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INDEPENDENCE OF ASIA AND AFRICA World War II led to end of European imperialism in India, Indochina,

Africa, and Indonesia Called decolonization Nazi Germany and imperial Japan had discredited imperialistic beliefs

Can’t fight for democracy in Europe and deny it to Africa and Asia… Most Europeans exhausted of warfare

Not always bloodless though…

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achieve independence in post-war period

Independence movement started in late 19th century

Formed in 1885 Indian National Congress main organization dedicated to independence Mohandas Gandhi,

leader of the Congress, used non-violence

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Gandhi was a pacifist Used passive resistance where Indians passively

suffered British beating and violence without fighting back

Civil disobedience Disobey unjust British laws Salt March – protest British salt tax Also conducted fasts and refused to work for the

British Indians jailed in ever-increasing numbers

Cottage industries Boycott British-made cotton goods and buy goods

made in India Rebuild India’s industries and raise living


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independence after WWI but were denied Winston Churchill one of

the opponents Gandhi refused to

support British in WWII Many Indians still

fought in WWII in Germany and Japan

British leaders recognized they could no longer resist

India given independence in 1947

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independence because of fear of violence between Hindus and Muslims

Muslin leaders led by Mohammed Ali Jinnah told British wanted separate Muslim state

Independence given in 1947 and put into two nations – India and Pakistan

India – Hindu; Pakistan – Muslim

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DECOLONIZATION IN INDIA Because of large Muslim

populations in east and west, Pakistan became divided Hindu India in the middle

and over 1,000 miles Millions moved after

independence granted Thousands killed in

riots during mass migrations because of religious prejudices

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Dutch ruled East Indies, Britain ruled Burma and Malay Peninsula, and France most of Indochina

Nationalist feelings spread from India

Japan kicked out Europeans and nationalist leaders expected full independence

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Philippines US owned islands

in Pacific Given

independence in 1946

Burma and Malaysia Given independence

from Great Britain in 1948

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Declared independence in 1945 but had to fight Dutch troops until 1949 when Netherlands finally recognized Indonesia independence

Vietnam Guerillas, led by Ho Chi

Minh, began war with French and won independence in 1954

Vietnam divided in two – Communist state in north and pro-western state in the south

We will be returning to Vietnam…

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Egypt Britain gave Egypt

independence in 1922 British troops in Egypt

to protect Suez Canal and King of Egypt a British puppet

Gamel Nasser overthrew Egyptian King in 1953

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Saudi Arabia became independent during inter-war period (between WWI and WWII)

After WWII, France gave independence to Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon, and Syria

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Over 1 million Frenchmen in Algeria Assumed Algeria would

became a part of France 1954 – Algerian

nationalists launched violent struggle for independence

French army fought for almost 8 years

Algeria gained independence in 1962, and French settlers fled the country

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Palestine and Transjordan 1917 – British promised

Jewish homeland in Palestine (Balfour Declaration)

Many Arabs viewed Zionism (migration of Jews to Palestine) as a form of European imperialism

Limited Jewish emigration to Palestine to prevent Arab uprising

After Holocaust many Jews wanted to migrate to Palestine

British feared end of colonial rule would lead to civil war

Brought problem to UN

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Arab-Israeli Conflict Jewish

immigration to Palestine had swelled during 1930s-40s due to Nazi persecution

Arabs opposed admitting more Jews

1948 – Britain gave up control of Palestine

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UN decided to create two states – Israel (for Jews) and West Bank and Gaza Strip (for Arabs) Existence became

(and still is) a central political issue in the Middle East

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Independence 1948 – five

neighboring Arab countries rejected Israel

Launched an attack and were defeated

Jordan seized the West Bank, Egypt took the Gaza Strip, and Israel took slices from each

Many Palestinians fled and became refugees in neighboring Arab lands

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Suez Canal Crisis of 1956 Gamel Abdul

Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal and closed it to Israel

Britain, France, and Israel invaded Egypt

US and Soviet Union demanded they stop

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1967 – Israel defeated enemies in 6 days and acquired the Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank, and Golan Heights

Yom Kippur War (1973) Egypt and Syria launched

surprised attack on Jewish holiday

Israel repelled Arab forces and kept Sinai Peninsula from Egypt

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OPEC and Oil 1970 – oil producing

countries formed Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

During 1973 war with Israel, Persian Gulf countries refused to sell oil to Israel-friendly countries

Higher oil prices led to greater wealth and influence for them

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(1978) Egyptian President

Anwar al-Sadat and Israel Prime Minister Menachim Begin visited President Carter in Camp David

Agreed Israel would return Sinai Peninsula to Egypt in exchange for peace

Other Arab countries denounced agreement and broke off diplomatic relations with Egypt

1981 – Arab extremists assassinated President Sadat

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Palestinians PLO

1964 – Palestinian Arabs formed Palestinian Liberation Organization

Refused to recognize Israel and vowed to win back homeland

Terrorism 1960s and 1970s PLO

used terrorism as a weapon

Some Palestinians felt it was the only way

Hijacked planes, attacked an Israeli school, and murdered 11 Israeli athletes in 1972 Olympics in Munich

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Israel and the Palestinians War in Lebanon

PLO first in Jordan and later moved to Lebanon

1975 – civil war between Lebanese Christians, Sunni Muslims, and Shi’ite Muslims

1976 – Syria invaded Lebanon

1978-1982 – Israeli army entered Lebanon to destroy PLO camps

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Palestinians Intifada (“Uprising”)

West Bank and Gaza Strip taken in Six Day War had Palestinian populations

1987 – Palestinians who grew up under Israeli occupation started violent demonstrations

Israel tired to contain protests without success

Some Jews built own settlements in West Bank and Gaza Strip which was resented

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Palestinian Authority and talks on future statehood

Middle East Peace Conference (1991) After first Gulf War, US

pressured Arab and Israeli leaders to sit and talk

Israel’s new Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin entered secret negotiations with PLO leader Yassir Arafat

Reached Oslo Accords 1993 – Israel promised to

give Palestinians control of West Bank and Gaza Strip

PLO agreed to recognize Israel’s existence

Israel also signed treaty with Jordan

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Lack of progress led to another Palestinian uprising in 2001

Israel’s new Prime Minister Ariel Sharon attacked Arafat’s compound in response

2002 – started building the West Bank Barrier (wall separating West Bank from Israel)

Following year Sharon announced dismantle all Israeli settlements in West Bank and Gaza Strip

Israel left settlements in Gaza in 2005

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Palestinians PLO leader Yassir Arafat

died in 2004 Led to split for who

supported Fatah (Arafat’s political party) or more radical party Hamas

Hamas still refused to recognize Israel’s right to exist

Hamas considered a terrorist organization

Hamas won popular election in Gaza in 2006 while Fatah remained in power in West Bank

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New Attempts at Negotiations 2007 Israel Prime

Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas agreed to negotiate future control of Jerusalem, existence of Jewish settlements in West Bank, and rights of Palestinian refugees who left Israel

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Hezbollah and Hamas While negotiating with Fatah

leaders, Israel faced rocket attacks from Hezbollah activists in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip

2006 – Hezbollah fired rockets in Israel and kidnapped 2 Israeli soldiers

Israel invaded Southern Lebanon to destroy Hezbollah military bases

UN based resolution to end fighting and promised to disarm Hezbollah

Israel withdrew but Hezbollah has refused to disarm

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air strikes and sent troops in Gaza Strip to halt rocket attacks

Most world leaders recognized right to defend self but criticized severity

Progress towards peace has been slow

Security of Israel against terrorism, right of Palestinians to own state, and future status of Jerusalem all still unresolved

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Before WWII British and French had already educated some native Africans for self-government (Brits) and to absorb them into their country (France)

Small educated elite became leaders of new nationalist movements

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Kwame Nkrumah In Gold Coast, followed

Gandhi’s example. Won independence for

Gold Coast in 1957 Named it Ghana after

historic West African kingdom

First black African colony to win independence

Sub Sahara Africa followed Ghana’s example

Some conflicts arose Some tribal groups attempted

to secede from new nations Most part former African

colonies became new nations without major wars.

