
3731 Lawrence Drive, Naperville, IL 60564 428-6500 ABSENCE HOTLINE 428-6500; option 3



From the PTA President...

Dear  Pa0erson  families,  

December  is  always  a  fun  month  at  school.  The  weather  is  geCng  frosty,  the  kids  are  counFng  down  the  days  unFl  winter  break  and  I’m  realizing  that  we  are  almost  halfway  through  the  school  year.  What  a  busy  year  it’s  been,  and  based  on  what’s  ahead  on  the  PTA  calendar,  2014  should  prove  to  be  just  as  evenPul.  

Here  are  a  few  things  to  keep  your  December  calendar  busy:  • Calling  all  singers  (and  non-­‐signers),  please  join  us   in  caroling  at  two  Naperville  nursing  homes.  We  have  

two  dates  planned:  December  3rd  (4:30pm)  at  Community  Nursing  and  Rehab  Center  and  December  12th  (7:00pm)   at   St.   Patrick's   Residence.   Space   for   each   night   is   limited   to   30   people   on   a   first   come   basis.  Students  will  need  to  be  accompanied  by  an  adult  and  other  family  members  are  welcome  as  well.  While  singing   talent   is   not   required,  we  are   in  need  of   a   few   strong   leaders   in   this   area.   Please   contact   Emily  Dobry  ([email protected])  to  sign  up  or  with  any  quesFons  

• From   November   25th   to   December   6th,   the   PTA   Community   Service   Commi0ee   will   be   collecFng  unwrapped,   new   toys   (no   stuffed   animals   or   board   games   please)   in   a   bin   in   the   school   lobby.  We   are  partnering  with  Gib  Mart  Wheatland  Community   to  provide   toys   to  underserved  children   in  Aurora  and  Naperville.  Please  contact  Jennifer  Cole  at  [email protected]  with  any  quesFons.  

• December  6th  is  the  deadline  to  sign  up  for  the  Brown  Baggers  Book  Bunch  program.  The  program  starts  in  January,   and   is   looking   for   parent   volunteers   to   help   with   this   lunch   Fme   reading   program.   For   more  informaFon,  please  contact  Jorie  Snyder  at  [email protected].  

• Winter  classroom  parFes  will  be  held  on  December  20th.   It  should  be  a  fun  abernoon  for  all  and  a  great  way  to  start  the  winter  break.    

As  the  PTA  president,  I  am  always  extremely  grateful  for  all  the  wonderful  volunteers  that  work  so  hard  to  make  our  PTA  programs  successful.  This  past  month  was  no  excepFon.  

• Our  Bu0er  Braids  fundraiser  was  a  success.  As  I  enjoy  eaFng  my  order,  I  want  to  thank  Susie  Schwinn  and  Danielle  Minnerick  for  coordinaFng  this  program  and  all  the  Pa0erson  families  that  parFcipated.  

• A  special  thank  you  to  Lori  Rose,  Liz  Lawrence  and  Elaine  Stecklein  for  organizing  our  American  EducaFon  Week   teachers’   lunch.  Culinary  ArFstry/Claudia  Biespiel  who   catered   the   lunch  and  all   the  parents  who  donated  desserts  and  beverages  did  a  wonderful  job.    

• Mrs.  Rothmeyer  and  all  the  3rd  grade  students  did  a  fantasFc  job  with  the  Veterans  Day  Assembly.  Thank  you  for  helping  us  honor  our  naFon’s  veterans  in  such  a  special  way.  

• Thank  you  Gira  Shah  for  organizing  this  year’s  PTA  ReflecFons  program.    We  had  over  40  entries  and  20  students   have   advanced   to   the   district   compeFFon.   CongratulaFons   to   all   our   wonderfully   talented  students.  

December  is  always  a  whirlwind  of  acFvity,  but  I  always  like  to  take  some  Fme  to  enjoy  the  season  -­‐  the  beauty  of  fresh   falling   snow,   the   children   bundled   up   in   their   winter   coats,   and   the   fellowship   I   find   in   our   Pa0erson  community.  I  hope  that  you  and  your  family  enjoy  a  safe  and  saFsfying  winter  break  and  best  wishes  for  a  happy  new  year.  

