



“I am confident that God will complete

the good work He started in me” (Phil.


Why would God choose me? That was the question that I

constantly asked myself before I accepted my destiny. I didn’t

understand why He would choose me to encourage His people when He

has so many other people to choose from. I thought to myself, “I just

want a regular job that is enough to provide for my family.” However,

God had other plans. Just like the Bible says, He knows the plans that

He has for us. He has plans to prosper us and bless us more than we can

ask or think (Jer. 29:11; 3 John. 1:2).

The problem is that I didn’t think that I was good enough to

receive all of His blessings. I knew I didn’t deserve it so I didn’t ask for

anything spectacular. Obviously at this point, I was not able to think

BIG. I couldn’t see past my nose. Ironically enough, I thought I was

smart enough to offer my detailed opinions about my future unto the

Lord. There is a saying out there that suggests that God laughs at our

plans. But I don’t think He laughed at mine. He’s my friend, so He

wouldn’t do that. But I’m sure my plans made Him smile on many

occasions. I would go as far to say, that He would shake His head and


God, the one who created the universe, also created me and

you. He knew what He made us for, and what He designed us to do.

Don’t you know that God knew what He was doing when He made

you! He is everything, so that means that He can see your beginning

and your end. When He looks at you, He sees your potential. He



doesn’t see all of your mistakes and blunders. He wants you to

understand that you don’t have to measure up to any special standards

set by the men of the world because He has designed a special standard

just for you.

The previous statement does not mean that you should not follow

the law. It means that you don’t have to compete with anyone to your

left or to your right. Ultimately you answer to God, and the standards

that He has set forth for you in His word. During the storms of life, the

best thing for you to do is to look ahead. If you look ahead you will see

Him; and through Him you will see yourself as He sees you.

There is more in you that you have yet to realize. You know why

you haven’t realized it yet? It’s because you are stuck on yourself.

You’re dwelling on what you should have done. You’re thinking about

what you wouldn’t have done—if only. You’re dreaming about what

could have been. While you’re doing this, God is waiting for you to

step into your future. While you’re in the past, He’s waiting for you to

step into the here and now.

There is nothing too hard for God. So what, you messed up and

made some mistakes. So what, you should have made a different

decision—suck it up, that’s life. God knows how to make it all work

together for your good if you would just believe Him (Rom. 10:28).

His ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8). You can take the easy

route, but that route will not take you to your destiny. Your route will

land you on Mediocre Street. You’ll be wondering what it is like on

Success Lane, but will not have a clue how to get there without God’s


God knows how to get you where you need to go.

Experiencing hard times brings out what is really inside. How can you

discover that there is more in you if you have never had to deal with



anything difficult? If life doesn’t offer a challenge to you, then how

will you be able to work up to your full potential? If life was that easy,

you wouldn’t even care about your potential. In essence, it would be


Well, I hate to break it to you, but you have not arrived at the

pearly gates just yet. In the meantime, need to know that if you stick

with God, He’ll get you there. Sometimes He may need to carry you. In

fact, there may be times throughout this process that you will look back

and see one set of footprints. When you look back, you’ll know that

someone must have been carrying you because you were too weak to

move on.

As quiet as it’s kept, God likes to use the least of them. He likes to

use the one who is unlikely to succeed instead of the one who is most

likely to succeed. So, don’t think that He hasn’t chosen you. In the

great book, 2 Thessalonians 2:13-15 proves that He chose you before

the foundations of the earth.

If that’s not enough, let’s look at the history in the Bible. God chose

David who was the youngest in his family to become a great king. David

was actually a shepherd boy, and it’s fair to say tending the sheep is not

a prestigious position. In fact, when Samuel arrived after receiving

instruction from the Lord that a king would come out of the house of

Jesse, David was not even considered as an option for a king. He was out

doing his job, minding his business (1 Sam. 16:1-22). So when you feel

like so many people have counted you out, God has not forgotten you.

So let’s think about that. God knows your name. The king of

kings knows who you are. How astonishing is that! You know the man!

You’re in there. If you don’t know Him, get to know Him. Knowing

God alone makes you good enough. If God calls you a friend, what

makes you think you’re not good enough? He said in the Bible that



God doesn’t call you a servant but He calls you a friend (James 2:23).

Who are you to reject the gifts that God has given you? There you go

being rude again. God took the time to shape you; and you tell me

you’re not good enough.

I truly understand because I too thought that I wasn’t good

enough. I thought that there was no way that God could have chosen

me. I knew my value in my own sight; but I didn’t know what God

thought of me. I didn’t know that I was loved by God regardless of

what I did (Rom. 5:8). I was trying to prove my worth to no avail. God

knew that we would never measure up, which is why He sent His son,

Jesus to die for us (John 3:16). He knew that we needed something that

we didn’t deserve, which is grace. There is nothing that we could ever

do to be good enough, but God has decided that we are. He has chosen

to justify us through grace (Titus 3:7). Now if He says that we are

justified. His opinion trumps our point of view; so therefore we are

good enough. God is the only one that can judge you, so quit judging

yourself before He’s finished.

Think about it like this. Imagine that a potter has started making a

beautiful masterpiece. It looks finished, so you decide to judge it and

you notice some details out of place. The artist may be annoyed that

you decided to judge his work before it was done. He might say, “Stop

inspecting it, I’m not even finished yet!” So if God is the potter and He

has made a masterpiece who is you, it is impolite to judge yourself too


Now that you have decided to stop judging yourself, you need

to stop comparing yourself to other pieces of art. Who are you to tell

God that you don’t like His design? He says that you are a masterpiece

and you are perfect (Heb. 10:14). If God says you’re perfect, then you

are perfect.



However, you must remember that His thoughts are not our

thoughts (Isaiah 55:8). We don’t see things how He sees it. We cannot

wrap our little pea brains around the mighty things of God. So just take

His word for it and believe that you are good enough. He made you just

how He wanted you to be.

I used to compare myself all of the time. Is she prettier than

me? Does my body look as good as hers? I’m just as smart as she is—I

guess. Did I do it better than the one before me? Did I measure up? She

got a better car than I did. Her style has a flare that mine doesn’t have.

I always wanted to know what the standard was in order to exceed

it. This is not that bad of a thing if it’s done with the right motives and

using God’s standards. I was using the world’s standards; and I was

doing it to make myself feel better about myself.

The Bible doesn’t have any measures of worth measured by

outward appearances, but God judges the heart (1 Sam 16:8). Even

though I knew that this whole process was pointless, I did it anyway. I

would have endless conversations with my friends about how I think

that I’m better than this person for this or that reason. I’m embarrassed

to admit it, but I did.

According to the Bible we are to produce fruit. So if we are

the fruit of an apple tree would we look at the other apples on the tree

and compare ourselves to it? Would we say, “That apple is bigger than

me—that’s not fair.” Would we say, “I don’t like my color, I’m green

and I want to be red.” What if one of the apples fell on the ground and

got bruised? The apple would still be edible right? All someone would

have to do is cut around the bruised part. It’s still good enough.

So you see, you have no reason to compare yourself to others.

The way that God made someone else is none of your business. The

only reason that you should look at someone else is to learn from them.



If you want to be successful, the best thing that you can do is follow the

example of someone who is successful. However, it’s important not to

want to be the person you are following.

