
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST Slide 1

13-14. Query Processing and Optimization13-14. Query Processing and Optimization

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• Users are expected to write “efficient” queries. But they do not always do that!– Users typically do not have enough information about the database

to write efficient queries. E.g., no information on table size

– Users would not know if a query is efficient or not without knowing how the DBMS’s query processor work

• DBMS’s job is to optimize the user’s query by:– Converting the query to an internal representation (tree or graph)

– Evaluate the costs of several possible ways of executing the query and find the best one.

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Steps in Query ProcessingSteps in Query Processing

SQL query

Execution Plan



Parse Tree

Query Parsing

Code Generation

Query Optimization

Runtime DB Processor



Join Employee and Projectusing hash join, … ...

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• File scan scan all records of the file to find records that satisfy selection condition

• Binary search when the file is sorted on attributes specified in the selection condition

• Index scan using index to locate the qualified records– Primary index, single record retrieval equality comparison on a primary

key attribute with a primary index

– Primary index, multiple records retrieval comparison condition <, >, etc. on a key field with primary index

– Clustering index to retrieve multiple records

– Secondary index to retrieve single or multiple recordsWhen would file scan be better than index scan?When would file scan be better than index scan?

Select OperationSelect Operation

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OP1 AND OP2 (e.g., EmpNo=123 AND Age=30) Conjunctive selection: Evaluate the condition that has an index created (I.e., that

can be evaluated very fast), get the qualified tuples and then check if these tuples satisfy the remaining conditions.

Conjunctive selection using composite index: if there is a composite index created on attributes involved in one or more conditions, then use the composite index to find the qualified tuples

Complete Employee RecordsComplete Employee RecordsEmpNoEmpNo AgeAge012012 2525123123 3030


Conjunctive selection by intersection of record pointers: if secondary indexes are available, evaluate each condition and intersect the sets of record pointers obtained.

Conjunctive ConditionsConjunctive Conditions

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When there are more than one attribute with an index:

– use the one that costs least, and

– the one that returns the smallest number of qualified tuple

Disjunctive select conditions: OP1 or OP2 are much more costly: potentially a large number of tuples will qualify costly if any one of the condition doesn’t have an index created

selectivity of a condition is the number of tuples that satisfy the condition divided by total number of tuples.

The smaller the selectivity, the fewer the number of tuples retrieved, and the higher the desirability of using that condition to retrieve the records.

Conjunctive Conditions (cont.)Conjunctive Conditions (cont.)

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• Join is one of the most time-consuming operations in query processing.

• Two-way join is a join of two relations, and there are many algorithms to evaluate the join.

• Multi-way join is a join of more than two relations; different orders of evaluating a multi-way join have different speeds

• We shall study methods for implementing two-way joins of form


Join OperationJoin Operation

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Nested (inner-outer) Loop: For each record r in R (outer loop), retrieve every record s from S (inner loop) and check if r[A] = s[B].


Join Algorithm: Nested (inner-outer) LoopJoin Algorithm: Nested (inner-outer) Loop

for each tuple r in Rdo for each tuple s in S

do if r.[A] = s[B] then output result





m tuples in R

n tuples in S

m*n checkings

R and S can be reversed

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If an index (or hash key) exists, say, on attribute B of S, should we put R in the outer loop or S? Why?

Records in the outer relation are accessed sequentially, an index on the outer relation doesn’t help;

Records in the inner relations are accessed randomly, so an index can retrieve all records in the inner relation that satisfy the join condition.

When One Join Attributes is IndexedWhen One Join Attributes is Indexed




SSindex on Sindex on S

for each tuple r in Rdo lookup r.[A] in S

if found then output resultend

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST Slide 10

Sort-merge join: if the records of R and S are sorted on the join attributes A and B, respectively, then the relations are scanned in say ascending order, matching the records that have same values for A and B.




Sort-Merge JoinSort-Merge Join

• R and S are only scanned once.• Even if the relations are not sorted,

it is better to sort them first and do sort-merge join then doing double-loop join.

• if R and S are sorted, n + m• if not sorted:

n log(n) + m log(m) + m + n

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Hash-join: R and S are both hashed to the same hash file based on the join attributes. Tuples in the same bucket are then “joined”.



00010001 000200020002000200020002

00040004 0005000500050005




Hash Join MethodHash Join Method

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• Disk accesses are based on blocks, not individual tuples• Main memory buffer can significantly reduce the number of disk

accesses– Use the smaller relation in outer loop in nested loop method– Consider if 1 buffer is available, 2 buffers, m buffers

• When index is available, either the smaller relation or the one with large number of matching tuples should be used in the outer loop.

• If join attributes are not indexed, it may be faster to create the indexes on-the-fly (hash-join is close to generating a hash index on-the-fly)

• Sort-Merge is the most efficient; the relations are often sorted already • Hash join is efficient if the hash file can be kept in the main memory

Hints on Evaluating Joins Hints on Evaluating Joins

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• Give a relational algebra expression, how do we transform it to a more efficient one?

