
DEZIREE vol. 1


Deziree Vol. 1 Produced by The Deziree Collective:

Shaun Jex Kara Jex

Janelle Jex

Guest Artists: Kyle Jung

Kamron Capps Jacqueline Colt Marchioni

Denise Cuppett

Legalese: All work contained in Deziree Vol. 1 is copyright of the original artists as attributed in the following


Cover photo: Leap - Shaun Jex


Table of Contents

Penguin Adventures - Denise Cuppett- Pg 4

Porcelina of the Vast Oceans - Shaun Jex - Pg 5

Flamenco Dancer - Janelle Jex - Pg 6

The Gondolier - Shaun Jex - Pg 7

It Never Rains All the Time - Pg. 8

I Heard A Rhythm - Kamron Capps - Pg. 9

Face - Kara Jex - Pg. 10

If I Could Speak as a Violin - Kamron Capps - Pg. 11

Temple - Kyle Jung - Pg. 13

Folding Paper Cranes - Shaun Jex - Pg. 14

Angkor - Kyle Jung - Pg. 15

Haiku - Shaun Jex - Pg. 16

Clark’s Nutcracker - Kara Jex - Pg. 17

Haiku - Shaun Jex - Pg. 18

Femme Fawn - Jacqueline Colt Marcioni - Pg. 19

Contact Info - Pg. 20



Porcelina of the Vast Oceans By Shaun Jex

Porcelina stood on the shore, her bare feet covered in sea foam. A soft breeze rolled across the ocean, carrying a whisper over

the waves. "It's time to come home." The voice said.

"But I'm not ready." Porcelina said, "There's still so much to see."

From behind the dunes she heard her friends calling. They were laughing as they said her name. For a brief moment she hoped

they would crest the hill and pull her away, returning her to the warmth of her adopted family.

"It's time to come home." The voice whispered again. "Just one day more." Porcelina pled.

The wind grew stronger, blowing hair across her face. The voice came again, repeating its demand. She knew the answer would not

change. With a sigh she turned and saw the first of her friends crest the dunes. She raised a hand in silent farewell before stepping into

the water and walking away.



The Gondolier By Shaun Jex

Every night is the same.

The sun descends below the horizon, leaving the sky a desolate black. From within the village, the cries of the frightened form a chorus that pleads for

light. They are waiting for the gondolier. He is not as swift as he was in his youth. Age has weakened his body, but he knows his duty. He whistles to himself as his boat glides across the surface

of the water. He travels by instinct, and instinct tells him when and where to stop.

A burlap bag lies at his feet. When the gondolier has finished rowing, he will reach into the sack and remove the small, radiant orbs within. He will

reach his hands above his head, as though presenting an offering to the night. One by one, he will place the glowing orbs in the sky, their light tearing holes in the blanket of darkness. The cries of the fearful will fade away. When morning comes he will row across the water, collecting the orbs

again. Then he will wait for the darkness and the cries to return. Every night is the same.



I Heard a Rhythm - Kamron Capps

I saw a splash in the ocean

Waves wove stories, here and again

Tales of existential freedom

Words born of pure, simple life

Sands swayed and were sworn

To secrecy

Our lord Sol hovered overhead

Until his slumber called for darkness

And his mistress, Luna, was woken


Their ever-parrying embrace

Never coming one to another's face

Yet, still blindly relying on the other

Would that such love could be said

Of the bags of dirt that we are

I heard a rhythm, once

And I thought it music

I heard a rhythm, again

And found it Earth



If I Could Speak as a Violin - Kamron Capps

I listen to strings I think of many things

My heart beats to the street of a random strummer And my guitar bends to the heat of a different drummer

Yet it weeps, little The sun has come and gone

It will come again I pray for its shine in winter, for winter is coming

All the while, I am swathed Succored, softly

Sworn swears so succinctly, swiftly, solemnly sung In the sweet sense of surety

All without the break of breath, but my own I were sworn these promises of peace in my infancy

I were quieted by these vows In his arms, I were held

And to the beat of the heart beneath his chest I slept, ne'er wept

In a great, big chair, he cradled me He protected me, loved me, kept me safe from the vastness of infant

woes No tears did I cry, with him No screams shuttled forth

And by his love, his watch, his hand Have I yet to shuffle the mortal coil

Even as had happened, in the years to come Where I were a rebel, at best, ungrateful at worst

There he remained My father

And if I could speak as a violin I would so string stories such as should bring the hardest men


To their knees And the strongest women to weeping

Yet, all the while, I desire nothing more Than to express to my friend

My twin My father, on this Earth

How so much larger he is than the sun and moon To me

How so much grander he is than the four winds To me

How so much more he means to me Than all the tales

Than all the stories Than all the songs

Than all the paintings, ever How so much better he is

Than what he thinks of himself Without him, I would not know what love is and should be Without him, I would not know what love should be, and is Without him, I would not now know the laughter I have Without him, I would not now know the efficacy of tears

You, father, are more to me than I can equivocate I pray that you know this

And never, ever forget Or forget to relate



Folding Paper Cranes By Shaun Jex

Each morning, the master wakes us before dawn. We are given a bowl of cold gruel to eat before being herded into the Great

Hall. That is when our work begins. All day long we sit folding paper cranes. Our fingers move with the precision and control of a surgeon. We bend and crease the

paper, giving it shape and form. Most of us have been here as long as we can remember. It is

tradition to send your first child to study at the Temple, though not all have the gift. Those who do not will be sent away in

shame. As we work, the Master examines our creations. When he

disapproves of the work he delivers a quick slap to the hands with his cane. His disappointment is worse than the pain.

Today, he stands behind me and watches as I put the finishing touches on my crane. I hold it up and, to my relief, the wings

begin to flap and it flies away.



Haiku - Shaun Jex i.

Counting her stitches Like beads of the Rosary

She knits a prayer

ii. In the kitchen

Capturing Summer's warmth In a Ball jar


Patterns in cool sand The red earth's calligraphy

Written by the wind



Haiku - Shaun Jex i.

After the Wake - Shooting bottle rockets

At the waning moon

ii. Skinned knees -

Scarlet blossoms In bloom


Darkened stairwell - Leaning in for a kiss

Our teeth bump



Please direct questions, complaints, and assorted non-sequiturs to:

[email protected]