For instance, people have said that I could be the next Oprah. I

take that as a major compliment because I can identify with her. I see

that Oprah experienced adversity and trauma. As I look closer at her

story, she was a teen mother too, but her child was still-born. She also

was not afraid to share her history of hurt and pain with the world. As a

result, her story is an inspiration to many people—especially to African

American women.

Surprisingly enough, while Oprah is extremely successful, her

success came out of failure. Originally, Oprah started her career as a

co-anchor. Due to mispronunciations, complaints about her appearance,

and a questionable interview with a fire victim, she was demoted from

a broadcaster to a presenter.

Oprah’s new position as a presenter of a talk show was actually

the avenue to her destiny. Some people would have perceived her

experience as a broadcaster as a failure, but I see it as a set up for

success. It would have only been a failure, if she would have quit after

being demoted. She didn’t give up, despite her circumstances. I admire

her because she was transparent enough to let the world see her go

through the process. In essence, she let us all see her road in between

the valley to the mountain top.

Obviously, Oprah’s history did not determine her destiny. Her

beginning certainly wasn’t her end. She could have whined about her

not being good enough, or compared herself to others. As you can see,

she didn’t have too many people to compare herself to because of her

originality. She did something new and you can too. As you step into

your greatness remember this:



Don’t compare yourself to the next one when you could be the

best one.

Don’t let where you came from determine where you’re going.

Don’t smother the fire before it expires.

Don’t let another’s perception become your own opinion.

Don’t you want to become all that you were meant to become?

Don’t you want to be all that you can be? If you compare yourself to

others, you are putting limits on your own potential. What does it take

for you to see that there is more in you? There is nothing that you can

do to make people realize your full potential if you haven't realized it

for yourself. If you don't believe that you can do it then how do you

expect others to believe in you?

You are looking for someone to give you the okay. Have you

forgotten that God has already given you His approval? Whose opinion

is greater than God’s? God says that He approves of you, so you don’t

need to be concerned with pleasing other men. Your primary concern

should be pleasing God and God alone (Rom. 14:18). As a result, some

people may be pleased, and some may not. You cannot let other people

determine the level of your potential.

You must be your first cheerleader, so get started. Tell yourself, "I

can do whatever I set my mind to do through Christ who strengthens

me (Phil. 4:19)." Some people feel silly saying things aloud but you

must begin to talk to yourself. After you say something so many times,

you have no choice but to take action. What you think you will say, and

what you say you will do.

If you have been thinking, "I can't do this," then you can't. On the

other hand, if you have been thinking, “I will do this," then you will. It

is really that simple. For those of you that think it is not, it's because

you’re impatient. You expect for something to happen overnight. If you



are saying that you want to become a millionaire, then you can't expect

to go outside and find a money tree in your yard. It's ridiculous, and it

doesn't happen in real life. You have to develop a plan and work the


All of this motivational stuff is inspirational, but let’s get real.

Regardless of how much you believe in yourself, you will have

discouraging moments. You will have imperfections that get under

your skin. Nonetheless, don't let anyone or anybody tell you that you

cannot achieve greatness. You are good enough!

Despite your imperfections, greatness is your destiny but that

doesn't mean that you will arrive there in two seconds flat. Now, what

kind of ride would that be? Wouldn't it be boring if that were true?

What is life really about? It's not an easy question, but I'm going

to take a shot at it. Life is about challenging yourself to become better

each and every day. There is always going to be something that you

can do better and some area of your character in which you can


When your eulogy is read, people will remember you for the way

that your approached life. People will remember that you tried to be

your best. It is such a great honor to live a life of purpose.

Sadly enough, everyone will not reach their full potential, and

they will die with a dream in their heart. They will never live the life of

their dreams. With that reality in mind, what are you going to do? Are

you going to let rejection and dream snatchers take your dream? You

have a choice. You can view negative feedback as constructive

criticism or take it as a blow to your ego. What is more important your

ego, or your dream?

If you really don’t believe in yourself and your abilities there is a

reason why. It is up to you to find out. Ask yourself why you don’t



think you can do it. Is it the past? Is it because you’ve made a lot of

mistakes? Many successful people have made multiple mistakes, but

that didn’t stop them from believing in themselves. Why are you letting

it stop you?

God believes in you, and He knows your potential. He thinks you

are good enough even when no one else does. He knows your

beginning and your end. He promised to finish what He started in you.

You are the only one delaying your destiny. I know that you don’t

mean to do it because I didn’t mean to do it either.

Contrary to popular belief, you are stopping your own show. Do

yourself a favor and tell yourself today that you will no longer question

if you are good enough. You will no longer doubt your worth. You will

take the limits off of your own potential and become everything that

God has destined you to be. According to the Bible, you are “fearfully

and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). If God believes you are good

enough, then you should too.


You may already know that you are good enough. In fact, I really

hope you do. However, a major theme in this book is developing self-

worth. So regardless of if you know you are good enough or not,

complete this challenge.

Meditate on everything positive that you have to offer (Phil. 4:8).

Writing it down is not enough. You have to meditate on it. The

Bible tells us to meditate on good things (Phil. 4:8). It also tells us to

cast those negative thoughts down (2 Cor. 10:5). That does not mean

negative thoughts will not come, but we can get rid of them when they

do. We can rid our mind of negative thoughts by forcing ourselves to

think of something positive when we are tempted to think negatively.



In other words, go to your happy place any time you start feeling

down. Your happy place could be a sitting in the sun on the beach or

taking a nature walk. In your mind, go to that place and push those

negative thoughts to the wayside.

In addition, pray about any issues you have with

acceptance of yourself—the good, bad and the ugly. Ask God

to help you accept yourself the way that He made you. If you

do not have self-acceptance issues, that is great. However, do

not forget that there are many people that do. If you sense

someone is struggling with this issue, suggest this exercise to

them. This is a great way to help someone else who is struggling

in that area to overcome self-defeating thoughts.




“Consider it all joy, my brethren, when

you encounter various trials, knowing

that the testing of your faith produces

endurance. And let endurance have its

perfect result, so that you may be

perfect and complete, lacking in

nothing” (James 1:2-4).

How can you be full of joy in the midst of a struggle?

For many years, I did not understand this concept. How

am I supposed to smile while I’m fighting for my life, and

struggling for my dream? I mean that doesn’t even look


Let’s take a moment to picture it. See yourself in the

boxing ring hitting your enemy laughing. Okay, maybe

that was a bad analogy. Of course you would laugh, if

you’re the one getting in the hits. Let’s flip that around,

and think about it the other way around. How do you keep

a grin on your face when life has just hit you with a

combo—a jab, upper cut and one in the gut? See I told

you, it doesn’t make sense.

It doesn’t make sense when you are leaning to your

own understanding. When you are going through a

struggle, you can’t try to understand it with your own

good sense. You will drive yourself crazier. You must

realize that whatever trial you are experiencing will work

out for your good somehow (Rom. 8:28).



Now, don’t go trying to figure it out now. You will not

be able to understand how this will work out for your good

until it’s over. Understanding the vision is God’s job, and

He doesn’t need your help. All He needs is for you to

believe that He will see you through it.

When I think of the word, “struggle,” my marriage is

the first thing that comes to mind. Throughout my

marriage, I struggled to learn life lessons that were vital to

my success and my discovery that there was more in me.

