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Deliverable N.: D5.1

Title: 1st General Assembly report including comments by the External Advisory Committee

Funding scheme: Coordination and support action Project Acronym: LEAP4NSSA Project Full Title: Support to the implementation of the Long-term EU-AU Research and

Innovation Partnership for Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture

Grant Agreement n°: 817663 Project duration: 48 months

Published by the LEAP4FNSSA Consortium Dissemination Level: Public

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 817663




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The project consortium is composed of: 

AUSTRIA  Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU) BURKINA FASO  Fonds National de la Recherche et de l'Innovation pour le Developpement (FONRID) CZECH REPUBLIC  Ceska Zemedelska Univerzita V Praze (CULS) DENMARK  Kobenhavns Universitet (UCPH) EGYPT  Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research  (MHESR) 

Knowledge Economy Foundation (KEF) ETHIOPIA  African Union – Union Africaine ‐ The African Observatory for Science Technology and 

Innovation (AOSTI) FINLAND  Luonnonvarakeskus (LUKE)  

Jyvaskylan Yliopisto (JYU)  FRANCE  Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) 

Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement  (CIRAD) – COORDINATOR 

GERMANY  Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE) Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt EV (DLR) Go Africa Katharina Kuss (GAKK) Universitaet Hohenheim (UHOH) 

GHANA  Council for Scientific and Industrial Research‐ Science and Technology Policy Research Institute (CSIR‐GH) Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa  (FARA) 

GREECE  Knowledge & Innovation Consultants ‐ Symvouleftiki Monoprosopi Epe (KINNO) HUNGARY  Szent Istvan University (SIU) ITALY  Centro Internazionale di Alti Studi Agronomici Mediterranei (CIHEAM‐IAMB)  KENYA  Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MEST)  

Network of African Science Academies (NASAC) NIGERIA  International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) PORTUGAL  Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia  (FCT)  SENEGAL   Ministere de l’Enseignement Superieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation (MESRI‐DFRSDT)  SOUTH AFRICA  Agricultural Research Council (ARC) 

Department of Science and Technology  (DST) National Research Foundation (NRF)  

SPAIN  Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentacion OA MP (INIA) SWEDEN  Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (SLU) THE NETHERLANDS  Stichting Wageningen Research (WR)  UGANDA  Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture Limited (Forum) by Guarantee 

(RUFORUM)  The Registered Trustees of the Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa  (ASARECA) 

UNITED KINGDOM   Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)  Natural Resources Institute‐University of Greenwich (NRI)  


This document reflects only the Author’s views and the European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. 

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Project number  817663  Acronym  LEAP4FNSSA 

Full title  Support to the implementation of the Long‐term EU‐AU Research and Innovation Partnership for Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture 

Project URL  Document URL   

EU Project Officer  Weissteiner Christof 

 Deliverable  Number  D5.1  Title  1st General Assembly report, including 

comments by the External Advisory Committee 

Work Package  Number  WP5  Title  Management and Coordination 

 Date of delivery  Contractual  M5  Actual 

V2 – M23  V1 – M5 

Status  Version 2.0  Final 

Final review  10/03/2019  Formatting by WP5  11/09/2020 

Type of document 

    prototype    X  report     demonstration     other 

Dissemination level     X  public     confidential 


Authors (Partner)  CIRAD, with contributions from all project Partners 

Responsible Authors  

and contributors 

Name  Jacques Lançon Philippe Petithuguenin  Email  [email protected]  

Partner  CIRAD  Phone   


Abstract (for dissemination) 

This 1st General Assembly took place in Accra, Ghana, at FARA’s Headquarters, from 30th January to 1st February 2019. After the official launch by the Honourable minister P. Appiagyei (MESTI, government of Ghana), 49 people,  representing 33 of  the 35  institutions of  the Consortium, participated to the General Assembly, as well as 2 members of the External Advisory Committee and two representatives of the European Commission. All  these officials outlined  in  their  speeches  the  strong policy dimension of  the LEAP4FNSSA Project  and  their  support  to  the Project  ambition  to put  in  place  a  sustainable partnership platform dedicated to the Europe‐Africa STI collaboration  in the FNSSA domain. This political support and this ownership of the Project by all partners are key assets to ensure the future sustainability of the proposed Platform. 

Keywords  Governance, management, implementation 

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Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................ 6 

1. Context and objectives ............................................................................................................ 7 

2. Venue ....................................................................................................................................... 7 

3. Before the General Assembly .................................................................................................. 8 

3.1.  The initial perception .......................................................................................................... 8 

3.2.  Kick off meeting and official launch .................................................................................... 9 

3.3.  Presentation of the External Advisory Committee ........................................................... 10 

3.4.  Round table ....................................................................................................................... 10 

3.5.  Wrap‐up of the day ........................................................................................................... 10 

4. Implementation of the actions .............................................................................................. 11 

4.1.  WP 1 ‐ Support to the FNSSA Partnership and the HLPD Bureau ..................................... 11 

4.2.  Work Package 2 ‐ Actors, Alliances, and Policies .............................................................. 12 

4.3.  Work Package 3 ‐ Information Generation and Knowledge Management ...................... 13 

4.4.  Work Package 4 ‐ Dissemination and communication ..................................................... 13 

4.5.  Work Package 5 ‐ Management and coordination ........................................................... 14 

4.6.  Work Package 6 – Ethics requirement .............................................................................. 15 

5. Cross cutting issues ................................................................................................................ 15 

5.1.  Gender .............................................................................................................................. 15 

5.2.  Administrative issues ........................................................................................................ 15 

5.3.  Quality management ........................................................................................................ 16 

5.4.  Way forward (at short notice) .......................................................................................... 16 

6. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 17 

Annex 1 ‐ Summary of the event ...................................................................................................................... 23 Annex 2 ‐ Detailed program ............................................................................................................................. 25 Annex 3 ‐ Participants ....................................................................................................................................... 27 Annex 4 ‐ Speeches........................................................................................................................................... 33 Annex 5 ‐ External Advisory Committee ........................................................................................................... 43 Annex 6 ‐ WP1 presentation ............................................................................................................................ 49 Annex 7 ‐ WP2 presentation ............................................................................................................................ 64 Annex 8 ‐ WP3 presentation .......................................................................................................................... 103 Annex 9 ‐ WP4 presentation .......................................................................................................................... 133 Annex 10 ‐ WP5 presentation ........................................................................................................................ 167 Annex 11 ‐ Ethics and Gender ........................................................................................................................ 189 Annex 12 ‐ Administrative issues ................................................................................................................... 221 Annex 13 ‐ Quality management .................................................................................................................... 318 Annex 14 ‐ Evaluation of the meeting ............................................................................................................ 346 

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AU    African Union AUC    African Union Commission AU‐EU   African Union‐European Union BtoB    Back to Back DCSP    Dissemination and Communication Strategy and Plan DG AGRI  Directorate‐General for Agriculture and Rural Development DG DEVCO  Directorate‐General for International Cooperation and Development   DMP   Data Management Plan DPO   Data Protection Officer e.g.    Exempli gratia (« for exemple ») EAB    Ethics Advisory Board EAC External Advisory Committee EC European Commission EU European Union EU‐AU    European Union‐African Union FNSSA Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture H2020    Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme H.E.    His/Her Excellency HLPD    High Level Policy Dialogue ICS Internal Communication System IDRC    International Development Research Centre IT    Information Technology KOM Kick Off Meeting LEAP4FNSSA   Long‐term EU‐AU Research and Innovation Partnership for Food and Nutrition 

Security and Sustainable Agriculture M    Month M&E    Monitoring and Evaluation PAEPARD    Platform for African‐European Partnership on Agricultural Research for Development PIMC    Programme and Innovation Management Cycle R&I    Research and Innovation REA   Research Executive Agency SCAR    Standing Committee on Agricultural Research STI   Science, Technology and Innovation SOM    Senior Official’s Meeting WG   Working Group WP   Work Package WRF    World Rural Forum AATF    African Agricultura Technology Foundation 

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Executive Summary

The  first  General  Assembly  of  the  LEAP4FNSSA  project  took  place  in  Accra,  Ghana,  at  FARA’s Headquarters, from January 30th to February 1st 2019. 

The project was officially  launched on the 30th January 2019, by the Honorable minister P. Appiagyei, Deputy Minister of Environment, Science, Technology and  Innovation  (MESTI) of  the government of Ghana, together with Dr Yemi Akinbamijo, Executive Director of FARA, Agnieska Romanowicz, Research Programme Officer at European Commission, DG AGRI, Philippe Mawoko, Executive Secretary of AOSTI, African Union Commission, and Philippe Petithuguenin, CIRAD  and  coordinator of  LEAP4FNSSA. The official opening was followed by a panel discussion between stakeholders representative of the Ghanaian agricultural sector and members of the project External Advisory Committee (EAC). 

The  programme  of  the  General  assembly  spread  over  1,5  days.  It  aimed  at  sharing  a  common understanding of the objectives, core values, planned activities, and cross‐cutting aspects of the Project. It also enabled the WPs’co‐leaders and their contributing institutions to fine‐tune the planning of their activities and to  launch their work. 49 people, representing 33 of the 35  institutions members of the project Consortium, participated actively to these discussions, as well as 2 members of the EAC, and two representatives of the European Commission (DG AGRI and REA).  

In general, the participants were rather satisfied with the organisation of the General Assembly, although they felt it was a little too short to develop extensive interactions within and between WPs’ partners. 

As a whole, the objectives of this first General Assembly were met, in particular as regards mobilising all consortium members around the content of each WP, the deliverables to produce, the general approach and the expected outcomes of LEAP4FNSSA, as they are all described in the project Grant Agreement.  

In particular, the strong policy dimension of LEAP4FNSSA was outlined and its ambition to put in place a functional,  attractive  and  sustainable  partnership  Platform  dedicated  to  the  Europe  Africa  STI collaboration in the FNSSA domain.  

It was also agreed to share with all partners various additional documents to facilitate the organisation of all WPs tasks and the good coordination between these tasks: list of events planned; detailed budget per partners, per WP and per Task; events description template; information and consultation on support tools (temporary web storage system, visio/phone communication systems…). 

The Project partners also benefited from the insights and recommendations of the EAC members, who pointed out the relevance of the project, its noble ambition and the commitment of the partners. They also suggested to improve the modalities, visibility and quality of the partnership between Consortium members. They also made precise recommendations on ways to monitor specific issues like gender or the progress made in the EU‐AU partnership. 

Finally, the European Commission (EC) representatives expressed their trust in the Consortium to deliver on the objectives of the project. They recommended to all project partners to pay attention to ensure an effective  coordination between  the  various WPs,  in particular  to  strengthen  the  synergies between activities and avoid potential overlaps. The Policy Officer indicated her willingness to help LEAP4FNSSA gain in institutional visibility by linking the project events to other official EC events.  

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Special thanks to Dr. Jonas Mugabe and the whole FARA team at FARA’s Head‐Quarters, in particular Ms. Faith  Isha  Jeng  and  Akouvi  Legbeze  and  the  IT  specialists,  for  their  commitment  and  the continuous, warm and efficient support to the participants. 

Particular thanks to Akouvi for the dinner organised at “Chez Clarisse” restaurant.  

We also thank the people and the government of Ghana for their kind hospitality.  

1. Context and objectives


LEAP4FNSSA stands for Long‐term EU‐AU research and innovation Partnership for Food and Nutrition Security  and  Sustainable Agriculture.  It  is  a Coordination  Support Action  funded by  the  European Commission in support to the High Level Policy Dialogue (HLPD) in Science, Technology and Innovation between the European Union and the African Union.  

LEAP4FNSSA is implemented by a Consortium of 35 European and African institutions. Its 1st General Assembly took place in Accra, at FARA’s headquarters on 31st January and 1st February 2019. 


The main objectives of the 1st General Assembly was to gather all the partners at the inception of the project,  share  a  common  vision  and  key  values  as  well  as  important  information  for  the implementation, and launch with the WP leaders the activities planned for the months ahead.  

2. Venue

LEAP4FNSSA stands for Long‐term EU‐AU Research and Innovation Partnership for Food and Nutrition Security  and  Sustainable  Agriculture  (FNSSA).  It  is  a  Coordination  Support  Action  funded  by  the European Commission  in  support  to  the HLPD  in Science, Technology and  Innovation between  the European Union and the African Union.  

Simplified programme  

30th January 2019: Pre‐launch meeting; Kick of Meeting (KOM); Round table and awareness event.

31st January 2019: Introduction; Presentation of the actions; Administrative issues; Qualitymanagement.

1st February 2019:  Ethics and Gender; Internal discussions within WG; Wrap‐up; Remarks fromthe EAC and invited SH; Closure and recommendations.

(Detailed program at Annex 2) 


33 of the 35 partners were represented at the Pre‐launch meeting, at the KOM and at the General Assembly. 

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Unfortunately, the representatives of KiNNO of Greece and MEST of Kenya could not make it to Accra due to last minute health issues. Note that representatives of WR could only participate to part of the event, also for health reasons. 

(List of participants at Annex 3) 

Evaluation of the event 

During  the  pre‐launch  meeting,  on  the  first  day  of  the  event,  the  partners  could  describe  their expectations  about  the 3 days meetings.  This was  compared  to  their  feed‐back  (evaluation  form) collected at the end of the General Assembly.  

At the beginning of the event, most of the participants wished to get a better understanding of the Grant Agreement with the EC, of the detailed content of the project and better understand its liaison with the Europe‐Africa policy dialogue. They also expected to be guided about the administrative rules they will have to apply, in particular as regards reporting and eligibility of expenses.  

After  the General Assembly,  the  participants were  rather  satisfied with  the  general  organisation, including  the  excellent  support  provided  by  FARA’s  staff.  Their  main  concerns  were  about transportation to and from the hotel and about the hotel room bookings which were very questionable (for example, due to overbooking, participants were moved from the hotel where the booking had been made to other hotels nearby). The other main concern was about the duration of the General Assembly which was felt too short considering the complexity of the project, and the need for more interaction within and between work packages. 

(Results summarised at Annex 14) 

3. Before the General Assembly

The 30th of January was devoted to different exercises preceding the General Assembly per se:  

before the Kick Off meeting, project partners could share their expectations about the meeting andthe project,

during the Kick Off meeting, the representatives of the government of Ghana, EC, AUC, FARA andCIRAD had the opportunity of delivering, during the official opening, their views and ambition aboutthe project and the partnership.

3.1. The initial perception  

On day 1, before the official launch of the project and the General Assembly, the project partners were invited to express in small groups their understanding of the project and its scope. 

The results, summarised below, were reported  in plenary by  the representatives of WR, BLE, ACU, CSIR‐STEPRI and UHOH.  

As a whole, the results of this discussion show that, though some participants do not yet have an in‐depth understanding of all the project activities, they all share a rather comprehensive understanding of the project ambition, i.e. to develop a sustainable bi‐continental Platform and to support the policy 

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dialogue between the two continents. They also share the vision that partnership is critical for sharing values and ideas, and for impact. 

According to the project partners, LEAP4FNSSA should deliver:  

a long term commitment of European and African STI stakeholders (beyond those represented inthe consortium), in particular researchers and STI funders,

to work together on FNSSA related challenges, bridge the gaps between research, market, privatesector and end users, improve the dialogue among different actors (including policy makers) andpromote multi‐stakeholder and multidisciplinary projects or programs.

It should amplify the mobilisation of R&I to achieve FNSSA goals and increase the coherence between relevant activities implemented by various technical and financial partners. 

To  reach  these  objectives,  LEAP4FNSSA  will  build  a  Platform  gathering  all  interested  parties, supporting alliances between actors for greater alignment of programs and activities and  increased impact, informing and disseminating relevant results and initiatives, and facilitating access to funding in the FNSSA domain (beyond the lifetime of the project). The Platform will put in place a knowledge management  system  to  support  more  efficient  collaboration,  deliver  context  specific  information including research opportunities, build a community of practice, and propose a theory of change that links local action to national policies and to the bi‐continental dialogue (HLPD). It will be self‐sustained, owned by its members.  

Though this Platform will be focused on the FNSSA domain, it may also provide a relevant example for other domains of interest for the Europe / Africa STI collaborations.  

LEAP4FNSSA should also produce knowledge, evidence and foresight for policy makers, to evaluate the impact of the Partnership on agriculture productivity and sustainability and on local food and nutrition security (including on the status of FNSSA in fragile countries), to guide research and gather learnings on various issues such as value chains, long‐term learning cycle, systems complexity and best practices in FNSSA,  

Participants  also  highlighted  that  the  LEAP4FNSSA  Consortium  is  gathering  strong  expertise  and knowledge on the EU‐AU STI partnership, on the FNSSA domain, on international collaborations as well as on conflicts and their resolution.  

3.2. Kick off meeting and official launch  

During the opening ceremony of the 3 days event, officials could give a talk on the importance of the Europe‐Africa  partnership  in  Science  and  Technology.  Speeches were  delivered  by  the Honorable P. Appiagyei, Deputy Minister of Environment,  Science, Technology  and  Innovation  (MESTI) of  thegovernment of Ghana, by Dr. Yemi Akinbamijo, Executive Director of FARA, Agnieska Romanowicz,Research Programme Officer at European Commission DG AGRI, Philippe Mawoko, Executive Secretaryof  AOSTI,  African  Union  Commission  and  Philippe  Petithuguenin  (CIRAD)  and  coordinator  ofLEAP4FNSSA.

(Text of the available speeches at Annex 4) 

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3.3. Presentation of the External Advisory Committee  

The three members of the EAC were introduced: 

Dr. Jemimah Njuki is Senior Program specialist at the International Development Research Centre(IDRC, Canada)

Dr.  Stéphanie  Barrial  is  Knowledge  management  coordinator  at  World  Rural  Forum  (WRF)  inabsentia

Dr.  Denis  Tumwesigye  Kyetere  is  Executive  director  of  the  African  Agricultura  TechnologyFoundation (AATF)

(More information at Annex 5) 

3.4. Round table  

The presentation of the EAC was followed by an awareness event organised by WP4, which will be described and capitalised in a specific report (prepared by MHESR, Egypt).  

3.5. Wrap‐up of the day  

6 major issues were raised during the first day of LEAP4FNSSA Kick off Meeting, in particular by the official speakers and during the interactive session with stakeholder representatives: 

1. There  was  a  lively  discussion  and  many  remarks  made  about  “Impact”  and  “scaling  up  ofinnovation for farmers”. These can be gathered around two sets of issues to be addressed byLEAP4FNSSA through activities, in particular in WP2 and WP4:

Issues related to Participatory research, integrated research for development, innovationplatforms (different speakers used different terminology)…. FARA, in particular, will provideexpertise in this domain (IAR4D, Innovation platforms, PARI programme, etc.)

Issues related to Programming research for impact, or setting R&I agenda for impact. This is alsoforeseen in the project: as indicated in the Grant Agreement, the ImpresS ex ante methodology(which has been discussed at European level through SCAR, leading to the production of a PolicyBrief1) will be proposed as a methodological input in task 2.3 and task 4.2.

2. LEAP4FNSSA  should  implement  activities  to  reach  decision  makers  (including  in  the  policydomain). These are foreseen in WP1 and WP4.

3. At the connection between the points 1 and 2 above, is the importance for LEAP4FNSSA to reachout to the private sector. As the  involvement of some type of private sector enterprises (e.g.large multinationals) may be cause of tensions, this issue should first be discussed with the HLPDbureau (could be raised at the next meeting of the HLPD FNSSA WG).

4. LEAP4FNSSA needs to pay attention to gender mainstreaming to empower women and youth.The project should develop concrete measures in this respect to be mainstreamed in all WPs.

1 See: https://www.ard‐ and also https://www.ard‐

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5. It is necessary for LEAP4FNSSA to be more explicit about its time frame to delivery, and to clarifyhow it may deal with the diversity of expectations from diverse stakeholders. In particular, somestakeholders wish that the project may give them access to solutions “today”, like in the case ofa development or technology transfer project. A R&I project like LEAP4FNSSA has a longer termtimeframe, and in particular needs to focus its attention “tomorrow’s” challenges (because ofthe time lag between research and answers)

6. LEAP4FNSSA should also promote its partnership values, its code of conduct between partners,both within the more  limited scope of the LEAP4FNSSA Consortium partners as well as  in thebroad EU‐AU FNSSA Partnership.

4. Implementation of the actions

4.1. WP 1 ‐ Support to the FNSSA Partnership and the HLPD Bureau  

Lead beneficiary: JyU (seconded by DST) 

Presentation of the action and WG discussions (See Annex 6) 

Elements of discussion 

The events are numerous in this project, and they can contribute to the actions planned by different beneficiaries, within a WP or between WPs. There  is  then a need of putting  in place a centralised information on these events. The ‘inventories and analysis of existing policy and strategic documents of interest to the HLPD bureau and to the FNSSA Partnership’ foreseen in the Grant Agreement will be also used as a source  in WP3  (task 3.2) and the result compared. Once  finalised, the M&E process elaborated in task 1.4 could be used to analyse the quality of the partnership within LEAP4FNSSA.   

Wrap‐up by the Coordination and way forward (at short notice) 

Events: the Coordination will prepare a table (Excel file) showing all the planned events and sendit to all the beneficiaries.

Big events: WP1 will prepare a message that will be sent by the Coordination to all the Consortiummembers in order to finalise a list of international events where the project should be represented in2018 and 2019.

HLPD: the Coordination will produce a short note describing the various organs of the HLPD (SOM,Bureau and FNSSA WG), and in the case of the Bureau and the FNSSA WG will lists its members.

M&E: the projects database used to test the process proposed by task 1.4 will be advantageouslyshared with WP3.

Specific recommendations by EC  

Other projects: linking with other EU funded projects will be facilitated by the Policy Officer.

Connection with the Bureau:  it will be done through WP1 and WP5, then through the projectPolicy Officer, who is member of the Bureau.

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Up‐date of the action:  it seems that some Task partners have referred  in their presentation orgroup discussion to an old description of the action; please check consistency with the description ofthe action as it appears in the Grant Agreement.

4.2. Work Package 2 ‐ Actors, Alliances, and Policies  

Lead beneficiary: DLR (seconded by CSIR‐GH) 

Presentation of the action and WG discussions (See Annex 7) 

Elements of discussion 

The activities of WP2 are presented as elements of a process called PIMC (Programme & Innovation Management Cycle), to which could also contribute all the other WPs. When describing the need for interaction between WPs, we have to distinguish those which are crucial to implement the activities planned  in  the  project,  and  those which  are  needed  to  test  the  PIMC  process.  The  possibility  of monitoring the inclusiveness in stakeholders’ events vis‐a‐vis certain categories (women for example) was raised and proposed to the Steering Committee. At the end of this discussion,  it was proposed that WP2 could elaborate a 2 pages paper describing its “theory of change” for the project.   

Wrap‐up by the Coordination 

WP2 foresees the organisation of a number of large events or meetings. To ensure that these actions are not scattered and that they maintain the coherence with the objectives of LEAP4FNSSA, it will be important to: 

Ensure  consistency  with  the  description  of  the  action  as  described  in  the  Grant  Agreement(attention should be given to delivering on what  is  in the Grant Agreement,  in terms of content,timing and deliverables);

Make explicit why such event will be organised (why we are doing it).

Careful attention should also be paid  to  the  timing of all  these events, and  to  the synergies  to be developed with events to be organised under other WPs. 

WP2 will also care for the participation of women and youth in the various events to be organised, and will care for their specific inputs.  

Regarding the proposal on the Theory of Change of LEAP4FNSSA, WP2 should elaborate first a short note describing how  the concept of “theory of change” can be applied at  three different  levels of interventions of LEAP4FNSSA: the two  levels of WP2 (level 1:  local, within country. See for  instance task 2.3; level 2: PIMC tested in two sub regions: West Africa and North‐East Africa) and, for the whole project,  the bi‐continental  level of  the EU‐AU FNSSA partnership. After  this  first  step, explicit and plausible theories of change may be drafted for each level.  

Specific recommendations by EC 

PIMC: the activities described in this component of the Grant Agreement should not be presentedas ancillary to the PIMC, as there is a difference in time frame between a complete PIMC cycle (8‐10years), and the project (4 years).

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Sorting House: as there is no subcontracting planned in WP2, the experts invited in the relevantworkshops cannot be  remunerated.  It  is also  recommended  that  they play an advisory  role, not adecision making role.

Brokerage events: no “call for” proposals, ideas or projects is possible in LEAP4FNSSA, as it is aCoordination support action. Attention must be paid to using the correct wording.

Rotating secretariat for alliances: be aware that costs linked to running such secretariat will notbe eligible to the project.

Up‐date of the action: please check consistency with the description of the action as it appears inthe Grant Agreement.

4.3. Work Package 3 ‐ Information Generation and Knowledge Management  

Lead beneficiary: SLU (seconded by ARC) 

Presentation of the action and WG discussions (See Annex 8) 

Elements of discussion 

There  is a need for connecting more explicitly both tasks of WP3, 3.1 and 3.2, as the same projects database can be used to map and cluster or to scrutinise. A first workshop will involve the two tasks in order to better coordinate and combine them in one.  

Note that 3.2 will also need to coordinate with 1.3 to prepare the right data base on policies. There were also questions about the perimeter (period of time, type of documents and projects, family of projects, mother organisations etc.) of the data bases to prepare for 3.1 and 3.2.  

Wrap‐up by the Coordination and way forward  

It is agreed that one objective of the first WP3 workshop will be to better explain the linkages between activities 3.1 and 3.2. Our understanding is that Activity 3.1 will produce a starting point for activity 3.2, but the data and text mining tools developed  in 3.2 should not be  limited to searching the 3.1 database.  

Specific recommendations by EC 

Clustering: it should first be relative to EU and AU funded projects, including DEVCO.

Databases: to avoid scattered interventions, the project officer and the policy officer will be thelink with the services that maintain the project databases.

DMP: some information in the databases might be confidential.

4.4. Work Package 4 ‐ Dissemination and communication  

Lead beneficiary: CIHEAM (seconded by MHESR) 

Presentation of the action and WG discussions (See Annex 9) 

Elements of discussion 

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Different propositions of a logo were presented together with the Communication strategy plan. The PAEPARD experience on forum discussion and its database of contacts (d Group) should be taken into consideration.   

Wrap‐up by the Coordination and way forward (at short notice)  

Strategy of communication: a new version will be prepared as soon as possible. It will take intoaccount the remarks collected during the General Assembly and in particular the distinction betweenCommunication of  the  results  to diverse public, dissemination  to users of  the  results, and makingproper use of the results (exploitation). The Coordination will share these revised version with the WPleaders,  asking  them  in  particular  to  review  if  their  specific  needs  for  communication  anddissemination are adequately taken care of in this proposal, and  to describe how they may contributeto implementing this strategy.

Logo: a message with three different logos will be prepared by WP4 and sent for a voting to allthe Consortium members. The most popular one  (after counting  the votes) will be selected as  theofficial one.

Contact: WP4 will inform the Coordination about the cost of a generic address which could notbe hosted by CIRAD.

Specific recommendations by EC  

Communication is key in the project, “think big”, in particular in view of attracting more partnersthan the consortium members. The identification of particular stakeholders as targets is appreciated,but  it  is  also  important  to  make  a  clear  distinction  between  communication,  dissemination  andexploitation. (See also the presentation by REA, Annex 12)

Agora: please note that the type of data collected will have to be included in the DMP. It shouldalso be really “tailored to the need”. If savings can be made in the subcontracting of this Agora activity,it would enable to transfer more resources to other activities of this important WP.