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INSTABILITY IN AFRICA Many newly independent

nations became one-party states. Party that fought for

independence became the only legal party

Nationalist leaders sometimes assumed dictatorial powers

Military leaders many times took charge

Also had a major issue of tribalism Nations based on colonial instead

of tribal boundaries Led to civil wars between tribes or

tribes trying to split

Africa states also struggling to improve agriculture, industry, build schools and hospitals, and raise standards of living

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APARTHEID IN SOUTH AFRICA 1948 – white minority of

mostly Dutch-speaking Afrikaners (Boers) introduced apartheid – racial separation

South Africans separated by race No intermarriage and lived

in separate communities Many black Africans resisted it 1960 – several anti-

apartheid demonstrators were killed by police in Sharpesville Massacre

Soweto Uprising 1976 – riots spread through black townships

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APARTHEID IN SOUTH AFRICA Nelson Mandela was lead

of anti-apartheid African National Congress Imprisoned in 1962

US and other western countries refused to do business with South Africa

White South Africans elected F.W. de Klerk as President in 1989 Released Mandela and other

anti-apartheid leaders A new constitution was written

1994 – held first election all races permitted to vote

Nelson Mandela first black President

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Tensions continued between Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan

Disagreed over control of Kashmir, province north of India

Shortly after independence, Mohandas Gandhi assassinated by Hindu extremist

Death led to rioting and violence in India

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1947 – Jawaharla Nehru became India’s first Prime Minister

Daughter Indira Gandhi followed him as India’s Prime Minster for 15 years First women to serve

as head of state or country

Both her and son Rajiv Gandhi later assassinated by political extremists

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Pakistan consisted of East and West Pakistan

1971 – East Pakistan broke away to create Bangladesh

Bitter fighting until India intervened on Bangladesh’s behalf Bangladesh still one

of the world’s poorest countries

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Category Soviet Union American DemocracyPolitical System One political party, the

CommunistsA multi-party democracy

Organizations All labor groups and other associations are run by the Communist Party

Unions and other organizations openly negotiate with employers

Economic System Industries and farms are owned by the state; central planners determine the nation’s economic needs; limited private property; education and health care provided by the state

Free enterprise system; private ownership of property; supply and demand determine prices; people meet their own needs with some limited government involvement

Religion Religion is discouraged Free exercise of religion

Individual Rights Secret police arrest opponents; censorship; no free exercise of beliefs

Freedom of the press and expression

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US and USSR world’s two superpowers US had economic

power and atom bomb USSR had Red Army

Each wanted to extend influence, causing the “Cold War” Two superpowers never

confronted each other directly in warfare

Dominated world events for next 45 years

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Before end of WWII, Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill met at Yalta Conference in 1945 Plans for post war

world Divide Germany into

four zones of occupation

Stalin promised free elections in E. Europe

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Stalin didn’t keep promise of free elections

Soviet Army occupied E. Europe

Wanted to control E. Europe as buffer zone

Churchill said, “an Iron Curtain has descended on Eastern Europe”

Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and later E. Germany all Soviet satellites

Trade between E and W Europe cut off

E. Europe forced to create Communist economies

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Western powers fearful Stalin was another Hitler

US only country powerful enough to stop spread of Communism

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1947 – Britain withdrew troops from Greece, Communist rebels threaten

Truman and US gave aid to them to prevent Communists from taking over

Truman Doctrine and containment – US would not overturn Communism where it was but would take steps to prevent it from spreading any further

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Containment US also announced

