Page 1: Designing Interactive Installations Play: Eddie Kennedy10003871 Home: Matus Usiak13130501 Health: Paul Murphy09006031

Designing Interactive Installations

Play: Eddie Kennedy 10003871

Home: Matus Usiak 13130501

Health: Paul Murphy 09006031

Page 2: Designing Interactive Installations Play: Eddie Kennedy10003871 Home: Matus Usiak13130501 Health: Paul Murphy09006031

An Installation of Interactive Furniture

What was the brief?

What they did.

Was it successful?


Page 3: Designing Interactive Installations Play: Eddie Kennedy10003871 Home: Matus Usiak13130501 Health: Paul Murphy09006031

Designing the Spectator Experience

What strategies are used in designing interactive installations.

Expressive, Secretive, Magical, Suspenseful.

Manipulations & Effects.

Page 4: Designing Interactive Installations Play: Eddie Kennedy10003871 Home: Matus Usiak13130501 Health: Paul Murphy09006031

Social Stairs

(Edl) Experiential Design Landscape.

Promoting Interaction.

Long-term behavioral change

Page 5: Designing Interactive Installations Play: Eddie Kennedy10003871 Home: Matus Usiak13130501 Health: Paul Murphy09006031

Interactive Design for Health

Obesity is a growing concern

Nearly $1000 extra a year

Piano stairs cheap initiative. 66%

Page 6: Designing Interactive Installations Play: Eddie Kennedy10003871 Home: Matus Usiak13130501 Health: Paul Murphy09006031

Safety on the Roads

Over population in Cities

1.2m killed, 50m injured

Speed camera lottery

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Interactive Design for Recycling

Thinking of the future

Interactive Bottle Bank

100 vs 2

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Interactive Design for home

Dark room

Motion detectors

Tactile sensors

Complete immersion

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‘A Place of Home’

Eight speakers

InfraRed Sensors

Vvvv tool-Microsoft DirectShow

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Tactile Sensors

360° Projection

Abstract sound and images

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Interactive design for the future

Involve public in technology

Overall positive response from interactive media

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ReferencesOmojola, O. et al. "An installation of interactive furniture," [ONLINE] IBM Systems Journal , vol.39, no.3.4, pp.861,879, 2000. [accessed 5 Oct 2013].

Peeters, M. et al. (2013). “Social Stairs: taking the Piano Staircase towards long-term behavioral change”.[ONLINE] In Persuasive Technology (pp. 174-179). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. [accessed 7 Oct 2013].

Stuart Reeves et al.2005. “Designing the spectator experience. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '05 )”. [ONLINE] ACM, New York, NY, USA, 741-750. [accessed 15 Oct 2013]

M. Jogan, et al., ‘A Place of Home: An Interactive Audio Installation’, [ONLINE], 51st International Symposium ELMAR-2009, 28-30, September 2009, Zadar, Croatia,, [accessed 14/10/2013].

Lasserre, G. (2013) ‘SpherAleas: tridimensional interactive / sound / image installation’ [ONLINE],,, pp 363-364, [accessed 10/11/2013].