Reference action: on a more specific aspect, it seems that some Task partners have referred intheir presentation or group discussion to an old description of the action; please check consistencywith the description of the action as it appears in the Grant Agreement.

4.5. Work Package 5 ‐ Management and coordination  

Lead beneficiary: CIRAD  

Presentation of the action and WG discussions (See Annex 10) 

Way forward  

Internal Communication System  (ICS): CIRAD  is going  to set  it up with BOKU. Once  the  ICS  inplace, BOKU will maintain it and provide assistance to the partners when needed. In the meantime,CIRAD will put in place a depository portal, at the beginning based on Alfresco software, accessible toall partners.

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4.6. Work Package 6 – Ethics requirement  

Lead beneficiary: CIRAD  

Presentation by REA and CIRAD (See Annex 11) 

Elements of discussion  

Ethics  requirements  are  contractual  obligations  under  Article  34  of  the  Grant  Agreement.  Inaddition, the Consortium Agreement foresees the creation of an Ethics Advisory Board (EAB) tothe Project to advise on ethics issues.

Partners needs guidance on ethical issues to be considered, and on techniques that can be used toaddress them.

For instance do all partners need to appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO)? DPOs must only beappointed in the case of EU partners.  Organisations from Africa do not need to appoint a DPO,however they should all have a detailed data protection policy for the project to be kept on file.

Way forward  

Ethics: The coordinator will circulate for feedback a new and more user‐friendly version of ethicsdeliverables.

Ethics Advisory Board: Partners are invited to suggest names of ethics experts to be member ofthe EAB (2 from AU, 2 from EU):

Specific recommendations by EC 

Ethics: no action should be contradictory with all ethical principles applied in all EU countries (hereEU and non EU countries).

Ethics Advisory Board: since the creation of this EAB is a decision of the Consortium and not arequest or recommendation from the EC, the Consortium has more freedom in choosing the membersof this Ethical Board (they can be experts employed by the beneficiaries, if appropriate).

DMP: should sensitive data be collected, you should  think of possible ethical concerns.  In  thisproject, there was no obligation to prepare a DMP because there are few sensitive data, however wehave proposed to prepare one, which has to be light and evolve all along the duration of the project.

5. Cross cutting issues

After the presentation of the WPs, the following cross cutting issues were presented and discussed. 

5.1. Gender  

Presentation by CIRAD (See Annex 11) 

5.2. Administrative issues  

Presentation by REA (See Annex 12) 

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In practice:   

For all administrative issues, the project partners should first question the Coordination which, if needed, will contact the Project Officer. 

5.3. Quality management  

Presentation by CIRAD (See Annex 13) 

Elements of discussion 

The principle of an internal reporting every 6 months – in addition to the official reports expected by the  EC  at Months  18,  36  and  48  ‐ was  endorsed,  as well  as  the  principle  of  adopting  a  uniform description of events prior to their organisation. 

5.4. Way forward (at short notice)  

Reporting: the Coordination will propose to the WP co‐leaders a template for internal reporting, which will be in line with the elements required for the official intermediate reports at Months 18 and 36 and with the final report at Month 48. 

Events:  the  Coordination  will  also  propose  to  the  WP  and  tasks  co‐leaders  a  template  for describing  events prior  to  their organisation.  For  the  events  that  involve  several members of  the Consortium,  such  template will  be  useful  to  facilitate  coordination  and  to  help  identify  potential synergies between events. 

Quality management  plan:  The  different  components  of  M&E  will  be  described  in  a  short document, with updated version all along the project.  

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6. Conclusion  

Remarks by the invited stakeholders  

By Max Olupot (African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services or AFAAS), Graça Abrantes (University 

of Lisbon, connected to the network of Portuguese speaking countries) and Carolyn Glynn (chair of the 

AgriNatura network) 

The three stakeholder representatives confirmed their high interest to remain closely associated with the project and the partnership. They wish to follow the progress made in building the Platform, and expressed their willingness to contribute to the activities whenever their field of expertise and their networks of contacts/partners could be usefully mobilised.  

Remarks by the External Advisory Committee  

By Jemimah Njuki and Denis Kyetere 

1. We appreciate the invitation of the project to serve in the Advisory Committee and we commit to share our reactions, comments and inputs in an open and transparent manner. We recognise that as an advisory committee we provide advice and input and it is the responsibility of the steering committee and the General Assembly to discuss this and apply them as and when appropriate within the limits of the project. 

2. We recognise  the key role  that  this partnership hopes  to play, by  improving  the collaboration between the AU and the EU on food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture. We see this partnership as very unique given  its focus and scope, and also recognising this uniqueness means that the team will need to experiment a lot with processes and way of operating and have to be open to learning. 

3. We recognise the commitment we have seen form all the partners, the EU and other stakeholders to make the partnership deliver on its goals. This being the first meeting, there are a few things that we have observed that we think the team should reflect on. There are grouped in two main categories; partnership and technical. 


4. There needs to be a shared and common understanding amongst all the partners on the current structures and processes of the broader EU‐AU partnership and what aspects of the LEAP4FNSAA feed into which of these structures. These include the High Policy Dialogue, the Bureau and the Working Group as  the other  regular policy processes within  the EU and  the AU  to which  the project  proposes  to  influence.  We  recommend  that  a  short  document  describing  this  and attaching the terms of reference for these groups be produced and circulated to all members. The mechanisms through which the LEAP4FNSAA partnership feeds into these (content and process) should be included in this write up.  

5. A  clear  strategy  for how  to  increase  the  impact  and  visibility of  the partnership  should be 

developed. If this partnership is expected to improve collaboration between the EU and the AU, it must have visibility with policy makers in both continents as well as the other stakeholder in the food, nutrition security and agriculture sector. This means that the analytical outputs form work package need to respond to both regions’ priorities, add value to existing analysis including those 

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from FAO, the World Committee on Food Security, the Malabo Montpelier panel and other groups and must be highly publicised. Related to this, it is important that an outcome mapping exercise be carried out to map what actors the project wants to influence, with what and how.  

6. The project  team needs  to  clarify  the  sustainability of  the proposed Platform. The Platform seems to be a key output of the project, and what is ‘left after project end’. The team needs to critically  think about what  the purpose of such a platform will be, how  it adds value  to other existing platform and how it will be made sustainable.  

7. The whole team needs to own the partnership and the project. We have seen the commitment of all members to the activities of the partnership.  It however seems more  is needed to make everyone own the partnership. This will  include a mechanism for a consultative process to key decisions of the partnership including design of actions, etc. The project team also needs to think about how to bring private sector into the partnership given their key role on the agriculture, food and nutrition security space. This might require for example including representations of private sector associations and farmer associations into key activities of the partnership.  

8. Mechanisms  for dialogue and conflict resolution: The project has an excellent mechanism for tracking deliverables and keeping the project on track. We recommend that a similar process, or reflective process be included in the project management process to keep track of the partnership process,  identify and deal with any partnership  issues as these have a huge potential to derail project  progress.  An  occasional  reflection  process  (can  be  on  the  sidelines  of  the  General Assembly), preferably externally  facilitated  to  reflect on how  the partnership  is doing, what  is working well, what is not working well, and key areas of improvement is recommended.  


9. Gender across  the project:  The project has  a  clear  intention  to  address  gender  and  improve gender equality. However there are currently no plans for doing this, and gender does not appear in the activities, monitoring indicators of the project. We recommend that a gender and inclusion strategy be developed. The strategy should then be mainstreamed into the project in each work package,  tasks  and  activities,  in  the monitoring  and  evaluation  and  in  the  reporting. Gender expertise should be sought  from  the partner organisations  to  join  the work package  teams  to support the gender integration. Analytical studies planned should include a gender dimension to them. At the basic level, the project team should ensure all the tools being developed for activities and events disaggregate all the data by sex.  

10. Analytical studies in WP1: The decision on what analytical studies should be done should take into account both AU and EU priorities, what other actors in the agriculture, food and nutrition security space are doing. An objective process  for discussing  this and making decisions on  the topics should be instituted and engage all the project partners.  

11. Alliances  and  policies  ‐ WP2:  This work  package  seems  to  have  gone  through  an  important process of developing the impact pathway and process for carrying out the tasks. At the start of this process is an analysis of past projects under the EU‐AU partnership. We recommend that this analysis goes beyond  the content of  these partnerships  to also  focus on  the processes of  the partnerships including how they were formed, roles of different AU and EU partners in deciding the priorities and  in decision making at different points of  the projects. This will ensure  that recommended improvements include improving the partnering process.  

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12. Knowledge Management System ‐ WP3: The data base is an important output of this project. Wehowever realise that there are many data bases that exist, and it was not clear to use what valuean additional database would have. In order to improve the utility of the  data base, we urge theWP team to start from what they want the information to do, how will it be used and by who andfor what purpose before deciding the types of information and the type of the data base to bedeveloped.

13. Communications  ‐  WP4:  The  mapping  of  different  stakeholders  is  critical  to  targetingcommunication for effectiveness and efficiency. We recommend that the team takes a step backand using the outcome mapping process above makes a clear distinction between communicationand dissemination activities. The dissemination activities should be geared towards  influencingchange, which means the change expected must be clear. We recommend the team to develop astrategy  that matches what change needs to happen to which stakeholders, what  informationthey  need,  and  what  channel  will  be  used  for  each.  This  will  make  communication  anddissemination  more  targeted,  more  effective  and  efficient.  The  communications  should  alsoinclude a strategy for media engagement and how to engage with other food security related inthe  regions  including  the  World  Committee  on  Food  Security,  the  African  Green  RevolutionForum, The Borlaug Dialogue amongst others.

Wrap‐up by the Coordinator  

By Philippe Petithuguenin 

This has been a fruitful General Assembly, in its content and in its collaborative dynamic between all participants. It has, at least partly, covered the objective to “refresh” the knowledge of all consortium members  on  the  content  of  each  WP  and  on  the  general  approach  and  expected  outcomes  of LEAP4FNSSA. 

Indeed, LEAPFNSSA is not a project like many H2020 projects Consortium members have been involved in. It has a strong policy dimension and its expected outcome is not “only” about producing reports (though we are also committed to produce a number of high quality documents as project deliverables) or surveys nor experimental results. It is about putting in place a functional, attractive and sustainable partnership platform dedicated to Europe Africa STI collaboration in the FNSSA domain.  

At a more practical level, the project coordination: 

Reminds all Consortium members that the project Grant Agreement, available to all through theH2020 portal, gives a detailed description of the activities to be implemented during the 4 years,when, for which purpose and with which resources (budget), as well as the list and timing of allthe project deliverables. All Consortium members should refer to the Grant Agreement contentfor planning their activities.

Has also  taken due note of  the various additional documents  to be sent  to all partners,  in  thecoming weeks, to facilitate the organisation of all WPs tasks and the good coordination betweenthese tasks: list of events planned (excel table); detailed budget per partners, per WP and per Task;events  description  template;  information  and  consultation  on  support  tools  (temporary  webstorage system, visio/phone communication systems…).

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Recommendations by the European Commission (REA and AGRI)  

By Agnieska Romanowicz and Cristina Soriani  

The two representatives of the EC are confident that the Consortium can deliver on the objectives of LEAP4FNSSA.  They  commented  positively  about  the  good  working  spirit  during  the  KOM, demonstrating the engagement of all consortium members and their commitment to the success of the project.   

They made the following recommendations: 

Make sure that all partners (and  in particular WP  leaders) use the official description of actioncontained in the Grant Agreement.

Need to continue ensuring an effective coordination of the whole project (as there could be atendency for each WP to “run on their own direction”).

Important  that all consortium members are aware of  their commitment  to  the success of  theproject, whatever big or small is their role in the Grant Agreement description of action.

The apparent potential overlaps between the description of activities in WP2, WP3 and WP1 (Task1.4) will have to be clarified. This attention may lead to increased synergies between WPs, which arewelcome. This may apply to events, where there is flexibility to slightly shift planned events in timeand  in  location  to organise  them BtoB,  in order  to make  savings  (which will be  reinvested  in  theproject).

The Policy Officer is interested to receive in advance information on events to be organised by theproject so she can see how to possibly link them to other EC events, thus helping LEAP4FNSSA to gainvisibility.

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ANNEX 1. Summary of the event


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Fi r s t Ge n e ra l A s s e mb l y

Correspondance with the Grant Agreement

WP number: WP5

Identification number: M5-1-2/1


Location: FARA HQ, Accra, Ghana

Date: 30/01 – 1/02/2019

Organisation: CIRAD and FARA


Official launching of the project (KOM) + gathering all the partners to make sure we all share theobjectives, workplan, and provide useful information for technical and financial reporting

Invited participants

Partners of the Consortium: all the 35 beneficiaries

Other participants: EAC members (D. Kyetere, AATF / African Agricultural Technology Foundation), J.Njuki, CRDI); 4 invited institutions (AgriNatura, AAU, ISA, NWO); A. Romanowicz (EUC), P. Mawoko(AUC), C. Soriani (REA)

Invited to the KOM: Minister of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation + EU and diplomaticrepresentatives in Ghana

Expected output

Report (Deliverable D5.1)

Program summary

30/01/2019: Official Kick Off Meeting; external Advisory Committee session (BtoB with the 1st

Dissemination event towards decision makers and R&I funders M4-3-1/1); Cocktail

31/01/2019: Day 1 of General Assembly including WG presentations, Ethics, Admin issues, Diner

01/02/2019: Day 2 of General Assembly including WG sessions and remarks by EAC (BtoB with the 1st

Steering Committee Meeting M5-2-1/1)


Travel and accommodation budget managed by each beneficiary

Draft budget : 6026 € for local arrangements, including Food and Cocktail for the KOM (2376 €), Teabreaks and dinners for the GA (3168 €), Transportation (264 €), and miscellaneous

Other comments

Not applicable


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ANNEX 2. Detailed program


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LEAP4FNSSA Kick Off Meeting, 1st General Assembly and 1st Steering Committee

January 30th - February 1st 2019 FARA Headquarters, 12 Anmeda Street, Roman Ridge

Accra, Ghana

Kick Off Meeting

D1 - Wednesday January 30th – Official Kick-off Meeting

Time and activity Lead Participants

9h - 10h40 Pre-launch meeting

● Agenda of the 3 days● Logistics● “Breaking the ice”: Interactive presentation

between all participants

P. Petithuguenin (CIRAD)J. Mugabe (FARA)

P. Petithuguenin (CIRAD)

Consortium members, External Advisory Committee (EAC), invited international stakeholders, REA Project Officer European Commission (EC), DG AGRI EC Policy Officer

10h40 - 11h00 Tea break

11h - 12h30 Official Kick Off Meeting

● Welcome words by FARA● Speeches by EC and AUC

● Project outline by Consortium coordinator(CIRAD)

● Speech by Hon. Deputy Minister of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI) of the government of Ghana

Y. Akinbamijo (FARA)A. Romanowicz (EC)

P. Mawoko (AUC)P. Petithuguenin (CIRAD)


Open also to invited representatives (Ghanaian Government Official, African Union Commission (AUC), local stakeholders, African and European Embassies and international organizations)

12h30 - 14h Group photo and Lunch Buffet

14h - 15h External Advisory Committee session

● Presentation of the EAC● Initial comments from EAC members● Panel discussion (local stakeholder

representatives, EAC members) andexchange with all participants

P. Petithuguenin (CIRAD)EAC


15h - 15h20 Break

15h20 - 16h50 Break-up in 4 thematic sub-groups for in-depth exchanges with stakeholders

● Sub group discussions (60’)● Reporting in plenary and wrap-up (30’)


P. Petithuguenin (CIRAD)


16h50 - 17h Wrap-up of the day

● Conclusions of the Kick Off Meeting, wayforward

P. Petithuguenin (CIRAD)WR and FARA


17h - 18h Working cocktail


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1st General Assembly (day 1)

D2 - Thursday January 31st - General Assembly (GA) (day 1)

8h30 - 9h Introduction

● Opening of the GA, logistics

● Agenda of the day, expected results (howto reach our common vision)

J. Mugabe (FARA)P. Petithuguenin (CIRAD)

Consortium members, EAC, invited international stakeholders, REA Project Officer EC, DG AGRI EC Policy Officer

9h - 10h30 Working Groups presentation (I)

● Presentation of WP1 (activities, events anddeliverables) and discussion

● Presentation of WP2 (activities, events anddeliverables) and discussion



10h30 - 10h50 Tea break

10h50 - 13h Working Groups presentation (II)

● Presentation of WP3 (activities, events anddeliverables, link with HLPD) and discussion

● Presentation of WP4 (activities, events anddeliverables, logo, communication plan,website) and discussion

● Presentation of WP5 (activities, events anddeliverables, project management andcommunication system) and discussion



J. Lançon (CIRAD)


13h - 14h Lunch Buffet

14h00 - 17h20 Administrative issues

● Administrative and legal issues, technicaland financial reporting

● Quality Management/Reporting templates● Discussion

C. Soriani (REA)

J Lançon (CIRAD) All


17h20 - 17h30 Wrap-up of the day CIRAD/WR/FARA

19h00 - 20h30 Working dinner (“Chez Clarisse”, Accra)


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1st General Assembly (day 2)

D3 - Friday February 1st - General Assembly (day 2) and Steering Committee

8h30 - 8h45 Introduction

● Logistics● Agenda of the day, expected results (by

WP and across all WPs)

J. Mugabe (FARA)

P. Petithuguenin (CIRAD)

Consortium members, EAC, invited international stakeholders, REA Project Officer EC, DG AGRI EC Policy Officer

8h45 - 10h30 Ethics

● Ethics and data management issues

● Specific related points for each WP● Consortium Agreement and commitments


C. Soriani (REA) & J.M. Sers(CIRAD)

All WP leaders J.M. Sers (CIRAD)


10h30 - 10h50 Tea break

10h50 – 12h30 Working Groups session (I)

● Parallel Technical meetings (by WP):planning activities and identifyinginteractions needed with other WGs

WP leaders Same

Working Groups session (II)

● Reports by WP (planning of activities,events and deliverables; cross cuttingissues; points to be discussed during theSteering Committee …)

● Discussion

WP leaders



12h30 - 13h Closure

● Remarks● Wrap-up and closure

EAC members P. Petithuguenin (CIRAD)


13h - 14h Lunch


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ANNEX 3. Participants


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Title Participant Organisation Country

Consortium members

Mr. Philippe PETITHUGUENIN CIRAD (1) France Mr. Jacques LANÇON CIRAD (1) France Mr. Jean-Michel SERS CIRAD (1) France Ms. Sasha LEGRAND CIRAD (1) France Mr. Ron MAZIER WR (2) Netherlands Ms. Jennigje SLUIJER WR (2) Netherlands Mr. Yémi AKINBAMIJO FARA (3) Ghana Ms. Irene Annor FREMPONG FARA (3) Ghana Mr. Jonas MUGABE FARA (3) Ghana Mr. Oluwole FATUNBI FARA (3) Ghana Mr. Henning KNIPSCHILD BLE (4) Germany Ms. Susanna ROKKA LUKE (5) Finland Mr. Vladimir VERNER CULS (6) Czech Republic Mr. Jan BANOUT CULS (6) Czech Republic Mr. Bernard MALLET ANR (7) France Ms. Prudence Nare MAKHURA NRF (8) South Africa Mr. Niels FOLD UCPH (9) Denmark Ms. Anja HANSEN UCPH (9) Denmark Mr. Ioannis DIMITRIOU SLU (10) Sweden Ms. Rocio LANSAC INIA (11) Spain Mr. José Luis ALONSO PRADOS INIA (11) Spain Mr. Enock WARINDA ASARECA (12) Uganda Mr. Stefan A. HAFFNER DLR (13) Germany Mr. George Owusu ESSEGBEY CSIR-GH (STEPRI) (14) Ghana Ms. Rose OMARI CSIR-GH (STEPRI) (14) Ghana Mr. Masahudu FUSEINI CSIR-GH (STEPRI) (14) Ghana Mr. Maroun EL MOUJABBER CIHEAM-IAMB (16) Italy Mr. Gaetano LADISA CIHEAM-IAMB (16) Italy Mr. Hamidou TAMBOURA FONRID (17) Burkina Faso Mr. Tafsir Babacar NDOYE MESRI-DFRSDT (18) Senegal Ms. Melissa PLATH JYU (UniPID) (19) Finland Mr. Lorenz PROBST BOKU (20) Austria Ms. Carolin CALLENIUS UHOH (21) Germany Ms. Miriam EHRET UHOH (21) Germany Mrs. Rahab GITAHI NASAC (22) Kenya Mr. Emmanuel OKALANY RUFORUM (23) Uganda Mr. Shadrack MOEPHULI ARC (25) South Africa Ms. Petronella CHAMINUKA ARC (25) South Africa Mr. Kwesi ATTA-KRAH IITA (26) Nigeria Ms. Erika MICHELI SIU (27) Hungary


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Title Participant Organisation Country

Mr. Adam CSORBA SIU (27) Hungary Ms. Refilwe MASHIGO DST (28) South Africa Ms. Maneshree JUGMOHAN-NAIDU DST (28) South Africa Mr. Sigfried TIVANA DST (28) South Africa Mr. Tim CHANCELLOR GREENWICH U. (29) NRI United Kingdom Ms. Katharina KUSS GO AFRICA (GAKK) (30) Germany Ms. Maria MAIA FCT (31) Portugal Ms. J. Dorra FIANI KEF (32) Egypt Mr. Andrew CHERRY ACU (33) United Kingdom Mr. Almamy KONTE AFRICAN UNION (AOSTI) (35) Ethiopia/Eq.Guinea Mr. Philippe MAWOKO AFRICAN UNION (AOSTI) (35) Ethiopia/Eq.Guinea

Consortium members EXCUSED

Mr. Pieter WINDMEIJER WR (2) Netherlands Mr. Eric MWANGI MEST (15) Kenya Mr. Islam EL-GENIDI MHESR (24) Egypt Mr. Ioannis GERAGOTELLIS KINNO (34) Greece

External Advisory Committee (EAC)

Mr. Denis T. KYETERE (EAC) AATF Kenya European Commission (EC)

Ms. Agnieszka ROMANOWICZ EC-DG AGRI Policy Officer Belgium Ms. Cristina SORIANI EC -REA Project Officer Belgium Ms. Susana MARTINS Delegation of the European Union to Ghana Ghana

International Stakeholders

Ms. Graça ABRANTES ISA Portugal Ms. Carolyn GLYNN AGRINATURA Europe/Sweden Mr. Max OLUPOT AFAAS Uganda

Local Stakeholders

Mr. Dr King David AMOAH Ghana Federation of Agri-producers Ghana

Dr . Ayeesha HAKEEM African Connections - Ghana Forum of Agriculture Extension - Managing Director and Vice President Ghana

Dr. Courage BESAH-ADANU Agrifood Value Innovations and Marketing Society AGRIVIMS - Founder and President Ghana

Ms. Priscilla LOKONGA ESOKO Ghana Ms. Adusah Gladys SERWAAH FOMG, WIANG and ACASARD Ghana


Hon. Patricia APPIAGYEI Hon. Deputy Minister of Environment, Science,

Technology and Innovation (MESTI) of the government of Ghana


Mr. Pearl AKUISE Minister of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI) of the government of Ghana Ghana

Mr. Oliver BOACHIE Minister of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI) of the government of Ghana Ghana


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Title Participant Organisation Country

Embassies, international organizations, universities

Ms. Sonia COUPRIE Embassy of France in Ghana France Ms. Marion CHAPON Embassy of France in Ghana France Ms. Anaëlle Marie TANQUEREY-CADO AFD Ghana France Mr. Patrice GRIMAUD Cirad-INRA-IAVFF Agreenium in the Ivory Cost France Ms. Ojenike ADEBOWALE Nigeria High Commission in Ghana Nigeria Mr. Shina ALEGE Nigeria High Commission in Ghana Nigeria Ms. Elizabeth PARKES IITA Ibadan Nigeria Ms. Bernice Teteley OHENE-NYALCO University of Ghana Ghana Ms. Adusah Gladys SERWAAH FOMG, WIANG and ACASARD Ghana Mr. Francis TETTEH CSIR Soil Research Institute Ghana Mr. Victor K AGYEMAN CSIR Ghana Mr. Selarm Morriso Anthon KOFITUO Ghana


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List of participants 


1st General Assembly January 31st ‐ February 1st

LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting, 1st General Assembly, 1st Steering Committee ● January 30th ‐ February 1st 2019 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

Title  Participant  Organisation  Country 

Consortium members 

Mr.  Philippe PETITHUGUENIN  CIRAD (1)  France Mr.  Jacques LANÇON  CIRAD (1)  France Mr.  Jean‐Michel SERS  CIRAD (1)  France Ms.  Sasha LEGRAND  CIRAD (1)  France Ms.  Jennigje SLUIJER  WR (2)  Netherlands Ms.  Irene Annor FREMPONG  FARA (3)  Ghana Mr.  Jonas MUGABE  FARA (3)  Ghana Mr.  Benjamin ABUGRI  FARA (3)  Ghana Mr.  Henning KNIPSCHILD  BLE (4)  Germany Ms.  Susanna ROKKA  LUKE (5)  Finland Mr.  Vladimir VERNER  CULS (6)  Czech Republic Mr.  Jan BANOUT  CULS (6)  Czech Republic Mr.  Bernard MALLET  ANR (7)  France Ms.  Prudence Nare MAKHURA  NRF (8)  South Africa Mr.  Niels FOLD  UCPH (9)  Denmark Ms.  Anja HANSEN  UCPH (9)  Denmark Mr.  Ioannis DIMITRIOU  SLU (10)  Sweden Ms.  Rocio LANSAC  INIA (11)  Spain Mr.  José Luis ALONSO PRADOS  INIA (11)  Spain Mr.  Enock WARINDA  ASARECA (12)  Uganda Mr.  Stefan A. HAFFNER   DLR (13)  Germany Ms.  Rose OMARI  CSIR‐GH (STEPRI) (14)  Ghana Mr.  Masahudu FUSEINI  CSIR‐GH (STEPRI) (14)  Ghana Mr.  Maroun EL MOUJABBER  CIHEAM‐IAMB (16)  Italy Mr.  Gaetano LADISA  CIHEAM‐IAMB (16)  Italy Mr.  Hamidou TAMBOURA  FONRID (17)  Burkina Faso Mr.  Tafsir Babacar NDOYE  MESRI‐DFRSDT (18)  Senegal Ms.  Melissa PLATH  JYU (UniPID) (19)  Finland Mr.  Lorenz PROBST  BOKU (20)  Austria Ms.  Carolin CALLENIUS  UHOH (21)  Germany Ms.  Miriam EHRET  UHOH (21)  Germany Mrs.  Rahab GITAHI  NASAC (22)  Kenya Mr.  Emmanuel  OKALANY  RUFORUM (23)  Uganda Mr.  Islam EL‐GENIDI  MHESR (24)  Egypt Mr.  Shadrack MOEPHULI  ARC (25)  South Africa Ms.  Petronella CHAMINUKA  ARC (25)  South Africa Mr.  Kwesi ATTA‐KRAH  IITA (26)  Nigeria Ms.  Erika MICHELI  SIU (27)  Hungary Mr.  Adam CSORBA  SIU (27)  Hungary Ms.  Refilwe MASHIGO  DST (28)  South Africa 


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List of participants 


1st General Assembly January 31st ‐ February 1st

LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting, 1st General Assembly, 1st Steering Committee ● January 30th ‐ February 1st 2019 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

Title  Participant  Organisation  Country 

Ms.  Maneshree JUGMOHAN‐NAIDU  DST (28)  South Africa Mr.  Sigfried TIVANA  DST (28)  South Africa Mr.  Tim CHANCELLOR  GREENWICH U. (29) NRI  United Kingdom Ms.  Katharina KUSS  GO AFRICA (GAKK) (30)  Germany Ms.  Maria MAIA  FCT (31)  Portugal Ms.  J. Dorra FIANI KEF (32)  Egypt Mr.  Andrew CHERRY  ACU (33)  United Kingdom Mr.  Almamy KONTE  AFRICAN UNION (AOSTI) (35)  Ethiopia/Eq.Guinea Mr.  Philippe MAWOKO  AFRICAN UNION (AOSTI) (35)  Ethiopia/Eq.Guinea 

Consortium members EXCUSED 

Mr.  Pieter WINDMEIJER  WR (2)  Netherlands Mr.  Eric MWANGI  MEST (15)  Kenya Mr.  Ioannis GERAGOTELLIS  KINNO (34)  Greece 

External Advisory Committee (EAC) 

Mr.  Denis T. KYETERE (EAC)  AATF  Kenya Mrs.  Jemimah NJUKI (EAC)  EAC  Kenya/Canada European Commission (EC) 

Ms.  Agnieszka ROMANOWICZ  EC‐DG AGRI Policy Officer  Belgium Ms.  Cristina SORIANI  EC ‐REA Project Officer  Belgium 

International Stakeholders 

Ms.  Graça ABRANTES  ISA  Portugal Ms.  Carolyn GLYNN  AGRINATURA   Europe/Sweden Mr.  Max OLUPOT  AFAAS  Uganda 

International organizations  

Ms.  Elizabeth PARKES  IITA Ibadan  Nigeria Mr.  Francis TETTEH  CSIR Soil Research Institute  Ghana Mr.  Collins KANDINI  CSIR Food Research Institute  Ghana Mr.  Jolene AZAGBA‐NYAKU  CSIR Food Research Institute  Ghana 


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ANNEX 4. Speeches delivered at the KOM


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Speech Delivered by Prof. Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng, Minister for Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation

The Executive Director of FARA, distinguish scientists and researchers, friends from the media, ladies and gentlemen, it is a great honour for me to be invited to this kick-off meeting for a project that promises to have very high relevance to Ghana and Africa given the focus on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture.

