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Page 1: December Trinity Times

TRINITY TIMES Trinity Episcopal Church

3450 Ridge Road West Rochester, NY 14626

585 225-7848

“We are a growing community of faith and joy, through radical hospitality, “We are a growing community of faith and joy, through radical hospitality,

passionate spirituality and thoughtful engagement.”passionate spirituality and thoughtful engagement.”

December 2016 REGULAR Schedule:

Holy Eucharist (Rite 2) Sundays @ 9:00am & 10:30am

Potluck and Bible Study—Wednesdays @ 6:00pm in the library Young at Heart—2nd Wednesday of the month at 12:30PM

Book Study—3rd Thursday of the Month @ 2:00pm in the library

A huge thank you to everyone who has handed in their 2017 pledge envelopes! Your love for

Trinity and commitment to our faith family is so appreciated. To those who have not yet hand-

ed them in, please if you could do so as soon as you are able, as we want to be responsible in

our budgeting for 2017.

Young at Heart: Join us on Wednesday, December 14th at the Union Street Eatery in Spencerport..

This senior group meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month. For more information on the Young-at-Heart

group, please call Eleanor Crist.

Wednesday Guest Speakers On Wednesday December 14th, in place of bible study we will be

hearing from Jenny about Homesteads for Hope. This is an exciting new venture happening in our com-

munity – so I encourage you to come and to bring your friends. We will have a shared supper followed

by the presentation.

Blue Christmas Service: Wednesday, December 21st at 7pm in place of bible study we will be

joining with a few of our other local churches to participate in a Blue Christmas Service. This year it will

be at Greece United Methodist Church, just round the corner from Trinity at 1924 Maiden Lane. Please

come and join us with fellow Christians in Greece as we bring not just our joy but our sorrows into the

Christmas season.

Hanging of the Greens: We will decorate the church for Christmas on Sunday, December18th fol-

lowing the 10:30am service. Those wishing to assist are invited to join the Altar Guild in decorating for

our celebration of the Lord’s birth. Christmas Eve Services

6:30am Family Service w/ Pageant

10:30pm Candlelight Mass

Anyone needing a ride to the Christmas services is asked to contact Lisa in the parish office

585-225-7848 so we may be able to arrange a ride for you.

A great place to grow!

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Advent Programs 2016 By Rev. Deborah Duguid-May

This advent we will be focusing on Advent through

the eyes of Creation. We have heard the Christmas

story so often from the perspective of human beings,

but what does the Christmas story sound like from

the perspective of the earth, and the animals and rest

of life that inhabits this world with us? This is a

crucial question as the incarnation of Jesus Christ is

for the whole world – not just human beings. It is

the reaching out of God’s redemptive love and jus-

tice for the whole world he created – not just for you

and I.

And so each Sunday we will have the opportunity to

give a gift that will bring the blessing of incarnation

– of joy, hope, peace and love to some part of God’s

creation. Christmas is a time of giving – but let our

gift giving be not just for our own families, but let

us give gifts in a way that heal, restore, bring new

hope and life.

Below is the list of gifts that we can bring each Sun-

day during Advent. This gift giving is the worship

of the wise men, who brought gifts to the manger.

Can you each Sunday bring your gift as they did,

and lay it at the foot of the “manger”?

November 27 Advent 1—Nuts for Mutts

This is an all-volunteer dog rescue organization that

works to re-home stray and abused dogs that other-

wise would be killed. Julie and Frank Neville are

two of our parishioners that give so generously of

their time, money and even home to work with this

organization. Some people foster dogs, others can


Can you foster or adopt a dog needing a

home? That would be the best gift!

Donate $25 to help get these dogs the medical

care they need.

Bring some high quality dog food to church.

December 4 Advent 2—GRASP (Greece Resi-

dents Assisting Stray Pets)

This is a wonderful organization based here in our

own community! It is a group of people working to

reduce homeless animals – not by killing them – but

by decreasing reproduction, promoting responsible

pet ownership and finding foster or ideally perma-

nent homes for dogs and cats. December 4th animals

will be present after the 10:30 service that are in

need of adoption. Please consider giving the gift of

a family to an animal in need. If you know of some-

one who may be interested in adopting, please invite

them to our December 4th service.

Can you foster or adopt a dog needing a


Donate $25 to help these animals until they

find a home.

