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A Northern Cape diamond mine uses blockcaving to mine the kimberlite ore. Each blockcave requires the predevelopment of anextensive network of drives and drawpoints inthe kimberlite. During the subsequent cave,the drives must remain intact while beingsubjected to high and changing stresses.

The support plan for the block cavecurrently under development called for the useof 2.5 m x 20 mm and 3.8 m x 25 mm fullygrouted tendons. A characteristic of thekimberlite is its rapid decomposition whenexposed to water. Previous support systems insimilar kimberlite had used either resin groutsor very low water content cement grouts suchas Capram®. It was therefore logical to explorethe potential of both for this project.

The case against resin was firstly its cost,which would be considerably more than acement system, and secondly the annulus left

by 20 mm bar in a 40 mm hole was too widefor effective mixing of the resin. Trialsconducted with the alternative Capram®

cement grout system showed that even thesmall quantity of free water in the groutcaused deterioration of a thin layer of thesurrounding kimberlite. The decomposed layercompromised support resistance.

Grouting system development

In May of 2002 representatives from the mineapproached Minova with a request to develop acement based support grout that could be usedin kimberlite without creating the deteriorationearlier described.

In addition to compatibility with thekimberlite, the grout had to be suitable for usewith a number of tendon types and because ofthe closely spaced support pattern, had to besuited to a large-scale but dispersed groutingoperation.

In discussion with the client, the followingtargets were established for grout performance

Pump life: minimum 40 minutesInitial set: 55–60 minutesPull strength: 20 kN on 200 mm of

20 mm rebar after 4 hoursat 25ºC.

As a pumped system it was necessary tohave a relatively long working life but at thesame time the grout had to be quick setting toproduce the required rapid strengthdevelopment. Also, the rheology of the groutwas critical in that it had to be easily mixedand pumped but not run back out of verticalup-holes.

Development of a cement groutedrockbolting system for use in water-sensitive kimberliteby A. Harrison and D. O’Connor*


Rockbolt support of the undercut levels for the block cave at aNorthern Cape diamond mine required the development of a uniquerockbolting grout and pumping system.

The bolting parameters specified in the support plan requiredthe use of cement grouts but the water present in normal groutsdecomposes the kimberlite, weakening the bolt anchorage.

Minova developed a pumpable cement grout for use in thekimberlite without causing damage to the rock. The requirementwas technically challenging as in addition to novel grout chemistry,the grout also had to possess adequate pumping life, fast settingand good mixing and pumping properties. A further complicationwas that water was not permitted in the working sections forwashing the mixer and pump.

The development was a success and the resulting product,Capcem® K40P and its customized mixer and pump, have been inregular use since 2004. Use has also been extended to otherdiamond mines.

In a second phase of the project, innovative packing wasintroduced to reduce the amount of packaging material, particularlyplastic film, which interferes with the diamond recovery process.This has also been successful, with an overall reduction of over 4tons per month of packaging material.

* Minova, South Africa.© The Southern African Institute of Mining and

Metallurgy, 2006. SA ISSN 0038–223X/3.00 +0.00. This paper was first published at the SAIMMColloquium, The Second Underground OperatorsConference, 11–12 September 2006..

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Page 2: Development of a cement grouted rockbolting system for use in … · 2011-06-28 · Development of a cement grouted rockbolting system Initial grout formulation Experience with the

Development of a cement grouted rockbolting system

Initial grout formulation

Experience with the Capram® grout system had shown thatrelatively stiff thixotropic grouts can be used, providing thata suitable pumping system is developed. Working in ourfavour was the low water content in stiff grouts, whichresults in faster setting and higher ultimate strength. Forthese reasons it was decided to investigate the potential fordeveloping a stiff cement-based grout using liquid polymer inplace of water. This also offered the additional advantages ofnot having to take water into the kimberlite area for mixingpurposes and controlling liquid: powder ratios by supplyingprepacked units.

The demands on the grout were a difficult challenge tosatisfy, but after many false starts and disappointments agrout was created that appeared to satisfy the requirements,at least under laboratory conditions. The grout first tried hadthe properties shown in Table I.

