Page 1: Design principles for effective video-based …...RESEARCH Open Access Design principles for effective video-based professional development Kathleen J. Roth1*, Jody Bintz2, Nicole

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Design principles for effective video-basedprofessional developmentKathleen J. Roth1*, Jody Bintz2, Nicole I. Z. Wickler1, Connie Hvidsten2, Joseph Taylor2, Paul M. Beardsley1,Arlo Caine1 and Christopher D. Wilson2


Background: Most studies of teacher professional development (PD) do not rigorously test impact on teachingpractice and student learning. This makes it difficult to define what is truly “effective.” The Science Teachers Learningfrom Lesson Analysis (STeLLA) PD program, in contrast, was studied in a cluster randomized experimental designthat examined impact on teaching practice and student learning. The STeLLA video-based PD (VbPD) programdemonstrated significant impact, with high effect sizes, on elementary teachers’ science teaching practice and theirstudents’ learning. Previously published reports provide details about research methods and findings but onlybroad sketches of the STeLLA program design and implementation. Deeper explorations of the STeLLA designprinciples can contribute evidence-based knowledge about the features of effective PD and enrich the existing butlimited consensus model of effective PD. This article addresses the following questions:

� What design principles guided the development, implementation, leadership, and scaling up of a video-basedPD program that had significant impact on student learning?

� What do the STeLLA design principles contribute to the existing knowledge base about effective video-based PD?

Results: Results from rigorous studies of the STeLLA program are summarized in this paper; details are reportedelsewhere and included here as supplementary materials. This article is not a standard research results paper butinstead describes the design principles guiding the development, implementation, leadership, and scaling up of theSTeLLA VbPD program.

Conclusions: The authors argue that this set of design principles is powerful for four reasons: 1) its demonstratedimpact on teaching practice and student learning, 2) its strong theoretical and research foundations, 3) the stabilityand usefulness of the design principles as implemented in changing contexts over a 10-year period, and 4) thecoherence and interconnectedness of the principles. The STeLLA VbPD design principles contribute to the field byempirically supporting and advancing the existing consensus model of effective PD. Further study can build on thiseffort to strengthen our understanding of effective PD based on evidence of impact on teaching practice andstudent learning.

Keywords: Professional development, Video-based professional development, Design principles, Facilitation ofprofessional development, Teacher leaders, Science teaching and learning, Elementary science, Experimental study,Sustainability

* Correspondence: [email protected] State Polytechnic University, Pomona, Building 4-2-515, 3801 WestTemple Ave, Pomona, CA 91768, USAFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

International Journal ofSTEM Education

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Roth et al. International Journal of STEM Education (2017) 4:31 DOI 10.1186/s40594-017-0091-2

Page 2: Design principles for effective video-based …...RESEARCH Open Access Design principles for effective video-based professional development Kathleen J. Roth1*, Jody Bintz2, Nicole

What are the key features of effective professional develop-ment? Researchers have been writing about this questionfor decades (Ball and Cohen 1999; Desimone, Porter, Garet,Yoon, and Birman 2002; Garet, Porter, Desimone, Birman,and Yoon 2001; Kennedy 1999; Loucks-Horsley, Hewson,Love, and Stiles 1998; National Academy of Sciences,Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) 2015; Wilson andBerne 1999; Wilson 2013). But answers to this questionhave not changed much over the years because most stud-ies of teacher professional development (PD)—today, as inthe past—do not include rigorous tests of impact on teach-ing practice and student learning and do not include strongcomparisons to other PD approaches (Borko 2004; NASEM2015; Wilson 2013). This makes it difficult to define what istruly “effective” teacher professional development.In the USA, the need for such knowledge has been

made more urgent by the release of the Next GenerationScience Standards (NGSS Lead States 2013) which setsexpectations for science teaching and learning that arein striking contrast with current US science teachingpractice (Banilower, Smith, Pasley, and Weiss 2006; Rothet al., 2006; Weiss, Pasley, Smith, Banilower, and Heck,D.J. 2003). This has resulted in a high demand forprofessional development opportunities that supportteachers in changing their science teaching practice tobetter engage students in using science practices—suchas explanation and argumentation—to develop richunderstandings of science ideas and concepts. Scienceeducators in other countries face similar challenges. Butdevelopers and leaders of science professional develop-ment efforts are hampered in designing and implement-ing such PD opportunities by the dearth of research thatfollows the pathway of impact of PD programs onteacher knowledge, teaching practice, and student learn-ing in rigorous comparison with other PD approaches.

The Science Teachers Learning from Lesson Analysis(STeLLA) PD program is one of a handful of programs thathas been studied in a cluster randomized experimentalstudy where the program was compared with another PDprogram of equal duration and where analysis includedimpact on teaching practice and student learning. Thisyearlong, video-based, analysis-of-practice PD programdemonstrated significant impact, with high effect sizes, onupper elementary teachers’ science content knowledge,teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), teachers’science teaching practice, and, most importantly, on studentlearning (Fig. 1). As a result of strong findings from this andother studies of the program, the scalability and sustainabil-ity of this program when led by K-6 teacher leaders in ahigh-needs, urban school district is currently being tested ina project titled, Reinvigorating Elementary Science through aPartnership with California Teachers (RESPeCT).Research reports about this STeLLA line of research pro-

vide details about research methods that explain how weknow that the STeLLA video-based, analysis-of-practiceprogram is effective, but they provide only a surface-levelsketch of the program design and implementation (Roth,Garnier, Chen, Lemmens, Schwille, & Wickler, 2011; Taylor,Roth, Wilson, Stuhlsatz, & Tipton, 2016). These previouslypublished research reports provide strong evidence thatvideo analysis is a powerful approach to science teacherPD, but they fall short of helping the field understand whatit takes to design, implement, and scale such a video-basedPD (VbPD) program. To address this gap, this article goes“behind the scenes” to examine the design principles under-girding the development, implementation, leadership,and scaling up of this effective PD program. While theresearch results will be briefly summarized, this articleis not a standard research results paper. Instead, itexplores the following questions:

Fig. 1 STELLA professional development program hypothesized pathway of influence

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� What design principles guided the development,implementation, leadership, and scaling up of avideo-based professional development programthat had significant impacts on teaching practiceand student learning?

� What do the STeLLA design principles contributeto the existing knowledge base about effectivevideo-based, analysis-of-practice PD?

To answer the first question, we describe in the body ofthe paper how the STeLLA program’s design principlesshaped (a) the substance and form of the STeLLA ap-proach to video-based analysis of practice, (b) the imple-mentation of video analysis in the STeLLA program, (c)the leadership of the program, and (d) the scaling of thisVbPD program through the development of teacher PDleaders in a school district-university partnership. To ad-dress the second question, we begin the paper by placingthis work in the context of the larger body of research onteacher professional development, focusing on the limita-tions of the existing “consensus model of effective PD”and the need to better understand what it takes for PDto make a difference in terms of student learning. Inthe discussion at the end of the paper, we consider thepower of the STeLLA approach to video-based analysisof practice and ways in which the STeLLA design prin-ciples advance and deepen the field’s current under-standing of the consensus model of effective PD. In theend, we hope readers will find their understanding ofthe STeLLA VbPD design principles to be useful intheir own work in designing, implementing, sustaining,and rigorously studying the impact of VbPD ap-proaches. In this way, the science education communitycan move forward toward a more refined consensusmodel of PD that is supported by research showingchanges in teaching practice that are linked to im-proved student learning.

The problem: the limitations of the consensusmodel of effective PDWhile there is widespread agreement that teacher profes-sional development is key to improving teaching and learn-ing, there is little research that examines the impact ofvarious PD approaches on student learning—in science orin other subject matter areas. Despite this lack of studentlearning evidence, there is a widely accepted consensusmodel of effective professional development (Desimone2009; Wilson 2013). In this consensus model, effective PD:

(i) Focuses on specific subject matter content,(ii)Engages teachers in active learning,(iii) Is consistent with reform documents and school,

district, and state policies and practice,

(iv) Is of sufficient duration (both in intensity andcontact hours), and

(v)Involves the collective participation of teachers(e.g., at a school, at a grade level).

This consensus model was generated from studieswhose research designs are weakened by heavy reliance onteacher self-report data, small sample sizes, and lack ofcontrol or comparison groups (Desimone 2009: Wilson2013; Yoon, Duncan, Lee, Scarloss, and Shapley 2007;NASEM 2015). For example, studies by Garet et al. (2001)and Desimone et al. (2002) relied on survey responsesfrom science and math teachers who had participated infederally funded Eisenhower PD programs. In addition,most PD studies focus primarily on teacher knowledgeand belief outcomes rather than on teaching practice andstudent learning (Little 2011; Desimone 2009; Yoon et al.2007; NASEM 2015). In a review of over 1300 studies ofprofessional development that examined the relation-ship between PD and student learning, only nine hadrandomized controlled or quasi-experimental designsthat included measures of both teacher and studentoutcomes and only two of these studies examinedscience PD (Yoon et al. 2007).Over the past two decades, various authors have made

conceptual arguments to characterize this consensus viewand have written syntheses of the existing research on PD(across subject matters) (Ball and Cohen 1999; Blank, de lasAlas, and Smith 2008; Borko 2004; Borko, Jacobs, andKoellner 2010; Darling-Hammond, Chung Wei, Andree,Richardson, and Orphanos 2009; Hawley and Valli 2007;NASEM 2015; Wilson and Berne 1999; Wilson 2013; Yoonet al. 2007). The most recent reviews of PD for STEM edu-cators sound strikingly similar to those of reports from adecade ago: There is consensus about what high-quality PDshould look like and little empirical evidence to supportthat consensus model (Wilson 2013; NASEM 2015).In fact, some research studies challenge the consensus

model. Studies that test separately for each feature of themodel reveal inconsistent results in terms of impact(Garet et al. 2008, 2011; Scher and O’Reilly 2009). Andwhen tested using rigorous experimental designs thatexamine impact on student learning, the consensusmodel is not always predictive of student learning (Garet2016; Heller, Daehler, Wong, Shinohara, and Miratrix2012; National Center for Education Evaluation andRegional Assistance (NCEE) 2017). These results suggestthat the consensus model is not sufficient for describingPD that is effective in terms of student learning. Instead,the consensus model is perhaps capturing “surface char-acteristics and not the mechanisms that account forteacher [and student] learning” (NASEM 2015, p. 118).Despite the limitations of the research supporting the

consensus model, it has been widely used as a guide in

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designing professional development programs—in scienceand in other subject areas. In their reviews of research onscience professional development, for example, Capps,Crawford, and Constas (2012) and van Driel and Berry(2012) found that most of the PD programs that werereviewed reflected the consensus model. This is also trueof more recent studies of science professional develop-ment that examined both teacher and student learningoutcomes (Greenleaf et al. 2011; Heller et al. 2012;Johnson and Fargo 2010; Penuel, Gallagher, and Moorthy2011; Roth et al., 2011; Taylor et al., 2016).So, there is wide use of the consensus model despite a

lack of strong evidence to support its usefulness as a pre-dictor of student learning. There is also much interest inthe use of video as a strategy for supporting teachers in theactive learning called for in the consensus model. TheSTeLLA PD program uses a video-based approach and hasbeen demonstrated to have impact on student learning (theresearch findings will be summarized in the next section).What can our experiences from this program contribute tothe field that goes beyond the features identified in the con-sensus model of effective professional development? Sincethe STeLLA program demonstrated evidence of studentlearning, this is a good place to dig deeper—to go beyondthe surface, to examine: What is going on in the STeLLAapproach to video-based PD that makes it have such dra-matic impact?In this article, we share the STeLLA design principles

and consider ways that they might be a starting place fordeveloping a more specific and useful model of effectiveVbPD. Before describing the design principles, we pro-vide a brief summary of the research that supports ourassertions of the impact of the STeLLA program.

