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Krsna, being God, loves everyone because everyone is part of Him. Nonetheless, He takes special care of His devotees. Therefore He says, kaunteya pratijanihi na me bhaktah pranasyati: [Bg. 9.31] "My devotee will never be vanquished."

TQK 20: Full Surrender

For the ordinary living beings the law of nature is there for all actions and reactions, but He is always anxious to put His devotees on the right path. The devotees, therefore, are under the direct care of the Lord. And the Lord also voluntarily puts Himself under the care of His devotees only.

SB 1.9.47

The Lord is addressed here as acyuta, the infallible, because He takes care of His devotees.

SB 8.17.8

"With infinite opulence, that Lord Himself rules the kingdom of Utkala. He displays His unique glories and always takes affectionate care of His devotees.

BB 2.1.160

Moreover, the Lord automatically takes care of His devotees even without their asking.

VK: Verse Seventeen

However, when one desires Krsna, the Lord takes special care and encourages one to desire in such a way that one can attain to Him and be eternally happy.

Bg 5.15

Sometimes when we hear that great sages and devotees go to the forest and engage themselves in devotional service or meditation, we become surprised: how can one live in the forest and not be taken care of by anyone? But the answer, given by a great authority, Narada Muni, is that such persons are well protected by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Saranagati, or surrender, means acceptance or firm belief that wherever the surrendered soul lives he is always protected by the Supreme Personality of Godhead; he is never alone or unprotected. Dhruva Maharaja's affectionate father thought his young boy, only five years old, to be in a very precarious position in the jungle, but Narada Muni assured him, "You do not have sufficient information about the influence of your son." Anyone who engages in devotional service, anywhere within this universe, is never unprotected.

SB 4.8.68

kvacit sakrd avagata-visaya-vaitathyah svayam parabhidhyanena vibhramsita-smrtis tayaiva marici-toya-prayams tan evabhidhavati.WORD-FOR-WORD MEANINGSkvacit -- sometimes; sakrt -- once; avagata-visaya-vaitathyah -- becoming conscious of the uselessness of enjoying material sense gratification; svayam -- himself; para-abhidhyanena -- by the bodily concept of the self; vibhramsita -- destroyed; smrtih -- whose remembrance; taya -- by that; eva -- certainly; marici-toya -- water in a mirage; prayan -- similar to; tan -- those sense objects; eva -- certainly; abhidhavati -- runs after.TRANSLATIONThe conditioned soul sometimes personally appreciates the futility of sense enjoyment in the material world, and he sometimes considers material enjoyment to be full of miseries. However, due to his strong bodily conception, his memory is destroyed, and again and again he runs after material enjoyment, just as an animal runs after a mirage in the desert.PURPORTThe main disease in material life is the bodily conception. Being baffled again and again in material activity, the conditioned soul temporarily thinks of the futility of material enjoyment, but he again tries the same thing. By the association of devotees, a person may become convinced of the material futility, but he cannot give up his engagement, although he is very eager to return home, back to Godhead. Under these circumstances, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is situated in everyone's heart, compassionately takes away all the material possessions of such a devotee. As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.88.8): yasyaham anugrhnami harisye tad-dhanam sanaih. Lord Krsna says that He takes everything away from the devotee whom He especially favors when that devotee is overly attached to material possessions. When everything is taken away, the devotee feels helpless and frustrated in society, friendship and love. He feels that his family does not care for him any longer, and he therefore completely surrenders unto the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord. This is a special favor granted by the Lord to a devotee who cannot fully surrender to the Lord due to a strong bodily conception. As explained in Caitanya-caritamrta (Madhya 22.39): ami-vijna, ei murkhe 'visaya' kene diba. The Lord understands the devotee who hesitates to engage in the Lord's service, not knowing whether he should again try to revive his material life. After repeated attempts and failures, he fully surrenders to the lotus feet of the Lord. The Lord then gives him directions, and, attaining happiness, he forgets all material engagement.

SB 5.14.10

The Supreme Lord personally takes care of anyone who is completely engaged in His devotional service. Whatever he has, the Lord protects, and whatever he needs, the Lord supplies. Therefore why should one bother the Lord for something material? Such prayers are unnecessary.

SB 5.18.21

The Lord, being full and free from problems, can wholeheartedly care for His devotees. His concern is how to elevate and protect all those who have taken shelter at His feet. The same responsibility is also entrusted to the spiritual master. The bona fide spiritual master's concern is how the devotees who have surrendered to him as a representative of the Lord may make progress in devotional service. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is always mindful of the devotees who fully engage in cultivating knowledge of Him, having taken shelter at His lotus feet.

Adi 1.62

After delivering His instructions to the kings and princes, Lord Krsna immediately arranged for their comfort and asked many servants and maidservants to take care of them. Lord Krsna requested Sahadeva, the son of King Jarasandha, to supply all necessities to the kings and show them all respect and honor.

