Page 1: Dental problems in children: See if any of them is eyeing into your child


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Dental problems in children: See if any of them is eyeing into your child

Why should one keep checking on an oral health in children? There is a myth saying that child would normally not have the

dental problems sooner arising. How much is it a truth?

In fact, there are many oral issues that are found in children very commonly. Indeed, it’s a result of poor dental hygiene and oral

care that as parents, we have to look after at least for our kids who are underage and are unable to follow appropriate oral


Let’s us today see some common tooth problems in children,

Tooth Decay

No.1 enemy to child’s oral health! Children are prone to consume more sweet and sticky foodstuffs. Moreover, they often have

unattended oral care habits that results in tooth cavities with bacteria surviving and multiplying upon food particles or debris

stuck on teeth and gums. It leads to plaque formation further causing small breaks over teeth and damaging surround area.

Better oral hygiene should be ensured!

Page 2: Dental problems in children: See if any of them is eyeing into your child


Galaxy Mall, Nehrunagar Circle, Satellite Road,

Ahmedabad 380015 Gujarat, India.


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Abnormal Mouth Odor

We often say a bad breath! Inappropriate oral care and poorly followed teeth cleaning and flossing may cause several teeth and

gum issues. It results in dental plaque, teeth stains and dry mouth creating filthy mouth breath. Often a times, many physical

issues such as digestive problems etc. that are the causes of unhealthy oral conditions may also lead to bad breath!

Oral hygiene has again no other option but to follow strictly!

Tooth Sensitivity

It’s a painful situation where toothaches occur on eating and drinking hot, cold or sour food and beverages. Teeth enamels are

worn and torn out because of many reasons, therefore damaging the innermost part of the tooth, called root canal (pulp).

Infection and inflammation is spread and that area starts experiencing severe sensitivity.

Desensitizing toothpaste, nightguards can alleviate it!


Often called teeth grinding! A very common in child, mostly occurs at night when they are asleep. Causes teeth damage with

small cracks and breaks over them.

Nightguards should be worn!

Thumb Sucking

A usual childhood habit, many a times starting when a child is in womb and continuing until adulthood. Causes many dental

issues including teeth eruption, most unfortunately.

Many possible solutions. Ask your dentist the one that is most suitable to your child!

Gum Problems

Gingivitis, sort of periodontal disease! Again, it’s due to a plaque deposition over teeth and gums resulting in tooth damage and

bone loss. Gums become swollen, painful and infected with occasional bleeding. Bad breath, odd taste in mouth are the

indicators of gummy issues.

Better oral hygiene with brushing and flossing is a way out!

Overlapping Teeth

It occurs when the primary teeth are still in position and permanent teeth start coming out. It may clash a whole development

process, may be erupting the teeth that are permanent. This may also leave them misaligned.

Page 3: Dental problems in children: See if any of them is eyeing into your child


Galaxy Mall, Nehrunagar Circle, Satellite Road,

Ahmedabad 380015 Gujarat, India.


Phone : +91 79-26730407

E-mail : [email protected]

Frequent dental checkup is required to monitor a growth period to see if anything like this occurring!

Biting Problems

Malocclusion defines an improper teeth positioning typically when closing the jaws. It may evidence the teeth that are missing,

crowded or protruded.

Dental Care - Certainly, it’s must in our child! Appropriate dental cleaning and oral hygiene apart, regular dental consultation

should also be kept active. Caring parenthood has no other option but to go ahead with preventive dental care for children too!

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