Research background: the impact of the STeLLAVbPD programResearch documenting the impact of the STeLLA video-based professional development program on upper elem-entary teacher and student learning has been completed intwo studies, which we will refer to as STeLLA-I andSTeLLA-II. Ongoing research is extending this line ofresearch by examining impact on K-6 teachers and theirstudents when university science faculty and later teacherleaders in an urban district facilitate the program in theReinvigorating Elementary Science through a Partnershipwith California Teachers (RESPeCT) program. Additionalstudies are currently studying impact of the STeLLA VbPDapproach on preservice/first year elementary teachers andtheir students and on high school teachers and their stu-dents. In this section, we summarize findings from the twocompleted studies (STeLLA-I and STeLLA-II) and providepreliminary findings from the RESPeCT study which is test-ing the scalability and sustainability of this program. Detailsof the STeLLA-I and STeLLA-II studies can be found in

previously published reports which are available in the sup-plementary materials (Roth et al., 2011; Taylor et al., 2016).In the original STeLLA-I study, the program was de-

signed, piloted, and then studied using a quasi-experimentaldesign. Forty-eight upper elementary teachers who wereteaching in urban settings in Southern California volun-teered for either the year-long STeLLA lesson analysis VbPDprogram or a 2-week summer science content deepeningprogram. The content deepening program was an existingprogram (e.g., business as usual) based at the CaliforniaState Polytechnic University at Pomona (CPP) whichwas supported by the California Subject Matter Projectsnetwork. The goal of this network was to engage uni-versity faculty and other educators in providing high-quality, content-specific professional development forteachers across the state of California in nine subjectmatter areas. The CPP math and science content deep-ening programs were popular with regional elementaryteachers and had been in existence for years.The STeLLA-I study examined teachers’ and students’

science content knowledge via written tests (pre-mid-post),teachers’ ability to use PCK in their analysis of video clipsof science teaching (pre-mid-post), and teachers’ scienceteaching practice as captured in lesson videos (pre-post).Research findings (Roth et al., 2011) showed that, in com-parison with teachers who received science content deep-ening PD only (n = 16), teachers experiencing the 1-yearSTeLLA VbPD lesson analysis program (n = 32) developeddeeper science content knowledge (p < .001) and strongerabilities to use PCK to analyze science-teaching practice(p < .001). In addition, teachers in the STeLLA VbPDprogram increased their use of teaching strategies thatmade student thinking visible and contributed to thecoherence of the science lesson (p < .01). Most import-antly, their students’ learning showed significant improve-ment (p < .01, average effect size d = 0.47).Led by the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS),

the STeLLA-II study tested the efficacy of the VbPD pro-gram using a randomized design (assignment to treatmentgroup at the school level) to examine whether the program,when delivered in a new geographic area (urban, suburban,and rural schools along Colorado’s Front Range) and by PDleaders outside the original program development team, isas effective as a science content deepening program ofequal duration. The content deepening program used inSTeLLA-I was extended to become a program that sup-ported teachers during the school year in addition to thesummer institute. The strength of the comparison group issupported by teachers’ initial interest in being assigned tothis program, teachers’ persistence when assigned to thisprogram, and teachers’ feedback about the high quality ofthis experience in surveys and focus groups conducted bythe external evaluation team. The experimental sampleincluded 77 schools, 137 teachers, and 2823 students.

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Analyses showed that the STeLLA video-based,analysis-of-practice intervention was more effective forboth students and teachers than the content deepeningprogram of equal duration (see Table 1) (Wilson, Taylor,Roth, Stuhlsatz, & Hvidsten, 2016). All effects on teacherswere statistically significant with associated effect sizes ran-ging from 0.66 to 2.05. The effect of STeLLA on studentswas also statistically significant with an effect size of 0.68which far exceeds empirical benchmarks for interventionsfor elementary school students (see Hill, Bloom, Black, andLipsey 2008). While students from both groups showedsignificant growth in their science understanding, studentswhose teachers were in the STeLLA treatment group out-performed students from the content deepening group.Looking more closely at the results of student content tests,a distinction emerges between the types of questions theaverage students of STeLLA teachers were able to answerand those that the average student in the content deepeninggroup could answer. Students of STeLLA teachers werebetter able to answer questions involving more scientificreasoning and application of science concepts in newcontexts.At the teacher level, teachers in the STeLLA treatment

group significantly outperformed teachers in the contentdeepening group on the science content knowledge as-sessment, despite the fact that they spent much less timefocused on content deepening work. The effects ofSTeLLA on teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge andclassroom practice were even larger. Mediation analysessuggested that only the teaching practice outcome had astatistically significant relationship with students’ scienceachievement scores (at the 5% significance level).A major challenge for school districts and the science

education research community is how to scale up rigor-ously tested video-based professional development experi-ences, such as STeLLA, so that they can reach largernumbers of teachers (and their students) in a manner thatis practical and sustainable. The RESPeCT project is anNSF-funded partnership project that is studying whetherthe STeLLA VbPD approach can be scaled to eventuallyreach most K-6 teachers in an urban, high-needs, Title Ischool district. The partners are California State Polytech-nic University at Pomona, the Pomona Unified School Dis-trict (PUSD), and the nonprofit science education researchorganization, Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS).The goal is that by the end of the 5-year project, PUSD will

have the capacity to continue to implement the STeLLAVbPD program with limited input from CPP and have adirect, lasting, and positive impact on their students’ learn-ing. The key to this scale-up effort is the development of acadre of K-6 grade level teacher leaders within the district.The RESPeCT project is using a quasi-experimental

research design with a comparison group of “business-as-usual” teachers from schools matched to treatment schooldemographics. The research phase of the project is stillunderway but preliminary analyses of teachers' science con-tent learning and students' science learning in grades 1–6(kindergarten assessments are still being analyzed) demon-strate significant growth in all content areas as comparedwith teacher and student learning in business-as-usualclassrooms. For example, initial analyses of student contentlearning gains show a mean effect size of 0.97 across 11content modules (one module in grade 1, two modules foreach grades 2–6; range 0.32–1.86). For teacher contentknowledge, there is a strong interaction between the pre-and posttest and group assignment (treatment versuscomparison). The null hypothesis that gains by STeLLAtreatment teachers and comparison teachers are equal canbe rejected with a high degree of confidence (p < .0001).An effect size of 1.6 shows that the treatment teachersmade very large gains in their content knowledge versuscomparison teachers.

Overview of STeLLA VbPD design principlesWhat makes this VbPD program so effective? Although theSTeLLAVbPD program includes the surface features of theconsensus model, we assert that these features do notexplain the program’s power. It is not just that teacherswere engaged in content-specific, collaborative, video-basedanalysis-of-practice. Instead, the program has been guidedby a more specific set of 19 design principles that challengeus to dig beneath the surface of the consensus model(see Table 2). In the next sections, we describe how thesedesign principles guided the substance and form, imple-mentation, leadership, and scaling up of the STeLLAVbPD program.

Foundational design principles of the STeLLAvideo-based PD programWe begin with four foundational design principles thathave played central roles throughout the development,implementation, leadership, and scaling up of the program.

Table 1 STeLLA-II impact estimates

Outcome Unstandardized treatment effect Standard error t df p Hedges’ g (WWC)

Student achievement 6.11 [4.46, 7.76] 0.84 7.27 74 <.001 0.68 [0.60, 0.76]

Teacher content knowledge 4.77 [3.26, 6.28] 0.77 6.16 75 <.001 0.66 [0.31, 1.00]

Teacher pedagogical content knowledge 5.33 [3.74, 6.92] 0.81 6.58 75 <.001 1.17 [0.81, 1.53]

Teaching practice 15.60 [13.01, 18.19] 1.32 11.78 75 <.001 2.05 [1.63, 2.47]

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Design principle 1: conceptual frameworkThe STeLLA VbPD program was designed to improveelementary science teaching at a time when scienceteaching and science PD activities were low on teachers’priority lists (Dorph, Shields, Tiffany-Morales, Hartry,and McCaffrey 2011). At the same time, researchers andPD providers were advocating that effective PD engagesteachers in sustained, collaborative analysis of practiceover time using artifacts of practice such as videos andstudent work (Ball and Cohen 1999; Garet et al. 2001).How could we interest elementary teachers in participat-ing in such sustained science PD? In this context, theSTeLLA research and design team decided to explorewhat would be possible if elementary teachers engagedin video-based, analysis-of-practice PD activities inten-sively for 1 year. This limited time frame raised import-ant questions about the substance of the PD program:What is possible within a 1-year period? Is it possible tochange science teaching practice enough in just 1 year toimpact student learning? To achieve such a goal within a1-year period, it was assumed that the substance of theprogram would need to be tightly focused on a few ideasand teaching practices addressed in depth and over time.Based on a thorough review of the research on effective

PD and the much larger research base about effectivescience teaching, the STeLLA-I design team made difficultchoices about what to focus on and what to leave out. Theresult was a conceptual framework for the entire PDprogram (see Fig. 2). The framework centers on two typesof pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) that werehypothesized to have the most impact on teacher learning,science teaching practice, and student learning within a1-year time frame: (1) revealing, supporting, and challen-ging students’ ways of thinking about specific sciencecontent, and (2) supporting students in constructingcoherent science content storylines. Note that we did notattempt to address all kinds of pedagogical content

Table 2 Design principles in the STeLLA line of research

Foundational design principles

1. Conceptual framework: A conceptual framework that is groundedin research about effective science teaching and learning andeffective professional development defines the core substanceof the program.