Is there something that you desire with all of your

heart; but it feels out of your grasp? It’s almost like it slips

through your fingers every time you get close to having the

life of your dreams. Better yet, it’s like trying to capture a

beautiful butterfly. You say to yourself, “Just sit still so I

can catch you.”

The problem is that butterflies do not sit still. That is

not what they were designed to do—they fly. On the other

hand, before a butterfly flies, it goes through a process of

transformation. Similar to that your dream goes through a

process of transformation as you struggle through this

thing we call life.

I had a dream that I was trying to catch. My greatest

dream was a happy marriage and family. This was the

dream closest to my heart partially because I didn’t have it

growing up.

After I had my first child, I was able to cope with

being an outcast due to my teenage pregnancy because I

had a dream. I knew that those years in high school were



only temporary. When I got out of high school, I would

have the life of my dreams. I would have it all—a happy

family, a thriving career and an intimate relationship with


What I didn’t realize is that it wouldn’t be that easy. I

had to learn how to let go of some things to make room to

receive bigger and better from the heart of God.

Unfortunately, I didn’t know that either. I kept trying to

run after a dream that had transformed into something

greater and more beautiful than I realized.

I cried over my dream many days and many nights. I

mourned for months that went onto years. My friends

didn’t think that I would ever get over it. My heart dripped

blood, developed scabs and bled again. I got to the point,

where I would stab myself in the heart—figuratively

speaking of course. I didn’t want to ever get numb, so it

was better to feel something than to feel nothing at all.

People didn’t understand why I was hurting myself.

They would say, “Why don’t you just move on?” I had

permission from God Himself to move on after we had

both committed adultery; but I still couldn’t do it. In my

mind, if we got a divorce, then my dream would be truly

dead. I couldn’t let it go.

The lesson in this is that I needed to learn how to let

go and let God change me. However, at the time I felt like I

would have been settling for less. Less than my dream

would have been a step family, which isn’t necessarily

bad. But it was not my dream. I dreamed of my children



having one mother and one father. I didn’t want them to

have to split themselves between two families.

During the midst of that struggle, I almost gave up on

my dream. I thought that it was too hard and maybe I

could take a break. I thought that he loved me; so I

thought that no matter what we would still be together.

Everyone kept telling me that sometimes you have to love

them enough to let them go. While this is true, I didn’t

interpret it appropriately. I thought that I would loosen my

grip, but I didn’t have to really let it go. I thought that as

long as I was touching him with my finger tips that I

would be able to keep him.

I had it twisted and upside down. For one, it should

never be a woman’s goal to try to keep her man. Being a

lady is usually enough to keep a real man, but that’s a

whole new book. The point is that I was attempting to

control and manipulate the situation. The fact of the

matter is that I was trying to control a matter that had

always been out of my control. After that, I had the nerve

to get upset because I couldn’t pull the strings in my life. I

just couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that God was

and is always in control.

Regardless of how out of control a situation may

seem, God is in control. It is not our place to stand up and

fight battles that only God can win. We must ask God to

give us the discernment to know the difference. At a time

in my life, I felt so threatened that I decided to fight a

battle that was not my battle to fight.



At one point, I didn’t believe that God could dream

bigger dreams for me. Because of that, I fought for my

dream with the hope that was still within me. In reality,

the little girl in me stood up inside of me and pushed the

woman I was becoming down. She decided that we could

make my ex-husband do what he should do if she just

proved to him that we were worth it. If we could do that,

we could live the life of our dreams. Clearly, the little girl

in me had it all wrong. The poor little thing had an

inferiority complex. She was trying to prove her worth by

putting herself in a devaluing situation.

I will never forget the day that I found out that my

dream was dying. I was stopping by my husband’s

apartment for one reason or another. I walked into the

apartment and saw her shoes in the middle of the floor.

While she was not in plain sight, I knew she was there. I

spotted her purse and decided to look in it. To my

surprise, I found her ultra sound pictures. My heart

dropped, and I felt like the pain was too much to bear. All

I could think to do was to make it stop. Without thinking,

I tried to destroy the pictures.

It’s funny how emotions work. They prompt you to do

things that have no logical reasoning whatsoever. My

emotional mind said that tearing up these pictures would

take some of the pain away. So, I proceeded to attempt to

rip the pictures in half with my bare hands. When that

didn’t work, I found scissors and tried to cut them.



I was in an utter rage. In the midst of this, my ex-

husband was trying to stop me and I cut my finger. When

I saw the blood I stopped, my husband held a towel on my

hand and cried with me. The blood made a puddle on the

floor and we cried together over a dream that we knew

would never be the same.

Obviously, I struggled with recovering from this

incident. The saddest part about the whole ordeal was

that it didn’t have to be as hard as I made it for myself. I

fought the process the entire time. One day I wanted him

and the next day I didn’t. I was being blown with the wind,

which is why the Bible says that a double-minded man is

unstable in all his ways (James 1:8). I was all over the


If I would have just listened to the word of the Lord, I

would have saved myself a lot of grief. God was saying to

me that I needed to let go, and He would take care of it.

Letting go did not mean that I had to stop believing. It

meant that I had to submit under the mighty hand of God

and let Him deal with the situation.

I struggled with giving this situation to God because I

feared that it wouldn’t turn out the way I thought that it

should. Sadly enough, I hadn’t even considered that

maybe just maybe God was in the process of my

transforming my dream. At this point, I had struggled so

much with my dream that I was dead tired. I looked up to

the heavens and wondered, “Is it worth the fight?”



Have you ever felt that way? Do you think about your

dreams and wonder if it’s worth it? Do you struggle

believing that it can really come true? Do you question if

God will really do it for you? I understand, trust me I do.

What you have to realize is that shooting for the stars will

cost you something. Even though it is worth it, it will cost

you something. If you’re not sure if you are willing to pay

the price, then you may not be ready to pay the price.

Don’t be like me and refuse to take the time to count

up the costs (Luke 14:25-35). In other words, I wanted

instant gratification—all problems solved overnight. My

friend, don’t think that way. It will have you going around

the mulberry bush until you’re dizzy. Submit to God and

allow Him to help you make the most difficult decisions of

your life.

More specifically, I didn’t take the time with God to

pray and plan. In order to pray and plan, I needed to

spend some time alone with God. I refused to be alone

because it hurt so badly; and I didn’t want to think. I

didn’t want to think about the way that I really felt about

the broken pieces of my marriage.

The cuts in my heart were so deep that I thought I

would bleed to death. God knew the inner depths of my

heart, but I wouldn’t let Him heal me. I just couldn’t deal

with the pain. In a way I found every way that I could to

side-step dealing with the broken pieces of my heart.

The defining moment was when the little girl inside

me stood up again and decided that we were going to fight



for my marriage. No matter what, it was worth it. It was

worth it because it was my dream. Anything worth having

is worth fighting for—right? Well, it depends. It is not wise

to fight against coming out of a place of darkness and

utter despair. It is not worth fighting for unhappiness,

hurt, pain, and low self-esteem.

I was fighting for the wrong thing, and for the wrong

reasons. Sadly enough, the little girl inside of me

reminded me of all of my mistakes throughout the

marriage. The little girl inside of me felt like a failure. Little

Dee felt like she could have done more to make it work.

