Page 1: Dental Teeth Whitening in Encinitas: Beautiful Bright Smiles the Easy Way

Dental Teeth Whitening in Encinitas: Beautiful Bright Smiles the Easy Way

This article explores the inevitability of tooth discoloration with time, aging and exposure to various substances. Teeth whitening treatments are then explored as the easiest, quickest and most affordable of all the cosmetic procedures available. Dental Teeth Whitening in Encinitas: Introduction Dental teeth whitening in Encinitas offers a comprehensive, quick, easy and inexpensive solution for those pearly whites that are just, well, not that pearly white anymore! It is a fact of life and of aging; our teeth lose their lustrous gleam, no matter how well we look after them. Of course factors such as poor oral hygiene and smoking serve to rapidly speed up the process of natural aging as well as increase your susceptibility to tooth decay and gum disease, which both take their toll on tooth color. Ultimately, however, we would all love our teeth to look a lovely, healthy white. A healthy smile is sexy and combined with the confidence it brings, it plays a huge role in our social and professional success. For this reason, one of the most popular of the cosmetic dental treatments available is dental teeth whitening in Encinitas: A procedure that is not only completely safe, quick and affordable, but offers results that are worthy of red carpet movie premiers! Dental Teeth Whitening in Encinitas: Combating Tooth Discoloration Our teeth are made from an extremely hard material called enamel. While it is this substance that enables us to bite into hard and crunchy foods without damaging or hurting ourselves, ultimately, we cannot take our teeth for granted. They do chip, crack, break, decay, fall out and become discolored. There are a great variety of cosmetic treatments available that can help us to maintain and often improve upon the appearance of our teeth and as it was said, one of the quickest, easiest and most affordable of them all is dental teeth whitening in Encinitas. You may be dedicated to your oral hygiene, even obsessive, but your penchant for a cup of coffee in the mornings and a glass of red wine with your dinner will eventually cause your teeth to become discolored. You may even have been born with teeth that are more yellow than white. Whatever the reason, a beautiful and radiant smile is easily within reach thanks to dental teeth whitening in Encinitas. So, how does it work and what are the risks? Dental Teeth Whitening in Encinitas: The Fine Print The fabulous news about dental teeth whitening in Encinitas is that it is completely safe and poses absolutely no risk to your oral health. The treatment is more a process than a procedure; you have molds taken of your teeth that will aid in the fabrication of a custom mouth-guard. Once this has been completed, you may collect it from the dental office along with our special bleaching agent and you will be ready to begin your dental teeth whitening in Encinitas.

Page 2: Dental Teeth Whitening in Encinitas: Beautiful Bright Smiles the Easy Way

Essentially, you need to wear your mouth-guard with the bleaching agent for a few hours per day, every day (usually no longer than a week), until you are satisfied with the level of whiteness. Thereafter, you may choose to wear your mouthguard every now and then when you would like a brightness boost. Dental teeth whitening in Encinitas really is that simple. No catches and no risks. Only a beautiful and bright smile!