2. Specified teacher and student learning goals: The program isguided by clearly specified teacher and student learning goalsthat are closely tied to the conceptual framework—sciencecontent, pedagogical content knowledge, teaching practice.

3. Program substance prioritizes depth over breadth: The substanceof the program is limited in scope to a few key science ideas intwo topic areas, the STeLLA teaching strategies, and an analysisprocess that focuses on the Student Thinking and ScienceContent Storyline Lenses.

4. Theory of teacher learning: A situated cognition theory of teacherlearning and a cognitive apprenticeship instructional theoryguides the design and sequencing of teacher learning experiences.

Program learning experiences

5. Video-based analysis of practice: Analysis of classroom teachingand learning using classroom video and student work is a coreteacher learning activity.

6. Science content learning experiences: Teachers’ science contentlearning is closely linked to analysis-of-practice work. Sciencecontent learning experiences that emerge from lesson videoanalysis are prioritized.

7. Scaffolded teaching practice: Teachers have scaffoldedopportunities to practice using the science and the teachingstrategies they are learning about (STeLLA curriculum materials).

Program form

8. Duration and intensity: The program is of significant duration(2 weeks summer and one academic year) and intensity tomake significant changes in teacher knowledge and practice.

9. Collaborative learning: The development of small, face-to-facestudy group learning communities in which grade-level teachersshare their practice enables deeper analysis of practice.

Program resources

10. Shared science content and curriculum: Content-specificand curriculum-specific analysis of practice provides sharedexperiences that allow for deeper analysis of practice anddevelopment of common understandings of the contentand the teaching strategies.

11. Educative lesson plans and assessments: Grade-level andcontent-specific educative curriculum materials supportthe use of STeLLA strategies, provide anticipated studentresponses to questions and activities, and highlight howthe science content storyline is developing.

12. Both exemplar and participant videos: Exemplar classroomvideocases from teachers outside the study are used todevelop an initial understanding of the strategies and theanalysis process. Later in the program video analysis focuseson videos from participants’ classrooms.

13. Analysis tools and processes: Analysis tools and processesscaffold teacher learning from analysis.

14. Reference materials: Teachers make regular use of STeLLAreference materials to assure shared and grounded understandings.

Program leadership

15. PD leadership: PD leadership/facilitation plays a critical role indeepening teacher learning from analysis of practice.

Table 2 Design principles in the STeLLA line of research(Continued)

16. PD leader knowledge and decision-making abilities:PD leadership/facilitation requires the ability to draw from arich base of knowledge (Pedagogical Content Knowledgefor PD Leaders) to make planning and in-the-moment,program-aligned decisions and adaptations.

Scalability and sustainability

17. PD leader development: PD leaders are continuously supportedin learning how to effectively implement this program.

18. Partnership development: A partnership of science educationexperts and researchers, scientists and mathematicians, andschool personnel at multiple levels are involved in ensuringsuccessful implementation across a school district.

19. Scalability and sustainability: The program is modified in ways thatpreserve the above design features while incorporating featuresthat will contribute to the program’s sustainability and scalability.

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knowledge. We selected these two dimensions for threereasons. First, they represent an important subset of thetopic-specific professional knowledge defined in expertmodels of PCK (Gess-Newsome 2015). Second, we hy-pothesized that these two dimensions would be impactedby the video analysis intervention. And finally, these areperspectives that teachers do not typically use to frameand guide their planning and teaching (Sherin and Van Es2002; Zannoni and Santagata 2002). To focus on theseaspects of PCK, teachers in the program use two lenses toguide their video-based analysis work and their classroomscience teaching practice: the Student Thinking Lens andthe Science Content Storyline Lens.The Student Thinking Lens focuses teachers’ attention

on revealing, supporting, and challenging student thinking.It builds on a large body of research regarding students’ideas about natural phenomena, how student ideas mightinfluence science teaching, and the importance of attendingto student ideas and cultures in supporting science learningof students from groups underrepresented in science(National Research Council (NRC) 2000; NRC 2005;NRC 2007). Eight teaching strategies support teachers inenacting the Student Thinking Lens in their classrooms

(see definitions in Appendix 1). These teaching strategiesreflect an instructional model that:

� Elicits students’ initial ideas and predictions aboutphenomena,

� Engages students with data, observations, and modelsthat challenge their initial thinking and reasoning,

� Supports students in constructing explanationsfrom evidence,

� Challenges students to use and apply new ideas toexplain new phenomena, and

� Focuses students on making connections bysynthesizing and summarizing key ideas.

Throughout all of this, the teacher probes studentthinking to find out how students are making sense ofnew data or ideas, challenges students to stretch theirthinking and to make new connections, and teaches stu-dents to communicate in scientific ways (such as makingclaims, providing evidence and reasoning to supportclaims, and listening and responding to others’ ideas).The Science Content Storyline Lens focuses attention

on how the science ideas in a science lesson or unit are

Fig. 2 STeLLA conceptual framework

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sequenced and linked to one another and to lessonactivities to help students construct a coherent “story”that makes sense to them. The Trends in InternationalMathematics and Science Study’s (TIMSS) video analysisof science teaching and Horizon’s Looking Inside theClassroom observational study of science teaching in theUSA both identified that US science lessons frequentlyfail to support students in making connections betweenscience classroom activities and the development ofscience ideas and explanations (Roth et al., 2006; Weisset al. 2003). The Science Content Storyline Lens addressesthis gap by supporting teachers in using nine planningand teaching strategies that help students build coherentcontent storylines (see definitions in Appendix 2)Grounded in research, the conceptual framework

serves as the foundation and the centerpiece of the PDprogram, with all summer and school-year sessionsorganized around the STeLLA lenses and strategies. Itanchors the program and assures program coherence bykeeping the substance and activities in the programtightly focused on two analytical lenses and a few keyideas and teaching strategies that can be explored indepth and developed into teachers’ practice.

Design principle 2: specified teacher and student learninggoalsThe STeLLA VbPD program is guided by clearly specifiedteacher and student learning goals that are closely tied tothe conceptual framework. Identifying and articulatingthese learning goals from the beginning is essential fordesigning and implementing both science lessons and PDsessions that are coherent, focused, and supportive ofstudent/teacher learning. In our work, learning goals forstudents focus on understanding and using core scienceideas. Learning goals for teachers include science contentknowledge, pedagogical content knowledge related toclassroom science teaching, and abilities to use both thesetypes of knowledge to analyze and teach science.

Science content learning goals for students and teachersThe goal in STeLLA work is for teachers and studentsto develop understandings of key science ideas and re-lated crosscutting concepts through the use of sciencepractices such as analyzing and interpreting data andconstructing explanations (STeLLA strategies 4 and 5,see Fig. 2). This aligns with the emphasis in the NGSSthat school science learning should parallel how scien-tists use science practices to develop conceptual under-standings of the world around us (NGSS Lead States2013). By developing understandings of key science ideasthrough such evidence-based reasoning, we expect stu-dents and teachers to be able to use and apply these ideasto analyze, interpret, and/or explain new data or pheno-mena that they encounter (STeLLA strategy 6, see Fig. 2).

For this reason, our assessments include reasoning itemswhich challenge students and teachers to use their under-standings of core science ideas to analyze or explain dataor representations that are new to them.The STeLLA conceptual learning goals are stated as

complete sentence ideas (similar to what is written asDisciplinary Core Ideas and Crosscutting Concepts in theNGSS). For each grade level in STeLLA-I and STeLLA-II,we identified student and teacher sets of science learninggoals in two content areas that were in the state standardsand school curricula of participating teachers. In the RE-SPeCT project, which started after the release of the NGSS,these content learning goals focused largely on NGSS-defined disciplinary core ideas and crosscutting concepts.Several criteria were used to select the science learning

goals. Priority was given to ideas that are (a) challengingfor teachers and students, (b) that can be used to explaina variety of phenomena in teachers’ and students’ experi-ence, and (c) that are supported by a research base thatidentifies common student difficulties and naïve theoriesrelated to learning this content. In addition, we wantedthe subset of approximately 5–10 science ideas in eachcontent area to be interconnected so that they could allbe used together in culminating “use and apply” problemsolving tasks. All lesson plans, content deepening work,and video analysis work remained focused on this set ofinterconnected ideas.The teacher science content learning goals include the

student science learning goals but go beyond them sothat teachers have a deeper understanding of the scienceideas they will be teaching and a better sense of the fu-ture trajectory of their students’ learning in this contentarea. The teacher science learning goals are addressed inthe program in two main contexts: (a) through contentdeepening activities for teachers in the summer institutethat are similar to those in the lesson plans for students,and (b) through opportunities that arise in the contextof lesson video analysis throughout the program.

Additional learning goals for teachersIn addition to science content learning goals, STeLLAteachers are also expected to develop pedagogical con-tent knowledge related to the Student Thinking andScience Content Storyline Lenses and teaching strategies.Furthermore, it is a goal for teachers to be able to use theircontent knowledge and their pedagogical content know-ledge to analyze science teaching and learning. A finalbroad learning goal is for teachers to use their content andpedagogical content knowledge about the STeLLA lensesand strategies in their science teaching practice. The con-ceptual framework outlines the specific teaching strategiesthat teachers learn to understand and use (Fig. 2).These broad teacher learning goals related to PCK,

analysis abilities, and teaching practice were useful in

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creating the overall design of the STeLLA program andthe development of research assessments. However,these overall program goals were insufficient for map-ping out the daily PD sessions during the summer insti-tutes and school year study group sessions. Over time,especially as we began to develop new PD leaders and towrite detailed PD leader guides, we recognized the needto state more specifically the teacher learning goals foreach professional development session and for eachsegment of a PD session. We recognized that just asstudents’ science lessons are more coherent and power-ful if they remain clearly focused on one main learninggoal throughout a lesson (STeLLA strategy A, see Fig. 2),so our PD sessions are more coherent and powerful ifwe remain focused on what we expect teacher partici-pants to learn from a particular session and from par-ticular segments of a PD session. Figure 3 shows howthe STeLLA PD leader guide provides fifth grade PDleaders with specific statements of purpose and intendedlearning goals for a 70-min time segment that occursduring a full-day summer institute session.In STeLLA VbPD, such specificity of the learning goals

is critical in assuring coherence among all the compo-nents of the program. It plays a key role in developingthe science lesson plans and videocases, in selectingvideo clips to use for analysis, and in deciding how tofocus the video analysis discussions. Video analysis work

is time intensive, so planning for a productive session isimportant. Video clips for STeLLA analysis are selectednot just because they are interesting but because theywill help teachers wrestle productively with intendedlearning goals—both specific science content learninggoals and pedagogical learning goals.

