
Digital Graphic Narrative


Will Wheatley

Shape Task

EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?I liked the simplicity of it. And the fact that it was relatively easy to create with the Photoshop software and looks more or less as it’s supposed to. I like the fact that whilst the design is very rounded and curvy, only core basic shapes were used. I used shape merging which is combining multiple layers of shapes together into one layer so they wouldn’t separate and ruin the image. I also used the line tool to add in extra detail such as creases in the skin. I also used the outline tool to give my animal a defining edge around it. I used shapes such as circles, oblongs and the line tool. Although my image seems jagged, I have used the warp tool to round and bend some of the image.What would you improve if you did it again?I’d like to improve the amount of detail in my animal. As only the basic features have been added to it such as using the colour range tool to add in the fur and fuzziness on the animal. I would like to do this to give the cartoon a slight more realistic look about it. I would also like to clean it up a bit, making sure the image is smooth, sharp and rounded.



EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?My first image is very simplistic. I have purely used highlights and shadows from the original image with the colour change tool so it has very little difference from the original. The lion picture is far better as I have used the lasso tool as well to colourize certain parts. I have used the lasso tool to add in details like face, mouth and eyes. I have also used the shadow tool which I like because it captures detail and adds in extra detail to the face of the lion.

What would you improve if you did it again?I would like to add in a lot more detail and more of my own effects as it doesn’t look much different to the original image. As for the lion image I would like to add in much more noticeable detail to the lions mane. And correct the shapes so you can’t see the mane colour behind the lions face.

Text Based

Text Based

Text Based

Text Based


What did you like about your images?I liked being able to manipulate text because Photoshop gives you much more freedom to create unlike the likes of Microsoft Word. I liked being able to add a background to the text and personalize it with a picture of your choice. I also liked being able to freely warp and bend text to create shapes with it. I liked putting the “stroke” borders around my text to give it a defining edge. I also like the part on the quote where the “dying” part is large to emphasize the word.What would you improve if you did it again?I would like to improve my picture on the text so it is more clear as to what the picture is. I would also like to improve the appearance of the bottom text on my first page, adding a different gradient and style to my text for a nicer, neater look.

Comic Book


What did you like about your image?I liked how I succeeded in making it simulate a comic book illustration. I liked the detail of the shadows and highlights in my image. I also liked the grain in my image to make it seem old. I also liked how I have used highlights to shine on his face to make it distinguished.What would you improve if you did it again?I would like to give my image some colour as comic books are usually in colour to convey emotion into the image. I also would like to draw with a brush tool around the edge of the face to separate Quentin’s face with the background of the image. I would also improve on the overall look of the image as it looks more like a painting than a sketch/drawing.

Photography - Sadness

Photography - Excitement

Photography - loneliness

Photography - happiness

EvaluationWhat did you like about your image?I liked the usage of black and white effect to present a negative emotion, in this case loneliness. Sadness was presented in the image by looking away from the camera. The people are also darkened to create a negative emotion. I also like that on the happiness image that the sky is lit up around his face. I also like that in the loneliness image she is the only person in the image which furthers the feeling of loneliness.

What would you improve if you did it again?My face on the excitement image doesn’t look as exciting as the image is supposed to present. Similar with the happiness image it doesn’t present a look of happiness and I would like a better image to represent that emotion so it is much more obvious.



What did you like about your image?I like how it looks relatively like the source image. I like how I have drawn him stood in a pose, rather than stood in one place. I also liked how I have outlined the image to bring out the edges of the image.What would you improve if you did it again?I would like to improve the neatness of my drawing as it is very crudely drawn and rough. I would also like to improve, specifically the hands as the thumb is a way too long. I would like to improve upon them.

Initial Ideas

Idea Generation

I chose Little Red Riding hood because it is a classic story with interesting themes such as strangers and pedophilia. It explores this however, with the wolf wanting to eat her as that is far more child appropriate

I chose a pig as an an animal as they are cute and innocent and the most abused of animals. The wolf would also be more interested in eating pig. I have also chosen a pig as my shape task was based from a pig.

The story’s setting is also interesting as the forest is isolated and creates a scary atmosphere. It is also isolated and perfect for a murder or abduction which is why the book teaches children to be wary in these sorts of atmospheres.

