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Desirable Discourses’ Inspirational Women

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Charisse goes with the hand that life has dealt her, and realizes nothing can change the past. Her family turned their back on her, leaving her alone at a very young age, but Charisse learned to be self-sufficient instead of crying in her pillow. Instead of looking back, she looks forward and is making a new life for herself, filled with new friends, a new job, and a new town. She holds her head high as she takes her first steps into this world on her own.

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Polina was always known as the weakest member of her family, and of her community. However, when she found a chance to help someone she didn’t even know, she put her own life at risk without a second thought. When she didn’t have the skills she needed to solve the problem, she went to school and got them. Turning away from someone she could help was never an option to her brave heart, and that’s what made her the strongest member of the pack, not the weakest.

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Angel never takes no for an answer, and refuses to follow the rules of others - even nature, by refusing to age! She always speaks her mind, and knows how to look out for number one. However, her family is just as important to her, and God help the fool that messes with Angel's family! She has the confidence to never doubt herself, no matter who tells her she's wrong, and shape her world into one that makes her happy.

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Heather had her life and identity stolen from her. Forced into an unbearable situation by a monster, she still treated those around her with thoughtfulness, moving through her limited world with kindness and grace. She never took her hellish existence out on others, and was always sure to show her appreciation to those who helped her find herself again.

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Eve is the glue that holds her family together, while the forces of the world tries to pull them apart. When faced with life-changing decisions, everyone knows they can come to Eve, and she will advise them with truth, wisdom, and love. She never forces the outcome, but by knowing what’s at the heart of others, Eve can help them see their own way and find their own path with just a guiding hand.

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Lucinda was a natural born healer, whether it involved healing the damage of torture to the body, or the damage of loss to the soul. She persevered through horrible situations she that had no control over, because she knew she would be needed when the dust settled. Then she was ready to step in and heal where she could. When it would’ve been easier to give in and look away, Lucinda stayed true to her caring nature.

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Nellie explored the tombs of the world while exploring her own feelings, and in the process, learned about herself and the things she could survive. When faced with life’s puzzles, whether in a tomb or in her own life, Nellie looked for the answers tirelessly. If she didn’t know the answer, you can bet she’d figure it out eventually through hard work and exploration; sometimes in a tomb, sometimes in her heart.

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Bandura’s nurturing spirit kept her aging parents peaceful and content, kept her siblings centered and focused, and made her extended family feel like a closely knit unit, no matter how far life pulled them away. The success of others is just as sweet to her as her own. Bandura is always there with advice, soothing words, and encouragement to lift up those around her in her kind and gentle way.

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Alani grew up from a terrible childhood and never gave up. Instead of learning hate from those around her, she chose love and used it to build herself a new family; one that she could depend on. Even when she found herself homeless, she found a way to work a job and get herself a place to live. Never once did she stop to feel sorry for herself. She got up every day, determined to make a better life for herself, and did what it took to get there.

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Victoria has not only been through a horrible kidnapping that resulted in the loss of her baby, but she lost both parents in a fierce explosion as well. She could have used Storm as an emotional crutch, but she didn’t. Instead, she used her experiences for self-reflection and growth and she drew courage and strength from herself. She didn’t rely on a man to fix; she fixed herself.

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Tina embodies all of the qualities mentioned here. The word ‘friend’ can’t even begin to encompass everything that she does for the members of DD. She’s held our hands through computer crashes and life crashes. She’s taught us that we’re smarter than we think we are, that we can be more than we thought we could, and to reach higher than we ever have. She gave us a place to come together and rant, cry, laugh, love, and be ourselves. We can’t imagine what our lives would be like if we’d never known her, or the people we’d be. We’ll always be there for her, just as she’s always here for us.