KB 73: Lord Krsna Returns to the City of Hastinapura

In the madhyama adhikari, or in further advancement of devotional service, one can see four categories.isvare tad-adhinesubalisesu dvisatsu caprema-maitri-krpopeksasa bhakta madhyamahIsvara. When we are further advanced, we do not see only Krsna, but we see His devotees also. We can recognize, "Here is a pure devotee of Krsna." But in the lower stage, a, the devotee's concerned with the Deity worship, but he does not take much care of the devotees. But when one is advanced further, he can see Krsna and His devotees also. Isvara tad-adhina. Tad-adhina means devotees. Devotees are always under the service of Krsna. So anyone who is giving service to Krsna, we should take care of them also. We should offer our respect in... You'll find in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, it is stated somewhere, that if, if a devotee is coming, then another devotee who is engaged in worship of the Deity may stop Deity worship for the time being and should go immediately to receive the devotee. So Krsna also says, mad-bhakta-puja abhyadhika. Krsna is satisfied more when a devotee worships His devotee. Krsna says, "If one is worshiping Me and one is worshiping My devotee, then the person who is worshiping the devotee, he's more important than the person who is worshiping Krsna."

The Nectar of Devotion -- Vrndavana, October 23, 1972

I was talking to my Godbrother, Sruta-kirti Prabhu, who happens to be our spiritual master's close servant. And he told me Srila Prabhupada is always concerned about the care of devotees and the care of the temple activities. If he sees that a devotee is not having a coat, he will inquire, Sruta-kirti told me, "Why this boy doesn't have a coat?" He will tell the authority, "You should provide for this boy, have a coat." And if they have a coat and they're not wearing it, then Prabhupada is concerned about that also. "Why they risk? This is not your body that you can risk coming out in all kinds of weather without a proper coat." Visnujana SwamiVSN: Nectar of Devotion Chapter Six - Los Angeles -- April 30, 1973

Caring for devotees is indeed the most important component for the success of ISKCON's preaching mission. We can gauge its importance by comparing those yatras who put lots of effort into taking care of the devotees with those that don't. The difference is striking.

Giridhari Swami

Srila Prabhupada also liked to do that: to submit to the care of his devotees and take their advice, although he was actually directing them.

HLF: Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.9.1

When flying an airplane, one cannot take care of other planes. Everyone has to take care of his own plane, and if there is any danger, no other plane can help another in that condition. Similarly, at the end of life, when one has to go back home, back to Godhead, everyone has to take care of himself without help rendered by another. The help is, however, offered on the ground before flying in space. Similarly, the spiritual master, the father, the mother, the relatives, the husband and others can all render help during one's lifetime, but while crossing the sea one has to take care of himself and utilize the instructions formerly received.

SB 1.15.50

The three elder Pandavas took care of the younger brothers, just as the eyelid takes care of the eye.

SB 3.1.39

Those who are helpless must be taken care of by their respective guardians, otherwise the guardians will be subjected to the punishment of Yamaraja, who is appointed by the Lord to supervise the activities of sinful living creatures.

SB 3.16.10


Similarly, it is only by the action of the air that a body moves, and when the air circulation is impeded, many diseases result. Paralysis, nervous breakdowns, madness and many other diseases are actually due to an insufficient circulation of air. In the Ayur-vedic system these diseases are treated on the basis of air circulation. If from the beginning one takes care of the process of air circulation, such diseases cannot take place. From the Ayur-veda as well as from the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is clear that so many activities are going on internally and externally because of air alone, and as soon as there is some deficiency in the air circulation, these activities cannot take place. Here it is clearly stated, netrtvam dravya-sabdayoh. Our sense of proprietorship over action is also due to the activity of the air. If the air circulation is stifled, we cannot approach a place after hearing. If someone calls us, we hear the sound because of the air circulation, and we approach that sound or the place from which the sound comes. It is clearly said in this verse that these are all movements of the air.

SB 3.26.37

A Vaisnava should take care of those who are bewildered by this maya instead of becoming angry with them, because without a Vaisnava's mercy they have no way to get out of the clutches of maya. Those who have been condemned by maya are rescued by the mercy of devotees.

SB 4.6.49

Prthu Maharaja warns his citizens who are actually engaged in the devotional service of the Lord to take care against offenses to the brahmanas and Vaisnavas. Offenses at their lotus feet are so destructive that even the descendants of Yadu who were born in the family of Lord Krsna were destroyed due to offenses at their feet. The Supreme Personality of Godhead cannot tolerate any offense at the lotus feet of brahmanas and Vaisnavas. Sometimes, due to their powerful positions, princes or government servants neglect the position of brahmanas and Vaisnavas, not knowing that because of their offense they will be ruined.

SB 4.21.37


We may struggle for existence as far as our intelligence allows and may try to take care of ourselves, but unless the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, ultimately saves us from danger, our attempts will be useless.

