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The Democracy Barometer is a new index of democracy. It aims to overcome the conceptual and methodological shortco

existing measures, in order to measure the subtle differences in the quality of established democracies.

Most of the previous indices of democracy have a minimalist conceptual basis which is useful to distinguish democratic fr 

non-democratic regimes. However, 'democracy' is a complex phenomenon and a minimalist measurement cannot do justi

The Democracy Barometer is therefore based on a middle range concept of democracy, embracing liberal as well as parti

ideas of democracy, which illuminate the phenomenon from different perspectives (also see conceptualization).

It consists of a stepwise theoretical deduction of fundamental elements of democracy. The starting point is the premise th

democratic system tries to establish a good balance between the normative, interdependent values of freedom and equali

that this requires control. In order to guarantee these three fundamental principles and thus the quality of democracy, nin

democratic functions need to be fulfilled. Every function is further disaggregated into two components each, which finally,

measured by several sub-components and indicators (also see conceptualization and codebook). The choice of indicator 

scales as well as the rules of aggregation rely on theoretical considerations and empirical tests (also see methodology).

Figure: Concept Tree (first three layers only)



Freedom Control Equality



LibertiesRule of law Public sphere Competition




CapabilityTransparenc y Participation

Democratic principles


Freedom refers to the absence of heteronomy, and freedom rights are above all rights which protect an individual from

infringements by the state. Historically, the most important of these rights are the right to life and property rights. The list o

freedom rights has grown over time, and the protection and guarantee of these rights under a secure rule of law have beof the minimal conditions for democratic regimes.

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Equality - particularly understood as political equality - means that all citizens are treated as equals in the political proces

equal rights to influence political decision-making and have equal access to political power.

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Freedom and equality can be seen as the most fundamental and driving principles in the development of modern territori

The two principles interact and can constrain each other but they are not generally irreconcilable. Guaranteeing as well a

optimizing and balancing freedom and equality are the core challenge of a democratic system. The third principle, control

equilibrate this unstable balance. However, control has two different meanings in democracies. On the one hand, citizens

control their representatives in the government in order to secure freedom and equality. This control can be exercised ver 

means of elections or horizontally by constitutional checks and balances. On the other hand, responsive governments mu

to act, which requires a certain amount of autonomy. The executive should only be limited by the democratic process and of page

Democratic functions

Individual liberties

The existence and guarantee of individual liberties is the most important prerequisite for democratic self- and co-determin

Individual liberties primarily secure the inviolability of the private sphere. This requires the right to physical integrity (comp

This component embraces constitutional human rights provisions and the ratification of important human rights conventio

seen as an indication that a culture maintains the effective right to physical integrity. The effective and real protection of th

mirrored by the fact that there are no transgressions by the state, such as torture or other cruel, inhumane, or degrading t

or punishments. Furthermore, "[S]tates are only effective in rights protection to the extent that citizens themselves are pre

acknowledge the rights of others". Thus, a high homicide rate and violent political actions restrict the effectiveness of the

physical integrity. The second component comprises another aspect of individual liberties, the right to free conduct of life.

one hand, this encompasses freedom of religion and freedom of movement. On the other hand, it requires that those righ

effective and in use. The third subcomponent embraces property rights that are to be protected adequately. Again, these

distinguish between constitutional provisions guaranteeing the free conduct of life and the effective implementation and ithese rights.

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Figure: function tree individual liberties

Figure: function tree rule of law 

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Rule of law

Rule of law designates the independence, the primacy, and the absolute warrant of and by the law. This requires the sam

prevalence of rights as well as formal and procedural justice for all individuals. Equality before the law (component 1) is b

constitutional provisions for the impartiality of courts. Additionally, the legal framework must be independent and effectivel

impartial, i.e., it must not be subject to manipulation. The quality of the legal system (component 2) depends on the consti

provided professionalism of judges and on the legitimacy of the justice system. The justice system cannot receive legitim

means of elections. Rather, judicial legitimacy is based on the citizens' confidence in the justice system and in the instituti

exercising the monopoly of legitimate force, as well as in the confidence in the police.

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Public sphere

The principle freedom is completed by the public sphere function. Here, individual rights have an essential collective purp

Taking part with others in expressing opinions and seeking to persuade and mobilise support are seen as important aspe

freedom. The communication about politics and moral norms takes place in the public sphere, and a vital civil society and

public sphere are ensured by means of freedom of association (component 1) and freedom of opinion (component 2). Fre

association must be constitutionally guaranteed. Additionally, according to the social capital research, a vital civil society r 

the density of associations with political and public interests. Formal social capital is seen as a sign of a well-functioning f 

articulation and collection of preferences. Freedom of opinion presupposes constitutional guarantees as well. In modern,

representative democracies, the opinion-making and diffusion within the public sphere is primarily carried out by the medi

media system. Public communication primarily takes place via mass media. Thus, media should provide a wide forum for discourse.

