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2...Computer Art

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Color Drawings

Above you are viewing a blue monochromatic drawing of a teapot. It was created using Adobe Illustrator.

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In the fourth week of my Computer Graph-ics class taught by Prof. Peck, we had an assignment dealing with color.

We were assigned three drawing that had to be: Monochromatic, Analogous, and Complementary.

The color I chose was blue.

bluePOTI had to draw a teapot and I was

sad. So I colored it blue.-Me.

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This is a complementary color of the color blue. This is a draw-ing of a shoe.

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Kicks of the DayIn the fourth week of my Computer Graphics class taught by Prof. Peck, we had an assign-ment dealing with color. The assignments were created using Adobe Illustrator.

We were assigned three drawing that had to be: Monochromatic, Analogous, and Comple-mentary.

The color I chose was blue.

“Shoes has often shown to be a KICK of someones day.”

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"Burple" Mountain

“The mountains are calling, I must go.”-John Muir

In the fourth week of my Computer Graphics class taught by Prof. Peck, we had an assignment dealing with color. The assignments were created using Adobe Illustrator.

We were assigned three drawing that had to be: Mono-chromatic, Analogous, and Complementary.

The color I chose was blue. An analogous drawing is a drawing uses colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel. One color is used as a dominant color while others are used to enrich the scheme. The analo-gous scheme is similar to the monochromatic one, but offers more nuances. I dedcided to do a drawing of a mountain because of the winter season that i was exep-ericing at the time., so it was an appropriate drawing for me. Futhermore, the colors blue and purple seemed to go great with a mountain drawing.

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“This is my logo for Saint Xavier’s University,

Community Based Learning.”These logos were created using adobe illustrator. This was an art project that was created for my Computer Graph-ics class. I would use this logo for an app on a mobile device. Maybe I should submit it to the school.

Nevertheless, I had a fun time creating this, i was able to express for my sim-ple side, rather than my artistic side, something I am not.

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Community Based Learning

Its a Community Based on Learning.

These logos were created using adobe illustrator. This was an art project that was created for my Computer Graphics class. I would use this logo for an app on a mobile device. Maybe i should submitted to the school.

Nevertheless, I had a fun time creating this, i was able to express for my my simple side, rather than my artistic side, something I am not.

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Community Based Learning pt.2Join the Community Based on Learning

“This’ll look great on a business card”, those are the exact words of a peer, when I asked him to critique to my art.

After much consideration and looking at this “logo” I discovered that he was indeed true. When you took your first look at this image, what did you think it was?

Well the concept of this image was to make a logo. Well its a logo, but a logo for a business card. Therefore, I created the assignment.The colors I used are those of the school colors, Scarlet and Grey.

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“the letters are mixed up. U and I should be together.”

-Jodi Picoult, Salem Falls

The alphabets as you know them will never be the same once you take a look at what I’ve created for you. The alphabets are what helps us read, but arent you tired of the same old looking letters.? Well thanks to Nathan Peck, my Computer Graphics professor at Saint Xavier University, you’ll never have to look at letter the same.

These letters were created using Adobe illustrator, a very lovely software I might add.

The name of this stylized letters is “Thick n’ Thin”. Why “Think n’ Thin” you may ask; well the answer is simple. Take a look at the letters. They’re not bold, small, or tiny, but they’re “Thick n’ Thin” all of the letters has the uniformity about them, just the way I wanted to create them.

I chose the colors of green, yellow and black because of the Jamaican flag. The Jamaican flag is important to me because thats my origin.

Letters You KNow Not Of

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Line Drawings

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Draw with Lines, Not outside of them.

“A drawing is simply a line going for a walk.”

-Paul KleeDo you like my teapot?

This was my first drawing in my Com-puter Graphics class. We had to do a 100 line drawing of the object placed in front of us.

my object was a very strange looking teapot. I completed the objective, nonetheless I feel as though I could’ve been a little bit more specific. I was so busy counting my line I didn’t spend much time with detail.

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Lines I Can’t Define

“Can a line be so important?”-Edward J. Fraughton

You can define these lines. These line are called vectors when I was using Adobe Illustrator to cre-ate the drawing, but now they’re known as pixels.