SB 8.2.32

The living entity has a body, which is a very complicated combination of the material elements, and with this body he struggles alone, as indicated in this verse by the words ekas tu. For example, if one is struggling in the ocean, he must swim through it alone. Although many other men and aquatics are swimming in the ocean, he must take care of himself because no one else will help him. Therefore this verse indicates that the seventeenth item, the soul, must work alone. Although he tries to create society, friendship and love, no one will be able to help him but Krsna, the Supreme Lord. Therefore his only concern should be how to satisfy Krsna. That is also what Krsna wants (sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja [Bg. 18.66]). People bewildered by material conditions try to be united, but although they strive for unity among men and nations, all their attempts are futile. Everyone must struggle alone for existence with the many elements of nature. Therefore one's only hope, as Krsna advises, is to surrender to Him, for He can help one become free from the ocean of nescience. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu therefore prayed:ayi nanda-tanuja kinkarampatitam mam visame bhavambudhaukrpaya tava pada-pankaja-sthita-dhuli-sadrsam vicintaya [Cc. Antya 20.32, Siksastaka 5]"O Krsna, beloved son of Nanda Maharaja, I am Your eternal servant, but somehow or other I have fallen into this ocean of nescience, and although I am struggling very hard, there is no way I can save myself. If You kindly pick me up and fix me as one of the particles of dust at Your lotus feet, that will save me."In a similar way, Bhaktivinoda Thakura sang:anadi karama-phale, padi' bhavarnava-jale,taribare na dekhi upaya"My dear Lord, I cannot remember when I somehow or other fell into this ocean of nescience, and now I can find no way to rescue myself." We should remember that everyone is responsible for his own life. If an individual becomes a pure devotee of Krsna, he is then delivered from the ocean of nescience.

SB 6.1.50

Although the King was not at fault, Agastya Muni cursed him, and when this happened the King considered it to be due to his past misdeeds. Tat te 'nukampam susamiksamanah (SB 10.14.8). This is a practical example of how a devotee thinks. He regards any reverses in life as blessings of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, instead of being agitated by such reverses, he continues his activities of devotional service, and Krsna takes care of him and enables him to be promoted to the spiritual world, back to Godhead. If a devotee has to suffer the reactions of his past misdeeds, the Supreme Lord arranges for him to be given only a token of these reactions, and very soon he is freed from all the reactions of material contamination. One should therefore adhere to devotional service, and the Lord Himself will very soon see to one's promotion to the spiritual world. A devotee should not be disturbed by unfortunate circumstances, but must continue his regular program, depending on the Lord for everything. The word upadharayan, "considering," is very significant in this verse. This word indicates that a devotee knows what is what; he understands what is happening in material, conditional life.

SB 8.4.11-12

The purport is that activities performed with the help of the body for the satisfaction of the Absolute Truth (om tat sat) are never temporary, although performed by the temporary body. Indeed, such activities are everlasting. Therefore, the body should be properly cared for. Because the body is temporary, not permanent, one cannot expose the body to being devoured by a tiger or killed by an enemy. All precautions should be taken to protect the body.

SB 8.19.41

Lord Ramacandra ruled His kingdom exactly as a father takes care of his children, and the citizens, being obliged to the good government of Lord Ramacandra, accepted the Lord as their father. Thus the relationship between the citizens and the government should be exactly like that between father and son. When the sons in a family are well trained, they are obedient to the father and mother, and when the father is well qualified, he takes good care of the children.

SB 9.10.50

pratigraham manyamanastapas-tejo-yaso-nudamanyabhyam eva jivetasilair va dosa-drk tayohWORD-FOR-WORD MEANINGSpratigraham -- accepting charity; manyamanah -- considering; tapah -- of one's austerity; tejah -- spiritual influence; yasah -- and fame; nudam -- destruction; anyabhyam -- by the other two (teaching Vedic knowledge and performing sacrifice); eva -- indeed; jiveta -- a brahmana should live; silaih -- by collecting rejected grains in the field; va -- or; dosa -- the discrepancy; drk -- seeing; tayoh -- of those two.TRANSLATIONA brahmana who considers that accepting charity from others will destroy his austerity, spiritual influence and fame should maintain himself by the other two brahminical occupations, namely teaching Vedic knowledge and performing sacrifice. If the brahmana considers that those two occupations also compromise his spiritual position, then he should collect rejected grains in agricultural fields and live without any dependence on others.PURPORTA pure devotee of the Lord should always remember that the Supreme Personality of Godhead will personally take care of him. As the Lord states in Bhagavad-gita (9.22):ananyas cintayanto mamye janah paryupasatetesam nityabhiyuktanamyoga-ksemam vahamy aham"But those who worship Me with devotion, meditating on My transcendental form -- to them I carry what they lack and preserve what they have."A brahmana should not become a professional beggar for his personal maintenance. In India there are many so-called brahmanas who sit at the gates of important temples and beg from everyone who comes and goes. If someone does not give a donation they become angry and chase that person. Similarly, in America there are many big preachers who collect huge amounts of money by begging on television and radio. If a brahmana or Vaisnava considers that being a professional beggar is weakening his austerity, destroying his spiritual influence and giving him a bad reputation, then he should give up that process. One may beg everyone to contribute to the cause of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but one will be diminished in austerity, influence and reputation by begging for one's personal livelihood. A brahmana may then take up the task of teaching Vedic knowledge and performing sacrifice. But even such occupations do not bring one to the highest platform of trust in God. A brahmana who teaches as a means of livelihood may often be curbed in his teaching, and one who performs sacrifice may be manipulated by materialistic worshipers. In this way, a brahmana may be placed in an embarrassing and compromised position. Therefore a high-class brahmana or Vaisnava ultimately will depend completely on the mercy of the Lord for his maintenance. The Lord promises to maintain His devotee, and an advanced Vaisnava never doubts the word of the Lord.SB 11.17.42