Query Optimization Query Optimization

• Use the query tree as a tool to rearrange the operations of the relational algebra expression

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A Query Tree A Query Tree

Empolyee (EmpNo, EmpName, Address, Birthdate, DeptNo)Department (DeptNo, DeptName, MgrNo)Project (ProjNo, ProjName, ProjLocation, DeptNo)WorksOn (EmpNo, ProjNo, Hours)











Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST Slide 15

Structure and Execution of a Query Tree Structure and Execution of a Query Tree

• A query tree is a tree structure that corresponds to a relational algebra expression by representing the input relations as leaf nodes and the relational algebra operations as internal nodes of the tree

• An execution of the query tree consists of executing an internal node operation whenever its operands are available and then replacing that internal node by the relation that results from executing the operation

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Heuristics for Optimizing a Query Heuristics for Optimizing a Query

• A query may have several equivalent query trees• A query parser generates a standard canonical

query tree from a SQL query tree– Cartesian products are first applied (FROM)– then the conditions (WHERE)– and finally projection (SELECT)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST Slide 17


ProjLocation=‘Stafford’ AND MgrNo=EmpNo AND DeptNo=DeptNo,



The query optimizer transforms this canonical query into an efficient final query

Heuristics for Optimizing a Query Heuristics for Optimizing a Query

select ProjNo, DeptNo, EmpName, Address, Birthdate

from Project, Department, Employee

where ProjLocation=‘Stafford’ and

MrgNo=EmpNo and


Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST Slide 18

Find the names of employees born after 1957 who work on a project named ‘Aquarius’

select EmpName

from Employee, WorksOn, Project

where ProjName=‘Aquarius’ AND

Project.ProjNo=WorksOn.ProjNo AND

Employee.EmpNo = WorksOn.EmpNo AND

Birthdate >‘DEC-31-1957’

WorksOn (EmpNo, ProjNo, Hours)


ProjName=‘Aquarius’ AND Project.ProjNo=Project.ProjNo

AND Employee.EmpNo=WorksOn.EmpNo

AND Birthdate > ‘DEC-31-1957’



Example Example

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Birthdate > ‘dec-31-1957’


Example Example

Push all the conditions as far downthe tree as possible

Expensive due to largeExpensive due to largesize of Employeesize of Employee

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Example Example






Birthdate > ‘dec-31-1957’



Rearrange join sequence accordingto estimates of relation sizes

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Only need ProjNo attribute fromProject and WorksOn

Only need EmpNo attribute fromEmployee and WorksOn andEmpName from Employee

Example Example

Replace cross products and selectionsequence with a join operation EmpName

EmpNo= EmpNo



Birthdate > ‘dec-31-1957’


ProjNo= ProjNo

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST Slide 22

Example Example

Push projection as far down thequery tree as possible


EmpNo = EmpNo


Birthdate > ‘dec-31-1957’




ProjNo= ProjNo

EmpNo, EmpNameEmpNo

EmpNo, ProjNo ProjNo

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST Slide 23

1. Cascade of : A conjunctive selection condition can be broken up into a cascade (sequence) of individual operations:

• c1 AND c2 AND...AND cn(R) c1



2. Commutativity of :c1

(c2(R)) c2


3. Cascade of :

• List1(List2

(... (Listn(R))... )) List1


if List1 is included in List2…Listn; result is null if List1 is not in any of List2…Listn

Transformation RulesTransformation Rules

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4. Commuting with : if the projection list List1 involves only attributes that are in condition c

• List1(c(R)) c(List1(R))

5. Commutivity of JOIN or : R S S R

6. Commuting with JOIN: if all the attributes in the selection condition c involve only the attributes of one of the relations being joined, say, R

• c(R S) (c(R)) S

Transformation Rules (Cont.)Transformation Rules (Cont.)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST Slide 25

7. Commuting with JOIN: if List can be separated into List1 and List2 involving only attributes from R and S, respectively, and the join condition c involves only attributes in List:

• List(R c S) (List1(R) c List2


8. Commuting set operations: and are commutative

9. JOIN, , , are associative

10. distributes over , , • c (R S) c(R) c(S)

11. distributes over • List (R S) (List(R) List(S))

Transformation Rules (Cont.)Transformation Rules (Cont.)

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Use rule 1 to break up any operation with conjunctive conditions into a sequence of operations

Use rules 2, 4, 6, and 10 concerning commutativity of with other operations to move each operation as far down the query tree as possible based on the attributes in the operations

Use rule 9 concerning associativity of binary operations to rearrange the leaf nodes of the tree so that the leaf node relations with the most restrictive operations are executed

Heuristic Algebraic OptimizationHeuristic Algebraic Optimization

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST Slide 27

Combine sequences of Cartesian product and operation representing a join condition into single JOIN operations

Use rules 3, 4, 7, and 11 concerning the cascading of and commuting with other operations, break down a and move the projection attributes down the tree as far as possible

Identify subtrees that represent groups of operations that can be executed by a single algorithm (select/join followed by project)

Heuristic Algebraic Optimization (Cont.)Heuristic Algebraic Optimization (Cont.)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST Slide 28

Estimation of the Size of JoinsEstimation of the Size of Joins

• The Cartesian product r s contains nrns tuples; each tupleoccupies sr + ss bytes.