Indeed the issues of Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture are receiving much attention especially in this era when hunger and malnutrition as well as environmental degradation and climate change continue to cause devastating effects in most countries across the globe. For my Ministry, the Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI), we have no doubt that the way to address these challenges, is to place Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) firmly at the centre of efforts to find solutions.

Ghana is experiencing the triple burden of malnutrition characterised by underweight and stunting, micronutrient deficiency and overweight and obesity. This has led to the implementation of several interventions, which have partly contributed to a reduction in the proportion of stunted children from 30% in 2003 to 19% in 2014 and underweight from 22% to 11% over the same period. Despite these achievements, Ghana still needs to work hard to reduce stunting and underweight to achieve African Union’s CAADP (Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme) targets of 10% stunting and 5% underweight respectively by 2025.

The prevalence of overweight and obesity is 40% among Ghanaian women and this is disturbing considering the fact that obesity is a major predisposing factor several non-communicable diseases. The poor nutritional status of the Ghanaian population is further worsened by low agricultural productivity, poor post-harvest and food safety management systems and weak resilience to the effects of climate change. With the population of Ghana expected to increase to 50 million by 2050 there is the need to increase the production, utilization and consumption of safe, nutritious and healthy foods produced in a sustainable manner. It is for this reason that I see this project as very important for both the African and European continents.

The Ghana government is implementing the Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ) programme as a key strategy to mobilize access to both input and output markets and thereby directly motivate farmers to increase their crop yields and indirectly generate employment opportunities along the value chains. The programme will be governed by demand and market-driven approaches that will lead to increases in adoption of quality seeds, fertilizers and good agronomic practices, and marketing of farm outputs while building a critical knowledge base and strengthening systems that will further catalyse private sector participation and full engagement in the agriculture sector.

The Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation continues to provide leadership and guidance to its agencies to ensure food and nutrition security and environmental sustainability in the country. The ministry currently has oversight responsibility in six agencies namely Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR); Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC); Environmental protection Agency (EPA); National Biosafety Authority (NBA); Land Use and Spatial Planning Authority; and Nuclear Regulatory Authority. Over the years, the ministry and its agencies have implemented various programmes with the objectives to strengthen institutional and regulatory frameworks for sustainable natural resource management; reduce loss of biodiversity; enhance capacity to adapt to climate change impacts; promote green economy; promote the application of Science, Technology and Innovation in all sectors of the economy; and strengthen the institutional framework to promote the development of research and its application. The thrust of Government’s policy towards national development rests on ensuring that science, technology and innovation drive all sectors of the economy. To achieve this, sectoral policies, programmes and strategies are being implemented on the basis of the National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy. In line with this the Ministry has developed a science and technology policy framework that rests on seven pillars. The first pillar emphasises the desire of the President of Ghana to give STI constant attention. Thus, a Presidential Advisory Council on STI (PACSTI) has been established as an advisory body situated at the Presidency to advise the President on matters relating to STI. The second pillar of the STI framework will ensure co-


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ordination of all sectoral activities involving STI through an Inter-Ministerial Coordinating Council on Science Technology and Innovation. The third pillar recognizes the need for strong partnership between Government, public research institutions, the scientific academic community and industry. In doing so, the Ministry has established the Ghana Innovation and Research Commercialization Centre (GIRC-Centre), which will serve as the bridge between the Government, Public Research Institutions, Academia on one hand, and Industry on the other. It will also provide incubation centres that will function similarly as the innovation hub concept being proposed in your project.

Ladies and gentlemen, recognising that access to funding is a major drawback to the delivery of quality research outputs, the fourth pillar of the STI policy framework prioritises adequate provision of funding for research. Accordingly, the government has pledged that a minimum 1% of Ghana’s GDP will be applied towards R&D in the short to medium term, to be increased to 2.5% in the long term. The fifth pillar emphasises the teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) at all levels of the nation’s educational system while the sixth pillar affirms that the STI policy framework must be backed by legislation to give it teeth, and ensure continuity in its implementation. To this end, the Ministry has prepared the framework for the development of the National STI Bill, which has been submitted to the Attorney-General’s Department. The framework consists of the establishment of two bodies which are the Presidential Advisory Council for STI (PACSTI) and STI Fund.

Finally, the seventh pillar has a strong focus on the development of strategic technologies in areas of agriculture & food processing; environment, waste management and circular economy; oil & gas sector; bio-fuels, green energy & energy storage systems; health & pharmaceuticals; information and communications technology (ICT), with emphasis on 3-d printing, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, micro-controllers & processors and software engineering; financial technology (Fintech); mining & minerals processing; and manufacturing, based on precision machining & digital manufacturing.

Ladies and gentlemen, the EU-AU research cooperation is critical if we must achieve the STI objectives of the Ghana government. It is in this vein that my Ministry fully supports the creation of Europe-Africa International Research Consortium (IRC) to enhance exchange of ideas and expertise relevant for the development and application of STI solutions to address our food and nutrition security and environmental problems. There are many other initiatives such as the “One District One Factory” programme under which the president recently launched an orange fleshed sweet potato processing factory to produced highly nutritious products to combat micronutrient deficiency especially vitamin A. The ministry also recently inaugurated the National Steering Committee for Aflatoxin Control, which will among others mobilise resources for aflatoxin management to protect public health and ensure fair domestic and international trade practices. In relation to environmental protection, the ministry has developed a regulation on Pesticide Registration, Licensing, Labelling and Packaging, Transportation and Storage and Application to prevent their misuse. The ministry has also ratified the Nagoya Protocol which ensures the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the use of genetic resources.

Over the years, my Ministry has supported the implementation of EU-AU cooperation projects and programmes such as CAAST-Net, CAAST-Net Plus and LEAP-Agri for our mutual benefits. We shall continue to provide our support to ensure the successful implementation of this and other future projects.

Ladies and gentlemen, for these three days that you will be here, I wish you fruitful deliberations that will result in the achievement of the expected objectives and outcomes of the project.

Thank you.


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Welcome Remarks by Dr. Yemi Akinbamijo, Executive Director of FARA

- Honourable Minister for Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI) of theGovernment of Ghana,

- Your Excellence Ambassador of the European Union in Ghana,

- Your Excellence High Commissioners and Ambassadors representing your countries to theGovernment of Ghana,

- Delegates from member organizations members of LEAP4FNSSA

- Ladies and Gentlemen,

1. A very warm welcome to Ghana and to FARA. Akwaaba! On behalf of FARA and on my behalf, I wishyou a good stay in Ghana and especially in this premise where you will spend 3 full working days. Thankyou for your coming to this event. Please help us to make your stay more comfortable by informing us onyour specific needs (diet, health issues, etc.).

2. As this the first time of seeing and meeting most of you this year, I would like to take this opportunity toextend and/or reiterate my best wishes for 2019. May this year bring happiness, success and prosperity toyou, your families and organizations.

3. As you know, Africa and Europe are two continents that know each other according to their recenthistory. Collaboration between the two continents in ARD has been strong for many decades, althoughwe witnessed a bit of a slow-down in the decade or so. LEAP4FNSSA therefore presents opportunity forAfrica and Europe to come together around a common interest in ARD and reinvigorate our partnership.

4. African and European agricultural sectors share some commonalities, the most important is the fact thatsmall farmers (family farming) are dominant in the agricultural landscapes of both continents.

5. European agriculture has capitalized on knowledge (technology and innovation) which is needed toadvance African agriculture. As we think there is no need to reinvent the wheel to bridge the gap inAfrica.

6. Today African and European agricultural sectors are facing some global challenges such climate change,food safety (aflatoxin), zoonotic diseases (swine & bird flu) for which the control requirespartnerships/coalitions/alliances.

7. The issue of migration/immigration makes the headlines of most of media, as it is impacting negativelyon the agricultural sector in Africa but also raising some social concerns in Europe. The issue can only beresolved by collaborative efforts aiming at creating jobs and opportunities for Africa’s youth. Agriculturalsector still presents the best bet option today and we need to increase investment to tap the quick returns itoffers for sustainable food and nutrition security.

8. For this, African Union (AU) and Europe Union (EU) have entered into partnership for Food & NutritionSecurity and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA). A roadmap and themes for collaborative projects weredefined by the Experts Working Group (EWG) and endorsed by the Stakeholders Forum in Addis Ababain 2016. These are: (i) Sustainable intensification, (ii) Agriculture and food systems for nutrition, and (iii)Expansion and improvement of agricultural markets and trade.

9. It was agreed that collaborative projects should be developed to operationalize and support thepartnership between the AU and EU on the FNSSA. We are glad the LEAP4FNSSA which is fundedunder Horizon 2020 is one of these projects. The FNSSA is built on CAADP Sustaining the momentumand Malabo Declaration (June 2014) and also aligns with the Science Agenda for Agriculture in Africabeing led by FARA. FARA therefore joins this partnership from this perspective and linkage to theCAAPD under the AU and NPCA (AUDA).


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10. I learnt the project involves 35 partner organizations from Africa and Europe. This large partnership is a good start and we wish other specialized thematic programmes reaching the last mile will be advanced to enhance the achievement of FNSSA objectives. Africa needs technologies that can be easily translated into innovation and impact.

11. The Board of FARA approved, in November 2018, a new Strategic Plan (2019-2028) and Business Plan (2019-2024) titled Science, Institutions and People. The new FARA’s Strategic Plan and Business Plan is built on the premise that the use of science will increase productivity and production but that at the same there is need of improving African agricultural institutions (policy, markets, financing institutions etc.) by strengthening science-policy interface. To achieve this the partnership built around science, technology and innovation is crucial. LEAP4FNSSA therefore comes at an opportune time.

12. Honourable Minister, Excellence Ambassadors, Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to end my statement by inviting you to the 8th Africa Agriculture Science Week (AASW) that is planned to be organized into Cairo, Egypt from 26th to 31st October 2019 on the theme of Science, Institutions and People. More information will be shared with you in coming days. Let’s meet and discuss what should be our next themes of partnerships and who should we involved to achieve CAADP and Malabo Declaration.

13. Finally, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to the European Commission that is funding the LEAP4FNSSA partnership between Africa and Europe, the Directorate General of Research for providing support to this project. I would like to thank CIRAD, WUR and the large consortium for coming together on this important project.

14. We are also thankful to the Government of Ghana as a member of the Leap-Agri and LEAP4FNSSA funding mechanisms and for hosting FARA since 2002. Their support in different kinds has been instrumental for FARA’s achievements. Please Honourable Minister kindly convey our sentiments of gratitude to His Excellence President Nana Akufo-Addo.

15. On this note, I am pleased to welcome you all to Accra and FARA and wish you very fruitful deliberations.

16. Thank you all for your kind attention


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Opening speech Delivered by Agnieszka Romanowicz, EC Project Officer of LEAP4FNSSA, DG-AGRI

It is my pleasure to be here with you today. The science and technology cooperation that the African Union and the European Union has it transforming in front of our eyes.

The High Level Policy Dialoge (HLPD) that we have between the African and the European countries has allowed us to discuss common ideas, needs and priorities that we have in the research domain.

In 2016 we have adopted first priority topic on food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture, in short FNSSA. The objective that we had was that this is a jointly owned and jointly developed cooperation. By having this meeting in Ghana we are showing that this ambition of jointly owned and jointly develop partnership is being achieved.

The EU has dedicated with its research programme H2020 a specific part in the calls that are dedicated to the FNSSA. In the period of 2013-2020 around 300million, euros will be earmarked for cooperation in research with African researchers.

The next meeting of the senior officials as HLPD will most likely take place in Adis Ababa at the end of this year. This will be quite important moment for the FNSSA partnership as we will have number of research project up and running and we may also have first results to present.

Now let’s look at the agriculture I am from agriculture department of the European Commission and some of you might have heard that the EU has created a Task Force Rural Africa. It is a group of 10 eminent scientist, policy maker and advisors from Africa and Europe that over one year looked at our cooperation and will produces a report. The report is part of the ‘New Africa-Europe Alliance’ announced by President Junker of the EC. The report due to be published in March will present a Rural Agenda for the ‘New Africa-Europe alliance’.

The report acknowledges Africa diversity with i’s unique challenge of managing structural transformation in the context of globalisation and climate change.

I would like to list just some of the recommendations pertinent to our meeting. First, our two continents cooperation should operate at three levels: people-to-people, business-to-business and government to government. Implementing any territorial approach should be people and place cantered.

We should mainstream natural resources management and climate action into national policies. We should boost research, education and innovation systems as well as build capacities. Promotion of farmers’ organisations and cooperatives should be also included in our action. This is just a handful of recommendations but I guess some of the people in this room can see that FNSSA is actively implementing already those recommendations.

The final report will also refer to research needs, as this was also part of the discussion of this task force. The meeting that covered research topics actually took place in Kigali.

Our meeting that we are opening right now is quite important from the operational level. All the nice process I mentioned political commitments and recommendations have to be transferred into action.

The LEAP4FNSSA project is a H2020 project with main aim to support a policy in our case this is the FNSSA partnership. For this work, the EC prepared a budget of up to 5 million Euro for a period of 4 years. That means that we have support for our work till 2022. LEAP4FNSSA will help in supporting a dedicated working group that supports the work of senior officials and both commissions. The objectives of the project team, which is largely in the room, are: to help establishing a partnerships of equals, where we will work on common priorities. The team will also support commissions in clustering projects both funded by the AUC and the EU commission. We hope that the meetings were researchers from different stream of funding will meet will bring a new dimension to this partnership. The first opportunity for supporting policy makes will come at the end of the year when the HLPD meeting will take place and we will have a stakeholder forum with different actors involved in this process. There is no pressure but both Commissions departments of research and agriculture will be looking forward to your support and work.


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The LEAP4FNSSA is expected to be our hub or in a way a centre of the FNSSA project construction. We have already 9 projects with grant agreement signed by the AUC in the sustainable intensification pillar. The second pillar of FNSSA on agricultural and food production is currently being evaluated. The EC has so far funded InnovAfrica, a very interesting project with first results, some other projects with elements of agriculture like in the domain of satellite images processing. And we have already finish one project ProIntensAfrica, to which some of you participated. We have also ERANet project which will fund number of projects across all pillars of FNSSA. I think at this moment the ERANet colleagues are finalising securing co-funding from some of the participating countries.

Under H2020 we have just closed application for sustainable intensification topics which has 35million Euros in funding, a second topic on nutrition with 21 million Euros. This funding will be divided into 9 projects of between 5 and 7 million Euros each. As an addition requirement for those topics we have increased number of minimum African participants and when possible we tried to regionalise research so more countries will join the FNSSA partnership. This is aligned with the conclusions of Africa-EU agriculture ministers meeting in the Hague in 2016 and in Rome in 2017.

For the 2020 we will have one topic of around 18 million Euros on small holders income. This topic will be published in June/July this year.

Some of you now that the FNSSA was adopted for 10 years and some of you know also that the current EU budget cycle ends in 2020. The EC is committed to FNSSA partnership and as some of you know we are currently negotiating a new research programme Horizon Europe. We will have a so called clusters and in the current legal proposal we are in cluster 5. From my side I am already preparing possible future funding. This means for example planning for new topics in the work programme 2021 this work will start probably by the end of this calendar year. For the preparatory work we will have some events organized including a research session at the upcoming meeting of EU-Africa Agricultural ministerial meeting on the 22 of June in Rome.

We are also discussing with my colleague across different departments (cooperation and development department, research and agriculture) future possible funding to our partnership.

The European Investment Bank has also joint us in the agriculture dimension of the Africa –EU cooperation and maybe some new opportunities will be possible from the EIB funding.

I am looking very positive into the future there are discussions at different levels, the 2019 year will, at least from the EU point of view, be decisive in terms of future funding.

Personally, I will be working very close with the LEAP4FNSSA project my personal expectations are high and I hope that this meeting will give us the right start for this joint work ahead. Being hosted by FARA gives me also hopes that we will reach many more countries then the one in the consortium.

I will be with you till Friday evening and I expect that by end of that day we will all be leaving this beautiful country with a positive outlook for the future cooperation within this project and beyond.

I wish to all of us a great meeting.


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Speech Delivered by Philippe Petithuguenin, Coordinator of LEAP4FNSSA

Honourable Dr Patricia APPIAGYEI, deputy-minister for Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation of the government of Ghana

Dr Agnieska Romanovicz, representative of the European Commission

Dr Philippe Mawoko, executive secretary of AOSTI, representative of the department of human resources, science and technology of the African Union Commission

Dr Yemi Akinbamijo, executive director of FARA, and long time colleague and partner of FNSSA related projects

Excellencies directors and representatives of embassies, international organisations, and other institutions involved in the agriculture, food and rural development sector,

stakeholders of this sector,

Partners of LEAP4FNSSA project,

And dear guests,

It is a great pleasure for me to say a few words at this ceremony marking the launch of the project “long term Europe Africa partnership for food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture”, or LEAP 4 FNSSA.

(not so easy to pronounce…. I hope all of you are accustomed to weird English acronyms; you cannot imagine how many people can even not spell it in my country!)

It is a great pleasure and also with a sense of responsibility, as coordinator of this project, as I am well aware of the tasks ahead and of the high expectations of the African Union, the European Union, and all the stakeholders involved in research and innovation in this domain. And also of the expectations of the intended beneficiaries: farmers, consumers and citizens of Europe and of Africa.

I am confident that we can reach our objectives because we have already worked together, for quite some time, and with good results.

Indeed many of us have worked together to contribute to this partnership in the policy domain and also more specifically in the FNSSA domain.

Regarding policy construction, I remember you, Dr Yemi Akinbamijo, in November 2013 in Brussels, presenting the FNSSA challenges and how European and African institutions could better work together to address these challenges. Your address contributed to the approval of this domain as the first priority area for the EU AU High Level Policy Dialogue in Science Technology and Innovation. And since then, FARA has been a strong supporter and an active partner in many bicontinental initiatives related to this domain.

I also remember the dialogue between the EU and the AU to set up, and support, a working group of 10 experts, 5 from Europe and 5 from Africa, to develop during the year 2014/2015 a RoadMap that framed the partnership between the two unions in R&I in the FNSSA domain. I had the pleasure to be part of this group and the honour to co-chair it with Mohammed Jeenah who was at that time working closely with you, Dr Shaddrach Moephuli, in leading the Agricultural Research Council of South Africa.

Thanks to the support of many people present in the room today, this FNSSA RoadMap was endorsed in April 2016 by the Senior Officials of the EU AU HLPD.

The policy dialogue benefitted from the support of various EU funded projects. I would like to mention in particular the CAASTNET and CAASTNET Plus projects who were coordinated by Dr Andy Cherry: he is here today and a key contributor to LEAP4FNSSA. And the RINEA project, coordinated by Stefan Haffner who is also co-leading one of the WorkPackages in LEAP4FNSSA.


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In parallel to these policy developments, the research and innovation community of institutions of the FNSSA domain did not stay waiting or complacent. Institutions involved in funding, programming or conducting partnership activities between Europe and Africa engaged also in improving their collaborations.

I remember a meeting in Wageningen in September 2013, chaired by our WUR colleagues, where high-level representatives of 13 European research institutions decided to launch the IntensAfrica initiative, and to engage with their African partners.

With them, and in particular with the support and leadership of FARA, they submitted a proposal to Horizon 2020, which aligned with one of the 3 pillars of the FNSSA Roadmap. It was selected for funding and led to the ProIntensAfrica Project, active in many African countries from April 2015 to March 2017.

And I remember the final conference of this project, organised in the facilities of the African Union Commission in Addis, thanks in particular to Dr Mahama Ouedraogo, the HRST director (please Dr P Mawoko, pass my greetings and regards to Mahama Ouedraogo). I remember then Dr Agnieska Romanovicz indicating the intention of the European Union to continue supporting this partnership, including towards a “next step”, the next step that we are reaching now with LEAP4FNSSA.

European and African agencies and ministries funding research activities also got together. Building on previous experience of 3 ERANETS (ERA ARD 1, ERA ARD2 and ERAfrica) they developed a Cofund proposal: LEAP -Agri. This proposal was approved by Horizon 2020, and started in December 2016 under the coordination of the ANR. And I am happy to greet Bernard Mallet, deputy coordinator of LEAP Agri, and also a partner of LEAP4FNSSA.

I have been a bit long, sorry! But it was important to stress that there has been a significant “journey” leading to today’s stage. I could only mention a few people and institutions who have played an active role in this; there has been many more, who deserved to be acknowledged ( applause ???)

Where are we going now and what will LEAP4FNSSA do ? To keep the schedule, I will not detail all the activities that will be implemented in the next 4 years. I propose to focus instead on what LEAP4FNSSA will deliver, what will be its legacy:

A partnership platform of institutions willing to improve their coordination and collaboration in R&I in the FNSSA domain, to align and to make faster progress on the FNSSA Roadmap approved by the EU and AU, for the benefit of both continents !

This partnership platform will be opened to all interested parties, all parties willing to coordinate around the FNSSA roadmap and contribute to its goals. Therefore it is not limited to the project consortium partners, and not even only to Europe or Africa based institutions.

To operate and last, a partnership platform needs 3 Pillars:

- 1rst Pillar: Institutions and people: willing to participate and align, who see that by their involvement they can generate added value, first for themselves, but also for the other participants

- 2nd pillar: Organised, reliable, easy to access information: A system offering useful information, including contacts, in the domain of the platform.

- And, 3rd pillar, funding to support the collaboration.

LEAP4FNSSA will invest in the development of these three pillars, in a way which will ensure:

- The sustainability of the platform at the end of the project - And its attractiveness to all interested parties, within and beyond the consortium partners.

This means that LEAP4FNSSA has, of course, to fulfil its contractual obligation to the EC, submitting high quality deliverables in due time and within the approved budget. But it also has to “go beyond”, by delivering its expected impact: a functional and sustainable Europe Africa partnership platform.

Yes, this is an ambitious task and, yes, there will be many challenges on the way.

But we shall succeed,

Thanks to the support and guidance of the EC, the AUC and the HLPD


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Thanks to the knowledge, the advices, the contacts and the support of our Policy officer, Agnieska Romanovicz, and our project officer, Cristina Soriani,

Thanks to the synergies to be developed with LEAP Agri

Thanks to the commitment of all consortium partners,

And thanks to the inputs, the expectations, the questions and also the constructive criticisms of the all the stakeholder representatives and of all of you who have come to this event and, hopefully, to the many others that we shall organise in the coming 4 years.

I thank you for your attention and hope you will join us in our journey over the next 4 years.


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ANNEX 5. External Advisory Committee


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LEAP4FNSSALong-term Europe Africa Partnership

for Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture

Kick Off Meeting

External Advisory Committee

January 30th, 2019FARA Headquarters

Accra, Ghana


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External Advisory Committee

• Three experts

• Mobilised by the Coordination and the Steering


• To better inform the decisions of the Project


• to raise awareness and promote the EU AU FNSSA

Partnership to other networks


Page 46: Deliverable N.: D5 · D5.1 – 1st General Assembly report Grant Agreement nº 817663 6 Executive Summary The first General Assembly of the LEAP4FNSSA project took place in Accra,

Dr Jemimah Njuki

Senior Program Specialist at Canada’s International

Development Research Centre (IDRC).

Gender and women and girls empowerment


Chair of AWARD Steering Committee

Has worked in many African countries for CIAT, ILRI,

CAB International, and CARE USA.

Founder and Editor in Chief of the Journal of Gender,

Agriculture and Food Security.


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Dr Stéphanie BarrialKnowledge Management Coordinator,World Rural Forum (WRF)sharing and generating knowledge and advocating for demand-driven participatory research and exchange between regional farmers organizations. Active in GFAR and GFRAS. Has worked within the international NGO and Trade Union Federation in Geneva and BrusselsBackground in Political Science and Sustainable Development studies.


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Dr Denis Tumwesigye Kyetere

Executive Director of the African Agricultural

Technology Foundation (AATF) since 2012.

Former Director General of Uganda’s National

Agricultural Research Organization (NARO), former

chairman of FARA, of ASARECA, and of various

scientific networks.

Trained in Genetics and Plant Breeding at Makerere

University, University of Wales/Aberystwyth College

and Ohio State University


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ANNEX 6. WP1 -Presentation and WG

session report


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

LEAP4FNSSALong-term Europe Africa Partnership

for Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture

Kick Off Meeting

WP1: Support to the FNSSA Partnership and the HLPD


January 30th - February 1st 2019FARA Headquarters

Accra, Ghana


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

OverviewWP1 provides dedicated support and information services to the FNSSA Partnership, the HLPD, the HLPD Bureau, and its Working Groups. Previously, the RINEA project was responsible for providing this support.