Marshall Plan Gave billions of

dollars in aid to W. Europe to help rebuild war-torn economies

Build future trading partners and help Europeans resist Communism

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Division of Germany 1948 – Allies merged

zones of occupation in Germany

Stalin closed western highway and railroad links to Berlin (in E. Germany)

Western allies started massive airlift to feed and supply the city

Within a year, Stalin admitted defeat and lifted blockade

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Division of Germany 1949 – three

Western zones of occupation merged into one, new, independent state – Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)

Stalin turned Soviet zone into German Democratic Republic (East Germany)

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NATO AND WARSAW PACT 1949 – US, Canada, and 10 W. European countries

formed North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Protect W. Europe from Communism aggression US pledged to defend W. Europe w/ nuclear weapons

Soviets in 1955 with Warsaw Pact w/ E. European allies Hungary tried to drop out; Soviet forced moved in to stop


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HOW END OF WWII HELPED LEAD TO COLD WAR Emergence of 2 superpowers

Europe’s collapse led to two superpowers – US and USSR

USSR had largest military but US had world’s most productive economy and weaponry

Ideological Differences US wanted democracy,

Soviets wanted Communism New Weapons

Atomic bomb and other new weapons made warfare dangerous

MAD – Mutually Assured Destruction

“Cold War” safer than directly attacking

Soviet Security Fears Fear of future attack after

invasion in 1944 E. Europe buffer zone to

USSR US leaders avoid

Isolationism or Appeasement American leaders fearful of

mistakes of past Reject appeasement and all

Soviet demands Rise of Communism in Asia

Japanese invasion of China weakened Chinese Nationalist Govt

Communist Chinese leaders seized power

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COLD WAR IN ASIA - CHINA Chinese leader Chiang

Kai-Shek (Jiang Jieshi) defeated local warlords and united China in 1928

Became engaged in long strong with Chinese Communists (leader Mao Zedong) and Japanese invaders

Mao and Communists retreated to northwestern China in Long March (1934-37)

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COLD WAR IN ASIA - CHINA 1937 – Japan invaded

China Nationalists and

Communists work together to fight Japanese

1945 – fighting between themselves again

Soviets helped Communists achieve control of countryside

1949 – Mao and Communists drove Nationalists to Taiwan

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All aspects of life under direct control of Communist Party

Mao emphasized role of peasantry More suitable to Asia

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COMMUNIST CHINA Elimination of “Capitalist

Class” Landowners, factory-

owners, village leaders, and better-off peasants considered capitalist class

Communists claimed they exploited others

At least one million killed Re-education

Communist beliefs became required learning in all universities and schools

Newspapers and books had to promote Communism

Even music and art done in direct supervision of govt

Family Family authority

replaced by authority of Communists

Children taught to obey the State, not their parents

Ancestor worship was forbidden

Weakened father’s role traditional family leader

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COMMUNIST CHINA “Great Leap Forward”

1956 – Mao began forcing peasants into cooperative farms where families shared work and divided crops

Merged into larger communes

1958 – Mao introduced the Five Year Plan

Turn China into an industrial power

Population used to build roads, dams, etc

Poor planning + high cost = economic disaster

China faced starvation and 30-50 million died

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KOREAN WAR Western leaders feared

Communism on the march after China

Korea split like Germany with Communist North and non-Communist South

1950 – N. invaded S. Under UN resolution, US and

others intervened Led by Douglas MacArthur, they

invaded N. Korea and pushed them back to Chinese border

China intervened MacArthur wanted to use nukes,

Truman said no and removed MacArthur

1953 – compromise ended war leaving Korea dived the way it was before the war

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COMMUNISM IN CHINA Cultural Revolution

1962 – border disputes and Mao’s condemnation of reforms in USSR led to open disagreement between China and USSR

Mao used this as a new bid for world leadership of Communist movement

Mao concerned for loss of enthusiasm for Communist by party officials in China

May have also wanted to cover up mistakes with Great Leap Forward

Push China towards Communist ideal with the Cultural Revolution

Little Red Book of Mao’s sayings served as blueprint

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COMMUNISM IN CHINA Cultural Revolution