Design principle 3: program substance prioritizes depthversus breadthA key design feature of all STeLLA-related programs isdepth over breadth—maintaining a relatively small set ofteacher learning goals that are introduced early in theprogram and then revisited and practiced throughoutthe program. The substance of the program is limited toa few core science ideas in two topic areas, the STeLLAteaching strategies, and the STeLLA video analysisprocess that uses the Student Thinking and ScienceContent Storyline Lenses as analytical tools. In parallelwith what we know about students’ needs in developingunderstandings of science ideas, teachers also needmultiple opportunities to use and analyze the sciencecontent ideas and the STeLLA teaching strategies thatthey are learning. Teachers initially encounter almost allof the program’s science content ideas and STeLLA teach-ing strategies during the summer institute. Across theschool year, only a few new learning goals are introduced.Instead, teachers have multiple opportunities to use and

Fig. 3 Summer institute day 7, grade 5 teacher learning goals

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deepen their understandings of previously introducedideas in their teaching and in their collaborative analysesof videos and student work.

Design principle 4: theory of teacher learningMany PD programs are not guided by an articulatedtheory of teacher learning (Ball and Cohen 1999; Borko2004; Putnam and Borko 2000). In the STeLLA program,in contrast, decisions about program design are explicitlyguided by a situated cognition theory of teacher learningand a cognitive apprenticeship model of instruction.Situated cognition posits that learning is naturally tied toauthentic activity, context, and culture (Collins 2006;Lave and Wenger 1991). In line with this theoreticalstance, the STeLLA program is organized to supportgrade-level specific, classroom-based (“situated”) learningover time, with more direct scaffolding and guidance byPD tools and PD leaders at the beginning of the programthat moves toward more teacher-directed work at theend of the 1-year program. The cognitive apprentice-ship phases of modeling, coaching and scaffolding,and fading guide how the PD leaders work with par-ticipants across time.

Implementation design principles for STeLLAvideo-based analysis of practiceBecause this special issue focuses specifically on video-based PD, we will anchor our description of the implemen-tation of the STeLLA PD around a central activity in theprogram: video analysis-of-practice (design principle 5). Inthis section, we describe how the video analysis work issupported and linked to other design principles, highlight-ing ways in which the design principles work together tosupport meaningful video analysis.Although we are highlighting the role of video ana-

lysis in the STeLLA program, it is important to keepin mind that teachers in this program are doing morethan video analysis. Their analysis-of-practice work(design principle 5) includes analysis of student work,especially the comparison of students’ pre- and posttestwriting, and the analysis of the STeLLA lesson plans. Inaddition, teachers are engaged in teaching STeLLA exem-plar lesson plans in the fall and in planning and teachinglessons in a second content area in the spring (designprinciple 7). Teachers have opportunities to learn fromthis planning and teaching work that go beyond what theyare learning from video analysis work.

Design principle 5: video-based analysis of practiceWhat is being analyzed in STeLLA video analysis?Before describing what teachers and PD leaders do inSTeLLA video analysis, we start by linking back to thefoundational design principles 1–3 and the importanceof clearly defining the substance of the PD program; that

is, what are teachers going to learn from this video ana-lysis work? What are they analyzing and why?While most descriptions of PD programs in research

reports provide only a broad, general view of the pro-gram substance, we attempted to be more specific indefining what teachers would learn from video analysiswhile at the same time resisting the temptation to“cover” everything that we know is important in achiev-ing the best practice in science teaching. For the sciencecontent, we identified science ideas in the teachers’ cur-riculum that we knew to be challenging for students andteachers, to be useful in explaining a variety of phenomenain teachers’ and students’ experiences, and to be linked toimportant crosscutting concepts (e.g., matter and energy).To identify the STeLLA teaching strategies, we reviewed

the research on science teaching and learning to identifywhat others now refer to as “high-leverage teaching prac-tices” (Ball and Forzani 2011; Windschitl, Thompson,Braaten, and Stroupe 2012: Grossman, Hammerness, andMcDonald 2009). And it was important to us that thelenses and strategies in the conceptual framework werenot just a random collection of teaching strategiesbut that they hung together to help teachers developa vision of effective science teaching that they couldinternalize over time. Thus, before we decided how toorganize and structure video analysis, we worked hardto clarify why teachers would be analyzing videos andto sharpen our understanding of what they would belearning from this work.What is the form of STeLLA video analysis? Descriptions

of PD programs often focus more on the form of the pro-gram than on the substance—how teachers are organizedto work together, how often they meet, when and wherethey meet, for how long, who leads the work, the kind ofactivities they engage in, and so forth (Kennedy 1999). Thefollowing features of program form are included in theversion of the consensus model presented earlier: activeparticipation of teachers in analysis of practice, sufficientduration, and collective participation of teachers (teachersat a given school or grade level). The STeLLA design prin-ciples include attention to each of these consensus modelfeatures of program form. Principle 5 defines analysis ofpractice as a core active learning activity for teachers.Teachers are also engaged actively in content deepeningactivities (principle 6) and teaching activities (principle 7).Principle 8 identifies program duration and intensity as akey feature, with STeLLA teachers meeting together for2 weeks in the summer followed by monthly ½ day meet-ings during the school year. In between meetings, theyteach STeLLA lesson plans and collect and analyze studentwork. Principle 9 addresses the collective participation ofteachers at the same grade level. STeLLA teachers meetface-to-face in small grade-level specific study groups(5–8) that are led by experienced PD providers.

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But there is an important way in which the STeLLAprogram goes beyond the consensus model in defining itsprogram form. Decisions about STeLLA program form aredriven by the situated cognition of teacher learning and thecognitive apprenticeship model of instruction (foundationaldesign principle 4). This is especially evident in the waydifferent kinds of activities are sequenced over time.In the summer institute, teachers begin the analysis

process using videocases from more experiencedteachers. In addition to the modeling provided by theseteachers in the videos, PD leaders model how to pro-ductively analyze these videos and they coach teachersin their analytical efforts. Thus, in line with our theoret-ical stance, teacher participants have access at the begin-ning of the program to models of expertise.During the fall of the school year, they transition to

analyzing video their own and their peers’ efforts toteach STeLLA model lesson plans, receiving support,feedback, and guidance in this work through their col-laborative analyses of videos and student work in studygroup interactions. This is consistent with the coachingphase of the cognitive apprenticeship model.In the second half of the school year, scaffolding supports

such as model lesson plans are removed (fading) andteachers are challenged to use STeLLA strategies and toolsto plan and teach lessons in a new content area. Thisintentional use of a theory of teacher learning required usto consider what types of activities would be most beneficialfor teacher learning across time, rather than settling on onetype of video analysis and using it throughout the program.What features contribute to productive video analysis?

While the foundational design principles drive the sub-stance and form of STeLLA video analysis, there are anumber of other features that work together to makeimportant contributions to the quality of video analysisand to teacher learning:

Design principle 10: shared science content In linewith our situated cognition theory of teacher learning, it isessential that teachers work on science content that is intheir grade-level curriculum. This assures that each teacheris working in a meaningful, authentic context. In addition,when teachers are all using the same content learning goals,it enables shared experiences that allow for deeper analysisof practice and for development of common understand-ings of the content and teaching strategies.

Design principle 11: educative curriculum materialsand assessments In the fall, teachers are supported inteaching exemplar lesson plans that are designed tohighlight anticipated student thinking, the science contentstoryline, and the STeLLA strategies. These educativecurriculum materials are intended to scaffold teachers’developing understanding of the science content and their

beginning use of the STeLLA teaching strategies. For eachcontent area, there is a set of 6–12 lesson plans and a pre-post assessment. As with design principle 10, these sharedcurriculum materials provide participants with a commonteaching experience that enables deeper and more mean-ingful analyses of that practice.

Design principle 12: both exemplar and participantvideos In the STeLLA program, teachers begin thevideo analysis process in the summer by analyzing thepractice of other teachers shown in grade-level andcontent-specific videocases prepared by the STeLLAprogram development team. These videocases includeclassroom video of science teaching that shows theSTeLLA strategies in action, video of student interviewsabout the science content before and after an instruc-tional sequence of lessons, and written student work onpre- and posttests. The STeLLA researchers review thesevideocases and select clips that will be used during thesummer institute to engage teachers in developing theirinitial understandings of (a) the science content, (b) theSTeLLA teaching strategies, and (c) the video analysisprocess. During the school year, teachers use the STeLLAlesson plans and are each videotaped during one lesson.During study group sessions, teachers analyze video clipsof the implementation of these lessons from their ownand their colleagues’ classrooms.

Design principle 13: analysis tools and processesAnalytical tools and processes support teachers in deep-ening their analysis of science teaching and learning.These include (a) video clip transcripts which are essen-tial for evidence-based reasoning, (b) analysis guides tosupport teachers in assessing the quality of implementa-tion of each Science Content Storyline teaching strategy,(c) a STeLLA Lesson Analysis Protocol which guidesvideo analysis, (d) a features analysis chart that revealspatterns in student written work, and (e) lesson planningtools that support teachers in developing student-focused lessons with coherent science content storylines.The Lesson Analysis Protocol (LAP) is the core analy-

tical tool that is used throughout the program. The LAPprocess involves three main steps: (1) identify, (2) analyze,and (3) reflect. As shown in the example of an LAP inTable 3, participants first watch the video to identifyinstances of the use of selected strategy(ies) stipulated onthe protocol. The goal here is to deepen teachers’ under-standing of the targeted STeLLA strategies. The analysisphase is structured around one or more analysis questionsthat the PD leader has created and entered on the LAPsheet (see Table 3). Teachers revisit the video and/or thetranscript and write an analysis in response to one of theanalysis questions. Four components are required in theseanalyses: (1) a claim related to one of the analysis

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questions, (2) evidence from the video or transcript tosupport the claim, (3) reasoning from STeLLA resourcesand/or research that clarifies why the claim and evidenceare important, and (4) an alternative interpretation, sug-gested teaching approach, or a missed opportunity. Duringdiscussion, teachers share and discuss their analyses. Theprocess ends with participants reflecting on what theylearned from the analysis discussion.

Design principle 14: reference materials There aretwo key reference documents that are used extensivelyat the beginning of the program and are then referredback to throughout the program to support teachers indeveloping and maintaining common understandings ofthe STeLLA conceptual framework and strategies and ofthe science content. In the summer institute, teachersfirst learn about each of the STeLLA strategies by read-ing about them in the STeLLA Strategies booklet. Duringthe school year, this booklet is frequently used as a re-source to support teachers’ claims, evidence, reasoning,and alternatives in the lesson analysis process.Teachers also refer often to a topic-specific content

and pedagogical content background document. On theone hand, this is a content background document that ismatched to the student and teacher science learninggoals in the STeLLA program. But it is also a peda-gogical content knowledge (PCK) document. In this

regard, it describes the science content in the context ofteaching situations, analyzes common student misunder-standings and difficulties, and describes strengths andweaknesses of common teaching activities, analogies,and content representations.