Bring some high quality dog or cat food to


December 11 Advent 3—Reforestation

The Episcopal Gifts for Life program is offering us

the opportunity to help reforest areas that are suffer-

ing from soil erosion and landslides.

$25 to plant 25 trees

December 18 Advent 4—Homesteads for hope

As the prevalence of autism is growing into what

some are calling an epidemic, their futures become a

great concern. Homesteads for hope is a 55 acre

farm in Ogden which is being built by ordinary fam-

ilies to allow eventually 150 people with disabilities

to live residentially within the beauty of creation,

learning farming and vocational skills. Barbara

Butcher and her family have been very involved in

this project!

Would you or your child like to commit to

volunteer with this organization?

Donate $_______ to help build this beautiful


Official Notice

There shall be an annual meeting of the Members of

Trinity Episcopal Church on the last Sunday in Jan-

uary, the 31st, 2016 for the purpose of electing a jun-

ior warden and a vestry member and for the consid-

eration and disposition of all other business of the

Parish through the provisions of the Religious Cor-

porations Law of the State of New York or the Can-

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ons of the Diocese. If you regularly worship at

Trinity and are a pledging member, and would like

to be considered for vestry, please talk with an out-

going member about what service would mean to

you and the future of Trinity. To submit your name

to the nominating committee please speak with Ed

Bohrer, Senior Warden.

Vestry Minutes of Meeting

October 17, 2016

Next meeting will be December 19th at 7:00 PM.

Training of Pastoral Visitors: There are approxi-

mately ten people on this team. Debs continues to

train the newest members to provide the Eucharist.

Labyrinth Development: The Special October

Vestry meeting authorized completion of the laby-

rinth. The engraver has the order for 117 engraved

bricks, which were anticipated to be ready by 11/5.

The centerpiece consisting of two benches and a

small water fountain are being donated by the Ha-

zen family in memory of Thelma Goodman. There

was also some discussion about labyrinth “training”

and possible use during light winter conditions.

Eagle Scout Project: Ed reported Carson has tar-

geted 10/29 or 11/18 as possible project work dates.

The project consists of an area with a fire pit,

benches and picnic tables, located between the

playground and labyrinth.

Acolyte Training: There are seven acolytes in

training and they have started serving.

New Lay Readers: Robin Yergeau and Melanie

Duguid-May will become the newest members of

this ministry.

New Vestry Members: Ed will chair a committee

of outgoing members of himself, Peggy, Sandy and

Linda, to seek out parishioners for nomination to

the Vestry.

Tree Project: The project took shape essentially

over a 2-day weekend period, much of it in place to

be seen by those arriving for Sunday services.

Playground: Some additional progress has been

made, with final equipment setting and fence ad-

justments expected to take place over the upcoming

service days..


Anchor Church lease has been executed,

through 3/31/17, including a required 3 month

notice to Trinity if the plan is not to renew after

this term.

Anchor Church was pushing back on some of

our south side parking expectations, citing

handicap and/or prominent member needs.

This persistent issue will continue to be moni-


Day Care payments catch-up was briefly sum-

marized. Their lease expires on 12/1/16. The

playground fee will be included in the new

lease. Suggestions— utilities be included di-

rectly in the monthly fee and a higher fee be

proposed, with a discount, incentive to pay on

time. Other Business-

Other: The dumpster has been relocated. Some

form of fencing may follow next spring once the

effect of snow removal in this location is better un-

derstood. The previous location is expected to be

restored next spring as well.

Finance: Our total cash available for operations

and temporary restricted expenditures is

$21,977.62. Less the amount for temporary re-

stricted expenditures ($18,275.08) leaves a balance

of $3,702.54 available for current operations. The

memorial tree project was completed in October.

Restricted funds available at the end of October for

the playground are $1,748.33 and for the labyrinth

are $ 656.61. Both projects are in process.

Pledge Update: We have a $11,791 increase over

the amount pledged by the same members in 2016.

If we receive pledges from the other members who

pledged in 2016, but have not yet submitted a

pledge for 2017, we will need, through new or in-

crease pledges, an additional $432 to meet our

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budget goal for 2017.

B&G By Brooks Schneider

The Fall cleanup days have passed and

we’re getting things ready for Winter (sigh). We

had a good turnout for both cleanup days, so a lot

of work was accomplished:

Leaves - We are awaiting the final, official count

from John Montstream, but the number of leaves

relocated during the cleanup days was likely well

into 7 figures. This effort was limited not only to

the ground, but extended the roof as well. In addi-

tion to the lawn areas, the gardens and columbari-

um have been cleaned out for the winter.