The counterfeit diva in me felt like she could make things

right again because no one takes her man. The little girl in

me decided to fight for her man despite it all.

Remember I told you that the little girl had pushed

the diva in training down to the ground. The woman inside

of me was off in a corner crying and the little girl took

over. She said that we had failed and we needed to make

this thing right. The woman inside me was heart-broken

so she just did as she was told. The little girl said that we

were going to fight with our own strength instead of the

strength of God. She wanted us to achieve before we really


It took some time, but the woman in me finally stood

up with tears in her eyes. I told the little girl to sit her tail

down and explained some things to her. The true diva in

me explained that our failures make us who we are. Our

failures give us the drive to strive for more. Our failures



will eventually make us great. I told her that change

doesn’t come over night, and we would have to struggle

through it to come out on the other side.

The fact of the matter was that it is worth it—no

matter how long it takes. “It” is the process of change,

which differs from person to person. The fact of the matter

is that we don’t have to prove our worth to anyone. God

knows our value and it was time that we started acting

like it.

Have you ever felt like you just want to stop

struggling? As Oprah said in the Color Purple, "I've had to

fight all of my life..." At some point, I accepted it as the

norm. I never realized that struggling will make you

stronger. My ongoing struggles have allowed me to come to

a place of success and satisfaction.

While struggle is not the key to success, it has been

an avenue for contentment for me. I know what it means

to want and not have. I understand what it means to

grieve for mistakes that have caused life changes. I have

experienced watching a dream die, made over, and then

resuscitated back to life. Through everything, I know that

if I had never struggled, I would have never lived.

God knew what was in me and how to get it out. He

was in the process of perfecting me and it took me so long

to accept it. He wanted me to develop His character within

me. I had some good qualities but my temper was out of

control. Don’t get me started on my lack of patience. God



allowed this trial in my life in regards to my marriage so

He could perfect my character.

The Bible says to be slow to anger and slow to speak

(James 1:9). Well, I was the opposite. The Bible also

instructs us to be anxious for nothing, and anxiety was at

the depths of my soul. God promises us that what He

starts in us, He will finish. He promised to help me

become like Him, and He knew what it would take to get

me there (Phil. 1:6).

He knew I would start out kicking and screaming. I

resisted because I didn’t know how to surrender; but God

taught me how. I wasn’t mature enough to give everything

to Him. At the end of this particular struggle I learned that

nothing else matters but being with Him. With God on my

side, how could I be afraid?

Sometimes we are so afraid of change that we become

stagnant. To grow spiritually you have to learn how to surrender to

God and what He wants for your life. God wanted me to develop a

Christ-like character. He wanted to get the whining and complaining

out of me. He wanted to develop patience in me. He wanted to

develop self-control within me.

Ultimately, He was ripening the fruit within my spirit. "But the

fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,

faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is

no law” (Gal. 5:22-23 (NIV). Most of all, God was showing me the

essence of true love. Not just love, but agape love. Our creator has

agape love for us which is unconditional and self-sacrificing (1 John




God is willing to watch us struggle so that we will change.

Developing a Christ-like character is worth the fight. Allowing God to

shape your dreams is worth the struggle. Sustaining your faith in the

midst of obstacles is worth the struggle.

I realize more and more each day that it’s worth the fight.

God wants to complete you and develop every part of you. So, count it

all joy that He is making you, and not breaking you (James 1:2). He

wants you to have everything that He has in store for you. He wants

you to be perfect, lacking nothing, but you’ve got to fight the good

fight of faith (1 Tim. 6:12). Don’t give up and don’t give in until you

reach the end.


For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: Isaiah 28:10 Little by little, bit by bit, Keep pressing toward the mark for the prize, But don’t you quit. Keep on keeping on . . . You’ll make it through the storm Little by little, bit by bit. When you find that big old mountain right ahead of you. And you just can’t seem to get over or around it, no matter what you do; You don’t seem to have the faith to say, “Mountain, get out of my way!” And you’re so overwhelmed at times that you can’t even pray, Be like David and encourage yourself in the Lord and say, Little by little, bit by bit, Keep pressing toward the mark for the prize, But don’t you quit.



Keep on keeping on . . . You’ll make it through the storm Little by little, bit by bit. You started your journey with the Lord and just wanted to bless, But seems like life took a turn and is now one big mess. Though things may not turn out the way you think they should, Someday you’ll look back and see that all things worked together for your good. Just remember that no matter what happens that the Lord is good. Little by little, bit by bit, Keep pressing toward the mark for the prize, But don’t you quit. Keep on keeping on . . . You’ll make it through the storm Little by little, bit by bit. Be encouraged and know the Lord will strengthen those who wait Times may be hard, but you’ll reap someday if you just don’t faint. Weeping may endure for night, but joy will surely come in the morning light And remember these words: “Be strong in the Lord and power of His might.” You’re more than a conqueror, so keep the faith and fight the good fight. Little by little, bit by bit, Keep pressing toward the mark of the prize, But don’t you quit. Keep on keeping on . . . You’ll make it through the storm Little by little, bit by bit. Little by little, bit by bit, Keep pressing toward the mark for the prize, Little by little, bit by bit. Little by little, bit by bit. Little by little, bit by bit.

Lonnell Johnson Used with Permission of Lonnell Johnson, All Rights Reserved




I know you want to know how to overcome your

struggle. I know that’s one of the reasons why you may be

reading this book. Here are some of the practical things

that I did in my journal to help me work through the pain

of the struggle. I challenge you to identify one issue in

your life that is causing your emotional turmoil and work

through it using a three step process which includes

praying, planning, and praying again.

Have you ever heard the saying, “write the

vision and make it plain”? Well, it’s not a saying, but

it comes out of the book of Habakkuk 2:2. You may

have many ideas but until you write them down they

are just thoughts. When you write them down, they

become real. They become goals that will become a

reality. Writing them down is like engraving hope

into your heart for a brighter future.


How do you feel about the issue? (i.e.: sad,

discouraged, depressed, angry, frustrated, etc.)

Ask God what He is trying to teach you?

Listen to His still small voice directing you in what to do.


What is the problem? When did you start having this problem?

How have you contributed to the problem?

What can you do at this moment to minimize the


Who can help you with the problem?



Identify what you can do about the dilemma.

Accept what you cannot do about the issue.

Evaluate the consequences for your actions Make a decision to trust God, and believe that you

will make the right choice for you with God’s help.


Present your plan to God.

Release your feelings of anxiety, doubt, and fear to

Him. In other words, let go and let God.

As you go through this process with various issues,

remember that success is at the end of your struggle. If

you don’t keep pressing until the end, you will never

realize your dream. You will never know what it means to

count it all joy because of the testing of your faith (James


Don’t you want to finally pass the test? Don’t you want

to know what it really means to persevere and rest in the

Lord? I can tell you what it means for me, but I can’t tell

you what it will mean for you. For me, I learned how to

rely on God and to trust Him with my life. I learned how to

depend on Him, when I couldn’t depend on anyone else. I

decided to keep on believing expecting to receive. In

essence, I made up my mind that it was worth the fight.

Have you made up your mind? Is it worth the fight?



“I am confident that God will complete the good work He started in me”

(Phil. 1:6).