This is the same exact teapot from the previous page.

This was a not as challenging the second time around. Being that I had completed a similar drawing before. As you may have noticied the lines are closer together and my stroke is a bit more confident.

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Got Pot?Make tea, not war.

~Monty PythonI must say I would not use this teapot to brew my tea. This was also created using Adobe Illustrator. When creating this teapot I wasn’t as confident.

This teapot was round and I wasn’t sure how I would use lines to create the image. To create this image I also used a stylus and a pad called “Bam-boo”, it was very interesting to use a “pen” and “pad” to create a drawing that appeared on the screen of my computer. Technology nowadays!

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Illusion I must say that this was my favorite, yet difficult drawing. How to make a 2D image look 3D. I was so happy once I completed the take. The an-swer was using lights and darks. Everytime I placed a dark I had to put in some light to make it pop. Does this teapot appear to be somewhere other than on a flat surface?

How are your eyes viewing this?Where do your eyes go when you look at this image?

I am using light to control your eyes. Yes I said it, I am indeed controlling your eyes. Thats the compos-tition. The lights and the darks. This is a teapot, OMG yes another Teapot, a very good teapot I might add. The concept of this image is to make you believe that it’s 3D rather than 2D. It was made using Adobe Illustrator, oh how I love Adobe, I owe them my life.

“OH, you like 3D, well here’s a teapot coming your way!”-Me

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Silver Bottle“Life is an empty bottle filled with love.”

-Santosh KalwarThis silver bottle is a drawing of a water bottle I brought to class. When you first saw this what did you think it was? This is a value drawing. A value drawing is a drawing that utilizes shadows, darkness, contrasts and light are all values in artwork.It was also created using Adobe Illustrator. I am using light to control your eyes. Yes I said it, I am indeed controlling your eyes. Thats the compostition. The lights and the darks. Every-time I used a lighter color, I used a darker color. To give the illusion that its standing out from its backgroud.

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What Do You Want It To Be?

“What you believe it to be, it is!”-Me

I call this abstract. Because thats simple what it is. I created it out of pure imagination. Its blocks, shapes, floating in 3D, it has no true meaning. You make it what you want it to be. I’m just using the dark background to make you pay attention to the art rather than whats in the back, because the back doesn’t even matter. This too was also created using my favorite software, thats right you guessed it, Adobe Illustrator. If you ever need help using Ai, just call me. I’l be more than happy to share my knowledge with you. What do you like about this piece of art, what would you change about it?

Hello! My cellphone is my bestpal, its my lifeline to the

outside world when I’m in class!

This is another value draw-ing, but this is a drawing of a cellphone. When you first laid eyes on this photo, what did you think it was. I believe this image is just a little too flat. It doesn’t look 3D, what do you think I shouldve done differently?

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Video In StillsI prefer to be in a video than to

play with it.-Karl Lagerfeld

These are stills of a video I created using Procreate an app on the iPad. It was a drawing we had to create of a table that had a box on it with bottles on top of the box.

Very interesting uh?

Yeah, I thought so.I could’ve made the table a bit more 3D like. Nonetheless, I feel as though I com-pleted the assignment. I call this art Complexity.

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Meet The CreatorJe suis qui je suis.

Hi there, My name is Aaron Bet-ton. I am a sophomore 2 here at Saint Xavier Univeristy.

I am a nursing major in the LPN-BSN program. My graduation date is May 2016. I will be starting my nursing classes come Fall 2014.

In addtion, I really don’t want to be a nurse. Nursing is my fall back plan; I plan on furthering my education and going to medical school to become a Pediatric Cardio-Thoracic Surgeon.

I chose this class as a gen. ed Art requirement; I specifical-ly chose this course because I am not very good at draw-ing, but I am computer sav-vy. Nonetheless, I did have to do some drawing.

Furthermore, I do appreciate all forms of art. I sincerely wish I was a better drawer. My goal for this class is to learn a lot about computer graphics and possibly be able to incorporate this in my career as a nurse.All in all, I hope you enjoyed this magazine.

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