Leadership design principles for STeLLA video-based analysis of practiceDesign principle 15: PD leadershipIn the STeLLA design, leadership of analysis-of-practicework plays a critical role in deepening teacher learning.Our choice of the title, “PD leaders,” reflects our recogni-tion that leadership is necessary for the kinds of trans-formative change we seek. Some might view this as too“top down” and argue for an approach where teachers andPD leaders are co-constructing knowledge together (this iswhat some refer to as “facilitating” rather than “leading”).But our experience early on in the development of theSTeLLA program convinced us that elementary teachers—who are typically reluctant to teach science—initially needboth access to expertise from the science education com-munity and support in learning to incorporate this know-ledge into their science teaching practice. With fadingsupports from PD leaders over time, study groups graduallybegin to function in a more bottom up way. In fact, we canimagine experienced STeLLA study groups functioningproductively without a PD leader as they continue beyond

Table 3 STeLLA example lesson analysis protocol

STeLLA Lesson Analysis Protocol: Teacher Name

1. Identify the Lens & Strategy• What instances of asking questions that elicit, probe, and challenge student thinking do you observe?• What instances of engaging students in interpreting and reasoning stout data and evidence do you observe?

2. Analyze the Video Using the Focus Question(s)• What do students seem to understand (or not) about the sun’s effect on climate and seasons?• In what ways did the teacher engage students in interpreting and reasoning about data and observations?How did the use of the strategy make student thinking more visible?

Lesson Analysis Step To Do Your Analysis

Claim Turn an observation, question or judgmentinto a specific claim that responds to thefocus question.

Evidence and reasoning Point to a specific place in the video transcriptlesson plan, or student work that supportsyour claim. Connect your claim and evidencewith reasoning based on STeLLA Strategies,research on learning, your teaching experience,or scientific principles. Also look for evidencethat challenges your claim.Consider an alternative interpretation orexplanation.

Alternatives Consider new questions this might raise.

Consider alternative question’s), activity(s), orstrategies.

3. ReflectWhat did you learn from this lesson analysis experience?

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the 1-year STeLLA program because they know how toanalyze science teaching and learning productively to im-prove their science teaching practice, they know when andwhere to find outside expertise, they understand how tofunction as a true learning community, and they under-stand the kinds of science knowledge they need to developwhen they approach new science content areas—knowledgethat enables them to explain a variety of phenomena usingkey science concepts and practices.

Design principle 16: PD leader knowledge and decision-making abilitiesIt is not enough to say that “PD leadership is important.”In thinking toward the scale up of the STeLLA approach,we recognized the need to understand what it takes todevelop new PD leaders: What kinds of knowledge andabilities are needed? Analysis of the work of effectiveSTeLLA leaders enabled us to answer this question withthe knowledge and decision-making model of STeLLA PDleadership shown in Fig. 4 (Landes & Roth, 2013).The model highlights that effective leadership of

STeLLA lesson video analysis depends on PD providerswho are able to draw from a rich knowledge base tomake decisions and take actions—both in planning andwhile leading video analysis sessions—that supportteacher learning through deep and meaningful analyses.The model specifies that well-prepared STeLLA PDleaders make decisions and take actions by drawing fromthree types of knowledge: (a) knowledge of the STeLLAPD curriculum (conceptual framework, learning goals,STeLLA strategies, STeLLA resources, lesson plans, etc.),

(b) science content knowledge (including how sciencepractices can be used to explain phenomena and to under-stand disciplinary core ideas and cross cutting concepts),and (c) research-based knowledge about how teacherslearn in communities of learners. In addition, PD leadersdraw from knowledge of the particular videos that arebeing analyzed. PD leaders know how to use all ofthis knowledge to make planning and in-the-moment,program-aligned decisions and adaptations.A key planning decision made by PD leaders is the

selection and sequencing of video clips so that they bestsupport targeted teacher learning goals for a given studygroup session. PD leaders watch the full lesson videosfrom the participating teachers to select a 3–8-min videoclip from each teacher whose video will be analyzedduring a given study group session. In making theseselections, the PD leaders consider ways in which thevideo clips can be used (a) to deepen teachers’ under-standing of the STeLLA strategies, (b) to clarify anddeepen teachers’ science content understandings, and (c)to analyze interesting examples of student thinking. PDleaders also consider how the set of 3–4 video clips for agiven study group session can hang together to focus onspecific teacher learning goals for the overall meeting.From watching the full lesson videos, the PD leaderlearns a great deal about the strengths and weaknessesof the lessons and of teacher implementation of the les-sons and uses this knowledge to identify key issues thatcould be productively examined through video analysis.Last but not least, PD leaders consider how a video clipmight support and encourage the teacher featured in theclip while also challenging that teacher to reflect on her/his own teaching in ways that lead to growth; this re-quires assessing that teacher’s readiness to be challenged.All of this is considered as PD leaders select the videoclips, identify specific teacher learning goals for the ses-sion, and create specific identify and analysis questionsto focus the discussion and analysis for each clip.During video analysis discussions, PD leaders make

in-the-moment decisions about when and how to takethe following kinds of actions:

� Asking elicit and probe questions to encourageteachers to share and elaborate their thinking

� Asking challenge questions to scaffold anddeepen teachers’ analyses and understandingsof both science content and pedagogical content(e.g., What is your evidence? Can you findsomething in the strategies booklet or sciencecontent background document that supportsyour reasoning?)

� Modeling the video analysis process by sharing her/his own claim, evidence, reasoning, and alternativeabout a video clip

Fig. 4 Knowledge and decision-making model for STeLLAPD leadership

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� Modeling and reflecting metacognitively on thePD leader’s use of STeLLA teaching strategies(e.g., PD leaders explicitly name or ask aboutSTeLLA strategies that they are modeling)

� Encouraging participation by all (e.g., directingteachers to do a turn and talk before a whole groupdiscussion, using a round robin strategy to hearideas from each person, asking questions such“What do others think?,” encouraging teachers torespond to each other and to ask probe andchallenge questions to each other)

� Interrupting the video analysis process to engagein some needed science content deepening work

� Highlighting and summarizing key points(e.g., charting key science ideas, summarizing thekey ideas coming out of analysis of a video clip)

� Asking teachers to summarize or paraphrase whatthey have heard

� Providing feedback about the quality andaccuracy of teacher ideas (generally limitedto times when discussions hit a roadblock andthe PD leader assesses that it is not a gooduse of time to resolve the issue by sendingteachers to resources or engaging in a contentdeepening activity)

� Remaining silent (e.g., letting the conversationbe more teacher directed)

A key decision PD leaders make is about when andhow to address gaps in teachers’ science understandingsthat arise during video analysis. Taking the time in videoanalysis sessions to wrestle with science content confu-sions is a critical aspect of the STeLLA program. Ourresearch results show that teachers’ science understand-ings were better developed in the context of lesson videoanalysis (in the STeLLA program) than in sessions thatfocused specifically on deepening teachers’ understand-ings of the science content (in the content deepeningcomparison program). This is consistent with our situatedtheory of teacher learning—understanding the sciencecontent is more meaningful to teachers when it occurs inrelationship to their teaching context.Without the PD leaders’ active role in scaffolding

the video analysis process, especially at the beginningof the program, teachers tend toward a surface leveldiscussion of video clips, favoring positive commentsabout the teaching or teacher featured in the clip.With PD leader guidance and use of the LessonAnalysis Protocol, teachers’ attention is focused onstudent thinking, the science content, the storyline,and the use of STeLLA strategies, minimizing thefocus on an individual teacher while maximizing theanalysis of more consequential issues that impactstudent learning.

Design principles for scaling and sustaining theSTeLLA video-based PD programThe effectiveness of the STeLLA VbPD program hasbeen demonstrated through careful research—effectivenot only for teacher learning and practice but more im-portantly for student learning. But video-based analysisof practice is intense, requiring significant human andother resources to support its success. It is definitely nota quick fix. STeLLA-I and STeLLA-II VbPD programswere designed to be workable and sustainable as long asthere was significant project funding from the NationalScience Foundation. The video focus, the need fortranscripts to support evidence-based video analysis, theneed for science hands-on materials to support theteaching of the STeLLA lessons, and the facilitated, smallstudy group face-to-face structure of this PD approachpose challenges for scalability and sustainability. The RE-SPeCT project is addressing the challenge of scaling andsustaining this VbPD approach by (a) developing a cadreof teacher leaders at both the district level (teacherspecialists) and school levels (classroom teachers), (b)developing university science and mathematics facultywho can support this work beyond the life of the grantin PUSD or in new school districts, and (c) implement-ing changes within the district and university systemsthat will enable teachers and professors to participateeffectively in this program.In this section, we describe more specifically what

we are doing in the RESPeCT project to support thescaling and sustainability of this VbPD program.Three design principles guide this work: principle 17pertains to the development of new VbPD leaderswhile principles 18 and 19 focus on development andsustainability of systems in which VbPD PD leaderscan effectively work.

Design principle 17: PD leader developmentThe development of STeLLA VbPD leaders who havethe knowledge and abilities described in Fig. 4 is criticalto enabling more teachers and students to have access tothis powerful program. To address this need, a leadershipdevelopment program was designed, developed, andenacted in the RESPeCT project. The leadership develop-ment program attends to the full scope of the STeLLAknowledge and decision-making model (Fig. 4).The content of the leadership program and the

process of developing VbPD leaders changes based onthe needs of the audience. We have worked with avariety of audiences, including (but not limited to):

� Experienced science education PD leaders who areunfamiliar with the STeLLA PD program

� RESPeCT project elementary teachers who haveexperienced the STeLLA program as learners but

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have limited knowledge and experience in leadingadult learning

� District level PD specialists who have experiencedthe STeLLA program as learners

� University science and mathematics faculty unfamiliarwith the STeLLA approach and with varying levels ofexperience in working with teachers.

When the audience is experienced science PD leaderswith little experience with the STeLLA VbPD program,the balance of leadership development tips toward thecontent of the STeLLA VbPD curriculum (lower left handcorner in Fig. 4). However, when the audience has experi-enced the STeLLA VbPD program and implemented theSTeLLA classroom curriculum, the balance of leadershipdevelopment tips toward developing understandings aboutand abilities to lead adult learning (lower right hand cor-ner in Fig. 4). For science and mathematics professorsunfamiliar with either the STeLLA approach or workingwith teachers, leadership development focuses on thebottom two corners of the triangle in Fig. 4, developingtheir understanding of the STeLLA VbPD program goalsand components and their knowledge about teacherlearning in learning communities.Regardless of audience, one element of VbPD leader-

ship development remains constant—a focus on makingdecisions and taking actions consistent with the STeLLAapproach. Effective PD leaders know the purpose foreach component of the program. They understand whatthey are doing as PD leaders and why they are doing it.Major goals and activities in the leadership program aredescribed in the following paragraphs.