1966 – Mao closed China’s universities and schools and invited 11 million students to gather in Beijing as Red Guards

Hoped they would revitalize Chinese society

Red Guard traveled through China attacking writers, doctors, professors, factory managers, and party officials for looking down on common people or abandoning Communist ideals

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COMMUNISM IN CHINA Cultural Revolution

Scholars and professionals sent to work in the fields

Artwork from dynastic China destroyed

Mao’s opponents w/in the party removed or punished

Many people imprisoned, tortured, and killed

Chinese society became so disrupted by Red Guard, Mao had to use army to control them

Cultural Revolution led to shortage of food and goods

1969 – Red Guard sent to help with farming; violence came to an end

As many as 1 million people may have died

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Nuclear Arms Race 1949 – USSR

explored fist atomic bomb

US and USSR also developed most destructive hydrogen bombs and missile to deliver them

Soviets launched first man-made satellite Sputnik in 1957

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Nuclear Arms Race US and USSR realized

nuclear weapons too destructive to be used

Instead, deterrents, preventing superpowers from attacking each other

“Balance of Terror” forced them to look for other ways to compete

Became involved in regional conflicts

Some led to warfare on smaller scale

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1953 – Stalin died Nikita Khrushchev

emerged as next leader of USSR Condemned Stalin’s

atrocities Freed many political

prisoners Attempted to introduce

changes into USSR Triggered unrest in E.

Europe who were unhappy with communism

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1956 – workers went on strike demanding greater freedom

Khrushchev agreed to let Polish reformers handle own affairs if they remained Communist and continued to be loyal member of Warsaw Pact

East Berlin Many East Germans fled to

West through Berlin Khrushchev built wall to

seal E and W Berlin in 1961 Berlin Wall became symbol

of Cold War

Hungary Students launched

demonstrations for reform Unlike Poland, Hungary

threatened to leave Warsaw Pact

Soviet troops sent in 1956 and brutally crushed reform govt

Czechoslovakia 1968 – after Czech leaders

proclaimed a more liberal policy called “Communism with a Human Face”, Soviets sent tanks

Czech leaders replaced with hard-line Communists

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COMMUNISM IN LATIN AMERICA Widespread poverty and

repression in Latin America led to spread of Communist beliefs

1959 – Fidel Castro overthrew ruling dictatorship in Cuba Castro promised

democracy but nationalized businesses and killed opponents

US broke off trade Cuba turned to USSR for

help and became Communist state

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COMMUNISM IN LATIN AMERICA 1961 – Cuban exiles trained

by CIA invaded Cuba at Bay of Pigs and failed

1962 – US discovered Cuba secretly installing Soviet missiles with nuclear warheads Quick striking distance of US

Cuban Missile Crisis President Kennedy ordered

naval blockade of Cuba and threated to invade

Khrushchev finally agreed to withdraw with pledge US would not invade Cuba

Khrushchev’s failure contributed to removal from power in 1964

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VIETNAM WAR Vietnam gain independence

in 1954 and divided Ho Chi Minh created

Communist N. Vietnam S. Vietnam refused to hold

elected to reunify country because elections up north not free

S. Vietnamese Communists called Viet Cong launched guerilla warfare in south

US stepped in to stop Communism Domino Theory First just advisors but

changed when US sent troops in 1964

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US used extensive bombing, large number of helicopters, and half a million troops Not enough to win

1968 Tet Offensive demonstrated strength of Viet Cong

1973 US troops withdrew from Vietnam

1975 S. Vietnam fell to N. Vietnam and reunited as communist

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CAMBODIA (KAMPUCHEA) Withdraw of US troops from

Vietnam also led to collapse of govt in Cambodia

1975 – Cambodia Communists, known as Khmer Rouge, seized control

Pol Pot, Khmer Rouge leader, carried out policy of genocide against city dwellers and opponents