I’m using this font because it has a fairy tale look and it looks innocent like the main protagonist in the book


Pages: 12 Size: 13.3 x 2.2 x 16.4 cm

Story Overview

My story is my own interpretation and take on the classic fairy tale story “Little Red Riding Hood”. It begins with a family of anthropomorphic pigs. The mother of the family, who is extremely sick and irritated by her children. She sends her eldest child (Little Red Pig), with a pie to take it to her grandmother. However, like the original she has to pass through a dark forest. In the forest she comes across a wolf, who acts kind and helpful to the child, with a true purpose of eating the child (as she is a pig). The child asks for directions but sneakily the wolf tells her the long way round. The wolf then takes a short cut and reaches the grandmothers house. The wolf then eats the grandmother. The child comes to the grandmothers house with the a friendly seeming woodcutter who has been showing her the way. The woodcutter ends up killing them all for food. A few months pass and the mother is depressed and misses the child, wondering where her and the grandmother went to. She makes a cake for her Auntie and asks her other child to take it. She then realizes that she shouldn’t have let Little Red Pig go alone so she goes with the younger child to the aunties.

Export Format


Advantages: Easy access to PDF documents and a multilingual interface. Other people can not edit your work in this program.Disadvantages: Large file size. You can not edit your work in this program.


18th December 2014


My target audience is children aged from 9-11 (the reason for this is because my take on the story is quite dark and is not as much of a conventional happy ending as other fairy tales) , male and female audience as the main character is a girl which can relate to young girls but the dark story telling has no girly elements used so there is no reason why it can’t relate to both. It is for an audience of anyone who speaks the English language, mainly children who live in England. For a middle class to working class family. Also for an audience who’s family who have children are very independent and travel a lot of places alone.

Production Methods

I am going to shape task to create my book. I am going to use different shapes to create my animal. I am also going to use the rotascope tool to select different parts of my image. I am also going to use the colour range tool to create highlights and shadows to add in extra detail to my images. I am also going to use the colour overlay to create different colours for my animals. And I am going to use the stroke tool to create a border for my characters so the edges are more defined.

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

Clearly descriptive story plot with an interesting take on the original story. Clear idea of how the book is going to be created; great planning.

Could explain why the target audience is aged 9-11.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

Great planning and the mind maps have plenty of ideas. Good images of the settings and characters that are going to be in the book.

Could have more fonts to chose from to ensure you chose the best one. Could put more images up also you could have chosen and annotated just a bit more (2-3) pictures.

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

Plot is described very clearly, the audience is well thought through and includes finer details such as the class and area where they would live.

the areas that need further work would be the audience, you have stated what the age group would be and other things about them but you could go further and say why.

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

The idea generation is fairly detailed and thought through. The storyboard contains images and annotations which explain why you are using that font.

You could develop your story board further by getting images of other ways little red riding hood has been portrayed before in stories and say what you like/don’t like about each technique for example, more illustrations, more photography, more cartoon like illustrations etc etc.

What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?

Good detail especially in the storyline production methods and audience good advantages and disadvantages of using the pdf file.

40 pages is a lot for a children's book if you are doing one side picture and one side story then your best bet is somewhere more like 20-22. also the story is less like a children's book and more like a young teenagers book I would change the ending and make the books audience more towards the 5-7 mark as that would be more like a children's book. Also the story kind of scared me so this would need to be changed if you were to take my advice and make it a more childish book (it would also be easier).

What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?

Good mind mapping I like how you have done one to work out which you want and then a hole separate one on your chosen book. Also the annotations are good and so is your images mixing both real and cartoon

You could have tried out more fonts than just one

Feedback Summary

Sum up your feedback.

Most of the feedback has commented on my detailed description of the plot and how it is an interesting take on the story. Most of them have also commented on the fact that I need to add detail to my target audience and state why I have chose this age. And they have all stated that I should’ve used more fonts.

Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?I agree with the fact that my target audience should have been explained as to why I chose this. I should have also added more fonts to evaluate on rather than just one. I also agree that I have used both real and cartoon elements for my mood board.

Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?

I disagree with changing my story twist. This is because plenty of stories are very dark but there is no mention of gore and I am not specific when characters die. I do not describe the characters being eaten. My story does not feature anything sexual (however subtext of the wolf being a paedophile is used). There is no profanity or swearing used in the book so there is no need to change anything. I disagree with my page number being a lot. The reason it is a lot is so I can tell everything I want to and make the story very detailed in one respect but not in another so my target audience (the children) don’t get bored.




Original Script

Original Script goes here with link to where it came from

Original Script

Original Script goes here with link to where it came from

Final Script

Final script goes here.

Digital Flat Plans
