
Definition of Body Language

A form of ___________________communication, consisting of body pose, gestures, and eye movements.


Be quiet

I love you.


well done

Do you know the meaning of these gestures?

good come here bad

good luck Me? I don’t know



1.You’re great!

2.Come and join us!

3. blow a kiss

4. wave

5. shake one’s head

1.Please stop!

2.I’m sorry!

3.This way, please!


5.I have had too much.


2.Make a face

3.take photos

4.Shrug one’s shoulders


1.I give in. 2.OK! 3.victory4.yawn5.Nice to meet you.

Some body language is similar in most countries.

As one coin has two sides

Some body language is

different in

different countries.

1.Who are the people 1.Who are the people mentionedmentioned in the passage? in the passage?2.Where are they from?2.Where are they from?

peoplepeople countrycountry

ChinaChinaTony GarciaTony Garcia ColumbiaColumbia

Julia SmithJulia Smith BritainBritain

Akira NagataAkira Nagata JapanJapan

George CookGeorge Cook CanadaCanada

Ahmed AzizAhmed Aziz JordanJordan Darlene CoulonDarlene Coulon FranceFrance

another student and Ianother student and I

Tony Garcia

Tony Garcia

Ahmed AzizAhmed Aziz

Akira Nagata Akira Nagata

Julia SmithJulia Smith DarleneCoulon


How do theyHow do they behave when they meet people when they meet people

they know?they know?

How do theyHow do they behave when they meet people when they meet people

they know?they know?

George CookGeorge Cook

Tony Garcia (Columbia)

Julia Smith (Britain)

Akira Nagata (Japan)

George Cook (Canada)

Darlene Coulon (France)

Matching the people and their different ways of greeting (para2&3)

1.shakes hands and kisses others twice on each cheek


3.shakes hands

4.approaches others closely and touches their shoulder and kisses them on the cheek

5.does not stand very close to others or touch strangers

1. I saw several young people enter the waiting room (look) around curiously.

2. The first person (arrive) was Tony Garcia, closely (follow) by Julia Smith from Britain.

3. She stepped back (appear) surprised.

4. Then Akira Nagata from Japan came in (smile).

5. Darlene Coulon from France came (dash) through the door.

6. In the same way that people communicate with (speak) English, they also express their feelings (use) unspoken language.

_____ more and more developments in technology and transportation, communication plays a more and more important role in our daily life. Meanwhile, cultural gap is gradually becoming a major obstacle to understanding and expressing our own feelings, ______ might have a bad effect on making new friends and getting help from others. Thus, it is necessary for us to master spoken language ___ ____ ___ unspoken “language” --- body language consisting of body pose, gestures, and eye movements.



as well as

To be _______, it is rather difficult because there are so many cultures around the world and not all members of a culture behave in the same way. For example, men from Middle Eastern and other Muslim countries will often stand quite close to other men to talk but will usually not touch women. However, _______ so many greetings, shaking hands is the most universal one. As a beginner, you can learn to master some basic greetings, such as shaking hands and _______ people at a proper distance.




In a ______, if we do not improve our communication skills or study international customs, we will absolutely get _____ in today’s world of cultural crossroads!


