
Developing Android Apps

by Abhijeet Chopra

Module One

• What is Android?

• Android Versions

• Setting up the environment

• Dev Environment

• Create your First App

• Directory Structure

• Architecture

• App interface

• App components

• Testing Environment

• Toast

Pre-requisite Core Java

What is Android ?

What is Android ?

• Open source Linux based OS for touch based mobile devices

• Developed by Open Handset Alliance led by Google and other companies like Samsung, HTC and Sony

• First commercial version, Android 1.0, was released in September 2008

Android Versions

Android Versions

• Cupcake (1.5) • Donut (1.6) • Eclair (2.0–2.1) • Froyo (2.2–2.2.3) • Gingerbread (2.3–2.3.7) • Honeycomb (3.0–3.2.6) • Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0–4.0.4) • Jelly Bean (4.1–4.3.1) • KitKat (4.4–4.4.4, 4.4W–4.4W.2) • Lollipop (5.0–5.1.1)

TIP : “W” stands for Android Wear.



Setting up the Environment

Steps for setting up

1. JDK 8


2. Android SDK Tools

3. Eclipse IDE

4. ADT Plugin for Eclipse

Development Environment


Creating your First Android App

Create a project

First App

Directory Structure

1. src This contains the .java source files for

your project.

2. gen This contains the .R file, a compiler-

generated file that references all the resources found in your project. You should not modify this file.

3. bin This folder contains the Android package

files .apk built by the ADT during the build process and everything else needed to run an Android application.

4. res/drawable-hdpi Contains drawable objects that are

designed for high-density screens.

5. res/layout Contains files that define your app's user


6. res/values Contains XML files that contain a

collection of resources, such as strings and colors definitions.

7. AndroidManifest.xml Configuration File

Code Files

1. Java Code |


2. Layout Code | activity_main.xml

3. Stored Strings | Strings.xml

4. Configuration File | Manifest.xml


We will create these apps

App Interface

App Interface

• Runs in its own virtual machine & process

• Isolated from other apps

• Typically an app cannot access other apps data

• Is composed of basic components

• App components can be activated individually

App Components

App Components

Basic Components Description

Activity Represents a single screen with a UI

Service Background processes like playing music in background

Broadcast Receiver Receives messages from system /apps and lets them act upon them

Content Provider Provides an interface let apps share data with each other

Additional Components

Components Description

Views UI elements that are drawn onscreen including buttons, lists forms etc.

Layouts View hierarchies that control screen format and appearance of the views.

Intents Messages wiring components together.

Resources External elements, such as strings, constants and drawables pictures.

Manifest Configuration file for the application.

Testing Environment

Two ways

1. Use an Emulator – Android Virtual Device (AVD)

2. Use a Device – Connect device to PC using a USB cable

Setting up an AVD

1. Launch Eclipse

2. Window > AVD Manager

3. Create New

4. Specify required configuration

5. Start your AVD

6. Wait... for it to launch

Using device

In your phone

1. Settings > Developer options > Check USB Debugging

2. Settings > Security > Check Install from unknown sources

3. Install drivers on your PC for your mobile device

4. Connect device to PC via

USB cable

Using device (Cont.)

In Eclipse

1. Right Click on your project folder > Run As > Android Application

2. Choose a running Android device > Click OK

3. Watch the console window for status updates


What alert is to JavaScript Toast is to Android Programming

Show toast on Button Click

Define a Button in the layout file and assign it a unique ID say "button1".

Alternatively you can drop the button control from the Form

Widgets section in the Graphical Layout Layout file | .xml --------------------------------------- <Button




android:text="Click Here"/>

Show toast on Button Click

Code file | .java --------------------------------------- Import the android.widget.button class Create an object b1 of the Button class Button b1;

From the onCreate method of an Activity, find the Button with

the id as specified in the layout file b1 = (Button) findViewById(;

Show toast on Button Click

Set the onClickListener for this button b1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener()



public void onClick(View arg0)


// TODO Auto-generated method stub

String s1 = "this string is made on the button click";

Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), s1, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();



Official Resources

• App Developer Resources

• Android Developers Blog

Questions ?


Assignment 1

Create an Android app that displays:

Textbox1 :

This is my First Android App

Button1 :

On click : textbox1 text changes to “Button1 pressed”

Button2 :

On click : textbox1 text changes to “Button2 pressed”

Google is our friend!


Abhijeet Chopra

Thank you!
