Page 1: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT of TEACHING MATERIALS · 2018. 10. 17. · • Interview by using an interview guide • Portfolio by using document work, creation, and or achievements of

Evi Suryawati, M.Ed, Ph.D

Email: [email protected]


Page 2: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT of TEACHING MATERIALS · 2018. 10. 17. · • Interview by using an interview guide • Portfolio by using document work, creation, and or achievements of


General Priciples: relevance, flexibility, continuity,practical, efficient, and effectiveness.Specific Principles: Should pay attention toEducational goals, contents of teaching materials,choice of teaching and learning process, mediaand tools for learning and also the choice forassessment method.


Important matter in learning process.

Education Units Level Curriculum since 2006/2007.School and Teacher determine step by step formaking and developing Curriculum, actively andcreatively.

Page 3: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT of TEACHING MATERIALS · 2018. 10. 17. · • Interview by using an interview guide • Portfolio by using document work, creation, and or achievements of


• Able to Understand Curriculum Developing• Setting Learning Goals• Determine appropriate learning experiences to achieve

learning objectives.• Selecting and arranging learning materials in accordance

with the chosen approach and characteristics oflearners.

• Develop indicators and instruments to assess.• Developing learning design components.• Compiling a complete lesson plan for activities in the

classroom, laboratory, and field.

Page 4: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT of TEACHING MATERIALS · 2018. 10. 17. · • Interview by using an interview guide • Portfolio by using document work, creation, and or achievements of

Development of Syllabus and Lesson Plan (RPP)

Lesson Planning

a guidance for teachers in order tosuit the quality of education withcurriculum demands

Quality of learning could be improved if teachers areable to make lesson planning such as Syllabus, RPP,LKS, Assessment, teaching materials, and mediumin accordance with the development of science andtechnology.

One of the stages of curriculum development is thepreparation of syllabus which according to language termmeaning outline, summary, overview, or an outline of thelearning program.

Page 5: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT of TEACHING MATERIALS · 2018. 10. 17. · • Interview by using an interview guide • Portfolio by using document work, creation, and or achievements of


An orderly arrangement of learning a particular subject matter in class / certain

semester or a set of plans and implementation of learning and its


Page 6: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT of TEACHING MATERIALS · 2018. 10. 17. · • Interview by using an interview guide • Portfolio by using document work, creation, and or achievements of


Contains thing that can address the followingissues:

• What competencies will be developed instudents?

• How to develop it?• How to find out that these competencies are

achieved by students?

Page 7: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT of TEACHING MATERIALS · 2018. 10. 17. · • Interview by using an interview guide • Portfolio by using document work, creation, and or achievements of

Syllabus Format Examples (1)


Basic Competencies


Learning Experience Indicator Assessment



Sources / materials /


SYLLABUSSchool Name : Subject : Classes / Programs : Semester :

Page 8: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT of TEACHING MATERIALS · 2018. 10. 17. · • Interview by using an interview guide • Portfolio by using document work, creation, and or achievements of

Syllabus Format Examples (2)



Learning activities

Value of Nation’s

CharacterIndicator Assessment



Sources / materials /


SYLLABUSSchool Name :Subject :Class :Semester :Competency Standards :

Page 9: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT of TEACHING MATERIALS · 2018. 10. 17. · • Interview by using an interview guide • Portfolio by using document work, creation, and or achievements of


A plan that describes the procedures andorganization of learning in order to achieve abasic competence which defined in the contentstandards and described in the syllabus.

RPP broadest scope includes the basiccompetencies of several indicators for one ormore sessions.

Page 10: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT of TEACHING MATERIALS · 2018. 10. 17. · • Interview by using an interview guide • Portfolio by using document work, creation, and or achievements of


• Learning Objectives,• Learning Materials,• Learning methods,• Steps of learning activities,• Learning Resources / media,• Assessment.

Page 11: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT of TEACHING MATERIALS · 2018. 10. 17. · • Interview by using an interview guide • Portfolio by using document work, creation, and or achievements of

Writing Steps RPP

Catatan:– RPP compiled for one Basic Competence.– Competency Standards, Basic Competencies, and Indicators quoted from

the syllabus prepared by the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP)or education unit.

– Allocation of time calculated to achieve a relevant basic competence, whichis expressed in number of hours lessons and meetings.

