Page 1: Designing Performance Tasks
Page 2: Designing Performance Tasks

What learner outcome(s)/content standard(s) will be assessed through this task?

What are observable and measurable indicators or each?

Page 3: Designing Performance Tasks

What is a meaningful context for engaging students in this task?

What real issues, problems, themes, and student interests can help determine this context?

Page 4: Designing Performance Tasks

What student product(s) and/or performances will provide evidence of student attainment of outcomes?

Will students have a choice regarding products and/or performances?

Page 5: Designing Performance Tasks

• To what extent will the task allow for student choice?

• To what extent will students need to acquire outside resources

• Will students work on the task individually and/or in pairs/groups?

• To whom will students present their products and performances?

• How long will students be involved in this task?• Who will be involved in evaluating student

products and performances?• How will assessment results be reported?

Page 6: Designing Performance Tasks

What activities will be included in the task? Which of these activities will be scored? Which indicator(s) will be assessed through

each activity?

Page 7: Designing Performance Tasks

What criteria, related to identified outcomes/standards and indicators, will be used to evaluate student products and performances?

Do these criteria reflect the most valued elements of student performance?

Page 8: Designing Performance Tasks

What would an exemplary response(s) to this activity/task be?

What are the key characteristics of such a response(s)?

Does your exemplary response clearly relate to the outcome(s) and indicator(s) that you wish to assess?

Page 9: Designing Performance Tasks

What is the purpose of this performance assessment task: diagnostic; formative, summative?

What scoring tool(s) are most appropriate given the assessment purpose?

What will be involved in using the scoring tool(s) for evaluation (teachers, external scorers, students, others)?