Michelle  Bassi  PTA  President  

P.S.  Please  join  us  for  our  next  PTA  meeFng  on  January  14th  at  9:30  a.m.  in  Room  107.

From the Principal... Dear  Families,  !There  is  a  chill  in  the  air  and  the  car  line  is  growing.    That  can  mean  only  one  thing;  Winter  is  on  the  way!    We  need   to  prepare   students   for  winter’s   needs   at   school.     At   the   same  Fme,   there   are   exciFng   things  happening  at  Pa0erson  as  we  move  into  December  and  prepare  for  semester  II.  !Winter  is  on  the  way.    Please  remember  that  our  students  go  outside  for  recess  unless  the  temperature  is  5  degrees  or  below  with  wind-­‐chill,  or  the  playground  is  wet  or  slippery  making  it  too  dangerous  for  students.      Although  they  may  have  a  short  walk  from  the  car  or  bus  to  the  nearest  school  door,  they  should  sFll  come  with  hat,  gloves  and  winter  coat,   for  recess.    On  days  when  students  are  unable  to  have  outdoor  recess,  they  sFll  have   recess  Fme,   in   the  classrooms.    Each  classroom  has  a  variety  of   independent  small  group  games,  acFviFes,  and  staFons  for  students  to  visit  at  recess.    They  are  also  permi0ed  to  check  out  indoor  recess  games  from  our  LMC.      !Less  than  10%  of  our  Pa0erson  families  take  the  bus  to  school.    That  means,  if  weather  prevents  walking  or  biking,  nearly  all  our  students  will  arrive  and  leave  school  through  the  car  line.    Please  allow  extra  Fme  in  the  winter  and  be  paFent.    Remember  to  be  respecPul  to  those  in  line,  by  heading  to  the  end  of  the  line,  no  ma0er  which  direcFon  you   come   from.     If   you  need   to   turn  around,  please  do   so   in   the   club  house  parking  lot,  not  in  the  middle  of  the  street.    If  you  have  any  quesFons  about  the  car  line  procedures,  please  visit   the   arrival/dismissal   tab  on   the  Pa0erson  Website,   h0p://  Our   local  NPD  makes  regular  appearances  at  arrival  and  dismissal  Fmes  as  they  are  available.    Please  be  sure  to  follow  all  traffic  rules  and  refrain  from  cell  phone  use  in  the  school  zone.      !On  December  13,  we  will  be  holding  a  Holiday  Extravaganza.    This  is  a  student  drop  off  event.    Please  RSVP  using  the  form  in  the  Press  or  on  previous  list  servs.      School  age  students  can  be  dropped  off  at  school  for  a  fun  evening  of  classic  holiday  movies,  snacks,  friends,  and  fun.      Parents  are  free  to  do  some  secret  holiday  preparaFon  or  just  enjoy  some  Fme  to  yourselves.    A  Tax  deducFble  donaFon  to  the  Pa0erson  Technology  Fund  is  requested  (suggested  minimum  of  $15.00  per  student).  We  are  also  accepFng  flat  donaFons  and  can  provide  a  le0er  for  tax  purposes.    We  are  accepFng  old  devices  –  anything  that  can  access  internet,  and  those  simply  needing  to  be  recycled.      Last  Spring  at  a  similar  event,  we  were  able  to  raise  enough  money  to  purchase  8  of  our  10  student  IPADS.    We  hope  to  grow  this  number  of  student  devices  to  15-­‐20  IPads.    Thank  you  for  supporFng  Pa0erson  InstrucFonal  Technology.      !Winter  break  will  be  here  before  we  know  it  and  we’ll  be  doing  some  mid-­‐year  checks  on  student  progress  to  help  us  set  solid  goals  for  Semester  II,  which  begins  in  January.    We  look  forward  to  conFnued  growth  and  learning  this  year  aber  a  winter  break.    We’ll  see  you  back  at  Pa0erson  on  Jan.  6th,  2014!  !Wishing  you  and  yours  Happy  Holidays,  !Sincerely,  !Michele Frost !Michele  Frost,  Principal  Pa0erson  Elementary  School