Why would God choose me? That was the question that I constantly asked myself before I accepted my

destiny. I didn’t understand why He would choose me to encourage His people when He has so many other people

to choose from. I thought to myself, “I just want a regular job that is enough to provide for my family.” However,

God had other plans. Just like the Bible says, He knows the plans that He has for us. He has plans to prosper us and

bless us more than we can ask or think (Jer. 29:11; 3 John. 1:2).

The problem is that I didn’t think that I was good enough to receive all of His blessings. I knew I didn’t

deserve it so I didn’t ask for anything spectacular. Obviously at this point, I was not able to think BIG. I couldn’t see

past my nose. Ironically enough, I thought I was smart enough to offer my detailed opinions about my future unto

the Lord. There is a saying out there that suggests that God laughs at our plans. But I don’t think He laughed at

mine. He’s my friend, so He wouldn’t do that. But I’m sure my plans made Him smile on many occasions. I would

go as far to say, that He would shake His head and smile.

God, the one who created the universe, also created me and you. He knew what He made us for, and

what He designed us to do. Don’t you know that God knew what He was doing when He made you! He is

everything, so that means that He can see your beginning and your end. When He looks at you, He sees your

potential. He doesn’t see all of your mistakes and blunders. He wants you to understand that you don’t have to

measure up to any special standards set by the men of the world because He has designed a special standard just

for you.

The previous statement does not mean that you should not follow the law. It means that you don’t have to

compete with anyone to your left or to your right. Ultimately you answer to God, and the standards that He has set

forth for you in His word. During the storms of life, the best thing for you to do is to look ahead. If you look ahead

you will see Him; and through Him you will see yourself as He sees you.

There is more in you that you have yet to realize. You know why you haven’t realized it yet? It’s because you

are stuck on yourself. You’re dwelling on what you should have done. You’re thinking about what you wouldn’t

have done—if only. You’re dreaming about what could have been. While you’re doing this, God is waiting for you

to step into your future. While you’re in the past, He’s waiting for you to step into the here and now.

There is nothing too hard for God. So what, you messed up and made some mistakes. So what, you should

have made a different decision—suck it up, that’s life. God knows how to make it all work together for your good if

you would just believe Him (Rom. 10:28).


His ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8). You can take the easy route, but that route will not take you to

your destiny. Your route will land you on Mediocre Street. You’ll be wondering what it is like on Success Lane, but

will not have a clue how to get there without God’s help.

God knows how to get you where you need to go. Experiencing hard times brings out what is really inside.

How can you discover that there is more in you if you have never had to deal with anything difficult? If life doesn’t

offer a challenge to you, then how will you be able to work up to your full potential? If life was that easy, you

wouldn’t even care about your potential. In essence, it would be heaven.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but you have not arrived at the pearly gates just yet. In the meantime, need to

know that if you stick with God, He’ll get you there. Sometimes He may need to carry you. In fact, there may be

times throughout this process that you will look back and see one set of footprints. When you look back, you’ll

know that someone must have been carrying you because you were too weak to move on.

As quiet as it’s kept, God likes to use the least of them. He likes to use the one who is unlikely to succeed

instead of the one who is most likely to succeed. So, don’t think that He hasn’t chosen you. In the great book, 2

Thessalonians 2:13-15 proves that He chose you before the foundations of the earth.

If that’s not enough, let’s look at the history in the Bible. God chose David who was the

youngest in his family to become a great king. David was actually a shepherd boy, and it’s fair

to say tending the sheep is not a prestigious position. In fact, when Samuel arrived after receiving

instruction from the Lord that a king would come out of the house of Jesse, David was not even

considered as an option for a king. He was out doing his job, minding his business (1 Sam. 16:1-

22). So when you feel like so many people have counted you out, God has not forgotten you.

So let’s think about that. God knows your name. The king of kings knows who you are. How astonishing is

that! You know the man! You’re in there. If you don’t know Him, get to know Him. Knowing God alone makes you

good enough. If God calls you a friend, what makes you think you’re not good enough? He said in the Bible that

God doesn’t call you a servant but He calls you a friend (James 2:23). Who are you to reject the gifts that God has

given you? There you go being rude again. God took the time to shape you; and you tell me you’re not good


I truly understand because I too thought that I wasn’t good enough. I thought that there was no way that

God could have chosen me. I knew my value in my own sight; but I didn’t know what God thought of me. I didn’t

know that I was loved by God regardless of what I did (Rom. 5:8). I was trying to prove my worth to no avail. God

knew that we would never measure up, which is why He sent His son, Jesus to die for us (John 3:16). He knew that

we needed something that we didn’t deserve, which is grace. There is nothing that we could ever do to be good

enough, but God has decided that we are. He has chosen to justify us through grace (Titus 3:7). Now if He says that

we are justified. His opinion trumps our point of view; so therefore we are good enough. God is the only one that

can judge you, so quit judging yourself before He’s finished.


Think about it like this. Imagine that a potter has started making a beautiful masterpiece. It looks finished, so

you decide to judge it and you notice some details out of place. The artist may be annoyed that you decided to

judge his work before it was done. He might say, “Stop inspecting it, I’m not even finished yet!” So if God is the

potter and He has made a masterpiece who is you, it is impolite to judge yourself too soon.

Now that you have decided to stop judging yourself, you need to stop comparing yourself to other pieces

of art. Who are you to tell God that you don’t like His design? He says that you are a masterpiece and you are

perfect (Heb. 10:14). If God says you’re perfect, then you are perfect.

However, you must remember that His thoughts are not our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8). We don’t see things how

He sees it. We cannot wrap our little pea brains around the mighty things of God. So just take His word for it and

believe that you are good enough. He made you just how He wanted you to be.

I used to compare myself all of the time. Is she prettier than me? Does my body look as good as hers? I’m

just as smart as she is—I guess. Did I do it better than the one before me? Did I measure up? She got a better car

than I did. Her style has a flare that mine doesn’t have.

I always wanted to know what the standard was in order to exceed it. This is not that bad of a thing if it’s

done with the right motives and using God’s standards. I was using the world’s standards; and I was doing it to

make myself feel better about myself.

The Bible doesn’t have any measures of worth measured by outward appearances, but God judges the heart

(1 Sam 16:8). Even though I knew that this whole process was pointless, I did it anyway. I would have endless

conversations with my friends about how I think that I’m better than this person for this or that reason. I’m

embarrassed to admit it, but I did.

According to the Bible we are to produce fruit. So if we are the fruit of an apple tree would we look at the

other apples on the tree and compare ourselves to it? Would we say, “That apple is bigger than me—that’s not

fair.” Would we say, “I don’t like my color, I’m green and I want to be red.” What if one of the apples fell on the

ground and got bruised? The apple would still be edible right? All someone would have to do is cut around the

bruised part. It’s still good enough.

So you see, you have no reason to compare yourself to others. The way that God made someone else is

none of your business. The only reason that you should look at someone else is to learn from them. If you want to

be successful, the best thing that you can do is follow the example of someone who is successful. However, it’s

important not to want to be the person you are following.

For instance, people have said that I could be the next Oprah. I take that as a major compliment because I can

identify with her. I see that Oprah experienced adversity and trauma. As I look closer at her story, she was a teen

mother too, but her child was still-born. She also was not afraid to share her history of hurt and pain with the

world. As a result, her story is an inspiration to many people—especially to African American women.