Objectives:• Provide strategic and operational support to the implementation of the FNSSA

Roadmap. • Strategically link the Partnership and the HLPD to existing international fora and

processes and other external stakeholders. • Contribute to the knowledge basis of the HLPD and the Partnership by undertaking

analytical and foresight activities. • Establish and conduct a monitoring and evaluation framework for both the Partnership

and the Roadmap.



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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

WP1 Approach: Linking to the HLPD & Bureau• Leap4FNSSA will work closely with the HLPD. A significant portion of the

resources will be used to implement activities required by the HLPD Bureau (through WP1).

• This will include the following elements: • organisation of policy and brokerage events, workshops and conferences,

capacity development related activities, benchmarking studies, • the drafting of policy and/or technical papers and the development of the

monitoring and evaluation framework for the FNSSA Partnership.

• Although there is a clear set of activities, detailed programmes on the activities will be established regularly/every year in agreement with the HLPD Bureau.

• Communication between project coordinators and WP leaders essential• Key actors:

• Agnieszka Romanowicz, LEAP4FNSSA Policy Officer• Project coordinators• DST as members of the Bureau and co-leaders of WP1• Other LEAP4FNSSA partners involved in the Bureau


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

T1.1 Governance Support and Secretariat (1)• Task Leaders: JYU, DST• Contributing Partners: MEST, FCT, KINNO, CIRAD• Approach:

• Continuation and expansion of the strategic support for the HLPD & its processes previously undertaken in the RINEA project.

• Supporting the governance processes of the FNSSA Partnership, for the implementation of the Roadmap, and the development of the Partnership.

• Dedicated, flexible services to respond to the needs, requests, and future of the Partnership

• Clear communication• Internally with the project coordination team• Externally with the relevant bodies


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

T1.1 Governance Support and Secretariat (2)• Activities and timelines:

1. Support to the HLPD, the HLPD Bureau and to the Partnership’s Governance processes (M1-48): Flexible support responding to the needs and requests of the HLPD, the Bureau. Coordinating the project’s response to requests and proposals to the Bureau. A yearly plan of activities will be submitted.

2. Secretariat and support for the HLPD Working Groups (M5-48): providing services for ad hoc and permanent WGs established to support the Partnership. Immediate support to the WG on FNSSA. Arranging meetings, developing documents, facilitating activities, etc.

• Deliverables:• D1.14 First annual report on the support to the HLPD (M13). JYU• D1.15 Second annual report on the support to the HLPD (M25). DST• D1.16 Third annual report on the support to the HLPD (M37). JYU• D1.17 Fourth annual report on the support to the HLPD (M48). DST

• Links to other WPs/Tasks: • WP1 coordinates the response to requests thus potentially linking to all WPs

and Tasks


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

T1.2 Stakeholder Engagement (1)• Task Leaders: UHOH, DST• Contributing Partners: CIRAD, WR, FARA, MEST, JYU,

NASAC, CULS• Approach: support key stakeholder engagement in

support of the HLPD Bureau• Convincing current partners to maintain their involvement • Attracting new partners to join the Partnership • Raising visibility and mobilizing stakeholders around international

events, workshops, and studies


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

T1.2 Stakeholder Engagement (2)• Activities and timelines:

1. Stakeholder engagement with the current projects/initiatives in FNSSA (M1-48): A least 2 specific events with project partners to facilitate exchange of information & identification of synergies.

2. Stakeholder engagement supporting the AU-EU HLPD Senior Officials Meetings (M1-48): At least 2 stakeholder engagements per SOM for approx. 20-30 people.

3. Contributing to advocacy by participation in strategic global conferences/events (M1-48): Participation at 8 international fora. Provide an analysis of current global discussions that contribute to the area of FNSSA .

4. Sustainability of FNSSA implementation with key stakeholders (M44-48): workshop to showcase the outcomes of LEAP4FNSSA to the public.

• Deliverables:• D1.1. Reflections report on workshops and events outcomes (M46). UHOH

• Links to other WPs/Tasks:• CULS WP 3/ task 3.1 promote the partnership to relevant institutions in Eastern

and Central Europe and link Partnership to international fora where CULS is involved


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

T1.3 Studies, Analysis, Foresight• Task Leaders: UCPH, IITA• Contributing Partners: WR• Approach:

• Build the knowledge basis of around FNSSA and for the implementation of the Roadmap.

• Prepare and execute studies and analysis on thematic and cross-cutting issues identified by the HLPD Bureau. Respond to specific requests and propose topics for further analysis, based on strategic needs.

• Contribute to the outlines of the future FNSSA Platform.


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

T1.3 Studies, Analysis, Foresight• Activities and timelines:

1. Inventory and analysis of existing policy and strategic documents (M6-12): Baseline inventory and analysis. Input for the decisions on which studies should be undertaken in Activity 2.

2. Specific studies to be undertaken in support of the knowledge base (M12-48): A number of studies (approx. 6) on topics relevant for the HLPD or strategic topics identified in Activity 1. ToR developed by the task leaders. Studies may be conducted by members of the consortium or subcontracted if expertise doesn’t exist in the consortium.

3. Organization of thematic expert workshops (M12-48): At the request of the Bureau, meant to provide expert input into specific topics.

• Deliverables:• D1.2 Annotated bibliographies on selected topics (M12). IITA• D1.3 First compiled study reports (M24). WR• D1.4 Workshop report (M24). IITA• D1.5 Second compiled study reports (M36). UCPH• D1.6 Third compiled study reports (M46). IITA• D1.7 Workshop Report (M46). UCPH


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

T1.4 Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Assessment (1)

• Task Leaders: ACU, AU• Contributing Partners: ASARECA, JYU, IITA, DST,


• The RINEA project, with EC and AUC endorsement, undertook two pieces of work in 2017/18 towards M&E and impact assessment of the FNSSA Partnership, both conducted in liaison with the HLPD Working Group on FNSSA.

i. A ‘light’ evaluation of the first 18 months of the Partnership.ii. A concept for an impact-oriented M&E framework.

• The concept provides an overview of the theoretical framework and a monitoring system comprising a set of indicators, indicator profiles, results matrix, and analytical tools. The framework will build on the FNSSA Roadmap’s 11 M&E criteria, establishing indicators along three impact pathways, while assuring coherence with relevant SDGs.


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

T1.4 Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Assessment (2)

• Activities and timelines: Under T1.4, over the 4 yr of LEAP4FNSSA, we will translate the concept into a fully detailed framework and then implement each of the key elements listed below:

1. M&E framework (M1-6): Establishing the M&E framework will involve building the detailed methodology for each of the following four components.

2. Baseline study (M7-12): A short study on a small cohort of relevant projects that predate the FNSSA partnership to establish baseline values for core indicators against which to monitor progress.

3. Indicator data collection (M13-48): Throughout years 2, 3 and 4 we will be periodically collecting, collating and presenting indicators data, highlighting progress along impact pathways towards the FNSSA partnership goal.

4. Impact assessment and value addition (M13-48): This activity concerns the prediction of long-term impact on the basis of proxies. The activity links the impact of the Partnership to broader frameworks such as the UN SDGs.

5. External evaluation (M23-26 & M46-48): Conducted independently of data collection and monitoring, external evaluation provides critical assessment of progress, value for money, of lessons learned and implemented, the anticipated impact, and the contribution of the Partnership to wider frameworks. Our role is oversight of that external evaluation.


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

T1.4 Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Assessment (2)

• Deliverables: • D1.8 First annual progress monitoring and impact report (M12).

ACU• D1.9 First external evaluation report (M26). ACU• D1.10 Second annual progress monitoring and impact report

(M24). AU• D1.11 Third annual progress monitoring and impact report

(M36). ACU• D1.12 Fourth annual progress monitoring and impact report

(M48). AU• D1.13 Second external evaluation report (M48). AU


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LEAP4FNSSA Kick-Off Meeting

WP1 Technical Meeting Summary

Task 1.1: Governance Support and Secretariat

This task provides mechanisms for supporting the governance processes of the FNSSA Partnership

for the implementation of the FNSSA Roadmap and the development of the Partnership itself. The

task is responsive to requests coming from Partnership, coordinating, along with the project

coordinator, the project’s response to these requests. This task is also responsible for coordinating

and preparing proposals to the Bureau for the Project’s yearly support activities. The following

activities are planned thus far for 2019:

Creating a proposal for LEAP4FNSSA 2019 Support Activities.

Development of internal communication methods for the WP and coordinating with WP4

and the Coordinators to ensure communication within the project.

Secretariat of the FNSSA Working Group. A first face-to-face meeting of the WG will be

organized in April 2019 alongside a scientific workshop on FNSSA organized by the EC. A

second face-to-face meeting will be held alongside the SOM meeting in Addis Ababa.

Task 1.2: Stakeholder Engagement

This task ensures the engagement of stakeholders strategic for the development of the R&I

Partnership in FNSSA. There are four planned activities within this task: (1) engagement with

current projects/initiatives in FNSSA, (2) engagement supporting the SOM meetings, (3)

engagement with strategic global conferences/events, and (4) sustainability of the Partnership.

The following activities are planned for 2019:

Linking with WP2 and WP3 to organize an event for projects funded under the umbrella of

the Partnership.

A support event for the upcoming SOM should be held, potentially with the focus on trying

to widen the Partnership to better include Eastern European countries.

Collecting suggestions from the consortium of strategic events at which to present the

project and Partnership. Suggested events will then be sent to the project’s Policy Officer

and to the FNSSA Working Group for identifying potential synergies. Linking to WP4 is


Task 1.3: Studies, Analysis, Foresight

This task supports the development of the knowledge base of the Partnership by preparing and

executing studies and analysis on thematic and cross-cutting issues. This task will not only utilize

the expertise within the Consortium, but will serve to strategically widen the base of the

Partnership. Linking with SCAR, the Foresight Academy of FARA, and GFAR to avoid overlap is

foreseen. The following activities are planned for 2019:

Developing terms of reference for implementing the task.

Undertaking an inventory and analysis of existing policy and strategic documents of interest

to the HLPD Bureau and Partnership, to be informed to the FNSSA Working Group and

serve as the basis for a deliverable report on the state of the art.

Creating a catalogue of ideas for potential study topics, for consideration by the FNSSA

Working Group and/or HLPD Bureau.


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Task 1.4: Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Assessment

This task will undertake monitoring, evaluation, and impact assessment for the Partnership and

the implementation of the Roadmap. This work builds off the concepts developed by the RINEA

project, and approved by the FNSSA Working Group. The following activities are planned for 2019:

Developing the Methodology Concept Note created by RINEA into a full Framework for


Undertaking a baseline study.

Contribution to a publication organized by the EC for the SOM in the end of the year.


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ANNEX 7. WP2 -Presentation and WG

session report


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1WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

Version 04 | 31 Jan. 2019

LEAP4FNSSALong-term Europe Africa Partnership

for Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture

Kick Off Meeting | 1st General Assembly | 1st Steering Committee January 30th - February 1st 2019 | FARA Headquarters | Accra, Ghana

WP2 | Actor, Alliances and Policies

WP2 Co-Leader | Mr George Essegbey and Mr Stefan A. Haffner

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme


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2WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies


The Long Term LEAP-


General Context

Task 2.1 Dialogues for


Task 2.2 Scientific Sorting Houses

Task 2.3 FNSSA

Systems Improvement

Task 2.4 Funding

Networks & Mechanisms


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3WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies


BLE | Germany

ANR | France

DLR-PT | Germany

FONRID | Burkina Faso

DST | South Africa

NRF | South Africa

STEPRI | Ghana


GAKK | Germany

KEF | Egypt

KINNO | Greece

General Context | WP2 | The Partners


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4WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

General Context | WP2 | Objectives

1. Creation of strategic FNSSA alliances in R&I based on existingnetworks, infrastructures, activities, methods and technologies

2. Improvement of coordination and collaborative actions

3. Mobilising actors in the frame of a Programme and Innovation Management Cycle - PIMC

4. Design and testing of a Knowledge Management and Communication Framework - KMCF

5. Forming two sub-regional pilot alliances (West & North Africa) withtemporary facilitating model secretariats and the intention to expandthis approach to other parts of Africa

6. Design of funding concepts

7. Contribute to the development of the envisaged LEAP multi-actorPlatform in FNSSA and to the support of the HLPD (Bureau)


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5WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

The Long term LEAP-Approach

Theory of Change &

Impact Pathway

Programme & Innovation

Management Cycle


TCIP AU-EU Knowledge ManagementAnd Communication Framework



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6WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

General Context | WP2 | Contributions to PIMC an KMCF

Task 2.2 Scientific Sorting Houses

Task 2.3 FNSSA

Systems Improvement

Task 2.4 Funding

Networks & Mechanisms

Task 2.1 Dialogues for


Task 2.4 Funding

Networks & Mechanisms

Task 2.2 Scientific Sorting Houses


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7WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

The Long term LEAP-Approach

A Theory of Change & Impact Pathway is …

• a starting point for R&I activities

• a planning and communication tool for reflecting regularly on processes

• Applicable on the project & the programme level

• Reference point for dialogues in the mid and at the end ofprocesses



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8WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

The Long term LEAP-Approach


Problem area to be addressed

Causes & underlying knowledge- and capacity-

related causes

Context Analysis incl. Stakeholder Analysis

Impact Pathway

M&E Indicators

Knowledge sharing and Research Uptake

• Scientific output• Stakeholder

engagement• Capacity

development• Communication!

• Project Level• ‚Programme‘ Level• PIMC Level




Research and Innovation Activities

Agendas and Pathways Development

Research & Innovation,Human & Institutional










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9WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

The Long term LEAP-Approach





Sorting House ITranslating science

recommendations forpractice


Systems Improvement


Sorting House IIKnowledge Gaps in

Systems Improvement


Dialogues forAction


Programme & Innovation

Management Cycle



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10WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

The Long term LEAP-Approach



• Ressources for R&I• Research output• R&I Networks


Recommendationsfor Innovations• Products• Networks• Services


• Promoting knowledgeadaptation

• Develop business• Improve the

ecosystem• Real life data


• New goals• R&I and Capacity

Building agendasand impactpathways (TCIP)


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11WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

The Long term LEAP-Approach

Network of Actors in RE-AlliancesResearchers | Initiatives | Producers | Governance | Implementing Institutions | Funders | End-Users


| Bureau

Governmental Institutions

Entrepreneurs along value chains

Innovation Hubs/Technology

Transfer Offices/Extension


Research Institutions

Digital Portal & Data Managers

Funder’s NetworksAfrican


National Science Academies &






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12WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

The Long term LEAP-Approach


1. Agreeing on a Theory of Change and Impact Pathway - TCIP

2. Involving and mobilisingpartners, funds & resources for research & action

3. Harmonising agendas & joint programming

4. Generate research output towards innovation and capacity building


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13WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

T2.1 | Dialogues for Action towards joint R&I agendas in FNSSA | BLE & NRF


Testing in West and North Africa Dialogues for Action

W6 Workshops (WS) are foreseen

• 4 WS - Two consecutive WS per region

Aug. 2019 (M10) | Apr. 2020 (M18)

• 2 WS about Sorting House II per region - Apr. 2022 (M42)

Mobilising alliances of actors towards research programming and –funding - before Aug. 2022 (M46)

• Establishing or fostering existing interfaces between actors of research and innovation as elements of the KMCF

• Establishing decision support mechanisms

• Designing of two regional Theories of Change with Impact Pathways (TCIP)

Conceptualisation of an operational and cost effective frame, including sub-regional secretariats with rotating responsibilities to support the sub-regional Alliances - before Aug. 2022 (M46)


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14WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

T2.4 | Funding Networks & Mechanisms | ANR & FONRID


1. Identifying and mapping major STI funding bodies and mechanisms, collaboration approaches and methods of funders - between Jan. 2019 (M3) and Jul. 2019 (M8)

2. Development of Pilot Funding Alliances with sub-regional foci (West and North Africa)

3. Designing regional approaches for R&I funding, incl. funding mechanisms and methods and collaboration approaches (PIMC/KMCF)

4. Two funders workshops - between Jul. 2019 (M9) and Oct. 2022 (M48)

• Finding synergies• Simplifying funding activities• Intra-sectoral exchange with funders also about the inter-sectoral

multi-stakeholder exchange in the Dialogues for action in future PIMCs


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15WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

General Context | WP2 | Contributions to PIMC an KMCF

Task 2.2 Scientific Sorting Houses

Task 2.3 FNSSA

Systems Improvement

Task 2.4 Funding

Networks & Mechanisms

Task 2.1 Dialogues for


Task 2.4 Funding

Networks & Mechanisms

Task 2.2 Scientific Sorting Houses


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16WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

The Long term LEAP-Approach


1. Building the interface between Dialogues for Action (Seg.1) and Innovation Systems (Seg.3)

2. Reflecting on the PIMC-TCIP

3. Reformatting science based recommendations for action and dialogues with target groups

4. Cataloguing research outputs

5. Communication and dissemination of knowledge


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17WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

Writeshop Sorting House I | before Jun. 2020 (M20) | in Africa or Europe

• Forming a group of experts

• Collecting and screening of research recommendations of the both pilot FNSSA alliances in West and North Africa and identifying and analysing relevant recommendations

• Support the design of recommendations for decision makers and innovators

• Facilitating access to pooling information on research output in suitable formats

• Making reference to the Research Fairness Initiative - RFI

• Addressing IPR and Open-Philosophy (open access and open source)

• Designing a Scientific Sorting House Mechanism

T2.2 | Scientific Sorting Houses I & II | NASAC & DLR-PT


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18WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

General Context | WP2 | Contributions to PIMC an KMCF

Task 2.2 Scientific Sorting Houses

Task 2.3 FNSSA

Systems Improvement

Task 2.4 Funding

Networks & Mechanisms

Task 2.1 Dialogues for


Task 2.4 Funding

Networks & Mechanisms

Task 2.2 Scientific Sorting Houses


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19WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

The Long term LEAP-Approach


1. Testing science based recommendations in practice

2. Upscaling of successful science based approaches

3. Fostering local labs & Innovation Centers

4. Establishing local network fora

5. Establishing local networks of ‘social workers’ for multi-stakeholder dialogues and research uptake


Page 84: Deliverable N.: D5 · D5.1 – 1st General Assembly report Grant Agreement nº 817663 6 Executive Summary The first General Assembly of the LEAP4FNSSA project took place in Accra,

20WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

T2.3 | FNSSA Systems Improvement | KEF & GAKK


1. Bringing science based recommendations in practice - between Aug. 2019 (M10) and Oct. 2020 (M24)

• Connecting farmers to operational research outreach

• New and innovative tools will be developed with stakeholders, including, farmers, decision makers, funders, researchers and the HLPD, to feed the KMCF,

2. Fostering Knowledge, Communication & Innovation Hubs

• Linking research with Knowledge, Communication & Innovation Hubs (KCIH) to test solutions

• Support the development of innovation funds that are fuelling rural labs

• Providing real life data and identifying future research demand

3. Two workshops, one in Egypt one in Ghana, with entrepreneurs and organisationsdedicated to supporting development impact such as the AfDB - between Oct. 2019 (M12) and Oct. 2020 (M24)

4. Upscaling of mechanisms for successful science based outreach - between Oct. 2020 (M24) and Aug. 2022 (M46)

• Two reflection workshops, on Knowledge, Communication & Innovation Hubs for developing methodological approaches for upscaling mechanisms for successful science based outreach

• Recommendations on research activities in value chains strategies as well as schemes for upscaling and leverage, that will feed into Scientific Sorting House II


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21WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

General Context | WP2 | Contributions to PIMC an KMCF

Task 2.2 Scientific Sorting Houses

Task 2.3 FNSSA

Systems Improvement

Task 2.4 Funding

Networks & Mechanisms

Task 2.1 Dialogues for


Task 2.4 Funding

Networks & Mechanisms

Task 2.2 Scientific Sorting Houses


Page 86: Deliverable N.: D5 · D5.1 – 1st General Assembly report Grant Agreement nº 817663 6 Executive Summary The first General Assembly of the LEAP4FNSSA project took place in Accra,

22WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

The Long term LEAP-Approach


1. Identifying restricting factors for systems improvement

2. Defining levers and strategic objectives for future research agendas

3. Reflecting on the PIMC TCIP and initiating a PIMC 2 TCIP


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23WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

Writeshop Sorting House II | before Feb. 2022 (M40) | | in Africa or Europe

1. Based on the output of T2.3, the Scientific Sorting House II will identify foodsystem‘s improvement factors which will require additional research on researchoutputs

2. Sorting House Recommendations for future collaborations - before Jun. 2022 (M44)

• Design of a Theory of Change with Impact Pathways (TCIP) for a coming PIMC

• Reflecting on the elements of the KMCF

T2.2 | Scientific Sorting Houses (I & II) | NASAC & DLR-PT


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24WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

The Long term LEAP-Approach





Time Network of Actorsin RE-Alliances




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25WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

The Long term LEAP-Approach

• Mobilising actors for joint programming and research

• Creation of living research agendas in PIMCs

• Continuous strategic dialoguesfor action

• Institutionalisation of learningthrough the PIMCs

• Continuous knowledgemanagement

• Enhanced visibility andcommunication of outputs

… towards a sustainable andflexible network of actors

AU-EU Knowledge ManagementAnd Communication Framework



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26WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

The Long term LEAP-Approach

Theory of Change &

Impact Pathway

Programme & Innovation

Management Cycle


TCIP AU-EU Knowledge ManagementAnd Communication Framework



Page 91: Deliverable N.: D5 · D5.1 – 1st General Assembly report Grant Agreement nº 817663 6 Executive Summary The first General Assembly of the LEAP4FNSSA project took place in Accra,

27WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

General Context | WP2 | Collaboration with the other LEAP4FNSSA WPs

WP4Dissemination and

CommunicationCIHEAM & MHESR

WP1Support to the

FNSSA Partnership and the HLPD

BureauJYU/UniPID & DST


Generation and Knowledge

ManagementARC & SLU


Generation and Knowledge

ManagementARC & SLU

WP4Dissemination and

CommunicationCIHEAM & MHESR

WP1Support to the

FNSSA Partnership and the HLPD

BureauJYU/UniPID & DST

WP4Dissemination and

CommunicationCIHEAM & MHESR

WP1Support to the

FNSSA Partnership and the HLPD

BureauJYU/UniPID & DST

WP1Support to the

FNSSA Partnership and the HLPD

BureauJYU/UniPID & DST

WP4Dissemination and

CommunicationCIHEAM & MHESR

Task 2.3 FNSSA

Systems Improvement

Task 2.2 Scientific Sorting Houses

Task 2.4 Funding

Networks & Mechanisms

Task 2.1 Dialogues for


Task 2.4 Funding

Networks & Mechanisms

Task 2.2 Scientific Sorting Houses


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WP2 | Actors, Alliances and Policies

- Internal Working Document -

… owned by WP2 Team

Version 02 | 2 Feb. 2019

Please Note

This document will be updated on a regular basis and serve as reference point for WP2 activities

The updates of this Working Document will be shared regularly in the LEAP4FNSSA Intranet once established

Please share your contributions to the document with the WP2 co-leader team (George, Rose, Masahudu, Stefan) whenever needed – please use track changes

WP2 Partners

Participant Number 3 4 7 8 14 16 21 26 34 37 39 41


Person months (PM)

2.0 11.0 8.4 8.0 23.9 15.9 8.0 7.9 1.9 4.9 4.9 3.9

Please Note:

Next Actions Deadlines

Dora will provide a preliminary draft template for the workshop’s background paper (the ‘2 pagers’)

before Fri., 8 Feb. 2019

WP2 co-leaders will provide a template for the task’s background paper (2 pagers) before Fri., 8 Feb. 2019

WP2 co-leaders will ask T1.1 for a list/matrix of the AU-EU FNSSA ecosystem before Fri., 8 Feb. 2019

Bernard will draft a first version for the overall objectives of the activities of WP2 in the AU-EU FNSSA ecosystem and share it with WP2 partners for discussion

before Fri., 8 Feb. 2019

All WP2 partners will send their address data to be displayed in this working document

before Fri., 8 Feb. 2019

All WP2 partners are requested to check this document and update it if needed before Fri., 8 Feb. 2019

Suggestion: Contributions to an overall LEAP4FNSSA gender and youth inclusion strategy to be shared with all partners (tbc)

before Fri., 8 Feb. 2019

All task co-leaders will develop in close collaboration with all task partners a first draft of all the workshop’s background paper (2 pages)

1 day before the #1 WP2 phone meeting

All task co-leaders will develop in close collaboration with all task partners a first draft of the task’s background paper (2 pages)

1 day before the #1 WP2 phone meeting

Next virtual meeting – final date will be found asap via foodle request before Fri., 16 Feb. 2019


Page 93: Deliverable N.: D5 · D5.1 – 1st General Assembly report Grant Agreement nº 817663 6 Executive Summary The first General Assembly of the LEAP4FNSSA project took place in Accra,

Content of this working document



3. WP2 TASKS (M2/DEC. 2018 - M46/AUG. 2022) 5





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1. Overall Objectives WP2 in the AU-EU FNSSA ecosystem

In progress


Page 95: Deliverable N.: D5 · D5.1 – 1st General Assembly report Grant Agreement nº 817663 6 Executive Summary The first General Assembly of the LEAP4FNSSA project took place in Accra,

2. WP2 Background Papers

Tasks # Background Papers State of affairs T2.1 1 T2.1 – in a nutshell

Objectives Relations to other LEAP4FNSSA WP, incl. contact person


2 Workshop | Dialogues for Action | W2-1-1/1: West Africa Outstanding

3 Workshop | Dialogues for Action | W2-1-1/2: North Africa Outstanding

4 Workshop | Dialogues for Action | W2-1-1/3 Outstanding

5 Workshop | Dialogues for Action | W2-1-1/4 Outstanding

6 Workshop | Dialogues for Action | W2-1-1/5 Outstanding

7 Workshop | Dialogues for Action | W2-1-1/6 Outstanding

T2.2 8 T2.1 – in a nutshell

Objectives Relations to other LEAP4FNSSA WP, incl. contact person


9 Writeshop Scientific Sorting House 1 | W2-2-1/1 Outstanding

10 Writeshop Scientific Sorting House 1 | W2-2-2/1 Outstanding

T2.3 11 T2.3 – in a nutshell

Objectives Relations to other LEAP4FNSSA WP, incl. contact person


12 Workshop | W2-3-2/1: WS Egypt Outstanding

13 Workshop | W2-3-2/2: WS Ghana Outstanding

T2.4 14 T2.4 – in a nutshell

Objectives Relations to other LEAP4FNSSA WP, incl. contact person


15 Funders Workshop | W2-2-4/1 Outstanding

16 Funders Workshop | W2-2-4/2 Outstanding


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3. WP2 Tasks (M2/Dec. 2018 - M46/Aug. 2022)

# Task Titles / Deliverables Responsibilities Comments | Details | In Progress/Done?

T2.1 Dialogues for Action towards joint R&I agendas in FNSSA (M2/Dec. 2018 - M46/Aug. 2022)


T2.1 Aktivity 1 | Involving and mobilising partners, funds & resources for research & action (M2/Dec. 2018 - M46/Aug. 2022) | €32 000 W2-1-1/1: Workshop West Africa Aug. 2019 (M10)