SB 11.17.42

The Lord also respectfully told Sivananda Sena, "Take care of Vasudeva Datta very nicely.

Madhya 15.93

Please take care of Vasudeva Datta's family affairs. Become his manager and make the proper adjustments.

Madhya 15.96

When a person takes to Krsna consciousness, there is no need to care for material necessities. Krsna says, yoga-ksemam vahamy aham: [Bg. 9.22] "I personally carry all necessities to My devotees." Why should one be anxious about the necessities of life? The principle should be that one should not want more than what is absolutely necessary. Narada Muni advises the hunter to accept only what is absolutely necessary for him and his wife. The devotee should always be alert to consume only those things that he absolutely requires and not create unnecessary needs.

Madhya 24.262

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu told Sanatana Gosvami, "All My devotees who go to Vrndavana are generally very poor. They each have nothing with them but a torn quilt and a small waterpot. Therefore, Sanatana, you should give them shelter and maintain them."

Madhya 25.183

Our only desire should be to take birth under the care of a Vaisnava. Fortunately we had the opportunity to be born of a Vaisnava father who took care of us very nicely. He prayed to Srimati Radharani that in the future we would become a servant of the eternal consort of Sri Krsna. Thus somehow or other we are now engaged in that service. We may conclude that even as dogs we must take shelter of a Vaisnava. The benefit will be the same as that which accrues to an advanced devotee under a Vaisnava's care.

Antya 1.24

On the way, Raghunatha dasa has fasted and undergone hardships for many days. Therefore, take good care of him for some days so that he may eat to his satisfaction.

Antya 6.207

Fifthly, a devotee is always conscious that he is not independent in fulfilling his desires; unless Krsna fulfills them, they cannot be fulfilled. Lastly, one should always think of himself as most fallen so that Krsna will take care of him.

TLC 12: The Devotee

Although a mother has affection for all her children, she takes special care of the one who is fully dependent.

KB 58: Five Queens Married by Krsna

A pure devotee is kept in the hand of Krsna just like a very precious jewel. When you hold something precious in your hand, you are very careful, and similarly, Krsna holds the devotee and takes care of him.

TLK Vs 37

One can just imagine his position if a very rich man says, "Don't worry. I will take care of everything for you." Krsna, the Supreme Lord, is the proprietor of all opulence. There is no one more opulent than Krsna; therefore if Krsna says that He will take care of His devotee, there is no question of poverty. Most people want material opulence, but they do not know that Krsna is the proprietor of all opulence. That is their misfortune. Although the proprietor of all opulence says, "Just surrender unto Me, and I will take care of you," people do not do it. Instead, they say, "I will take care of my own business. I will maintain myself. I will take care of myself, my family, my friends and my country."

TLK Vs 37

But a civilization that simply looks after these bodily necessities and does not care for the necessities of the soul is a foolish, unbalanced civilization. Suppose one merely washes one's coat but does not take care of one's body. Or suppose one has a bird in a cage but merely takes care of the cage, not the bird within it. This is foolishness. The bird is crying, "Ka, ka. Give me food, give me food." If one only takes care of the cage, how can the bird be happy?

TQK 16: Returning to Our Natural Consciousness

Krsna, being God, loves everyone because everyone is part of Him. Nonetheless, He takes special care of His devotees. Therefore He says, kaunteya pratijanihi na me bhaktah pranasyati: [Bg. 9.31] "My devotee will never be vanquished."Krsna always sees to the comforts of His devotees, and the devotees are always busy seeing that Krsna is satisfied.

