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Debatri Mitra

UC ID:63128512




INDEX Introduction 3

Design Consideration 4

Using the API 5

Features of MVP and Future Releases 6

A. Release 1

B. Release 2

C. Release 3

D. Release 4

Requirements 11

Appendix A 15

Appendix B 19

Appendix C 20

Appendix D 23

User Interface 25

Architectural Diagram 30



“All Your Prices”, as I call my app is a simple price prediction application which allows users to

“track and predict” the prices from online e-commerce stores like or

Overstock,com. The price of a particular product varies over the year. In the competitive market

the prices of a product not only vary over time (30%-50% OFF SALES!!) but also according to

various vendors. If we get the same product, cheaper in Amazon than in Ebay then why not? All

the online shoppers like be always stay alert when there will be an online sale and when the

prices of our favorite items will go down. Intelligent buyers often tally the price of an item on

various websites. From a user perspective I must say that it is a very tedious and annoying job to

go online regularly waiting for the magic to happen- “the price of my favorite item has gone

down”. Often it might not happen that the price you think is the lowest price is actually the

lowest price. The price might just go down more say suppose 2 days after I buy the item.

Annoying? I know. So the actual Magic is here!! “All Your Prices” is the solution for all the

shopaholics out there who waste their precious time on shopping online. This app tracks the price

of a particular item over the period of time and how the price varies over time. It uses this to

predict at what time of the year the price of a particular item will be the lowest. Well, this is just

not it. This app not only gives the lowest price of an item over time but also compares the prices

of the competitive vendors like Amazon, Ebay etc and finds out which site will give the lowest

price of a particular item and at which time of the year.


Design Considerations

"Track and Predict"-the key words

1. If you’re planning on making your purchase at a later date, you can take into

consideration the price predictions and model predictions to tell you the optimal time to

buy whatever it is you have your eye on.

2. How to choose the correct prediction/forecasting technique-

How well we train our dataset and how efficiently we can come up with a regression


Managers are to cope with seasonality, sudden changes in demand levels, price - cutting

maneuvers of the competition, strikes, and large swings of the economy.

The quality of prediction is based on the quality prediction model. Prediction

model is basically a time series forecast- where the aim is to look at historical

data and come up with a model that best explains the time series.

The most popular approach to make the model is the Least Square based methods

where iteratively at each step we calculate the Mean Square Error (MSE) and

adjust the model parameter to minimize this error. Different time series regression

methods use different distance metric or it might use non- SE based models and

rely on econometric models like ARMA, NARMA. Where the problem is solved

from the differential equation point of view.

The selection of a method depends on many factors—the context of the

forecast, the relevance and availability of historical data, the degree of

accuracy desirable, the time period to be forecast, the cost/ benefit (or value)

of the forecast to the company, and the time available for making the



Using the API

Here are the main steps in using the Prediction API:

1. Create your training data. You must create training data that is appropriate for the

question that you want to answer. This is the most critical and complex step; you should

spend time designing the appropriate training data for your needs. You could also use a

pre-trained model from the hosted model gallery and skip right to step 4: sending a

prediction query.

2. Upload your training data to Google Cloud Storage using standard Google Cloud

Storage tools.

3. Train the API against the data. Call the Prediction API training method, passing in the

location of your training data. You must poll the Prediction API to see when it is

finished training.

4. Send a prediction query. The Prediction API will return an answer that is either an

estimated numeric value, or a categorization of your query object, depending on your

training data.

5. [Optional] Send additional data to your model. If you have a steady stream of new

training data that you'd like to add to your model, you can add new examples to your

existing model individually, instead of uploading all your data at once. This helps

improve your model quickly, as new data becomes available.



Features of MVP and Future Release

1. Data Dump-

For this part initially we are restricting ourselves in making a webapp and later it can be

converted into a mobile app. In order to track the prices of an item which is an important feature

of our design we need to do a data dump on our storage from different website. It can be like

periodical crawling of the websites- for the first release and store the data in our

database. It can be a daily dump or weekly dump or monthly dump. We can reduce the overhead

by varying the crawler in the sense for the products where the prices fluctuate a lot we can do a

on-demand dump whereas for the products where the prices vary less we can do the data dump at

an interval.

