Download odt - Demon Hunters


A man walks along through a street that looks as if it was ripped right out of Victorian England, with along black coat, top hat and a cane he traverses the street. There are no electric street lights, such things long stopped working. In their places were lanterns, hanging from the old poles, filled with volatile oils. The man had been walking for almost an hour and not a single other soul had he come across. It wasn't until just after midnight that he passed a little girl in the street. She appeared to be no older than 12, with brunette hair in pigtails. Her dress was pink even though it was dirty, looking as if it hadn't been washed in months. The man stops and leans his head back, his black sunglasses worked as mirrors, seeing the dancing flames of the lamps in them. The little girl looked up at the man, the voice that came from her lips sounded as if pure evil was speaking through her.

You aren't welcome here slayer, your kind no longer rules this land, The little girls eyes glowed a bright bright red as she snarls at the man in the top hat. He reaches up and pulls the hat from his head, his long black hair was tied back in a pony tail.Oh excuse me, I didn't know that this was a possessed only road The man had a smirk of his own on his lips.Do not tempt me slayer! You speak down to us as if we are something less than you, but we all know that you are no better than us! The words from her lips were almost like poison, filling the air around them with a vile scent.Oh now now, we both know that isn't true. We are much better than you. That is the reason that in this very moment I'm gleaming with almost a thousand of your very kinds souls

The taunt was more than the demonic possessed girl could stand, she opened her hands as long claws grew from all her fingers, coming right out of the tips breaking through the skin. Her hair transformed into from the young girls pigtails to something that resembles dreadlocks, on the end of each lock there was a long metal spike. What was once only shoulder length was now almost dragging the ground. This was the demons true form.

I wondered how long it would take you to show yourself demon. I guess I have no choice but to kill you now He continued to smirk as he lifted the cane up off of the ground and pointed it straight up in the air. A moment later white energy would wrap around it, in an instant the weapon transformed from a simple walking cane to a single-handed long sword. The hat he clung to in the other hand transformed as well, but it changed into a revolver, he spun it around and took a fighting stance. You ready to dance demon?

With a snarl and scream the demon lunged at him, but the slayer nimble rolled to his right, the demon hitting the ground where he had been. The punch of the demon left a dent in the cobblestone road 4 inches deep. The slayer, with the agility of a cat leapt in, making a few perfectly placed strikes that caused the demon to howl in pain. She wouldn't go down lightly, with a quick counter attack she swung at the slayer. He knew what she would do, he had fought her kind before so he ducked under the attacks and with a massive opening he lunged the blade forward. The look on the demons face was one of pure and utter disbelief. Looking down she saw the blade sticking right through her sternum, the slayers strike had rung true. He pulled it back, freeing it from her form, flipping his wrist a few times he slung the black blood from it. The demon fell to the ground just as the sword turned back into a cane. Stepping over the dying demon he aimed the pistol at her head, closed his eyes and spoke a prayer. Demon of the darkness, being of the unholy light. In the name of our Father I purify your body, and claim the souls of all those who died at your hands. White light then appeared around him, rushing through the body of the demon tearing it to pieces. In seconds there was nothing left by the very souls that he spoke of. He held his hand out, touching them, the energy they held wrapped around his arm and then flew into his being, becoming one with him. In that moment he gained the knowledge of all the beings who's souls he now protected. Over 30 souls were now added to this slayers being, making him stronger, making him smarter, but also making him ever so slightly..less human.