Taking on a leadership identityTo help classroom teachers who have not previously ledPD see themselves as leaders, we are explicit about howthe leadership development program helps prepare themto lead the learning of their teacher colleagues. For eachPD experience, we point to a model similar to the figurepresented in the introduction to this special issue(Tekkumru-Kisa and Stein 2017, Fig. 5). This modelhelps RESPeCT teacher participants see where they fit in

terms of their experiences as a learner in the STeLLAprogram (teacher as learner, inner layer), their experi-ences in the RESPeCT leadership development program(facilitator as learner, outer layer), and their eventual roleas PD facilitators (middle layer).

STeLLA strategies become PD leader strategiesThe leadership development program supports PD leadersin learning to use the STeLLA lenses and strategies in thePD setting. Most of the STeLLA strategies are just as use-ful in the VbPD context as they are in supporting elemen-tary students’ science learning. PD leaders are supportedin learning how to use the STeLLA strategies throughthree types of analysis experiences: (1) analysis of theirown experiences observing PD leaders in the leadershipdevelopment program, (2) video analysis of other PDleaders working with study groups, and (3) video analysisof their own PD leadership practice after they begin tolead groups of teachers in this VbPD.

The balance between supporting and challenging teachersPD leaders need to find the right balance between “sup-porting” and “challenging” teachers. By supporting, wemean using PD leader moves that encourage teachers bysignaling that their ideas are valued and that they aremaking progress toward program goals. By challenging,we mean PD leader moves that press teachers to recon-sider, revise, or better support their ideas. This oftencomes with some level of discomfort. PD leaders learnto make decisions about when and how to support orchallenge teachers by analyzing video of other PDleaders and later by analyzing video of their own leader-ship practice, focusing on PD leader moves that supportand/or challenge teachers. In working toward this bal-ance, PD leaders learn to be intentional when they posequestions that elicit or probe teachers’ ideas, when theyask questions that challenge teacher thinking, or whenthey use any of the other STeLLA strategies in the con-text of teaching professionals.

Communities of learnersThe leadership development program explicitly ad-dresses how to develop communities of learners. Forexample, PD leaders consider their own experiences inlight of readings about characteristics of professionallearning communities (PLCs) (Garmston and Wellman2009; Hall and Hord 2015; Loucks-Horsley, Stiles,Mundry, Love, and Hewson 2010) and identify aspectsof the STeLLA VbPD program that contribute to thedevelopment of such communities. Use of the STeLLAstudy group norms and the Lesson Analysis Protocolfor video analysis help to develop shared values andbehaviors that provide a safe environment for develop-ing relational trust. Participants come to understand

Fig. 5 Layers of professional development design (Tekkumru-Kisaand Stein, 2017)

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how STeLLA video analysis promotes reflectivedialogue and deprivatized practice. Taking a step back,they come to understand how the coherence of theSTeLLA lessons, content deepening, and lesson analysisplanning work contribute to a collaboration focused onstudent learning.

Understanding changeFor audiences with little experience in leading PD, suchas RESPeCT teacher leaders or many science professors,the leadership development program includes a focus onleading adult learning. Specific attention is paid to un-derstanding change and what it means to lead change,anticipating and mediating sources of resistance, andmanaging their own responses during conflict (Hall andHord 2015). For new teacher leaders in the RESPeCTprogram, this is particularly important as they anticipatework with their grade-level teacher peers.

Selecting video and planning coherent PD study groupsessionsParticipants in the leadership development programexamine models of video clips and rationales for theirselection. PD leaders learn to select clips which repre-sent a progression in the use of STeLLA strategies and astoryline of the science content. For example, the firstclip in a study group session might focus on an earlylesson in the sequence that reveals common studentideas about steam through the use of elicit and probequestions (STeLLA teaching strategies 1 and 2). Thesecond clip may show a later lesson where studentsnegotiate this idea through an activity matched to thelearning goal (STeLLA teaching strategy C) in whichstudents analyze and interpret data from their observa-tions of a tea kettle (STeLLA teaching strategy 4). Athird video clip may come from later yet in the lessonsequence and show students attempting to use and applyscience ideas (STeLLA teaching strategy 6) about evap-oration and condensation as they compare/contrastcloud formation and steam from a tea kettle.

Deepening PD leaders’ science content knowledgeTo effectively facilitate science content deepening, PDleaders must achieve a level of confidence with the con-tent that enables them to identify gaps in participants’content knowledge and to decide “in-the-moment” how toaddress them. In the leadership program, content deepe-ning is embedded in two contexts. First, as in the STeLLAprogram itself, content deepening in the leadership pro-gram is addressed by engaging participants (teacherleaders as learners) in video analysis. For example, teacherleaders watch a science lesson clip followed by a studygroup clip in which teachers are discussing the lesson clip.In the clips, both student and teacher misunderstandings

of science content are revealed. This provides an oppor-tunity for teacher leaders in the leadership program toclarify their own content understandings as they also thinkabout how to lead sessions where such misunderstandingsarise. Content deepening also occurs as teacher leadersare supported by science and mathematics faculty in prac-ticing their implementation of content deepening seg-ments of the VbPD program.

Deepening pedagogical content knowledgeVideo analysis is also used to deepen leaders’ pedagogicalcontent knowledge regarding the use of STeLLA lensesand strategies. As participants in the leadership programexamine video of study groups, they analyze PD leaderknowledge, moves, and decision-making. In this context,opportunities also arise to clarify teacher leaders’ under-standing of common student ideas and effective use of theSTeLLA strategies related to the target science contentlearning goals.

Practice leading STeLLA PDThe leadership development program engages PDleaders in practice facilitation of both lesson analysisexperiences and content deepening activities. To createsafe learning contexts, the practice facilitation involvesparticipants in leading content deepening experienceswithin their own study group and in leading analysis ofvideo to RESPeCT teacher leaders from other gradelevel study groups. These practice opportunities arescaffolded to include planning, doing, and reflectingstages. PD leader guides support the practice facilita-tion, providing details about how to implement eachsummer institute and school year study group session.These guides are linked to associated PowerPoints,handouts, and video clips.With the development of new PD leaders across the

STeLLA-II and RESPeCT implementations, the STeLLAVbPD program has expanded its reach by developing 50new PD leaders who in turn have worked with 200teachers and their 7019 students. Through this multi-stage process, we learned that you cannot shortchangeany component of the STeLLA model of PD leaderknowledge and decision-making. An effective STeLLAPD leader understands the science content, the manyfacets of the STeLLA PD and classroom curricula, howteachers learn and change their practice in a communityof learners, and how to use this knowledge to lead pro-ductive video analysis.

Design principle 18: partnership development and designprinciple 19: scalability and sustainabilityWhile the STeLLA VbPD approach has demonstratedstrong results in terms of teacher and student

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learning, it is an ambitious program that faces chal-lenges in expanding the reach of the program. Onechallenge is the development of new, grade-level specificPD leaders who have the knowledge and abilities de-scribed in the previous section. Other requirements thatmight be impediments to long-term sustainability are theneed for funding and other benefits to motivate teacherPD leaders in continuing to offer the VbPD to peerteachers; funding and other rewards to encourage teachersto participate in the VbPD; support and strategies for film-ing classrooms and making, transcribing, and disseminat-ing video clips on a tight timeline; time for teacher PDleaders to review lesson videos and plan study group ses-sions; funding for and distribution of PD and sciencelesson plan materials; stable student science learning goalsat each grade level so that the videocases remain relevant;stable grade-level teaching assignments so that teachersare teaching the content addressed in the VbPD program;supports to motivate and sustain university faculty com-mitment to providing ongoing science content advice toteacher PD leaders beyond the life of the grant; refillingthe pipeline of teacher leaders and university support fac-ulty; and strong district and university leaders who canlead successful responses to changes in staffing, curricu-lum, and institutional priorities that impact the VbPDprogram.To preserve fidelity to the STeLLA design features and

sustain the VbPD program, we must do more than preparenew teacher PD leaders. Educational systems must also bereadied. In the RESPeCT project, the systems involved insustaining the work are the Pomona Unified School Districtand the California State Polytechnic University at Pomona.Together, but not individually, CPP and PUSD have the

needed expertise identified in design principle 18: scienceeducation experts and researchers, scientists and mathe-maticians, teachers, and school personnel at multiplelevels. This combined expertise is necessary to modify theVbPD program in ways that preserve the STeLLA designfeatures while incorporating features that will contributeto the program’s scalability and sustainability. Thus,neither organization can scale and sustain the programindependently of each other. However, the components ofreadiness required by both partner systems include (a) ashared priority for improving student science learning, (b)shared values and commitments to VbPD; (c) ongoingcommunication and shared decision making to support,sustain, and study the collaboration; (d) investments inbuilding capacity for VbPD; and (e) inclusion of multiplestakeholders in shaping and implementing the program.

Developing systems readinessBoth CPP and PUSD partners have worked on develop-ing these components of system readiness, as describedin the following paragraphs.

Priority for improving student science learningIn response to national and local testing and fundingpolicies, many districts and schools have raised in-structional time requirements for elementary Englishlanguage arts and mathematics which have had theeffect of largely squeezing science out of the curricu-lum (Dorph et al. 2011). This is not the policy of thePUSD central offices, who are particularly interestedin improving elementary science teaching in light ofthe impending curriculum shift to match the NGSSand the testing of science at the fifth grade level inCalifornia. However, in practice, many PUSD elemen-tary teachers put a low priority on science teaching.During the writing of the RESPeCT grant proposal,the PUSD and CPP partners agreed on the import-ance of making science learning a higher priority inthe district. Project leaders agreed upon ways to mod-ify the STeLLA program to provide more incentivefor teachers to prioritize science teaching. One modi-fication was to integrate key Common Core Englishlanguage arts and mathematics standards into the sci-ence lessons that are the focus of the videocases inthe VbPD program. In this way, teachers can seescience instructional time as also time for developingimportant literacy and math competencies.