A number of indoor maintenance projects have

been completed, such as changing furnace filters, re

-gluing unstuck baseboards in the daycare, repair-

ing shades, and, of course, cleaning the grease trap.

There is now a functioning thermostat controlling

the heating unit in the hallway across from the pre-


A long-anticipated project has been completed and

there is now a functioning outdoor light shining on

the south side of the sanctuary. If you drive on

West Ridge Rd. at night, be sure to take notice.

The dumpster has been relocated to the south-east

corner of the church, away from the playground.

A project is underway to replace the weather-

stripping on all of the double entrance doors, in an

effort to keep the heat inside the building where we

want it.

Some new PVC drain pipes have been installed at

the south end of the parking lot to try to prevent a

recurrence of Lake Trinity between the building

and the parking lot.

OH, CHRISTMAS TREE, oh, Christmas Tree!

Thy plastic branches don’t shed. Oh, Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree!

We wish real trees weren’t all dead.

Page 4 TRINTY TIMES—October 2016

Income October YTD Budget YTD

Altar Fund 540 533

Fundraisers 4,196 2,132

Special 1,165 1,113

Pledge & Plate 109,898 111,402

Allocations 4,167 4,167

Building Use 40,995 37,500

Interest/Misc 17,920 9,750

Total 178,881 166,597

Expense October YTD Budget YTD

B&G 27,984 32,626

Fundraisers 0 0

Evangelism 609 583

Personnel 101,876 99,774

Mission 14,099 14,099

Worship 2,808 2,487

Christian Ed 177 625

Stewardship 0 0

Office Expense 4,790 4,917

Taxes/Insurance 11,548 13,100

Total 163,891 168,211

2017 Pledge

Summary Number Dollars

No change 11 $23,780.00

Decrease 2 $5,040.00

Increase 30 $67,588.00

New 6 $7,776.00

Pledge to Date 49 $104,184.

Pledge 2016 67 $121,447

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“Rector’s Discretionary Account” Make a dif-

ference in one of our own parishioner’s lives, do-

nate an offering on the first Sunday of the month.

Greece Food Shelf: The last Sunday of every

month, Trinity collects and blesses the food drive

to help support those in our community.

Listed below are the items and amounts that go to

one family.













NOVEMBER 29, contribute thru the United Way’s

ROC THE DAY by going to and

find Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf or by call-


Drop off money or food or paper supply donation

any Monday between 9:00 & 11:00. Location =

next to park on Maiden Lane between Mt. Read

and Dewey Ave. The Food Shelf is part of a mini

mall along with a police station & the Greece

Clothing Closet.

Thanksgiving Baskets: Coordinated by the John

family was a success due to the generosity of those

at Trinity and Lamb School. Thanks to all who

donated food, cleaning supplies and their time, to

this worthy cause! - The John Family.

And We Get Letters….

Trinity's Kids Say Thank You! The chil-

dren of Trinity had a successful youth-lead service

on November 6th. We hope you felt the service to

be fulfilling and meaningful to you. It was also

wonderful the weather cooperated so we could lay

flags at the markers of Trinity's veterans out in the

columbarium. Lastly our students would like to

thank you for your generosity at the fund raiser

coffee hour. $138 was raised for our local veter-

ans' organization. All in all, it was a great Sunday!

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Christmas Floral Array

Please share in making our church

beautiful for Christmas. Dona-

tions may be given in memory of

loved ones and in thanksgiving

for blessings received. Please fill out form located

in the narthex or email [email protected].

The names will be printed in a special insert includ-

ed with the Christmas Eve bulletins. They will be

gratefully accepted up to and including Tuesday,

December 15th. Please note if this gift is made in

Honor Of, In Memory Of, Or ?.

Let the Rehearsals Begin By Pam Fitzmorris

The pageant is cast, new student costumes have

been purchased and the music has been select-

ed. Let the rehearsals begin. We will be rehears-

ing for our annual Christmas pageant right after the

services on Dec 4, 11, and 18. As always, the pag-

eant will be presented at the 6:30 on Christmas

eve. We look forward to seeing everyone there.

Sunday School By Marion Montstream

We look forward to the season of Advent to prepare

for the birth of Jesus. The four Advent Sundays are

November 27, December 4, 11, 18. Christmas falls

on Sunday this year. There will be no service

Christmas Day.

