April 14-16, 2015 in Dubai for the 5th dHl Global technology Conference. this annual technology industry conference


DuBAI 2015

basED oN a sTroNG fouNDaTioN

CoNNECTiNG Markets, Trends & people

Hosted in an ideal location to experience first-hand

the dynamics of a fast-growing hub for global logistics.FrAnKFurT 2011

ConneCtInG tHe dots

BErLIn 2012

drIVInG ValUe For YoUr BUsIness

SAn DIEGO 2014

GroWtH, eFFICIenCY & InnoVatIon


keePInG PaCe WItH CHanGe

Page 9: DHL GLobaL TECHNoLoGY · 2 dear Customer, I hope you can join us on April 14-16, 2015 in Dubai for the 5th dHl Global technology Conference. this annual technology industry conference


“I have been to all conferences over the past 4 years and find them valuable. It’s positive to have interaction with my suppliers, customers and competitors.”

Carson Cato, Commscope

“Great event, great plenary sessions. I like the fact that it was not a dHl “sales” event, but a true event where high-tech leaders can share best practice and interact on a “neutral” arena.”

Horacio Chavez, lenovo

“Well organized, exciting technology sharing. Good platform to exchange ideas, thoughts.”

Xiabo li, Huawei


Page 10: DHL GLobaL TECHNoLoGY · 2 dear Customer, I hope you can join us on April 14-16, 2015 in Dubai for the 5th dHl Global technology Conference. this annual technology industry conference


GET ENGaGED5 reasons to join the dHl Global technology linkedIn group:

• actively contribute to shape the agenda

• Get latest information and updates about the event

• extend your professional networking beyond the conference

• address questions and concerns and get helpful feedback

• share your point of view and contribute to great discussions

agenda updates, speaker introductions as well as topics that will be discussed during the sessions will be shared here prior to the conference. We would like to invite you to join the discussion, and further shape the agenda topics.

For quick updates, you can also follow the twitter hashtag: #DHLTechnology

For further information, please visit our website or directly contact us at [email protected] / +49 228 182 30203