Surprisingly enough, while Oprah is extremely successful, her success came out of failure. Originally,

Oprah started her career as a co-anchor. Due to mispronunciations, complaints about her appearance, and a

questionable interview with a fire victim, she was demoted from a broadcaster to a presenter.

Oprah’s new position as a presenter of a talk show was actually the avenue to her destiny. Some people

would have perceived her experience as a broadcaster as a failure, but I see it as a set up for success. It would have

only been a failure, if she would have quit after being demoted. She didn’t give up, despite her circumstances. I

admire her because she was transparent enough to let the world see her go through the process. In essence, she

let us all see her road in between the valley to the mountain top.

Obviously, Oprah’s history did not determine her destiny. Her beginning certainly wasn’t her end. She

could have whined about her not being good enough, or compared herself to others. As you can see, she didn’t

have too many people to compare herself to because of her originality. She did something new and you can too. As

you step into your greatness remember this:

Don’t compare yourself to the next one when you could be the best one.

Don’t let where you came from determine where you’re going.

Don’t smother the fire before it expires.

Don’t let another’s perception become your own opinion.

Don’t you want to become all that you were meant to become? Don’t you want to be all that you can be? If

you compare yourself to others, you are putting limits on your own potential. What does it take for you to see that

there is more in you? There is nothing that you can do to make people realize your full potential if you haven't

realized it for yourself. If you don't believe that you can do it then how do you expect others to believe in you?

You are looking for someone to give you the okay. Have you forgotten that God has already given you His

approval? Whose opinion is greater than God’s? God says that He approves of you, so you don’t need to be

concerned with pleasing other men. Your primary concern should be pleasing God and God alone (Rom. 14:18). As

a result, some people may be pleased, and some may not. You cannot let other people determine the level of your


You must be your first cheerleader, so get started. Tell yourself, "I can do whatever I set my mind to do

through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:19)." Some people feel silly saying things aloud but you must begin to

talk to yourself. After you say something so many times, you have no choice but to take action. What you think you

will say, and what you say you will do.

If you have been thinking, "I can't do this," then you can't. On the other hand, if you have

been thinking, “I will do this," then you will. It is really that simple. For those of you that think

it is not, it's because you’re impatient. You expect for something to happen overnight. If you are

saying that you want to become a millionaire, then you can't expect to go outside and find a


money tree in your yard. It's ridiculous, and it doesn't happen in real life. You have to develop a

plan and work the plan.

All of this motivational stuff is inspirational, but let’s get real. Regardless of how much you

believe in yourself, you will have discouraging moments. You will have imperfections that get

under your skin. Nonetheless, don't let anyone or anybody tell you that you cannot achieve

greatness. You are good enough!

Despite your imperfections, greatness is your destiny but that doesn't mean that you will

arrive there in two seconds flat. Now, what kind of ride would that be? Wouldn't it be boring if

that were true?

What is life really about? It's not an easy question, but I'm going to take a shot at it. Life is

about challenging yourself to become better each and every day. There is always going to be

something that you can do better and some area of your character in which you can improve.

When your eulogy is read, people will remember you for the way that your approached life.

People will remember that you tried to be your best. It is such a great honor to live a life of


Sadly enough, everyone will not reach their full potential, and they will die with a dream in

their heart. They will never live the life of their dreams. With that reality in mind, what are you

going to do? Are you going to let rejection and dream snatchers take your dream? You have a

choice. You can view negative feedback as constructive criticism or take it as a blow to your

ego. What is more important your ego, or your dream?

If you really don’t believe in yourself and your abilities there is a reason why. It is up to

you to find out. Ask yourself why you don’t think you can do it. Is it the past? Is it because

you’ve made a lot of mistakes? Many successful people have made multiple mistakes, but that

didn’t stop them from believing in themselves. Why are you letting it stop you?

God believes in you, and He knows your potential. He thinks you are good enough even

when no one else does. He knows your beginning and your end. He promised to finish what He

started in you. You are the only one delaying your destiny. I know that you don’t mean to do it

because I didn’t mean to do it either.

Contrary to popular belief, you are stopping your own show. Do yourself a favor and tell

yourself today that you will no longer question if you are good enough. You will no longer doubt

your worth. You will take the limits off of your own potential and become everything that God

has destined you to be. According to the Bible, you are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm

139:14). If God believes you are good enough, then you should too.



You may already know that you are good enough. In fact, I really hope you do. However, a

major theme in this book is developing self-worth. So regardless of if you know you are good

enough or not, complete this challenge.

Meditate on everything positive that you have to offer (Phil. 4:8).

Writing it down is not enough. You have to meditate on it. The Bible tells us to meditate on good things (Phil.

4:8). It also tells us to cast those negative thoughts down (2 Cor. 10:5). That does not mean negative thoughts will

not come, but we can get rid of them when they do. We can rid our mind of negative thoughts by forcing ourselves

to think of something positive when we are tempted to think negatively.

In other words, go to your happy place any time you start feeling down. Your happy place could be a sitting in

the sun on the beach or taking a nature walk. In your mind, go to that place and push those negative thoughts to

the wayside.

In addition, pray about any issues you have with acceptance of yourself—the good,

bad and the ugly. Ask God to help you accept yourself the way that He made you. If you

do not have self-acceptance issues, that is great. However, do not forget that there are

many people that do. If you sense someone is struggling with this issue, suggest this

exercise to them. This is a great way to help someone else who is struggling in that area

to overcome self-defeating thoughts.



“Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials,

knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let

endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete,

lacking in nothing” (James 1:2-4).

How can you be full of joy in the midst of a struggle? For many years, I did not understand

this concept. How am I supposed to smile while I’m fighting for my life, and struggling for my

dream? I mean that doesn’t even look right.

Let’s take a moment to picture it. See yourself in the boxing ring hitting your enemy

laughing. Okay, maybe that was a bad analogy. Of course you would laugh, if you’re the one

getting in the hits. Let’s flip that around, and think about it the other way around. How do you

keep a grin on your face when life has just hit you with a combo—a jab, upper cut and one in

the gut? See I told you, it doesn’t make sense.

It doesn’t make sense when you are leaning to your own understanding. When you are

going through a struggle, you can’t try to understand it with your own good sense. You will

drive yourself crazier. You must realize that whatever trial you are experiencing will work out

for your good somehow (Rom. 8:28).

Now, don’t go trying to figure it out now. You will not be able to understand how this will

work out for your good until it’s over. Understanding the vision is God’s job, and He doesn’t

need your help. All He needs is for you to believe that He will see you through it.

When I think of the word, “struggle,” my marriage is the first thing that comes to mind.

Throughout my marriage, I struggled to learn life lessons that were vital to my success and my

discovery that there was more in me.

Is there something that you desire with all of your heart; but it feels out of your grasp? It’s

almost like it slips through your fingers every time you get close to having the life of your

dreams. Better yet, it’s like trying to capture a beautiful butterfly. You say to yourself, “Just sit

still so I can catch you.”

The problem is that butterflies do not sit still. That is not what they were designed to do—

they fly. On the other hand, before a butterfly flies, it goes through a process of

transformation. Similar to that your dream goes through a process of transformation as you

struggle through this thing we call life.