Name of schoolsubject

Class / SemesterCompetency Standards

Basic Competencyindicator

Allocation of Time

1. Mention the Identity

Page 12: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT of TEACHING MATERIALS · 2018. 10. 17. · • Interview by using an interview guide • Portfolio by using document work, creation, and or achievements of

Writing Steps RPP

Contains the operational control ofcompetencies targeted / achieved in the lessonplan.Learning objectives formulated in the form ofoperational statement from basic competencies.Learning objectives may consist of single orseveral objective.

2. Including Learning Objectives

Page 13: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT of TEACHING MATERIALS · 2018. 10. 17. · • Interview by using an interview guide • Portfolio by using document work, creation, and or achievements of

Learning material are materials used to achievelearning objectives. Learning materials weredeveloped with reference to the subject mattercontained in the syllabus.

3. Include Learning Materials

4. Include Learning Method

Method can be interpreted as a method completely, but itcan also be interpreted as a model or approach to learning,depending on the characteristics of approach and / orstrategy chosen.

Writing Steps RPP

Page 14: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT of TEACHING MATERIALS · 2018. 10. 17. · • Interview by using an interview guide • Portfolio by using document work, creation, and or achievements of

Writing Steps RPP

The selection of learning resources refers to the formula containedin the syllabus developed by the educational unit. Include referralsources, environment, media, speakers, tools, and materials.Learning resources write in a more operational way. For example, InRPP should be included the textbook title, author, and pagesreferred to.

Include Steps of the Learning Activity

Contains elements of preliminary activities / openers, coreactivities, and closing activities.

6. Include Learning Resources

Page 15: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT of TEACHING MATERIALS · 2018. 10. 17. · • Interview by using an interview guide • Portfolio by using document work, creation, and or achievements of

Writing Steps RPP • Assessment described based on valuation

techniques, form of instruments, and examplesof instruments used to collect data.

• Can be written in the form of horizontal orvertical matrix.

• When assessment using a technique likedescriptions written tests, performance tests,and homework assignments as a project, theassessment must be accompanied by anassessment rubric.

• Assessment of students achieving basiccompetency, is based on indicators.

7. Including Assessment

In the assessment, there are three important components,which include: (a) assessment techniques, (b) form ofinstruments, and (c) examples of instruments.

Page 16: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT of TEACHING MATERIALS · 2018. 10. 17. · • Interview by using an interview guide • Portfolio by using document work, creation, and or achievements of


• Written tests, can be either essaytest/descriptions, multiple choice, filling,matching and so on.

• Oral tests, in the form of a list of questions.• Performance Test, could be in the form of

identification test, simulation test , andtesting work product quote, work quotestest procedures, or test procedures andproduct quotes work.

• Assignments, such as homeworkassignments or projects.

A. AssessmentTechnique

The ways it took for obtain information about theprocess and the resulting product of learningundertaken by learners. Which in general can becategorized as tests and non-test techniques.

B. Form of Instruments

• Observation by using theobservation sheet.

• Interview by using an interviewguide

• Portfolio by using documentwork, creation, and orachievements of learners.

• Self-assessment by using self-assessment sheet.

Page 17: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT of TEACHING MATERIALS · 2018. 10. 17. · • Interview by using an interview guide • Portfolio by using document work, creation, and or achievements of

Examples of instruments can be written in thematrix column syllabus available.However, if it deems that difficult because thecolumn available is not sufficient, furtherexamples of assessment instruments are put inthe attachment.

C. Examples of Instruments


Page 18: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT of TEACHING MATERIALS · 2018. 10. 17. · • Interview by using an interview guide • Portfolio by using document work, creation, and or achievements of

LESSON PLAN (RPP)Secondary School/ : ...................................Subject : ...................................Class/Semester : ...................................Competency Standard : ...................................Basic Competencies : ...................................Indicator : ...................................Time Allocation : … lesson hour (… x meeting)A. Learning Objectives : ...................................B. Learning Materials : ...................................C. Learning Methods : ..................................D. Steps of Learning Activity

First Meeting: Initial activitiesCore activitiesEnd activities

Second meeting: Initial activitiesCore activitiesEnd activities

And so on.E. Learning resources / tools and materials : ...................................F. Assessment : ...................................