To be addressed: Funding & launching of projects Identify research demand (regionally) Involvement of national development plans Conciousness about 1st segment of PIMC

Venue: xxx W2-1-1/2: Workshop North Africa Aug, 2019 (M10)

To be addressed: xxx

Venue: xxx W2-1-1/3 Apr. 2020 (M18) W2-1-1/4 Apr. 2020 (M18) W2-1-1/5 Apr. 2022 (M42) W2-1-1/6 Apr. 2022 (M42) T2.1 Aktivity 2 | Programming demand driven research targeting on outcome which benefits FNSSA (M2/Dec. 2018 - M46/Aug. 2022) | €166 000 Sub-regional TCIP North Africa Sub-regional TCIP West Africa Establishing or fostering existing

interfaces between actors of research and innovation as elements of the KMCF

Establishing decision support mechanisms

T2.1 Aktivity 3 | Support the Implementation of Research & Innovation (M2/Dec. 2018 - M46/Aug. 2022) Conceptualisation of an operational

and cost effective frame, including sub-regional secretariats with rotating


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# Task Titles / Deliverables Responsibilities Comments | Details | In Progress/Done?

responsibilities to support the sub-regional Alliances

D2.1-1 West Africa RSHA and North Africa RSHA Charters initiated (M18/Apr. 2020 )

D2.1-2 Description of an operational framework to support the Alliances, including a critical review of the PIMC process and lessons learnt to be coordinated with Task 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 (M46/Aug. 2022)

T2.2 Scientific Sorting Houses (I & II)

(M15/Jan. 2020 - M44/Jun. 2022)


€23 000

T2.2 Aktivity 1 | Reformatting science based recommendations for action and dialogues with target groups (Sorting House I) – M15/Jan. 2020 – M20/Jun. 2020 W2-2-1/1: Writeshop Sorting House I

(MS9) before (Jun. 2020 M20)

T2.2 Aktivity 2 | Identifying restricting factors for systems improvement (Sorting House II) – (M21/Jul. 2020 - M40/Feb. 2022) W2-2-2/1 : Writeshop Sorting House II

(MS9) before Feb. 2022 (M40)

T2.2 Aktivity 3 | Defining levers and strategic objectives for future research agendas (M40/Feb. 2022 - M44/Jun. 2022) Sorting House Recommendations for

future collaborations before Jun. 2022 (M44)

D2.2-1 Report on Sorting House I (M22/Aug. 2020) D2.2-1 Report on Sorting House II (M42/Apr. 2022) T2.3 FNSSA Systems Improvement

(M10/Aug. 2019 - M46/Aug. 2022) TL: KEF & GAKK Partners: BLE, DLR-PT, FARA, KINNO, STEPRI

€59 000

T2.3 Aktivity 1 | Science based recommendations in practice (M10/Aug. 2019 - M24/Oct. 2020) Connecting farmers to operational

research outreach New and innovative tools will be

developed with stakeholders, including, farmers, decision


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# Task Titles / Deliverables Responsibilities Comments | Details | In Progress/Done?

makers, funders, researchers and the HLPD, to feed the KMCF,

T2.3 Aktivity 2 | Fostering Knowledge, Communication & Innovation Hubs (M25/ Nov. 2020 - M29/Mar. 2021) W2-3-2/1: WS Egypt W2-3-2/2: WS Ghana T2.3 Aktivity 3 | Upscaling of mechanisms for successful science based outreach (M30/ Apr. 2021 - M46/Aug. 2022) W2-3-3/1: Egypt W2-3-3/2: Ghana Recommendations on research

activities in value chains strategies as well as schemes for upscaling and leverage, that will feed into Scientific Sorting House II

D2.3-1 FNSSA Innovation Award - Call for young entrepreneurs to develop business plans inspired by science based recommendations (M15/Jan. 2020) D2.3-2 Recommendations about FNSSA systems improvement addressed to actors in the field of R&I as a part of D 2.1-2 (M46/Aug. 2022) T2.4 Funding Networks & Mechanisms

(M3/Jan. 2019 – M46/Aug. 2022) TL: ANR & FONRID Partners: BLE, DLR-PT, STEPRI

€24 000

T2.4 Aktivity 1 | Analysis of funding situations and mechanisms (M3/Jan. 2019 - M8/Jun. 2019) Identifying and mapping

• major STI funding bodies • funding mechanisms • collaboration approaches • methods of funders

Designing regional approaches for R&I funding

T2.4 Aktivity 2 | Forming and maintaining of a network of funders towards a FNSSA Funding Alliance (M9/Jul. 2019 - M46/Aug. 2022) W2-2-4/1 Aug. 2019 (M10) W2-2-4/2 Apr. 2022 (M42) D2.4-1 Recommendations report of core elements of funders networks and funding mechanisms (M46/Aug. 2022)


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4. WP2 Meetings’ Plan & History

WP2 Meeting


Date | Time


Virtual or Face-to-Face

& Comments

[Phone, etc. or Venue]


[Name, Institution]

Participants in colour Green

[Names, Institutions]




2 Before

Fri., 16 Feb. 2019

#1 Phone Meeting WP2 co-leaders

Vinny, Mmampei, Toto, Tugela Tinyiko, Refilwe, Siegfried (DST/South Africa) | George, Rose, Masahudu (STEPRI/Ghana) | Dora (KEF/Egypt) | Irene (FARA/Ghana) | Stefan (DLR-PT/Germany) | Henning (BLE/Germany) | Katharina (GAKK/Germany) | Prudence (NRF/South Africa) | Bernard (ANR/France) | Jackie (NASAC, Kenya) | Rahab (NASAC, Kenya) | Hamidou (FONRID/Burkina Faso) | ??? (KiNNO, Greece) | Karine (FARA) | Khrishan (FARA) | Jean-Michel Sers (CIRAD, France)

1 Fri., 1 Feb. 2019 #1 Face-to-face | Accra, Ghana | FARA WP2 co-leaders

Vinny, Mmampei, Toto, Tugela Tinyiko, Refilwe, Siegfried | (DST/South Africa) | George, Rose, Masahudu (STEPRI/Ghana) | Dora (KEF Bashaier/Egypt) | Irene, Karine, Khrishan (FARA/Ghana) | Stefan (DLR-PT/Germany) | Henning (BLE/Germany) | Katharina (GAKK/Germany) | Prudence (NRF/South Africa) | Bernard (ANR/France) | Jackie (NASAC, Kenya) | Rahab (NASAC, Kenya) | Hamidou (FONRID/Burkina Faso) | ??? (KiNNO, Greece) | Jean-Michel Sers (CIRAD, France)

Please note: All presentations & documents of the meetings organised by WP2 are available in the LEAP4FNSSA Intranet.


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5. Time Lines LEAP4FNSSA | WP2

Date Activity Comments


1 Nov. Project Start



Wed., 30 Jan. – Fri., 1 Feb.

Kick Off Meeting and 1rst General Assembly (Accra, Ghana)




31 Oct. Project End


Page 101: Deliverable N.: D5 · D5.1 – 1st General Assembly report Grant Agreement nº 817663 6 Executive Summary The first General Assembly of the LEAP4FNSSA project took place in Accra,

6. WP2 Partners Addresses

Organisation Ms Mr


Familyname Country E-Mail

1 E-Mail

2 Phone

1 Mobile

1 Skype


ANR Agence Nationale de

la Recherche, 0

Mr Bernard

Mallet France

BLE Federal Office for

Agriculture and Food

Mr Henning

Knipschild Germany

DLR-PT German Aerospace

Center - Project Management Agency

Mr Stefan A.

Haffner Germany [email protected] +49228 3821 1899


Department for Science and Technology

Ms Mmampei

Chaba South Africa

Ms Refilwe Mashigo South Africa

Ms Tugela Matubatuba South Africa

Ms Tinyiko Ntshongwana South Africa

Ms Vinny Pillay South Africa

FARA Ms Irene

Annor FREMPONG Ghana

FONRID Fonds National de la

Recherche et de l'innovation pour le


Mr Hamidou H.

Tamboura Burkina Faso

GAKK Go Africa

Ms Katharina

Kuss Germany

KEF Bashaier Knowledge Economy Foundation - Bashir

Ms Josse Dora

Fiani Egypt

KiNNO Mr Constantine

Vaitsas Greece

NASAC Network of African Science Academies

Ms Jackie Olang Kado Kenya


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NRF National Research


Ms Prudence N.

Makhura South Africa

STEPRI Science and

Technology Policy Research Institute

Mr George Essegbey Ghana

Mr Masahudu

Fuseini Ghana

Ms Rose Omari Ghana

Please Note : The contact data of WP2 partners will be maintained in a central address management file (tbc). Kindly inform WP2 co-leaders in case of changes in the address list – Thank you.


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ANNEX 8. WP3 -Presentation and WG

session report


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

LEAP4FNSSALong-term Europe Africa Partnership

for Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture

Kick Off Meeting

1st General Assembly, 1st Steering Committee

WP3 ”Information Generation and Knowledge

Management”January 30th - February 1st 2019

FARA HeadquartersAccra, Ghana 104

Page 105: Deliverable N.: D5 · D5.1 – 1st General Assembly report Grant Agreement nº 817663 6 Executive Summary The first General Assembly of the LEAP4FNSSA project took place in Accra,

LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

WP3 ”Information Generation and Knowledge Management”


Page 106: Deliverable N.: D5 · D5.1 – 1st General Assembly report Grant Agreement nº 817663 6 Executive Summary The first General Assembly of the LEAP4FNSSA project took place in Accra,

LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

WP3 Partners

• WP leaders: ARC – SLU

• Task 3.1 “Clustering Projects & Thematic Networks” (M1 – M45);Task Leader(s): SLU, RUFORUM. Contributing Partners: WR, CULS,LUKE, UCPH, INIA

• Task 3.2: “Information System” (M1 – M48); Task Leader(s): ARC,SIU; Contributing Partners: CIRAD


Page 107: Deliverable N.: D5 · D5.1 – 1st General Assembly report Grant Agreement nº 817663 6 Executive Summary The first General Assembly of the LEAP4FNSSA project took place in Accra,

LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

Work Package 3 objectives1. Map and cluster ongoing and recently finished projects contributing

to the FNSSA Roadmap in order to:• strengthen coherence and coordination within and across clusters• optimise research and innovation programmes relevant to FNSSA.

2. Design and implement tools and concepts in knowledge managementto improve the quality of information and the communicationbetween scientists, policy-makers and practitioners, including farmersand investors.

3. Strengthen the knowledge base to increase the efficiency of the long-term AU-EU R&I Partnership, by developing new instruments for dataanalysis, supporting existing knowledge networks, and enhancingcapacities for data management and communication.

4. Encourage better outputs from the involved projects and a greateroutreach for results dissemination.


Page 108: Deliverable N.: D5 · D5.1 – 1st General Assembly report Grant Agreement nº 817663 6 Executive Summary The first General Assembly of the LEAP4FNSSA project took place in Accra,

LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

Task 3.1 “Clustering Projects & Thematic Networks” Activity 1: Mapping (Month 1-10)

- Mapping of all ongoing and recently finished projects contributing to the FNSSA Roadmap, including European Commission supported projects through frameworks such as the H2020, relevant Edulink and Erasmus+ Projects; AU funded projects & projects funded by other partners. Liaison with DG AGRI and REA will be pursued for facilitation and maximizing the mapping exercise.

- Creating a database with information compiled from the projects, using information sources from different partners and other organisations such as: the EU and AU, FARA, the Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA), the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF/WECARD), CCARDESA, EU and AU member states, and international organisations such as FAO, and CGIAR centers. This will be linked in particular with Monitoring and Evaluation of the FNSSA Partnership (Task 1.4) and also with Task 3.2 for optimisation of the database.


Page 109: Deliverable N.: D5 · D5.1 – 1st General Assembly report Grant Agreement nº 817663 6 Executive Summary The first General Assembly of the LEAP4FNSSA project took place in Accra,

LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

Task 3.1 “Clustering Projects & Thematic Networks” Activity 2: Clustering (Month 11-24)

-Developing conceptualisation models for clustering projects.

-Grouping projects on the basis of the information collected in the database (goals, beneficiaries, geographic coverage, development approaches, upscaling theories, Partnership management, etc...).

-Organizing a workshop (coded W3-1-2/1) with project leaders of identified clusters (M12) to develop synergies, identify their priority needs for clustering and capitalisation (daily allowances and reimbursement for travel are foreseen for invited project leaders).

-Forming clusters with the support of all institutions who are part of the Consortium, who are conducting or funding ARD (from both the Europe and Africa) and of the HLPD Working Group on FNSSA and its Secretariat (Task 1.1).


Page 110: Deliverable N.: D5 · D5.1 – 1st General Assembly report Grant Agreement nº 817663 6 Executive Summary The first General Assembly of the LEAP4FNSSA project took place in Accra,

LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

Task 3.1 “Clustering Projects & Thematic Networks”

Activity 3: Extension and capitalisation (Month 24-45)

-Extending the clustering beyond the AU Research Grants and H2020 projects to R&I projects funded through other funding instruments in an effort to build a system for clustering that can continue to be adopted for future programmes and projects. This will be helped by a dedicated workshop (coded W3-1-3/1, in Month 24 or 25) where project partners and key stakeholders will share the outputs of the mapping and clustering exercises (activity 2) and launch the capitalisation on the process (daily allowances and reimbursement for travel are foreseen for key stakeholders representatives participating to this workshop).

-After the preliminary list of relevant projects has been drafted, the LEAP4FNSSA partners and their network of contacts will have a possibility to add missing projects by a web based questionnaire.

-Producing communication material on the key outcomes, lessons learnt and recommendations targeted at various stakeholders, and in the form of guidelines, policy briefs etc. This will be done in close cooperation with the communication team (WP 4).


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

Task 3.2- Information sysytem• The overarching activity of Task 3.2 is to design

and set up a software process to transform harvested data into knowledge able to support

HLPD in the roadmap driving (KMS).

• KMS in this context- is a system gathering and processing all the relevant data, information and

knowledge relative to the roadmap driving.


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

What KMS for the roadmap?

• The data and information will come from various sources including; (i) project internal communication & facilitation tool, (ii) information harvested and clustered under WP3, (iii) information produced by WP4.

• THE LEAP4FNSSA’s KMS IS THE ASSEMBLY OF THESE THREE PARTS. It’s a set of different kinds of data, information & knowledge gathered in a same space in order to be exploited to give answers and relevant indicators to HLPD to better drive the roadmap.

• Its content will depend on what the HLPD desk needs as information to drive the roadmap and secondly on what information is available from partners.


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

What can the final KMS be used for?

• Ask general questions: “What are the FNNSSA projects

in the last 6 years in East Africa and promoting mango

?” (like with Google )• Access selected and classified information e.g.

“project funding opportunities now available for food

security covering countries of central Africa”

• Generate some specific documents helping HLPD to

have a clear vision on some driving roadmap

indicators e.g. a map of sustainable agriculture topics by countries/regions in ongoing projects.


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

What can the final KMS be used for?

• Make deductions by analysing relationships existing between harvested data e.g;• gaps in the themes contained in the roadmap that

are not sufficiently addressed, • countries where projects deliver the best results, • the theme having had the best coverage in the last

two years • …..& other cause-and-effect relationships that are

not easily discernible.


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Data acquisition / Normalization

Classification (machine learning)

Information extraction

Data mining / ontology

























Task 3.2 KMS

Overview of Task 3.2 process

To be elaborated further on Friday…


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Workshop 1: Resources inventory workshop- South Africa, M10-12Workshop 2: Text mining- Hungary,Workshop 3: Knowledge modelling- France, M17-19 Workshop 4: Adaptation and dissemination- South Africa, M40-M42

Exploring opportunities to synchronize with other LEAP4FNSSA events…


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List of WP3 DeliverablesD3.1 : Database on projects [15] (Task 3.1)

D3.2 : Report on the interactions on clustering with project partners and key stakeholders [24] (Task 3.1)

D3.3 : Lessons learnt with the database on projects and from the experience of the projects coordinators [42] (and two policy briefs) (Task 3.1)

D3.4 : Report on query interface and description of the information system for the HLPD, report and policy brief [45] (Task 3.2)

D3.5 : Terms of reference for clustering and capitalisation [15] (Task 3.1)

D3.6 : Report and term of reference for the query interface: indicators to be produced, initial concepts and information resources list with report on workshops W3-2-1/1 and W3-2-1/2 [17] (Task 3.2)

D3.7 : Report on modelled, clustered information, Ontology, querying interface, decisional tools for HLPD with report on workshop W3-2-2/1 [19] (Task 3.2)

D3.8 : Report on efficiency of the system, new decisional tools for HLPD, awareness creation and dissemination with report on workshop W3-2-3/1 [26] (Task 3.2)


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Activities so far• Meeting between ARC-Cirad for Task 3.2 development (Montpellier –


• Meeting between SLU-WUR for Task 3.1 (database) activities (Wageningen – January)

• Meeting with all Task 3.1 partners for Task development (Skype, ARC participated)

• Decision to hold regular WP meetings every 6 week (information updates, actions, decisions etc)


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

Aspects to be discussed (and decided) in the GA• How long back in time do we go? (suggestions: from 2010? start 10

years ago?• Database open to all users? (or different layers of available

information?)• Information to be included in the database and KMS: (specific demands

from partners/consortium? HLPD Bureau? EC? Task 3.2? Others?)• Types of projects to be included- NGO, private sector driven initiatives??• How to handle issues of access to ‘restricted’ project information- data

sharing issues?• Future of the database & KMS beyond the project?• ………


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Minutes of the LEAP4FNSSA WP3 meeting on 01/02/2019 during the LEAP4FNSSA General Assembly

Participants: Petronella CHAMINUKA (ARC); Shadrack MOEPHULI (ARC); Ioannis Dimitriou (SLU); Emmanuel Okalany (Ruforum); Erika MICHELI (SIU); Adam CSORBA (SIU); Rocio LANSAC (INIA); José Luis ALONSO PRADOS (INIA); Susanna ROKKA (LUKE); Vladimir VERNER (CULS); Anja HANSEN (UCPH); Carolyn GLYNN (AGRINATURA); Krishan BHEENICK (FARA)

Points of discussion, comments, outcomes and “to-dos”:

Elaboration of Tasks and Activities

- To do: The presentation of yesterday (31-01-2019) will be sent to all participants of the meeting (Ioannis). Also the input from Cirad concerning Task 3.2.

- Discussion on from when the list of projects to be included (continuing yesterday’s discussion: different options that need to be tested with the SC and reach an agreement. The following options to be considered;

2007 (when FNSSA was conceptualized) 2005: since some East European countries initiated their programmes for low-income

countries (as Vladimir suggested) 2003: AU launched the CAADP project (as Krishan suggested) 2000: EU started the discussions for the FNSSA roadmoap (as Maria from Portugal suggested


- ProIntensAfrica gathering of information was focusing mostly on publications: Leuven was the WP leader, information available to us (to do: circulate the relevant document – Ioannis).

- To do: SLU and Ruforum produce a document with the objectives of the database taking into consideration the needs of other WPs and Task 3.2 (Emmanuel – Ioannis). This will then be circulated for inputs.

- We should avoid multiple requests/official letter from e.g. Task 1.4 or 2.2 to external organisations that will provide information to Leap4FNSSA; the only way to do this is to coordinate our efforts. Need to discuss with the SC about avoiding multiple requests to the same organisation for information (we need to be taken seriously). Official letter to all Task partners produced for WP3 to be used to external sitting on databases/relevant data etc: to be produced during the next months coordinated with the project coordinators.

- Concerns about Intellectual Property Rights: Shadrack suggests that we need to produce a document that states what kind of governance decisions could be informed by the KMS, and how KMS can work if/when the HLPD uses the KMS. This can in the future unlock for instance new data, databases etc. (a kind of proactive work to avoid future problems).

- NEPAD food and security portal: connection. We need to look beyond the CAADP indicators when we work with the NEPAD. Check what is on the NEPAD portal.


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- PRIMA, CORDIS low hanging fruits, maybe one more database easy to get projects to use in order to start structuring the database.

- Carolyn representing Agrinatura and AFAS: willing to support and provide with information.

Interactions with other work packages – for which topics?

- Clustering: create a mechanism to connect with 1.4 (Melissa) and Task 2.2. Melissa will send an email with their clustering suggestion to the HLPD (next week) to be studied by us.

-Task 2.2 connection: find a mechanism on how to connect the work (where we start and where they start). To do: Petronella and Ioannis to contact Stefan.

Discussion of WP communication and meetings … frequency?

- We need to have a communication strategy for:

i) internal WP3: primarily email; also saved in sharepoint or/dropbox, urgent issues: emails in red colour when urgent deliveries are requested!

Information meetings every 6th week (for updates, information, but also planning of activities).

ii) internal project: arranged centrally? (e.g. sharepoint). To be discussed in the SC.

iii) external (to the rest of the world): arranged centrally but need to avoid risks. To be discussed in the SC.

Consolidation of first workshop for Task 3.1 and 3.2

- Suggestion: common 3.1 and 3.2 workshops to create enough critical mass, since the discussions would be very focused on technical issues. Suggestion for South Africa late September – beginning of October to open the possibility to “test” our findings in the Cairo meeting (African Science meeting) in last week of October. To do: Petronella comes with a doodle with a couple of suggestions for preferred dates from middle September to beginning of October.


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

LEAP4FNSSALong-term Europe Africa Partnership

for Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture

Kick Off Meeting

1st General Assembly

1st Steering Committee

January 30th - February 1st 2019FARA Headquarters

Accra, Ghana


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

Work Package 3 objectives1. Map and cluster ongoing and recently finished projects contributing

to the FNSSA Roadmap in order to:• strengthen coherence and coordination within and across clusters• optimise research and innovation programmes relevant to FNSSA.

2. Design and implement tools and concepts in knowledge managementto improve the quality of information and the communicationbetween scientists, policy-makers and practitioners, including farmersand investors.

3. Strengthen the knowledge base to increase the efficiency of the long-term AU-EU R&I Partnership, by developing new instruments for dataanalysis, supporting existing knowledge networks, and enhancingcapacities for data management and communication.

4. Encourage better outputs from the involved projects and a greateroutreach for results dissemination.


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‘KMS’ features

• The KMS can by queried, can provide indicators but especially trends, gaps anddeductions. The tools used to design and set up the KMS are non-standard tools.

• Either private commercial software or semantic web tools (triple store) could beused -this solution is rather difficult to set up.

• Through use of machine learning processes it will be possible to highlightdeductive concepts from the KMS or use data visualization to display KMScontents on visual supports as decision or management tools for the road map.


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Data acquisition / Normalization

Classification (machine learning)

Information extraction

Data mining / ontology

























Task 3.2 KMS

Overview of Task 3.2 process


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

Data acquisition/normalisation step

• Harvest information & data from relevant websites and bibliographic databases. The main source is expected to be the project database built by task 1 of WP3, and some identified websites could be also involved (subject to copyright laws).

• Elaborate the indicators of progress in the implementation of the Roadmap, using in particular the indicators developed for the M&E system (Task 1.4).

• The inventory of existing electronic resources and indicator identification will be enhanced through a workshop (coded W3-2-1/1) to be convened with FNSSA experts drawn from within and out of the consortium.


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

Classification step

• Set up data and text mining software able to read harvested inputs, to analyze the contents, to store and classify relevant ones and to reject the others (machine learning).

• Extracting structured information, using text and data mining open source software, from this corpus to build a concepts and indicators database.

• A workshop (coded W3-2-1/2) including invited experts in text and data mining will be organised to develop the classification approach.

• Establishing preliminary decisional tools (graphs, statistics).


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

Information extraction step

• Normalized data will be analyzed by text mining software in order to identify and extract specific information.

• For instance this software will not only be able to extract the geographic area covered by the project, but also the themes and the participants by reading and analyzing the description text of a project.

• Even if the project description is not in structured form (there is not field for countries, for themes or for participants but just a string of words) the information extraction step will allow us to develop an information system including structured databases on covered geographic area, covered themes, participant cards, and so on.


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

Data mining and ontology step

• Data mining and ontology approach will increase the added value of our own information.

• Data mining is able to highlight relationships between concepts by analyzing and comparing words and word contexts into texts.

• Ontology- describes relationships between structured information in order to reflect the way of thinking of the HLPD for driving the roadmap. Ontology is a semantic upper layer on structured information.

• We will able to highlight trends, deficiencies, hidden relationships, cause-and-effect relationships that are very useful indicators for the roadmap driving.


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Data mining and ontology 2

• This work will be iterative, requiring ongoing adjustments and feedback from FNSSA experts (good vocabularies, relevance of words in context, misinterpretations etc.).

• Adjusting the model for stabilisation by widening the sources of information (e.g. thesaurus, experts’ knowledge, data mining results), and adjusting it so it contains relevant information from the Web and from databases that are as close as possible to the expected needs.

• A workshop (coded W3-2-2/1) will be organised (in the period Month 17 to 19) with the members of the HLPD to model relationships between different concepts.


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

Adaptation and dissemination

• Exploring ways of broadening KMS by harvesting information outside the remit of AU-EU dialogue in the scope of the Roadmap, to include parameters potentially needed by the HLPD.

• Analysing the information collected by the system to produce knowledge.

• Disseminating this knowledge through WP4 in order to create awareness on the use of the system for improved FNSSA decision-making and for progress monitoring.

• An awareness raising workshop (coded W3-2-3/1) will be organised, targeting potential users of the decision tool for the roadmap.


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Workshop 1: Resources inventory workshop- South Africa, M10-12

Workshop 2: Text mining- Hungary,

Workshop 3: Knowledge modelling- France, M17-19

Workshop 4: Adaptation and dissemination- South Africa, M40-



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ANNEX 9. WP4 -Presentation and WG

session report


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 1LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 1LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

LEAP4FNSSALong-term Europe Africa Partnership

for Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture

Kick Off Meeting

1st General Assembly

1st Steering Committee

January 30th - February 1st 2019FARA Headquarters

Accra, Ghana


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Presentation of Work Package 4

Gaetano Ladisa (CIHEAM-IAMB)


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WP4 – Dissemination and communicationLeader and participants:


• To disseminate and communicate project activities and outcomes• To reach out and raise awareness among civil society, stakeholders andrelevant actors in agriculture and food systems;• To share with stakeholders and end-users the project goals and getfeedback on how to increase LEAP4FNSSA impact• To promote the FNSSA Partnership and disseminate its resultsDuration: M1-M48Total efforts (man/months): 71,00

WP4 Description


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 4

Tasks description

• Task 4.1: Preparation of the communication and dissemination strategy and plan (M1 – M6)

This task will define the dissemination and communication strategy, reflecting the different levels to be engaged with and the multiple layers of dissemination audiences to be addressed.• Leading partner: CIHEAM-IAMB• Contributing partners: FARA, MHESR, MESRI-DFRSDT, BLE, DLR,• Main output(s):

1. Strategy and plan of communication and dissemination


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 5

Tasks description

• Task 4.2: Communication activities (M2 – M48)

• This task will define the dissemination and communication tools, aimed to define the project visibility (communication material), to ease the access to project infos and data (website), to allow the exchange of information and data produced under WP3 (Information System) and to connect the project to the civil society (Agora).