Patterson Press ! December 2013 2

American Education Luncheon Thank You The   2013   American   EducaFon   Week   Luncheon   was   another   huge   success.   Thanks   to   the   following   people   who  donated  desserts  or  drinks  and  helped  make  the  luncheon  for  the  staff  such  a  success:    Elizabeth  Carroll,  Kim  Grikis,  Debbie  Walsh,  Sacha  Renner,  Be0y  Anthony,  Rita  Malloy,  Brigit  Meger,  Lorna  London  Johnson,  Jennifer  Krol,  Melanie  Aznavorian,   Denise   Newman,   D’Ann   Searls,   Koel   Da0a,   PaC   Po0er,   Elizabeth   Higgins,   Xuefei   Han,     JyoF   Limaye,  Geneane  Sitkowski,  Mary  Reveles,  Jennifer  Wilkins,  Lori  Bradshaw,  and  Stephanie  Rodebaugh.    The  teachers  and  staff  appreciate  your  kindness  and  generosity.    

Yearbook Update Photographers Needed!  

The  Yearbook   commi0ee   is   sFll   very  much   in  need  of   photographers   for  Mrs.   Cosby’s   and  Mrs.  Minnick's   classes.  Please  contact  Kim  Grikis  at  [email protected]  if  you  are  interested  in  being  a  classroom  photographer  for  either  of  these  teachers.  Remember  this  is  a  great  way  to  a0end  the  classroom  parFes  and  events  and  be  sure  the  yearbook  has  great  pictures!  

Photos Needed!  Do  you  know  one  of  the  first  things  the  kids   like  do  when  they  get  their  yearbooks?  They  usually  count  how  many  Fmes  they  can  find  themselves  and  their  friends.  Help  us  make  sure  everyone  is  well  represented.  If  you  have  a  few  good  pictures   you’ve   taken,  please   share   them  with   the  Yearbook  Commi0ee.  Please   forward  one  or   two  of   your  favorite  Pa0erson  snap  shots  to  Brigi0e  Meger  at  [email protected].  Some  examples  are:  

First  Day  of  School  

Walk  To  School  Day  

Pa0erson  Palooza  

Fall  Costume  Parade  

Fall  ParFes  

Parents Night Out December 13 Holiday Extravaganza  

Pa0erson   staff   invites   you   to   help   raise   funds   for   technology   at   Pa0erson.   Drop   your   students   off   on   Friday,  December  13th  beginning  at  6:15pm  and  pick  them  up  between  8:00  and  8:30pm.  Students  will  enjoy  classic  holiday  movies  on  the  giant  gym  screen,  snack,  and  fun  with  Pa0erson  staff  and  friends.  You  can  enjoy  some  secret  shopping,  or  Fme  to  yourself.  Minimum  donaFon  per  students  is  recommended  at  $15.00.  DonaFons  should  be  addressed  to  Pa0erson  Elementary  –  Tech.  The  RSVP  form  is  a0ached  below.  We  are  looking  forward  to  seeing  many  of  you  there!

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Patterson Press ! December 2013 4

Brown Baggers Book Bunch Interested  in  having  your  1st-­‐5th  grade  child  join  a  book  club  during  their  lunch/recess  Fme?  Pa0erson  brown  baggers  will  meet  once  a  week  during  lunch  to  discuss  books  and  have  some  fun!  Groups  will  be  led  by  parents  and  will  involve  some  homework.  Groups  will  meet  starFng  the  week  of   January  13th  and  run  for  4  or  6  or  10  weeks  depending  on  book   and   grade   level.   If   interested,   please  fill   out   the  flyer   a0ached   at   the   end  of   this   newsle0er   and   return   it   to  school  no  later  than  Friday,  December  6th.  Any  quesFons,  please  contact  Jorie  Snyder  at  [email protected].    

Brown Baggers Book Bunch Volunteers Needed!