TQK 20: Full Surrender

In reality, the Supreme Lord is always protecting us. The inmates of a prison are being punished by the government, yet the same government feeds them and looks after them. Similarly, sinful, atheistic people, though punished by the Lord's illusory energy (maya personified as Durga-devi), are still fed and cared -- for by the Lord Himself. And if the Supreme Lord feeds and maintains even the worst sinners, reprobates, and helpless souls, then what to speak of those who are eternally surrendered to His lotus feet? He is like a king who takes proper care of his subjects, but who especially looks after the needs of his near and dear relatives. Therefore it is not true that a comfortable life can be enjoyed only by those who perform ordinary pious activities, but not by the devotees, who are free from fruitive action and empirical knowledge. The devotees do not always suffer, for the Supreme Lord personally takes care of them. The devotees are the Lord's relatives and family members. Just as ordinary people feel joy and satisfaction when they look after the needs and comforts of their family, the Lord also feels pleasure when he tends to the well-being of His devotees. Thus the Supreme Lord is known as Bhakta-vatsala, "the maintainer of the devotees." But He is never referred to as Karmi-vatsala, "the maintainer of fruitive workers," or Jnani-vatsala, "the maintainer of empiric philosophers."

RTW 2.10: The Supreme Lord: Lover of His Devotees

As soon as you take up Krsna consciousness, Krsna begins personally taking care of you. As He promises in the Bhagavad-gita (18.66), "I will take care of you. I will save you from all sinful reactions. Do not worry." Because we have had so many lives in this material world, we are suffering under heaps of sinful reactions. But as soon as you surrender to Krsna, He immediately takes care of you and nullifies all your sinful reactions. Krsna says, "Don't hesitate." Don't think, "Oh, I have committed so many sins. How can Krsna save me?" No. Krsna is all-powerful. He can save you. Your duty is to surrender to Him and without any reservation dedicate your life to His service. Then Krsna will save you without a doubt.

The Position of Krsna

Now, what do you consider the dearmost thing? Have you analyzed? You yourself are the dearmost thing. I am sitting here, but if there is a fire alarm I shall at once take care of myself: "How can I save myself?" We forget our friends and even our relatives: "Let me first of all save myself." Self-preservation is the first law of nature.In the grossest sense, the word atma -- "self" -- refers to the body. In the subtler sphere the mind or intelligence is the atma, and in the real sense atma means the soul. In the gross stage we are very fond of protecting and satisfying the body, and in a subtler stage we are very fond of satisfying the mind and intelligence. But above the mental and intellectual planes, where the atmosphere is spiritualized, we can understand, "I am not this mind, intellect, or body. Aham brahmasmi -- I am spirit, part and parcel of the Supreme Lord." That is the platform of real understanding.

TTP 1: The Dearmost Person

So our Krsna consciousness movement is not a sentimental movement. It takes care of all-round social organization. It is not something like religious sentiment. Everything should be take care of.

Regulative principles to fulfill desires...protect cows and prosper, kill cows and suffer...get all your necessities from the according to your capacity

Take care of the body. But we keep our habits in such a way that we don't fall sick very often.

Plain living, high thinking...come to our farms and see how we are living independently...simple living promotes good health

Regarding your prediction of cataclysmic earthquakes in this side of your country, your fear of my life is certainly natural. I was pet child of my father whom I lost in 1930, and since then nobody was taking care of me as affectionate son. But Krsna has sent me so many fathers to take care of me in a far distant place in USA. So I am fortunate enough that you are all so anxious, but we must always depend on Krsna. Rest assured that this nonsense idea of cataclysmic earthquakes will never take place. And even if it takes place, why should we be afraid of it? As soon as there is sign of such earthquake, we shall sit down together and chant Hare Krsna. So it will be a great opportunity of meeting death while chanting Hare Krsna. If one dies in sound condition of body and mind chanting Hare Krsna, he is the most fortunate man.


Please encourage this nice boy. He is given under your protection so take care of him very nicely. Just produce one nice Krsna conscious youth. It will be a great service to Krsna and recognition of your nice service.


I am simply surprised that you want to give up your child to some other persons, even they are also devotees. For you, child-worship is more important than Deity-worship. If you cannot spend time with him, then stop the duties of pujari. At least you must take good care of your son until he is four years old, and if after that time you are unable any more to take care of him then I shall take care. These children are given to us by Krsna, they are Vaisnavas and we must be very careful to protect them. These are not ordinary children, they are Vaikuntha children, and we are very fortunate we can give them chance to advance further in Krsna consciousness. That is very great responsibility, do not neglect it or be confused. Your duty is very clear.

The Necessity of Deity Worship

Krsna is giving you good sense and intelligence. Take care of your godbrothers and godsisters very carefully.


I am glad that Krsna has sent $500 when you needed them very badly. It is all Krsna's grace. Please take care of the boy very nicely. I have received one letter from him and I am enclosing a personal thanks for the boy.


Regarding your question, we must utilize our intelligence fully for serving Krsna. Serving Krsna does not mean that we sit idly and say that Krsna will take care of all our business. That is not depending on the Lord, rather it is laziness. Depending on Krsna means to act always in Krsna consciousness. Realizing that Krsna is the Ultimate Controller of all results.


I want to remain free, being taken care of by all of you. In your States I was happy being taken care of by you, and that enjoyment is liking to me in this old age.