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Figure: function tree public sphere

Figure: function tree competition

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Vertical control of the government is established via free, regular, and competitive elections. Four components of democr 

competition can be distinguished, two of which – vulnerability (component 1) and contestability (component 2) – best con

our middle-range concept of democracy and our idea of vertical control. Vulnerability corresponds with the uncertainty of t

electoral outcome, which is indicated by the closeness of election results as well as the degree of concentration of parlia

legislative seats. Furthermore, formal rules have an impact on vulnerability: district size and the legal possibility of redistri

influence competition. Contestability refers to the stipulations that electoral competitors have to meet in order to be allowe

the race. The effective competition in elections is measured by the existence and the success of small parties. Effective e

measured by the total number of parties running for elections as well as by the quote of parliament parties and other parti


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Mutual constraints of constitutional powers

The horizontal and institutional dimension of control of the government is encompassed by mutual constraints of constituti

powers. The balance of powers first depends on the relationship between the executive and the legislature (component 1

effective opposition as well as constitutional provisions for mutual checks in terms of possibilities for deposition or dissolut

guarantee the mutual control of the first two branches. Of course, there must be additional checks of powers (component

one hand, mutual constraints are completed by the third branch in the form of constitutional jurisdiction, i.e., the guarante

possibility to review the constitutionality of laws. On the other hand, federalism is seen as an important means of control. I

the research on federalism, the degrees of decentralisation as well as the effective sub-national fiscal autonomy are incor 

into the measure.

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Figure: functiron tree mutual constraints of constitutional powers

Figure: function tree effective democratic governmental capability 

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Effective democratic governmental capability

One important feature of representative democracy is the chain of responsiveness. Citizens' preferences are collected, m

articulated, and aggregated by means of elections and translated into parliamentary or legislative seats. The chain has a

link, namely responsive implementation; i.e., the policy decisions must align with the initial preferences. A responsive

implementation, however, requires governmental capability, i.e., the availability of resources (component 1) and condition

efficient implementation (component 2). Resources must be available to ensure an effective and impartial implementation

decisions. Thus, government must count on high public support. Furthermore, long terms of legislature and governmental

facilitate a more continuous and thus more responsive implementation. Efficient implementation is more difficult when it e

opposition from groups of citizens that try to hinder it by means of strikes, demonstrations, or even illegitimate anti-govern

action. Conversely, an efficient bureaucracy can help to facil itate the implementation. The further criterion encompasses t

absence of the influence of nonpolitical actors.

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Transparency is an important prerequisite for equality. On the one hand, this requires no secrecy on the part of political

representatives. Political decisions should be openly communicated and justified, and media must not face political contr 

censorship. Moreover, secrecy can lead to corruption and bribery. Corruption hinders empowered inclusion and is consid

of low transparency. In addition to the practices of political office-holders, the provisions for a transparent political process

considered. On the one hand, an effective freedom of information legislation guarantees that official records concerning t

process are easily accessible. On the other hand, transparency depends on the structural conditions for the free flow of in

via different channels of communication. Hence, a country's media regulation should not restrict the media and their cont

strongly. Furthermore, a high diffusion of internet access among the public fosters transparency. Not only is the internet h

control and censor, it also offers various possibilities for communication and services to authorities.

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Figure: function tree transparency 

Figure: function tree participation

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In a high-quality democracy, citizens must have equal participation rights: all persons who are affected by a political decisi

have the right to participate in shaping that decision. This implies that all citizens in a state must have suffrage rights. Furt

these rights should be used in an equal manner. Equal respect and consideration of all interests by the political represent

possible only if participation is as widespread and as equal as possible. Therefore, equality of participation (component 1)

considered. Of course, the effective use of participation (component 2) is also important. Based on the idea that high turn

hand in hand with equal turnout, DB considers the level of electoral as well as non-institutionalised participation. Addition

effective use of participation can be facilitated by different rules (e.g., allowing people to vote in advance).

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In a democracy, all citizens must have the possibility of co-determination. In representative democracies, this is ensured

of representation agencies. Responsive democracies must ensure that all citizens' preferences are adequately represent

elected offices. On the one hand, this is ensured by substantive representation (component 1). High distortion in terms of 

disproportionality between votes and seats or in terms of low issue congruence among the representatives and the repre

signs of an unequal inclusion of preferences. Structural opportunities, such as a high number of parliamentary seats or di

democratic institutions, can help to better include preferences into the political system. On the other hand, equal consider 

citizens' preferences is ensured by descriptive representation (component 2), especially for minorities. The access to polit

for ethnic minorities must not be hindered by legal constraints. The DB also focuses on women as structural minorities. Arepresentation of all groups is necessary before a country can claim descriptive representation. Even after more than 100

women's suffrage rights, this claim should be fulfilled in any established democracy.

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Figure: function tree representation

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