Advent is the beginning of the liturgical year. It will

be Year A and the Gospel readings will come

mostly from the Book of Matthew. Activities in

class will include making Advent wreaths, making

Christmas cards, setting up a Jesse Tree and think-

ing about seeing animals and creation through God's


Our family service on Christmas Eve is at 6:30pm.

Most of our children are participating in the annual


Blessings for both Advent and Christmas!

Trinity Lamb Preschool By Kim Branco

I would like to thank the Lamb School

families who donated food to the church’s Thanks-

giving baskets which will be given to families in

need in our area.

We had a very successful fundraiser again this year.

I would like to also thank all the families as well as

those from the church that participated in our fund-

raiser this year. We sold $4,913 and should receive

approximately $2,500 proceeds.

We are accepting applications for our 2017-18 three

year old and Pre-K class. Please share with friends

and family. Visit our Facebook page or our website

at Any questions you

may email us at trinitylamb@gmail. com or call us

at 585-225-8026 we would love to speak with you

about our program.

85th Convention Report

Episcopal Diocese of Rochester By Dorothy Romanet, Delegate

On Saturday, November 25, our Diocese was hon-

ored to host Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and

some of his staff at our Annual Convention, held at

Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva. Bish-

op Curry, installed as our national Presiding Bishop

on November 1, 2015, graduated from Hobart Wil-

liam Smith.

The highlight of the morning session was a celebra-

tion of the Holy Eucharist at Trinity Episcopal

Church, which is set on a hill overlooking Seneca

Lake, Geneva. Those who walked over to the

church and back carried signs expressing the theme


ER….meant to remind us all that everyone is a child

of God.


After hearing the Diocesan Youth Choir sing a Mus-

cogee (Creek) Indian “Alleluia” before and after the

Gospel, Bishop Curry climbed into the pulpit to give

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his sermon. In it, he referred to “The Jesus Move-

ment” of the New Testament,as is his custom in all

his public speaking. Because Bishop Curry is such

a powerful motivating speaker, I’ve paraphrased

some points from his sermon as follows. ‘Jesus’

way of loving is liberating. Live that love.’ ‘Jesus

came to show us the way to become loving commu-

nity and to reconcile us to God.’ ‘We’re baptized

into The Jesus Movement to change the world.’

‘Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount says life is more than

about acquiring, consuming or recreating… me.’

‘God intended that we live in a world where every

child is our child.’ ‘Treat every man, woman and

child as you want to be treated. ‘Think about the

Parable of the Good Samaritan…the man lying in

the road and the good Samaritan man who does not

pass him by. Substitute the name of any person for

the man lying in the road, ie. Obama. Then substi-

tute anyone for the good Samaritan, ie. Putin, and

begin to understand the life giving community we’re

told to strive for as Christians.’ Then, war no


When Convention resumed in the afternoon, dele-

gates elected people from throughout the Diocese to

fill a variety of positions. ROBIN YERGEAU was

elected to fill an opening as a lay representative to

the Commission on Ministry. YES!!

Other business included reports on what has or is

coming to life in our Diocese, and has been trans-

formed over the last year. You may remember that

during a recent Advent we gave warm clothing to

migrant workers through Rural Migrant Ministry.

Well, Grace Church in Lyons is being transformed

from a traditional parish status to an incorporated

mission. As a Mission, they will engage in joint ac-

tivities with Rural Migrant Ministry. Barb Deming

reported that for the first time in its history, RMM

will now include a Justice Organization of Youth or

JOY, and that they will have a permanent place to

meet at the Mission. Another mission Church of our

Diocese known as St. Paul’s in Montour Falls, was

officially closed at Convention BUT arranged with

the Diocese to maintain its Parish Hall so it might

continue to be of service to its surrounding commu-

nity. (Trinity, Greece started out as a mission in the

old Greece Town Hall which was demolished

around the time the new Greece Town Hall opened).

Finally, something that is currently being nurtured

to life in our Diocese is a “college” that will open

this July for one week and again for one week in

each succeeding July. Its purpose will be to equip

Priests and lay leaders to see their congregations and

facilities through new eyes. There won’t be an actu-

al building, but an abbey in Canandaigua will serve

as the host site for faculty and students to be im-

mersed in the training curriculum.