Higher Education / Varnasrama Colleges

You can bring your aged parents to Vrndavana. They shall also be provided and you can take personally care of them.

Learning Sanskrit and Other Languages

Your boy, Birbhadra has just arrived here and he will be taken care of by Kirtanananda Maharaja.

Duties of the Wife

I am glad to learn that Jadurani is feeling a little better and I hope you will take proper care of the girl


Krsna is very kind and any sincere devotee is always taken care of by His Lordship in all respects.

The Importance of Hearing

I am very glad to learn that three new boys have joined with you and are living at the temple. These new boys should be taken care of very nicely. We should always remember that we are in the kingdom of maya and her influence is very strong. So, unless we are very, very careful in our dealings, there is always chance of falling down. Please therefore chant regularly the sixteen rounds beads and follow the regulative principles, and teach the new boys by practical example, and try to preach sankirtan as far as possible.


We, the above institution, have got our spiritual communism idea, and we want to see not a single person, man or animal, remains hungry or in want of material necessities of life. According to our philosophy, a householder or substantial citizen of the state has to see not only after the wellbeing of his wife, children, relatives and dependents, that they shall be properly taken care of and they will not starve, but also even if a lizard lives in his house, he should see that it is not hungry. Therefore, to give all facilities of living condition to all living entities is our Krsna consciousness movement.

To Communists

I can only pray to Krsna to take care of you, otherwise I cannot repay your sincere service in my mission.

A Guru Gives All Credit to His Guru

I am so glad to learn that there are two nice women devotees coming now to the temple regularly, and please offer them my blessings for advancing in Krsna consciousness. Take care of them nicely so that they may learn our program of Krsna conscious life very nicely. Let them chant regularly and follow the four basic regulative principles and they will become firm in their faith in Krsna.

Diksa Initiation

I lost my mother when I was only fourteen years old. So I didn't get much of my mother's affection in my childhood. But in my old age, Krsna has given me so many young mothers to take care of me.

Relationship with Spiritual Master

"Regarding my health, I am keeping well, but after all this body is old enough although personally I do not feel old. I feel exactly like your little child and I am taken care of by so many fathers and mothers like you. So I have no anxiety. Somebody asked me whether I am happy, so I replied that I left my home consisting of five children, where I felt not very much comfortable, but Krsna has given me many obedient and loving children, even though I am in a foreign country. That is my happiness. Actually, real love can be perceived only on the platform of Krsna consciousness where there is no possibility of thinking oneself in the bodily concept of life. So let us try to introduce this nice consciousness in the human society." (SPL to Nandarani, 23rd May, 1969)

Relationship with Spiritual Master

Now there are so many devotees there in Philadelphia. Please take care of them. Teach them how to remain neat and clean. They should be engaged always in cleansing the temple. Cleansing is urgently required. As far as possible, non-initiated devotees may not enter the kitchen or Deity area. They can help from outside. Just take care of them so that they may become pure devotees. That is your duty. We are respected everywhere on our purity platform. This should be maintained." (SPL to Nayanabhirama, 4th April, 1971)

Rules and Policies

"It will be nice if Saktimata can take care of the girls in the temple. She is a very able woman. One thing, though, women should live separately. I know you can do it there because you have ample space." (SPL to Brahmananda Maharaja, 4th January, 1974)

Rules and Policies

"Please take nice care of Oliver and help him in whatever way you can. In Krsna consciousness every man is so important because all of the activities of a devotee of Lord Krsna are beneficial to all living entities. So if there are any questions that he would like me to help him with, I am always at your service to help in any way I can." (SPL to Sivananda, 15th June, 1969)

Legal, Registration, Immigration (see GBC)

"I am very encouraged to hear how San Diego center is flourishing under your supervision. The test is that so many new devotees are coming. That is a very good sign. Now you must take care to train them very nicely. They are voluntarily giving their lives to Krsna, so as president you must see that they are always happy and satisfied in Krsna consciousness. Then they will not go away." (SPL to Bhakta dasa, November 20th, 1971)

Legal, Registration, Immigration (see GBC)

"I have received their very kind letters of appreciation and I am very much grateful. Take care of them and see to it that they all become pure devotees. That is your duty. They should follow the regulative principles strictly, regularly chant sixteen rounds daily without fail, read all our literatures and attend class, etc. and be happy in Krsna consciousness." (SPL to Mukunda, April 13th, 1971)

How to Manage and Engage Devotees

"Now that you are president of the Detroit temple, you have very great responsibility to take proper care of all the devotees who are engaged there and are spreading Krsna consciousness at one of our most important centers." (SPL to Kaliya Krsna, 8th October, 1972)

How to Manage and Engage Devotees

Please encourage this nice boy. He is given under your protection so take care of him very nicely. Just produce one nice Krsna conscious youth. It will be a great service to Krsna and recognition of your nice service." (SPL to Aniruddha, 13th February, 1969)

Temple President and the GBC (see GBC)

Yes, a new man may commit blunders in the beginning, but that does not mean we may be too impatient with him. After all, training means the man does not know, so you should train him nicely. A Vaisnava is expected to be humbler than the blade of grass, so when you train some new man you should not get agitated with him. After all, we are preachers and we do not expect our audience or candidates completely respondent to our call.