2. Track Prices

Track Prices is one of the most important features of my app. It gives the analysis of how the

prices of one particular item will vary over the period of time. It can be a histogram or a time-

series data. We need to have historical data assembles over the period of time to track the actual

price of an item i.e to analyze how the price varies.

For Example: Often when you add an item to your cart in Amazon it shows “The price has gone

down by 2%”. This analysis is basically tracking. Amazon keeps a track of the price of an item

and how it varies over the period of time and comes up with such an analysis.

3. Store Data

Storing the data is another important feature.In order to track the prices of an item we need to

read the changes in the price of an item over the period of time i.e we need to collect the data

over the period of time and store it for future analysis. The data is quite large and hence we store

the data in a NoSQL database like mongodB. Here data mining is an important concern. We

need to restrict the data to product id, product name and prices. mongodB is schema less so, it

will be easy to scale it for future releases.


4. Data Analysis-Learn/Train Data

This feature is somewhat related to tracking the prices of the data. As we collect the data over the

period of time from a particular site, we create our training dataset and train the data.

5. Prediction Algorithm

The most important feature of our app is to predict the price of a particular item. From the

training dataset, we feed our learner and come up with a model-Linear Regression Model (say) to

predict the data.

6. Predict the Price

This is the feature where the user can put the link of the product or the product id the predictor

comes up with predicted value i.e the time of the year when the price of the item will go down

the most.

Appendix A



Features of MVP and Future Releases

In our second release the only feature that changes is the query optimization. In the first release

we restricted the customer query to a particular product link or product id in a particular site. In

the second release we explore the query a little more and utilize the search engine. Now the

customer can make a more general query. Say the customer wants to buy a Nike Sports shoe. In

the first release the query type allowed for the customer was more specific. The customer was

allowed to give the product id or the product link, whereas in the second query the customer has

more scope for query and the user can give a more general query such as “Sports Shoe”.

Query Type: Text

Query Example: “Sports Shoe”

Appendix B



Features of MVP and Future Releases

In the first and the second releases we restricted the user to just one site. Now we want to explore

the dataset and collect the price of an item on various websites for the training dataset. However

the query type is now restricted to the link or product id i.e the user can do a specific query in

this Release but he gets data collected from various sites.

Appendix C



Features of MVP and Future Releases


1. In the first and the second releases we restricted the user to just one site. Now we want to

explore the dataset and collect the price of an item on various websites for the training

dataset. However the query type is not restricted to the link or product id i.e the user can

now do a more generalized query.

2. Here we are providing the user a better and a more friendly interface to check the prices

of their favourite products and also get a time prediction of the prices of the products.

3. In the initial releases the focus was completely on webapp, but in this release the app has

been converted to a mobile app.

4. Another feature is incorporated in the mobile app where the user can pinrest his favourite

item on his mobile and can get a periodic update whenever the price fluctuates over a

certain level.

Appendix D



1. We need a mechanism to retrieve the data (products and prices) from Amazon or Ebay or

any other site we want to include in our app.

2. We need to then store the fetched prices of products in a NoSQL database so that the user

can do a query from the database.

3. The user queries the predictor to track the price of his favorite item.

4. The predictor takes the data from the database to track the price changes over the period

of time and predicts the value

5. The predictor returns the value (predicted price) to the user. It can just be the price and

the predicted time or the histogram or time series variation of price for the user to check

the price change over the period of time.


Data Retrieval Phase-1

The main functionality is to retrieve the data from the websites. Since, we are dealing with a

large number of data, the data processing takes a lot of time. So it is literally impossible to do an

on- demand dumping of data because that is going to take a lot of time. We can do a periodical

data dumping instead. We use our web crawler to crawl the sites periodically (say, every night)

and dump the data in our data storage. So we are fetching the historical data from the websites.