Shared values and commitments to VbPDIn addition to the shared commitment to improvingscience learning in the district, the project partnersfrom the beginning held a shared vision about and acommitment to the goals and design of VbPD work.This shared vision was developed through four mainjoint activities: previous partnership work in PUSDmiddle schools that included some video analysis workusing the STeLLA conceptual framework, study of thepublished research about the STeLLA program, col-laborative writing of the RESPeCT proposal, and theenactment of the VbPD program over the past 3 years.This shared commitment to VbPD helped build amutual respect for the different types of knowledge,expertise, and credibility that the university and thedistrict bring to the work; a commitment to acknow-ledge and balance each institution’s priorities andconstraints to ensure the partnership is mutuallybeneficial; and active support of the program andflexibility about what can be achieved together.In terms of flexibility, both partners are committed

to exploring better ways to do the work and to findcreative solutions to obstacles, no matter how big orsmall. Both organizations deal with changes that aredifficult for the partners and partnerships. For ex-ample, PUSD principals and central administratorsmade a commitment to keep RESPeCT teacher leadersat the same grade level at least for the life of the 5-

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year grant. When circumstances arose that made thiscommitment difficult to keep, administrators con-sulted with CPP researchers to find a compromise thatwould satisfy project needs.

Communication and shared decision-makingStrong partnerships are maintained by communicationwhich occurs often, is clear, and uses formative data tomake mid-course adjustments. Regular meetings with thevarious stakeholders are important for clarifying roles andresponsibilities of each institution. In the RESPeCT pro-gram, groups that meet regularly include the PrincipalInvestigator Leadership team (which includes CPP facultyand the PUSD deputy superintendent), the evaluationteam, the research team, the university science and mathfaculty team, the supporting partner team at BSCS, thetreatment schools principal team, the district support staffteam, the university support staff team, and the universitystudent support team. To assure these groups are workingin concert with each other, there are regular cross-teammeetings such as monthly PI/evaluation team meetings.Meeting time provides space for updates and problemsolving, while also creating space for the various partnersto contribute to decisions and to co-construct the ongoingcollaborative work.While we have strong norms for communication and

shared decision-making, the process of developing thesehas not been perfect, in part because of different culturesaround decision-making and authority. For example, uni-versity faculty are accustomed to having a great deal offreedom in making their own decisions about their profes-sional activities and outside-of-class schedules. For some,the RESPeCT research project involves more people andmore collaboration than their science research projectsand provides them with less authority to make decisionsabout their roles and timelines for project work. It tookcareful two-way communications, mentoring, reasonablemodifications of expectations and timelines, and writingtemplates and leadership guides to keep faculty involvedand supportive of project goals and activities.

Investments in capacity buildingTo sustain the PD leaders and the partnership, thoughtfulinvestments in capacity are critical. Collaborative workrequires human capital, funding, and time. The RESPeCTpartners work together to ensure that funds supportthe recruitment of and dedicated time for staff, faculty,and PD leaders with the expertise needed to implementthe VbPD program; the recruitment of and support forteachers and district teacher specialists to participate inthe PD; and the classroom materials, technology, andphysical space needed to support the PD program andthe teaching of the science lessons. An additionalelement of human capital we cannot overemphasize is

the importance of having a strong support staff who canmake sure that all parts of the program are coordinated,communicated, and scheduled appropriately. In addition tothe usual roles played by support staff, the following needsof a video-based program that is also part of a researchstudy are addressed: scheduling the videotaping of sciencelessons; training student videographers; videotaping sciencelessons and study group sessions; making video clips; pro-ducing transcripts of video clips; disseminating videos andvideo clips; and organizing systems for filing and sharingvideos, video clips, and supporting materials.From the beginning of the RESPeCT project, the lead-

ership team engaged in strategic planning and capacitybuilding to ensure that the VbPD program can be sup-ported to reach all K-6 teachers in the district after grantfunds expire. The post-grant phase will necessitate diffi-cult conversations and compromises, largely related tofunding, but we have laid a strong foundation for a col-laborative and reflective professional community withinand across institutions that includes patience, comprom-ise, and flexibility in problem solving.

Involving all stakeholdersIn order to change the PUSD and CPP systems in waysthat will sustain the RESPeCT program, the partnership in-stitutions must move beyond the interactions of the leader-ship team to engage administrators, faculty, staff, andstudents at both the university and the district. Toward thisgoal, the PI team creates opportunities for a wide range ofstakeholders to take authentic roles in collaborative activ-ities. The RESPeCT program directly includes collaborativeroles in the PUSD district for 35 teacher PD leaders, sixtreatment school principals, four teacher PD specialists(English Learner, English Language Arts, Primary Educa-tion, and Secondary Science), district level support staff,the Director of District Professional Development, the Dir-ector of Principal Support, and the Deputy Superintendent.At the university, science and mathematics content faculty,education faculty, a science content department chair, theEducational Outreach Center department chair, and CPPundergraduate students all play collaborative roles in theproject. Engaging a diverse set of stakeholders is imperativefor ensuring that the program meets the needs and inter-ests of those who stand to benefit, namely the elementaryteachers and students, but also to sustain the programdespite turnover among critical individuals.In addition to casting a broad net for stakeholder involve-

ment, key individual leaders at both the district, school,and university levels play critical roles in maintaining every-one’s confidence in the program’s organization and inkeeping teachers fully participating in the program. Thesekey champions play a “boundary-spanning” or “bridging”role (Bosma el al. 2010; Goldring and Sims 2005; Weertsand Sandmann 2008) to ensure communication across

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institutional settings, advocate for program support acrossthe many institutional stakeholders, bring awareness ofpartnership goals and activities, and invite stakeholders tolearn about and provide feedback on partnership goals andactivities.

Importance of research on student learningImproving student learning outcomes is essential to sus-tain the current high level of support for the RESPeCTproject. Both partners initially bought into the programlargely based on the multiple and strong lines of evi-dence of effectiveness of this VbPD approach not onlyfor teacher learning and teaching practice but also moreimportantly for student learning. Thus, high-qualityresearch is essential for sustaining this work.Strong preliminary analyses of teacher and student

science learning and the enthusiasm of participatingteachers are fueling efforts in the district to find ways tofund this work in the future. For example, PUSD isalready committed to supporting ongoing RESPeCT PDwork by using the district’s summer PD time for theRESPeCT program, taking on the tasks of purchasingand supplying science kits, scheduling the videotaping ofscience lessons, creating video clips and transcripts ofthose clips, and copying and organizing binders for fu-ture teacher participants. In support of these districtcommitments, the RESPeCT leadership team and CPPsupport staff are experimenting with ways to make thevideotaping, uploading and sharing of video, clip making,and transcription processes easier for teacher leadersand Pomona support staff to do. In addition, some ofthe CPP science faculty are interested in continuing toprovide district RESPeCT teacher leaders with “phonea friend” science content support even after the end ofthe grant.Impact on student learning is also important at the

university. In addition to formal research goals, the pro-ject also hopes to improve science and mathematicsteaching and learning at the university through partici-pating professors’ implementation of STeLLA strategiesin their university classrooms. In addition, we antici-pated from the beginning that some CPP science andmath faculty will become ready and motivated to startup and support RESPeCT PD efforts in new schooldistricts, especially those in areas surrounding theuniversity so that future CPP students receive a strongfoundation in their scientific understandings. Towardthis goal, the project currently supports CPP scienceand math faculty with mentoring, modest reassignedtime, experiences that help them learn about the K-6teaching context in needy Title I schools, and involve-ment in education research and publication. Continueduniversity support is needed to encourage faculty toengage in VbPD work beyond the life of the grant.

Discussion and conclusionsThere is wide interest in video-based, analysis-of-practice PD as an effective approach to preparingteachers to meet the expectations of the Next Gener-ation Science Standards in the USA and in STEM edu-cation reform agendas in other countries. But fewstudies actually examine impact of such PD on studentlearning. The STeLLA line of research is a rare excep-tion. This special issue of The International Journal ofSTEM Education gave us the opportunity to sharewhat is going on behind the scenes of this effectiveprogram, showing how design principles shaped thedevelopment, implementation, leadership, and scaleup of this particular VbPD program. In the body ofthis paper, we described the design principles. We nowconsider the implications of this work for others in-volved in video-based professional development work:What do the STeLLA design principles contribute tothe existing knowledge base about effective video-based, analysis-of-practice PD?

The power of the set of STeLLA design principlesWe argue that this set of design principles is powerfuland useful beyond this one project for four reasons. Firstand foremost, the use of these design principles pro-duced a video-based, analysis-of-practice PD programthat had a significant impact on teacher learning, onteaching practice, and, most importantly, on studentlearning. In addition, teaching practice was demon-strated to be highly correlated with student achievement.Second, the design principles were built on existing the-oretical and empirical research literatures. Third, noneof the design principles were dropped or significantly re-vised as the program moved over a 10-year time span todifferent geographic locations, school district contexts,and grade levels. In fact, the design principles provedto be critical guides in determining how changeswould be made to adapt to new contexts without los-ing the power of the program’s impact on teachingand learning. For example, as the program moved in2009 from STeLLA-I in California to STeLLA-II inColorado, the design principles played a key role inguiding our work with new state science teaching stan-dards and in supporting us in resisting the temptationto tailor the program to the specific wishes of eachschool district. Adaptations were made only when theywere consistent with the design principles. Similarly, weresponded to the release of the NGSS in 2013 by review-ing our conceptual framework in light of this reformdocument. We were able to make minor changes to theSTeLLA teaching strategies and the language describingthese in the STeLLA strategies booklet without needingto change our overall conceptual framework. Thus, the

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design principles remained largely stable over time, an-other indicator of their power.Finally, the design principles have power because they

are closely interwoven and supportive of each other. Forthis reason, it was difficult to write about them separ-ately in this paper. For example, productive learningthrough video-based, analysis-of-practice (principle 5) isdependent on working in a context where teachers feelsafe to work with their colleagues as they to dig deeplyand challenge themselves and each other (principle 9).Such challenges and deeper analyses are more likelywhen tackling shared content- and grade-level specificcurriculum (principles 2, 3, 10) and using the same cur-riculum materials (principle 11). Feeling safe in a learn-ing community is not productive if you are notchallenged to stretch and change your thinking. In theSTeLLA line of research, we have found that such chal-lenges can come from knowledgeable and skilled PDleaders (principles 15, 16), as well as from models bymore experienced STeLLA teachers (principle 12). Butthe ultimate goal is to create learning communitieswhere such challenge can come from teacher partici-pants themselves (principle 9) as they learn from videosfrom their own classrooms (principle 12). And all of thistakes time (principle 8).

