Download pptx - Depression

Page 1: Depression


Disclaimer: This is a project for a high school AP psychology course. This is a fictionalized account of having a psychological ailment. For questions about

this blog project or its content please email the teacher Chris Jocham: [email protected]

Page 2: Depression

• Feelings of worthlessness, lack of self worth

• Presence of guilt and anxiety.

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• General thoughts of suicide, reduced sex drive, lack of interest in social activities

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• Withdrawal from society and many social function. Prefers isolation.

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• I have general feelings of fatalism and complacency to fate and misfortunes.

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• Antidepressants are often used to cure my case of depression. Drugs such as Zoloft is effective in dealing with depression.

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• Psychotherapy can be delievered by family or doctors in order to alleviate the symptoms of depression.

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• If worse comes to worse, ECT is another extreme way to deal with depression by means of electricity running through the brain.

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• Major depressive episodes can be resolved if they are treated. Within a few months, reductions in symptoms can be noted.

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• Average lengths of depression episodes last around 23 weeks, while recovery can be speedy as 3 months.

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• Life is pointless. There exists no will, no destiny, no nothing. My body screams of the pain caused by the irregularity of digestion and sleep associated with depression.

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• The days are getting darker and longer. I feel no more will to live. Only to dwell within my own darkness.

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• By with any illness, there always exists a cure. Through medication and therapy, I will overcome and endure.