Data Storage Phase-2.1

The next step is to store the fetched data and do some intelligent calculations using that data to

predict the value of the product. The main important functionality here is that of the predictor

which takes into account the training data stored in the database and uses that to train our model

and use that model to predict the price of an item in future. Here we will have to keep in mind

that the database should be structured (schema) is efficient enough for a faster query.

Machine Learning Phase-2.2


Calculation and Prediction Phase-2.3

User Request-

Release 1- The user puts a “link” of the product he likes as a query to the database. From the link

we get the product id and according to the product-id we search the product. Thus version 1 can

be just used as an plugin. Say the user goes to the Amazon site and searches a product. There can

be a product link beside the the product and when we click of the link the user gets the details

about the product as in the price and the historical prices.


There are two possible outputs that we need to provide to the user-the current price and the time-

series data of the price variance. Again from the user perspective there should be two


● Lowest price of the product and on which date it will go the lowest. Say the user wants to

buy a camera (Nikon DSLR) and the output will show that the camera price will be the

lowest on 23rd November. However there can be another situation when the user cannot

wait for so long to buy the camera. So the user here needs a time series data to analyze

when the price will go down or fluctuate

● The histogram or time series data that shows the fluctuations in the prices of the item

over the “year”. We are restricting the historical data to one year and not more.

1) Release 1&2-

a. Time series Graph indicating the change in price over the period of time and clearly

indicating at what time of the year the price will go the lowest on Amazon.

b. The price of the product on the particular date.

2) Release 3-

a. Bar chart giving a clear comparison of the changes in prices of the product in different

time of the year and comparing the price among various websites and clearly indicating at

what time of the year the price will go the lowest and on which website.

b. The price of the product on the particular day and which website is giving the lowest

price on that date.


3) Release 4-

In the other releases we were focusing on web-app but for the 4th release we are focusing on

mobile app. Also here the modification is the user will be given a periodic prediction over time

i.e the lowest price of the item in the next week, the lowest price of the item in the next 30 days

or the all over lowest price in the next 6 months from the date of query. Since it is a mobile app

the predictor suggests the lowest price of the product and the date and on which website it will be

the lowest. It also allows the user to select different periods of time say “one week” from a drop

down list and once selected it shows the predicted lowest price and the corresponding website.

No graph is shown. Just the clear suggestion is given. But a link to the graph is given which

opens when clicked.


Appendix A

Flow Diagram:-


The massager processes the data in a NoSQL data structure and stores the data in our database,

so that the data has a proper structure and the data mining machine can access the data faster and

do some fast calculation for the predictor to work faster. The massager makes the process of

computation easier by separating the pre-computed data and on the fly data, making the

computations faster and easier.



The database gets the data out of the massager which is the pre-computed data. The pre-

computed data is the important information about a product that we need ahead of time to make

prior calculations for the predictor. It acts as training dataset to learn the machine learning model

to get the predicted value. The important information that we need about a product are-

1. Price of the product

2. Timestamp

3. Product-id

4. Product-name

5. Vendor(Amazon/Ebay..)-This one is for future releases.

Machine-Learning Phase-

In this part we are using our training dataset from the DB to learn the model in which we are

going to fit the price. The algorithm is different for different products as the prices of a product

can vary linearly or exponentially and so we need different algorithms to fit it different products.

We do this ML pre-computation and store it to our database which is the Machine Learning

database. These pre-computations are done periodically for updates. The features are Product id,

product price and the timestamp-a three-dimensional dataset.


This is the predictor or the calculator which takes the user query of the product as input, fits it to

the ML model which we already pre-computed and predicts the price. This happens on the go

whenever the user wants a predicted value and makes a query. Building the predictor is the most

tricky part here.

Predictor Knows-

1. The model that we get from the machine learning phase to fit in the test

data in that model to predict.

2. The test data i.e the data containing the product family which requires a

prediction and it maps this product family to the model used for that product family in step 1.


The controller gives the link (Release 1) to the database and retrieves the product family. It gives

the product family to the Predictor. The predictor has a formula store with the models that we get

by learning the training data and using Machine Learning (back end) and it maps the product-

family of the request and the product-family in the formula store and calculates, i.e fit in the test

data to the model and get the predicted price.