This product was taken underground for trials andperformed well in most respects but the pumping life provedto be too sensitive to the differing conditions in the variousworking places. A second formulation was produced toaddress this issue. Although some strength was lost, it stillremained within the required parameters, while the overallusability of the material was much improved. The modifiedproduct was subjected to extensive laboratory testing,including pull strength measurements over time and with allthe types of tendons likely to be used. After satisfying allrequirements, the product was released as Capcem® K40P.

To ensure that the correct liquid: powder ratio wasalways used, Capcem® K40P was packed in kit form, each kitconsisting of a box containing two bags of cement powderand a plastic bottle of liquid polymer. A pack and its contentsare shown in Figure 1.

Mixing and pumping system development

The initial underground test work with Capcem® K40P wasdone using a standard combined mixer-pump unit(Putzmeister MP1000) and this worked reasonably well.There was, however, some difficulty in feeding the very stiffgrout from the mixer into the worm pump, causing aninconsistent feed of grout into the support holes. Also, theunit was very difficult to clean, which frequently resulted inhard grout being left in the unit, particularly between shifts.This caused numerous breakdowns and high spare partsconsumption.

A modified mixer/pump was designed. In an attempt toforce feed the pump, a short length of auger was added to thedrive shaft between the secondary agitator and the pump.This worked well and the unit was able to completely emptythe mixing tank without feeding air into the support hole.The modified mixer is shown in Figure 2.

Unfortunately the modification aggravated the problem ofcleaning and despite further modifications to make thevarious components easily detachable, the problem persisted.

Nevertheless the grouting system was performing tospecification and the support programme was on track,mainly due to the support contractors who were continuouslymaking their own changes and modifications to theequipment and devising ways to keep the machines clean.

Eventually a contractor designed and built his own machine,which was a much smaller and simpler unit having fewercleaning problems.

Further developments

This project in the Northern Cape has now been running forfour years and has consumed approximately 4 000 tons ofCapcem® K40P without a single reported failure. In the pastyear a stronger version has been developed but has yet to befield trialled.

Improved application equipment has been designed,including peristaltic pumps and hydraulically driven pistonpumps. Some of the improved pumps are currently workingon a second diamond mine development project. Figure 3shows the appearance of bolted section of a drive aftershotcreting. Note the density of the support.

Reduction of packaging material

In September 2005 mine management requested Minova toattempt to reduce the amount of packaging material beingused for Capcem® K40P. At the time the product was beingsupplied in 27 kg units. Each unit consisted of an outer

832 DECEMBER 2006 VOLUME 106 NON-REFEREED PAPER The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Table I

Grout properties

Test Result

Relative density 1.82Initial set (minutes) 55Final set (minutes) 69Pot life (minutes) 40Yield per kit (liters) 11.77

Compressive strength (MPa)

4 hours 5.1324 hours 9.297 days 10.2914 days 12.2121 days 13.2828 days 16.77

Pull strength (kN)

4 hours 2024 hours 257 days 30

Figure 1—Capcem® K40P Pack

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container of heavy-duty cardboard, containing two plastic-film bags of powder component and a 4-litre plastic bottle ofthe liquid component (shown in Figure 1).

Investigation showed that the use of Capcem® K40P wasgenerating the following monthly quantities of wastepacking, being disposed of on the mine:

➤ Cardboard 4 600 kg ➤ Plastic film 424 kg

3 000 m2

➤ Bottles 24 m3

708 kg

The volume of packaging material was creating a wastedisposal problem and there was particular concern about theuse of plastic film bags, as film that entered the ore streamhad been identified as interfering with the diamond recoveryprocess. There was a similar concern about the plasticbottles.

Minova established an internal project team to work withthe mine to reduce the problems caused by the packagingmaterial. The objectives of the project were established as:

➤ Elimination of plastic film bags➤ Reduction in total quantity of packaging material➤ Recycling of remaining packaging material, where


These objectives were to be accomplished within theestablished material handling and storage practices on themine, both on surface and underground, and withoutcompromising the protection that the packing had to provideto the contents during transport, storage and finaldispensing. The most important requirement was preventionof moisture ingress, as this would have caused prematureaging of the powder component.