Parent  volunteers  are  needed  for  Brown  Baggers  Book  Bunch  club.  Parents  are  needed  to  

run  the  book  clubs  for  first,  third  and  fourth  grades.  Groups  will  meet  during  lunch  and  recess  Fme  on  Wednesday  or  

Thursday   each   week   starFng   the   week   of   January   13th   and   running   through   spring   break.   Please   consider  

volunteering  your  Fme  or  these  great  groups  may  need  to  be  canceled.  Thank  you  for  your  consideraFon.  If  interested  

in  volunteering,  please  email  Jorie  Snyder  at  [email protected].  

NO SCHOOL  December  23  -­‐  January  3  

(Winter  Break)  

School  Resumes  Monday,  January  6

A Big Thank You from the LMC! The   Pa0erson   students   and   staff  would   like   to   thank   the   Pa0erson   community   for   your   conFnued   support   of   the  Pa0erson  Book  Fair.  Our  November  fair  was  very  successful!    The  funds  will  allow  us  to  purchase  the  following  items.  

Many  fic;on  and  nonfic;on  books  on  all  reading  levels  

Renaissance  Home  Connect  (Accelerated  Reader  parent/home  connec;on  to  keep  parents  updated  on  your  child’s  progress)  

A  set  of  sixteen  library  bound  nonfic;on  books  in  the  Blastoff!  Reading  series,  Animal  Safari  III,  which  correlate  with  the  new  Common  Core  English  Language  Arts  (ELA)  

standards.  All  of  these  items  will  be  extremely  useful  in  Pa0erson  library  and  classrooms.  Thank  you!



1. Read one of the FOUR great books you checked out of the LMC. Then, read the other three! (kindergartners have two)

2. Write your own story (yes,$you’re$the author) even if it’s only one page long. Add PICTURES around the edges.

3. Write a nonfiction story about an animal. Research the animal on, user name: prairie dog, password prairie. Remember this only works from 8 – 5 P.M., Monday through Friday.

4. Ask,your,parents,to,help,you,visit,,,or,,,or,,,and,play,some,games,with,your,brain.,

5. Get$outside!$Your$brain$needs$air.$6. Get a pillow and a blanket and read a book under the kitchen or

dining room table.

7. Visit the web site of one of your favorite authors. Try these:,,,;$

8. Write three thank$you notes because you are a very well-mannered child.

9. Explore World Book,

User name: ipsd204; password: schools 10. You’re driving your parents CRAZY! Go outside again for a loooong

time, and then warm up afterwards with a good book. (and maybe that blanket and pillow thing again.)

Patterson Press ! December 2013 5

11. Listen to a book on Tumblebooks user name: IPSD; password books

12. Read with someone special: a grownup, a little brother or sister, your pet, or a stuffed animal. Soon it will be time for homework again, so read whatever you want, just for FUN! Have)a)great,)SAFE)vacation)and)hurry)back)to)NYE!)))))))))

Patterson Press ! December 2013 6

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 Gr.  5  Parent  Orienta;on;  Human  Growth  and  Development;  Young  Elementary  School    7:00pm