Product Model(ML)

Shoe y= x

Product Parameter

Shoe =

1. The controller or the parser takes the request from the user and uses that query to pull the

data in the database. Now we have the data as a <key,value> pair.

2. It gives the predictor a key value pair <product-family, model> where the key is the

product-family and the model used to train is the value, by mapping the product family of

the query from the database and the value from the predictor.

3. The predictor calculates and gives the predicted result. It is a single price indicating the

price of the product when it is the lowest or a stream of data i.e an array of prices

periodically as requested by the user.


Controller/ Parser

Data Controller-

The data controller controls which data is required to be given to the formula store and how

much is required to find the predicted value.


Appendix B



1. Till now we had the product id and the prices related to a product in our database. When

the user makes a query giving the link or the product id we can fetch it from the database.

Now in the second release as the query type changes to a more general one “Product X”

with no particular product id then the query parser need to search the Amazon web server

for “Product X” and it returns all the product ids corresponding to product X.

2. Then the parser sends all the product ids to the query in the database and gets back all the

data associated with product X.


Appendix C


In this phase of the product we improve the service by incorporating support

for product ID based Query on all the shopping services i.e. the user does not

have to specify a particular Shopping service.

In order to deploy this we have to make the Data-Base capable of talking to

different services in parallel and also interpret and extract data from the web


In order to achieve this the Indexer has to be modified so that it is not

restricted to crawling a specific service.

The indexer will now have the product ID as primary key.

Next we have to maintain a filter that would cluster the search results based on

the online shopping service.

Thus this filter will have two phases – sorting and aggregating. The sorter will

sort the result based on the source as key and aggregator will combine all the

refined results into a group.

Also, in order to index the raw data into a database for fast retrieval it is

necessary to modify the Web Crawler such that it crawls the entire web.

Though in practical sense opening up the Web Crawler to the whole web is

not a good idea as it might get stuck in various loops – so we need to set the

filters of the crawler accordingly and filter junk.

The best approach for data extraction using the crawler is to go one dimension

at a time, so basically one service at a time – going forward making the search

space as exhaustive as possible.




Appendix D


In this last part we do two phase improvements. Firstly, we extend it

to a mobile – app and secondly, we modify the indexing and Query

Processing to be able to handle general query over any web based



In order to extend into the mobile app we just need to modify the Data ingestion

process in both direction
















Presentation Layer:

Presentation layer is the top layer of client application which is used by end user for interacting

with the application, so it is responsible for clearly defining all the UI elements that are needed

to make the application work as expected. As explained in detail with the flow diagram, we have

various UI elements like Search Box, Lists with rich information, Sliders, Navigational buttons

etc. Additionally, UI presentation logic is well defined, describing what elements performs which

action to offer best user experience with less clutter and easy to understand UI flow.

Application/ Business Layer:

Application or business layer defines all major functionalities that our application is designed to

perform, the business logic behind why we chose to include all these functionalities as well as

various use-cases and entities for the application. Our app is primarily a crowdsourced data

analytics app which uses accumulated data to track the prices. The application workflow and

business logic revolves around how to efficiently store and retrieve data from the backend and

intelligently analyze to predict the minimum value of the product not caring about the real-time

latency issue at first.

Data Layer:

This is the lowest layer in server application. It primarily comprises of how the data is crawled

from different websites and stored in our database. It also deals with the structure of the

database and how we format and store the data structurally in the database, how the column


families are handled for an efficient and fast retrieval. It basically arranges the crowdsource data

in a database. There can be external APIs to get the crowdsource data from the third party like

Amazon or Ebay.

Support Infrastructure/ Services (BackEnd) :

All the crowdsourced data is uploaded to an external high-capacity and highly available

proprietary database, where all data is collected , organized , analyzed and processed for quick

access and ensures that user always gets the accurate information. Various complex access and

data analytics techniques are needed to be used for this purpose. Additional third party

application and services are connected with our application using well defined APIs to get

various supplementary information.