• Leading partners: CIHEAM-IAMB, MHESR• Contributing partners: FARA, DLR, BLE, MESRI-DFRSDT• Main output(s):

1. Project identification tools2. Website and support to Information System3. Agora


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 6

Tasks description

• Task 4.3: Dissemination activities (M5 – M48)

This task will achieve dissemination and raising awareness on FNSSA by involving decision maker and R&I funders, civil society, young innovators, public and private actors. For more it should support innovation by promoting brokerages between young innovators and potential funding actors.• Leading partner: CIHEAM-IAMB, MHESR• Contributing partners: FARA, DLR, BLE, MESRI-DFRSDT• Main output(s):

1. Dissemination meetings2. Connection with civil society3. Regional event for shakeholders-reasearch funding alignement4. Raising awareness events5. Young innovators-investors brokerage events


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Project Events

Event When How many Involved partner

Sub-regional disseminationMeetings

(M4-3-1/1, M4-3-1/2)

M36, M48

Date and venues tbd2



AU Regional Meeting (SHs-research funding alignement)



Date and venue tbd1



Awareness rising Meetings(SE4-3-4/1; SE4-3-4/2 M16, M32 2




(M4-3-4/1; M4-3-4/2; M4-3-4/3)

M4, M20, M45

Back to back withGeneral Assembly


Local partners leaders

Sub-regional pilots workshops“brokerages”

(W2-3-2/1; W2-3-2/2)M12, M24 (M36, M48) 2

WP2 leader




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Deliverables (M1-18)

Number Deliverable Title Lead beneficiary TypeDissemination

levelDue Date

D4.1Dissemination and communication strategyand plan

16 – CIHEAM-IAMB Report Public M5

D4.14 ORDP: Open Research Data Pilot 16 – CIHEAM-IAMBORDP: OpenResearch DataPilot

Public M6

D4.2 Website (on line) 16 – CIHEAM-IAMBWebsites,patents filling,etc.

Public M7

MS3 Launching the website 16 – CIHEAM-IAMB milestone n/a M7

D4.31st Report on the implementation of thedissemination and communication strategyplan

16 – CIHEAM-IAMB Report Public M12

D4.61st Annual report, including feedback andlesson learnt, from Europe-Africa AGORA

24 - MHESR Report Public M12

D4.111st Report on raising awareness event

SE4-3-4/124 - MHESR Report Public M18


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 9

WP4 main outputs

T4.1-1 - Dissemination and Communication Strategy and Plan (D4.1) [M5]

• Objectives• Key messages• Stakeholders• Strategy• Tools (logo, dissemination material, brochure/leaflet/rollup,

website/agora, social media, newsletters, events)


Page 143: Deliverable N.: D5 · D5.1 – 1st General Assembly report Grant Agreement nº 817663 6 Executive Summary The first General Assembly of the LEAP4FNSSA project took place in Accra,

LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 10

Project objective Communication and dissemination objectives

Increase the synergies and coherence between actors, research and innovation projects, initiatives and programmes, through the development of institutional alliances and clusters of projects

To ensure that the stakeholders, decision makers, end-users and funders have access to information about the project and the results within the area of R&I on FNSSA

To ensure that knowledge produced and collected is easily available for all the stakeholders and actors involved.

Develop networks for the exchange of methods, tools and strategies and the exploitation of the results of the initiatives on FNSSA related to AU-EU R&I partnership

Develop a learning environment and a large knowledge base, including monitoring and evaluation activities, creating communication and links between different initiatives to improve STI cooperation

To reach out and raise awareness among civil society, stakeholders and relevant actors in agriculture and food systems

To share with stakeholders and end-users the projectgoals and get feedback on how to increase LEAP4FNSSA impact

Establish a long-term and sustainable governance and funding mechanism for the Platform

To promote the FNSSA Partnership and disseminate its results seeking engagement of the main stakeholders and decision makers

C&DP Objectives


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 11

Key messages

Concerning the relevance of outputs to the HLPD: LEAP4FNSSA embraces the vision that STI are key factors for human development, sustainable

and inclusive growth, improving levels of FNSSA LEAP4FNSSA will increase coherence between all projects and initiatives on FNSSA between AU

and EU LEAP4FNSSA Platform will strengthen AU and EU Research and Innovation Partnership on


Concerning the innovative character of the actions: LEAP4FNSSA proposes an innovative knowledge management cycle for mobilizing actors and

manage research and innovation programming for long-term collaboration in FNSSA

Concerning the long-term impact: LEAP4FNSSA proposes a Platform that will align STI stakeholders, identify and develop funding

opportunities and offer an innovative governance structure. This will contribute to theimplementation of the HLPD Roadmap for FNSSA (even after the project completion)


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 12

Stakeholders’ Map

Are change needed?How we can refine the list of SHs?

Key players

Bystanders Low power/high interest

Context setters


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 14

Who What Why How

Senior Officials of the HLPD, Members of The HLPD Bureau

Knowledge on other FNSSAprojects, studies, analysis

To support them in developing their knowledgebase, strengthen networks and contribute to implementation of the Roadmap

Website repository, conferences, workshops

Programme OwnersFunding AgenciesPolicy makersDecision makers

Information on different FNSSAprojects, EU-AU STI strategies,research areas of interest inFNSSA, development of PIMC

To support them in network creation, establishingcollaboration to develop joint AU-EU scientificagendas and funding schemes, to engage them inthe “sorting house” mechanisms (PIMC)

Website, repository, workshops, conferences, brokerages

Research organizationsUniversitiesExtension servicesInnovation hubsDevelopment agenciesEntrepreneursFarmer organisationsProject coordinatorsExperts

Information on different FNSSAprojects, EU-AU STI strategies,research areas of interest inFNSSA, development of PIMC

To engage them in the collaboration buildingprocess, to integrate their perspectives in thedefinition of research and innovation areas ofjoint interest, to engage them in the “sortinghouse” mechanisms (PIMC), to inform them on IPrequirements, to raise awareness of the benefits

Website, repository, workshops, conferences, agora, videos, traditional media, farmer fields schools, brokerages


Information on the project’sobjectives, results, priority areasFNSSA identified for jointresearch

To inform them on the project’s vision andmission and benefits, to improve visibility ofactivities, to involve their views in the R&I valuechain

Website, agora, social media, newsletter, videos, radio, TV


An on-line consultation with representatives of the target groups (who?) could be managed to understand their potential interest in the project and how they might wish to be engaged.


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 15


Create the identity of the project

Disseminate the concept in thematic and strategic networks

Prepare powerful public image

Engage the public Engage stakeholders


Continue to build awareness of LEAP4FNSSA Consolidate networks Engage governmental and

R&I stakeholders further Fully engage sub-regional

stakeholders Raise awareness at public

events to involve other stakeholders

Obtain media coverage (public/scientific)


Consolidating networks and collaboration

Strengthening awareness on the project’s results to define long-term alliances

Engage funding agencies on the results

Raising awareness on the benefits of LEAP4FNSSA in the civil society

Enhanced press coverage in the media

Promote the use of LEAP4FNSSA Platform


Consolidating networks and collaboration

Strengthening awareness on the LEAP4FNSSA Platform value and potentials

Engage funding agencies in the Platform sustainability mechanisms

Promoting the benefits of LEAP4FNSSA results in the civil society

Enhanced press coverage in the media


• To make results and knowledge available (dissemination)• To promote results and the project in general (communication)• To engage stakeholders (collaboration and users’ engagement) Create identity Consolidate networks Define alliances Ensure sustainability


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 16

Project Logo

V3 V1148

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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 17

C1 C2

Project Logo


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 18

Project Logo


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 19

Brochure (EN/FR)


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 20

Rollup, leaflet (EN/FR)


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 21LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 21

Project Website and Agora

Agora 1.0.mp4


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 22

Social media

• Twitter account: @LEAP4FNSSA

• Facebook page: LEAP4FNSSA

• Instagram account: @LEAP4FNSSA

• LinkedIn group: LEAP4FNSSA H2020 Project

• YouTube channel: LEAP4FNSSA Project


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 23

#leap4fnssa (Jan 30)

• 22 following / 15 followers• 226,250 impressions (only views, without interactions)• 44,811 estimated accounts reached• 88 tweets• 31 contributors• Top contributors:

• @FARAinfo 160,7k impressions• @g_ladisa 28 retweets• @FARAinfo 49 mentions


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 25

Links with other WPs

Linked WPs Description of link

WP1 - Support to the FNSSA Partnership and the HLPD Bureau

Provide collaboration (communication/dissemination material, ensuringvisibility on the project website) to WP1 participation to strategic Fora (AU-EUSummits, NEPAD/CAADP Partnership meetings, Global Forum for Food andAgriculture, World Food Security Committee meetings, European DevelopmentDays, …) under WP1/Task 1.2-3.Outcomes from studies carried on under WP1/Task 1.3 will be disseminated.

WP2 - Actors, Alliances, and Policies

Support in communicating research outcomes coming from the “Sorting Housemechanism” built under WP2/Task 2.2 through suitable formats: videos, radioprogrammes, press releases.Mapping carried on under WP2/Task 2.4-1 will provide inputs forrepresentatives of institutions to be invited during WP4 sub-regional meetings(M4-3-1/1,2).In close collaboration with WP2, under Task 2.3, two brokerage events (W2-3-2/1-2) will be organized by WP4. Online announcements, call to select idea-carriers as well as to disseminate the selected ideas will be produced. Twovideo-seminars, organized under WP4/Task 4.3-2 and addressed to wide publicon the Agora, will collect ideas, suggestions and good practices to be valorizedin view of the 2 WP2 brokerage events.


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 26

Links with other WPs

Linked WPs Description of link

WP3 -Information Generation and Knowledge Management

Access to WP3/Task3.1 database collecting FNSSA projects will be ensuredvia project website. Improvement of the information collected should bepossible by means of a web-based questionnaire.WP2/WP4 communication team will ensure the production of material todisseminate projects’ key outcomes, lesson learnt and policyrecommendations to be delivered to different stakeholders.Outcomes from Task 3.2-2 (e.g. thesaurus, experts’ knowledge, datamining results, …) will be disseminated through WP4 in order to createawareness on the use of the WP3 Information System.All “public” reports and documents developed as deliverables by differentWPs, will be available on the project website.

WP5 -Management and Coordination

WP4 will support WP5, under Task 5.1, in managing communication anddissemination related to the major events (General Assemblies, SteeringCommittee).To optimize internal project communication, a Cloud DocumentManagement Service will be present in the website, in which partners canupload/download documents and multimedia contents (images, audioand videos).


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 27

WP4 First 18-months Gantt


Activity description responsible 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

4,1-1 Strategy and plan of Communication and Dissemination CIHEAM-IAMB 1 3

4,2-1 Brochure, Roll-up, Banner CIHEAM-IAMB

4,2-1 Visual Identity (logo, templates,…) CIHEAM-IAMB

4,2-1 email/social accounts, CIHEAM-IAMB

4,2-1 ORDP – Open Research Data Pilot CIHEAM-IAMB 14

4,2-1 Six-monthly E-Newsletters CIHEAM-IAMB

4,2-1 Project Communication kit (EN-FR) CIHEAM-IAMB

4,2-2 Webpage & Information System, Agora CIHEAM-IAMB 2

4,3-1 2 sub-regional dissemination meeting (M4-3-1/1,2) CIHEAM-IAMB

4,3-2 4 Reports “lesson learnt from EU-AU Agora” CIHEAM-IAMB/MHESR 6

4,3-2 2 surveys to select idea-carriers CIHEAM-IAMB

4,3-2 2 Webinars on project activities and outputs MHESR

4,3-2 online Atlas EU-AU innovative ideas & Best Practices" CIHEAM-IAMB

4,3-2 2 video-seminars MHESR

4,3-3 1 AU regional meeting (M4-3-3/1) MHESR

4,3-4 3 Roundtables (back to back to GAs) MHESR

4,3-4 4 Thematic Webinars MHESR

4,3-4 2 Raising awareness events (SE4-3-4/1,2) MHESR 11

4,3-5 2 sub-regional pilot workshop (brokerages) (W2-3-2/1,2) WP2/MHESR

D4.1 - Dissemination& Communication


D4.3 - 1st report on Dissemination &

Communication Plan

Brochures, rollup, logo, email/social accounts

D4.14 – ORDP (Open Research Data Pilot)

6-monthly newsletters

D4.2 Website & Agora

D4.6 - 1st report on EEA

1st roundtable 1st Thematicwebinar

2nd Thematicwebinar

1 st Raisingawareness eventand report D4.11


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 28

Deliverables (M1-18)

No. Deliverable Title Lead beneficiary TypeDissemination

levelDue Date

1D4.1 - Dissemination and communicationstrategy and plan

16 – CIHEAM-IAMB Report Public M5

14 D4.14 - ORDP: Open Research Data Pilot 16 – CIHEAM-IAMBORDP: OpenResearch DataPilot

Public M6

2 D4.2 - Website (on line) 16 – CIHEAM-IAMBWebsites,patents filling,etc.

Public M7

MS3 Launching the website 16 – CIHEAM-IAMB milestone n/a M7

3D4.3 - 1st Report on the implementation ofthe dissemination and communicationstrategy plan

16 – CIHEAM-IAMB Report Public M12

6D4.6 - 1st Annual report, including feedbackand lesson learnt, from Europe-Africa AGORA

24 - MHESR Report Public M12

11D4.11 - 1st Report on raising awareness event

SE4-3-4/124 - MHESR Report Public M18


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 29

To be discussed…

• Appoval of logo style (WP4 and Coordinator will finalize)• Brochures (in EN/FR): how many? (min 200 pz./partner

are advisable) No budget is allocated to this activity• Press releases: (not foreseen) could be managed by WP5

and local partners?• 2 video seminars: when?• ORDP: how to integrate it into the website? WP2• 2 scientific papers: funds allocated to WP4 (how many?),

WP1 will elaborate contents• Videoclip (M6-M48): no funds are allocated


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 30

SWOT AnalysisStrenghts

The LEAP4FNSSA Project is innovative, naturally generating a considerable amount of interest which supports the communication and dissemination effort

Project partners have extensive knowledge within all fields required for precise and correct dissemination and communication.

The number of linked projects and end-users ensures a widespread reach and visibility

STI R&I Partnership in FNSSA between EU and AU isat core of many policy objectives and relevant to a vast array of end-users

A dedicated Consortium focuses on making the most of the results for internal as well as external impact and is supported by a strong stakeholder network

As an on-going 4-year project, there is a unique opportunity to create momentum and build up expectations and present results with great interest from the stakeholders, public, media and end-users.


The large organisation of partners with different cultures and interests would challenge the adoption of the overall strategic approach of clear communication (in terms of goal, target group and message)

Difference in national/regional policies may affect the vision proposition and its communication

Lack of resources or focus risks downgrading communication/dissemination and the production of ongoing visual and written material necessary to create momentum


Strong interest at global level in communicating on FNSSA

Engagement of EU-AU governing bodies in the implementation of the R&I Partnership

Outreach of the FNSSA Roadmap seen as a contribution to improve levels of food and nutrition security and for agriculture sustainability

Reach out to new policy arenas and actors broadening networks and clusters

With the current global concerns on food security, the interest and demand for improved actions, innovation promotion and institutional commitment is of huge public and media interest, generating high interest in LEAP4FNSSA


Different national R &I policies may become a barrier for the uptake of project’s outcomes and stakeholders neglect communication and dissemination of future collaboration

Corporate policies and traditional management hinder fast, open communication

Lack of interest in LEAP4FNSSA results from research institutions and private sector, policy makers or internally in the partner organisations

Lack of interest in LEAP4FNSSA if we cannot present news, results, progress, working documents, challenges and other ongoing information, work documents and policy research results.

Not reaching statistically significant input/feedback from stakeholders



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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 31

Project Events

Event When How many Involved partner

Sub-regional disseminationMeetings

(M4-3-1/1, M4-3-1/2)

M36, M48

Date and venues tbd2



AU Regional Meeting (SHs-research funding alignement)



Date and venue tbd1



Awareness rising Meetings(SE4-3-4/1; SE4-3-4/2 M16, M32 2




(M4-3-4/1; M4-3-4/2; M4-3-4/3)

M4, M20, M45

Back to back withGeneral Assembly


Local partners leaders

Sub-regional pilots workshops“brokerages”

(W2-3-2/1; W2-3-2/2)M12, M24 (M36, M48) 2

WP2 leader




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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 32

To be discussed…

• 2 sub-regional dissemination meetings (M4-3-1/1,2) [M36-M48] = FARA, MHESR (own travels); CIHEAM (travel and organization) WHERE? WHEN?

• 1 AU regional meeting (M4-3-3/1) [M24] = BLE, CIHEAM (own travel), MHESR (travels and organization) WHERE? WHEN? (before sub-regional dissemination meetings)

• 2 Awareness raising events (SE4-3-4/1,2) [M18-M34] = MEST, CIHEAM (own travels), MHESR (travels and organization) WHERE? WHEN (M16-M32)?

• 3 Roundtable (M4-3-4/1,2,3) [M4-M20-M45] = MHESR (organization)


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 33

To be discussed…

• 2 Sub-regional workshops (brokerages) (W2-3-2/1,2)• In WP2 are scheduled for M12-M24; in WP4 for M36-M48 (a

mistake?)• Creation of web community around Agora, launch call to select

and invite idea-carriers, select and invite investors, organizethe event, … it takes time!

• It would be advisable to move those events as scheduled in WP4 (3-4 year)

• 2 online surveys (Task 4.3-2) will be organized in 3-4 years to define «challenges» in view to select innovative idea-carriers

• CSIR-GH (travels and organization), KEF (travels and organization), MHESR (own travel), GO AFRICA (own travels), CIHEAM (no budget)


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Please Note: the following is the synthesis of internal discussion held on Friday 1st February among WP4 partners.

Question raised up

Task4.1 Communication and Dissemination (C&D) Plan:

1. Contribution of partners on WP4 C&D Plan:

• Stakeholders’ list (with name of organization) / mapping target groups

• A table with links with other WPs/Tasks was already prepared; it need to be improved with WPs leader contribution

• List of events for each WPs (possibly with data, venue and audience) in order to optimize the strategy of communication and to align the events (even combining with events organized by partners outside the project frame e.g. side events, …) (a preliminary list including project events has been already sent by Coordinator)

2. Refine the C&D strategy in order to best fit the tools and the target to be addressed (see Task 4.2 - communication material)

3. After voting on the logo’s style (ongoing), a proposal will be shared with partners, to define the final version.

Task 4.2 Website/Agora:

• Open Research Data Pilot: how to integrate it into the website? WP2

• WP3 projects’ database and Information System

• Internal communication system (messaging) WP5

• Data protection issues to be discussed with WP6

Bi-lateral (skype) virtual meetings with WPs leaders to fix such items will be organized in next weeks Task 4.3 Next 18-months events:

• 1 Roundtable (M4-3-4/1) [M4, Accra-GH] = MHESR (organization) DONE

• 1 Sub-regional workshop (brokerage) (W2-3-2/1) [M12, Cairo-EG]

• A concept note will be prepared and circulated between WP4 and WP2

• 1 online surveys (Task 4.3-2) should be organized before the event to define «challenges» in view to select 15 innovative idea-carriers (to be checked with WP2)

KEF (travels and organization), MHESR (own travel), GAKK (own travels) • 1 Awareness raising event (SE4-3-4/1) [M16, Nairobi?]

MHESR (travels and organization); MEST, CIHEAM (own travels)


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Notes of group 4 discussion – Inclusiveness of youth, gender and other vulnerable groups and linkage between research and producers

Obstacle Proposed action for LEAP4FNSSA

Researcher to researcher model that limits impact LEAP4FNSSA should propose research models that engage various stakeholders along the agricultural value chain

Youth – the next generation of farmers are not engaged in agriculture, a risk for future productivity

LEAP4FNSSA to design long term strategies for attracting and retaining youth in the agricultural value chain

Research in Africa is not geared towards generation of commercial products (market oriented research models)

LEAP4FNSSA to design or propose market oriented research models which funding agencies can adopt while designing research funding programmes

Uncoordinated strategic research directions hence limited impact

LEAP4FNSSA to advocate for a holistic view of research direction

Low number of female researchers hence limited understanding of gender needs

LEAP4FNSSA to advocate for funding training of more female researchers in FNSSA

Limited engagement of agricultural research output users (youth, women groups, farmer organisations, private sector)

LEAP4FNSSA should propose a global inclusiveness strategy under Work Package 2

Limited adoption of/unscalable agricultural technologies due to limited linkage with other actors along the value chain

Propose inclusive engagement strategy and system during the research processes to be adopted by funding agencies and research organisations


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ANNEX 10. WP5 -Presentation and WG

session report


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LEAP4FNSSALong-term Europe Africa Partnership

for Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture

Kick Off Meeting

1st General Assembly

1st Steering Committee

January 30th - February 1st 2019FARA Headquarters

Accra, Ghana


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Work package 5 presentation

• Objectives

• Description of tasks, with a special focus on the

governance, the internal communication system, and the

final output

• Expected deliverables and events



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Work package 5 presentation

• Objectives

• Description of tasks, with a special focus on the

governance, the internal communication system, and the

final output

• Expected deliverables and events



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to ensure the link between LEAP4FNSSA and the EC through its designated project officer,

to organize and monitor an effective and efficient implementation of LEAP4FNSSA, according to the agreed deliverables and milestones, and way of cooperation as described in the Consortium Agreement, and

to liaise with WP1 to ensure that the support given to the HLPD bureau benefits from all the inputs generated by the other WPs in the implementation of the FNSSA Roadmap, in strengthening the EU AU FNSSA Partnership, and in formulating the way forward (the “Platform”) after completion of the LEAP4FNSSA project. This will be based on the deliverables of WP1 to WP4, and supported by relevant stakeholders.

WP5 – Main objectives


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Work package 5 presentation

• Objectives

• Description of tasks, with a special focus on the

governance, the internal communication system, and the

final output

• Expected deliverables and events



Page 173: Deliverable N.: D5 · D5.1 – 1st General Assembly report Grant Agreement nº 817663 6 Executive Summary The first General Assembly of the LEAP4FNSSA project took place in Accra,

Task 5.1 – Administrative liaison with EC

Task Leader: Cirad. Contributors : all partners. Month 1 to Month 48

Activity 1 : Administrative and financial management

Day-to-day management in coordination with all partners of the Consortium,

Providing assistance to individual partners on specific administrative and financial issues.

Coordination and submission of the financial statement (periodic reports) in liaison with WP co-leaders and other beneficiaries and REA officer: reports on M18 and M36 and M48.

Coordination and consolidation of annual cost claims by all project partners, follow-up of EC pre-financing payments.

Activity 2: Reporting to EC

Coordination and archiving of the technical reports (periodic reporting) in liaison with WP co-leaders and REA Project officer: reports on M18 and M36 and M48


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Task 5.2 –Project Management

Task Leader: Cirad. Contributors : BOKU, WR, FARA and Steering Committee as principle contributors, and all partners to participate to the General Assemblies - From Month 1 to Month 48

Activity 1: Governance bodies – Organisation of meetings

Organizing three General Assembly meetings, six Steering Committee meetings (3 BtoB + 2 face to face), and External Advisory Committee (EAC) meetings (3 BtoB)

Activity 2: Project Coordination

Developing an appropriate and reliable management framework and ToRs that will support the governing structures (Steering Committee, and Project Board/General Assembly) and activities and allowing linkage across activities (M3).

Activity 3: Internal project communication

Activity 4: Monitoring


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Task 5.2 – Governance

Three consultation levels to prepare and take the decisions: Coordination, Steering Committee and General Assembly+ EAC


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Task 5.2 – The steering committee

The project inherits of previous EU-AU relatedinitiatives, and it wants to maintain links with the present ones


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Assist the Coordination in decisions which require collective inputs and do not justify to call upon a general assembly


All the work package leaders (9 partners) DST, JyU, DLR, STEPRI, ARC, SLU, CIHEAM, MHESR, CIRAD,

WR and FARA as closely associated to the coordination

Experienced task leaders, also involved in EU-AU major projects (ACU for CAASTNet Plus and RINEA, ANR for LEAP-Agri)

Task 5.2 – The steering committee


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Task 5.2 – Project Management

Activity 3: Internal project communication

Setting up a designated consortium communication system with WP specific channels and a general consortium channel, including, if required, a collective decision making process based on the internet.

Setting up an integrated workflow management system for each WP and at the consortium level with defined user rights.

Setting up a corresponding cloud storage service and integration with communication and workflow management system.

Providing interfaces for the External Advisory Committee (EAC) and the Bureau to allow continuous and customised access to project documentation.

Managing and maintenance of the collaboration system.


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WP leadership

Our proposition of Europe-Africa co-leadership could not be maintained for admin reasons

The GA mentions only one leader but morally, the responsibility and resources remain shared

Tasks leadership

The GA mentions explicitely co-leadership

Task 5.2 – WP and task leaders


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Major characteristics

A portal open to all beneficiaries, but with a diversity of access rights

For the LEAP4FNSSA community, it will ease sharing information (dashboard, reports, deliverables, other documents, processes, instructions, events and agendas) and also capitalizing and searching for it, facilitating dialogue and joint working

Some information will also be accessible to outsiders (link with the internet website)

Free access software supported by large IT community (LifeRay)

Will be at the disposal of the partnership platform at the end of the project

and host the information tools designed in particular by WP3.1 and 3.2

Task 5.2 – Internal system of communication


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Activity 4: Monitoring

Development of a quality control plan, for project output (fulfilment of planned objectives, timing, spent resources, measures to avoid conflicts of interests …).

Development of an evaluation grid (set of quality criteria) for evaluating the deliverables and implementing the quality control procedure (conformity and relevance)

Promoting respect of gender and ethics.

Setting a scoreboard / dashboard to get a quick and synthetic view on the implementation of the project.

Monitoring ongoing activities, results and outputs as planned in the DoW, and proactively take actions to avoid deviations from expected deliverables: updated versions of the dashboard.

Task 5.2 – Internal Project Management


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Task 5.3 – Project final policy output

Task Leaders: Cirad, FARA. Contribution: WR in particular and all partners. From Month 45 to Month 48.

Organize a writeshop to come up with a final document

Highlighting the main outcomes and achievements during the project,

Integrating reports or deliverables of all WPs,

And proposing a vision and a way forward to strengthen the FNSSA Partnership around a functional and sustainable Platform.


