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Page 1: Devil

Chloe Mason


Page 2: Devil

Through different scenes, the text, shown on different shots says “On an ordinary day” “Our lives are filled” “with chance

encounters”. This leads the audience to believe that these events are random and again suggests it could have happened to literally anyone, and it was just chance that brings the five

people together. This would cause the audience to think more deeply into the story line.

The very first image we see is an establishing shot of New York with text “on any ordinary day” however the image is

upside down. This suggests that the on goings are going to be unusual and off balanced implying that something not normal will happen. The image then changes and flips the correct way up. Another image of New York is shown, again upside down continuing with the off balance events that will occur within

the film. The camera then zooms in to the top of the building and goes inside from a vent the top. The camera speeds up

and goes deeper and deeper into the vent before stopping at the elevator all the characters are trapped in. this suggests that there is something racing towards them that they don‟t know about and there is nothing they can do about it because they

are trapped. It is when the camera reaches the elevator that the elevator stops so this shows that it is something that is doing

it, we just don‟t know what the something is.


Page 3: Devil

The high pitched tone creates an eerie atmosphere before the film even begins

properly. You can also hear ambient sounds of the hustle bustle of an average

day in New York which suggests that this was just any normal day when

something goes wrong that could have happened to anyone.

The first woman says “Do I look like such a threat?” this creates an element

of foreshadowing and enigma within the audience and suggests she could

possibly be the devil. This also creates a mystery within the trailer because no

one knows for sure who the devil is.


Page 4: Devil

The costume of each character represents them in very

different ways. The first lady is wearing a blazer, white top

and scarf. This suggests her to be sophisticated however her

white top is rather low cut so reflects on her personality as

well. Possibly she is the type of flirty person who likes to

look nice but also wear respectable clothing too. The second

character we see is the first male. He is stood in the street in

what appears to be dirty clothes. He also has his hood up.

This automatically creates the stereotype of him being a

„criminal‟ or „thug‟ because of the way he dresses. This also

suggests he may be of lower to middle class with not a very

high status and show that he doesn‟t have a job as he is in the

middle of the town in the middle of the day doing nothing

dressed in casual wear. After this is the middle aged woman,

dressed in a suit; we are only shown the top half of her body,

around the shoulders upwards. This focuses on the age of the

character and shows she is older than the rest of the main

characters. The next character is the security guard. He is

wearing a security guard uniform. This instantly reflects on

his status, middle to higher class because his well respected

job but also suggests he is safe to be around as his job is to

protect people.


Page 5: Devil

A wide shot is used in the elevator to show all five main protagonists of the film. Placing them all together helps to

show the audience that all of the characters are different but have come

together for an unknown reason.

The establishing shot of New York shows the setting and creates confusion

as in a conventional horror film the setting is usually isolated and dark, this would suggest to the audience that this isnt your typical horror film. To add to

this effect, the first image is upside down, again reflecting on the off

balance events of the film.