Temple President and the GBC (see GBC)

You have got some good souls assisting you, and that is a good sign. Please take care of these boys and keep them fixed up in Krsna consciousness. In our lifetime, if we can fix up at least one soul in Krsna consciousness, Krsna immediately recognizes the service. The spell of maya is very strong, and to save a living entity from such clutches is the greatest service to the humanity. Please go on with your work with enthusiasm and faith in Krsna. He will give you all assistance." (SPL to Subala, 19th August, 1969)

Temple President and the GBC (see GBC)

You write to say that already two new boys, Frank and Ed, have joined our Krsna consciousness movement, and that is very good news. Please take very nice care of them and help them to understand our principles as far as possible. In every town and city there are many, many devotees of Krsna; now it is our business to go around the world wherever people are congregating and pick up these sincere souls. (SPL to Bhagavan dasa, 22nd September, 1969)

Temple President and the GBC (see GBC)

Take care of the new devotees so that they may read our literatures carefully and come to the real standard of understanding. Our strength is not material strength, but spiritual strength. So if spiritual strength is not strong now, try to make Sripati and the others stronger by spiritual means by following the regulative principles and chanting sixteen rounds." (SPL to Jagadisa, September 29th, 1970)

Temple President and the GBC (see GBC)

"That the graduate student and family has also joined our movement is very good news. Take care of him also. Let him read and study all our books." (SPL to Nayanabhirama, April 4th, 1971)

Temple President and the GBC (see GBC)

After three days if he likes he can stay with us permanently, become shaven headed, engage as we request him, and we shall take care of all his necessities.

Temple President and the GBC (see GBC)

Simply if you surrender to Krsna, if you become Krsna conscious, Krsna will take care of you, and you will be saved.

Bhagavad-gita 1.10 -- London, July 12, 1973

If we are thinking that "In this material existence I shall be safe, assisted by my society, friendship, love, country, and politics and sociology," "No, no, sir, it is not possible." It is not possible. You have to take care of yourself. Your so-called society, friendship, love, country, nation, and this, never will be able to help you. Because you are under the clutches of maya. Daivi hy esa gunamayi mama maya duratyaya [Bg. 7.14].prakrteh kriyamananigunaih karmani sarvasahahankara-vimudhatmakartaham iti manyate [Bg. 3.27]You are under the clutches of maya. you have no independence. Neither anyone has got any independence to save you. That is not possible. The same example as I gave sometimes, that you learn how to drive aeroplane. So you go high in the sky. But if you are in danger, no other aeroplane can help you. You are finished. Therefore you must be a very careful pilot to take care of yourself. Similarly, in this material world everyone individually has to take care of himself. How he can be saved from the clutches of maya. That is Krsna consciousness movement. A teacher can give you hints. The acarya can give you hints that "You can be saved in this way." But the execution of the duties, that is in your hand. If you perform the spiritual duties rightly, then you are saved. Otherwise, even acarya gives you instruction, if you don't follow, so how he can save you? He can save you by instruction, by his mercy, as much as possible. But you have to take it in your hands seriously.

Bhagavad-gita 1.26-27 -- London, July 21, 1973

when a man or woman becomes Krsna conscious, he or she takes care of herself or himself.

Bhagavad-gita 1.40 -- London, July 28, 1973

The Vedic, whole Vedic culture is to make a man a brahmana, not to keep him in the sudra stage, not to. Every father has to take care. The state has to take care, the teacher has to take care -- how to make the children, the poor children, the innocent children, to..., a perfect brahmana. The whole culture is like that. You see? so Bhagavad-gita teaches that. And don't become... Don't remain in the sudra stage and a miser, but just try to become a brahmana by culture. Then your life will be successful.

Bhagavad-gita 2.48-49 -- New York, April 1, 1966

Just like we take care of our body. We want to keep body very fit, healthy and beautiful, very nicely kept. Why? Why we take care of our body? Because I, the spirit soul, part and parcel of Krsna, I am living in this body. Therefore I take care of my body. Nobody takes care of the dead body. This is a fact. Either I take care of my body, or my family's body, or my wife's body, or my children's body.Why? Because the part and parcel of Krsna is there. The soul is there. And as soon as the soul is gone, the part and parcel is gone from the body, the body has no value. Throw it away. The same body. This is practical. Therefore I love my body because the part and parcel of Krsna is there. Or you love your body. I love your body. Only for the reason, jivanam sarva-bhutanam -- the part and parcel of Krsna is there. Then why the part and parcel of Krsna is taken care of? Because it is part and parcel of Krsna. Therefore ultimately, my love goes to Krsna, all-attractive.