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Work package 5 presentation

• Objectives

• Description of tasks, with a special focus on the

governance, the internal communication system, and the

final output

• Expected deliverables and events



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1st General Assembly Report, including comments by the External Advisory Committee

2nd General Assembly Report, including comments by the External Advisory Committee

3rd General Assembly Report, including comments by the External Advisory Committee

Final Document

after the Closing GA “From Partnership to Platform”


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1st General Assembly and kick off meeting

All the beneficiaries


2nd General Assembly Brussels

3rd General Assembly Africa

1st Steering committee meeting





(the Steering Committee)


2nd Steering committee meeting Wageningen

3rd Steering committee meeting

(and 1rst review meeting)Brussels

4th steering Ctee meeting (virtual)

5th Steering committee meeting

and 2nd reviewMontpellier

6th Steering committee meeting Africa

Final writeshop Africa

Participants Location


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Work package 5 presentation

• Objectives

• Description of tasks, with a special focus on the

governance, the internal communication system, and the

final output

• Expected deliverables and events



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Questions to be addressed

Relation with WP1 and the Bureau



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General Assembly of LEAP4FNSSA

Working group session

FARA, Accra, February 1st, 2019 Lorenz Probst (BOKU), Jonas Mugabe (FARA), Jacques Lançon (CIRAD)

Clarification of roles in WP5


1. Liferay ICS - designate a person at CIRAD to be linked with Lorenz - Role could be to get used to the system in place, moderate and assist the beneficiaries when needed 2. In the meantime, helps to design a depository structure to be set up (Alfresco, hosted by CIRAD) Common space - Deliverables - Non deliverables - Reference documents: GA, CA, Agenda, Ethics, - Templates: technical reports, events description etc. WP - structure organized by the WP co-leaders


- Assist the project management on demand (advises in some tactical decision) - More important decision will be taken with the SC (or the GA) - Representation role in specific events (to be determined later) transfered to WP1 - Associated to the design of the final (capitalization) workshop Main interactions identified:

- WP5 and WP1 (CIRAD in task 1.1, CIRAD, WUR and FARA in task 1.2) - WP5 and WP4 (CIRAD in task 4.1, CIRAD and BOKU in task 4.2 / website and external communication)


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ANNEX 11. Ethics and Gender


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

LEAP4FNSSA and Ethics

Jean-Michel Sers


January 30th - February 1st 2019FARA Headquarters

Accra, Ghana


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• LEAP4FNSSA Ethics Requirements on: 1. Personal Data Protection

2. Third countries (Transfer of personal data)

3. Humans (Questionnaires and surveys)

• These requirements are contractual obligations under Art. 34 of the GA and its Annex 1-WP6.

• In addition, the CA foresees the creation of an Ethics Advisory Board (EAB) to advise on ethics issues.

The compliance of LEAP4FNSSA to ethics requirements involves the full commitment of all partners

throughout the life of the project.


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Art. 3434.1 Obligation to comply with ethical and research integrity principles

The beneficiaries must carry out the action in compliance with:• (a) ethical principles (including the highest standards of research integrity) and

• (b) applicable international, EU and national law.

34.2 Activities raising ethical issues

Activities raising ethical issues must comply with the ‘Ethics requirements’ set out as deliverables in Annex 1.

34.4 Consequences of non-compliance

If a beneficiary breaches any of its obligations under this Article, the grant may be reduced (see Art. 43) and the Agreement or participation of the beneficiary may be terminated (see Art. 50).


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1. Personal Data Protection - Definitions

What is personal data Means information relating to an identified or identifiable natural

person (or data subject) such as: name, an id. number, location data, IPaddress, ...

What is personal data protection Impose obligations to provide to research subjects with detailed

information about what will happen to the personal data that arecollected

What is personal data processing Any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data

such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage,dissemination, etc.

EU funded research projects processing personal data must comply with EU (GDPR) and national data protection laws.


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• Effective from 25th May 2018• A new set of rules designed to give EU citizens more

control over their personal data• It’s a ‘Regulation’ – so we have the Articles (the law

itself) and Recitals (explanatory note within the body of GDPR)

• GDPR applies to any organisation operating within the EU, as well as any organisation outside of the EU which deal with customers / businesses in the EU.


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1. Personal Data Protection - Requirements - Appointment of Data Protection Officer / DPO contact details are madeavailable to all data subjects involved / If no DPO, a detailed dataprotection policy for the project must be kept on file.

- Personal data to be processed must be relevant and limited to thepurposes of the research project (in accordance with the ‘dataminimisation ‘principle).

- A description of the technical and organisational measures to beimplemented to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the datasubjects/research participants must be submitted.

- In case personal data are transferred from the EU to a non-EU country orinternational organisation, confirmation that such transfers are inaccordance with the GDPR Principles.

- In case personal data are transferred from a non-EU country to the EU(or another third state), confirmation that such transfers comply with thelaws of the country in which the data was collected must be submitted.


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1. Personal Data Protection – Our measures (D.6.1)

→‘GDPR compliance - Principles and Measures to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the data subjects’ documentData protection principles Data protection measuresImportant: The responsibility of protection and use of personal data is on the party collecting the data. Each partner, therefore, is responsible for the datasets collected and processed in its institution, under its own DPO or equivalent.

→List of actions with potential data protection issues

→List of DPOs/Cies data protection policy references196

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Tasks involving possible Personal Data


Task 2.1: Dialogues for Action towards joint R&I agendas in FNSSA


Activity 1. Involving andmobilising partners, funds &resources for research &action;Activity 2. Programmingdemand driven researchtargeting on outcome whichbenefits FNSSA;Activity 3. Support theImplementation of Research& Innovation.

Detailed information on the procedures that will be implemented for data collection, storage, protection, retention and destruction

To be checked on acase by case basis



and Name



Brief description Description of data

protection aspects

(who will have access, data

stored where?)

Data international transfer

Transfer of data from the EU to

non EU Countries? Transfer of

data from non EU countries to

EU country?


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Principles (1)

Data shall be:• Processed lawfully, fairly and transparently• Collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not

further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes (purpose limitation)

• Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed (data minimisation)

• Accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date… (accuracy)


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Principles (2)

- Kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed (storage limitation)- Processed with appropriate security, including protection against Unauthorised or unlawful processing Accidental loss, destruction or damage (Integrity and confidentiality)


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Principles (3)

- Transfer of personal data from the EU to non EU countries: Respect of RGPD principle Explicit consent of the data subject to be kept on file Implement appropriate measures to ensure that personal data is

transferred securely

- Personal data transferred from a non-EU country to the EU: Processing, notification, consent and accountability provisions meet

GDPR standards Respect applicable laws in the country where the data is collected


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2. Third countries - Requirements

• In case activities undertaken in non-EU countries raise ethicsissues*, the applicants must ensure that the researchconducted outside the EU is legal in at least one EU MemberState (Personal data exchange between EU and Africancountries including, but not limited to, South Africa, Uganda,Ghana, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Egypt, Nigeria, Ethiopia).

*Ethics issues includes: Personal data, humans, third countries,environment, health and safety, …


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2. Third countries – Our measure (D.6.2)

→ Letter of commitment (available to all, to be used whenever necessary and kept on file) for any activity undertaken in non-EU countries raising possible ethics issues.


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

3. Humans - Requirements

• Details on the procedures and criteria that will be used to identify/recruit research participants.

• Detailed information on the informed consent procedures that will be implemented for the participation of humans and in regard to data processing.

• Templates of the informed consent forms and information sheets covering the voluntary participation and data protection issues (in language and terms intelligible to the participants) must be kept on file and the English version must be submitted as a deliverable.


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LEAP4FNSSSA ● Kick Off Meeting ● 1st General Assembly1st Steering Committee ● January 30th - February 1st 2019This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

3. Humans – Our measures (D.6.3)

→ Ref: Document ‘GDPR compliance - Principles and Measures to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the data subjects’.

→ Details on the procedures and criteria that will be used to identify/recruit research participants (to be prepared on a case by case basis and kept on file).

→ Templates of the informed consent forms and information sheets (to be used and kept on file).


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Ethics Advisory Board

The EAB should consist of 4 voluntary EU (2) and AU (2) ethics experts (outside the project partners) nominated within 3 months after the start of the project as a component of the Data Management Plan.Tasks to be performed by the EAB: Advise upon request partners in charge of activities involving

personal data protection and international data transfer; Research and document the practices, ethics and requirements for

personal data protection in the project, including secure and privacy-ensuring data acquisition, analysis, storage and dissemination to different actors;

Follow-up all activities, developments and results in the project to ensure that they are complying with ethics aspects and current regulation for data protection.


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme



Jean-Michel Sers


January 30th - February 1st 2019FARA Headquarters

Accra, Ghana206

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Gender issues in the project (general)

• The project consortium is formed by 35 European and African institutions, 37% of the representatives being women. LEAP4FNSSA pays attention to the gender dimension in the project governance by ensuring a balanced participation of men and women in the decision or advisory making bodies.

• The gender issue is a cross-cutting issue in the FNSSA Roadmap, indicating it is “an important element of the R&I Partnership, helping to build a broader engagement between African and European R&I communities”.

• LEAP4FNSSA promotes, through the different WPs of the project, a gender sensitive approach, extending the gender issue to the non-visible R&I actors in the field of FNSSA (women, but also youngsters and dependents).


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Gender issue in the project (WPs)• In its work with policy makers, LEAP4FNSSA will aim at raising their awareness

on the benefit to integrate gender sensitive practices in their decision processes. As women are the cornerstone of nutrition and nutrition sensitive agriculture in Africa,

• LEAP4FNSSA will also propose to the HLPH Bureau that at least 1 study to be conducted in WP1 is dedicated especially to the role of women in the FNSSA domain, and that the ToRs of all the other studies include a gender dimension.

• In WP2, gender in content will be tackled with specific attention paid to gender balanced representation in the proposed alliances. It will also be included in the dialogue with R&I programme owners and funders, where LEAP4FNSSA will promote the emergence and implementation of research projects specifically addressing gender issues.

• The project mapping and clustering to be implemented in WP3 will pay attention to gender, and to intersectionality (youngsters, dependents), in the choice of clustering criteria in order to improve the relevance of WP3 data collected and analysed.

• In WP4, awareness will be raised on the role of women as agents of change in the FNSSA domain to ensure that the gender dimension is accounted for, both, the diversification of targets, and the content of communication materials and the medias used.


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Gender issues in the Grant AgreementARTICLE 33 — GENDER EQUALITY33.1 Obligation to aim for gender equality

• The beneficiaries must take all measures to promote equalopportunities between men and women in the implementationof the action. They must aim, to the extent possible, for agender balance at all levels of personnel assigned to the action,including at supervisory and managerial level.

33.2 Consequences of non-compliance

• If a beneficiary breaches its obligations under this Article, the Agency may apply any of the measures described in Chapter 6.


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Ethics Appraisal Procedure

Proposal submission

Ethics Review(Screening/Assessment)

Ethics Deliverables

Application Phase

Evaluation/Grant Preparation

Grant Signature



EthicsCheck / Audit


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Ethics self-assessment guidance

Key document addressing

ethics issues

!Regularly updated

Version 6

23 July 2018


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Ethics review

1. Ethics Screening:

Assessment of the ethical aspects of the proposal's objectives, methodology and potential impact performed by ethics experts

2. Ethics Assessment:

In-depth analysis of proposals with severe ethics issues (e.g. HumanEmbryonic Stem Cells, severe intervention on humans, lack ofappropriate ethics framework in the country where the research will beperformed).

Ethics Deliverables

automatically uploaded in WP "Ethics Requirements"


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Implementation phase

• Consortium addresses the ethics deliverables via thecontinuous and periodic reporting.

• Involved partners must obtain ethics approvals/ authorizations prior to the start of the relevant activity, keep them on file and submit them to the REA upon request (Article 34.2 of the MGA).

• If unforeseen research activities that may raise ethics issues are needed (e.g. animal experiments, research on protected areas), please inform your project officer prior to starting any of these activities to determine if an amendment is required.


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Ethics compliance: legal obligations

34.1 Obligation to comply with ethical and research integrity principles

The beneficiaries must carry out the action in compliance with:

(a) ethical principles (including the highest standards of research integrity)


(b) applicable international, EU and national law.

Funding will not be granted for activities carried out outsidethe EU if they are prohibited in all Member States or foractivities which destroy human embryos (for example, forobtaining stem cells).


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Ethics compliance: legal obligations

34.2 Activities raising ethical issues must comply with the ‘ethics requirements’ set out as deliverables in Annex 1.

Before an activity raising an ethical issue starts, each beneficiary must have obtained the following documents needed for implementing the action tasks in question :

(a) any ethics committee opinion required under national law and

(b) any notification or authorisation for activities raising ethical issues required under national and/or European law

The documents must be kept on file and be submitted upon request by the coordinator to the Agency (Art.52).


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Online Manual

Data Protection Guidance


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Kick-off Meeting

30/1 – 1/2/2019

Accra, Ghana

Cristina SORIANI

Project Officer

REA.B.2 - Sustainable Resources for Food Security & Growth


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“This document was prepared to inform participants during a meeting. It concerns specific issues in a particular context. It may not be sufficiently detailed or complete to be binding and is not construed to constitute a commitment by the European Commission. The Commission cannot be held liable for any use made of this information"


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Presentation outline

• Research Executive Agency (REA) & Horizon 2020• Evaluation Feedback

• Grant Agreement (GA) • Amendments to the GA• Financial aspects• Reporting and Payments• Dissemination, communication and exploitation• Guidance


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ANNEX 13. Administrativeissues


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REA – B2 and H2020

REA.B.2 unit is in charge of implementing H2020 by:

• Coordinating evaluations of submitted proposals• Preparing Grant Agreements for projects delegated to

REA• Monitoring project implementation and dealing with

contractual issues• Checking on the use of resources and making payments• Implementing audit results• Reporting on project management and results to Parent

DGs (RTD and AGRI)


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REA/EC Key actors for LEAP4FNSSA

• REA Project Officer (PO) – Main ContactCristina [email protected]

• REA Administrative/Financial Officer (AFO): Philippe [email protected]

• DG AGRI Policy Officer: Agnieszka [email protected]


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Proposal Evaluation


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Key Feedback

• Support to the HLPD Bureau in the project

• Measures and incentives to attract and mantain the involvement of potential new stakeholders outside of the project partnership

• Stakeholders and target groups from Africa

• Communication and dissemination activities

• Role of certain partners


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Grant Agreement


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Grant Agreement (GA)The answer to most questions is in your grant agreement!

Chapter 1: General• Subject of the agreement

Chapter 2: Action• Action, duration, budget

Chapter 3: Grant• Amount, reimbursement rates, eligible costs

Chapter 4: Rights and Obligations of the Parties• To implement the action: resources, in-kind contributions, subcontracts• Grant administration: reporting, payments, audits• Background and results: access rights, protection of results, exploitation, dissemination• Others: gender equality, ethics, confidentiality

Chapter 5: Division of Beneficiaries' Roles and Responsibilities• Roles and responsibilities, internal arrangements

Chapter 6: Rejection of Costs, Rejection of the Grant, Recovery, …• Rejection, reduction, recovery and penalties• Suspension and termination of the action

Chapter 7: Final Provisions• Accession, entry into force, amendments, applicable law


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Annex 1: Description of the action (DoA)

Annex 2: Estimated budget

Annex 3: Accession Forms, 3a & 3b

Annex 4: Financial statements

Annex 5: Certificate on the financial statements (CFS)

Annex 6: Certificate on the methodology

List of annexes


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Grant Agreement (GA)

• Art. 3: The duration of the action will be 48 months as of 1 November 2018 (‘starting date of the action’)

• Art. 5.1: Maximum grant amount is EUR 5,135,606.25

• Art. 20.2: Reporting periods: 3 RPsRP1(1-18)+RP2(19-36)+RP3(36-48)

• Art. 21: Pre-financing: EUR 2,738,990.00 (incl. 5% guarantee fund)


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Roles and Responsibilities (Art 41.2)

Each beneficiary must:

(i) keep the information in the Participant Portal Beneficiary Register up to date

(ii) inform the coordinator immediately of any events or circumstances likely to affect significantly or delay the implementation of the action.

(iii) submit to the coordinator in good time:

• Individual Financial Statements

• The data needed to draw up the technical reports

• Ethics committee opinions and notifications or authorisations for activities raising ethical issues.

• Any other document or information required by the Agency


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Roles and Responsibilities (Art 41.2)

The Coordinator must:(i) monitor that the action is implemented properly(ii) act as the intermediary for all communications between the

beneficiaries and the Agency.(iii) request and review any documents or information required by the

Agency and verify their completeness and correctness before passing them on to the Agency.

(iv) submit the deliverables and reports to the Agency(v) ensure that all payments are made to the other beneficiaries

without delay(vi) inform the Agency of the amounts paid to each beneficiary, when


The coordinator may not delegate or subcontract the above-mentioned tasks to any other beneficiary or third party (including linked third parties)


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LEAP4FNSSA Management Structure


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Role and responsibility towards the REA (art. 41.1)


• have full responsibility for implementing the action and comply with the GA

• Are jointly and severally liable for the technical implementation of the action

• The financial responsibility of each beneficiary is governed by Article 44.


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Third Parties (Arts 10-14)

Contracting (Art 10)

In-kind contribution (Art 11-12)

Subcontracting (Art 13)

Linked third party (Art 14)


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Involvement of Parties


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Article 10 Contracts to purchase goods, works or services

Article 13 Subcontracts

These contracts do not cover the implementation of action tasks, but they are necessary to implement action tasks by beneficiaries

Subcontracts concern the implementation of action tasks; they imply the implementation of specific tasks which are part of the action and are described in Annex 1

Do not have to be indicated in Annex 1. Must be indicated in Annex 1. The price for these contracts will be declared as ‘other direct costs’ — column D in Annex 2 — in the financial statement; they will be taken into account for the application of the flat-rate for indirect costs.

The price for the subcontracts will be declared as ‘direct costs of subcontracting’ — column B in Annex 2 — in the financial statement; they will not be taken into account for the application of the flat-rate for indirect costs.

Example (contracts): Contract for a computer; contract for an audit certificate on the financial statements; contract for the translation of documents; contract for the publication of brochures; contract for the creation of a website that enables action’s beneficiaries to work together (creating the website is not an action task); contract for organization of the rooms and catering for a meeting (if the organization of the meeting is not an action tasks mentioned as such in Annex 1); contract for hiring IPR consultants/agents

Example (subcontracts): Contract for (parts of) the research or innovation tasks mentioned in Annex 1

Subcontracting vs Contracting


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Subcontracting in LEAP4FNSSA

• Partner 9 UCPH, € 150,000 – WP 1, Task 1.3

Studies and analysis of specific topics requested by the HLPD Bureau on strategic issues for efficient implementation of the Roadmap. Estimation: 6 studies @ approx. € 25,000 on average.

• Partner 16 CIHEAM-IAMB, € 50,000 – WP 4, Task 4.2

Website creation and support to the information system for the design, production and operation of the project website, including its Europe –Africa Agora

• Partner 33, ACU, € 17,500 – WP 1, Task 1.4

Two separate independent evaluations of the monitoring data and impact assessment system. Estimation: each evaluation @ approx. € 8,750


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• Concerns the implementation of action tasks

• Are selected according to best value for money and no conflict of interests

• Tasks and budget must be identified in Grant agreement

• Subcontracting between beneficiaries and to affiliates is not allowed.

• Based on business conditions

• No supervision by the beneficiary

• Subcontractor has no rights vis-à-vis the EC/EAs, but can be audited 241

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Grant Agreement (GA)

Contract between REA (rep. by REA/B2 Head of Unit) and consortium (rep by Coordinator, CIRAD) and other beneficiaries, if they sign their ‘Accession Form’

REA will monitor the GA implementation

Consortium Agreement (CA)

Contract between beneficiaries (NOT REA)

Internal rules and relationships (IPR, etc.)

All provisions in the CA conform with the GA

Mandatory to be signed before GA signature

REA will NOT monitor the CA implementation242

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Amendments to the Grant Agreement


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Amendments – Article 55


Requested by the Commission/Agency E.g. Modify Annex 1 following a project review

Requested by the Consortium:•Coordinator must ensure internally the agreement of the consortium based on their internal decision-making processes •Coordinator submits & signs amendment on behalf of the beneficiaries

Exception: If change of coordinator without his/her agreement, request must be done by another beneficiary (acting on behalf of the other beneficiaries)


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Amendment procedure

A request containing several changes to the GA will be considered as a package:

o cannot be divided into several requests

o request will be agreed or rejected as a whole

o cannot be modified

There is no tacit approval of amendments. If there is no reaction within the deadline, the request is considered to have been rejected

Submitted & signed electronically (by PLSIGN)


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Cases when an amendment is required

Coordinator • Change of coordinator

• Change of bank account for payments

• Change of option for authorisation to administer

Beneficiary • Removal of a beneficiary • Addition of a new beneficiary

Change of Annex 2 (estimated budget)

• Budget transfer due to a significant change of Annex 1

• Budget transfer to a form of costs that is not provided for in Annex 2


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Cases when an amendment is required

Change of Annex 1 • Significant change of the action tasks (e.g. if tasks are added/removed) or their division among the beneficiaries

• Changes on in-kind contributions provided by third parties (against payment or free-of-charge) or subcontracts

• Changes concerning the tasks to be carried out by linked third parties and related costs

• Changes to the options in the GA (e.g. options are removed or added)


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Cases when an amendment is NOT required

Change of name or address of coordinator, beneficiary, linked third party

Change of beneficiary due to universal takeover (In FP7: ‘universal transfer of rights and obligations’)

Changes to name of the bank, address of branch and name of account holder (validation of this data on the Portal by the REA is sufficient)


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• Group the amendments*

• Check the information (AMGA)

• Consult informally the PO as soon as possible

• Explain the specific situation: Keep it simple –straight to the point!


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Financial aspects


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Budget Transfers (Art 4.2)

• Underspent budget can be transferred to another category or beneficiary

• Action to be implemented as described in Annex I

• If the change is significant an amendment to the GA is needed

• No transfer of lump sums


• Contact the REA in order to discuss the typology and impact of change


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Budget transfers and re-allocation Amendment needed?

From one beneficiary to another NO

From one budget category to another NO

Addition/removal of tasks in Annex 1 Re-allocation of tasks in Annex 1


Transfers between different forms of costs (actual costs, unit costs, etc.)

YES if no budget was foreseen for the 'form of cost' receiving the


New subcontracts, new in-kind contributions YES (strongly advised)

Cases when an amendment is NOT required

Certain Budget transfers


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Budget transfers (example)


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Eligible costs (art. 6.1)

• Actually incurred by the beneficiary

• Incurred during and in connection to the action

• Foreseen as eligible cost in Annex 1 and Annex 2

• Identifiable and verifiable (accounting)

• In compliance with national law

• Reasonable, justified, financially sound


• Be transparent

• Treat costs as usually done in your business practice

• Check for exceptions beforehand (PO, FO, AMGA)


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Ineligible costs – art. 6.5

• Identifiable taxes and duties

• Deductible VAT

• Interest owed

• Provisions for possible future losses/charges

• Exchange losses

• Bank charges

• Excessive or reckless expenditure

• Costs reimbursed in respect of any other EU project

• Costs incurred during the suspension of the implementation of the action


• Check eligibility beforehand (PO, FO, AMGA)

• Non-deductible VAT is an eligible cost (new!)255

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Budget Categories in LEAP4FNSSA (Art 6.2)

A. Direct personnel costs

B. Direct costs of subcontracting

D. Other direct costs

E. Indirect costs – 25% Flat rate on A and D costs


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Direct costs for the action

Direct costs are costs directly linked to the action'simplementation and which can be attributed to it directly.

Direct costs are:

• Costs that have been caused in full by the action

• Costs that have been caused in full by several actions and the attribution to a single action can, and has been, directly measured (e.g. not allocated via costsdrivers)

• The beneficiaries must be able to show (with records and supporting evidence) the link to the action - Usual accounting practices!


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Personnel CostsCosts for employees (or equivalent):

- Personnel costs (employment contract or equivalent)

- costs for natural persons working under a direct contract

- costs for personnel seconded by a third party

- costs for beneficiaries that are SMEs for their owners not

receiving a salary

- costs for beneficiaries that are natural persons not

receiving a salary

- personnel costs for providing trans-national or virtual

access to research infrastructure (if option applies).

NOT for costs of staff provided by a temporary work agency, seconded staff, self-employed persons with a direct contract with the beneficiary. 258

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Personnel Costs

Costs for natural persons working under a direct contract


• the person works under conditions similar to those of an employee (in particular regarding the way the work is organised, the tasks that are performed and the premises where they are performed);

• the result of the work carried out belongs to the beneficiary (unless exceptionally agreed otherwise), and

• the costs are not significantly different from those for personnel performing similar tasks under an employment contract with the beneficiary.


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Personnel Costs

Costs for students, PhDs and other researchers under scholarship, internship or similar agreements (not employees) working for the beneficiary

• ONLY if the agreement is work-oriented (not training-oriented: i.e. not aimed at helping the student to acquire professional skills).

• PhD agreements will be considered work-oriented. However, time for training, if any, may NOT be charged to the action.


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Personnel costs

They must be limited to:

• salaries (including during parental leave)

• social security contributions

• taxes and other costs included in the remuneration, if they arise from national law or the employment contract (or equivalent appointing act)


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Personnel costs – parental leave

Salaries and social security contributions paid during parental leave are eligible as part of the basic remuneration only if:

• they are mandatory under national law, under the relevant collective labour agreement (e.g. statutory maternity pay) or under the employment contract

• the beneficiary has actually incurred them

• they are not reimbursed by national (central, regional or local) authorities (i.e. only the net amounts paid by the beneficiary are eligible).


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Personnel Costs – Calculationsart. 6.2.A.1

• Based on the hourly rate and number of hours worked in the action.

• Different ways to calculate the hourly rate per each full financial year covered by the reporting period concerned or for each month.

• Different options for calculating the annual productive hours

• The number of actual hours declared for a person must be identifiable and verifiable (see Article 18)


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Other direct costs

• Travel costs and subsistence allowance (date, event, who)

• Equipment costs (depreciation)

• Consumables (only those not included in the indirect costs)

• Dissemination costs

• Certificate on the Financial Statement

• Translation costs

• Intellectual Property Rights costs

• Others


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Other direct costs - Travel(art. 6.2.D.1)

They can include:

• Travel costs

• Subsistence allowances

• related duties, taxes and charges, e.g., non-deductible VAT

They must be:

• fulfil the general conditions for actual costs to be eligible (i.e. incurred during the action duration, necessary, linked to the action) E.g. Travel costs related to an event at which the beneficiary carried out work that was not specifically related to the action are NOT eligible.

• in line with the beneficiary’s usual practices on travel.

• limited to the needs of the action; costs related to extensions (for other professional or private reasons) are NOT eligible.


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Other direct costs – Travel for experts(art. 6.2.D.1)

Travel and subsistence costs for experts’ participation in the action on an ad hoc basis (e.g. attending specific meetings)


- the experts’ participation is foreseen in Annex 1 or

- their participation is specifically justified in the periodic technical report and the Commission/Agency approved it without formally amending the GA

Beneficiary may:

- reimburse the experts or

- handle the travel arrangements itself (directly invoiced).


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Other Direct cost declaration

• Justify the main cost items included in this category (when ODCs exceed 15% of personnel costs)

• Stick to what you included in Annex I

• Costs that can't be independently and directlymeasured and linked to the project are included in the indirect costs (25% flat rate)


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Exchange Rates - Article 20.6

Euro is the currency of the Financial Statements

Conversion – how?

1. Entities with accounting in other currency

at the average of the daily exchange rates, or if not available

at the monthly accounting rates published on the Commission’s website

2. Entities with accounting in Euro

according to their usual accounting practices


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Exchange Rates - GuidanceFirst, the beneficiaries should check and use the daily exchange rates if they are available:

If the daily rates are not available, they should use the average monthly rates:

The links and steps are presented as well in the annotated grant agreement (Article 20.6, page 189 of the current version 5.1).