3 Chorus  7:50am  -­‐  8:50am  

Gr.  4  Ukulele  Club  3:35pm  -­‐  5:00pm  

Gr.  5  Art  Club  3:35pm  -­‐  5:00pm  

Ukulele  Parent  Program;  MPR  4:30pm

4 5 6 Progress  Reports  

Sunny  Surprise  Drawing  -­‐  Indoor  Recess  2:55pm


8 9 10 Chorus  7:50am  -­‐  8:50am  

Gr.  5  Art  Club  3:35pm  -­‐  5:00pm  

Orchestra  Concert;  Crone  6:15pm  

Band  Concert;  Crone  7:30pm

11 Chorus  Assembly  9:30am  

Chorus  Concert  6:30pm  

12 Mr.  Montrose’s  class  to  Burger  King  12:00  -­‐  1:00pm  

Post  Office  Club  3:35pm  -­‐  4:30pm

13 Gr.  3  to  Nutcracker  9:15am  -­‐  12:00  

Miss  Pacini’s  class  to  Fox  Valley  Mall  9:45am  -­‐  11:15am  

Technology  Fundraiser  (pickup  begins  at  8:00pm)  6:15pm  -­‐  8:30pm


15 16 Spirit  Council  3:35pm  -­‐  4:15pm

17 Chorus  7:50am  -­‐  8:50am  

Gr.  5  Art  Club  3:35pm  -­‐  5:00pm

18 World  Cafe  Follow-­‐up;  CEC  7:00pm  -­‐  9:00pm  

19 Post  Office  Club  3:35pm  -­‐  4:15pm

20 Winter  Classroom  Par;es  2:30pm


22 23 NO  SCHOOL  Winter  Break

24 NO  SCHOOL  Winter  Break

25 NO  SCHOOL  Winter  Break

26 NO  SCHOOL  Winter  Break

27 NO  SCHOOL  Winter  Break

28 NO  SCHOOL  Winter  Break

29 30 NO  SCHOOL  Winter  Break

31 NO  SCHOOL  Winter  Break


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Patterson Press ! December 2013 8

In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call toll free (202) 720-5964 (Voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

side items

2  Pancakes w/ or w/o


Cheeseburger  Muffin  &  String  Cheese

Baked Tator Tots, Assortment of

Fruits and Vegetables

Milk:  1%  or  Chocolate  Skim

side items

3  Cheese Nachos w/ or

w/o Beef

Chicken  Patty  on  BunBaja  Salad  w/  or  w/o  Chicken  Cereal  &  Yogurt  

Refried Beans, Cookie, Assortment

of Fruits and Vegetables

Milk:  1%  or  Chocolate  Skim

side items

4  BBQ Ribs on Bun

Grilled  Cheese  SandwichChef  Salad  w/  or  w/o  HamMake  Your  Own  Pizza

Steamed Carrots, Assortment of

Fruits and Vegetables

Milk:  1%  or  Chocolate  Skim

side items

5  Chicken Nuggets

Mac  &  CheeseCaesar  Salad  w/  or  w/o  Chicken  Ham  &  Cheese  Sub

Mashed Potatoes��JUDY\,

Assortment of Fresh Fruits and


Milk:  1%  or  Chocolate  Skim

side items

6  Pepperoni Pizza

Cheese  Pizza  Chicken  WrapYogurt,  String  Cheese,  and  Pretzels

Green Beans, Assortment of Fruits

and Vegetables

Milk:  1%  or  Chocolate  Skim

side items

9  Waffles w/ or w/o

Sausage Patty

HamburgerGrilled  Cheese  Sandwich  Garden  Salad

Baked Tator Tots, Assortment of

Fruits and Vegetables

Milk:  1%  or  Chocolate  Skim

side items

10  Chicken Fajitas

Pizza  Burger  Chef  Salad  w/  or  w/o  HamYogurt,  String  Cheese,  and  Pretzels

Vegetarian Beans, Cookie,

Assortment of Fruits and Vegetables

Milk:  1%  or  Chocolate  Skim

side items

11  Chicken Patty on Bun

Corn  DogMake  Your  Own  PizzaCaesar  Salad  w/  or  w/o  Chicken  

Fiesta Corn, Assortment of Fruits

and Vegetables

Milk:  1%  or  Chocolate  Skim

side items

12  Orange Chicken w/ or

w/o Rice

Hot  Dog  on  BunSalsa,  Cheddar,  RF  DoritosTurkey  &  Cheese  Sub

Broccoli, Assortment of Fruits and


Milk:  1%  or  Chocolate  Skim

side items

13  Cheese Pizza

Pepperoni  Pizza  Yogurt  &  Muffin  Garden  Salad

Green Beans, Assortment of Fresh

Fruits and Vegetables

Milk:  1%  or  Chocolate  Skim

side items

16  French Toast Sticks

w/ or w/o Sausage


Cheeseburger  Muffin  &  String  Cheese

Baked Tator Tots, Assortment of

Fruits and Vegetables

Milk:  1%  or  Chocolate  Skim

side items

17  Cheese Nachos w/ or

w/o Beef

Corn  DogBaja  Salad  w/  or  w/o  Chicken  Turkey  &  Cheese  Sub

Refried Beans, Cookie, Assortment

of Fruits and Vegetables

Milk:  1%  or  Chocolate  Skim

side items

18  BBQ Ribs on Bun

Mac  &  CheeseItalian  SubChef  Salad  w/  or  w/o  Ham

Mashed Potatoes & Gravy,

Assortment of Fruits and Vegetables

Milk:  1%  or  Chocolate  Skim

side items

19  Spaghetti & Sauce w/

or w/o Meat

Hot  Dog  on  a  BunSalsa,  Cheddar,  and  RF  DoritosCaesar  Salad  w/  or  w/o  Chicken  