I had a dream that I was trying to catch. My greatest dream was a happy marriage and

family. This was the dream closest to my heart partially because I didn’t have it growing up.


After I had my first child, I was able to cope with being an outcast due to my teenage

pregnancy because I had a dream. I knew that those years in high school were only temporary.

When I got out of high school, I would have the life of my dreams. I would have it all—a happy

family, a thriving career and an intimate relationship with God.

What I didn’t realize is that it wouldn’t be that easy. I had to learn how to let go of some

things to make room to receive bigger and better from the heart of God. Unfortunately, I didn’t

know that either. I kept trying to run after a dream that had transformed into something

greater and more beautiful than I realized.

I cried over my dream many days and many nights. I mourned for months that went onto

years. My friends didn’t think that I would ever get over it. My heart dripped blood, developed

scabs and bled again. I got to the point, where I would stab myself in the heart—figuratively

speaking of course. I didn’t want to ever get numb, so it was better to feel something than to

feel nothing at all.

People didn’t understand why I was hurting myself. They would say, “Why don’t you just

move on?” I had permission from God Himself to move on after we had both committed

adultery; but I still couldn’t do it. In my mind, if we got a divorce, then my dream would be

truly dead. I couldn’t let it go.

The lesson in this is that I needed to learn how to let go and let God change me. However,

at the time I felt like I would have been settling for less. Less than my dream would have been a

step family, which isn’t necessarily bad. But it was not my dream. I dreamed of my children

having one mother and one father. I didn’t want them to have to split themselves between two


During the midst of that struggle, I almost gave up on my dream. I thought that it was too

hard and maybe I could take a break. I thought that he loved me; so I thought that no matter

what we would still be together. Everyone kept telling me that sometimes you have to love them

enough to let them go. While this is true, I didn’t interpret it appropriately. I thought that I

would loosen my grip, but I didn’t have to really let it go. I thought that as long as I was

touching him with my finger tips that I would be able to keep him.

I had it twisted and upside down. For one, it should never be a woman’s goal to try to keep

her man. Being a lady is usually enough to keep a real man, but that’s a whole new book. The

point is that I was attempting to control and manipulate the situation. The fact of the matter is

that I was trying to control a matter that had always been out of my control. After that, I had

the nerve to get upset because I couldn’t pull the strings in my life. I just couldn’t wrap my

head around the fact that God was and is always in control.

Regardless of how out of control a situation may seem, God is in control. It is not our place

to stand up and fight battles that only God can win. We must ask God to give us the


discernment to know the difference. At a time in my life, I felt so threatened that I decided to

fight a battle that was not my battle to fight.

At one point, I didn’t believe that God could dream bigger dreams for me. Because of that, I

fought for my dream with the hope that was still within me. In reality, the little girl in me stood

up inside of me and pushed the woman I was becoming down. She decided that we could make

my ex-husband do what he should do if she just proved to him that we were worth it. If we

could do that, we could live the life of our dreams. Clearly, the little girl in me had it all wrong.

The poor little thing had an inferiority complex. She was trying to prove her worth by putting

herself in a devaluing situation.

I will never forget the day that I found out that my dream was dying. I was stopping by my

husband’s apartment for one reason or another. I walked into the apartment and saw her

shoes in the middle of the floor. While she was not in plain sight, I knew she was there. I

spotted her purse and decided to look in it. To my surprise, I found her ultra sound pictures.

My heart dropped, and I felt like the pain was too much to bear. All I could think to do was to

make it stop. Without thinking, I tried to destroy the pictures.

It’s funny how emotions work. They prompt you to do things that have no logical reasoning

whatsoever. My emotional mind said that tearing up these pictures would take some of the

pain away. So, I proceeded to attempt to rip the pictures in half with my bare hands. When

that didn’t work, I found scissors and tried to cut them.

I was in an utter rage. In the midst of this, my ex-husband was trying to stop me and I cut

my finger. When I saw the blood I stopped, my husband held a towel on my hand and cried

with me. The blood made a puddle on the floor and we cried together over a dream that we

knew would never be the same.

Obviously, I struggled with recovering from this incident. The saddest part about the whole

ordeal was that it didn’t have to be as hard as I made it for myself. I fought the process the

entire time. One day I wanted him and the next day I didn’t. I was being blown with the wind,

which is why the Bible says that a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways (James 1:8).

I was all over the place.

If I would have just listened to the word of the Lord, I would have saved myself a lot of

grief. God was saying to me that I needed to let go, and He would take care of it. Letting go did

not mean that I had to stop believing. It meant that I had to submit under the mighty hand of

God and let Him deal with the situation.

I struggled with giving this situation to God because I feared that it wouldn’t turn out the

way I thought that it should. Sadly enough, I hadn’t even considered that maybe just maybe

God was in the process of my transforming my dream. At this point, I had struggled so much


with my dream that I was dead tired. I looked up to the heavens and wondered, “Is it worth the


Have you ever felt that way? Do you think about your dreams and wonder if it’s worth it?

Do you struggle believing that it can really come true? Do you question if God will really do it

for you? I understand, trust me I do. What you have to realize is that shooting for the stars will

cost you something. Even though it is worth it, it will cost you something. If you’re not sure if

you are willing to pay the price, then you may not be ready to pay the price.

Don’t be like me and refuse to take the time to count up the costs (Luke 14:25-35). In

other words, I wanted instant gratification—all problems solved overnight. My friend, don’t

think that way. It will have you going around the mulberry bush until you’re dizzy. Submit to

God and allow Him to help you make the most difficult decisions of your life.

More specifically, I didn’t take the time with God to pray and plan. In order to pray and

plan, I needed to spend some time alone with God. I refused to be alone because it hurt so

badly; and I didn’t want to think. I didn’t want to think about the way that I really felt about

the broken pieces of my marriage.

The cuts in my heart were so deep that I thought I would bleed to death. God knew the

inner depths of my heart, but I wouldn’t let Him heal me. I just couldn’t deal with the pain. In a

way I found every way that I could to side-step dealing with the broken pieces of my heart.

The defining moment was when the little girl inside me stood up again and decided that we

were going to fight for my marriage. No matter what, it was worth it. It was worth it because it

was my dream. Anything worth having is worth fighting for—right? Well, it depends. It is not

wise to fight against coming out of a place of darkness and utter despair. It is not worth

fighting for unhappiness, hurt, pain, and low self-esteem.

I was fighting for the wrong thing, and for the wrong reasons. Sadly enough, the little girl

inside of me reminded me of all of my mistakes throughout the marriage. The little girl inside of

me felt like a failure. Little Dee felt like she could have done more to make it work. The

counterfeit diva in me felt like she could make things right again because no one takes her

man. The little girl in me decided to fight for her man despite it all.

Remember I told you that the little girl had pushed the diva in training down to the

ground. The woman inside of me was off in a corner crying and the little girl took over. She said

that we had failed and we needed to make this thing right. The woman inside me was heart-

broken so she just did as she was told. The little girl said that we were going to fight with our

own strength instead of the strength of God. She wanted us to achieve before we really


It took some time, but the woman in me finally stood up with tears in her eyes. I told the

little girl to sit her tail down and explained some things to her. The true diva in me explained


that our failures make us who we are. Our failures give us the drive to strive for more. Our

failures will eventually make us great. I told her that change doesn’t come over night, and we

would have to struggle through it to come out on the other side.

