
Developing Better PhoneGap AppsSession 608 / DevLearn 2013

Daniel PfeifferLead Developer / Float Mobile Learning

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps

PhoneGap Overview

• Write your app using standards-based web technologies

• Access native OS features using JavaScript

• Deploy to multiple platforms with the same codebase

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps

What PhoneGap is...

• A “wrapper” for your web-based apps

• A collection of standard APIs for accessing native device features across various platforms

• A standard for interacting between the native OS and JavaScript using plugins

Illustration by Adobe / Yohei Shimomae

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps

What PhoneGap isn’t...

• Magic

• Compiler/translator that turns your web code into native (Objective-C, Java, etc.) code

• The answer for every mobile app

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps

Web App vs. PhoneGap

Web App PhoneGap

Accessed via web browser

Installed as an app

Can be saved as a Web Clip

Locally available content

Able to cache some data locally

No storage limits

Easy to distribute/updateAdditional features

available through plugins

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps

What is a “better” PhoneGap app?

• Responsive

• Runs “like a native app”

• Efficiently takes advantage of standards-based web technology while understanding the restrictions

• Considers the unique mobile affordances

• Maintainable

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps

Abstraction Taxes

• PhoneGap provides an abstraction layer between your app logic and the native OS

• There are costs to using the abstraction layer:

- Performance restrictions

- Missing out on very finely tuned native user controls/inputs

Photo by Philip Taylor PT

Abstraction Tax Evasion

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps

var view = retrieveCurrentView();var newView = createNewView();view.parentNode.replaceChild(newView, view);

Don’t navigate away from index.html

•The time required to tear down a page and load a new one can be completely avoided

•Use JavaScript to change the DOM

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps

Use touch events

• Users interact with mobile devices by touching—not clicking

• By default, most mobile browsers add ≈300ms delay for click events

• Try using the FastClick library

DemoTouch events vs. Click events

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps

Communicate with your user

• Users should never have to wonder if the app is doing something

• Use loading indicators if something can’t be done instantly

• Remember, there is no “hover” state for buttons making a “down” state even more important

• Be prepared for users to hit buttons multiple times

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps

<button class=”level”>1</button><button class=”level” disabled>1</button>

Use <button> instead of <a>

• Buttons are designed for handling user interactions while anchor tags are for linking between pages

• You can disable buttons by adding the disabled attribute

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps

button:active { background-color: #F00;}

button:disabled { background-color: #CCC;}

Use CSS pseudo-classes

• :active to define the “down” state of buttons

• :disabled to define the “disabled” state of buttons

Let’s talk about the browser

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps on an iPhone 4

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps on an iPhone 4

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps

What is “reflow” (layout)?

• The time spent determining where elements will be drawn on the page is called “reflow”

• Reflow involves a lot of calculations as the browser determines how to layout the page

Applying our Understanding of Reflow

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps

Reduce the cost of a reflow

• Calculations use the CPU—the more complicated the DOM, the more calculations, the longer it takes

• Remove extraneous tags to reduce DOM depth

<li><a href="#view1"> View 1</a></li>

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps

Reduce the cost of a reflow

• Calculations use the CPU—the more complicated the DOM, the more calculations, the longer it takes

• Remove extraneous tags to reduce DOM depth

<li> View 1 </li>

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps

Reduce the cost of a reflow

• Calculations use the CPU—the more complicated the DOM, the more calculations, the longer it takes

• Remove extraneous tags to reduce DOM depth

• Remove unused CSS rules

• Avoid complex CSS selectors where possible<li> View 1 </li>

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps

var node = document.getElementById('some_element'),new_node = node.cloneNode(true);// Apply changes to the cloned nodevar a = document.createElement('span'),var b = document.createTextNode('some content');a.appendChild(b);new_node.innerHTML = '';new_node.appendChild(a);// Out with the old, in with the newnode.parentNode.replaceChild(new_node, node);

Reduce the number of reflows

• Avoid triggering unnecessary reflows

• Make batched changes to the DOM—don’t change one element at a time

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps

var node = document.getElementById('some_element'),new_node = node.cloneNode(true);// Apply changes to the cloned nodevar a = document.createElement('span'),var b = document.createTextNode('some content');a.appendChild(b);new_node.innerHTML = '';new_node.appendChild(a);// Out with the old, in with the newnode.parentNode.replaceChild(new_node, node);

Reduce the number of reflows

• Avoid triggering unnecessary reflows

• Make batched changes to the DOM—don’t change one element at a time

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps



Use CSS animations

• jQuery.animate performs custom animations on a set of CSS properties

• Changing size- or position-related CSS properties will trigger a reflow

Reflow Paint

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps

#view { -webkit-transform: scale(.5,0);}

Use CSS animations

• CSS-based animations can skip the reflow process

• Some CSS-based animations are hardware accelerated and occur directly on the GPU


#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps

Consider client-side templating

• Helps provide a Model-View-Controller (MVC) structure to your application

• Enhances future maintainability of the code

• Enables you to keep the DOM free of nodes that are not needed

- Application views can be stored/manipulated in memory instead of in the DOM

- Only the active view lives in the DOM

DemojQuery-based vs. CSS animations

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps

Be mindful of memory usage

• Avoid excessive use of global variables

- The garbage collector clears data that is no longer in scope, but global variables are always in scope

- Code with well-defined scopes is easier to maintain

• Consider using smaller JavaScript frameworks

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps

Share the work with plugins

• PhoneGap provides the standard for interacting between the native OS and JavaScript using plugins

• Take advantage of various OS features—including performance Illustration by Adobe / Yohei Shimomae

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps


• Don’t make guesses as to what is causing your app to run slowly or crash

• Use the Safari Inspector or Instruments to measure your app and determine what to focus on improving

- Memory usage over time

- CPU usage over time

- Time spent in reflow

• Use aggregated analytics reports to determine what users like and what they won’t miss

DemoMeasuring your app

#DevLearn / Session 608 / Developing Better PhoneGap Apps

Let’s review...

✓ Develop on the device—do not rely on the simulator

✓ Don’t navigate away from index.html

✓ Use touch events or the FastClick library

✓ Use pseudo-classes like :active or :disabled

✓ Keep the DOM simple

✓ Use CSS animations (especially hardware-accelerated animations where possible)

✓ Avoid global variables

✓ Use a smaller JS library