If you wish to talk to some one about any aspect and

cost for attending, speak with Debs who will turn in

your name for admission. There is a class size limit,

and scholarships are available. Anyone interested to

attend the week of July 23-29 needs to ask Debs to

send email to Rev. Frolick by December 5, 2016. It

is being advised that two or more people

from a parish attend so that when they return, they

will be most effective in applying what they’ve


Someday In Memory of Kathy Hansen

1927—2016 By Rhoda Perry

Many people at Trinity don’t remember Kathy, but

when she is described, it is easy to make a connec-

tion. Kathy sat in the back row, on the aisle by the

door and she smiled. She was small, eighty-nine

years old, and a very special person. Let me tell you

about her.

Kathy came to us at Trinity from Ascension. She

spent her years there doing the hard work of teach-

ing Sunday School, leading the women’s group and

cooking for fundraisers and “FUN-raisers”. Finally,

she made the move to Trinity to love-and be loved


People and Kathy were made for each other. She

loved having her family around her, led girl scout

troops, cheered at high school games, and could

usually be found where people congregated. This

Page 8: December Trinity Times

led her to live out her baptismal covenant: she “did”

for people with joy and happiness and left this earth

a better place because she walked on it.

When Debs visited Kathy this summer, she found a

file with all the end-of-life information in it, includ-

ing funeral readings and hymns. The file was la-

beled SOMEDAY.

Born in the Buffalo area, Kathy has now returned

there to be at rest in Elm Lawn Cementary. In her

obituary in the Democrat & Chroncile for 10-26-16,

her children wrote to her, “Your kindndess survives

in friends, neighbors and strangers. You made us all

better. We love you, we miss you.”

And perhaps we’ll all see you again, somewhere,


The office will be closed December 26th , De-

cember 27th, December 28th in observance of

the Holidays. Rev. Debs will be out of the coun-

try on leave from December 25th until January

23rf. Rev. Matthew Nickoloff will be leading us

in worship during Rev. Deb’s leave. In case of a

pastoral emergency please contact Paul Frolick

and St. Georges, Hilton.

Heating season is here, please keep all facility

doors closed in order for Trinity to be as cost

efficient as possible. If you feel the heat sched-

ule needs to be revised, please call the office and

we will adjust accordingly. If there is an emer-

gency and the office is closed please call John

Montstream at 227-2592.

Don’t forget to keep Returning Bottles and

Cans and ONLY rebateables: Just bring them

to Trinity, or turn your redemption tickets into

the pledge basket or you may return them direct-

ly to Ridge Nickelback at 4945 W Ridge Rd and

Trinity will get cash for your returns!

Weekly Sermons Online: If you were unable

to attend service and would like to listen to Trin-

ity’s weekly sermons, please visit our website at Video clips and pic-

tures of the services are also available to borrow

from the office.

Christmas Cheer: Messiah Lutheran Church at the

corner of English Road & Mt. Read Blvd. is selling

Christmas trees this year to support their youth who

want to attend the National Youth Gathering. Help

support Messiah's youth and purchase a fresh cut

Christmas tree this year at Messiah Lutheran

Church, 4301 Mt. Read Blvd. The tree lot hours

are starting Friday, Nov. 25 from 12noon-8pm, then

Saturdays & Sundays from 10am-8pm. Mondays

thru Fridays the lot will be open from 5pm - 8pm.

The sale runs through Dec. 17 or until they are sold

out. Free hot chocolate and candy canes for all who


Low Pay is Not Okay! National day of action for

living wages and worker rights. Tuesday, Novem-

ber 29th at 5pm Baden Park. For more information


United Way ROC The Day: Mark your calendar

for the United Way ROC the Day in our area on No-

vember 29th. The Rochester community will

come together to ROC the Day. It’s 24 hours of

unprecedented community giving. And it’s your

chance to make a real difference right here in Roch-


Lights of Remembrance at Aurora House: Mark

your calendar for the annual Luminary display on

the grounds of Aurora house. This will take place at

dusk on December 10th. Every luminary will rep-

resent one donation made in memory or in honor of

a special individual or family. An online form will

be available at the Aurora House Website.

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Lights the Way Café: Where you will find a menu

to help us find the Courage and Freedom to Elimi-

nate Despair. Saturday, December 17th at 10am.

Lutheran Church of the Incarnate Word, 597 East

Ave, Rochester.