The fact of the matter was that it is worth it—no matter how long it takes. “It” is the

process of change, which differs from person to person. The fact of the matter is that we don’t

have to prove our worth to anyone. God knows our value and it was time that we started acting

like it.

Have you ever felt like you just want to stop struggling? As Oprah said in the Color

Purple, "I've had to fight all of my life..." At some point, I accepted it as the norm. I never

realized that struggling will make you stronger. My ongoing struggles have allowed me to come

to a place of success and satisfaction.

While struggle is not the key to success, it has been an avenue for contentment for me. I

know what it means to want and not have. I understand what it means to grieve for mistakes

that have caused life changes. I have experienced watching a dream die, made over, and then

resuscitated back to life. Through everything, I know that if I had never struggled, I would have

never lived.

God knew what was in me and how to get it out. He was in the process of perfecting me

and it took me so long to accept it. He wanted me to develop His character within me. I had

some good qualities but my temper was out of control. Don’t get me started on my lack of

patience. God allowed this trial in my life in regards to my marriage so He could perfect my


The Bible says to be slow to anger and slow to speak (James 1:9). Well, I was the opposite.

The Bible also instructs us to be anxious for nothing, and anxiety was at the depths of my soul.

God promises us that what He starts in us, He will finish. He promised to help me become like

Him, and He knew what it would take to get me there (Phil. 1:6).

He knew I would start out kicking and screaming. I resisted because I didn’t know how to

surrender; but God taught me how. I wasn’t mature enough to give everything to Him. At the

end of this particular struggle I learned that nothing else matters but being with Him. With

God on my side, how could I be afraid?

Sometimes we are so afraid of change that we become stagnant. To grow spiritually you have to learn

how to surrender to God and what He wants for your life. God wanted me to develop a Christ-like character. He

wanted to get the whining and complaining out of me. He wanted to develop patience in me. He wanted to

develop self-control within me.

Ultimately, He was ripening the fruit within my spirit. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,

kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law” (Gal. 5:22-23


(NIV). Most of all, God was showing me the essence of true love. Not just love, but agape love. Our creator has

agape love for us which is unconditional and self-sacrificing (1 John 4:8).

God is willing to watch us struggle so that we will change. Developing a Christ-like character is worth the

fight. Allowing God to shape your dreams is worth the struggle. Sustaining your faith in the midst of obstacles is

worth the struggle.

I realize more and more each day that it’s worth the fight. God wants to complete you and develop every

part of you. So, count it all joy that He is making you, and not breaking you (James 1:2). He wants you to have

everything that He has in store for you. He wants you to be perfect, lacking nothing, but you’ve got to fight the

good fight of faith (1 Tim. 6:12). Don’t give up and don’t give in until you reach the end.


For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: Isaiah 28:10 Little by little, bit by bit, Keep pressing toward the mark for the prize, But don’t you quit. Keep on keeping on . . . You’ll make it through the storm Little by little, bit by bit. When you find that big old mountain right ahead of you. And you just can’t seem to get over or around it, no matter what you do; You don’t seem to have the faith to say, “Mountain, get out of my way!” And you’re so overwhelmed at times that you can’t even pray, Be like David and encourage yourself in the Lord and say, Little by little, bit by bit, Keep pressing toward the mark for the prize, But don’t you quit. Keep on keeping on . . . You’ll make it through the storm Little by little, bit by bit. You started your journey with the Lord and just wanted to bless, But seems like life took a turn and is now one big mess. Though things may not turn out the way you think they should, Someday you’ll look back and see that all things worked together for your good. Just remember that no matter what happens that the Lord is good. Little by little, bit by bit, Keep pressing toward the mark for the prize, But don’t you quit. Keep on keeping on . . . You’ll make it through the storm Little by little, bit by bit.


Be encouraged and know the Lord will strengthen those who wait Times may be hard, but you’ll reap someday if you just don’t faint. Weeping may endure for night, but joy will surely come in the morning light And remember these words: “Be strong in the Lord and power of His might.” You’re more than a conqueror, so keep the faith and fight the good fight. Little by little, bit by bit, Keep pressing toward the mark of the prize, But don’t you quit. Keep on keeping on . . . You’ll make it through the storm Little by little, bit by bit. Little by little, bit by bit, Keep pressing toward the mark for the prize, Little by little, bit by bit. Little by little, bit by bit. Little by little, bit by bit.

Lonnell Johnson Used with Permission of Lonnell Johnson, All Rights Reserved


I know you want to know how to overcome your struggle. I know that’s one of the reasons

why you may be reading this book. Here are some of the practical things that I did in my

journal to help me work through the pain of the struggle. I challenge you to identify one issue

in your life that is causing your emotional turmoil and work through it using a three step

process which includes praying, planning, and praying again.

Have you ever heard the saying, “write the vision and make it plain”? Well, it’s not

a saying, but it comes out of the book of Habakkuk 2:2. You may have many ideas but

until you write them down they are just thoughts. When you write them down, they

become real. They become goals that will become a reality. Writing them down is like

engraving hope into your heart for a brighter future.


How do you feel about the issue? (i.e.: sad, discouraged, depressed, angry, frustrated,


Ask God what He is trying to teach you?

Listen to His still small voice directing you in what to do.


What is the problem?

When did you start having this problem? How have you contributed to the problem?

What can you do at this moment to minimize the problem?

Who can help you with the problem?

Identify what you can do about the dilemma.


Accept what you cannot do about the issue.

Evaluate the consequences for your actions

Make a decision to trust God, and believe that you will make the right choice for you with God’s help.


Present your plan to God.

Release your feelings of anxiety, doubt, and fear to Him. In other words, let go and let


As you go through this process with various issues, remember that success is at the end of

your struggle. If you don’t keep pressing until the end, you will never realize your dream. You

will never know what it means to count it all joy because of the testing of your faith (James


Don’t you want to finally pass the test? Don’t you want to know what it really means to

persevere and rest in the Lord? I can tell you what it means for me, but I can’t tell you what it

will mean for you. For me, I learned how to rely on God and to trust Him with my life. I learned

how to depend on Him, when I couldn’t depend on anyone else. I decided to keep on believing

expecting to receive. In essence, I made up my mind that it was worth the fight. Have you made

up your mind? Is it worth the fight?


You have just read a few chapters from my book, There’s More in You!

Purchase the full copy here:

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Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey of growth and development. This

process will not be easy, but it is worth it. You WILL get through this! It is an honor and a

privilege to offer you my support as you actualize into the new you.

I want to hear from you. What can I do to serve you? I invite you to send me any

questions that you may have. Connect with me!

If you have a specific question or you just want to share your experiences, email me at

[email protected].

Congratulations for starting the process of becoming the new you!



Detra is a certified life coach, author, and educator. She is also the owner of More in You

Coaching, a social enterprise dedicated to helping youth reach their potential using a holistic

approach. Detra has a bachelor’s degree in English and a master’s degree in education. She

received a life coaching diploma and a Christian life coaching certification from New Life

Coach, Inc. In addition, she has obtained a life coaching certification from University of NLP.

Currently, she is a Ph.D. candidate at Capella University in the human services program with a

specialization in non-profit management and leadership.