Khmer Rouge killed as many as 4 million Cambodians between 1975 and 1978 until finally overthrown by Vietnamese intervention

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SOVIET STAGNATION (1964-1982) After fall of Khrushchev, USSR

fell in long period of stagnation (failure to advance)

Govt central planners unable to predict people’s needs

People had little incentive to work hard

Farms failed to produce enough food

Living standards fell; alcoholism and corruption grew

“Command” economy unable to compete with market economy

Communist Party members given special privileges

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SOVIET STAGNATION (1964-1982) Soviet leaders tried to

ease cold war tensions with détente (cooling down)

Collapsed when USSR sent troops to Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan in crush rebellions

Dissidents like Natan Sharansky (founder of Refusenik Movement) imprisoned for demanding human rights or right to emigrate Released after 9 years in

Soviet concentration camp

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In Afghanistan, Soviet troops engaged in long, drawn-out war Tied up lots of Soviet

soldiers and led to many of their deaths

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GORBACHEV YEARS (1985-1991) Mikhail Gorbachev became

leader of the Soviet Union in 1985

Brought reforms with: Glasnost

“openness” to Russian society

Restrictions on speech and press lifted

Dissidents released from prison

Restrictions on emigration lifted

Congress of People’s Deputies created allowing Soviets to elect own representatives

Elected Gorbachev as “President” in 1990

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Gorbachev Reforms: Perestroika

Economic reform Moved away from central planning to encourage more

individual initiative People could form small businesses, factory managers

given control of production Foreign companies invited to invest in USSR

New Directions in Foreign Policy Withdrew troops from Afghanistan in 1988 President Ronald Reagan called USSR “evil empire”,

challenged Gorbachev to “tear down this wall [Berlin Wall]”, threated to create new anti-ballistic defense system

To prevent, entered talks to reduce nuclear arms Also allowed changes in E. Europe, eventually permitting

non-Communist govts there

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IRON CURTAIN FALLS IN E. EUROPE Poland led way for change Polish Cardinal of Cracow

elected Pope John Paul II in 1978 First non-Italian pope in 400

years Lech Walesa organized

independent trade union named Solidarity

1981-1983, govt tried to use martial law

Gorbachev came into power in 1985 and opposed using force

1988 – Walesa led strike of workers that spread throughout Poland First E. European nation to elect

non-Communist govt

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Poland’s changes led to the Iron Curtain lifting elsewhere

Massive demonstrations in E. Europe

Berlin Wall came down November 1989

Free elections in E. Europe brought non-Communist govts to power

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GORBACHEV’S PROBLEMS GROW Gorbachev’s policies failed

to solve economic issues New openness unleashed

ethnic nationalism and social discontent

Non-Russian nationalities suddenly demanding independence

1991 – Boris Yeltsin elected President of Russian Republic and began asserting authority over Gorbachev’s Soviet govt

Gorbachev unable to stop w/out returning to old policy of repression

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DISSOLUTION OF SOVIET UNION - 1991 August 1991 – Communist

hard-liners temporarily overthrew Gorbachev in military coup Lacking popular support,

failed Communist Party greatly

discredited Gorbachev recognized

independence of Lithuania and other Baltic States Attempted to negotiate new

agreement for Soviet Union Dec 1991 – Russia, Belarus,

an Ukraine all declared independence from Soviet Union

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Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine formed Commonwealth of Independent States Served limited

functions Other former republics

of USSR joined Commonwealth

Soviet Union dissolved, Gorbachev resigned at end of presidency at end of 1991

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West Germany’s leader Helmut Kohl helped negotiate the reunification Official at end of 1991

Soviet troops withdrew from E. Germany, currencies were merged, and the German legislature voted to move capital of Germany to Berlin

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CHANGES IN CHINA While E. Europe and

former USSR struggled with changes, China introduced free enterprise gradually w/out ending monopoly of political power