Bhagavad-gita 4.11 -- Bombay, March 31, 1974

If you surrender to Krsna, then Krsna controls you, He takes care of you. But if you do not surrender to Krsna, but your position is to surrender, you have to surrender to the laws of material nature and you'll be controlled.

Bhagavad-gita 4.11 -- Vrndavana, August 3, 1974

Similarly, Bhagavad-gita, Krsna says, yoga-ksemam vahamy aham [Bg. 9.22]. Anyone who is fully in Krsna consciousness without any consideration, then everything is taken care by Krsna. This assurance is given. But if you don't believe in that assurance, if you don't believe in Krsna, that is a different thing. But so far Bhagavad-gita is concerned, if we become fully Krsna consciousness then our ultimate solution of all problems will be solved.

Bhagavad-gita 4.11-12 -- New York, July 28, 1966

And a so-called rich man, he is eating himself sumptuously, but he does not take care of the poor man. This is envious, "Let him die." No. The rich man should distribute prasadam through Krsna consciousness to the poor man, and the poor man should not be envious of the rich man. Then there will be happiness prosperity. Not that to form the political party and to become envious. Vimatsarah.

Bhagavad-gita 4.22 -- Bombay, April 11, 1974

Samah siddhav asiddhau ca. If you are working for Krsna, it is Krsna's desire if you be successful or not successful. Here it is, the word is used, asiddhau. That means don't think that because you are Krsna conscious, you will be always successful. No. It doesn't matter. Even if you are unsuccessful, you must know it firmly that without Krsna's desire, nothing can happen. If you are unsuccessful, then you should.... That is Krsna conscious.... You should know also that "It is Krsna's desire." It is Krsna's desire. So there is no question of being depressed because you are unsuccessful. A devotee is never depressed in the horrible condition of life. Tat te 'nukampam su-samiksamano bhunjana... [SB 10.14.8].

Bhagavad-gita 4.22 -- Bombay, April 11, 1974

Even in your rebellious condition Krsna is giving you protection. Without Krsna's protection you cannot live even for a second. He's so kind. But when you admit it, when you recognize it, then you become happy. Now Krsna is giving you protection but you do not know it because you have taken your life at your own risk. Therefore He has given you freedom, "All right, do whatever you like. As far as possible I will give you protection." But when you fully surrender, the whole charge is to Krsna. That is special. That is special protection. Just like a father. The child who has grown up doesn't care for the father, he's acting freely. What the father can do? "All right, do whatever you like." But the child who is fully under the protection of the father, he takes more care.

Bhagavad-gita 6.16-24 -- Los Angeles, February 17, 1969Just like Lord Jesus Christ, he was God conscious, Krsna conscious but he was not satisfied in himself. If he would have continued his God consciousness alone, he would not have met crucification. But, no. He wanted to take care of others also, the others should be God conscious. Others should be Krsna conscious. He was forbidden by the king not to do that. So at the risk of his life he did it. That is the nature of devotee. Therefore the preacher devotee is the most dearest devotee of Lord. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita. They are going outside, they are preaching, they are meeting opposing elements. Sometimes they are defeated, sometimes disappointed, sometimes able to convince, there are different kinds of people. So, not that every devotee is very well equipped. There are three classes of devotees also. But that endeavor, that "I shall go and preach Krsna consciousness," is the best service to the Lord. Because they are trying in opposition to elevate people to the highest standard of self-realization.

Bhagavad-gita 6.25-29 -- Los Angeles, February 18, 1969

God is taking care of everyone -- that's a fact -- maybe he is sinful or not sinful. But He takes special care of the devotee. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita.

Bhagavad-gita 7.1 -- Los Angeles, March 12, 1970

Krsna is seeing your activities, but especially, to take care of you... Krsna takes care. As soon as you become a devotee, immediately He takes care of you.

Bhagavad-gita 12.13-14 -- Bombay, May 12, 1974

If you actually surrender to Krsna, then He personally takes care, not by maya.

Bhagavad-gita 12.13-14 -- Bombay, May 12, 1974

As soon as He understands that "Here is a soul, he's very serious," He takes care of you, especially.

Bhagavad-gita 13.3 -- Bombay, September 26, 1973

So everyone's heart, He is sitting. Ksetra-jnam capi mam viddhi sarva-ksetresu bharata. But He takes special care of the devotee, guides him, gives him intelligence. What kind of intelligence? Yena mam upayanti te. Just to give him the clue how one can go back to home, back to Godhead. Krsna does not give intelligence how one can gain some material prosperity. That is entrusted to the maya -- daivi maya or Durgadevi.

Bhagavad-gita 13.3 -- Bombay, September 26, 1973

Yes, you have got business, but that is not your main business. Your main business is to take care of yourself as soul. That is your main business. This is called knowledge.

Bhagavad-gita 13.4 -- Hyderabad, April 20, 1974

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