
What your dentist should know Dental careand your heart

dental health and your heartCoronary Heart Disease (CHD) and Periodontal (gum and teeth) Disease (PD) affect many people in the UK and share several risk factors. Both are characterised by inflammation and the build-up of two different types of plaque:

♥ Periodontal disease is a chronic bacterial infection of the gums caused by a build-upof plaque on the teeth. Plaque is a sticky substance that contains bacteria and if notremoved by good cleaning will irritate your gums making them inflamed and sore.

♥ With heart disease, a different kind of cholesterol-rich plaque builds up in the arteries atsites where there is inflammation, a process known atherosclerosis which harms arteriesand the heart.

Looking after both your heart and your teeth and gums is very important and the best way to do this is by leading a heart-healthy lifestyle and practising good oral hygiene.

In the UK it is estimated that half the population has some degree of gum disease and most experience it at least once in their lifetime

spotting the early signs

You should make an appointment to see your dentist if your gums are inflamed or painful or bleed when brushing

Gum disease (also known as gingivitis) is an early sign of PD but can be reversed. You should make an appointment to see your dentist if your gums are inflamed or painful or bleed when brushing.

signs and symptoms of gum inflammation?

• Sore or swollen gums

• Gums regularly bleed when brushing

• Bad breath

symptoms of periodontal disease are significantly worse and also include

• Gums that have pulled away from your teeth

• Loose teeth

• A change in the way your teeth come together whenyou bite down

How to look after your heart and your teeth

Heart disease and PD have common risk factors. These include smoking, diabetes, ageing and possibly obesity and stress.

♥ Keep away from cigarettes—the chemicals in tobacco damage both your gums andyour arteries

♥ Eat a heart-healthy diet and include plenty of colourful fruit and vegetables rich inanti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals

♥ Exercise regularly and keep to a healthy weight

♥ Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste

♥ Use a good toothbrush and replace when worn

♥ Regularly floss your teeth and rinse with an anti-bacterial mouthwash

♥ Have regular check-ups and get your teeth professionally cleaned

♥ Make sure dentures fit properly

Healthy teeth are key to enjoying food and being able to chew a wide range of heart-healthy foods

healthy heart, happy smile

Everyone should be able to access good quality dental care

Your dentist will take complete care of your oral health and, if necessary, will arrange for your teeth to have a thorough clean to remove any hardened plaque. Your dentist or dental hygienist will also show you how to clean your teeth properly to help reduce plaque build-up.

If you have severe gum disease, you may need to have further surgical or non-surgical treatment carried out by a specialist in periodontics.

It is especially important to look after your teeth and gums during pregnancy —NHS dental care is free for pregnant women and for 12 months after giving birth.

Find a dentist local to you by conducting a postcode search on or use the dentist finder on or

Get young ones into good habits early, so that they take care of their gums, teeth and hearts from the start.

What your dentist should know

Heart Research UK is a national charity funding pioneering research into the prevention, treatment and cure of heart disease. We also support community-based lifestyle projects encouraging people to look after their heart health.

For more information contact us on 0113 297 6206 or email us at [email protected]

Visit our website

Registered charity no. 1044821. Heart Research UK, Suite 12D, Joseph’s Well, Leeds LS3 1AB.

more information You can find out more about the other risk factors for heart disease in our other HRUK lifestyle leaflets.

Exercise | healthy eating | fats | diabetes | women | blood pressure | cholesterol | south asians | stresss | general health heart advice

♥ Inform your dentist and dentalhygienist of any medicalconditions before treatment

♥ Inform your dentist of anymedication you are currentlytaking including self-medication

♥ Give your dentist the name andtelephone number of your GP orconsultant in case they need tobe contacted about your care

Remember, a heart-healthy lifestyle will do wonders for your teeth, heart and body, give you a brighter smile and help you to live a healthier, happier longer life.Brush, floss, eat healthily and visit your dentist regularly

Don’t neglect your oral health -

Talk to your dentist if you are worried or anxious about any aspect of your treatment, he or she will work with you on strategies to ease your fears

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