• If R S = , then r s is the same as r x s.• If R S is a key for R, then a tuple of s will join with at most one

tuple from r; therefore, the number of tuples in r s is no greater than the number of tuples in s.If R S in S is a foreign key in S referencing R, then the number of tuples in r s is exactly the same as the number of tuples in s.The case for R S being a foreign key referencing S is symmetric.


Matching tuples

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Example of Size EstimationExample of Size Estimation

• In the example query depositor customer, customer-name in depositor is a foreign key of customer; hence, the result has exactly depositor tuples, which is 5000.

• Data: R = Customer, S = Depositorcustomer = 10,000

fcustomer = 25

bcustomer = 10000/25 = 400

depositor = 5,000

fdepositor = 50

bdepositor = 5000/50 = 100

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Estimation of the size of JoinsEstimation of the size of Joins

• If R S = {A} is not a key for R or S.If we assume that every tuple t in R produces tuples in R S, number of tuples in R S is estimated to be:

r s

V(A, s)• If the reverse is true, the estimates

obtained will be: r s

V(A, r)

• The lower of these two estimates is probably the more accurate one.

Number of distinct values of A in s


s V(A, s)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST Slide 31

Estimation of the size of JoinsEstimation of the size of Joins

• Compute the size estimates for depositor customer without using information about foreign keys: customer = 10,000

depositor = 5,000V(customer-name, depositor ) = 2500 V(customer-name, customer ) = 10000

– The two estimates are 5000 * 10000/2500 = 20,000 and

5000 * 10000/10000 = 5000

– We choose the lower estimate, which, in this case, is the same as our earlier computation using foreign keys.

There are 5,000 tuples in depositor relation but has only 2,500 distinct depositors, so every depositor has two accounts

Customer-name is unique

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Nested-Loop Join (Tuple-Based)Nested-Loop Join (Tuple-Based)

• Compute the theta join, r s for each tuple tr in r do begin

for each tuple ts in s do begin test pair (tr, ts) to see if they satisfy the join condition

if they do, add tr · ts to the result.

End end

• r is called the outer relation and s the inner relation of the join.

• Requires no indices and can be used with any kind of join condition.

• Expensive since it examines every pair of tuples in the two relations.– For each tuple in the outer relation (r), loop through all ns tuples in

the inner relation (s)

– Cost is nr x ns

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Cost of Nested-Loop JoinCost of Nested-Loop Join

• If there is enough memory to hold only one block of each relation, the estimated cost is nr * bs + br disk accesses

• If the smaller relation fits entirely in memory, use it as the inner relation. This reduces the cost estimate to br + bs disk accesses.– br + bs is the minimum possible cost to read R and S once– Putting both relations in memory won’t reduce the cost further

br disk accesses toload R into buffer


For each tuple in r, S has to be

read into buffer, bs disk accesses

no. of bocks in rno. of bocks in s

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST Slide 34

Nested-Loop Join with Buffers (Still Tuple Based)

Nested-Loop Join with Buffers (Still Tuple Based)

• The algorithm is the same as in the previous slide– Tuples are fetched and compared one by one according to the double loop– OS or DBMS fetches a tuple from buffer if it is already there

br disk accesses toload R into buffer


For each tuple in r, S has to be

read into buffer, bs disk accesses

• At this point, one block of r is read, and the first r-tuple has been compared to 3 s-tuples (1 block of s)

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Nested-Loop Join with Buffers (Still Tuple Based)

Nested-Loop Join with Buffers (Still Tuple Based)

br disk accesses toload R into buffer


• At this point, the first r-tuple has been compared to 6 s-tuples • The next step begins with the 2nd tuple in r’s buffer; no access to r on

disk is needed; however, the s-tuples have to be read from disk again

• Total cost = nr * bs + br disk accesses

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Rewriting the Nested-Loop JoinRewriting the Nested-Loop Join

• To make use of the buffer efficiently, the algorithm has to be buffer-aware

• for each block Br in r do beginfor each block Bs in s do begin Do all tuples in Br and Bs: Br Bs

end end


•Total cost = br * bs + br disk accesses

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• To make use of the buffer efficiently, the algorithm has to be rewritten

• for each block Br in r do beginfor each block Bs in s do begin Do all tuples in Br and Bs: Br Bs

end end

• Total cost = br * bs + br disk accesses

Rewriting the Nested-Loop JoinRewriting the Nested-Loop Join

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• To make use of the buffer efficiently, the algorithm has to be rewritten

• for each block Br in r do beginfor each block Bs in s do begin Do all tuples in Br and Bs: Br Bs

end end

• Total cost = br * bs + br disk accesses

Rewriting the Nested-Loop JoinRewriting the Nested-Loop Join