The project team examined a number of options andpresented their findings to the mine staff for discussion inOctober 2005. Most options involved conversion from unitpacks to bulk packs of various kinds.

The most radical proposal was for delivery of all materialsto the mine in bulk tankers. Minova would have erected apacking operation on the mine, to transfer the bulk materialsinto dedicated mobile dispensers, holding about one ton

Development of a cement grouted rockbolting systemJournal


833The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 106 NON-REFEREED PAPER DECEMBER 2006 ▲

Figure 2—Mixer and pump

Figure 3—View of bolted tunnel

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Development of a cement grouted rockbolting system

each. The dispensers would have been used for transport tothe working places underground and then be returned for re-filling. This option would have resulted in the greatestreduction in packaging material but required high capitalexpenditure for manufacture of the large number of dedicateddispensers.

From the discussions it emerged that bulk containerhanding capabilities differed on the various operating levelsof the mine. The section with the largest consumption hadmechanical equipment that could handle bulk packs of up toapproximately one ton without difficulty, but a smallersection had no bulk container handling capability and couldreceive only product in unit packs suitable for man-handling.Two parallel approaches had to be pursued one for themechanized section and one for the manual section.

For the mechanized section, the solution tried was asemi-bulk system. The powder component was packed into11 kg paper bags, grouped into one-tonne mini-bulk outerbags for protection and transport. For further protectionduring this phase, the bulk bag was shrouded and lightlystretch-wrapped. The shroud and stretch-wrapping wasremoved in the surface store before issuing. The liquidcomponent was packed into 200l steel drums. The volume ofliquid in each drum was calculated to equal the amountneeded for mixing with the contents of one mini-bulk bag ofpowder. The two components were supplied separately andthe containers brought together at the working places.

For the non-mechanized section, the only improvementachieved was the replacement of the plastic film bags withpaper bags. It is interesting to note that 5-litre metal oil cans,commonly available some years ago, are no longermanufactured. The 5-litre cans would have been idealreplacements for the plastic bottles as they can be separatedfrom the ore by the tramp-iron magnets.

The most significant risk to both solutions was that thepaper bags might provide inadequate mechanical andmoisture protection to the powder. As packing of paper bagsrequired investment in new equipment by Minova, a trial was

run using paper bags packed by a sub-contractor. The trialwas successful. A second trial was also run to define and testthe handling of the mini-bulk containers of powder bags anddrums of liquid component. No significant issues wereencountered during the trial and the decision was made toproceed with full-scale conversion. Minova built a dedicatedplant for packing of the paper bags. The only additionalunderground activity is measured dispensing of the liquidcomponent for each mix. Jugs were supplied, but in practicethe old bottles are preferred.

Since January 2006 there has been a complete conversionto packing in paper bags, achieving the objective ofeliminating plastic film packaging.

Supply to the mechanized section, which accounts forover 80% of total consumption, has been in the semi-bulkform. This has reduced waste disposal requirements by 3 900kg per month of cardboard and 560 kg per month of plasticbottles, achieving the second project objective. The semi-bulkpack units are shown in Figure 4.

A large percentage of the steel drums and mini-bulk bagsare returned to Minova for reuse. The paper bags and theremaining cardboard boxes and plastic bottles still requiredisposal as waste; the third objective has thus been partiallyachieved. The potential for further reductions has beenidentified and will be implemented when the present systemhas fully bedded down.


A support grouting system was successfully developed for achallenging application. The most significant factorcontributing to the success was a collaborative approach bythe client and supplier, from system specification throughdevelopment, introduction and ongoing improvement.

Minova RSA wishes to thank De Beers for permission topublish this paper, and to the many de Beers and contractorstaff who have contributed ideas and enthusiasm to thesystem. ◆

834 DECEMBER 2006 VOLUME 106 NON-REFEREED PAPER The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Figure 4—Bulk packs and inner paper bag