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• Certificate on the financial statements (CFS) - only for final payments when total EU contribution claimed by the beneficiary on the basis of actual costs + unit costs for average personnel ≥ EUR 325,000 (excluding e.g. flat rates)

Tip: ensure that independent auditors follow the template and guide on CFS (Annex 5 of the GA)

Certification of Costs


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• Costs previously audited by the Commission/Agency do not have to be covered again by the CFS.

• The EU Contribution involved has to be excluded from the calculation of the EUR 325,000

• IT tools will be updated in order to exclude funding of the audited financial statement.

Certification of Costs


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Pre-financing: 53.33% of total grant amount

o 48.33% netto amount paid to consortium (€ 2,482,209.69)

o 5% transferred to Guarantee Fund (GF) (€ 256,780.31)

Interim payment:

o Requested and accepted EU funding

o Condition: PF + Interim Payments <=90% Max EU Funding

Final Balance:

o Requested and Accepted EU funding

o Sum of Payments <= Max EU Funding

Calculation of Payment


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Participants' Guarantee Fund

It aims at covering the financial risks during the implementation of the project.

Intervenes if:o a beneficiary does not reimburse any requested amount to the

consortium or to the REA and

o the consortium accepts to continue the project at the same conditions without this beneficiary

An equivalent amount will be transferred to the coordinator to allow for the continuation of the project.


Inform immediately the REA about possible financial risks

Keep track precisely about how the pre-financing and the EU funds have been distributed among the beneficiaries


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• Audits can be carried out during the all lifetime of the project, by the Commission or by external firms not later than 2 years after the payment of the balance

• It is based on the Financial Statements submitted by beneficiary

• Extension of audit findings is mandatory

• Financial audits and/or technical audits

Ex-Post Audits (Art 22)


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Reporting and



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Relevant articles in the Grant Agreement

Art 18: Keeping Records – Supporting Documentation

Art 19: Submission of Deliverables

• Continuous reporting in SYGMA

Art 20: Reporting – Payment Requests

Single package submission

• Technical & financial information

• Final reporting – additional information

Art 22: Checks, Reviews, Audits and Investigations

Checks and Reviews performed in relation to the Grant Agreement


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Project Reporting – main documents


work done, results and conclusions

Periodic Report:

Technical Part: written by Coordinator

Financial Part: Financial Statements from each partner

Final Report:

Technical Report: info on project finalisation

• Financial Report: Financial Statements + CFSs

Electronic submission in Participant Portal


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End of reporting period 1

Continuous Reporting (deliverables, milestones, additional info)

Periodic /



Project duration (36 months)



Project Reporting:Continuous and Periodic processes


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Project Reporting and Reviews:role of REA staff

REA Project Officer (PO):

single contact point for all project implementation aspects

responsible for project supervision

responsible for project reviews and payments

REA Financial Officer (FO):

ensures administrative / financial supervision of the project implementation


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Continuous Reporting:actions done by the Consortium

• Preparation of publishable summary

• Timely submission of deliverables

• Timely achievement of milestones

• Additional info and revision of critical risks

• Follow-up on the ethical issues

• Providing additional info requested by EC

Continuous Reporting must be continuously updated


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1. End of Reporting Period: email notification received by Consortium

2. Preparation of the Periodic Report: beneficiaries provide their contribution to Coordinator (COO); All of them complete, e-sign and submit Financial Statements to COO;

3. Periodic Report submission as a "single package": COO approves and submits the Periodic Report electronically to REA;

4. The Project Review: Periodic Report and the documents from Continuous Reporting are reviewed by experts and input is provided to REA staff;

5. Launching the Project Payment: based on reporting and REA assessment of documents, the project payment is launched by REA staff.

Project Reporting: main steps


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Publishable summary:

• regularly revised and published in EU portal


• high quality documents = easy to be evaluated

• detailed information = no further clarifications

• public deliverables = read by different EC services


• clearly presented and documented in the text of Periodic Report


• regularly revised by Consortium in order to ensure risk mitigation

Other information:

• information on cross cutting issues, collaboration with other projects, etc.

Information is "locked for review" when Periodic Reporting starts

Technical Report: info from Continuous Reporting


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Narrative document – written by Coordinator based on input from partners

Information on the work carried out and overview of the project progress• work done and results for each Work

Package• contribution to the expected impacts

Plan for exploitation and dissemination of results• actions implemented and their outcomes

Explanations of deviations from DoA (Description of Action) • clear explanations in relation to the foreseen tasks• in relation to the use of resources (budget, sub-contracting,


The Technical Report = very important document

Technical Report: info from Periodic Reporting


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• Financial Statements

o for each beneficiary (Annex 4 of GA)

o detailed information = no further clarifications

• Explanations on the Use of Resources

o essential for understanding the expenditures

o linked to tasks and deliverables = easy to be identified as costs

• Information on Subcontracting and Third Parties

o costs not foreseen in the DoA = not eligible for funding

Financial Report is based on Financial Statements

Financial Reporting: main parts and specific info


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Project review (Art. 22.1.2)

The project review is:

• An-depth examination of project technical and financial implementation by the consortium

• Organized systematically after each reporting period

• Compulsory completion of the payment process

• Carried out with the support of independent external experts

• The Review Report is sent out to the Consortium –Contradictory Review procedure

• Includes a review meeting generally held in Brussels


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Project reviews in LEAP4FNSSA1. Review for reporting period 1 (month 1-18)

- covers implementation up 30/4/20

- when? month 21: 07/2020

2. Review for reporting period 2 (month 19- 36)

covers implementation up 31/10/21

- when? month 39: 01/2022

3. Review for reporting period 3 (month 37 – 48)*

- covers implementation up 31/10/22

- when?


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• Organizers: Consortium in collaboration with REA Project Officer;

• Participants: Consortium (COO + WP Leaders, other staff), REA Project Officer, Monitors (Experts), REA Financial Officer and other EC staff;

• Date and location: set-up @ least 2 months before reporting period ends; Brussels or other location if justified

• Duration: 1 – 1.5 days - based on complexity of reporting;

• Activities: presentations on work + results; discussions / clarifications; conclusions and the next steps in implementation.

Project Review: practical information


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• A compulsory process before payment;

• Based on the Review done by experts and externalized to Consortium;

• Include intensive communication between PO and Consortium for clarifications and additional information;

• May include Suspension of Payment in case of rejection of deliverables and/or of Periodic Report

• It is triggering the Payment (Interim or Final);

Assessment of project = intensive work REA PO - Consortium

Assessment of project results: final step


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End of reporting


60 daysCOO to submit the

Periodic Report 90 days

REA to finalise the Review, Assessment and


Review Meeting

Review Report

Assessment + Payment

Timing of submission agreed with PO

Review meeting in max 3 weeks after submission

Payment Suspension = revision of Reports and Deliverables

Periodic report: Important deadlines


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NEW! single submission & single rejection

• Access on the Participant Portal

• Technical report and all financial statements are submitted by the coordinator as a "single package"

• If a beneficiary does not include its financial statement in a periodic report, the costs will be considered 'zero' for this reporting period. The beneficiary can declare its costs with the next financial report

• Full package is rejected if one document requires changes or corrections

Online submission of Periodic Reports


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• Keep time records:

o hours worked on the tasks,

o collect signatures of meeting attendance

• Subcontracting not foreseen in ANNEX 1: ask adviceand approval to the PO beforehand

• Invoices:

Reference to the name of project, deliverable & description of the content, date and terms of payment, proof of payment & registration of the invoices in the bookeeping

Sound Financial management


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Participants' Guarantee Fund

• Aims at covering the financial risks during project implementation

• Intervenes

• if a beneficiary does not reimburse any requested amount to the consortium or to the REA and

• if the consortium accepts to continue the project at the same conditions without this beneficiary

• An equivalent amount will be transferred to the coordinator to allow for the continuation of the project.

• TIP: Inform immediately the REA about possible financial risks 292

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Communication Dissemination Exploitation

About the project and results

About results only About results

Multiple audiences Beyond the project's own community (include the media and the public)

Audiences that may use the results in their own worke.g. peers (scientific or the project's own community), industry and other commercial actors, professional organisations, policymakers

Groups and entities thatare making concrete use of results

Inform and reach out to society, show the benefits of research

Enable use and uptake of results Best efforts to exploit the owned results, or to have them exploited by another legal entity

Grant Agreement art. 38.1

Starts at the outset of the project

Grant Agreement art. 29

When results are available

Grant Agreement art. 28

When results are available and up to four years after project ended


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Press release

Project factsheet, brochure

Social media (blogs, Twitter,

Facebook, LinkedIn)

Informing about the project Informing about the results Making resultsavailable for re-use


Scientific publicationsPolicy brief/roadmap


Sharing results on online repository (research data, software, reports)

About the project results

Multiple audiences

Inform and reach out to society, show the benefits of research

Grant Agreement art. 38.1

About results only

Audiences that may use the results in their own work

Enable use anduptake of results

Grant Agreement art. 29

Project website, videos, interview, articles in magazines, exhibitions/

open days, guided visits, conference, presentation and workshops.

Examples of activities


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What is communication?

• Reach out to society as a whole and in particular to some specificaudiences

• Demonstrate how EU funding contributes to tackling societalchallenges

• Is strategically planned and not only ad-hoc efforts

• Identifies and sets clear communication objectives

• Uses pertinent messages, right medium and means

Taking strategic and targeted measures for promoting the action itself and its results to a multitude of audiences, including the media and the public, and possibly engaging in a two-way exchange*

* Shortened from

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Communication: legal obligations

38.1.1 Obligation to promote the action and its results

The beneficiaries must promote the action and its results, by providing targeted information to multiple audiences (including the media and the public) in a strategic and effective manner.

38.1.2 Information on EU funding – Obligation and right to use the EU emblem

Display the EU emblem

Include the following text:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No xxx

High-resolution emblems are available here :


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• Important role in reaching broad non-specialists audiences (Obligation - Art. 38.1)

• Media activity: info to general public and to people interested in the field (future collaborations/ funding/ commercialisation /input to policy)

• Ambassadors of the EU-research funding: impact on life of tax payers, good use public money

Communication: Role of beneficiaries


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• Starts at the outset, continues through entire lifetime

• Is planned strategically

• Identifies and sets clear communication objectives

• Targets audiences beyond own community

• Chooses pertinent messages

• Uses the right medium and means

… good communication

More on communicating EU research and innovation for project participants:


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Communication in project lifecycle


• Work package for communication (or in another work package)


• "Impact" criterion

Reporting • Communication plan

• Progress overview of communication activities

Project Management• PO: interim and final assessment

• Beneficiaries: inform PO prior to a major communication activity


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Horizon 2020 Online ManualCommunicating your project Acknowledging EU funding


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Communicating EU Research & Innovation - Guidance for project participants


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Horizon Magazine also on Facebook

Success stories

Facebook @EUAgri @EUScienceInnov

Twitter @EUScienceInnov #H2020 #ResearchImpactEU @EU_H2020 @EU_Agri#EIPagri



Promoting your project via EC channels

Ask your Project Officerif you wish feature your

project via EC channels!

NEW: Social media guide for Horizon 2020 projects:


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What is dissemination?

The public disclosure of the results by any appropriate means, including by scientific publications in any medium.*

• Transfer of knowledge and results to the ones that can best make use ofit

• Maximizes the impact of research, enabling the value of results to bepotentially wider than the original focus

• Essential element of all good research practice

• Prevents results becoming sticky and effectively lost

• Strengthens and promotes the profile of the organisation

The public disclosure of the results by any appropriate means, including by scientific publications in any medium.*

* Shortened from

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Dissemination: legal obligations

29.1 Obligation to disseminate results

• Public disclosure of results by any appropriate means, including,scientific publications as swiftly as possible

• This does not change the obligations:

• to protect the results (Art. 27),

• the confidentiality obligations (Art. 36),

• the security obligations (Art. 37),

• Obligations to protect personal data (Art. 39)

• Intention to disseminate – notice to the consortium of 45 days.Objection from any beneficiary within 30 days from receiving thenotification


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Dissemination: legal obligations

29.2 Open access to scientific publications

• Each beneficiary must ensure open access (free of charge on lineaccess for any user) to all peer-reviewed scientific publicationsrelating to its results.

29.3 Open access to research data (optional)

Regarding the digital research data generated in the action, thebeneficiaries must:

• Deposit in a research data repository

• Provide information about tools/instruments necessary forvalidating the results.


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Guidance on project dissemination

• Engage with stakeholders who can make best use of the outcomes of the research

• Identify the potential end-users of the expected results

• Plan dissemination from the project start & continuous activity during the project and after it has ended

• Make sure that scientific work and results are openly available, as early as possible and in an easily accessible, understandable and re-usable form

• Policy-relevant results should be flagged and brought to the attention of the appropriate bodies at international, EU, national and regional level.


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Research results' lifecycle



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Horizon 2020 data and results

Horizon 2020 Dashboard:

Frequently refreshed, one click stop shop for H2020 data

Modern visual analytics (data discovery tool)

Complete picture (non-confidential data on proposals and projects)

Participant Portal (go public, go mobile):

EU Research success stories: Promising project: promising results or media

appeal Success story: breakthrough or tangible results


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Projects’ results on CORDIS

The point of reference to seek information on EC funded research projects, public available, highly visited

Products and services offered:

Publishable summaries for H2020

Results Packs

Enhanced Results in Brief

H2020 public deliverables and Publications

Publish your own article/news item on CORDIS


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* Shortened from


• Make use of the results; recognising exploitable resultsand their stakeholders

• Appreciation of the value and impact of the R&Iactivity for societal challenges

• Can be commercial, societal, political, or for improving publicknowledge and action

• Project partners can exploit results themselves, or facilitateexploitation by others (e.g. through making results availableunder open licenses)

The utilisation of results in further research activities other than those covered by the action concerned, or in developing, creating and marketing a product or process, or in creating and providing a service, or in standardisation activities.*


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Exploitation: legal obligations

28.1 Obligation to exploit the results

Each beneficiary must take measures aiming to ensure 'exploitation' ofits results by:

• Using them in further research activities

• Developing/creating/marketing a product/process

• Creating and providing a service

• Using them in standardisation activities.

Where possible, the measures should be consistent with the impactexpected from the action and the plan for the exploitation anddissemination of results.


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Exploitation: Additional support

EU IPR Helpdesk:Helpline: Legal support on specific IP issue Newsletter & Bulletin: On latest developments in the field of IPOnline LibraryFact sheets, case studies, guides Training & Events: Free webinars, training events and conferences.

Enterprise Europe Network:• active in more than 60 countries worldwide. • brings together 3,000 experts in business support

from more than 600 member organisations • International partnerships• Advice for international growth• Support for business innovation


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New D&E Boosters - 2019

• EC offers a number of dissemination and exploitation (D&E) services to beneficiaries in order to boost their D&E activities and build up D&E capacity

• Project "cluster" approach

• New procurement in progress (4-yrs FWC): New calls for expression of interest to open in spring 2019

• Notification through the Participant Portal: check the What’s new section:


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Innovation Radar

Innovation Radar:• A data-driven methodology to deliver intelligence on:

• The innovations emerging from the projects• The innovators: who and where?• Market readiness: how can we help them to get

to the market? • Structured systematic data without increasing

reporting for beneficiaries or POs • Not topic-specific approach

Benefits for consortia:• Expert recommendations for increasing the potential of your innovations• Identify other EU initiatives that can support your ongoing work• See the trend of your 'innovation performance' • Find investors for your innovations or additional funding opportunities


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H2020 Annotated Grant Agreement

H2020 Grant Management documents

H2020 On-line Manual and IT Guides

Research Enquiry Service

Relevant information


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Become an EXPERT for the Commission

Join the database of independent experts

The European Commission appoints independent experts to assist with assignments that include the evaluation of proposals, monitoring of projects, and evaluation of programmes, and design of policy.


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ANNEX 13. Quality management


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LEAP4FNSSALong-term Europe Africa Partnership

for Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture

Kick Off Meeting

1st General Assembly

1st Steering Committee

January 30th - February 1st 2019FARA Headquarters

Accra, Ghana


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Global process

Monitoring the implementation

Documenting the events

Evaluation of deliverables


Elements of a quality management plan


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Elements of a quality management plan

Global process

Monitoring the implementation

Documenting the events

Evaluation of deliverables



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We need to monitor the project process in real time, and

make sure it is in good tracks.

Three major components for the coordination

– The actions are executed as planed (activities, staff effort, events)

– The deliverables are produced on time and are of good quality

– The budget is used as planed (expenses, staff effort)

More specific criteria could be managed at the WP level

– Interaction with the relevant SH beyond the Consortium members

– Awareness raising and generating public interest (WP4)

– Etc…

The global process


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Global process

Monitoring the implementation

Documenting the events

Evaluation of deliverables


Elements of a quality management plan


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The dash board will be a major component of the quality

management plan of the project.

Why a dash board?

– To get a global and up-dated view of how the project is being implemented

The ToRs

– One page, colors (green, orange, red) to draw attention

– Accessible to all partners and in particular to the Steering Committee

The indicators

– Project: activities, deliverables, milestones, events

– Resources: staff effort, budget spent

A dash board to monitor the implementation


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Activities at a given date

Dash board (compared with level of activities)


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Dash board (delivrables)



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Dash board (events)



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Dash board (milestones)



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Activities at a given date

Dash board (compared with level of activities)


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Dash board (staff efforts)

Staff effort


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Dash board (expenses)



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Dash board (complete)


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Monitoring the implementationDash board

More information from WP and task


More in depth analysiswith the Steering


Corrective actions

When thereis an alert


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Collecting the information: reportsEach partner is responsible for reporting both technically and

financially on the use made of the funds that have been allocated by EU.

We propose to complete the official reports, with internal reports every 6

months, with a similar format.

Advantage for the partners

– Collect every 6 months the information needed for the official report– Become exercised to the reporting format and remain exposed– Get a global view of how the project is going on

Advantage for the coordination, and the SC partners

– Better follow up of the activities

– Better budgetary management

Advantage for the whole project

– Identify more easily the items for communication and dissemination334

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Reporting to the EC:

– Two periodic reports (April 2020, Oct 2021)

– One final report (Oct 2022)

– Deliverables identified in Annex 1 to the GA (according to the timetable)

– Submission through the Coordinator in the Participant Portal

Intermediate internal reporting:

– Five additional intermediate reporting periods (April 2019, Oct 2019, Oct 2020, April 2021, April 2022)

– Coordinated by the WP leaders

– Process and format as follows


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Reporting – Process

Elaboration of the technical report

– Information about WP progress per partner (tasks, person months) from each beneficiary to WP leader

– WP leader compiles WP report– Coordinator compiles periodic report

Official report

– Coordinator submits the periodic report to the EU portal

Internal report

– Coordinator extracts information to feed the dash board

– Coordinator prepares a summary to inform the partners

– WP4 uses the information for communicating


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Reporting – Internal report template

For each task (task leaders):

– Summary of progress made towards the objectives with a gross estimate of each activity of the task (to feed the dash board)

– Significant results (milestones rather than deliverables)– Reasons for deviation and consequences

For the entire work package (WP leaders):

– Summary overview of the WP implementation– Contribution to dissemination and communication activities– Reasons for failing to achieve critical objectives and/or not being on schedule and

consequences– Corrective actions proposed– Use of resources (m.m and expenses)– Deliverables


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Focus on the financial component

Official financial reports (M18, M36 and M48):

– Individual financial statement from each beneficiary. Each beneficiary has to create its own statement, sign it (FSIGN) and submit it to the coordinator electronically (in a tool within the Participant Portal)

– Explanation of the use of resources (expenses by category and WP including staff effort)

– Coordinator will review, ask for modifications, if needed, and approve all statements together to the EC (within the 60 days!)

– All statements have to be in Euro


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Global process

Monitoring the implementation

Documenting the events

Evaluation of deliverables


Elements of a quality management plan


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We call ‘event’ a meeting, seminar, workshop, conference which mobilizes a significantamount of the project resources (human or other).

During the negotiation of the final GA with REA we had to produce a table thatdescribed all the major events. Some are considered as milestones but not all.

Why documenting the events

– They are often linked with important steps forward (milestones or key deliverables)

– The brief description form (1 page) that we propose eases the communication among the partners concerned (and external participants)

– The form will be capitalized and included in the report

Documenting the Events


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Title of the event

Reference to the Grant Agreement


Where and when?


Who will attend?


How (methodology)

How (resources)


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Global process

Monitoring the implementation

Documenting the events

Evaluation of deliverables


Elements of a quality management plan


Page 343: Deliverable N.: D5 · D5.1 – 1st General Assembly report Grant Agreement nº 817663 6 Executive Summary The first General Assembly of the LEAP4FNSSA project took place in Accra,

The quality of each deliverable must be ensured before official

submission to EC and dissemination to a wider public.

ToRs (to be discussed)

– Internal process

– At least one advice beside the Coordination, from a SC member with no conflict of interest with the partners responsible for the deliverable

– Possible submission to the EAC for strategic deliverables such as policy briefs (to be identified)

To be evaluated

– The content: relevance, organization, clarity, written English …

– The form: presentation, format, authorship …

Evaluation of deliverables (process)


Page 344: Deliverable N.: D5 · D5.1 – 1st General Assembly report Grant Agreement nº 817663 6 Executive Summary The first General Assembly of the LEAP4FNSSA project took place in Accra,


First read by Coordination

Second read by Steering Committee

Evaluation of deliverables (process)

Final readby EAC

Submission by Coordination

Form check by Communication team


Page 345: Deliverable N.: D5 · D5.1 – 1st General Assembly report Grant Agreement nº 817663 6 Executive Summary The first General Assembly of the LEAP4FNSSA project took place in Accra,

Global process

Monitoring the implementation

Documenting the events

Evaluation of deliverables


Elements of a quality management plan


Page 346: Deliverable N.: D5 · D5.1 – 1st General Assembly report Grant Agreement nº 817663 6 Executive Summary The first General Assembly of the LEAP4FNSSA project took place in Accra,

ANNEX 14. Evaluation of the meeting


Page 347: Deliverable N.: D5 · D5.1 – 1st General Assembly report Grant Agreement nº 817663 6 Executive Summary The first General Assembly of the LEAP4FNSSA project took place in Accra,


The results of the group work are summarized below. They were reported in plenary by representatives of BLE, DST, JyU and CIHEAM.

Concerning the meeting, most of the expectations expressed by the participants turned around a better understanding of the general agreement, the content of the project and its liaison with the Europe-Africa policy dialogue, and also the admin rules they had to stick to.

First, the meeting was supposed to contribute to strengthen the sense of ownership within the Consortium, build ambition and commitment, trust and desire to work together through being introduced to each other and face to face communication. It should also help to identify where possible conflicts may arise among the partners.

It should help the partners to share a common view about the context, the history, the expectations and the role of LEAP4FNSSA. This could come from a clear understanding of the objectives of the project, in relation with the needs of the High level policy dialogue on Science and Technology. Some participants wished to get specific information on how the project would benefit to private research partners, develop prospective work, include or attract other funding agencies, communicate and disseminate the results, or more generally, how interact with other SH outside the project.

The participants also expected to get a clarified perception of each other roles, some guidelines on how to conduct activities and achieve the objectives of the project or even a work-plan for the following months. They wanted to identify possible collaborations and synergies between tasks or WPs, in particular in the organization of events, and ensure that all efforts and resources were aligned to avoid duplications.

The administrative and management issues should also be recalled, and specifically as concerned the DoW and its flexibility to adapt to upcoming needs/demands, the financial rules and reporting.

Feed back after the meeting

In order to improve the red The participants could express their opinion on the meetings Some feed back was collected at the end of the General Assembly through results of the group work are summarized below. They were reported in plenary by representatives of BLE, DST, JyU and CIHEAM.

In summary, the participants were rather satisfied with the organization of the general assembly at FARA, and the excellent support provided by FARA’s staff. Their main concerns were about transportation by the hotel and booking which were very weak – for example, due to overbooking, participants had to be scattered between several hotels. The other main concern was about the duration of the General Assembly which was felt too short considering the complexity of the project, and the need for more interaction within and between work packages.


Satisfied with. "Overall organisation & logistics (CIRAD & FARA). Warm and welcoming atmosphereprovided by the entire FARA staff. Thanks CIRAD team! Logistics. Excellent food. FARA created a verywelcoming atmosphere. Clarisse diner very good."

To be improved. "The bus: transfer from and to the meeting. Transportation to ensure time management.Hotel bookings. Venue is not satisfactory. Logistics & host institute is not satisfactory. Internet connectivity is


Page 348: Deliverable N.: D5 · D5.1 – 1st General Assembly report Grant Agreement nº 817663 6 Executive Summary The first General Assembly of the LEAP4FNSSA project took place in Accra,

poor. Hotel care. Meeting rooms (light, air, etc) make a big difference. Focus on finding a space that invites interaction. Small meeting room. Separate room for WP discussions."


Satisfied with. "Good solid leadership for the 3 days. Coordination, management of the meeting.Coordination by CIRAD team. Engaged coordination team."

To be improved. "More coordination to bring together. More time for setting a project team (spiritsocializing)."


Satisfied with. "Commitment of partners. High level engagement among participants. Attendance:mobilization of partners well done. Active participation of almost all partners, sharing thoughts & doubts.Involvement of other relevant non project partners in the GA. Friendly atmosphere. Nice atmosphere createdfor interaction & networking. Working environment. Open discussion climate. Discussions & interactionsgood & important. Involvement with external actors. Continued engagement of non project partners."

To be improved. "Imbalance in powers of the partnership (Africans do not have much information)."


Satisfied with. "Contents & program is excellent & well covered. Content of the meeting very rich:agenda well set. Well structured. Meeting organisation of theme and discussion. Very good preparation. Allinformation sent to participants on time. Well prepared with clear agenda circulated in sufficient time beforethe meeting. Quality of presentations. Monitoring each sessions very well. Management of time: well done."

To be improved. More time for group work per WP using facilitation methods. Allow more time for WPdiscussions, not enough for a 1st meeting. Discovering interlinkages between WP. Not enough time for WPsession. More time to exchange on actual work. Duration of some presentations (summarize). Presentationmode of content (eg. provide reading time, discussion orally instead of presentations of content). Too longspent on some issues such as Ethics reporting, more time needed to show linkages, etc. Access to documentsthrough a shared system would have been useful including presentations made during the meeting. Sharingmaterials & PPT early will enable for more interactions. GA at the beginning and more than 1 1/2 days tobetter set things and then have a good departure. Working groups sessions for each WP could been organizedon day 2. Structured discussion except for priority focus on day 1. Should have focused on key challenges andoutcomes needed. Collect presentation in a USB key and give to each participant. Needed more clarificationon the "political context".


Satisfied with. "I left with better understanding of LEAP4FNSSA and the connection with HLPD. It takea little time to get there but we did end up with a better understanding of the objectives and modus operandi ofthis complex project. Very inspiring. Thank you!"

To be improved. Some tasks in the workplan seemed a little "closed" in the way they were presented; forex. where they build on previous actions we need to be sufficiently flexible to incorporate good ideas andencourage ownership. People in the room had proposal of the submission, not the final one. Please make surethat all responsible people for the actions, etc., know what the project committed to. Technical visits should beadvisable to get to know some agriculture in the country & field trips should be announced in advance (beforebooking flights).