After Mao died 1976, Deng Xiaoping became China’s leader Opposed Cultural

Revolution Goal was to

“modernize” China

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Communes were disbanded and peasants allowed to rent former lands

Increase in agricultural productivity

Consumer Goods China began producing more

consumer goods such as radios and TVs

New Factory Management Central planners lost some

degree of control Managers and workers

allowed to sell some of their production to private buyers for a profit

Limited Capitalism Individuals could now own

small businesses Owners allowed to hire a

few workers Private sector responsible

for much of China’s industrial output

Foreign Investment New laws allowed foreign

investment, bringing high-technology and capital to special enterprise zones

Foreign companies allowed to join Chinese enterprises

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TIANANMEN SQUARE Chinese leaders refused to

abandon communism 1989 – students peacefully

demonstrating in Tiananmen Square for greater personal freedom and democracy

Students refuse to disperse, so army tanks fired killing hundreds

In response, Western leaders reduced trade with China briefly Since then, trade has resumed

Greater economic freedom has turned China into fastest growing economy in the world

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Iranian Revolution 1960s-70s, Shah

Reza Pahlavi, ruler of Iran, adopted Western culture and technology

Govt guilty of widespread corruption and brutal repression

Religious leaders held massive widespread demonstrations Led to overthrow of

Shah in 1979

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Ayatollah Khomeini became Iran’s new leader

Radical Islamic Fundamentalism reaction against values of the West

Strict enforcement of Sharia law

No separation between church and state

New constitution based on Quran

Gave support to acts of terrorism in Lebanon and elsewhere

Permitted seizure of hostages from US Embassy in Tehran

American hostages held for more than a year before released

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FIRST GULF WAR Same year as Iranian

Revolution, Saddam Hussein seized power and imposed brutal dictatorship in Iraq

1980, Hussein attacked Iran, leading to bloody 8 year war

Hussein occupied oil-rich Kuwait in 1990

Fearing invasion of Saudi Arabia, US and allies sent troops to expel Iraq from Kuwait

Iraqi forces destroyed but Hussein allowed to stay in power

Hussein’s army soon attacked Kurdish minority in N. Iraq at attempt at genocide

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Al-Qaeda was terrorist organization formed by Osama bin Laden

Al-Qaeda considered themselves radicals fighting a holy war or Jihad Vast majority of

Muslims reject their views

Al-Qaeda set up camps in Afghanistan to train members in guerilla war and terrorism

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September 11, 2001 Al-Qaeda terrorists

living in US hijacked several US airplanes

Flew airplanes into Pentagon and World Trade Center

Towers of World Trade Center collapsed

President George W. Bush and other world leaders declared a “War on Terrorism”

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WAR IN AFGHANISTAN Taliban, group of radical Islamic

Fundamentalists, gained control of Afghanistan when Soviets left

Imposed strict religious beliefs Religious police roamed the

streets, beating anyone who disobeyed the strict Islamic laws

Taliban allowed terrorist groups like al-Qaeda to operate training camps

US and allies invaded Afghanistan when refused to turn over bin Laden

Overthrew Taliban, established democratic govt

Violence continued despite occupation

Failed to capture bin Laden

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SECOND GULF WAR Saddam Hussein failed

to honor agreement for UN inspectors to monitor Iraq for weapons

US and world leaders insist Iraq show it was not hiding weapons of mass destruction (WMDs)

Some of UN Security Council urged but US, Britain, and allies insisting on invading in 2003

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SECOND GULF WAR Hussein’s govt collapsed Hussein fled, but later

captured, tried in Iraqi court, and executed

Iraqis voted on new constitution and elected democratic govt in 2005

No WMDs were found Despite initial success, allied

occupation forces suffered causalities from insurgents

Tensions from Iraq’s ethnic groups continued

American and other foreign troops are slowly being withdrawn from Iraq

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GENOCIDE IN THE BALKANS Yugoslavia created in 1918

by combining Serbia to former parts of Austria-Hungary

Communism collapsed in 1991 and country fell apart

Fighting between Orthodox Christian Serbs, Catholic Croats, and Bosnia Muslims

Croatia and Slovenia declared independence, Serb-dominated Yugoslavia attacked Croatia

