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Depression still not treated as a Chronic Condition

A 2015 survey by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) revealed that nearly

16.1 million American adults aged 18 or older suffered from at least one major depressive

episode during a year prior to the survey. Clearly, depression is the most common mental

disorder in the country, accounting for serious disabilities such as loss of pleasure in daily

activities, development of other medical conditions and even suicidal tendencies. Thus, a

constant battle with the resulting mental afflictions causes the body’s energy to diminish,

leaving patients feeling helpless and miserable most of the time.

Generally, trustworthy family physicians are the first point of contact for individuals suffering

from depression. Additionally, with the dearth of mental health care professionals and long

wait times for public mental health care services, more and more family doctors are being

entrusted with the responsibility of treating patients diagnosed with mental disorders, such

as anxiety and depression.

Sadly, most general

health practitioners

refrain from

treating depression

in the same manner

as other chronic

physical health

ailments, such as

diabetes and


However, mental

health professionals

suggest that the

approach to mental

illness management

should be on the

same lines as in the

case of other chronic conditions, which demand regular visits and check-ups, treatment

adherence and spreading awareness about the disorder to the patients and their families.

"When we treat high blood pressure, the blood pressure may start at 150 over 95, and then

it’s monitored over time until it gets to a level that’s being aimed for," said Dr. Jeffrey

Borenstein, President and CEO of the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation.

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“If we actually treat depression as a chronic illness and use the level of tools we’re using for

diabetes, then we’ll be able to better treat patients — and help them live healthier lives and

more productive lives,” he added.

Increased stigma associated with depression

Living in a culture where feeling vulnerable is considered a sign of weakness often exacerbates

the stigma surrounding depression. In fact, even close friends and family members do not

give the same amount of importance to depression as they would give in the case of other

physical ailments. It is sad that the prevailing negative attitudes regarding mental health

problems deprive millions of people of the treatment and care that they deserve.

Six years ago, when George, 42, a businessperson from Texas, was hospitalized due to strong

suicidal tendencies triggered by dreadful feelings of dejection and hopelessness, everything

seemed to be upside down. However, after spending a considerable time on antidepressants,

coupled with cognitive therapy, he was astonished that his wife, Janet was indifferent to all

what he had gone through. Sadly, his wife never considered depression as a serious problem

because she grew up believing that it is not okay for men to be vulnerable and show their

feelings. Moreover, she said that she was embarrassed about him being depressed.

However, despite the fact that social stigma associated with mental disorders has been

reducing gradually, the truth is that mental health problems continue to exist and affect

millions of people worldwide. To add to the woes, there are many people across the country

who have only a limited access to specialty mental health care services and also lack insurance

coverage for such disorders.

Seeking professional help

Emotional health is as important as physical health. If you or your loved one is suffering from

depression, get in touch with the Florida Depression Helpline to know about the best

depression treatment centers in Florida. You may call at our 24/7 helpline number 866-267-

5177 to know about the best drug depression rehab centers in Florida or in other parts of the


For more information, please visit