Challenging the consensus model of effective PDAt the beginning of this paper, we made the case that thelong-accepted and widely used consensus model of effect-ive PD is of limited value in guiding the development, im-plementation, leadership, and scaling up of VbPDprograms that positively impact teaching and studentlearning. We argued that this model lacks research sup-port showing that it is effective in improving teaching andstudent learning. In addition, it provides only broad,surface level recommendations about how to designand implement PD experiences: Effective PD is content-focused, engages teachers in active learning, is matched tolocal, state, national policies, is of sufficient duration, andinvolves collective participation of teachers at a school orgrade level.The STeLLA VbPD program supports the consensus

model with strong empirical evidence of student learn-ing. But the STeLLA model also advances and deepensour understandings of effective PD by digging beneaththe surface of the consensus model to articulate designprinciples that provide more specific guidance aboutfeatures of effective PD. And, importantly, this model issupported by strong research evidence of impact onteaching practice and student learning. Based on ourexperiences with STeLLA, we nominate the followingdesign principles as candidates that might be added tothe consensus model and further tested for their poten-tial as design principles to guide all VbPD:

� A clearly articulated conceptual framework thatguides the substance of the program (principle 1)

� Clearly specified learning goals for teachers(science learning goals, PCK, and teaching practice)and students (science learning goals) (principle 2)

� Program substance that prioritizes depth overbreadth (principle 3)

� A theory of teacher learning to guide thestructure, organization, and form of theprogram (principle 4)

� Video-based analysis-of-practice guided by anexplicit analysis process (principles 5, 11)

� Shared content, curriculum, and curriculummaterials (e.g., grade level specific, teaching thesame lessons) (principles 10, 11)

� Educative curriculum materials (principle 11)� Science content learning experiences that are

intertwined with and grow out of analysis-of-practice work (principle 6)

� Scaffolded teaching practice (principle 7)� Expertise and leadership support from PD Leaders

and clear specification of how their roles changeover time (principles 15, 16)

� Support for PD leader development (principle 17)

Of course, a refined consensus cannot be built basedon findings from this one study. Additional research isneeded before this list of nominated features can changethe field’s consensus about effective PD (and effectiveVbPD, in particular). There is some existing researchthat examines the impact of science PD on both teacherand student learning and supports some of theseSTeLLA nominations. For example, results from theHeller et al. study (2012) support the intertwining of sci-ence content learning with analysis-of-practice activities.The importance of scaffolding by knowledgeable PDleaders emerged in studies by Greenleaf et al. (2011),Heller et al. (2012), and Penuel et al. (2011). But none ofthese studies looked specifically at video-based PD.Clearly more research is needed.We hope that this analysis of lessons learned from the

STeLLA design principles can be useful for the design,implementation, and study of other professional devel-opment experiences for teachers, especially those thatfocus on video-based analysis of practice. We believethat an evidence-based articulation of VbPD design prin-ciples for the field would represent a major step forwardin our knowledge about effective PD. This could help usmove from the current surface level recommendationsabout “effective” PD that are today so widely used toguide the development of science teacher professionaldevelopment programs to a set of well-specified, coher-ent design principles that are linked to evidence ofstudent learning.

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Appendix 1

Table 4 Summary of STeLLA Student Thinking Lens strategies

Strategy When Purpose

Questions that reveal andchallenge student thinking

1. Ask questions to elicit studentideas and predictions

Before learning goal is developed To reveal students’ initial ideas,predictions, misconceptions, andexperiences

2. Ask questions to probe studentideas and predictions

Any time To reveal more about a given student’scurrent thinking

3. Ask questions to challengestudent thinking

As part of developing the learning goal To challenge student thinking in thedirection of the learning goal; to helpchange student thinking about thescience ideas

Activities that challengestudent thinking

4. Engage students in analyzingand interpreting data andobservations

As part of developing the learninggoal or after a learning goal hasbeen developed (as a “use andapply” activity)

To teach students how to organize,present, and analyze data in waysthat will reveal important patternsand relationships that can be usedin developing explanations

5. Engage students in constructingexplanations and arguments

As part of developing the learninggoal or after a learning goal hasbeen developed (as a “use andapply” activity)

To engage students in using evidenceand science ideas to explain observationsand data, and to develop arguments toassess the strengths and weaknessesof competing explanations.

6. Engage students in using andapplying new science ideas ina variety of ways and contexts

After learning goal has been developed To engage students in using newlylearned science ideas to explainnew situations, new phenomena,and new real-world connections; todemonstrate the wide usefulnessand value of the new ideas

7. Engage students in makingconnections by synthesizingand summarizing key science ideas

After learning goal has been developed To engage students in makingconnections among ideas, evidence,and experiences they have encounteredin the lesson(s)

8. Engage students incommunicating in scientific ways

Any time To engage students productively inscience practices and discourse

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Appendix 2

AbbreviationsBSCS: Biological Sciences Curriculum Study; CPP: California State PolytechnicUniversity, Pomona; LAP: Lesson Analysis Protocol (STeLLA); NGSS: NextGeneration Science Standards; NSF: National Science Foundation;PCK: Pedagogical content knowledge; PD: Professional development;PI: Principal Investigator; PLC: Professional learning community;PUSD: Pomona Unified School District; RESPeCT: Reinvigorating ElementaryScience through a Partnership with California Teachers; STeLLA: ScienceTeachers Learning from Lesson Analysis; TIMSS: Trends in InternationalMathematics and Science Study; VbPD: Video-based professionaldevelopment

AcknowledgementsThe authors thank Karen Askinas at BSCS for her work on finalizing the manuscriptfor publication. We also acknowledge the important contributions to this workmade by all those at LessonLab Research Institute (STeLLA-I), BSCS (STeLLA-II),California State Polytechnic University-Pomona (STeLLA-I and RESPeCT), andPomona Unified School District (RESPeCT) who played key roles in designing,implementing, leading, and scaling up the STeLLA video-based PD program.

FundingThe research reported in this study was funded by the National ScienceFoundation through three grant awards: 0310721, 0918277, and 1321242The funding body played no role in the design of the study; collection,analysis, and interpretation of data; or writing the manuscript.

Availability of data and materialsThe datasets supporting the conclusions of this article are included withinthe article and in two previously published papers that are appended in thesupplementary materials and listed in the references as:Roth, K. J., Garnier, H., Chen, C., Lemmens, M., Schwille, K., & Wickler, N. I. Z.(2011). Videobased lesson analysis: Effective science PD for teacher andstudent learning. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 48 (2), 117–148.Taylor, J. A., Roth, K.J., Wilson, C. D., Stuhlsatz, M. A., & Tipton, E. (in press):The effect of an analysis-of-practice, videocase-based, teacher professionaldevelopment program on elementary students’ science achievement,Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness.

Authors’ contributionsKJR, JB, NIZW, CH, JAT, PMB, and AC were involved in conceptualizing thisarticle, in reviewing and suggesting cuts/changes to drafts of the paperand in giving final approval of the version submitted. KJR, JB, NIZW, CH, JAT,PMB, and AC were involved in drafting the manuscript. Acquisition of data,statistical data analyses, and data interpretations were led by JAT, CDW,and PMB. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Authors’ informationKJR is Senior Research Scientist in science education at California StatePolytechnic University, Pomona CA. She was the Principal Investigator forthe STeLLA-I and STeLLA-II studies and is a co-Principal Investigator for theRESPeCT project.

Table 5 Summary of STeLLA Science Content Storyline Lens strategies

Strategy Purpose

Develop the science contentstoryline during planning

A. Identify one main learning goal To identify the complete science conceptyou want students to learn

B. Set the purpose with a focus questionor goal statement

To provide a focus for the lesson that keepsstudents’ attention on the main learning goal

C. Select activities that are matched to thelearning goal

To select activities that help studentsunderstand the main learning goal

D. Select content representations andmodels matched to the learning goaland engage students in their use

To select representations that help studentsdeepen their understanding of the mainlearning goal

E. Sequence key science ideas and activitiesappropriately

To develop a storyline that will make senseto students

I. Summarize key science ideas To plan how the storyline will be tiedtogether

Strategy When Purpose

Develop the science contentstoryline during teachingNOTE:Planning is a critical step inbeing prepared to revisit,highlight, and link.

B. Set the purpose with a focusquestion or goal statement

At the beginning and highlightthroughout

To focus students’ attention on the purposeof the lesson

F. Make explicit links betweenscience ideas and activities

□ Before each activity□ During each activity□ After each activity

To make the science content storyline visibleto studentsTo engage students in thinking about thescience ideas related to the activities

G. Link science ideas to otherscience ideas

□ Beginning: Link to ideas fromprevious lessons

□ During lesson: As appropriate□ End: Link ideas developed duringthe lesson and previous lessonsforeshadow next lesson

To make the storyline visible to studentsTo engage students in thinking about theconnections among science ideas

H. Highlight key science ideas andfocus question throughout

Multiple times during the lesson To make the main learning goal andsupporting ideas more visible to students

I. Summarize key science ideas End of lesson To tie the storyline together

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JB is Senior Science Educator at BSCS, CO. She is currently co-PrincipalInvestigator of a project studying STeLLA videobased professionaldevelopment at the high school level.NIZW is Research Director for the Center for Excellence in Mathematicsand Science Teaching at California State Polytechnic University, PomonaCA. She was co-Principal Investigator for the STeLLA-I study and is PrincipalInvestigator for the RESPeCT project.CH is Science Educator at BSCS, CO. She is a major contributor to the design,implementation, leadership, and research activities in the STeLLA line ofresearch at BSCS.JAT is Principal Scientist at BSCS, CO. He was co-Principal Investigator for theSTeLLA-II study.PMB is Associate Professor of Biology at California State Polytechnic University,Pomona CA. He is co-Principal Investigator for the RESPeCT project.AC is Associate Professor of Mathematics at California State PolytechnicUniversity, Pomona CA. He is co-Principal Investigator for the RESPeCT project.CDW is Senior Research Scientist at BSCS, CO. He served as PrincipalInvestigator for the STeLLA-II study in its final year and is currently PrincipalInvestigator for two STeLLA-related studies—one for preservice teachers andanother for high school biology teachers.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Consent for publicationIn each of the three studies reported here, participants (including teachers,parents, students) signed consent forms that included consent forpublication as long as each individual’s name/identity was not revealed.

Ethics approval and consent to participateEach of the three studies reported here went through rigorous reviewby a Human Subjects Review Committee (STeLLA-I at Lesson Lab ResearchInstitute, STeLLA-II at BSCS, and RESPeCT at Californai State PolytechnicUniversity, Pomona). All participants in the study gave informed consent.

Publisher’s NoteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affiliations.

Author details1California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, Building 4-2-515, 3801 WestTemple Ave, Pomona, CA 91768, USA. 2Biological Sciences Curriculum Study(BSCS), 5415 Mark Dabling Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80918, USA.

Received: 4 October 2016 Accepted: 25 May 2017

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