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Tuesday Evening January 17, 20128:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012 The Herald


HoroscopeBy Bernice Bede Osol

Writer feels likea free babysitter

Dear Annie: Four monthsago, I joined a non-profitthat provides free tutoringand homework help to ele-mentary-school kids. When Istarted, the kids coming intoour center were from low-income minority and immi-grant families. These werekids who would be homealone all afternoon if theydidn’t come to us.

A few weeks ago, thedemographic shifted. A largenumber of kids from stable,affluent familiesbegan arriving atthe center. Theparents of thesechildren own prop-erty in an area thatis quickly gentri-fying.

This non-profitis meant for kidswhose familiesreally need it. Ifeel as if I’m pro-viding free baby-sitting and tutor-ing for kids whose parentscould afford to pay for suchservices. What do you think?-- New Yorker

Dear N.Y.: You shoulddiscuss this with the admin-istrators of the program.Perhaps there could be anincome-based tuition or in-kind contribution so thatfamilies that can afford itwould help support the cen-ter. Either way, consider thatthese higher-income kids aregetting valuable lessons in

diversity, and some of themmight also be home alone if the center didn’t exist. Aslong as the original studentsare not losing their places inthe program to higher-incomechildren, you are performinga useful and appreciated ser-vice to the community.

Dear Annie: There havebeen so many letters in yourcolumn about women notwanting sex. How abouthearing the other side?

I am a 57-year-old man,married for 25 years. Overall,it’s a good marriage, except Iam not interested in sex withmy wife. She has gained 100

pounds. I lost weight myself and had to fight her everystep of the way. Seven yearsago, I bought her an expen-sive exercise machine thatshe said she wanted, eventhough she never uses it. Shegets offended when I encour-age dieting or exercise. Shehas had some major healthissues, and when she decid-ed she only wanted to workpart time, it forced me towork overtime. I stood by herthrough all this.

I am now semi-retired,and money is an issue. Acouple of months ago, shebegan pressuring me, asking

what’s wrong that I don’twant sex. When I finally toldher it is her weight, she didn’tspeak to me for two days. Shethinks we need counseling,but I am concerned that shewould hear only what shewanted to hear.

I have had opportunities tocheat but asked myself eachtime whether the availablewoman was worth losing half my house and half my pen-sion. So far, the answer hasbeen no. But I don’t know forhow long. -- Kansas

Dear Kansas: We thinkthere is also some resent-ment behind your reluctanceto be intimate with yourwife. We understand thatyou don’t believe counsel-ing would help, but please

try nonetheless. Itcould bring insight,as well as sugges-tions to improve thesituation, and thatsurely has to be bet-ter than what youhave now.

Dear Annie:You printed a letterfrom “Noisy DogNext Door,” whoseneighbors’ dogbarked for hours onend.

Our neighbors have fourdogs that also bark nonstop.We mentioned it to them sev-eral times. They apologized,but nothing changed. Wehesitated to call the neigh-borhood association, becauseeveryone would know wewere the ones complaining.

We finally stumbled on asolution last summer. We setup a tower fan to help lowerthe cost of cooling our homeand discovered it also drownsout the sound of the bark-

ing. We now run the fan 12months a year. -- Memphis, Tenn.

Dear Memphis: We’renot sure that would work aswell in Minnesota as it doesin Tennessee, but thanks forthe idea.

Annie’s Mailbox is writtenby Kathy Mitchell and MarcySugar, longtime editors of theAnn Landers column. Pleaseemail your questions [email protected],or write to: Annie’s Mailbox,c/o Creators Syndicate, 7373rd Street, Hermosa Beach,CA 90254.

Annie’s Mailbox


Although you won’t necessarilyemphasize objectives that are of amaterial nature when making a listof goals, as each one is achieved theycould collectively end up helping toimprove your financial lot in life.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.19) -- Even though you believe thatfriends will back up your words, itmight not happen. The support you’vebeen looking for isn’t likely to beforthcoming, so play things close tothe vest.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) --Unfortunately, it might be difficult foryou to stay the course. All those goodintentions of yours could quicklybe swept aside if you let outsidedistractions influence you.

PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20)-- You’re not likely to be plaguedwith a lack of imagination. In fact,the problem you’ll have will be oneof being too easily swayed by yourillogical concepts.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)-- You’re likely to get a much betterprice from a stranger than from theusual places at which you do business.Check out all your sources beforemaking a large purchase.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) --Although your objectives are worthyones, a busybody could gum up the

works for you if you let him or her doso. Your aims might be quite differentfrom those of your pal.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)-- Generosity is a noble virtue, but itshould be dosed with a bit of wisdom.Be careful not to give to an unworthypal while forgetting about someonewho has done much for you.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) --There are no guarantees that you willyield the same good fortune if youreplicate a friend’s endeavor. Your palmight have been in the right spot atthe right time.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Eventhough you might try to pleaseeveryone in the same manner, itdoesn’t always work. Disappointmenton your part can be minimized byrealizing that you can’t be all thingsto all people.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) --If you want to fulfill an importantobjective, you need to be quite shrewd

and resourceful. However, be carefulnot to do anything that would violateyour code of ethics.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) --You’ve been in a cycle of peaks andvalleys lately when it comes to yourfinances. If you make this day one of prudent spending and negotiation, it’llpay off for you more than usual.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) --Do first all the things that you knowyou can accomplish on your initialeffort, because if you try somethinghard and fall short, it’s likely to stopyou from trying anything else.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec.21) -- Don’t be a source for gossip orhearsay that has yet to be substantiated.If you say anything negative aboutanother, chances are the same will besaid about you. COPYRIGHT 2012 United Feature Syndicate, Inc.