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GENOCIDE IN THE BALKANS Fighting erupted in Bosnia

between Muslims and Serbs. Yugoslavia intervened on Serb’s

behalf Some Bosnia Serbs began

murdered Muslim civilians in Serb-controlled areas for “ethnic cleansing”

Later Serbs attacked Muslims in Kosovo

US and other NATO countries sent in forces to stop the fighting

Bosnia divided into two republics – one Muslim and one Serb

Former Serb leaders charged with committing crimes against humanity

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GENOCIDE IN AFRICA Rwanda and Burundi

Small densely populated countries in Central Africa

Both have Hutu majority and Tutsi minority

1972 – bitter fighting between two groups

1994 – Rwanda’s president, a Hutu, killed by mysterious explosion on plane

Event sparked new bloodshed Govt-sponsored Hutu troops

began exterminating Tutsi who were blamed for assassination

UN estimates more than 850,000, about half Tutsi population, slain in Civil War

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1990s – conflict over grazing grounds and farmland territory in western Sudan

Janjaweed, govt backed by militia group of Arab tribesmen, has committed atrocities against black African population

Range from massacres of civilians to rape and forcing people from their homes

More than 200,000 have died and 2 million displaced from homes

UN Security Council calling fo Janjaweed to be disarmed

In 2007 US declared Janjaweed killings as act of genocide

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Govts guilty of politically motivated crimes

Many countries in Latin America violated human rights by imprisoning, torturing, or executing political opponents

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Fidel Castro imprisoned and killed opponents to his rule

Chile Military govt tortured and

killed suspected opponents

El Salvador Death squads gunned

down advocates of reform Archbishop Oscar Romeo

was assassinated after he opposed govt human rights violations and repression

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20,000 people have disappeared during military rule that ended in 1984

Deseparacidos are people who were kidnapped and never heard from again

Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo are mothers and relatives who demand info about where their families are Recently demanded social


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WOMEN’S RIGHTS Most societies patriarchal – men

in positions of power and women treated inferior

Women still experienced inferior status in many parts of the world and still do today in some places

Africa and Asia – suffer from forced mutilations when they reach adolescence

Some Islamic countries women must wear veils, refrain from being seen in public, and not permitted to drive

Even in western countries women are often under-represented in politics or top corporate jobs

Many international organizations trying to stop worst abuses of women

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INFLUENTIAL WOMEN Mother Teresa (1910-1997)

Born in Macedonia and became Catholic nun

Devoted life to helping impoverished and homeless people in India

Started new Catholic order, Missionaries of Charity

1970 – awarded Nobel Peace Prize

Golda Meir (1898-1978) Born in Russia, grew up in

Wisconsin Migrated in Israel and became

first woman Prime Minister Israeli athletes murdered at

Olympic Games at Munich and attack on Yom Kippur during years as PM (1969-1974)

Had to respond to both events

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INFLUENTIAL WOMEN Margaret Thatcher (born

1925) First woman to serve as

Prime Minister of Britain 1970-1990

“Iron Lady” Sold off state-owned

industries Promoted free enterprise Strongly opposed Soviet

communism Sent troops to Falkland

Island from falling to dictatorship in Argentina

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Globalization – greater contact b/w different parts f the world

Communicate and travel more easily

Global economy Companies move

production to other places in world with lower costs

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CHALLENGE OF GLOBALIZATION Internet greatly increases

globalization Shipping easier with

containerized cargo – goods packed intro truck-like containers and loaded on cargo ships

Goods flow more easily then ever before with low tariffs or free trade and low shipping costs

Greater connectivity – ease of communication

Advances in info technology, medicine, and engineering spread quickly

Higher standards of living and sped up economic development Local traditions sometimes lost

to new global culture