Steamed Carrots, Assortment of

Fruits and Vegetables

Milk:  1%  or  Chocolate  Skim

side items

20  Pepperoni Pizza

Cheese  Pizza  Yogurt,  String  Cheese,  and  PretzelsPasta  Salad  w/  or  w/o  Dinner  Roll

Green Beans, Assortment of Fresh

Fruits and Vegetables

Milk:  1%  or  Chocolate  Skim

side items

23  No School

side items

24  No School

side items

25  No School

side items

26  No School

side items

27  No School

side items

30  No School

side items

31  No School

side items

1  No School

side items

2  No School

side items

3  No School

December 2013

Made with HealthyWhole Grains

Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian,may contain Egg & Milk

Local ingredients are alwaysused when in season

Brown Baggers Book Bunch Sign Up Sheet

Brown Baggers Book Bunch is a Parent-Led Patterson Elementary School book club that meets one school period per week for either 4, 6, or 10 weeks depending on book and grade level chosen. Below, is a list of books by grade, as well as the dates the book club will meet. This is usually a Wednesday or Thursday. Please sign your child up for the book and session of your choice. You will be contacted by a parent volunteer in December. Each child will be responsible for obtaining their own book. Books will NOT be provided. Each student will need to bring a bag lunch during their session. Sessions include recess time. Please consider checking the volunteer box as we are a parent based volunteer club. Please return forms by December 6th. Thank you! Child’s name ______________ Grade/ Teacher ________ First Grade: ________ Freckle Juice by Judy Blume ( 6 week session starting week of 1/13) _________ Mercy Watson to the Rescue by Kate DiCamillo ( 4 week session starting 2/24) Second grade: _________ Invisible Stanley by Jeff Brown ( 6 week session week of 1/13) _________ A Mouse called Wolf by Jon Goodell ( 4 week session week of 2/24) Third Grade: __________ My Father’s Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett ( 6 week session week of 1/13) ___________ Double Fudge by Judy Blume ( 4 week session week of 2/24) Fourth Grade ___________ Shakespeare’s Secret by Elise Broach ( starting week of 1/13) ____________ Because of Winn Dixie by Kate DiCamillo ( starting week of 2/24) Fifth Grade ________ City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau ( 10 week session starting week of 1/13) ________________ I will be a parent volunteer for the sessions I have chosen. There will be a parent volunteer meeting in mid December. Parent Name/ Email/ Phone: ____________________________________________________________ Any questions, please contact Jorie Snyder at [email protected]


• Friday,(December(13th,(2013!• Drop6off(Night(for(Patterson(Students(so(parents(can(finish(holiday(shopping!!

• 6:15<8:30pm6(Patterson(Gym((Pickup(beginning(at(8:00pm)!• Drop6off(and(pick6up(students(using(car(line(numbers!• Hosted(by(Patterson(Staff!• Suggested(donation(of($15(minimum(per(child(• Students,(wear(your(holiday(gear!(• Movie(and(Snacks6(The(Original(Holiday(Classics,(water,(chips(• You!can!also!drop!off!your!old!technology!devices!such!as!tablets,!iPods,!and!smart!phones!to!donate!to!our!school!!

• Return(completed(form(and(donation(to(the(front(office(by(December(11th.((Make(checks(payable(to(Patterson(Elementary)(

• We(will(accept(walk6ins(the(night(of(the(event.(• Questions?(Contact([email protected](!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Holiday!Extravaganza!RSVP!

(________________________( _________________(((((((_____________(