Our Trinity Prayer List is an opportunity to pray for one another in our weekly bulletin. To help us do so, we keep a prayer list for both the Sunday services. If you have a family member or friend experiencing an ill-ness or difficult time for whatever reason, please let our rector know or call the office 225-7848 to request their name be added to our prayer list. Please specify long term or short term. They will remain on our long term prayers for 90 days and short term prayers for 28

days unless otherwise stated.

For Parishioners and Friends:

Jerry Denysenko, Pam Fitzmorris, Charles Landry,

Christine Pursel and Family, Kathy Shatzel, Maggie

& Jim Stewart

Those facing long-term challenges: Steve Adams, Stuart & Carol Caswell, James

Clifford and Family, Betty Gardner, Gail Janis,

Paige Janis, Marilyn Long, Kristine Lowe, Millie

Lowe, Rod Lowe, Bridget Martin, Diane Petricone,

Marsha Simonds, Ruth Summers.

Remembering those who have died… Please notify the church office to reserve specific Sunday dates for memorials of Family members or any loved ones via the Sanctuary Candle.

Congratulations December anniversaries!

Melanie & Deborah Duguid-May – December 25th

12 1 Joan Petroske

12 1 Alicia Schneider

12 2 Margaret Smith

12 4 Robert MacArthur

12 4 Anne Young

12 10 Jeffrey Klingzahn

12 13 Katherine Interlichia

12 14 Diane Petricone

12 16 George Stanton

12 17 Connie Petterson

12 17 Jacob Whitcomb

12 19 Julie Neville

12 26 Tina Bennett

12 26 Karen Beals

12 30 Romine Deming

12 31 Lisa Scoppo

Eve Of Christmas

Two thousand years have almost gone by Since Jesus was nailed on a cross to die

His teachings were done by words and deed And thousand would listen, and thousands

would heed. The words of His wisdom, and that of God

As many miles on foot would he trod Let Peace be on earth, would be

His command, And nothing less than this should we demand! On the Eve of His birth let us all be blessed

And thank our God as we see the end of our quest.

Let us all stand together, as brother and friend And pledge our love, and respect to a world

without end. Together we stand, in joy and in sorrow

and praise the birth of Jesus with the light of tomorrow!



The Prayers Of The People

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Inside This Month ............................................................. Page

At Trinity this month ........................................................ 1

Advent Program ................................................................ 2

Vestry................................................................................ 3-4

B&G ................................................................................. 4

Outreach ............................................................................ 5

We get letters .................................................................... 5

Floral Array ...................................................................... 6

Rehearsal Begin ................................................................ 6

Sunday School .................................................................. 6

Lamb Preschool ................................................................ 6

85th Convention................................................................ 6-7

Someday ........................................................................... 7-8

From Parish Office ........................................................... 8

Community News ............................................................. 8-9

Prayers of the People ........................................................ 9

Crossword ......................................................................... 10

Trinity Pics ....................................................................... 11

Calendar ........................................................................... Insert

Worship Ministers ........................................................... Insert

Non-Profit Organization


Rochester NY 14626

Permit #1829

TRINITY TIMES December 2016


The Congregation

Our Church Staff The Rt. Rev. Prince Singh, 8th Bishop of Rochester

The Rev. Deborah Duguid-May, Rector (585)729-3231

Mrs. Marion Montstream, Trinity School Director

Mrs. Lisa Scoppo, Secretary

Mrs. Gloria Cooper, Custodian

Trinity Vestry Ed Bohrer, Cherie Dobberstein—Wardens

Paul Antonowicz, Barbara Butcher, Linda Canfield, Sandy Cashimere, Laurie Phillips, Paul Pompili,

Jim Stewart, Peggy Swarts, Mike Yergeau, —Members

Trinity Times is a publication of Trinity, Rochester, New York. It intends to

inform, educate and uplift the members and friends of our parish. If you

wish to submit an article for publication please send it, drop it off, or sub-

mit it by email to [email protected] by the third Thursday of the

month for inclusion in the next month’s issue.

Anyone wishing to unsubscribe to Trinity Times, please email Lisa at office@trinity- or call 585-225-7848.

A Joyful Community

Celebrating the Life of God

in Us and Around Us!

Phone: (585) 225-7848

Fax: (585) 225-7514

Email: [email protected]

Trinity Episcopal Church

3450 Ridge Road West

Rochester, New York 14626

To Love the Lord

Jesus Christ,

and Spread

His Love
