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Case study in Design – Young people and the job plan

Nova Franklin & Jess Ede, MELD Studios

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Design Sprint Case Study Transition to Work Tool Nova Franklin

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The project context

• TtW launched Feb 2016

• Unique in it’s flexibility: takes a case management


• The DoE invited us to

• co-design a TtW tool - to supersede the job plan -

with providers and TtW participants

• Build internal design capability

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About us

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Some of our clients

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Our process

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Levels we work across

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How we work

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Our TtW team

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• Overview of the project

• Overview of core activities

• Summary of findings

• Reflection activity

• Q&A

What we want to share

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Overview of the


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The project vision

A tailored tool that motivates and gives


Build resilience in young job


Shift motivation from box ticking to meaningful


Compliance and case

management tool

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Overview of core


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Andy Pollaine

(Service Design: From Insights to Implementation )

“Service design is about designing with people

and not just for them, and it is here that it differs

from classic user-centred design and much of

marketing. ‘People’ does not just mean

customers or users, it also means the people

working to provide the service.”

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Worked closely with

those impacted by the



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Embedded the client with

us to build design

capability and ownership

Building capability

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Andy Pollaine

(Service Design: From Insights to Implementation )

“The purpose of the research is to generate

insight about needs and behaviours that can

lay a solid foundation for a productive project

and robust ideas, and to confirm these by

prototyping early and often to test them out.”

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Overview of core activities




week 1



week 2



week 3



week 4



week 2


weeks 5 & 6

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Summary of


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Project findings overview

The identified

needs of

providers and job


Underpinned the

creation of

design principles

Which guided

detailed design


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Job seeker needs

I want to find a good job and I need help with this

I need to trust you before I can open up

I need you to believe in me

I live for today which means TtW is not always my first priority

My situation is sometimes complex. There are times I may need help with this

I don’t know what all my options are

I need it to be engaging, if it’s too hard I may struggle and turn off

Feeling that my achievements are seen and make a difference helps me stay motivated

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The most critical thing is to build rapport and trust with the job seeker

I need reliable ways to contact job seekers so I can help them

I need to encourage job seekers to step-up and take ownership

I need the flexibility to apply methods and use tools that I know work well

I want to spend time doing casework rather than administrative tasks

I need my TtW participants to succeed in the program

I need to satisfy existing compliance constraints

Provider needs

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Support rapport building

Put the job seeker in the drivers seat

Access any time, any place

Help young people to understand themselves

Map out the journey

Support direction changes

Track and visualise progress

Encourage successful behaviours

Make it engaging

Support a tailored approach

Design principles

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Prototype concepts

About me

These features help link the job seekers strengths and interests back to their employment goals.

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Timeline of goals & progress

The timeline displays actions that job seekers are working towards in achieving their life, preparing for work, and getting a job goals.

Prototype concepts

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To-do list

To-do lists break down the tasks involved in a structured way for job seekers.

Prototype concepts

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This feature allows providers to schedule and send reminders for job seekers.

Prototype concepts

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What resonates?

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Based on what you’ve just heard about the

project and the approach…

Generate your own list of things that

resonated and things you would like to try

(5 mins)

Discuss with your table

(10 mins)

What resonates with you?

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Nova Franklin

Principal, Meld Studios

[email protected]

Jess Ede

Designer, Meld Studios

[email protected]

Thank you!

Jess Ede

[email protected]
